Released version 0.0.6
	Finally got item saving to work(more or less).
	Addded some simple security measures.
	Added the beginings of combat. PvP only for now, and no actual
damage yet.
	Fixed some basic functionality of the monsterscripts. got rid of the
	Put in some friendly messages when people enter and exit the game.
	Added the engage command to move to attack a monster.
Released version 0.0.55
	Moved monsters into the monsters dir instead of players.
	Made playerload be able to load from diffrent dirs.
	Fixed up monster loading a bit, finally cleaned up the monster.xml
	Misc things with monsters.
	added Birthscript for monsters and birthline
	Now checks for and loads multiple map files. 
	Added way to add a module without restarting server. goal is to
almost never need to restart.
	added lots of reloading commands without needing to restart the server.
	Fixed bug letting you wear something if you already were wearing
something else there.
	Saving now prints to a file and it can load players from file.
wahoo! It messes up on items if the server is taken down still.
	Fixed the event system so it won't miss events if it takes more than
1 second to update. IF people just had infinitly fast computers... 
	got some more work done towards saving. can now make the XML file
for players. but if the server goes down items will be lost as they are
currently not being saved.(Intresting things will result)
Released version 0.0.5
	Wow, has it been that long since I worked on this? anyway, a few
littls things and added the infamous event system. With a little luck it'll
be good and not blow up in my face. :)
	LOTS and LOTS of bugfixes.
	Monsters now decay after a given amount of time. Players get
ressurrected. (Aren't they lucky)
	did I mention bugfixes?
	work on the map and items.
	Lots of little fixes here and there(as was promised).
	Removed pointless code setting user stats during creation.
everything is loaded from the base userfile now.
	small amount of work on death. for now your regenerated shortly
after you die. need to get monsters to decay.
	Added basic commandset, basic is ALWAYS available regardless of
comandset the player is in. this way help and quit are always available.
possible others (like an admin page or such).
	Added new feature to commandsets. You can now control the huh?
message when commands aren't understood.
	now sets commandset to dead when you die.
	fixed some bugs with health.
	Added death(sortof). still could use some work though.
	Made look work with items worn and held in hands(tail mouth

	Added wear/remove commands. it was a major pain and probably created
a bunch of bugs. I know of a few already. 
	I'm going to call this 0.0.4 with items more or less functioning.
	Added get and drop commands, not that those are important or
anything :)
	added inventory command.
	while loading player if any item their wearing or holding has a # in
front of it, it is created as a new item. This is mostly for new
player/monster templates.
	minor misc bugfixes.
	Finally made it load a "new" player file for new players. this will
make it MUCH easier to control starting stats. (just edit the file) will
also be able to easily set up diffrent bodies for the diffrent races and
11/23/2000 more slow work, but progress
	Released version 0.0.35 with health system working. (though you have
to log in as kael to see it)
	more bug fixes.
	fixed stupidity bugs with checking password.
	added health system. still needs work.
	Changed monster creation. now loads a playerfile for each monster
11/22/2000 less work, more laziness
	Small bugfixes and upgrades.
	Added to the map a bit, fixed resulting bugs.
	Did up a small html file on how to make rooms.
11/21/2000 more slow and steady work.
	Released version 0.0.3 with limited item support. and we're on schedule! Wahoo :)
	Improved help command, added "help commands" which lists all commands in the players current commandset.
	Changed help to check the helptopics commandset for valid commands. this should work for topics that aren't commands.
	Bundled it up as a tarball.
	Added help command, it has no support for topics which aren't commands yet, but it's a start.
	the allowsit tag is needed to be able to sit on things. so you can't sit on swords and such.
	Can now sit on things. Like the bench in the main room. 

11/20/2000 lots of little things, and most importantly the begining of
	Misc bug fixes, got rid of some warnings.
	Can now look at items in room
	Items marked with the noshow tag do not show on a look
	Basic item loading created
	Turned item, room, monster, and command loading into subs created to further spread out the code. moved item, room, monster and command loading to
	Positions now defined, sitting, lying, and standing
	Can only move room to room if standing
	Room descriptions for players allowing display other than their names.
11/18/2000 Started this file, and released version 0.0.22 (wahoo!) Changes
include :
	Redid the way commands are handled completely.
	Added health to player files, though it doesn't actually do anything yet.
	Fixed the last of the bugs with people hanging up(I think)
	Misc bug fixes.