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February 25 2008
exeter's Activity Feed
Commented in Has anyone see this warning before?
15 Aug, 2009
Commented in Python vs Ruby
15 Aug, 2009
Commented in Hard drive source?
15 Aug, 2009
Commented in Python vs Ruby
13 Aug, 2009
Commented in Python vs Ruby
12 Aug, 2009
Commented in Python vs Ruby
12 Aug, 2009
Commented in Safe port range for MUD servers?
12 Aug, 2009
Commented in Is LPC dead? (Not a troll)
25 Nov, 2008
Commented in glib?
15 Nov, 2008
Commented in glib?
15 Nov, 2008
Commented in Woe is me!
15 Nov, 2008
Commented in wish for a mud that is, for a mud that isn't
15 Nov, 2008
Commented in glib?
15 Nov, 2008
Commented in Speed tests to the MAX
12 Oct, 2008
Commented in Speed tests to the MAX
11 Oct, 2008