This log shows all of the changes that Illusion has made to 
iDIRT over the course of the different versions.

                      ** VERSION 00.00.01 (Alpha) **
[December 29, 1994]

* Color parser added (by ErIC)

* Wrote an exit handler to handle all system crashes.

* mobile.c : whocom() has been changed

* mobile.c : usercom() has been changed

* mobile.c : ustats() has been changed

* mobile.c : wlevel() has been changed for new levels

* mudtypes.h : eflags added

* wizard.c : added in a wizard line handler

* include/levels.h : added new levels

* include/sflags.h : added new sflags

[January 3, 1995]

* Added new setins: setsit, setstand, setsum, setsumin, 

* Added in new power levels

* Fixed up invis/vis

* Installed iDIRT Mailer
[January 4, 1995]

* NewStyle added

* Fixed up the exit handler

* Fixed emote bug

* Aliased players can't attack people/mobiles (fixed a bug that would occur)

[January 5, 1995]

* HearBack added

* Dumped the hardcoded welcome screen, edit 'data/title' to change it

* NoWish (for Wizards, and Wizards can give it to users to keep them quiet)

* Advisor and Upper Wizard line added

* NoAWiz, NoAdvisor, NoGod, and NoUpper commands added (like NoWiz)

* NoSlain written (Wizards don't see slain messages)

* Idle command written (Demi+'s can act idle)

* Punt command written

* WLoad command written (shows system load)

* System command added, Raw has been changed to show name

* Users will now see their idle time if the first command entered is 
  'ustat', 'users', or 'hosts'

* Wrote player/mobile abbreviations

* Wrote hosts command (show hosts, will be dumping hosts from users)

* Added a command to display time in a HH:MM:SS format at all times
  (sec_to_ddhhmmss) (note: will display days as well -- DD:HH:MM:SS)

[January 6, 1995]

* Added sflagscom and eflagscom

[January 12, 1995]

* Wrote 64-bit lflags. This was pretty fun because I tried this once 
  before but failed miserably. This time I figured out how pflags 
  worked first before trying it again, and this time it worked.

* Prompt codes written:
    %h : Health
    %c : Score
    %l : Level (Number)
    %n : Name

[January 13, 1995 (Friday)]

* Wrote a function called make_rank() that produces new output in the 
  score command. make_rank() displays to the user their name and level 
  instead of their title.

* Finally made the new setins part of the game (they were just configurable 

* Now if a person is in a fight and if they have the '%h' code in their 
  prompt to display health, their health will not be told to them when they 
  are hit during a fight.

[January 14, 1995]

* Players now see the host they last logged in from.

* Using a magic point based system for using spells.

* Wrote a chat line with 100000 channels.

* Wrote forget code.

* Now stores the number of mobiles a player has killed and the number of 
  time that the player has died. Now the players can get a ratio of number 
  of mobiles they have killed and the number of times they have died.

* Wrote an autosaver.

* Wrote a new function to handle messages to users based on their level 
  and a persons visibility level.

[January 15, 1995]

* Changed the cosmetics on wizlist.

* Changed the cosmetics on usercom(), ustats(), and hostcom().

* Changed loseme() (in mobile.c) to tell Wizards if a player has lost link.

[January 18, 1995]

* Started to work on a Link Loss saver for players

[January 19, 1995]

* Finished the Link Loss saver for players. First off, this is nothing 
  like the one that Northern Lights uses, I do not even bother with keeping 
  sockets open and all that good stuff. I just store the players last 
  location to the user file and place all their items in a new room that I 
  have created with a user id placed on the item. For full details, look 
  at the code.

[January 20, 1995]

* Wrote 64-bit sflags.

* Wrote away, silent entry, noinventory, nofight, noslain, gossip line, 
  anon line, saveall, shall macro (healall, saveall).

* Wrote healfight and autoheal sflags. Players are no longer allowed to 
  be healed during a fight unless they have the HealFight sflag (or the 
  person healing is an Avatar or above). The AutoHeal sflag will heal 
  players right after a fight.

[January 21, 1995]

* Fixed actions so that text can be passed.

* Wrote lit, wizards can light themselves so players can see.

* Wrote Chat, a talk utility that lets people select a channel (Channel) 
  and talk on it. This allows multiple users to talk on the same line, 
  like they were all in the same room.

* Wrote a socket handler (file descriptors)

[January 25, 1995]

* Wrote wizecho

[January 26, 1995]

* Changed the cosmetics of the bootstrap loader

[January 27, 1995]

* Wrote socket messages for people with the Socket eflag.

* Changed stat [showplayer()] to show eflags if the person using stat has 
  the eflagedit pflag and the number of times died and number of mobiles 

* Score [scorecom()] now shows the number of times player has died, and 
  how many mobiles they have killed.

* Wrote locationscom() to use the locations command instead of locations 
  calling zonescom().

[January 28, 1995 - February 24, 1995]

* Worked more on socket messages.

* Added in reboot code (by Kender, fixed by Illusion)

* Added in acct (by Thrace)

* Wrote an Oracle interface

* Changed ustats

* Upgraded socketcom() 

* Upgraded puntcom()

* Added in more messages for Wizards.

                               ** VERSION 1.10 **

[March 1, 1995]

* Wrote mstat (mortal stats)

* Changed acct to accept a zone name as a parameter, added in more 
  functionality to the acct command as well.

* Made objectscom() to replace dircom() (objects command)

[March 2, 1995]

* FINGER command written, it lets players check to see when another player 
  was last on if the player finger'd has the FINGER sflag turned on.

* QDONE command written, shows what quests have been done since the last

[March 5, 1995]

* NOSAVECUT command written, it allows users to choose to save connection 
  if they have cut their connection.

[March 17, 1995]

* Sithel let me have his FIND command that searched for locations from a 
  partial string. I enhanced the command completely to check for players, 
  mobiles, objects, and location names and changed the output completely 
  as well.

[March 27, 1995]

* Changed the reboot command considerably and started to Alpha test a 
  crash->reboot handler.

* Wrote a LOSTLOC command for Gods+ to clear out the lost location 
  variable for users.

                             ** VERSION 1.10.01 **

[March 29, 1995]

* Wrote the CLEAR command to clear the screen.

* Changed the bulletin command completely to allow each different power 
  level (including mortal) to be able to view their own page.

[April 1, 1995]

* Finished the VIEWCOM command to allow a person to view the input 
  handlers of players on the MUD.

* Wrote the SEEEXT command to toggle the SEEEXTENDED sflag. This allows a 
  Wizard+ to turn on/off extended messages from the MUD. These messages are 
  basically who is echo/echoall/etc'ing, punt'ing, and other miscellaneous 

[April 2, 1995]

* Fixed the follow command.

* Wrote the TEXTRAW command. This is a RAW utility that allows a Avatar+ 
  to place text inside of the brackets and display a message (like the 
  SYSTEM and RAW command).

* Wrote SEEIDLE command so that Uppers could see the real idle times of 
  players with the IDLE flag on.

* Wrote BEEP command so that players can beep each other.

* Wrote NOBEEP for Uppers so that they can disable all beeps from the MUD.

[April 3, 1995]

* Wrote the CONVERSE command so players can save time while saying things 
  to each other.

[April 5, 1995]

* Wrote the FOLLIST command so that Wizards+ can see who is following who.

[April 8, 1995]

* Wrote a PZAP command (idea from Moses). This command is just like the 
  ZAP command except it does not delete the player that you PZAP.

                             ** VERSION 1.20.01 **

[April 23, 1995]

* Added a new color code that makes text blink.

* Wrote a prompt for Wizards that will let them choose their invisibility
  level before they enter the game.

* Wrote 'WHON' which is just like the who command except it displays the
  player name instead of level.

* Once again changed the outputs of the usercom() and ustats().

[April 24, 1995]

* Added in more messages, and changed the colors for some messages.

* Cleaned up s_socket.c and fixed a compiler warning on the #define for

* Fixed a bug in the prompt with the change that converse mode makes
  to the prompt.

* VIEWCOM now displays idle times.

[April 25, 1995]

* Wrote a pager for info files and will soon be expanding it to help 
  files and various other parts of the MUD.

* Wrote a PAGER command for users so that they can adjust the pager
  to the number of lines that they desire or 0 lines to turn it off.

[April 28, 1995]

* Improved the debug() function in the exit handler to output the
  time into a correct string. The old code I wrote was very messy
  and at times created strange output.

* Many improvements to the mailer, see /src/mail.c for a listing.

* Made changes to mstatcom().

* Added more color to usercom() and ustats().

[May 2, 1995]

* Improved the USERS and WHO commands available during the login

* Made change accept a parameter of MAGIC to change magic points.

* Players can now be logged if the site owner places their name
  in the 'data/logged' file. The logs are created in the 'data/LOGS/'
  directory. The filename will be the players name. Only certain 
  commands are logged and the login and logout times.

[May 3, 1995]

* Improved the AWAY command.

* Made the BUSY flag available for player to toggle.

                             ** VERSION 1.30.00 **

[May 20, 1995]

* Made all header files #if'd.

* Changed USERCOM yet again.

* Removed the Lost Location code for the time being.

* Moved all header files (except 'config.h', 'kernel.h', 
  'VERSION.H', 'MACHINE.H' and 'OS.H') to the 'include/' 

* Changed the SHUTDOWN and CRASH procedures.

[May 23, 1995]

* Started to work on manual pages for the iDIRT system.

                             ** VERSION 1.50.00 **

(Note: Version 1.50.00 is a rewrite of the 1.30.00 code, and only new changes
       to the code have been logged here.)

[June 1, 1995]

* Rewrite of the iDIRT code has begun.

[June 12, 1995]

* Indent'd all of the iDIRT code.

[July 10, 1995]

* Wrote the BURN command.

[July 20, 1995]

* The FIND command has been changed. It now gives the number ID for the
  player/mobile/object/location found.

* Wrote a function to check rooms to see if players can enter them based
  from the player level lflags.

* Wrote the FAKEQUIT command that will also let players use socket 
  messages for the basis of their exit from the game.

[July 21, 1995]

* Wrote the OPTIONS command to let users check their options.

* Wrote NOWET so that players don't have to see weather.

[July 22, 1995]

* Fixed a bug in lflags that was causing temperature and light
  lflags to mess up. Also rewrote all lflag defines.

* Installed the wimpy code (not sure if it works yet though).

* Wrote the KLOCK command so that players can lock their keyboard
  and walk away.

                             ** VERSION 1.60.00 **

[August 1, 1995]

* A file called 'hosts' can now be created in the data directory
  to alias hostnames. An example file is provided.

[August 2, 1995]

* Added the UPDATE system from Hykin and fixed a few major bugs in it.

                               ** VERSION 1.65 **

[August 4, 1995]

* Wrote the CFR (Call for Reset) command.

[August 8, 1995]

* Added in IDENT support. The Ident support that iDIRT uses is through
  libident (version 0.17a), you will most likely need this library to 
  get IDENT to work correctly. You'll also have to uncomment the line
  in Makefile that links in the Ident library and in config.h, you'll
  have to go to the #define USE_IDENT and uncomment it.

[August 10, 1995]

* Wrote the PLOC command to let Gods put a user in a room without the
  user knowing it.

* Wrote the POLICY command to view policies instead of having to use

[August 11, 1995]

* Fixed objects so that if they are invis, they are really invis.

* Changed the socket message system for Ident support.

* Fixed little bugs in showplayer()

* Changed finger a bit.

[August 14, 1995]

* Fixed crash bugs that were in socketcom()

[August 15, 1995]

* Changed tiptoe so that Gods will see when a player has used it.

* Fixed punt so that people could be punted into death rooms.

* Burn now removes pflags and mask.

* Wrote a is_conn variable for players to help out with socketcom()
  and viewcom(). This variable shows that a socket is being used
  for a connection.

* Wrote the SIC command that lets wizards sic mobiles on players.

[August 16, 1995]

* Updated PFILTER for the extra levels and for Eflag checking. The
  following may be filtered in the help file:

	U : Master User
	G : God
	D : Avatar (Demi-God)
	V : Advisor
	A : ArchWizard
	R : Prophet
	W : Full Wizard (Non Emeriti)
	X : Apprentice - Emeriti

	L : Level Checking
	P : PFlag Checking
	M : Mask Checking
	E : EFlag Checking
	! : Negative Return

* Placed all the new commands into the help file.

* Wrote ATVIS, that lets Wizards do a command at a vis level.

* Made MACHINE.H and OS.H able to autodetect your machine and OS type.

[August 23, 1995]

* getuaf() now returns an error if a NULL value is passed to it.

* Clone mobile seems to work fine now that getuaf() has been fixed.

* Changed the output of clone mobile and clone object.

* Fixed the enter vis code so that the motd doesn't display twice.

[August 28, 1995]

* Wrote a function to handle special codes for the MUD. So far it
  only displays the version number and has a clear screen code, but
  it will be expanded in the near future.

[August 29, 1995]

* Wrote NOORACLE. This takes you off of the user list that Oracle can see
  and does not allow Oracle to send you tell messages.

[August 30, 1995]

* Fixed a crash bug in the special code handler.

* Updated the HELP file some more.

* Replaced all of the help screens.
  (From Moses)

                               ** VERSION 1.67 **

[August 31, 1995]

* Changed the PFLAG structure to handle up to 96 flags.

[September 5, 1995]

* Fixed major bugs in the socketcom() function.

* Updated the new_player() function to set the player's level
  to 1 in case they choose to use the who/users command at the
  login prompt.

[September 7, 1995]

* Wrote maxstatecom() to set the MaxState value of an object.

* Wrote linkcom() to link two objects together (not a command yet).

* Changed setcom() so that SET AC can be used to set a new armor
  value for an object without getting the Armor oflag confused.

* You can ban hosts from using the USERS/WHO command at login. Simply
  add the host to the data/banned_login file. This file works the same
  as banned_hosts.

[September 15, 1995]

* Removed the allup() function.

* Wrote the strip_char() function to strip a single character from a string.

* Fixed a crash bug in NOWISH.

                               ** VERSION 1.68 **
[September 21, 1995]

* Wrote languages. See languages.doc

* Changed the way the MUD handles banned hosts and the banned login system.
  It now uses variables in the user record instead of adding characters into
  the hostname. Those users with the ability to see socket activity will see
  the messages stating if the incoming host is banned in any way.

[September 26, 1995]

* Working more with the language code.

[September 28, 1995]

* Changed showplayer() to show the level name in the level field with the 
  level number.

[October 7, 1995]

* The SYSLOG command is now paged.

[October 11, 1995]

* The WIZLIST command is now paged.

* Changed the SeeExtended Change messages to only show to people that can 
  see the players that are doing the change command.

[October 12, 1995]

* Made a macro called 'is_aliased' to make coding a little easier.

* WHOCOM and WHONCOM will now display an asterick if a player is aliased 
  instead of the large "[Out of His/Her Head]" message.

[October 19, 1995]

* Started to work on a climate system to enhance the weather system.

[October 25, 1995]

* Removed the EFLAGS and moved all the ones that were used to PFLAGS.

* Not really important, but reindent'd the code to something more my style.

[November 1, 1995]

* Wrote a program called DETECT to autodetect the machine arch and operating
  system type and create MACHINE.H based from it. When you compile the MUD
  on your machine, it will compile DETECT. If you ever move the MUD to 
  another machine, I suggest touching 'detect.c'.

  NOTE: See the November 30, 1995 (1st Comment) Entry!

[November 15, 1995]

* Changed the function that gets the idle time to update correctly while in
  a handler other then get_command.

* Changed the deathroom messages a little, depending where the person dies.

                               ** VERSION 1.70 **

[November 30, 1995]

* Created a new Makefile and wrote a script to autogenerate the dependencies.
  A note about this new script, you no longer need to mess with the DETECT
  program, this script compiles it and runs it automatically.

* Made a check to make sure that a Wizard cannot set the damage, strength or
  mana number too high or low.

* Changed the AUTOHEAL function to also replenish mana points.

[December 13, 1995]

* Wrote the Oracle utilities (OTELL, OUSERS, OADDR, OHELP).