Displays information on individual quests.
AWAYMSG [message]
Used to display [message] to anyone that tells you something while you are 
Toggles whether or not you hear a beep when someone sends you a message while
you are marked as away.  Useful if your cleaning your room or your in another
window or something and want to know if someone is talking to you.
This is a toggle that makes it so that you can see numbers at the beginning of
each comm line (wiz line or higher).  Useful especially for those without 
color terminals.
Here at the &+C&$&N we have decided not to implement sleep.  Mainly, this
because the time spent healing is the best time to be talking to your friends 
and chatting and such!  :)  To compensate for this, we have raised the healing
rates a bit so that while sitting, you will still heal just a little faster than
you would while sleeping elsewhere.  
[A]Shows bulletins for ArchWizards.
[X]ACCT [zone]
[X]Gives system accounting for the MUD or for a specified zone.
ACTIONS [action]
Without arguments, lists various actions you can perform, such as HUG,
KISS, CUDDLE, etc.  You should check this list periodically, as new
actions are constantly being added. 

If followed by an action, show the various texts that that action will
display if you envoke it.
[V]ADVISOR [msg]  OR  4 [msg]
[V]Send message to all Advisors.
AID [player]
Lets you heal yourself or another player.
[PAliasMob & !PAliasPlayers]ALIAS [mobile]
[PAliasMob & !PAliasPlayers]Puts you in control of the mobile specified.
[!PAliasMob & PAliasPlayers]ALIAS [player]
[!PAliasMob & PAliasPlayers]Puts you in control of the specified player.
[PAliasMob & PAliasPlayers]ALIAS [player/mobile]
[PAliasMob & PAliasPlayers]Puts you in control of the specified player or mobile.
[PAliasMob | PAliasplayers]Type QUIT to return to your own body.
[PAliasMob | PAliasplayers]^
[X]For those moments when you don't wish to be disturbed by mortals'
[X]actions.  Prevents HUG, KISS, SLAP, etc. from being used on you.
[X]Type ALOOF again to disable this.
ANON [msg]
Lets you send a messsage to the MUD anonymously.
ARMOR [player]
Casts the Armor spell at a player. This spell gives the player more armor 
for a while.
[PGoto]AT [room/player/mobile/object] [command]
[PGoto]Executes "command" as if you were with the specified player/object/room.
[PGoto]Example: "at tom say Boo!" says 'Boo' in whatever room Tom is in.
[PGoto]See also ROOM, OBJECT and MOBILE.
[X]ATVIS [level] [command]
[X]Do a command at the specified visibility level and return to your
[X]original visibility level.
ATTACK [victim] [WITH <weapon>]
Your opportunity to beat mobiles and other players to death.  Use the
"WITH [weapon]" option to select a weapon different from the one
currently wielded.  See also MOBILE
Toggles automatically seeing the exits from a room when you look in it.
Toggles your away flag that lets people on the MUD know that you aren't
at your keyboard.
[A]AWIZ [msg]  OR  3 [msg]
[A]Send message to all Arch-Wizards.
[LEvoker]Makes a crash of thunder that all can hear.
BECOME [user]
Quit the game and reenter as "user".
BEEP [player]
Attempt to get a players attention by sending them beeps.
BHANDS [mobile]
Casts the Burning Hands spell at a mobile.
BLIND [player]
Take away a players vision.

[PWeather]Create a raging blizzard.
BLUR [player]
Casts the Blur spell at a player. The Blur spell makes the person seem to 
fade in and out of view making it harder to attack them.
[PReboot]Toggles the MUD for reboot upon the next reset.
BREAK  [object]
Your opportunity to beat mobiles and other players to death.  Use the
"WITH [weapon]" option to select a weapon different from the one
currently wielded.  See also MOBILE
Display only short descriptions or rooms.  Acts as a toggle.  Typing BRIEF
again will return you to normal descriptions.
BUG [msg]
Report a bug to the game administrator. Please give as much information
as possible. For longer messages/suggestions please MAIL the Gods.
Contains information about game policy, new commands, upcoming
events, etc.
[PBurn]BURN [player|mobile]
[PBurn]A punishment command that lets you send a player to Hell, setting
[PBurn]their level to 1, score to 0, and cleaning out their Pflags. You
[PBurn]can also BURN a mobile, it simply sends them to Hell.
[PBurn]NOTE: Use this command wisely, if you are caught using it incorrectly
[PBurn]against players, you could lose the command.
Toggles your busy flag that lets you ignore people below your level.
[X]CFR [message]
[X]Call For Reset command. Useful if you are asked to reset the game.
CHANGE [See below. You may use abbreviations as long as they are unique]
CHANGE SEX [player]   		                Changes players sex.
[PTitleEdit]CHANGE TITLE [player/mobile] [new-title]        See HELP TITLE.
[!D]CHANGE PASSWORD                                 Change your password.
[D]CHANGE PASSWORD [player]                        Change password on a player.
[X]CHANGE NAME [old-name] [new-name]               Change a mobile/player name.
[X PChLevel PFrob]CHANGE LEVEL [player] [new level]		Change level of player.
[X PChLevel !PFrob]CHANGE LEVEL [me] [new level]
[PHeal !PChMobData]CHANGE STRENGTH [player] [new strength]         Change players strength.
[PHeal PChMobData]CHANGE STRENGTH [player/mobile] [new strength]
[!PHeal PChMobData]CHANGE STRENGTH [mobile] [new strength]    Change mob's str.
[PHeal]CHANGE MAGIC [player] [new magic]               Change players magic points.
[X PChScore !PFrob]CHANGE SCORE [me] [new score]
[X PChScore PFrob]CHANGE SCORE [player] [new score]
[X !A PChMobData]CHANGE DAMAGE [me/mobile] [new damage]
[X !A !PChMobData]CHANGE DAMAGE [me] [new damage]
[A PChMobData]CHANGE DAMAGE [player/mobile] [new damage]
[A !PChMobData]CHANGE DAMAGE [player] [new damage]
[X]   The damage determines how hard a player/mobile hits when/if it hits.
[X !A PChMobData]CHANGE ARMOR [me/mobile] [new value]
[X !A !PChMobData]CHANGE ARMOR [me] [new value]
[A PChMobData]CHANGE ARMOR [player/mobile] [new value]
[PChMobData]CHANGE SPEED [mobile] [new speed]    The average number of moves per minute.
[PChMobData]CHANGE AGGRESSION [moblile] [new value]
[PChMobData]   Changes the chance of a mobile attacking a player in the same room.
[X]CHANGE VIS [player/mobile] [vis-level]
[X]   Changes a mobile or player's visibility level. See help VISIBILITY
CHANNEL [player] [channel]
Changes a players channel. To change your own channel use CHANNEL ME [channel].
The channel is used for the GCHAT communication system.

Not a command.  A class is a type of object.  The following classes
are defined:

	all	 = everything
	clothing = anything that can be worn (including shields)
	containers = anything you can put other objects in
	food	 = anything edible
	keys	 = anything used as a key
	weapons	 = all weapons (you may be surprised)

In addition, modifiers and adjectives are allowed in all commands which deal
with objects.  For example: Suppose there are three robes in the room...

	There is a black robe here.
	There is a scarlet robe here.
	There is a green robe here.

If you want the scarlet robe, you could either say "get scarlet",
or "get robe2" (see also OBJECT)
[X]CLONE [location/mobile/object] [optional new name]
[X]Create a copy of an existing location, mobile or object.
[X]"clone puff The Big Red Dragon"
[X]   &+W*OR*&*
[X]"clone home2 My New Home"
[X](In case a new mobile name contains spaces, its name in the game will be
[X] whatever word comes after the last space).
[X]The intended way of creating your unique room, mobile or object, is to
[X]clone something close to what you want, and then use the SET and CHANGE
[X]commands to forge it to exactly match your needs.
[X]All new creations will normally be destructed at RESET unless you have
[X]the power, by invoking the STORE command, to mark it as non-temporary.
CLOSE [item]
Closes an item.  Usually used on containers and doors.
Clear your screen.
[G]Toggle the coding flag to show that you are away coding.
Enables ANSI color or monochrome. To use ANSI color you must have an ANSI 
compatable terminal, such as an IBM PC.

&+w Colorcodes allow you to insert color in your title, says, tells, etc.
&+W   & +[color]   &+w: Set foreground color.
&+W   & -[color]   &+w: Set background color.
&+W   & =[fg][bg]  &+w: Set both foreground and background colors.
&+W   & *          &+w: Reset color to standard settting.
&+w [Note: There can't be a space between the '&' and the code (+, -, =, *)]
&+W Code    Color                    Code    Color   
&+b ---------------------------------------------------------------------
&+w l       &=lWBlack&+w                    &+wL       &+LGray
&+w b       &+bBlue                     &+wB       &+BLight Blue 
&+w g       &+gGreen                    &+wG       &+GLight Green
&+w c       &+cCyan                     &+wC       &+CLight Cyan
&+w r       &+rRed                      &+wR       &+RPink
&+w m       &+mMagenta                  &+wM       &+MLight Magenta
&+w y       &+yBrown                    &+wY       &+YYellow
&+w w       &+wLight Gray               &+wW       &+WWhite
&+b ---------------------------------------------------------------------
&+W Examples: &+w&?bCHello  When ? is a '=' will display '&=bCHello&+w'
&+w           &+w&?MHiya    When ? is a '+' will display '&+MHiya&+w'
&+w           &+w&?GHi      When ? is a '-' will display '&-GHi&+w'
COMPARE [obj1] [obj2]
This lets you compare two items of either a weapon or armor type to see 
which is more powerful.
CONVERSE [player]
Enter conversation mode with another player. Once you are in converse 
mode your prompt will change to '[CONV: player] ' to remind you that you 
are in conversation mode. To run a MUD command inside of converse mode type 
'!command'. To exit converse mode type '**'.
Show who has been mudmarried, and when.
Gives credit where credit is do.  Shows authors and major contributors.
[G]Brings the mud down...
Shows the current climate time, with the MUD month, day, time, season and 
CURE [player]
Cures all ailments of a player.  (Blind, deaf, dumb, crippled, ...)
DAMAGE [player]
Casts the Damage spell at a player. This spell increases the player's 
damage for a while.
DEAFEN [player]
Take away a players hearing.
[D]DELETE [player]
[D]Totally deletes a player from the system's datafiles.
[D]This means: password, travel-messages, name/score et.c.
[X]DESTRUCT [location/mobile/object]
[X]Destruct (remove from the game) something that was created with CLONE.
[X]In the case of mobiles, "Exorcise" will also destruct it.
[X]If a temporary mobile dies, it will be destructed automaticly.
Make a description of yourself for others to see when they EXAMINE you.
[X]   Make a description for an in-game created mobile.
[X]   Make a description for an in-game created object.
[X]   Make a description of an in-game created room.
[X]   Make a description for a player other then yourself.
Moves you down.
DIG [object]
Dig a hole with [object].
DRINK [item]
Drink something.
DROP [item/class]
Drops an item or all items of the specified class.  See OBJECT and CLASS.
EAT [item]
Eat food to regain strength.
Moves you east.
[PEcho]ECHO [msg]
[PEcho]Similar to EMOTE, but without your name attached.
[PEcho]Example: echo The chair bites you.
[PRaw]ECHOALL [msg]
[PRaw]Same as ECHO, but to all users.
[PEcho]ECHOTO [user] [msg]
[PEcho]Same as ECHO, but to specified user.
[PEmote]EMOTE [msg]
[PEmote]Perform non-standard action in front of all in room.
[PEmote]Example: "emote turns into a duck." Can be abbreviated with : or ;
[PEmote]EMOTETO [user] [msg]
[PEmote]Same as EMOTE, but to a specific person.
EMPTY [item]
Empties the contents of a container onto the floor.
EXAMINE [item/player]
Examines something or someone.
List all obvious exits.

[PGoto]EXITS [location]               Lists the exits from [location].
[PRoomEdit]EXITS [location] [direction] [new location]
[PRoomEdit]                               will change the exit in the given
[PRoomEdit]            direction in the given room to the [new location].
[PRoomEdit]            Directions are North, South etc. and may be abbreviated.
[PRoomEdit]If no [location] is given, your current location is assumed.
[PRoomEdit]If no [new location] is given, the [direction] exit will be cleared.
[PRoomEdit]Examples: EXITS s start1       will change the southern exit in your
[PRoomEdit]                               current location to start1.
[PRoomEdit]          EXITS home1 west home2
[PRoomEdit]                     will change the western exit in home1 to home2.
[PRoomEdit]          EXITS home1 up       will remove the 'up' exit from home1.
[PRoomEdit]          EXITS u              ditto, for your current location.
[PGoto|PRoomEdit]See also ROOM
[PExorcise]EXORCISE [player]
[PExorcise]Kick someone off the game without killing them.
Blow out a torch, turn off a lamp, etc.
[X]Lets you fake quitting the game. It sends the usual quit message to 
[X]the MUD and then sets your visibility level to the highest setting.
[G]You can also specify a type of FAKEQUIT, type FAKEQUIT LIST to 
[G]get a listing.
FINGER [player]
Checks to see when a user was last on-line if they have the finger flag 
set true. To check another user specify their name after FINGER. To 
change your finger status, type FINGER without a parameter.
[G]You may finger a player even if they do not have the finger flag set true.
[X]FIND [string]
[X]Searches location names, object names, mobile names, and player names for
[X]the string you specify.
FIREBALL [mobile]
Cast a fireball at a mobile.
FLEE  or  FLEE [direction]
Escapes from a  fight.  Please note  that fleeing  causes you to  drop
anything that's not being worn or wielded.  You  also  lose 3% of your
score, but it's better than losing 50% through death by combat.
Without [direction], FLEE will move you through a random exit.
[G]FLIST [player]
[G]Lets you view the people that the specified player is forgetting.
FOLLOW [player]
Follows a player.  See LOSE.
[X]Give a listing of players that are currently using follow.
[X]FORCE [player] [action]
[X]Lets you force a player to do a command or action.
[X]Lets you force all players that are below your level to do a command
[X]or action.
FORGET [player]
Lets you forget or remember a player. Typing FORGET by itself lets you see who
you are currently forgetting.
[X]FREAQ [player]
[X]Lets you turn a player or yourself into a FreaQ. The FreaQ command changes
[X]the players' title and makes the USTAT and WHO commands show that their
[X]level is FreaQ.
[PFrob PChLevel PChScore]FROB [user]
[PFrob PChLevel PChScore]Changes a users level/score/strength.
[PFrob PChLevel PChScore]^
FROST [mobile]
Cast a frost spell on a mobile.
GCHAT [msg] or [ [msg]
Talks on the global chat line. Typing GCHAT by itself shows your current channel
and the people on your channel.

GET [item/class] [FROM [item]]
Gets an item or items from a room or from a container.  See also OBJECT, CLASS
Example: GET FOOD FROM SACK = take all food from the sack
GIVE [item] TO [player]
Gives something to another player/mobile (the word TO is optional)

See also MOBILE and OBJECT
Show the current settings of Max.Users, the weather etc...
GOSSIP [msg]
Lets you spread some gossip on the MUD. This line is showed to all players
that are not marked as NoGossip.

[PGoto]GOTO [room/player/object]
[PGoto]Teleport to the room, player or object specified.
[PGoto]Example: "goto start2" or "goto pillowcase" or "goto 244" or "goto puff"
[PGoto]Goto with no argument brings you to your 'home' if one is defined.
[PGoto]Otherwise you will be brought to Start1 or Start2 Randomly.
[V]GOD [msg]  OR  5 [msg]
[V]Send message to all Gods.
[PHeal]HEAL [player/mobile]
[PHeal]Heals all damage to a player or mobile.
[PHeal]See also MOBILE
[PHeal]Lets you heal all players on the MUD at once.
[PHeal]See HEAL.
Lets you see what you have said.
HELP  or  HELP [player]  or  HELP [verb]
With no arguments, HELP gives a brief list of  available commands.  If
a verb is given, detailed help will be shown.   (But  you already know
that or you wouldn't be reading this. :-)

Use HELP [player] to assist someone else with things that require more
than one person.  Pushing a heavy statue, for instance.
HIT [victim/object] [WITH <weapon>]
Your opportunity to beat mobiles and other players to death.  Use the
"WITH [weapon]" option to select a weapon different from the one
currently wielded.  See also MOBILE
[G]Allows you to pretend to be idle to users on the MUD.
[PGoto]IN [room] [command]
[PGoto]Executes "command" as if you were in specified room.  See ROOM and AT.
[PGoto]Example: "in bliz84 drop sword" drops the sword at BLIZZARD 84
INFO [topic]
Get information on a topic. Without topic, give a list of possible topics.
List the items you carry.
[X]INVIS [invis level]
[X]Become invisible.
[X]Without any visibility level given, it will set your visibility as high
[X]as possible, otherwise set it to the level given.
Be careful where you jump, lest you fall.
KILL [victim] [WITH <weapon>]
Your opportunity to beat mobiles and other players to death.  Use the
"WITH [weapon]" option to select a weapon different from the one
currently wielded.  See also MOBILE
Locks the keyboard with your login password.
LANG [language]
Selects your default speaking langauge. Type language by itself to
get a listing of the languages that you can speak and your current

See Also: LSAY
Languages give you a different way to communicate with other players
and in the future, even mobiles. You can learn different languages
by completing quests on the MUD. The following table shows which
quest gives you which language.

Elven Forest	: Xara		Fiery Kings Hall : Sorca
Sorcerors Tower	: Hyeel		Mana		 : Alouth
Find Excalibur	: Draken	SunDisc		 : Xizart
Find Grail	: Ravashem

Long description of room with contents and inhabitants.
List of levels and how many points are required for each.
[PEcho]LEVECHO [level] [msg]
[PEcho]Sends an echoall to all players above the set level.
[!PRoomEdit X]LFLAGS [location]
[!PRoomEdit X]Displays the Location-flags at [location] or your location if 
[!PRoomEdit X]no argument is given.
[PRoomEdit]LFLAGS [location] [lflag] [true/false]
[PRoomEdit]or CHANGE LFLAGS ....
[PRoomEdit]Shows or sets flags for a location.
[PRoomEdit]LFLAGS start1 Death True
[PRoomEdit]LFLAGS start2 Death True
[PRoomEdit](my favorite method of doing WIZLOCK :-) )
[PRoomEdit]Some L-flags are:
[PRoomEdit]Death, Peaceful, NoMagic, Party, Private, OnePerson, OnWater,
[PRoomEdit]Outdoors, NoMobiles
[PRoomEdit | X]^
LIGHT [item]
Lights something.  You must already have a burning object or be near a
fire to do so.
[!X]LIT [player]
[X]Lets you light yourself so that you can light up a dark room.
[!X]Casts the light spell at yourself or at another player to light them
[!X]so that they can light up a dark room. To light yourself, cast the
[!X]spell at yourself.
[X]LOAD [player-name]
[X]If not followed by any argument, it means your own zone.
[X]This command loads a zone stored with the STORE command from its saved
[X]state on disk and into the game.
[X](or parts of it, if some of the items are allready in the game.)
[X]It leaves everything that's not temporary (remember that anything you
[X]have created after the last invocation of STORE is only temporary)
[X]in their reset-state.
[X]A LOAD is normally done automaticly if your zone is not allready in the
[X]game when you enter.
LOCK [item]
Locks an item.  Usually used on doors.
Stop following someone.
LSAY [language] [text]
Say something in a specific language that you know how to speak. This is
here to make life easier if you just want to say something quickly in
another language and don't feel like switching your language back and forth.
There are several spells available to you, each of which require mana points.
Some spells require more mana points then others, it depends upon the type
of spell. 

MAIL [user]
Places you in the iDIRT mailer. You can send mail to a player by placing
their name on the command line. For help inside of the mailer, type '?'.
Mana points is the system that lets you cast spells on this MUD. Your 
maximum amount of mana points that you have available is raised everytime
that you raise a level, much like your health. Also, like health, you 
regain the mana points that you have used while you are not fighting and
sitting regains the mana points faster.

Related Topics:
[!PPflagEdit]MASK [me]
[PPflagEdit]MASK [player] [privilege] [true/false]
[PPflagEdit | !PPflagEdit]Show player's mask, i.e. which flags he or she is allowed to change
[PPflagEdit | !PPflagEdit]via the PFLAGS command.
[X !PMflagEdit]MFLAGS [mobile]
[X !PMflagEdit]Show the Mobile-Flags (which determine the mobiles behaviour) 
[X !PMflagEdit]for [mobile]
[PMflagEdit]MFLAGS [mobile] [flag] [new value]
[PMflagEdit]Show or set the Mobile-flags (which determine the mobiles 
[PMflagEdit]behaviour) for the specified mobile. New value is True or False.
[PMflagEdit]Mflags Wraith
[PMflagEdit]Mflags Flame CanFireball True
[PMflagEdit]Some Mflags are:
[PMflagEdit]CanFireball, CanMissile, CanShock, CanFrost, PickStuff, 
[PMflagEdit]NegFireball, NegMissile, NegShock, NegFrost, DrainScr,
[PMflagEdit]Thief, NoSteal, QFood, Cross, NoHeat, Blind,
[PMflagEdit]BarNorth, BarEast, BarSouth, BarWest, BarUp, BarDown  [-- Bars your way...
[PMflagEdit]StealWeapon, StealWorn  [- if Thief, may also steal weapons or armor.
[X | PMflagEdit]See also MOBILE
[X | PMflagEdit]^
MISSILE [mobile]
Cast a magic missile on a mobile.
[!X]Not a command.

If a command expects a mobile as argument, it may be given as either one of:
1) [mobile-name]
2) [mobile-name][number-in-room-with-that-name]

Example, if there are 5 orcs in a room, and you want to kill the 2nd, you
could say "kill orc2".  "kill orc1" and "kill orc" means the 1st orc.

[X]3) [number]
[X]This is the unique mobile-ID number that shows up on the WHERE command.
[X]Examples:  "at 1512 kiss 1512", "heal 1611", "give biscuit to 1779"
[X]MOBILES [zone]
[X]Without arguments, Shows all the permanent (non wizard made) mobiles
[X]and their locations.
[X]If a zone name is present, show the mobiles in that zone.
[X | !X]^
Disables color.  See COLOR.
MOVE [item]
Move an item.
[X]Shows the status of the online mortals.
[X]MWHO [zone]
[X]Lists active (not dead or kicked off) mobiles for the given zone.
[X]If no [zone] is present, look at all the mobiles in the game.
Toggles newstyle output which cuts down on scroll.
[X]NFLAGS [player|mobile] [nflag] [true|false]
[X]Lets you view and edit the nflags of players and mobiles. The following
[X]nflags are available:
[X] English, Xara, Hyeel, Draken, Ravashem, Sorca, Alouth, and Xizart.
Lets you turn on and off the anon line.

[G]Allows you to turn off all beeps from the MUD.
Toggles the viewing of blinking characters.
Toggles seeing others fighting in a room.
Toggles the viewing of the flags in WHO and WHON.
Lets you turn on and off the gossip line.

Toggles the viewing of others inventory when you look around a room.
Lets you ignore all of the messages that Puff puts out.
[MNoPunt]Toggles your NoPunt pflag, making it so you can or can't be punted.
Moves you north.
[X]NOSHOUT [player]
[X]For those of you with headaches.  When this is on you won't hear any noisy
[X]mortals. :-)  Type NOSHOUT again to hear shouts again.
[X]When you do NOSHOUT [player] to a mortal player you will make him or her
[X]unable to shout.
[X]Toggle the viewing of slain messages.
Toggles watching the skies for weather.
[X]Prevents you from hearing WIZ-messages. Type NOWIZ once more to turn
[X]them on again. (See also help WIZ)
[X]NOWISH [player]
[X]Toggle the listening of wishes. You can also strike a mortal unable to wish.
Not a command.
You can specify an object to a command in several ways:
1) [object-name]
2) [object-name][number-in-sequence-with-that-name]

Example: If there are several rings in a room, "get ring3" would get the 3rd.
         "get ring" or "get ring1" would get the 1st.

         If you have 2 cakes in a sack, "get cake2 from sack" would get the 2nd
[X]3) [number]
[X]This is the number that shows up on the WHERE command.
[X]Examples: "give 244 to Elmo", "show 315"
[X]4) [alternate-name]
[X]Some objects have 2 names. Ex: Icy dagger is both "icy" and "dagger".
[X | !X]^
[X]OBJECTS [zone]
[X]Gives a listing of objects on the MUD or in the specified zone.
[X]OFLAGS  (Help on Object Flags, not a command)
[X]   Object Flags determine in many ways how the object will behave.
[X]   Weapon: The object is a weapon.    Armor: The object can protect you.
[X]   Lit:    The object is lit.         Food:  You can eat/drink it.
[X]   Key:    You can open doors w/it.   NoGet: It's scenery, can't be taken.
[X]   Container: Can contain objects.    Destroyed: Used (mortals can't see it)
[X]   PushToggle: If you push/move it, its state flips from 0 -] 1 or 1 -] 0.
[X]   Pushable: If you push/move it, its state is set to 0 (once and for all)
[X]   GetFlips: If you get it, its state is set to 0 (once and for all)
[X]   The last 3, and the object's states, are used to get different
[X]   descriptions according to what has been done with it. Good examples
[X]   you can study are for instance the apple and the excalibur.
OPEN [item]
Opens an item.  Usually used on containers and doors.
[D]Reopens the game after a shutdown.
View your current game options.
Configures the number of lines to be displayed before the pager pauses.

&+C(&+WNow implemented in INFO, HELP, POLICY, and MUCH MUCH MORE!&+C)&*
[PPeace]Prevents fighting and stops current fights.  See WAR.
[!PPflagEdit]PFLAGS [ME] [privilege] [true/false].
[!PPflagEdit]or CHANGE PFLAGS [ME] [privilege] [true/false].
[PPflagEdit]PFLAGS [player] [privilege] [True/False]
[PPflagEdit]or CHANGE PFLAGS [player] [privilege] [True/False]
Set/check player's privileges.  If the third argument is missing (True/False)
the current status of that privilege will be shown.  A TRUE in the third
argument means "turn pflag on", FALSE means  "turn pflag off".  Privilege
is one of those names that shows up when you do:
>MASK ME (see the help on that command).


PFLAGS kantele nozap false
PFLAGS me zap true
zap kantele
[!Y]  Available pflags:
[MNoExorcise]NoExorcise:                       Protects you from being exorcised.
[MNoSnoop]NoSnoop:                          Protects you from being snooped on.
[MNoHassle]NoHassle:                         Protects you from being attacked.
[MNoAlias]NoAlias:                         Protects you from being aliased into.
[MNoZap]NoZap:                            Protects you from being zapped.
[MNoSummon]NoSummon:                         Protects you from being summoned.
[MNoTrace]NoTrace:                          Protects you from being traced.
[MNoSteal]NoSteal:                          Protects you from being robbed.
[MNoMagic]NoMagic:                          Protects you from being blinded et.c.
[MNoForce]NoForce:                          Protects you from being forced.
[MFrob & MChScore & MChLevel]\
Frob and ChScore and ChLevel:     You may use the frob command.
[MChScore & MFrob]ChScore and Frob:                 You may change score.
[MChScore & !MFrob]ChScore:                          You may change your own score.
[MChLevel & MFrob]\
ChLevel and Frob:                 You may change other people's level.
ChMobData:                        You may change strength, damage and aggression
[MChMobData]                                  of mobiles.
[MPflagEdit]PflagEdit:                        You may change other people's pflags.
[MMaskEdit]MaskEdit:                         You may do anything you want oh mighty god.
[MRoomEdit]RoomEdit:                         You may change lflags and exits on locations.
[MMflagEdit]MFlagEdit:                        You may change mflags of mobiles.
[MObjectEdit]ObjectEdit:                       You may change oflags of objects.
[MTitleEdit]TitleEdit:                        You may change title and setins permanently.
[MUAFInfo]UAFInfo:                          Stats, frob, pflags, et.c work on people who
[MUAFInfo]                                are not in the game at the moment.
[MExorcise]Exorcise:                         You may exorcise players from the game.
[MReset]Reset:                            You may reset the game at will.
[MSnoop]Snoop:                            You may snoop on players.
[MHeal]Heal:                             You may heal players.
[MAliasMob]AliasMob:                         You may alias mobiles.
[MAliasMob]AliasPlayers:                     You may alias other players.
[MRaw]Raw:                              You may use RAW and ECHOALL commands.
[MEmote]Emote:                            You may use EMOTE and EMOTETO commands.
[MEcho]Echo:                             You may use ECHO and ECHOTO commands.
[MObjectEdit]ObjectEdit:                       You may set an object's state.
[MZap]Zap:                              You may zap other players....
[MResurrect]Resurrect:                        You may RESSURECT things...
[MSeeHost]SeeHost:                        Account name or host name shows up...
[MStats]Stats:                            You may use STATS and SHOW commands.
[MGoto]Goto:                             You may use GOTO and IN/AT...
[MSummonObj]SummonObj:                        You may summon objects...
[MWeather]Weather:                          You may change the weather at will...
[MLock]Lock:                             You may WIZLOCK the game.
[MWreckDoors]WreckDoors:                       You may wreck the doors.
[MPeace]Peace:                            You may use PEACE and WAR commands.
[MSyslog]Syslog:                           You may use the SYSLOG command.
StartInvis:                       You will enter the game with your saved visibility level.
[MTrace]Trace:                            You may trace players and items.

Important: You can only use names that shows up on MASK ME command.
[!PPflagEdit]You may only do MASK ME.
PLAY [item]
Plays a musical instrument.
[G]PLOC [location]
[G]Relocate a player without them knowing.
Display the current pronoun values.  Valid pronouns are ME, IT, HIM, HER,
and THEM (THEM is the last character mentioned, regardless of sex).
POLICY [policy]
View system policies. Type POLICY alone to get the policy list. To
view a policy, use POLICY [policy].
[X]POSE [fireball | hamster | sizzle | gestures | crackle]
[X]Or: POSE [1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5]
[!X & LMagician]POSE
[X]Abbreviations may be used as long as they are unique, example: POSE f
Pray to the gods.  Perhaps they'll listen.  Use WISH when you have
something particular in mind.
PRESS [item]
Perform the requested action on an object.
PROMPT [text]
Changes your prompt.

You can put the following codes in your prompt:

 %h : Health Points
 %l : Level (Numbered)
 %c : Score
 %m : Mana
 %n : Name

[X]Use the SAVESET command if you want to save it.
[R]PROPHET [msg]  OR  2 [msg]
[R]Send message to all Prophets.
PULL [item]
Perform the requested action on an object.
[PPunt]PUNT [player]
[PPunt]Punts a player around the MUD.
[PPuntAll]Punts everyone around the world.
PUSH [item]
Pushes an item.
PUT [item] IN [item]
Puts an item in another item.        See also OBJECT
[PPZap]PZAP [player]
[PPZap]Lets you pretend-zap a player. It is identical to zap, except it doesn't delete
[PPZap]the player.
[X]QUESTS [player] [questname] [true/false]
[X]If followed by only one argument,
Show which quests are completed and which are not. All quests must be
completed before a player can be promoted to Wizard/Witch.
[X]If there is more then one argument, set or clear the quest named by the
[X]second argument. True = mark quest completed, False = mark quest undone.
[X!A]You have only enough power to change quests on yourself.
Information on the quests can be gotten by typing "INFO quests".
Shows the quests that have been completed since the last reset.
[X]Prevents you from seeing messages in brackets [].
[X]Type QUIET again to turn messages back on.
Exits the game, saving your character automatically.  All your belong-
ings will be left where you quit, and should you re-enter the game you
will be carrying nothing and  be at the  Temple Of Paradise or Village Church.
IMPORTANT:  Do NOT hang up before quitting!
	    Otherwise your score WILL NOT be updated!

[PAliasMob | PAliasPlayers]If you're aliased, QUIT just returns you to your body.  See ALIAS.
[PWeather]Starts a gentle rain.
[PRaw]RAW [msg]
[PRaw]Sends a RAW message with your name in the brackets.
[PReboot]Reboots the MUD.
[PReboot]See UPDATE
REMOVE [item]
Remove something you've worn.
[PResurrect]RESURRECT [object/mobile]
[PResurrect]Recreates a destroyed object and brings it to your location, or
[PResurrect]resets a mobiles strength and level, if it was dead, it will
[PResurrect]also be brought to your location.
[PReset]Resets all locations, mobiles and objects in the game.
[PReset & X]RESET [zone-name]  resets the given zone only.
[PReset & X]
[PReset & X]When a non-permanent zone (one created in the game by a wizard) is
[PReset & X]reset, everything that has been created (CLONEd) since the last
[PReset & X]invocation of the STORE command will be destroyed.
[PReset & X]
[PReset & X]   If the Wizard that owns the zone has not been on for a certain
[PReset & X]period of time (currently 3 days), even his STOREd creations will
[PReset & X]go away, but they will reappear the next time he enters the game.
[PReset & X]
[PReset & X]   After a RESET [stored wiz-zone] has been issued, the number of
[PReset & X]items successfully reset will be displayed. This just means that 
[PReset & X]those not successfully reset were supposed to have been placed
[PReset & X]somewhere (in a room, carried by someone) that was not currently
[PReset & X]LOADed into the game.
[PReset & X]                          See also ZONE, LOAD and STORE.
[X]REVIEW [player]
[X]Shows current settings of SETIN, SETOUT, SET... If no player is 
[X]specified, your own travel-messages and prompt will be shown.
SAY [msg] or "[msg] or '[msg]
Says something to everyone  else in the room.  Assuming   they haven't
been deafened.   You may abbreviate this to  a double quote  or single
quote followed immediately by a message.

Example: "Hi folks!  What's up?
Says something to everyone else in the room.  Assuming they haven't
been deafened.

Example: "Hi folks!  What's up?
Says something to everyone else in the room.  Assuming they haven't
been deafened.

Example: 'Hi folks!  What's up?
[PGoto]Room names consist of a zone name (BLIZZARD, VALLEY, etc.) followed by
[PGoto]a room number.  For example, to teleport to the Temple of Paradise you
[PGoto]would say "GOTO START1".
[PGoto]Zone names may be abbreviated. Example:
[PGoto]BLIZZARD84 could be abbreviated BLI84, or even B84.
[PGoto]See also ZONES.
Saves character's current score and status.  The things you carry and
wear are not saved.  Remember: Save early, save often.
[X]Save all players on the MUD.
[X]Saves all your setin/out messages and prompt.
Display your score, strength, and level.
[X]You may also do SCORE [player] to check the score of other players.
[X]Toggles the viewing of extended messages.
[G]Allows you to see the real idle times of players with the IDLE flag 
[G]turned on.
[PSocket]Toggles the viewing of socket messages.
[PObjectEdit]SET [object] [property] [new value]
[PObjectEdit]Sets properties on a object.
[PObjectEdit]These properties expect a number as its new value:
[PObjectEdit]       BaseValue, Size, Visibility, Damage, AC, State
[PObjectEdit]These properties expect a line of text as its new value:
[PObjectEdit]       Desc0, Desc1, Desc2, Desc3, Name, AltName
[PObjectEdit]       (Descriptions for states 0-3, name and alternative name)
[PObjectEdit]These properties expect a truth-value (On/Off or True/False):
[PObjectEdit]       Weapon,    Container, Lit,   GetFlips,  Key,    Extinguish
[PObjectEdit]       Lightable, Wearable,  Armor, NoGet,     Pushable,
[PObjectEdit]       Lockable,  Openable,  Food,  Destroyed, PushToggle,
[PObjectEdit]All properties may be abbreviated so long as they are unique.
[PObjectEdit]See also SHOW, OFLAGS, VISIBILITY for more info.
[X]SETIN [msg]
[X]Sets message printed when entering a room.  See REVIEW.
[X]Put %n anywhere in the string to represent your name.
[X]SETMIN [msg]
[X]Sets message when teleporting into a room.  See REVIEW.
[X]Put %n somewhere in the string to represent your name.
[X]SETMOUT [msg]
[X]Sets message when teleporting out of a room.  See REVIEW.
[X]Put %n somewhere in the string to represent your name.
[X]SETOUT [msg]
[X]Sets message printed when exiting a room. If you want the direction you left
[X]from to be printed, put %d somewhere in your string. %n is your name which
[X]must go somewhere in the string too.
[X]SETOUT %n says 'To the %d, men!' and wanders off in the wrong direction.
[X]The message to others in a room when you summon a player. The code for
[X]the victim is %v and %n for your name.
[X]The message when you are sitting in a room.
[X]The message to others in a room where a player was when you summon them.
[X]The code for the victim in %v and %n for your name.
[X !PUaf]SETSTART [location]
[X]Puts you in [location] when you enter the game, or go whenever you 
[X]type 'GOTO' without any arguments.
[X PUaf]SETSTART [player] [location]
[X PUaf]Sets home for player, to location. Your home is where you enter
[X PUaf]the game. If no playername is given, you are assumed to be it.
[X]If no location is given, your current home will be erased.
[X]Example: "Setstart home14"   will put you in home14 upon game entry.
[X PUaf]Example: "Setstart Shoikana home14"  sets her home to home14.
[X]Example: "Setstart" erases your home (50/50 chance betw. the church/temple)
[X PUaf]"Setstart Shoikana" does the same for her.
[X]The message when you are standing in a room.
[X]The message to a player when you summon them.
[X]SETVIN [msg]
[X]Sets message when becoming visible.  See REVIEW.
[X]Put %n somewhere in the string to represent your name.
[X]SETVOUT [msg]
[X]Sets message when becoming invisible.  See REVIEW.
[X]Put %n somewhere in the string to represent your name.
[X]SETQOUT [msg]
[X]Sets message when quitting the game.  See REVIEW.
[X]Put %n somewhere in the string to represent your name.
[X]Does a HEALALL then a SAVEALL.
SHOCK [mobile]
Cast an electric shock on a mobile.
SHOUT [msg]
Shout a message to all players, normally used for uttering those nasty
death threats to  the person  who killed you for  the fourteenth  time
this week.

Example: "shout You're dead meat, Noid!"
[PStats]SHOW [item]
[PStats]Gives detailed information about an item.  Meanings of information
[PStats]shown are as follows:
[PStats]State:          Current state of object (open, closed, full, charged..)
[PStats]Max State:      The maximum state number.
[PStats]Base Value:     The maximum value this object can have.
[PStats]                Actual value is: MIN(#players, 9) / 9 * Base Value
[PStats]Damage:         If this is a weapon, how much damage does it do.
[PStats]                Total damage = random(0, 8 + weapon-damage) if player,
[PStats]                If a mobile has it: random(0, mob-dam + 1/2 * weap-dam)
[PStats]Armor Class:    If this is armor, with what percentage does it reduce
[PStats]                your opponents chance to hit you ? (starting at 57%)
[PStats]Size:           How much space does item take up in pack.
[PStats]                If it's a container, how much it can contain.
[PStats]Properties:     Wearable, weapon, edible, NoGet, etc. (See help OFLAGS)
[PStats]Descriptions:   One-line descriptions for each state.
[G]SHUTDOWN [message]
[G]God command. Kicks everyone off and disables logins. If followed by
[G]a message, it will display that message to everyone who tries to enter.
Sit  down and rest.   When  resting, you regain strength-points at a
faster rate than normal.  However,  you can't move  while sitting.  To
stand up again, type STAND.
[X]SIC [mobile] [player]
[X]Lets you sic a mobile on a player. The mobile will appear where the
[X]player is and will start attacking the player.
[PSignal]SIGNAL [signal]
[PSignal]Lets you send a signal to the MUD daemon.
[G]Toggles silent entry into the MUD.
[PSnoop]SNOOP [user]
[PSnoop]Anything that goes to the user's screen  will be seen by  you.
[PSnoop]Please try not to spy on people.  It's impolite. You can not snoop
[PSnoop]on two people at once. Wizards can't snoop on mortals in "private"
[PWeather]Make snow.
[PSocket]SOCKET [player|descriptor] [view|kill|write] [txt]
[PSocket]Allows the viewing, killing, or the direct writing to a descriptor. There
[PSocket]are 4 uses for this command in all. 
[PSocket]The first use is the SOCKET command without any parameters that will give 
[PSocket]a list of the sockets and the player that is using it, their idle time, 
[PSocket]login time, and hostname. 
[PSocket]The second use is to view a socket. You must specify either the name of
[PSocket]a user using the socket, or the descriptor number of that socket then
[PSocket]a parameter of view. This will display information about that socket.
[PSocket]The third use is to kill a socket that you specify. It has the same basic
[PSocket]usage that the view command does.
[PSocket]The fouth use is to write text to a socket directly. It has the basic usage
[PSocket]that the view and kill command does, however you can then specify text after
[PSocket]the 'write' parameter to send text to the socket.
Moves you south.
This command gives you a listing of the spells that you can use along with
their mana requirement, the chance to cast, and the type of spell that it is.

Related Topics:
Stand up after sitting or being pushed over.  See SIT and PUSH.
[X]Start mobiles.  See STOP.
[X]Lists various information (strength, idle time, time on et.c.)
[X]for the visible players that are on.   See also WHO and USERS.
[X]  &+W*OR* &+wyou can use stats with an option...
[X]STATS [player/mobile]
[X]Lists detailed information about a player or mobile.
STEAL [item] FROM [player]
For all those moments when some other player or mobile has something
you fancy -- just don't get caught at it!

Example: "steal diamond from tom"       See also OBJECT and MOBILE
[X]Stop mobiles.  See START.
[X]STORE [player-name]
[X]If not followed by any argument, it means yourself.
[X]This command creates a zone for you, its name will be your characters name.
[X]It is not intended for making zones for mortals to adventure in,
[X]but it lets you build your own personal stuff with much more fun and ease
[X]then the traditional way of bugging your God do it for you.
[X]The STORE command does the following:
[X]- Marks all mobiles/locations/objects you have created (with CLONE) as non-
[X]  temporary, so that they will be reset on a reset instead of destructed.
[X]- Sets their reset-values to the exact state the mobiles/locations/objects
[X]  are in when the STORE command is issued. Your zone will be reset on every
[X]  reset to the exact state it was in, the last time you did a STORE.
[X]- Saves everything on disk, so that you may LOAD your zone at a later time.
[X]  Your zone will remain in the the game even after you quit,
[X]  but will go away if you don't come back within a certain period of time,
[X]  (currently 3 days). It will in any case be loaded again automatically the
[X]  next time you enter the game.     See also LOAD, CLONE, DESTRUCT, RESET
[PWeather]Make torrential rains.
[X!PSummonObj]SUMMON [player/mobile]
[XPsummonObj]SUMMON [player/mobile/item]
[!XPSummonObj]SUMMON [player/item]
[!X!PSummonObj]SUMMON [player]
[!X!PSummonObj]Summons a player to your location.
[!X]For non-Wizards, this has the unpleasant effect of the player beeing
[!X]summoned dropping everything that's not worn or wielded, so most players
[!X]regard this as a hostile action. 
[PSummonObj]You may also summon objects, either by name or object-number.
[X]You can specify several items or players to summon in the same command,
[X]example:   AT death1 SUMMON kantele boddiker steinar

See also MOBILE
Clears weather.
[PSyslog]SYSLOG [#lines | text | *]
[PSyslog]Displays the selected part of the system log-file. If the argument is a 
[PSyslog]number, that number of lines from the end of the file is shown. If * the
[PSyslog]whole file is shown. If an arbitrary text, only the lines that contain that
[PSyslog]text is shown. If no argument, only the last days happenings is shown.
[PSyslog]Here are some examples:
[PSyslog]>syslog bug       Shows all bug-messages.
[PSyslog]>syslog slain     Who has died ?
[PSyslog]>syslog May 17    What happened then? (obs: 6 characters...May 1st is May  1)
[PSyslog]>syslog 10        What happened the last few minutes ?
[PSyslog]>syslog Nicknack  What has he been up to ?
[PSyslog]>syslog           What has happened today ?
[PSyslog]The text (search-string) can consist of any characters including blanks.
[A & PRaw]SYSTEM [msg]
[A & PRaw]Sends a SYSTEM message.
[A & PRaw]^
TAKE [item/class] [FROM [item]]
Same as GET, see help GET
TELL [player] [msg]    or    [player] [msg]
Allows you to tell a player something.  Although you really ought only
to be able to tell something to someone in the same room, we found the
game as a whole works better with TELL  as it is.  Similary, you could
argue that WHO is unrealistic,  but the results   of its  absence  are
simply many "Who's playing?" shouts.

Example: "george How are you doing?"             See also MOBILE
Display current time, time since last reset,
and time remaining to closing time (if applicable).
[PGoto]TIPTOE [room|player|item]
[PGoto]Identical to GOTO, but doesn't tell anyone you've left or arrived.
[PGoto]Example: "tiptoe home1"
[PTitleEdit !PClone]TITLE [player] [New title]
[PTitleEdit PClone]TITLE [player/mobile] [New title]
[!X PTitleEdit !PClone]Changes title on a player.
[!X PTitleEdit PClone]Changes title on a player or on an in-game created mobile. [PTitleEdit] [PTitleEdit]Player title:
[!X PTitleEdit]A %s must go somewhere in a player's new title to represent the
[!X PTitleEdit]name. If no new title is given, the players current title will be 
[!X PTitleEdit]displayed.
[X PTitleEdit]Player title:
[X PTitleEdit]You are not required to enter a %s in your title being a Wizard.
[X PTitleEdit]You can change anybodys title if their level is below yours.
[X PTitleEdit]
[X PTitleEdit](In this context, a 'level' is Mortal - Wiz - ArchWiz etc...)
[PTitleEdit PClone]Mobile title:
A mobile's title is the text that describes it when you type
'look' or enter its room. The '%s' has no meaning here. You
can only change title on in-game created mobiles and only on
your own, or those who belong to someone with a level lower
then yours. (See above for the meaning of 'level' here.)
The following toggles are available to you:

  AWAY            BUSY
  BRIEF           NOWET
  NOBEEP          NOINV

You can get information on each of the toggles by typing HELP <TOGGLE>
TOUCH [item]
Perform the requested action on an object.
[A]Toggles tournament mode on the MUD. Players can only attack each other
[A]in a tournament mode. To start tournament mode there must be at least
[A]two mortals on-line and a prize for the winner must be specified after
[A]the tournament command. Once a tournament has started the MUD will reset
[A]the game, kick off all of the mobiles, and place the mortals at one of
[A]the start locations. The MUD will terminate the tournament once there is
[A]only one mortal left alive, or it may be terminated by typing TOURNAMENT
[A]during a tournament.
[A]See "INFO tournament" to get more information on tournaments.
[X]TRACE [user/mobile/item]
[X]Keeps you notified of target's  location at  all times.  Type TRACE by
[X]itself to turn it off. You can not trace two targets at the same time.
TRANSLOCATE [user/mobile/item]
This command is now obsolete, see HELP SUMMON.
[PSeeSocket]TTY [user]
[PSeeSocket]View the hostnames that players are using. You can also specify a user
[PSeeSocket]on the command line.
[PTextRaw]TXTRAW [one word text] [msg]
[PTextRaw]Sends a RAW message with specified text inside of the brackets.
TURN [item]
Perform the requested action on an object.
TYPO [msg]
Report a typo to the  game  administrator.  This command automatically
reports your name and current location.  If the typo  doesn't refer to
your current room, please tell me where it is.
[D]Shows bulletins for DemiGods and Gods.
UNLOCK [item]
Unlocks an item.  Usually used on doors.
[PReboot]Updates the MUD. An update saves where players, objects and mobiles are
[PReboot]and then reboots the game restoring the world back to its original state.
Moves you up.
Shows the amount of time that the MUD daemon has been running and the
number of reboots, resets, and the number of crashes.
A shortened form of the WHO list.  For Wizards it shows where everyone
is.  Not very useful for mortals.
VALUE [arguments]
VALUE                  -] Gives the total Point Value of all your belongings.

VALUE item1 item2 ...  -] Gives the current Point Value of the item or items.

VALUE class            -] Lists all the items in your inventory of the
                          specified class (see HELP CLASS) and their
                          Point Values, followed by their total value.

                          Most usefull example: VALUE all
Shows current version number.
[X]Become visible to all.  See CHANGE VIS, and VISIBILITY
[X]VISIBILITY  (Not a command)
[X]   Visibility-level is the current visibility of a player/mobile/object.
[X]   0 means visible to all.  Any other number means that anyone with a
[X]   level lower than that number can't see the player/mobile/object.
[X]   (There is currently no support for invisible objects)
[X]See also CHANGE VIS, and VIS and INVIS
[PViewCom]Lets you view the input handlers of the players that are on the MUD.
VTOUCH [mobile]
The spell of vampiric touch, it lets you touch a mobile and steal their
lifeforce to gain experience points.
[PPeace]Allows fighting in AberMUD.  See PEACE.
[X]Shows bulletins for Wizards.
WEAR [item]
Wear something. 
Wears everything that you can in your inventory and tells you what you 
put on.
Moves you west.
Show the players on the game, of course certain more powerful beings may
not wish to show up on the list.
Identical to the WHO command except it gives player names instead of their level.
WIELD [weapon]
Select something as your weapon, for when those nasty people decide to
brain you.
WISH [msg]
Sends a message to any wizards currently on.  Please  try to solve the
problem yourself first.  It  is not wise  to meddle  in the affairs of
wizards, for they get soggy and hard to light. :-)
[X]Wizard command.  Sends message to all wizards. (See also NOWIZ).
[!PLock]Shows if there is any lock on the system at the moment.
[!PLock]I.e. if the game is restricted to players of a specified level.
[PLock]With no argument, WIZLOCK displays current lock status.
[PLock]With the argument OFF or UNLOCK, WIZLOCK will attempt to turn off
[PLock]WIZLOCK. other arguments makes WIZLOCK attempt to lock the game
[PLock]for the specified level.
[PLock]   WIZLOCK Hero         Allows only heros and higher access to the game.
[PLock]   WIZLOCK Apprentice   Allows only Apprentice-Wizards and higher
[PLock]                        players access to the game.
[PLock]   WIZLOCK Wizard       Allows only 'true' wizards and up access.
[PLock]   WIZLOCK 403          Allows Wizards at or above level 403
[PLock]                        access to the game.
[PLock]   WIZLOCK God          Only Gods have access to the game.
[PLock]                 Numbers can be used instead of level-names also, ex:
[PLock]   WIZLOCK 7            Locks the game for all below Magician.
[PLock]WIZLOCK will fail to lock the game if the current lock is higher than
[PLock]You have ability to unlock. Abbreviations can be used as long as
[PLock]the level-name is still unique.
[PLock !PLock]^
[G]Shows the work load of the system the MUD is being ran on as well as
[G]the iDIRT daemon stats.
[PZap]ZAP [player]
[PZap]Wizard command. It utterly annihilates a mortal-character, or one with
[PZap]a lower wizard-level then yourself, or one with your wizard-level 
[PZap]which is not protected with the "NoZap" P-flag.
[PZap](A wizard-level here is for instance wizard, arch-wizard or god.)
[PZap]Otherwise, it sends a lightning bolt at your victim.
[PZap]Example: Zap kantele
[X]List of zones and locations.
Repeat last command.
Repeat last command.
Repeat last command.
Repeat last co... BANG!
Thank you.