Soul (["blush":([4:"in embarassment",2:({"$N blush $A","$N blushes $A",}),"verb":"blush",]),"expect":([1:({"$N look expectantly at $T","$N looks expectantly at $T",}),"verb":"expect",]),"puzzle":([3:({"$N look puzzled","$N looks puzzled",}),2:({"$N puzzle over $*","$N puzzles over $*",}),1:({"$N puzzle over $T","$N puzzles over $T",}),"verb":"puzzle",]),"laugh":([2:({"$N laugh $A","$N laughs $A",}),1:({"$N laugh $A at $T","$N laughs $A at $T",}),]),"pontificate":([4:"profusely",2:({"$N pontificate $A","$N pontificates $A",}),"verb":"pontificate",]),"roll":([2:({"$N roll your eyes","$N rolls $NP eyes",}),1:({"$N roll your eyes at $T","$N rolls $NP eyes at $T",}),"verb":"roll",]),"laf":([3:({"$N laf","$N lafs",}),"verb":"laf",]),"frown":([2:({"$N frown $A","$N frowns $A",}),1:({"$N frown $A at $T","$N frowns $A at $T",}),"verb":"frown",]),"admire":([2:({"$N admire yourself $A","$N admires $NR $A",}),1:({"$N admire $T $A","$N admires $T $A",}),]),"smirl":([4:"happiky",2:({"$N smirl $A","$N smirls $A",}),1:({"$N smirl $A at $T","$N smirls $A at $T",}),"verb":"smirl",]),"noogie":([1:({"$N $A give $T a noogie","$N $A gives $T a noogie",}),"verb":"noogie",]),"hum":([4:"silently",2:({"$N hum $A","$N hums $A",}),"verb":"hum",]),"wave":([3:({"$N wave","$N waves",}),2:({"$N wave $A","$N waves $A",}),1:({"$N wave $A at $T","$N waves $A at $T",}),"verb":"wave",]),"wonder":([5:({"*",}),2:({"$N wonder $A","$N wonders $A",}),1:({"$N wonder about $T sometimes","$N wonders about $T sometimes",}),"verb":"wonder",]),"gurble":([7:"",4:"like Lassondra",3:({"$N gurble $A","$N gurbles $A",}),2:({"$N gurble $A","$N gurbles $A",}),1:({"$N gurble $A at $T","$N gurbles $A at $T",}),"verb":"gurble",]),"argh":([2:({"$N scream 'argh!' and pull your hair out","$N screams 'argh!' and pulls $NP hair out",}),]),"punch":([2:({"$N punch at the air $A","$N punches at the air $A",}),1:({"$N punch $T $A","$N punches $T $A",}),"verb":"punch",]),"puke":([2:({"$N puke $A","$N pukes $A",}),1:({"$N puke $A on $T","$N pukes $A on $T",}),"verb":"puke",]),"curtsey":([2:({"$N curtsey $A","$N curtsies $A",}),1:({"$N curtsey $A before $T","$N curtsies $A before $T",}),"verb":"curtsey",]),"bop":([7:"on the head",6:({"head","nose","shins","fanny","arse","leg","arm","back",}),1:({"$N bop $T $A $X","$N bops $T $A $X",}),8:"on the",]),"cluck":([7:"like a chicken",2:({"$N cluck $A $X","$N clucks $A $X",}),1:({"$N cluck $A $X at $T","$N clucks $A $X at $T",}),"verb":"cluck",8:"like a",]),"chug":([3:({"$N chug a beer and belch loudly","$N chugs a beer and belches loudly",}),2:({"$N $A chug a beer and belch loudly","$N $A chugs a beer and belches loudly",}),1:({"$N toast $T $A and chug a beer","$N toasts $T $A and chugs a beer",}),"verb":"chug",]),"nibble":([7:"ear",6:({"earlobes","ears","hand","toes","feet","nose","fingers",}),2:({"$N nibble your lip $A","$N nibbles $NP lip",}),1:({"$N nibble $TA $X","$N nibbles $TA $X",}),"verb":"nibble",]),"leap":([4:"excitedly",2:({"$N leap into the air $A","$N leaps into the air $A",}),1:({"$N leap onto $T $A","$N leaps onto $T $A",}),"verb":"leap",]),"barf":([3:({"$N barf","$N barfs",}),2:({"$N barf $A","$N barfs $A",}),1:({"$N barf $A all over $T","$N barfs $A all over $T",}),"verb":"barf",]),"hold":([4:"affectionately",3:({"$N hold back","$N holds back",}),1:({"$N hold onto $T $A","$N holds onto $T $A",}),"verb":"hold",]),"hiccup":([2:({"$N hiccup $A","$N hiccups $A",}),"verb":"hiccup",]),"stifle":([3:({"$N stifle a giggle","$N stifles a giggle",}),"verb":"stifle",]),"snap":([7:"fingers",6:({"teeth","gum","arm in a quick salute","leg","knee","fingers",}),3:({"$N snap your fingers","$N snaps $NP fingers",}),2:({"$N snap your $X $A","$N snaps $NP $X $A",}),1:({"$N snap your $X $A at $T","$N snaps $NP $X $A at $T",}),"verb":"snap",]),"pout":([5:({"like a frog","like a baby",}),4:0,2:({"$N pout $A","$N pouts $A",}),1:({"$N pout at $T $A","$N pouts at $T $A",}),"verb":"pout",]),"shuffle":([7:"feet",6:({"deck","cards","feet",}),3:({"$N shuffle $NP $X","$N shuffles $NP $X",}),2:({"$N shuffle $NP $X $A","$N shuffles $NP $X $A",}),1:({"$N shuffle $NP $X $A before $T","$N shuffles $NP $X $A before $T",}),"verb":"shuffle",]),"ruffle":([2:({"$N ruffle your hair $A","$N ruffles $NP hair $A",}),1:({"$N ruffle $TA hair $A","$N ruffles $TA hair $A",}),"verb":"ruffle",]),"nuzzle":([4:"playfully",1:({"$N nuzzle $T $A","$N nuzzles $T $A",}),"verb":"nuzzle",]),"nudge":([1:({"$N nudge $T $A","$N nudges $T $A",}),"verb":"nudge",]),"grope":([4:"shamelessly",2:({"$N grope $NR $A","$N gropes $NR $A",}),1:({"$N grope $T $A","$N gropes $T $A",}),"verb":"grope",]),"smooch":([7:"forehead",6:({"mouth","foot","lips","head","finger","knee","ear","eye","leg","nose","toe","bottom","elbow","hand","forehead",}),3:({"$N make a fish face","$N makes a fish face",}),2:({"$N $A make a fish face","$N $A makes a fish face",}),1:({"$N $A plant a big, slobbery smooch on $TA $X","$N $A plants a big, slobbery smooch on $TA $X",}),"verb":"smooch",]),"moon":([2:({"$N drop your pants and $A moon the world","$N drops $NP pants and $A moons the world",}),1:({"$N drop your pants and moon $T $A","$N drops $NP pants and moons $T $A",}),"verb":"moon",]),"smack":([4:"like Lassondra",3:({"$N smack your lips","$N smacks $NP lips",}),2:({"$N smack your lips $A","$N smacks $NP lips $A",}),1:({"$N smack $T $A","$N smacks $T $A",}),"verb":"smack",]),"trip":([2:({"$N trip $A over yourself","$N trips $A over $NR",}),1:({"$N trip $A over $T","$N trips $A over $T",}),"verb":"trip",]),"bleed":([2:({"$N bleed $A","$N bleeds $A",}),1:({"$N bleed $A on $T","$N bleeds $A on $T",}),"verb":"bleed",]),"eek":([2:({"$N eek $A","$N eeks $A",}),1:({"$N eek at $T $A","$N eeks at $T $A",}),"verb":"eek",]),"snarl":([4:"nastily",2:({"$N snarl $A","$N snarls $A",}),1:({"$N snarl $A at $T","$N snarls $A at $T",}),"verb":"snarl",]),"stare":([4:"dreamily",2:({"$N stare $A into thin air","$N stares $A into thin air",}),1:({"$N stare $A at $T","$N stares $A at $T",}),"verb":"stare",]),"tsk":([2:({"$N make tsking motions","$N makes tsking motions",}),1:({"$N make tsking motions at $T","$N makes tsking motions at $T",}),"verb":"tsk",]),"glare":([3:({"$N glare at the world in general","$N glares at the world in general",}),2:({"$N glare $A","$N glares $A",}),1:({"$N glare at $T $A","$N glares at $T $A",}),"verb":"glare",]),"disagree":([2:({"$N disagree $A","$N disagrees $A",}),1:({"$N disagree with $T $A","$N disagrees with $T $A",}),"verb":"disagree",]),"apologize":([5:({"many times","twice",}),2:({"$N $A apologize","$N $A apologizes",}),1:({"$N apologize $A to $T","$N apologizes $A to $T",}),]),"wobble":([5:({"unsteadily","like jelly","around a bit",}),4:"like jelly",2:({"$N wobble $A","$N wobbles $A",}),"verb":"wobble",]),"hug":([2:({"$N hug yourself $A","$N hugs $NR $A",}),1:({"$N hug $T $A","$N hugs $T $A",}),"verb":"hug",]),"beg":([3:({"$N beg $A","$N begs $A",}),2:({"$N beg $A","$N begs $A",}),1:({"$N beg $T $A","$N begs $T $A",}),"verb":"beg",]),"kick":([2:({"$N kick yourself $A","$N kicks $NR $A",}),1:({"$N kick $T $A","$N kicks $T $A",}),"verb":"kick",]),"tongue":([2:({"$N stick your tongue out","$N sticks $NP tongue out",}),1:({"$N stick your tongue out at $T","$N sticks $NP tongue out at $T",}),"verb":"tongue",]),"stamp":([4:"angrily",2:({"$N stamp your foot $A","$N stamps $NP foot $A",}),1:({"$N stamp $TA toes $A","$N stamps $TA toes $A",}),"verb":"stamp",]),"strut":([4:"proudly",2:({"$N strut your stuff $A","$N struts around $A",}),1:({"$N strut around $T $A","$N struts around $T $A",}),"verb":"strut",]),"smoke":([8:0,7:"cigarette",6:({"blunt","spliff","cigar","bowl","bong","cigarette","marlboro","camel","swisher sweet","stogie","pipe","joint","peace pipe",}),4:"nonchalantly",3:({"$N smoke a $X $A","$N smokes a $X $A",}),2:({"$N smoke a $X $A","$N smokes a $X $A",}),1:({"$N $A blow a cloud of smoke in $TA face","$N $A blows a cloud of smoke in $TA face",}),"verb":"smoke",]),"leer":([2:({"$N leer at everyone $A","$N leers at everyone $A",}),1:({"$N leer at $T $A","$N leers at $T $A",}),"verb":"leer",]),"five":([2:({"$N high-five thin air $A","$N high-fives thin air $A",}),1:({"$N high-five $T $A","$N high-fives $T $A",}),"verb":"five",]),"duh":([2:({"$N duh $A","$N duhs $A",}),1:({"$N duh at $T $A","$N duhs at $T $A",}),"verb":"duh",]),"cabbage":([5:({"wildly,fondly",}),4:"madly",3:({"You throw flirtatious cabbages around the area","$N throws flirtatious cabbages around the area",}),2:({"You throw flirtatious cabbages $A around the area","$N throws flirtatious cabbages $A the area",}),1:({"You throw flirtatious cabbages at $T","$N throws flirtatious cabbages at $T",}),"verb":"cabbage",]),"fondle":([2:({"$N fondle $NR $A","$N fondles $NR $A",}),1:({"$N fondle $T $A","$N fondles $T $A",}),"verb":"fondle",]),"rush":([3:({"$N light up a blunt, just like Rush","$N lights up a blunt, just like Rush",}),2:({"$N $A sing \"Don' worry, be happy\"","$N $A sings \"Don' worry, be happy\"",}),1:({"$N $A sing \"Don' worry, be happy\" at $T","$N $A sings \"Don' worry, be happy\" at $T",}),"verb":"rush",]),"snort":([4:"loudly",2:({"$N snort $A","$N snorts $A",}),1:({"$N snort at $T $A","$N snorts at $T $A",}),"verb":"snort",]),"caper":([6:({"madman","frog on the run","bimbo","jester","chicken","happy chap","madwoman","fool","woman",}),4:"madly",2:({"$N caper around $A $X","$N capers around $A $X",}),1:({"$N caper around $T $A $X","$N capers around $T $A $X",}),8:"like a","verb":"caper",]),"push":([4:"over",2:({"$N push yourself $A","$N pushes $NR $A",}),1:({"$N push $T $A","$N pushes $T $A",}),"verb":"push",]),"descartes":([2:({"$N think, therefore you are","$N thinks, therefore $NN is",}),1:({"$N holler, %^CYAN%^\"Documents! I require Design Documents for my kitties!\"%^RESET%^ at $T","$N gets an insane gleem to $NP eyes and hollers, %^CYAN%^\"Documents! I require Design Documents for my kitties!\"%^RESET%^ at $T",}),"verb":"descartes",]),"ponder":([2:({"$N ponder $A","$N ponders $A",}),"verb":"ponder",]),"quirk":([2:({"$N quirk an eyebrow $A","$N quirks an eyebrow $A",}),1:({"$N quirk an eyebrow at $T $A","$N quirks an eyebrow at $T $A",}),"verb":"quirk",]),"accuse":([3:({"$N look around the room accusingly","$N looks around the room accusingly.",}),2:({"$N $A accuse yourself","$N $A accuses $NR",}),1:({"$N $A accuse $T $*","$N $A accuses $T $*",}),]),"waltz":([2:({"$N waltz $A around the room","$N waltzs $A around the room",}),1:({"$N waltz $A around the room with $T","$N waltzs $A around the room with $T",}),"verb":"waltz",]),"cower":([4:"in fear",2:({"$N cower $A","$N cowers $A",}),1:({"$N cower $A from $T","$N cowers $A from $T",}),"verb":"cower",]),"sulk":([2:({"$N sulk in a nearby corner $A","$N sulks in a nearby corner $A",}),"verb":"sulk",]),"yawn":([2:({"$N yawn $A","$N yawns $A",}),1:({"$N yawn at $T $A","$N yawns at $T $A",}),"verb":"yawn",]),"doh":([4:"emphatically",3:({"$N holler, %^CYAN%^\"Doh!\"%^RESET%^ so $A that $NN drop $NP donut","$N hollers, %^CYAN%^\"Doh!\"%^RESET%^ so $A that $NN drops $NP donut",}),2:({"$N holler, %^CYAN%^\"Doh!\"%^RESET%^ so $A that $NN drop $NP donut","$N hollers, %^CYAN%^\"Doh!\"%^RESET%^ so $A that $NN drops $NP donut",}),1:({"$N holler, %^CYAN%^\"Doh!\"%^RESET%^ at $T so $A that $NN drop $NP donut","$N hollers, %^CYAN%^\"Doh!\"%^RESET%^ at $T so $A that $NN drops $NP donut",}),"verb":"doh",]),"flop":([4:"helplessly",2:({"$N flop around $A","$N flops around $A",}),1:({"$N flop around $T $A","$N flops around $T $A",}),"verb":"flop",]),"blitz":([3:({"$N dazzle everyone by creating a rubber chicken","$N dazzles you by creating a rubber chicken",}),2:({"$N $A blow a rubber chicken to Hell","$N $A blows a rubber chicken to Hell",}),1:({"$N whip out a rubber chicken and shake it $A at $T","$N whips out a rubber chicken and shakes it $A at $T",}),"verb":"blitz",]),"boggle":([5:({"stupidly,wonderously,evilly,sarcastically",}),3:({"$N boggle","$N boggles",}),2:({"$N boggle $A","$N boggles $A",}),1:({"$N boggle $A at $T","$N boggles $A at $T",}),"verb":"boggle",]),"massage":([7:"shoulders",6:({"head","shoulders","back","feet","arms","nose","body","hands","neck",}),1:({"$N massage $TA $X","$N massages $TA $X",}),"verb":"massage",]),"tremble":([2:({"$N tremble $A","$N trembles $A",}),1:({"$N tremble $A at $T","$N trembles $A at $T",}),"verb":"tremble",]),"bing":([5:({"maliciously",}),4:"happily",3:({"$N bing $A","$N bings $A",}),2:({"$N bing $A","$N bings $A",}),1:({"$N bing $A at $T","$N bings $A at $T",}),]),"panic":([2:({"$N panic $A","$N panics $A",}),1:({"$N panic $A at the sight of $T","$N panics $A at the sight of $T",}),"verb":"panic",]),"bow":([5:({"back",}),4:"gracefully",2:({"$N bow $A","$N bows $A",}),1:({"$N bow $A to $T","$N bows $A to $T",}),"verb":"bow",]),"bounce":([4:"happily",2:({"$N bounce $A","$N bounces $A",}),1:({"$N bounce around $T $A","$N bounces around $T $A",}),"verb":"bounce",]),"applaud":([2:({"$N applaud $A","$N applauds $A",}),1:({"$N $A applaud $T","$N $A applauds $T",}),]),"spit":([2:({"$N spit","$N spits",}),1:({"$N spit on $T","$N spits on $T",}),"verb":"spit",]),"moo":([2:({"$N moo $A","$N moos $A",}),1:({"$N moo $A at $T","$N moos $A at $T",}),"verb":"moo",]),"love":([3:({"$N radiate feelings of love","$N radiates feelings of love",}),1:({"$N whisper sweet nothings to $T","$N whispers sweet nothings to $T",}),"verb":"love",]),"growl":([5:({"violently,maliciously,hatefully,angrily",}),4:"violently",3:({"$N growl $A","$N growls $A",}),2:({"$N growl $A","$N growls $A",}),1:({"$N growl $A at $T","$N growls $A at $T",}),"verb":"growl",]),"nod":([5:({"off to sleep",}),4:"solemnly",2:({"$N nod $A","$N nods $A",}),1:({"$N nod at $T $A","$N nods at $T $A",}),"verb":"nod",]),"tip":([2:({"$N tip your hat $A","$N tips $NP hat $A",}),1:({"$N tip your hat $A to $T","$N tips $NP hat $A to $T",}),"verb":"tip",]),"bite":([6:({"thigh","ankle","leg","toes","lip","elbow","nose","arm","ear","finger",}),2:({"$N bite yourself $A $X","$N bites $NR $A $X",}),1:({"$N bite $T $A $X","$N bites $T $A $X",}),8:"on the","verb":"bite",]),"snore":([2:({"$N snore $A","$N snores $A",}),"verb":"snore",]),"mosh":([4:"violently",3:({"$N mosh $A around the room","$N moshes $A around the room",}),2:({"$N mosh $A around the room","$N moshes $A around the room",}),1:({"$N mosh $A around $T","$N moshes $A around $T",}),"verb":"mosh",]),"hmm":([3:({"$N hmm","$N hmms",}),"verb":"hmm",]),"toss":([2:({"$N toss your lunch","$N tosses $NP lunch",}),1:({"$N grab $T by both hands, and toss $TO out the window","$N grabs $T by both hands, and tosses $TO out the window",}),"verb":"toss",]),"mikla":([2:({"$N shoot yourself in the foot","$N shoots $NR in the foot",}),1:({"$N babble at $T like a village idiot","$N babbles at $T like a village idiot",}),"verb":"mikla",]),"cross":([7:"fingers",6:({"toes","arms","legs","eyes","fingers",}),2:({"$N cross your $X","$N crosses $NP $X",}),1:({"$N cross your $X for $T","$N crosses $NP $X for $T",}),"verb":"cross",]),"blink":([2:({"$N blink $A","$N blinks $A",}),1:({"$N blink $A at $T","$N blinks $A at $T",}),"verb":"blink",]),"sigh":([2:({"$N sigh $A","$N sighs $A",}),1:({"$N sigh $A at $T","$N sighs $A at $T",}),]),"kiss":([5:({"sloppily,passionately,grossly,lovingly,sadly",}),4:"tenderly",3:({"$N kiss yourself lovingly","$N kisses $NR lovingly",}),1:({"$N kiss $T $A","$N kisses $T $A",}),"verb":"kiss",]),"nestle":([4:"affectionately",1:({"$N nestle up to $T $A","$N nestles up to $T $A",}),"verb":"nestle",]),"crash":([4:"desperately",3:({"$N try $A to crash the MUD","$N tries $A to crash the MUD",}),2:({"$N try $A to crash the MUD","$N tries $A to crash the MUD",}),1:({"$N try $A to crash the MUD around $T","$N tries $A to crash the MUD around $T",}),"verb":"crash",]),"quiver":([2:({"$N quiver $A","$N quivers $A",}),"verb":"quiver",]),"tap":([7:"on the shoulder",6:({"elbow","arm","head","ear","leg","shoulder",}),2:({"$N tap your foot $A","$N taps $NP foot $A",}),1:({"$N tap $T $A $X","$N taps $T $A $X",}),8:"on the","verb":"tap",]),"groan":([2:({"$N groan $A","$N groans $A",}),1:({"$N groan at $T $A","$N groans at $T $A",}),"verb":"groan",]),"wail":([4:"heartbrokenly",3:({"$N wail $A","$N wails $A",}),2:({"$N wail $A","$N wails $A",}),1:({"$N wail $A at $T","$N wails $A at $T",}),"verb":"wail",]),"breathe":([4:"angrily",2:({"$N breathe $A","$N breathes $A",}),"verb":"breathe",]),"twiddle":([7:"thumbs",6:({"toes","nose","hair","fingers","thumbs",}),2:({"$N twiddle your $X $A","$N twiddles $NP $X $A",}),"verb":"twiddle",]),"sneer":([2:({"$N sneer $A","$N sneers $A",}),1:({"$N sneer at $T $A","$N sneers at $T $A",}),"verb":"sneer",]),"wipe":([7:"hands",6:({"arm","leg","feet","hands","nose",}),2:({"$N wipe the sweat from your brow $A","$N wipes the sweat from $NP brow $A",}),1:({"$N wipe your $X on $T $A","$N wipes $NP $X on $T $A",}),"verb":"wipe",]),"dance":([2:({"$N dance around $A","$N dances around $A",}),1:({"$N dance around $T $A","$N dances around $T $A",}),"verb":"dance",]),"burp":([4:"rudely",3:({"$N burp $A","$N burps $A",}),2:({"$N burp $A","$N burps $A",}),1:({0,0,}),"verb":"burp",]),"hanse":([4:"playfully",2:({"$N do a jig and wiggle your behind around $A","$N does a jig and wiggles $NP behind around $A",}),1:({"$N wiggle your behind $A at $T","$N wiggles $NP behind $A at $T.",}),"verb":"hanse",]),"stomp":([7:"foot",6:({"feet","foot",}),4:"angrily",3:({"$N stomp $NP $X $A","$N stomps $NP $X $A",}),2:({"$N stomp $NP $X $A","$N stomps $NP $X $A",}),1:({"$N stomp $NP $X $A at $T","$N stomps $NP $X $A at $T",}),"verb":"stomp",]),"explode":([3:({"$N explode into thousands of tiny pieces","$N explodes into thousands of tiny pieces",}),"verb":"explode",]),"poke":([7:"in the tummy",6:({"tummy","eye","ear","nose","stomach","ribs","arm","arse","ass","butt",}),3:({"$N poke yourself in the eye","$N pokes $NR in the eye",}),1:({"$N poke $T $A $X","$N pokes $T $A $X",}),8:"in the","verb":"poke",]),"point":([3:({"$N point at nothing","$N points at nothing",}),1:({"$N point $A at $T","$N points $A at $T",}),"verb":"point",]),"chuckle":([3:({"$N chuckle","$N chuckles",}),2:({"$N chuckle $A","$N chuckles $A",}),1:({"$N chuckle $A at $T","$N chuckles $A at $T",}),"verb":"chuckle",]),"taunt":([2:({"$N taunt $NR $A","$N taunts $NR $A",}),1:({"$N taunt $T $A","$N taunts $T $A",}),"verb":"taunt",]),"clap":([7:"hands",6:({"feet","hands",}),3:({"$N clap $NP $X","$N claps $NP $X",}),2:({"$N clap $NP $X $A","$N claps $NP $X $A",}),1:({"$N direct attention to $T and clap $NP $X $A","$N directs attention to $T and claps $NP $X $A",}),"verb":"clap",]),"swoon":([2:({"$N swoon $A","$N swoons $A",}),1:({"$N swoon $A over $T","$N swoons $A over $T",}),"verb":"swoon",]),"gibber":([4:"madly",2:({"$N gibber $A","$N gibbers $A",}),"verb":"gibber",]),"comfort":([2:({"$N comfort yourself $A","$N comforts $NR $A",}),1:({"$N comfort $T $A","$N comforts $T $A",}),"verb":"comfort",]),"assimilate":([2:({"$N assimilate $* $A like a Borg","$N assimilates $* $A like a Borg",}),1:({"$N assimilate $T $A like a Borg","$N assimilates $T $A like a Borg",}),]),"juggle":([6:({"chain saws","battons","chickens","knives","babies","cats","sword","sticks","torches","trees","blades","bottles","balls","frogs","dogs",}),4:"ineptly",2:({"$N juggle $X $A","$N juggles $X $A",}),"verb":"juggle",]),"confess":([2:({"$N confess your sins","$N confesses $NP sins",}),1:({"$N confess your sins to $T","$N confesses $NP sins to $T",}),"verb":"confess",]),"wiggle":([7:"bottom",6:({"flab","butt","nose","eyebrows","ears","thumbs","bottom","fingers","bootie",}),3:({"$N wiggle your bottom","$N wiggles $NP bottom",}),2:({"$N wiggle your $X $A","$N wiggles $NP $X $A",}),1:({"$N wiggle your $X $A at $T","$N wiggles $NP $X $A at $T",}),"verb":"wiggle",]),"choke":([4:"viciously",1:({"$N choke $T $A","$N chokes $T $A",}),"verb":"choke",]),"lick":([3:({"$N lick your lips","$N licks $NP lips",}),1:({"$N lick $T $A","$N licks $T $A",}),"verb":"lick",]),"forgive":([4:"nobly",1:({"$N $A forgive $T","$N $A forgives $T",}),"verb":"forgive",]),"strangle":([1:({"$N strangle $T $A","$N strangles $T $A",}),"verb":"strangle",]),"tackle":([1:({"$N $A tackle $T to the ground","$N $A tackles $T to the ground",}),"verb":"tackle",]),"meow":([2:({"$N meow $A","$N meows $A",}),1:({"$N meow at $T $A","$N meows at $T $A",}),"verb":"meow",]),"french":([4:"deeply",1:({"$N french $T $A","$N frenches $T $A",}),"verb":"french",]),"snuggle":([4:"affectionately",1:({"$N snuggle up to $T $A","$N snuggles up to $T $A",}),"verb":"snuggle",]),"smirk":([2:({"$N smirk $A","$N smirks $A",}),1:({"$N smirk $A at $T","$N smirks $A at $T",}),"verb":"smirk",]),"bat":([6:({" ",}),4:"girlishly",3:({"$N bat $NP eyelashes $A","$N bats $NP eyelashes $A",}),2:({"$N bat $NP eyelashes $A","$N bats $NP eyelashes $A",}),1:({"$N bat $NP eyelashes at $T $A","$N bats $NP eyelashes at $T $A",}),"verb":"bat",]),"drool":([2:({"$N drool $A","$N drools $A",}),1:({"$N drool on $T $A","$N drools on $T $A",}),"verb":"drool",]),"startrek":([4:"happily",2:({"$N $A don a pair of Spock ears","$N $A dons a pair of Spock ears",}),"verb":"startrek",]),"howl":([4:"in rage",3:({"$N howl $A","$N howls $A",}),2:({"$N howl $A","$N howls $A",}),1:({"$N howl $A at $T","$N howls $A at $T",}),"verb":"howl",8:0,]),"whip":([4:"sadistically",3:({"$N crack your whip","$N cracks $NP whip",}),2:({"$N crack your whip $A","$N cracks $NP whip $A",}),1:({"$N crack your whip $A at $T","$N cracks $NP whip $A at $T",}),"verb":"whip",]),"curse":([4:"bitterly",2:({"$N curse $A","$N curses $A",}),1:({"$N curse $A at $T","$N curses $A at $T",}),"verb":"curse",]),"faint":([5:({"tiredly","for the heck of it","in boredom",}),2:({"$N faint $A","$N faints $A",}),1:({"$N faint $A on $T","$N faints $A on $T",}),"verb":"faint",]),"sob":([4:"uncontrollably",2:({"$N sob $A","$N sobs $A",}),1:({"$N sob $A on $TA shoulder","$N sobs $A on $TA shoulder",}),"verb":"sob",]),"belch":([4:"disgustingly",3:({"$N belch $A","$N belches $A",}),2:({"$N belch $A","$N belches $A",}),1:({"$N belch $A on $T","$N belches $A on $T",}),"verb":"belch",]),"snarf":([4:"dangerously",3:({"$N snarf $A","$N snarfs $A",}),2:({"$N snarf $A","$N snarfs $A",}),1:({"$N snarf $A at $T","$N snarfs $A at $T",}),"verb":"snarf",]),"snicker":([4:"mischeviously",2:({"$N snicker $A","$N snickers $A",}),1:({"$N snicker $A at $T","$N snickers $A at $T",}),"verb":"snicker",]),"loom":([1:({"$N loom over $T $A","$N looms over $T $A",}),"verb":"loom",]),"pet":([1:({"$N pet $T $A","$N pets $T $A",}),"verb":"pet",]),"bark":([6:({"hunting dog","tree","wolf","cat","shih-tzu","dog",}),2:({"$N bark $A $X","$N barks $A $X",}),1:({"$N bark $X at $T","$N barks $X at $T",}),8:"like a","verb":"bark",]),"worship":([2:({"$N worship $NR $A","$N worships $NR $A",}),"verb":"worship",]),"womble":([5:({"*",}),4:"slowly",3:({"$N womble $A","$N wombles $A",}),2:({"$N womble $A $*","$N wombles $A $*",}),1:({"$N womble $A about $T $*","$N wombles $A $T $*",}),"verb":"womble",]),"revolve":([3:({"The world revolves around $N","The world revolves around $N",}),9:"y","verb":"revolve",]),"mutter":([3:({"$N mutter under your breath","$N mutters under $NP breath",}),2:({"$N mutter $* under your breath","$N mutters $* under $NP breath",}),"verb":"mutter",]),"froth":([2:({"$N froth at the mouth $A","$N froths at the mouth $A",}),1:({0,0,}),"verb":"froth",]),"think":([2:({"$N think $A","$N thinks $A",}),"verb":"think",]),"whistle":([3:({"$N whistle","$N whistles",}),2:({"$N whistle $A","$N whistles $A",}),1:({"$N whistle $A at $T","$N whistles $A at $T",}),"verb":"whistle",]),"grin":([5:({"toothlessly",}),4:"evilly",2:({"$N grin $A","$N grins $A",}),1:({"$N grin $A to $T","$N grins $A to $T",}),]),"ack":([2:({"$N ack $A","$N acks $A",}),1:({"$N $A ack at $T","$N $A acks at $T",}),]),"yodel":([4:"rousingly",3:({"$N yodel $A","$N yodels $A",}),2:({"$N yodel $A","$N yodels $A",}),1:({"$N yodel $A for $T","$N yodels $A for $T",}),"verb":"yodel",]),"roar":([4:"ferociously",3:({"$N roar $A","$N roars $A",}),2:({"$N roar $A","$N roars $A",}),1:({"$N roar $A at $T","$N roars $A at $T",}),"verb":"roar",]),"wink":([3:({"$N wink","$N winks",}),2:({"$N wink $A","$N winks $A",}),1:({"$N wink $A at $T","$N winks $A at $T",}),"verb":"wink",]),"zip":([4:"quickly",2:({"$N zip $A around the room","$N zips $A around the room",}),1:({"$N zip $A around $T","$N zips $A around $T",}),"verb":"zip",]),"cry":([4:"tearfully",2:({"$N cry $A","$N cries $A",}),1:({"$N cry $A at $T","$N cries $A at $T",}),"verb":"cry",]),"run":([3:({"$N run around the room screaming","$N runs around the room screaming",}),2:({"$N run around the room $A","$N runs around the room $A",}),1:({"$N $A run around $T","$N $A runs around $T",}),"verb":"run",]),"jerky":([2:({"$N say, \"Look jerky, I don' need ta talk to you!\"","$N says \"Look jerky, I don' need ta talk to you!\"",}),1:({"$N hit $T $A with a ratchet","$N hits $T $A with a ratchet",}),"verb":"jerky",]),"caress":([7:"cheek",6:({"waist","back","feet","arms","nose","legs","chest","neck","fingers","cheek",}),4:"softly",2:({"$N caress yourself $A","$N caresses $NR $A",}),1:({"$N caress $TA $X $A","$N caresses $TA $X $A",}),"verb":"caress",]),"purr":([4:"contentedly",2:({"$N purr $A","$N purrs $A",}),"verb":"purr",]),"huggle":([1:({"$N $A give $T a warm huggle","$N $A gives $T a warm huggle",}),"verb":"huggle",]),"plead":([4:"desperately",2:({"$N plead $A","$N pleads $A",}),1:({"$N plead $A with $T","$N pleads $A with $T",}),"verb":"plead",]),"cheer":([2:({"$N cheer $A","$N cheers $A",}),1:({"$N cheer for $T $A","$N cheers for $T $A",}),"verb":"cheer",]),"wrinkle":([2:({"$N $A wrinkle your nose","$N $A wrinkles $TP nose",}),1:({"$N $A wrinkle your nose at $T","$N $A wrinkles $TP nose at $T",}),"verb":"wrinkle",]),"whee":([3:({"$N twirl about the place screaming \"%^YELLOW%^%^FLASH%^Wheeeeeeee%^RESET%^\"","$N twirls about the place screaming \"%^BOLD%^FLASH%^YELLOW%^Wheeeeeeeeeee%^RESET%^\"",}),2:({"$N twirl about the place screaming \"%^YELLOW%^%^FLASH%^Wheeeeeeee%^RESET%^\"","$N twirls about the place screaming \"%^BOLD%^FLASH%^YELLOW%^Wheeeeeeeee%^RESET%^\"",}),1:({"$N twirl about $T $A screaming \"%^FLASH%^%^YELLOW%^Wheeeeeeee%^RESET%^\"","$N twirls about $T $A screaming \"%^BOLD%^FLASH%^YELLOW%^Wheeeeeeeee%^RESET%^\"",}),"verb":"whee",]),"wince":([2:({"$N wince $A","$N winces $A",}),"verb":"wince",]),"squeeze":([4:"fondly",3:({"$N squeeze $A","$N squeezes $A",}),2:({"$N squeeze yourself $A","$N squeezes $NR $A",}),1:({"$N squeeze $T $A","$N squeezes $T $A",}),"verb":"squeeze",]),"gwert":([3:({"$N twirl about and do the gwert","$N twirls about and does the gwert",}),2:({"$N $A do the gwert","$N $A does the gwert",}),1:({"$N do the gwert $A with $T","$N does the gwert $A with $T",}),"verb":"gwert",]),"gaze":([1:({"$N gaze at $T $A with wide, innocent eyes","$N gazes at $T $A with wide, innocent eyes",}),"verb":"gaze",]),"chortle":([4:"merrily",2:({"$N chortle $A","$N chortles $A",}),1:({"$N chortle $A at $T","$N chortles $A at $T",}),"verb":"chortle",]),"sneeze":([4:"suddenly",2:({"$N sneeze $A","$N sneezes $A",}),1:({"$N sneeze $A on $T","$N sneezes $A on $T",}),"verb":"sneeze",]),"agree":([4:0,2:({"$N agree $A","$N agrees $A",}),1:({"$N $A agree with $T","$N $A agrees with $T",}),"verb":"agree",]),"foo":([4:"vaguely",2:({"$N foo $A","$N foos $A",}),1:({"$N foo $A at $T","$N foos $A at $T",}),"verb":"foo",]),"beam":([4:"brightly",2:({"$N beam $A","$N beams $A",}),1:({"$N beam $A at $T","$N beams $A at $T",}),"verb":"beam",]),"flip":([3:({"$N flip head over heels","$N flips head over heels",}),2:({"$N $A flip head over heels","$N $A flips head over heels",}),1:({"$N $A flip $T head over heels","$N $A flips $T head over heels",}),"verb":"flip",]),"scream":([3:({"$N scream","$N screams",}),2:({"$N scream $A","$N screams $A",}),1:({"$N scream $A at $T","$N screams $A at $T",}),"verb":"scream",]),"bonk":([6:({"nose","arm","head","forehead","leg",}),2:({"$N bonk $NR $A $X","$N bonks $NR $A $X",}),1:({"$N bonk $T $A $X","$N bonks $T $A $X",}),8:"on the","verb":"bonk",]),"smile":([4:"happily",2:({"$N smile $A","$N smiles $A",}),1:({"$N smile $A at $T","$N smiles $A at $T",}),"verb":"smile",]),"flex":([7:"muscles",6:({"triceps","biceps","nose","ears","legs","brains","tongue","muscles",}),2:({"$N flex your $X","$N flexes $NP $X",}),1:({"$N flex your $X at $T","$N flexes $NP $X at $T",}),8:"$NP","verb":"flex",]),"pat":([2:({"$N pat your stomach $A","$N pats $NP stomach $A",}),1:({"$N pat $T $A on the head","$N pats $T $A on the head",}),"verb":"pat",]),"moan":([4:"sensually",2:({"$N moan $A","$N moans $A",}),"verb":"moan",]),"spock":([4:"quizzically",2:({"$N raise one eyebrow $A","$N raises one eyebrow $A",}),1:({"$N raise one eyebrow $A at $T","$N raises one eyebrow $A at $T",}),"verb":"spock",]),"guffaw":([4:"boisterously",3:({"$N guffaw $A","$N guffaws $A",}),2:({"$N guffaw $A","$N guffaws $A",}),1:({"$N guffaw $A at $T","$N guffaws $A at $T",}),"verb":"guffaw",]),"raise":([7:"eyebrows",6:({"chin","eyebrows","thumb","hand","knee","fist","nose",}),2:({"$N raise your $X $A","$N raises $NP $X $A",}),1:({"$N raise your $X $A at $T","$N raises $NP $X $A at $T",}),"verb":"raise",]),"spank":([4:"hard",1:({"$N spank $T $A","$N spanks $T $A",}),"verb":"spank",]),"lassondra":([4:"goofily",2:({"$N $A go \"Wakka, wakka, wakka\"","$N $A goes \"Wakka, wakka, wakka\"",}),1:({"$N $A go \"Wakka, wakka, wakka\" at $T","$N $A goes \"Wakka, wakka, wakka\" at $T",}),"verb":"lassondra",]),"cackle":([4:"gleefully",2:({"$N cackle $A","$N cackles $A",}),1:({"$N cackle at $T $A","$N cackles at $T $A",}),]),"peer":([2:({"$N peer around the room $A","$N peers around the room $A",}),1:({"$N peer at $T $A","$N peers at $T $A",}),"verb":"peer",]),"shake":([5:({"yes","no","all around","up and down",}),2:({"$N shake your head $A","$N shakes $NP head $A",}),1:({"$N shake hands $A with $T","$N shakes hands $A with $T",}),"verb":"shake",]),"throw":([3:({"You throw a total temper tantrum","$N throws a total temper tantrum",}),2:({"You $A throw a total temper tantrum","$N $A throws a total temper tantrum",}),1:({"You throw at temper tantrum over $T","$N throws a temper tantrum over $T",}),"verb":"throw",]),"cough":([4:"loudly",2:({"$N cough $A","$N coughs $A",}),1:({"$N cough on $T $A","$N coughs on $T $A",}),"verb":"cough",]),"sniff":([2:({"$N sniff $A","$N sniffs $A",}),1:({"$N sniff $A at $T","$N sniffs $A at $T",}),"verb":"sniff",]),"shyeah":([3:({"$N scream, 'Shyeah! And monkeys might fly out of my butt!'","$N screams, 'Shyeah! And monkeys might fly out of my butt!'",}),2:({"$N $A scream, 'Shyeah! And monkeys might fly out of my butt!'","$N $A screams, 'Shyeah! And monkeys might fly out of my butt!'",}),1:({"$N scream 'Shyeah! And monkeys might fly out of my butt!' at $T","$N screams 'Shyeah! And monkeys might fly out of my butt!' at $T",}),"verb":"shyeah",]),"headbutt":([1:({"$N headbutt $T $A","$N headbutts $T $A",}),"verb":"headbutt",]),"cringe":([4:"in terror",2:({"$N cringe $A","$N cringes $A",}),1:({"$N cringe from $T $A","$N cringes from $T $A",}),"verb":"cringe",]),"daydream":([5:({"*",}),3:({"$N daydream","$N daydreams",}),2:({"$N daydream $A","$N daydreams $A",}),"verb":"daydream",]),"thank":([2:({"$N are $A thankful","$N is $A thankful",}),1:({"$N thank $T $A","$N thanks $T $A",}),"verb":"thank",]),"scratch":([5:({"like a monkey",}),2:({"$N scratch your head $A","$N scratches $NP head $A",}),1:({"$N scratch $TA back $A","$N scratches $TA back $A",}),"verb":"scratch",]),"jump":([4:"excitedly",2:({"$N jump up and down $A","$N jumps up and down $A",}),1:({"$N jump up and down $A on $T","$N jumps up and down $A on $T",}),"verb":"jump",]),"grimace":([2:({"$N grimace $A","$N grimaces $A",}),"verb":"grimace",]),"shrug":([4:"noncommittally",3:({"$N shrug $A","$N shrugs $A",}),2:({"$N shrug $A","$N shrugs $A",}),1:({"$N shrug $A at $T","$N shrugs $A at $T",}),"verb":"shrug",]),"giggle":([4:"mirthfully",2:({"$N giggle $A","$N giggles $A",}),1:({"$N giggle $A at $T","$N giggles $A at $T",}),]),"gasp":([4:"in shock",2:({"$N gasp $A","$N gasps $A",}),1:({"$N gasp $A at $T","$N gasps $A at $T",}),"verb":"gasp",]),"stumble":([3:({"$N stumble around the room","$N stumbles around the room",}),2:({"$N stumble $A","$N stumbles $A",}),1:({"$N stumble $A over $T","$N stumbles $A over $T",}),"verb":"stumble",]),"whimper":([3:({"$N whimper","$N whimpers",}),2:({"$N whimper $A","$N whimpers $A",}),"verb":"whimper",]),"slap":([8:"on the",6:({"shuddup","butt","nose","arm","head","leg","hand","cheek",}),5:({"silly",}),3:({"$N slap your forehead","$N slaps $NP forehead",}),2:({"$N slap yourself $A $X","$N slaps $NR $A $X",}),1:({"$N slap $T $A $X","$N slaps $T $A $X",}),"verb":"slap",]),"ignore":([3:({"$N ignore the world","$N ignores the world",}),1:({"$N ignore $T $A","$N ignores $T $A",}),"verb":"ignore",]),"weep":([4:"uncontrolably",3:({"$N weep $A","$N weeps $A",}),2:({"$N weep $A","$N weeps $A",}),1:({"$N weep $A at $T","$N weeps $A at $T",}),"verb":"weep",]),"fume":([4:"quietly",2:({"$N fume $A","$N fumes $A",}),1:({"$N fume $A at $T","$N fumes $A at $T",}),"verb":"fume",]),"greet":([4:"happily",1:({"$N greet $T $A","$N greets $T $A",}),"verb":"greet",]),"eye":([4:"curiously",2:({"$N eye $NR over $A","$N eyes $NR over $A",}),1:({"$N eye $T over $A","$N eyes $T over $A",}),"verb":"eye",]),"grumble":([4:"halfheartedly",2:({"$N grumble $A","$N grumbles $A",}),1:({"$N grumble at $T $A","$N grumbles at $T $A",}),"verb":"grumble",]),"enchant":([8:0,7:"beauty",6:({"nostrils","kneck","arm","lip","thigh","toe","eyelashes","elbows","foot","belly button","leg","eyebrow","knee","cheeks","ears","thighs","eyes","nostril","back","hands","lips","fingers","finger","eyelash","elbow","feet","belly","eye","legs","throat","arms","cheek","nose","hips","beauty","toes","rump","hand","eyebrows","knees","bottom","ear","hip","hair","chest","tooth","teeth","grin","smile","muscle","muscles",}),3:({"$N enchant everyone with $NP $X","$N enchants you with $NP $X",}),2:({"$N $A enchant everyone with $NP $X","$N $A enchants you with $NP $X",}),1:({"$N $A enchant $T with $NP $X","$N $A enchants $T with $NP $X",}),"verb":"enchant",]),"tickle":([4:"mercilessly",1:({"$N tickle $T $A","$N tickles $T $A",}),"verb":"tickle",]),"twitch":([2:({"$N twitch $A","$N twitches $A",}),"verb":"twitch",]),])