
Uploaded: 10 Sep, 2006
Previous uploads by this submitter: 0

Author: Lydia Leong

Downloads: 64

MudCore Version 1.4 (Public Edition)

This is the MudCore Database Package, intended for use with TinyMUSH
3.0 and beyond. It expects the player_name_spaces configuration
directive to be turned off. It is currently being maintained by
Amberyl, who can be contacted at; any problems/bug
reports/improvements should be reported to her.

This is a starting database of fifty-five objects (#0 to #54). It
includes most basic core systems and globals that might be useful on a
MUSH, particularly a MUSH oriented towards roleplaying.

Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, by Lydia Leong.