 * ResortMUD 4.0 Beta by Ntanel, Garinan, Badastaz, Josh, Digifuzz, Senir,  *
 * Kratas, Scion, Shogar and Tagith.  Special thanks to Thoric, Nivek,      *
 * Altrag, Arlorn, Justice, Samson, Dace, HyperEye and Yakkov.              *
 * Copyright (C) 1996 - 2001 Haslage Net Electronics: MudWorld              *
 * of Lorain, Ohio - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED                                    *
 * The text and pictures of this publication, or any part thereof, may not  *
 * be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or  *
 * mechanical, includes photocopying, recording, storage in a information   *
 * retrieval system, or otherwise, without the prior written or e-mail      *
 * consent from the publisher.                                              *
 * GREETING must mention ResortMUD programmers and the help file named      *
 * CREDITS must remain completely intact as listed in the SMAUG license.    *

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "mud.h"
extern bool wizlock;

void do_iscore( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
   char buf[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];

   if( IS_NPC( ch ) )
      do_oldscore( ch, argument );

   set_pager_color( AT_SCORE, ch );
   pager_printf_color( ch, "\r\n&cImmortal Data: &W%s&c.\r\n", ch->name );

   if( get_trust( ch ) != ch->level )
      pager_printf( ch, "&cYou are trusted at level &W%d&c.\r\n", get_trust( ch ) );

   send_to_pager_color( "&B----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );

   if( IS_IMMORTAL( ch ) )
      pager_printf_color( ch, "&cLevel : &W%-6d      &cClass : &W%-10.10s      &cPlayed: &W%d hours\r\n",
                          ch->level, capitalize( get_class( ch ) ), ( get_age( ch ) - 17 ) * 2 );
      pager_printf_color( ch, "&cYears : &W%-6d      &cRace  : &W%-10.10s      &cLog In: &W%s\r\n",
                          get_age( ch ), capitalize( get_race( ch ) ), ctime( &( ch->logon ) ) );

      send_to_pager_color( "&B----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );

      pager_printf_color( ch, "&RBamfin : &p%s\r\n", ( ch->pcdata->bamfin[0] != '\0' )
                          ? ch->pcdata->bamfin : "Not changed/Switched." );
      pager_printf( ch, "&RBamfout: &p%s\r\n", ( ch->pcdata->bamfout[0] != '\0' )
                    ? ch->pcdata->bamfout : "Not changed/Switched." );

      if( ch->pcdata->area )
         send_to_pager_color( "&B----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );
         pager_printf( ch,
                       "&RVnums  : &pRoom &W(&R%-5.5d &Y- &R%-5.5d&W)   &pObject &W(&R%-5.5d &Y- &R%-5.5d&W)   &pMob &W(&R%-5.5d &Y- &R%-5.5d&W)\r\n",
                       ch->pcdata->area->low_r_vnum, ch->pcdata->area->hi_r_vnum, ch->pcdata->area->low_o_vnum,
                       ch->pcdata->area->hi_o_vnum, ch->pcdata->area->low_m_vnum, ch->pcdata->area->hi_m_vnum );
         pager_printf( ch, "&p         Area Loaded &W[%s&W]\r\n",
                       ( IS_SET( ch->pcdata->area->status, AREA_LOADED ) ) ? "&GYES" : "&RNO" );
      send_to_pager_color( "&B----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", ch );

      sprintf( buf,
               "&cHolylight: %3s    &cInvis: %3s &c[&W%2d&c]    &cIncog: %3s &c[&W%2d&c]    &cGhost: %3s &c[&W%2d&c]\r\n",
               xIS_SET( ch->act, PLR_HOLYLIGHT ) ? "&GON&c " : "&ROFF&c", xIS_SET( ch->act,
                                                                                   PLR_WIZINVIS ) ? "&GON&c " : "&ROFF&c",
               ch->pcdata->wizinvis, ch->incog_level > 0 ? "&GON&c " : "&ROFF&c", ch->incog_level,
               ch->ghost_level > 0 ? "&GON&c " : "&ROFF&c", ch->ghost_level );
      pager_printf( ch, buf );

      sprintf( buf, "&cWizlock  : %s\r\n", wizlock == TRUE ? "&GON&c " : "&ROFF&c" );
      pager_printf( ch, buf );

   send_to_pager( "\r\n", ch );

 * Incognito is a level based command. Once cloaked,
 * all players up to the level set will not be able
 * to see you, unless they are in the same room.
 * -Froboz
void do_incognito( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
   int level;
   char arg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

   one_argument( argument, arg );

    * Defaults to Players max_level 
   if( arg[0] == '\0' )
      if( ch->incog_level )
         ch->incog_level = 0;
         act( AT_BLUE, "$n is no longer cloaked.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
         send_to_char( "You are no longer cloaked.\r\n", ch );
         ch->incog_level = get_trust( ch );
         ch->ghost_level = 0;
         act( AT_BLUE, "$n cloaks $s presence.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
         send_to_char( "You cloak your presence.\r\n", ch );
    * do the level thing 
      level = atoi( arg );
      if( level < 2 || level > get_trust( ch ) )
         send_to_char( "Incog level must be between 2 and your level.\r\n", ch );
         ch->reply = NULL;
         ch->incog_level = level;
         ch->ghost_level = 0;
         act( AT_BLUE, "$n cloaks $s presence.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
         send_to_char( "You cloak your presence.\r\n", ch );


 * Ghost hides the immortal in the room they are
 * standing.  They still show up on who.
 * -Froboz
void do_ghost( CHAR_DATA * ch, char *argument )
   int level;
   char arg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

   one_argument( argument, arg );

   if( arg[0] == '\0' )
       * take the default path 
      if( ch->ghost_level )
         ch->ghost_level = 0;
         act( AT_WHITE, "$n steps out from the mist.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
         send_to_char( "You step out from the mist.\r\n", ch );
         ch->ghost_level = get_trust( ch );
         ch->incog_level = 0;
         act( AT_WHITE, "$n vanishes into a mist.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
         send_to_char( "You vanish into a mist.\r\n", ch );
       * do the level thing 
      level = atoi( arg );
      if( level < 2 || level > get_trust( ch ) )
         send_to_char( "Ghost level must be between 2 and your level.\r\n", ch );
         ch->reply = NULL;
         ch->ghost_level = level;
         ch->incog_level = 0;
         act( AT_WHITE, "$n vanishes into a mist.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
         send_to_char( "You vanish into a mist.\r\n", ch );
