02 Dec, 2010, Antron wrote in the 1st comment:
Votes: 0
Hey Sharms,
Where are you camping out these days?
I just bought a crapbox oldy computer, with a nice 230GB hard drive. I slapped on ubuntu 10.10 server and an LVM and big old swap area. It's just sitting here, jacked in to my router with no keyboard or monitor… I took the liberty of setting up a dyndns for it: mudslinger.dyndns.org …

Anyway, didn't you have some sort of ROM deriv? I finally have a backup box I'm not using for anything else, I'd love to host you.

I will be trolling the last other MUD I've seen you on to find you,
my email address hasn't changed in 10 years, so you know how to contact me

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