#include "undef.h"
#include "cflags.h"



Name		= duck
Pname		= "Duck"
Location	= IllBalcony
Pflags		{ NoSummon NoZap NoPunt NoExorcise }
Sflags		{ Female }
Strength	= 20
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
Description	= "A small duck is swimming lazily around the pond."
End		= duck

Name		= hamster
Pname		= "Hamster"
Location	= ReedaHome
Pflags		{ NoSummon NoZap NoPunt NoExorcise }
Sflags		{ Female }
Strength	= 20
Damage		= 10
Armor		= 0
Aggression	= 0
Speed		= 0
Description	= "Reeda's hamster is here, sniffing around."
Examine		= "It is a cute little fuzzy hamster."
End		= hamster

Name		= cap
Location	= IN_ROOM:IllPrivate
Oflags		{ Wearable }
Aflags		{ Head }
BValue		= 100
Size		= 2
Desc[0]		= "Shail's dunce cap is here, waiting for her."
Examine		= "
This is the Shailies' dunce cap. It proves that she truly is a person
that only puts on a dumb act, for it is only when she wears this cap
that she is dumb."
End		= cap

Name		= picture
Location	= IN_ROOM:IllBedroom
BValue		= 100
Size		= 2
Desc[0]		= "A wedding picture of Illusion and Reeda rests on the nightstand."
End		= picture

Name		= toiletseat
Altname		= seat
Location	= IN_ROOM:IllBathroom
Oflags		{ NoGet Openable }
State		= 1
MaxState	= 1
Desc[0]		= "The toilet seat is up, don't let Reeda catch you!"
Desc[1]		= "The toilet seat is down."
End		= toiletseat

Name		= reedabear
Altname		= Teddy
Location	= IN_ROOM:ReedaHome
Oflags		{ Wearable }
Aflags		{ Back }
BValue		= 100
Size		= 2
Desc[0]		= "Reeda's life size teddy bear lays on the floor."
Examine		= "
This is a very large teddy bear, it stands five feet tall and is made from
the softest materials. The more you look at the bear, the more you realize
how perfect it is for snuggling with."
End		= reedabear

Name            = joadring
Altname         = ring
Location        = IN_ROOM:JoadBaby
Oflags          { Wearable }
Aflags 		{ Hand }
BValue          = 200
Size            = 1
Desc[0]         = "Joad's wedding ring sets here waiting for him to return to it."
Examine         = "
The simple gold band gives off a strange glow.  It has some engraving inside.
It reads:

  To my darling Joad,
     I love you now and forever.  Don't forget how much you mean to me.

It would be wise to leave this ring here for Joad to wear."
End             = joadring

Name            = babyring
Altname         = ring
Location        = IN_ROOM:JoadBaby
Oflags          { Wearable }
Aflags		{ Hand }
BValue          = 200
Size            = 1
Desc[0]         = "Baby's Wedding Ring is setting here, waiting to be put on her finger."
End             = babyring


Chat ;
lflags { Private Party }
The Chat Room^
   You are lounging in a quiet cosy parlour, warmed by a gentle magical fire
which twinkles happily in a warm fireplace.  There are no doors out.  Clearly
the owner of this room needs none.
Fogey ;
lflags {}
Old Fogeys' Room^
   This room is for Old Fogeys to sit in and lament all the mistakes of their
lives.  Forlornly scattered about this depressing room are old dentures, broken
eyeglasses, and rotting toupees.  Next to a boarded-up window is what was
obviously once an elegant indoor flower garden, its contents long wilted and
desiccated.  An old wind-up phonograph is producing a very scratchy sounding
rendition of sad songs from decades past.  In the center of the room are
several uncomfortable-looking chairs made of rotting wood, arranged in a
Clearing ;
lflags { Outdoors Party }
Sacred Clearing^
   You find yourself in a clearing deep in the Misty Mountains.  Some mighty
being has carved this niche out of the living rock, making a place suitable for
the gods themselves to wed.  A simple podium in the center of this clearing
lends to the overall impression that this is a holy place.
   Stands have been hewn out of the mountain and intricately carved with an
animal motif.  Each of the 50 seats depicts a different creature, and all
appear calm and serene.
   A feeling of peace and goodwill washes over you as you gaze in awe at the
majestic peaks that surround this place.
Plane ;
lflags{ Private Party }
The Higher Plane^
   You are standing on an infinite plane, perfectly flat as far as the eye
can see in all directions.  The sky is a strange glowing pattern of lines
that seem to twist and writhe.  The flat surface under your feet seems to be
covered with some sort of fractal pattern.
   As you stare at the patterns, you begin to sense a higher order of reality,
feeling that if you stared long enough, you would understand the nature of
the universe...
Jacuzzi ;
lflags { Private Party }
In The Jacuzzi^
   Tiny bubbles tickles your body as you emerge in warm water.  The pool is
lit by lights in the sides which make the water look even more steaming and
swirly.  Soft music and the heady smell of fresh-cut flowers complete this
divine pleasure!
lflags { Private Party }
Stargazer's Quarters^
     You are in a clearing under a green, airy  canopy  somewhere
in  a  luxuriant  forest.  Gigantic trees of majestic proportions
surround you in all directions.  However, as far as your eyes can
see, there is nowhere dark under the trees.  Even where the trees
are largest the sunshine penetrates, subdued by  the  foliage  to
exquisite  greenish-golden  tints,  fills  the wide lower spaces.
Above you, golden shafts of light filtered through some break  in
the  foliage,  give a strange glory to everything they touch.  At
the center of the clearing is a great green  mound  covered  with
sward  of fragrant grass.  The mound is dotted with small golden,
white, and pale-green flowers shaped like stars, glimmering  like
a  mist amid the rich hue of the grass.  On the top of the mound,
upon a low pedstal stands a basin of silver,  wide  and  shallow,
filled with crystal clear water.  In the distance, like a tempest
of wind mixed with the shrilling music of  some  unknown  musical
instrument,  the  songs  of birds fill the air.  This place gives
you a strange sense of vibrant energy and contentment.
JoadBaby ;
lflag { Private NoAt }
&+yThe Loft^
You quickly realize upon first sight that this is not a hay loft but an
apartment. This is Joad and Baby's room. All of the comforts of home are here.
There is a soft feather bed at the far end of the large room. It is placed
next to the window. There is a spectacular view from there. To your
right there is a dining and kitchen area at your left a sitting area.
The whole place is done in earth tones and you feel very welcome here.
Stars ;
lflags { SoundProof }
Among the Stars^

  .             .                               *   .

        Your soul takes flight, and, detached from all worldly care,

      *                                                     |          *
        .          you float among the shining stars.      -*-    .
                             .          *                   |
ReedaHome ;
lflags { Private NoAt }
Crystal Pool^
You stand in awe in a vast cave dominated by a crystal pool. The surface
of the water is a perfect mirror, casting silvery reflections on the walls.
Magic fills the air, and in the water there are manatees and manatoos.
Dewdrops glisten on the rocks and edelweiss grows in the most unlikely
places: among stones and unfinished ice sculptures. The bed on the north
wall shimmers a magical blue. The other walls are filled with the
colors of some unseen rainbow. Surprisingly, the room is quite warm, upon
closer inspection, you notice a heating duct in one corner. Ah, the wonders
of central heating.
IllBedroom e:IllBathroom w:IllBalcony;
lflags { Private NoAt }
Illusion and Reeda's Bedroom^
  You are in a large bedroom that is dimly lit by candlelight.
The sound of the soft romantic music coming from the stereo
puts your mind to ease and you sigh happily as you look around
the room some more. There is a large fireplace that takes up most
of the southern wall that casts out shadows around the room and
as you come closer to the fire the heat soothes your nerves and
you smile. In front of the fireplace there is a soft bearskin rug
that looks quite inviting to curl up on and stare at the fire, or
to curl up with someone else and spend time together. Against the
north wall there is a luxurious bed that looks very inviting to
relax on. There is a dark blue comforter spread over the bed with
soft blue pillows on top of it next to the headboard. 
  The master bathroom is to the east and the garden balcony is to
the west.
IllBathroom w:IllBedroom;
lflags { Private NoAt }
The Bathroom^
  There is a large blue whirlpool type bathtub in the middle of 
the bathroom and it looks quite inviting to sit in for a while.
There is a blue toilet with a blue flowers on top of it and a 
blue sink next to it with a bar of blue soap. Two blue towels
hang from a blue towel rack that is next to the bathtub. The floor
is also a deep blue color.
IllBalcony e:IllBedroom;
lflags { Outdoors Private NoAt }
The Garden Balcony^
    You seem to have stepped into a large clearing in a forest with 
a small pond in the middle of it. The pond is a beautiful shade of 
blue and you can see little fish swimming around in it. The sunshine
hits the water and makes it sparkle like Reeda's eyes.
IllPrivate ;
lflags { Private NoAt Owner }
Illusion's Private Chambers^
This is a cozy little place that Illusion goes to so that he can relax and
collect his thoughts. There is a large plush couch set against the wall
with several pillows on it and it looks very comfortable. In the middle
of the room there is a small table with a deck of cards on it. Next to
the couch is a small stereo system with quite a few CD's next to it.
IllImagine ;
lflags { }
The Illusion of Your Imagination^
  You are inside of your can see all of your dreams
blend into one reality right before your eyes -- your hopes, wishes,
desires, fantasies, and fears combine into the reality that you have
created here.
IllExist ;
lflags { }
The Illusion of Existance^
  You are floating aimlessly into nowhere, but heading in all directions.
You look around yourself seeing all colors but at the same time looking
at nothing. You feel small but also you feel as you are taking up all
space. You feel weightless yet you also feel that you weigh an infinite
amount. One second you are human and the next second you are not. You are
not alive but you are not dead. Then in an instant that takes forever you
hear a voice that is not old, young, male, or female. The voice speaks
softly, "Existence is an illusion that you make it to be.."
IllHole ;
lflags { NoSummon SoundProof God NoAt Private OnePerson }
Illusion's Little Hole^
You are inside of Illusion's little hole. He goes here when he really
needs to be left alone. It is a small little place, but looks quite
comfortable, it has a lazy boy chair and a TV and VCR. There is also
a small refridgerator in the corner that is most likely full with
Illusion's favorite drinks.