#AREA   Dwarven Daycare~

#AUTHOR Sandman~

1 5 0 60

#RESETMSG You hear a small child scream for his mommy.~

0 5

#ECONOMY 0 19976800

#CLIMATE 2 2 2

dwarven child~
a dwarven child~
A dwarven child runs around, wreaking havoc everywhere.
This is a young but not totally harmless creature.
69 0 -5 C
3 17 6 1d4+30 1d3+6
300 400
112 112 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
2 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1231 0 0 0 0 0
dwarven youth~
a dwarven youth~
A dwarven youth slouches here, trying to avoid her chores.
This young woman seems quite discontent about the fact that she has to
clean up after all these brats.
69 0 500 C
3 19 9 3d5+20 2d3+2
450 75
112 112 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
2 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1031 0 0 0 0 0
dwarven baby~
a dwarven baby~
A small dwarven baby sits here, sucking her thumb.
This small baby looks like she has been cared for with a lot of love.
69 0 300 C
2 18 9 2d5+19 1d5+1
150 200
112 112 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
2 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1039 0 0 0 0 0
toddler dwarven~
a dwarven toddler~
A dwarven toddler sits here, crying for his mommy.
The toddler looks at you with his baby blue eyes, and he doesn't look
like he could cause you any harm.
69 0 -300 C
3 18 7 3d5+26 2d3+2
100 300
112 112 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
2 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 207 0 0 0 0 0
bear ugly stuffed~
an ugly stuffed bear~
An ugly stuffed bear stares at you through glass eyes.
This is obviously a reject from the factory.
He snarls and growls at you.
69 32768 -400 C
3 17 6 3d4+25 1d3+6
300 300
112 112 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
24 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1038 0 0 0 0 0
old doll~
an old doll~
A worn out old doll flops here lifelessly.
This small baby looks like it has been cared for with plenty of love.
65 32768 -2 C
1 20 10 1d1+9 1d3+4
200 50
112 112 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
85 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1031 0 0 0 0 0
the mean old nanny~
A mean old nanny stands here, watching over the children.
You see an old dwarven lady who has been hunched over with age.  However, it
appears that there is still some fight left in her.
65 0 10 C
5 16 6 4d4+50 1d8+2
1000 750
112 112 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
2 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1231 0 0 0 0 0
> all_greet_prog 33~
if name ($n) == toddler dwarven
or name ($n) == dwarven baby
  , frowns and takes something from $N's mouth.
  if name ($n) == dwarven child
    mpecho $I spanks $N and gives him a nasty lecture.
    mpecho You're sure he deserved it.
knavish bully~
a knavish bully~
A knavish bully stands here, guarding the room to the south.
This is a big mean bully who is tired of being lost in this maze.
You suddenly think that you had better flee.
71 8 -800 C
4 9 2 3d5+50 3d2+3
2500 2000
112 112 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
2 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 207 0 0 0 0 0
brat spoiled~
a spoiled brat~
A spoiled brat sits in the corner, pouting.
You see a little tyke who has always gotten what he wanted.  You have the
biggest urge to put him out of his misery.
67 8 -400 C
6 18 9 2d5+65 1d3+8
2000 50
112 112 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
2 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1231 0 0 0 0 0
lady old cook~
an old cook~
An old lady stands here, slaving over the hot oven.
This old lady looks tired and haggard, perhaps from working in a kitchen
for too long.
3 0 200 C
3 0 0 2d5+30 2d2+3
1500 0
112 112 2
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
2 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 207 0 0 0 0 0
obnoxious dwarven boy~
an obnoxious dwarven boy~
A dwarven boy obnoxiously stamps his feet through the overflowing water.
This is a young but not totally harmless creature.
71 0 -5 C
3 17 6 1d4+30 1d3+6
300 400
112 112 1
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
2 3 0 0 5 5 0
0 0 1231 0 0 0 0 0
> rand_prog 5~
mpecho The boy slams his foot down, soaking your legs with fetid water.

axe toy~
a toy axe~
An axe made of plastic lies here.~
5 0 8193
0 2 8 0
15 600 60
ring pink ice~
a pink ice ring~
A pink ice ring draws your eye.~
9 0 3
1 0 0 0
8 7000 700
1 1
13 6
a small plaque~
A small plaque is affixed to the wall.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
Before you lies the Dwarven Daycare.  This area is intended for levels 1-5,
and may not offer too much for levels higher than that.
Enjoy the daycare, but watch out for the little anklebiters.
-- Vaiza, Renovator and member of the Area Council
swing swings swing-set~
a set of worn rope swings~
A set of rope swings twist lazily in the breeze.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
wooden seesaw see-saw~
a brightly painted wooden see-saw~
A wooden see-saw promises hours of simple-minded distraction.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
wooden bench~
a low wooden bench~
A low wooden bench offers respite for your aching feet.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
a large oak tree~
A large oak tree stands here, waiting for you to climb it.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
tree large oak~
This majestic tree seems to reach up to the clouds with its beauty.  Its
branches are so inviting, and you feel like you want to climb it.
robe linen~
a linen robe~
A linen robe is crumpled into a ball here.~
9 0 1025
1 0 0 0
5 4000 400
4 1
12 5
beanie multi-coloured~
a multi-coloured beanie~
A beanie of many colours has been dropped here.~
9 0 17
3 3 0 1
7 1450 145
5 1
2 1
13 8
ring frosty roseate~
a frosty roseate ring~
A frosty roseate ring catches your attention.~
9 64 3
0 0 0 0
8 15000 1500
1 1
13 6
12 6
saffron potion~
a saffron potion~
A saffron potion is delicately balanced on the floor here.~
10 1 1
30 -1 193 177
2 1500 150
'cure serious' 'shield' 'refresh'
pop gun~
a pop gun~
A small pop gun lays here unattended.~
5 0 8193
0 0 0 0
12 750 75
sticky pacifier~
a sticky pacifier~
A sticky pacifier sits here, waiting to be sucked.~
5 0 8193
0 2 3 12
5 1700 170
shawl woolen~
a woolen shawl~
A delicate woolen shawl has been carelessly dropped here.~
9 0 1025
1 0 0 0
5 4000 400
4 1
12 12
13 5
saltine dry~
a dry saltine~
A crumbly saltine is here, waiting to be stepped on.~
%s noisily eat$q $p.~
19 0 1
15 0 0 0
5 15 1
steak rotten~
a rotten steak~
A dry steak lies on the floor.~
19 1073741824 17
4 0 0 1
5 14 1
potion amber~
an amber potion~
An amber potion sits in a corner.~
10 0 1
30 -1 12 -1
1 1500 150
'cure light' 'armor' 'NONE'
gun toy~
a toy gun~
A toy gun with a sharp bayonet lies here.~
5 0 8193
0 2 3 7
5 1700 170

The Dwarven Drop Off~
You stand within a short tunnel carved into the hillside, and which leads
south to the Dwarven Dropoff.  Built beneath the earth, a place of preference
and safety for dwarves, this is where the dwarven mothers and fathers come
to drop off their annoying little brats.  You can hear screams and wails
coming from the south, and you suddenly feel the urge to leave.  There
is a small sign on the tunnel wall, with a small plaque below it.
0 12 0
You see the cloakroom.
1 -1 6617
The tunnel opens to a path before the dwarven settlement.
0 -1 6500
This is an area for newbies, so have fun.  -- Sandman
Before you lies the Dwarven Daycare.  This area is intended for levels 1-5,
and may not offer too much for levels higher than that.
Enjoy the daycare, but watch out for the little anklebiters.
-- Vaiza, Renovator and member of the Area Council
Entrance to the Day Care~
You have entered into north-east corner of the dwarven daycare.  As you 
look around, you can see toddlers running and playing.  There are toys
and dolls scattered about the room, and the room itself is quite dirty.
Your nostrils are filled with the scent of food which wafts in from the
kitchen to the east.  A small gate guards the exit north to freedom.
0 8 0
You see a darkened cloakroom.
3 -1 6617
You see an extremely messy kitchen.
0 -1 6626
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6604
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6632
R D 0 6602 0 1
Day Care Center~
You stand in the north-west corner of the dwarven daycare.  As you
try to make a path through the toys at your feet, you give up and
just walk over them.  Toddlers begin to wreak havoc on your legs 
and you try to shake some off that have clung to your ankles.
0 8 0
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6632
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6605
You see a messy bathroom.
0 -1 6606
R M 0 6605 2 6603
  R E 1 6631 1 1
Day Care Center~
As you walk through the daycare, the toddlers seem to get a little more
aggravating.  The floor seems to be lost in the sea of toys everywhere,
and you try to find a path that will lead you out of the chaos.  There
is a small staircase to the east.
0 8 0
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6602
You see a small wooden staircase.
0 -1 6607
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6636
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6633
R M 0 6604 2 6604
Day Care Center~
You carefully weave your way through the masses of toys and children
in the daycare.  The little anklebiters are still attached to your legs
and you try in vain to shake them off.  There is a small tunnel to the
west that leads to an open-air playground.  Perhaps if you run in that
direction, the kids will let go of your appendages.
0 8 0
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6603
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6633
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6634
You see a well worn path leading to the playground.
0 -1 6637
R M 0 6601 2 6605
  R G 1 6632 1
Inside a Filthy Bathroom~
You plug your nose as you enter the rancid bathroom.  The walls are stained
and there is no evidence that this room has been cleaned in a very long time.
Bath toys are scattered everywhere, and water leaks freely from rotting
wood tubs and cracked stone basins.
0 8 0
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6603
R M 0 6602 2 6606
  R E 1 6634 1 16
R M 0 6604 2 6606
R M 0 6610 1 6606
Atop the Rickety Stairs~
You stand atop a wooden staircase which leads downwards.  The steps
seem rickety and unstable, but they look like they're able to hold
your weight.  You begin to wonder what mystery could lie down there.
0 8 0
0 -1 6604
You see the entrance to something.
0 -1 6612
The Playground~
You are in the north-east corner of the playground.  In front of you
is a comfortable looking wooden bench which you can sit on and take
a breath from the kids.  You can hear the pleasant sound of birds
singing, but their melodies are soon drowned out by the grating
sound of screaming children.
0 0 0
You see the playground.
0 -1 6610
You see the playground.
0 -1 6639
R M 0 6601 2 6608
  R G 1 6632 1
R O 0 6619 1 6608
The Playground~
You are in the north-west corner of the playground.  Standing before
you is a brightly painted wooden see-saw, teetering and tottering back
and forth.  Children frollick all about you, and the sound of their play
is so comforting.  At least they're not clinging to your legs anymore.
0 0 0
You see the playground.
0 -1 6639
You see the playground.
0 -1 6611
R M 0 6603 2 6609
R O 0 6618 1 6609
The Playground~
You are in the south-east corner of the playground.  Before you is a
large oak tree that seems to reach up to the sky.  Lush green grass 
tickles your ankles, and you can see remnants of wild flowers which
have been trampled upon by the toddlers.
0 0 0
You see the playground.
0 -1 6608
You see a well worn path leading to the daycare.
0 -1 6637
You see the playground.
0 -1 6638
You see the large oak tree.
65664 -1 6620
R O 0 6620 1 6610
The Playground~
You are in the south-west corner of the playground.  Before you stands
a large set of swings tethered by old, worn rope.  The swings sway in
the wind, beckoning you to sit upon them.  The sun beams brightly upon
your head, making you almost forget the chaos that surrounds you.
0 0 0
You see the playground.
0 -1 6609
You see the playground.
0 -1 6638
R M 0 6606 2 6611
  R E 1 6635 1 12
  R G 1 6644 1
R O 0 6617 1 6611
Foot of the Stairs~
You stand in the entrance to a small, but confusing maze.  The area is
dark, but there is still enough light to see by.  You really hope that
you don't get lost in here.
0 13 2
You see a small passage.
0 -1 6613
You see some stairs.
0 -1 6607
Lost in a mini-maze~
You stand in a small passage that looks like every other passage in
this maze.  The area is still quite dim, but your eyes seem to be
adjusting to it.
0 9 2
You see a small passage.
0 -1 6615
You see a small passage.
0 -1 6614
You see a small passage.
0 -1 6612
R R 0 6613 4
Lost in a mini-maze~
You stand in a small passage that looks like every other passage in
this maze.  The area is still quite dim, but your eyes seem to be
adjusting to it.
0 9 2
You see a small passage.
0 -1 6613
You see a small passage.
0 -1 6616
R R 0 6614 4
Lost in a mini-maze~
You stand in a small passage that looks like every other passage in
this maze.  The area is still quite dim, but your eyes seem to be
adjusting to it.
0 9 2
You see a small passage.
0 -1 6613
You see a small passage.
0 -1 6616
R R 0 6615 4
Lost in a mini-maze~
You stand in a small passage that looks like every other passage in
this maze.  The area is still quite dim, but your eyes seem to be
adjusting to it.
0 9 2
You see a small passage.
0 -1 6614
You see a small passage.
0 -1 6615
The end of the mini-maze.
0 -1 6624
R R 0 6616 4
A Darkened Cloakroom~
Before you lies a pile of child-sized coats and boots.  The room is
quite dark, and a musty smell wafts in the air.  Ahead, there is a
small wooden gate blocking you from the daycare.  Presumably, this 
gate is to guard all of the dwarven children from the real world.
0 12 0
You see the Dwarven Drop Off.
0 -1 6601
Beyond the small gate you see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
3 -1 6602
R D 0 6617 2 1
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1
At the top of the tree~
After a swift climb, you have reached the top of the majestic oak tree.
As you look around, you can see the town of Darkhaven, and all of the
people moving in it.  The air is very clean up here, and the leaves of
the tree graze across your face.
0 4 2
You see the playground.
0 -1 6610
Near the End~
You made it through the maze, and you stand at the end of your journey.
The area is still quite dim, but there seems to be a light coming from
the south.  The is a scribbled sign here.
0 9 2
You see a small passage.
0 -1 6616
The end?
0 -1 6631
R M 0 6607 1 6624
If you are not level 5 or above, you should think twice about going south!
The room could be dangerous...
A Filthy Kitchen~
You stand in the middle of the kitchen and eating area of the daycare
centre.  Food is sprayed all over the walls, and copper pots and pans
are strewn in every direction.  Grubby fingerprints cover nearly every
surface here, and the stench of rotten food makes your stomach churn.
0 8 0
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6602
R M 0 6603 2 6626
R M 0 6609 1 6626
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1
Last Stop~
You have reached the final part of your journey.  This is a room where
all the bad kids go to think about what they've done.  There is a small
wooden stool in the corner, and a dunce-cap lays nearby.  
0 9 2
End of the mini-maze.
0 -1 6624
R M 0 6608 1 6631
  R E 1 6630 1 6
Day Care Center~
As you walk through the daycare, you can see children screaming and
running everywhere.  Toys are strewn all around the room, and you
step all over them, tripping over them at times.  The daycare
continues to the east, south and west.
0 4 1
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6602
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6633
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6603
R M 0 6600 3 6632
  R E 1 6633 1 16
Day Care Center~
As you continue through the daycare, children start babbling nonsense
to you.  In an effort to escape the madness, you thrash through the
masses of toys on the ground, only to find yourself making the mess
0 8 0
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6632
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6604
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6635
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6605
Day Care Center~
You are in the south-west corner of the daycare.  This area of the
centre seems more subdued, though it is still messy.  Many of the
children seem to stay away from this corner, as it is rumoured that
the wicked old nanny visits here often.
0 8 0
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6605
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6635
R M 0 6606 2 6634
  R E 1 6635 1 12
  R G 1 6644 1
Day Care Center~
As you wander through the messy daycare, you start to get a little
nervewracked by all of the children screaming and clinging at your
lower appendages.  The floor seems to get messier and messier by the
second, and you wish you could escape this chaos.
0 8 0
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6633
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6636
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6634
R M 0 6600 3 6635
  R E 1 6633 1 16
R M 0 6605 2 6635
  R E 1 6631 1 1
Day Care Center~
You are in the south-east corner of the daycare.  Before you is a large
easel and a pile of watercolour paints.  You suddenly get the urge to
plop down in the small wooden chair and paint to your heart's content,
but you're a little afraid that the mean old nanny would catch you.
0 8 0
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6604
You see a room full of children wreaking havoc.
0 -1 6635
R M 0 6602 2 6636
  R E 1 6634 1 16
A well worn path~
As you walk along this well trodden path, you can see the daycare to the
east and the playground to the west.  You can hear laughter of the children
coming from both directions, but the fresh air outside seems more inviting.
The sun shines on your head, and the lush green grass sways at your feet.
0 0 0
You see the daycare.
0 -1 6605
You see the playground.
0 -1 6610
The Playground~
As you walk through the playground, the sound of children playing
fills your ears with delight.  The air smells much fresher than the
air in the daycare, and the feeling of the grass upon your heels is
quite refreshing.
0 0 0
You see the playground.
0 -1 6639
You see the playground.
0 -1 6610
You see the playground.
0 -1 6611
R M 0 6600 3 6638
  R E 1 6633 1 16
The Playground~
As you continue walking through the playground, children hop to and
fro, giggling and frollicking.  The ground is moist, and what were 
once beautiful wild flowers are now stomped into a mixture of grass
and mud.
0 0 0
You see the playground.
0 -1 6608
You see the playground.
0 -1 6638
You see the playground.
0 -1 6609
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1
Floating in a void~
0 1073741828 1



M  6600 spec_thief
M  6603 spec_janitor
M  6605 spec_thief
M  6606 spec_cast_cleric
M  6608 spec_thief
M  6610 spec_thief
