#include "undef.h"
#include "cflags.h"
#include "exits.h"



Name             = shimmering_pit
PName            = pit
AltName          = shimmering
Location         = IN_ROOM:lost1
Oflags             { NoGet }
End              = shimmering_pit

Name             = white_flame
PName            = flame
AltName          = white
Location         = IN_ROOM:lost1
Oflags             { Lit NoGet }
Examine          = "The pure white flame hovers over the shimmering pit suspended in mid-air.
It burns nothing, and never goes out.
End              = white_flame


lost1 e:lost2;
lflags { Outdoors Party Peaceful NoMobiles }
Sacred Grove^
   A sense of peace marks this place.  A carven wooden structure which might
have at one time been an altar remains, untouched by time.  A pure white flame,
flickering at your presense floats above the side of the altar.  Beneath the
flame is a hole filled with shimmering energy.  Sunlight filters down through
tree limbs, reflected by the enegry and shattered into a myriad of tiny
lost2 s:lost3 w:lost1;
lflags { Outdoors Peaceful NoMobiles }
  When time was young and people still worshiped at the wooden altar this
garden was planned and created for the enjoyment of their goddess. Painstaking
care was taken to create a garden of surpassing beauty. The people who created
and tended the garden have long since passed from the world, but the garden
and it's peaceful beauty remain.  The garden acts as an enterway into the
holy grove, and many roads converge here.
lost3 n:lost2 w:lost4;
lflags { Outdoors }
   Grassy trails which were once roads lead off to the east and west.  Rolling
hills and giant trees show no mark of human inhabitants.  To the north lies
a lovely garden.
lost4 n:lost7 e:lost3 s:lost10 w:lost5;
lflags { Outdoors }
Long Path^
   The path continues for a long way both east and west.  To the west lies
the land bridge which the peoples of this continent used in ancient times
to escape the great evil which had invaded their homeland.  The great evil
even their goddess could not defend them from.  It was the goddess who
created the land bridge, and sealed the Evil deep within their holes, under
the village.
lost5 e:lost4 w:lost6;
lflags { Outdoors }
Land Bridge^
   Ocean waters lap at either side of this narrow trail, yet somehow never
over-run it.  The earth is still mucky though, for the ocean only recently
reliquished it as dry land.  The people of the forgotten continent had fled
across this narrow strip of earth centuries of years before, and their
goddess had closed it behind them.  The time has come to vanquish the evil
which waits, trapped within the great tree.
lost6 e:lost5 u:RBend@eastcoast;
lflags { Outdoors }
Rocky Climb^
   The path turns into a muddy but rocky ground here as the ocean meets the
cliff.  The abandoned path climbs upward to the top of the cliff, or goes
eastward across the sound to a faintly seen land.
lost7 n:lost8 s:lost4;
lflags { Outdoors }
Ancient Road^
   A long time ago there used to be a prosperous trade route between the
northern kingdoms and the people who dwelt in the forest.  Now all  that
remains is a barely distinguishably trail leading to the north.
lost8 n:lost9 s:lost7;
lflags { Outdoors Cold }
Mountain Pass^
   This passageway over  the northern mountains was kept by the dwarves
a long time ago, but the dwarves  have long since vanished.  Their skill
at working with the rock remains as a  testimony to their prowess, as the
pass remains clear after  centuries of neglect.  To the north you can see
a building, small with the distance.
lost9 s:lost8;
lflags { Outdoors Cold }
Northern Road^
   This road which leads up to the Hold appears to be well used.  The Hold
before you must still be inhabited.  The land around you looks blighted
and destroyed, as if the ancient evil had swept through here too, leaving
the land in it's path barren.
lost10 n:lost4 s:lost11;
lflags { Outdoors }
Dusty Trail^
   As you travel further down this road, the climate gets hotter and dustier.
You notice a mountain chain in the distance ahead.
lost11 n:lost10 s:lost12;
lflags { Outdoors }
   These are the foothills for the great mountains beyond.  It is still humid
enough that trees and grass grow thickly on the hills. The mountains rise
stark from the hills, barren of life almost entirely.
lost12 s:lost11 w:Mou1@mountain d:lost11;
lflags { Outdoors }
Mountain Crest^
   It is a difficult climb down in any direction, but some are actually
navigatable.  The trail continues down to the forest to the north, and
east there is a rockfall covering a once cut pass, and west through some
bush there is also a small path.