#AREA   Pixie Forest~

#AUTHOR Caine~

1 5 0 60

#RESETMSG A pixie pops into view then flutters away, giggling...~

0 5

#ECONOMY 0 14805000

#CLIMATE 2 2 2

brown forest bear~
a forest bear~
A brown forest bear casually strolls through his wooded domain.
This large fellow, a forest dweller, has brown fur which matches his brown
eyes - which very nearly match his yellowish-brown teeth, which he looks to
be interested in matching with your neck, skull and other parts.  The
undisputed ruler of this forest, he is arrogant in his disdain of
your presence.
65 0 0 C
7 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
24 3 0 0 512 513 0
0 0 263725 0 0 0 2 0
> fight_prog 15~
, spreads its jaws wide and nearly roars you backwards!
> death_prog 100~
mpe _yel As the bear breathes its last and collapses with a thud.
mpe _yel You notice one of its long, curved claws has fallen loose.
mpoload 2071
air sprite pixie~
an air sprite~
A minute air sprite darts about upon the currents of clear air.
You find it difficult to get a good look as the creature flies quickly
by, streaming what you could swear to be the pixie dust of myth behind
it as it bobs and darts about.
65 524296 0 C
3 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+1
1000 0
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
4 3 0 0 9 9 0
0 0 34543 0 0 0 0 2
> death_prog 100~
mpe _cya As the small creature plunges to the surface, a wing is torn off.
mpoload 2072
> fight_prog 20~
mpe _cya $I shrieks wildly through the air, trying to avoid harm.
quasit demon imp~
a demonic quasit imp~
A quasit imp lurks through the shadows along the ground.
This little (relatively) quasit appears to have taken over a small cave
within the pixie forest.  His leathery grey skin, horns, bony frame and
spiked tail mark him as a minor demon, perhaps here of his own accord,
or perhaps to keep a watchful eye on the forest's creatures...
3 0 -1000 C
5 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
1500 0
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
85 3 0 0 9 9 0
0 0 1115887 0 2048 0 0 2
> death_prog 100~
mpe _red As the foul imp perishes, a small object slips its grasp...
mpoload 2070
> fight_prog 15~
mpe $I's shriek resounds through the cave!
water pixie sprite~
a water pixie~
A water pixie frolics and dances along the water.
A lithe water sprite dances upon the surface here, enjoying your presence
with a delightful laugh... oblivious to the danger you present.
3 524288 0 C
4 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
1000 0
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
4 3 0 0 9 9 0
0 0 34543 0 2048 0 0 2
> death_prog 100~
mpe _cya $I collapses into the water, forming a circle of liquid.
mpoload 2073
> fight_prog 10~
mpe _cya $I releases a lash of iced-filled water from its outstretched hand!
mpdamage $n 3

pearl black~
a black pearl~
A strange black pearl seems to stare back at you.~
9 262208 16385
5 5 0 0
1 400 40
14 25
4 1
12 10
> use_prog 100~
mea 0.$n You wrap your palm tightly around the strange black pearl.
mer 0.$n $n wraps $s palm tightly around a strange black pearl.
claw forest bear~
the claw of a forest bear~
The giant claw of a forest bear draws your curiosity.~
5 262144 8193
0 0 0 5
1 0 0
5 2
1 1
crystal pixie wing~
a crystal pixie wing~
A crystal pixie wing flutters aimlessly.~
9 262208 65537
1 2 0 0
1 1 0
3 2
> use_prog 100~
mea 0.$n You affix a tiny wing of crystal to your earlobe.
mer 0.$n $n affixes a tiny wing of crystal to $s earlobe.
hoop water sprite ring~
a hoop of flowing water~
A ring formed from a circle of flowing water lies here.~
22 64 3
0 0 0 0
2 100 10
12 12
beaker plentiful potions potion~
a beaker of plentiful potions~
A mystical concoction is here waiting to be quaffed.~
10 64 1
10 -1 12 177
2 1500 150
'cure critical' 'armor' 'refresh'
pad paper~
A pad of paper~
A pad of paper rests upon a table here.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 0
10000 0 0
smooth waters water~
waters smooth as crystal~
Waters smooth as crystal absorb the ripples of your passage.~
25 1073741824 0
30000 30000 0 0
1 0 0

A small clearing~
You stand near the southwestern edge of a grassy clearing.  A slight 
breeze blows from the north, bending the blades of dark green grass
towards you.  The clearing continues to the east and to the north.
0 0 2
A small clearing
0 -1 2072
A small clearing
0 -1 2071
A small clearing~
You stand close to the southeastern edge of a grassy meadow.  A large
oak nearby casts a shadow over much of this section of the clearing.
The clearing continues to the north and to the west.
0 0 2
A small clearing
0 -1 2073
A small clearing
0 -1 2070
R M 0 2071 4 2071
tree oak~
This ancient oak casts a shadow across much of the southeastern section
of the clearing.  Upon close inspection you notice that the tree has many
hollows in it where some of the air sprites make their homes.
A small clearing~
You stand near the northwestern edge of the grassy clearing, a small
gust of wind from the north ruffles your clothing.  The clearing 
continues to the east and to the south.
0 0 2
A small clearing
0 -1 2073
A small clearing
0 -1 2070
A small clearing~
You stand near the northeastern part of this grass filled meadow.  To
the north and east paths lead off into the forest.  The clearing itself
leads on to the south and west.
0 0 2
A path 
0 -1 2075
A path
0 -1 2074
A small clearing
0 -1 2071
A small clearing
0 -1 2072
A junction in the forest path~
You have reached a cross of trails leading in four directions.  A clearing
can be seen to the west, and pathways wander off into the forest to the
northeast, southeast and north.  From somewhere above, a beam of light
shines down.
0 0 3
A path
0 -1 2076
A small clearing
0 -1 2073
A further bend in the path.
0 -1 2099
A curve in the forest trail.
0 -1 21404
A path through the forest~
The dirt path you are following through this light forest continues
to the east and to the south.
0 0 3
A path
0 -1 2076
A small clearing
0 -1 2073
A path through the forest~
The path you are following through the forest leads to the north, south
and west.  The woods north of here seem a bit darker then the rest of
the woods.
0 0 3
A small clearing
0 -1 2084
A path
0 -1 2074
A path
0 -1 2075
A path through the forest~
The dirt path through this forest continues to the east and south.  The
footprint of a large animal can be made out where the creature once 
stepped in some mud which has now dried.
0 0 3
An intersection in the path
0 -1 2078
A path
0 -1 2099
You recognize the track as belonging to a brown forest bear, whom
are normally quite docial in this neck of the woods.
An intersection in the path~
The forest path splits off to the north here.  The original trail 
leads to the east and west.
0 0 3
A path
0 -1 2086
A path
0 -1 2079
A path
0 -1 2077
A path through thicker foliage~
The path through the forest here is crowded in upon by the density
of tree growth.  The path leads to the north and west and a small
opening in a cliff face can be seen to the east.
0 0 3
A path
0 -1 2087
Too dark to tell
0 -1 2080
An intersection in the path
0 -1 2078
Within a cave~
You stand within a crevice that leads out into the forest westwards
and deeper into the darkness eastwards.  The odor of a predator
lingers in the air here.
0 0 3
Too dark to tell
0 -1 2081
A path
0 -1 2079
Within a cozy cave~
The cave continues to the north and west here with the stone walls showing
signs of wear from constant claw marks.
0 9 0
Too dark to tell
0 -1 2089
Too dark to tell
0 -1 2080
Deep inside a damp cave~
Here, deep within the cave, is the decrepit lair of something small.
Small and ugly and cruel.  The cave floor is littered with the bones
of small rodents and other creatures, and a dark presence seems to
loom over the entire cavern.
0 1049097 13
Too dark to tell
0 -1 2083
R M 0 2072 1 2082
Inside a damp cave~
The tight, damp cave seems to have no walls, the shadows eagerly devouring
what little light there is.  The darkness continues to the west, while a
faint ray of light marks the entrance to the east.
0 9 13
A dark clearing
0 -1 2084
Too dark to tell
0 -1 2082
A dark clearing outside a cave~
The grass in this clearing has been trampled down by cloven feet.  The
cave to the west is dark and emits a putrid stench.  Undoubtedly, there
is some evil afoot within this sanctuary of peaceful creatures.  Paths
lead on into the forest to the north and to the south.
0 0 4
A small pond
0 -1 2090
A path
0 -1 2076
Too dark to tell
0 -1 2083
A grassy beach~
The grass of this beach is soft, warm and dry, and the ground seems to
emanate a natural heat, warming your being.  A small pond spreading to
the north looks to be an inviting place to relax and bathe, and a path
enters the forest to the east.
0 0 2
A small pond
0 -1 2091
A path
0 -1 2086
A path through the forest~
The forest path continues to the north and to the south.  Westwards
a grassy beach can be seen bordering a small pond.
0 0 3
A dense forest path
0 -1 2092
An intersection in the path
0 -1 2078
A grassy beach
0 -1 2085
A path through the forest~
The trees grow less dense on this north and south bound path. To the
east a cavern entrance can be seen.
0 0 3
A path
0 -1 2093
Before a cave entrance
0 -1 2088
A path
0 -1 2079
Before a cave entrance~
You stand upon a slab of grey stone.  A path leads into the pixie forest
to the west and the darker regions of a cave lie to the east.
0 0 3
Too dark to tell
0 -1 2089
A path
0 -1 2087
Within a cozy cave~
You stand within a rather comfortable cave.  The cavern leads off to the
north and south with the entrance to the west.  A few dried fish skeletons
litter the ground, too frail to pick up.
0 9 0
Too dark to tell
0 -1 2095
Too dark to tell
0 -1 2081
0 -1 2088
On a small pond~
You stand in the southwestern portion of a small pond, shallow enough
that the cool water comes only up to your waist even at its deepest.
The pond leads to the north and east while a path leads to south
unto higher, green grounds.
0 0 2
A small pond
0 -1 2096
A small pond
0 -1 2091
A dark clearing
0 -1 2084
R M 0 2073 2 2090
  R G 1 2074 1
R O 0 2076 1 2090
On a small pond~
You wade just inside the southeastern portion of this small, beautiful
pond.  To the south a grassy beach sprawls invitingly, while the pond
itself continues to curve to the north and to west.
0 0 2
A small pond
0 -1 2097
A grassy beach
0 -1 2085
A small pond
0 -1 2090
R O 0 2076 1 2091
A path through thick foliage~
The path continues to the north, east and south.  The sound of chimes
can be heard from the north, enticing you to explore further in that
0 0 3
Too dense to see through the foliage
0 -1 2098
A path
0 -1 2093
A path
0 -1 2086
A turn in the path~
The path through the forest continues to the south and to the west.  A
tree near the path has a number of claw markings upon its surface.
0 0 3
A path
0 -1 2087
Dense foliage
0 -1 2092
tree claw markings scratches~
Great gashes have been made vertically in this tree by the claws of a large
The bear's sleeping area~
You have entered the lair of a family of brown bears.  The atmosphere
is one of peace an tranquility.  Surprisingly the floor is clean and
free of any remains from previous dinners.
0 9 0
Too ark to tell
0 -1 2095
R M 0 2070 1 2094
A bend in the cave~
The cave continues to the south and west here.  A small spring runs along
the northern wall offering clean drinking water.
0 9 0
Too dark to tell
0 -1 2089
Too dark to tell
0 -1 2094
On a small pond~
You wade through the northwestern portion of a small pond.  The light blue
waters seem to make your reflection look somehow more youthful.  The pond
and its strange, shallow waters continue to the east and south, while a
small pathway to the northeast meanders to the top of a distant hill.
0 0 2
A small pond
0 -1 2097
A small pond
0 -1 2090
0 -1 2492
R O 0 2076 1 2096
Your reflection seems to depict you as you were at the age of twenty.
On a small pond~
You stand knee-deep in the northeastern portion of a small pond, stirring
its sandy bottom into the water, turning it ever murkier with each of your
footsteps.  The pond curves around to the south and to the west.
0 0 2
A small pond
0 -1 2091
A small pond
0 -1 2096
R M 0 2073 2 2097
  R G 1 2074 1
  R E 1 2073 1 2
R O 0 2076 1 2097
The crystaline grove~
You have entered a truly remarkable portion of the forest for every
tree, leaf, blade of grass is made of a prismatic crystal.  The light
from above is separated to form an elegant display of natural colors.
You fear stepping off the stone path, thinking that you may accidentally
destroy the fine balance of crystaline beauty.
0 3145740 3
Dense foliage
0 -1 2092
A bend in the path~
The forest path turns here leading to the north and to the west.  The
dirt seems very solid, as if used quite frequently.
0 0 3
A path
0 -1 2077
A junction in the forest.
0 -1 2074



M  2070 spec_fido
