/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 *                                     *                                     *
 *         ZONE: Arena (Dirt3)         *     Author: Ithor(James Willie)     *
 *                                     *                                     *
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
#include "undef.h"
#include "cflags.h"


Name        = Ymold
Pname       = "Yellow mold"
Eflags      {NegMissile NegFrost NegShock}
Sflags      {Female}
Location    = Arena5
Strength    = 25
Armor       = 0
Damage      = 2
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 0
Description = "
  Near a small crack in the wall, you notice one rather large, yellow
brownish colored mold growing happily in the dark"
End         = Ymold
Name        = Crawler
Pname       = "Carrion Crawler"
Location    = limbo@limbo
Strength    = 65
Armor       = 10
Damage      = 4
Aggression  = 100
Speed       = 0
Description = "
  A large worm like creature half way moves toward you, just coming far 
enough from the hole to attack"
End         = Crawler
Name        = Spear
Pname       = "Spear"
Oflags      {Weapon GetFlips}
Location    = IN_ROOM:Arena10
BValue      = 20
Damage      = 10
Size        = 6
Weight      = 6
State       = 1
MaxState    = 1
Desc[0]     = "An old blunt spear has been left here."
Desc[1]     = "
An spear is wedged through a shield, and it's former owners ribs, into the 
rock wall behind."
Examine     = "The spear looks old, but better than nothing"
End         = Spear

Name      = key
Location  =Entrance 
Oflags    {Key}
BValue    = 10
Size      = 1
Weight    = 1
Desc[0]   = "A long key lies here."
Examine   = "There is a key here, seeping with deaths essence."
End       = key

Name        = Crack
Pname       = "crack"
Oflags      {NoGet}
Location    = IN_ROOM:Arena11
MaxState    = 1
Desc[0]     = ""
End         = Crack
Name        = Curse_scroll
Pname       = "Scroll"
Location    = IN_ROOM:niche
BValue      = 10
Size        = 1
Weight      = 1
Desc[0]     = "A scroll lies on the ground here."
Examine     = "
  A scroll with blue writing and runes written onto it. The writing says
`&+BRead me while wielding your favourite weapon, and you will get a magical
&+Bweapon&N' The runes you can not understand."
End         = Curse_scroll
Name        = Dgate_in
Pname       = "gate"
Altname     = "gates"
Oflags      {Openable Lockable NoGet}
Location    = IN_ROOM:Entrance
Linked      = Dgate_out
State       = 2
MaxState    = 2
Desc[0]     = "Huge wooden gates stand open, allowing access to the arena"
Desc[1]     = "A Pair of reinforced wooden gates block access to the arena"
Desc[2]     = "The huge gates to the arena are barred and locked from this side"
Examine     = "
  The gates stand 20 feet tall, blocking the entire entrance to the arena,
and there is a locking mechanism, to bar and lock the gates from this side.
They have been heavily reinforced with steel bindings. Wonder what they keep
in there that needs a 20 foot doorway"
End         = Dgate_in
Name        = Dgate_out
Pname       = "gate"
Altname     = "gates"
Oflags      {Openable NoGet}
Location    = IN_ROOM:Arena1
Linked      = Dgate_in
State       = 2
MaxState    = 2
Desc[0]     = "Huge wooden gates stand open, leading out of the arena"
Desc[1]     = "The huge reinforced gates are closed, blocking the arena exit"
Desc[2]     = "The huge reinforced gates are closed, blocking the arena exit"
Examine     = "
  The gates stand 20 feet tall, blocking the entire exit to the arena,
and sitting flush with the stone walls of the arena. No way you could open
these from the inside."
End         = Dgate_out
Name        = Void_sign
Pname       = "sign"
Oflags      {NoGet}
Location    = IN_ROOM:Arena0
Desc[0]     = "
A strange looking sign, made of nothing floats round this room that just is"
Examine     = "
  If this is not a tournament, and you are in here, and can't get out. Well
this might help, it might not.
  Tournament: If this is a tournament, then you had better have read info
tournament before you leave here and go into the arena. The exit to the 
arena can be opened by who ever is running the tournament. By setting the
state of object `Arena' to 0. EG: set arena 0 (close by setting to 1)
  They may however choice to summon competitors into the arena. You should
ask who ever is running the tournament before entering. They may raise your
level or something.
  You may sit here and watch if you like, but entering the arena means
that you have read, and accept the rules. As well as any additional rules
the person running it has imposed. If your unsure ask before you go in"
End         = Void_sign
Name        = Arena2
Pname       = "arena"
Oflags      {NoGet}
Location    = IN_ROOM:Arena0
Linked      = Arena1
State       = 1
MaxState    = 1
Desc[0]     = ""
Desc[1]     = ""
End         = Arena2
Name        = Arena1
Pname       = "arenaobject"
Oflags      {NoGet}
Location    = IN_ROOM:Arena1
Linked      = Arena2
State       = 1
MaxState    = 1
Desc[0]     = ""
Desc[1]     = ""
End         = Arena1
Name        = Porcullis1
Pname       = "porcullis"
AltName     = "Archway"
Oflags      {NoGet}
Location    = IN_ROOM:Arena3
Linked      = Porcullis2
State       = 1
MaxState    = 1
Desc[0]     = "An Archway leads to a darkened tunnel."
Desc[1]     = "A huge steel porcullis, blocks the archway to the south."
Examine     = "
  The porcullis is very big and very heavy. Hope your not have wild dreams
about lifting it are you. Lets just say, if your not as strong as a storm
giant, then forget it"
End         = Porcullis1
Name        = Porcullis2
Pname       = "porcullis"
Oflags      {NoGet}
Location    = IN_ROOM:tunnel
Linked      = Porcullis1
State       = 1
MaxState    = 1
Desc[0]     = "A raised porcullis allows access to the arena."
Desc[1]     = "A huge steel porcullis, blocks the archway to the north."
End         = Porcullis2
Name        = Porcullis3
Pname       = "Porcullis"
Oflags      {NoGet}
Location    = IN_ROOM:Arena6
Linked      = Porcullis4
State       = 1
MaxState    = 1
Desc[0]     = "A large porcullis has been raised allowing you to go west"
Desc[1]     = "The spikes of the porcullis are buried in the dirt"
End         = Porcullis3
Name        = Porcullis4
Pname       = "Porcullis"
Oflags      {NoGet}
Location    = IN_ROOM:Cave
Linked      = Porcullis3
State       = 1
MaxState    = 1
Desc[0]     = "A large porcullis has been raised allowing you to go east."
Desc[1]     = "The spikes of the porcullis are buried in the dirt"
End         = Porcullis4
Entrance w:^Dgate_in e:nibelung1@nibelung;
lflags {NoSummon CantSummon Peaceful NoMagic NoMobile}
The entrance to the Arena^
  You stand inside the secret entrance to THE arena. Either side of you,
to the north and south are the inner walls of this hole that has been cut
into the side of the cliff. This place has been magically protected and 
no violence may take place here. A few burn marks scar the walls, around 
small archways leading to the stairway up into the viewing area. 
Arena0 n:^Arena2 ;
lflags {NoSummon Peaceful NoMagic CantSummon Soundproof NoMobile}
The Arena Void^
  You stand in a strange looking room, most definately magical, for it does
not seem to have any walls, or floor or roof, or anything much for that 
matter.  It just is. Or is it? Maybe your imagining this. There are no exits, 
as you know them, but then again, there is nothing apparently stopping you 
from going any way in which you please, except, you can't quite tell which 
ways is which.
Arena1 n:Arena10 e:^Dgate_out s:Arena2 w:Arena12 ;
lflags {NoSummon CantSummon}
The Arena^
  An artificial light fills your eyes as you look round this place. It has 
been cut into the cliff and is completely inside it. The stone walls round
the lower part of the arena stand some 30 feet up, to the lowest viewing
area. The roof, also made of stone, is extremely high, and you dare not guess
at it's exact height. The air in here is dry, and a little stale, the ground
hard. A little dust floats into the air as you move.
Arena2 n:Arena1 w:Arena3 ;
lflags{NoSummon CantSummon}
The Arena^
  Dust floats up into the stale air as you move acorss the dry hard ground
underfoot. The Southern wall here has a large rock chip missing from it,
and the wire mesh above to protect the people watching has been torn open
leaving a small hole. Well out of your reach. The eastern wall looks very
solid and extends all the way to the roof.
Arena3 n:Arena12 w:Arena4 e:Arena2 s:^Porcullis1 ;
lflags {NoSummon CantSummon NoMagic}
The Arena^
  The arena extends north, east and west from here. A small draft comes from
the south, carrying an evil chill from behind a set of large steal bars.
The air is thick, and shimmers something like it does on extremely hot days
but this is clearly from the presense of a strong anti-magic field. 
Possibly to keep whats behind those bars in. The seats above here have 
been placed behind a strange, clear type of rock, that allows light, but 
air to pass.
Arena4 n:Arena11 e:Arena3 w:Arena5 ;
lflags {NoSummon CantSummon Dark}
The Arena^
  The magical light in this area seems to have been dispelled by some
powerful mage or wizard. The ground is starting to crack, and one of larger
ones continues north. The arena extend to the north, east and west.
Arena5 n:Arena6 e:Arena4 ;
lflags {NoSummon CantSummon Dark}
The Arena^
  The corner of the arena have had the magical light drained from them 
somehow. Growing on the blood stained walls are a few kinda of lichen.
The ground is cold, but for once no dust puffs up as you move across it.
Arena6 n:Arena7 e:Arena11 s:Arena5 w:^Porcullis3 ;
lflags {NoSummon CantSummon NoMagic Hot}
The Arena^
  The far end of the arena looks much like the rest of it. A wave of heat
wafts over you from beyond the archway to the west. It feels very warm, here 
indeed. Looking upward, you notice that the veiwing area here is protected
no by the usual wire mesh, but by a clear rock like substance. 
Arena7 e:Arena8 s:Arena6 ;
lflags {NoSummon CantSummon}
The Arena^
  The northwest corner of the arena looks badly damaged. The walls are 
blackened, and in parts seem to have melted a little. The wire mesh above
has been destroyed. You can see the charred remains of a less than fortunate
spectator caught in the mesh.
Arena8 e:Arena9 s:Arena11 w:Arena7 ;
lflags {NoSummon CantSummon}
The Arena^
  The arena extends to the south east and west from here. The dry ground
is covered with small rocks.
Arena9 e:Arena2 w:Arena11 ;
lflags {NoSummon CantSummon NoMagic}
The Arena^
  There are a few large boulders blocking the way south of here, far to 
large for any mortal to consider moving. They appear to have fallen from
the roof above. You sure hope one don't fall on you. There is a small
bush growing against the northern wall, and a pleasant smell in the air.
You feel a little strange.
Arena10 s:Arena1 w:Arena9 ;
lflags {NoSummon CantSummon}
The Arena^
  The north east corner of the arena has several bones scattered about,
some human others not so. To the south west you see some fallen rocks.
Arena11 n:Arena8 s:Arena4 w:Arena6 ;
lflags {NoSummon CantSummon}
The Arena^
  The arena extends in all directions from here, except for a large pile
of rocks blocking the way south. The ground here is dry and the air stale.
One large crack, big enough for you to look into, stretches across your path.
Arena12 e:Arena1 s:Arena3 ;
lflags {NoSummon CantSummon}
The Arena^
  It looks dangerous here. There are numerous piles of rubble laying about,
some containing large boulders. A few pieces of the crumbling roof fall 
beside you.
Niche s:Arena12 ;
lflags {NoSummon CantSummon NegRegen}
Small niche^
  You look around this place and get a pleasant peaceful feeling. There
is a nice smell in the air, and you begin to think this is a nice quiet
place to rest. There is certainly no other way in here, and any creature 
larger than human size would not fit. 
Cave e:^Porcullis4 ;
lflags {Dark}
  This is a large dark cave cut into the stone of the cliff. The walls 
are burnt, and few rocks lay round on the ground. Perhaps this is some
sort of cage for beasts to be used in sporting battle.
Tunnel n:^Porcullis2 ;
lflags {NoMagic}
  A damp tunnel extends southward, but suddenly blocked by a pile of stones,
with bright red spray paint on them reading '&+rUnder construction&N'