#AREA       Darkhaven~
#AUTHOR     RoD~
#RANGES     0 100 0 100
#CLIMATE    2 2 2

Vnum        21000
Level       1
Name        healer cleric priestess~
Short       the cathedral priestess~
Long        A priestess of the cathedral bestows blessings from the altar.
Flags       npc sentinel pacifist~
Affected    detect_invis detect_hidden sanctuary truesight~
DefPosition standing~
Sex         female~
Hit         0 0
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Special     spec_cast_adept

Vnum        21001
Level       1
Name        wizard shopkeeper~
Short       the wizard shopkeeper~
Long        The wizard shopkeeper stands here.
Flags       npc sentinel pacifist~
Affected    detect_invis detect_hidden truesight~
DefPosition standing~
Sex         male~
Hit         0 0
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       13 13 13 13 13 13 13
NShop       120 90 0 23  wand staff~
NRepair     100 0 23  wand staff~

Vnum        21002
Level       1
Name        blacksmith~
Short       the blacksmith~
Long        The blacksmith stands here.
Flags       npc sentinel pacifist~
Affected    detect_invis detect_hidden truesight~
DefPosition standing~
Sex         male~
Hit         0 0
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       13 13 13 13 13 13 13
NRepair     100 0 23  light weapon armor container lockpick missileweapon quiver shovel keyring axe~

Vnum        21003
Level       1
Name        alchemist~
Short       the alchemist~
Long        The alchemist stands behind the counter.
Flags       npc sentinel pacifist~
Affected    detect_invis detect_hidden truesight~
DefPosition standing~
Sex         female~
Hit         0 0
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       13 13 13 13 13 13 13
NShop       120 90 0 23  potion~

Vnum        21004
Level       1
Name        scribe~
Short       the scribe~
Long        The scribe stands here.
Flags       npc sentinel pacifist~
Affected    detect_invis detect_hidden truesight~
DefPosition standing~
Sex         male~
Hit         0 0
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       13 13 13 13 13 13 13
NShop       120 90 0 23  scroll~

Vnum        21005
Level       1
Name        jeweler~
Short       the jeweler~
Long        The jeweler smiles warmly.
Flags       npc sentinel pacifist~
Affected    detect_invis detect_hidden truesight~
DefPosition standing~
Sex         female~
Hit         0 0
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       13 13 13 13 13 13 13

Vnum        21006
Level       100
Name        armourer~
Short       the armourer~
Long        The armourer is here fitting a mail helm.
Flags       npc sentinel pacifist~
Affected    detect_invis detect_hidden truesight~
DefPosition standing~
Sex         female~
Hit         0 0
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       125 125 125 125 125 125 125
NShop       120 90 0 23  armor~

Vnum        21007
Level       1
Name        smith weaponsmith~
Short       the weaponsmith~
Long        The weaponsmith labors over a length blade.
Flags       npc sentinel pacifist~
Affected    detect_invis detect_hidden truesight~
DefPosition standing~
Sex         male~
Hit         0 0
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       13 13 13 13 13 13 13
NShop       120 90 0 23  weapon missileweapon projectile quiver~

Vnum        21008
Level       1
Name        butcher~
Short       the butcher~
Long        A butcher greets you.
Flags       npc sentinel pacifist~
Affected    detect_invis detect_hidden truesight~
DefPosition standing~
Sex         male~
Hit         0 0
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       13 13 13 13 13 13 13
NShop       120 90 0 23  food cook fish~

Vnum        21009
Level       1
Name        baker~
Short       the baker~
Long        The baker is here, covered in flour.
Flags       npc sentinel pacifist~
Affected    detect_invis detect_hidden truesight~
DefPosition standing~
Sex         male~
Hit         0 0
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       13 13 13 13 13 13 13
NShop       120 90 0 23  food~

Vnum        21010
Level       1
Name        tailor~
Short       the tailor~
Long        The tailor is here, showing off his wares.
Flags       npc sentinel pacifist~
Affected    detect_invis detect_hidden truesight~
DefPosition standing~
Sex         male~
Hit         0 0
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       13 13 13 13 13 13 13
NShop       120 90 0 23  armor~

Vnum        21011
Level       10
Name        city guard~
Short       a city guard~
Long        A city guard is standing beside the gate.
Flags       npc sentinel~
Affected    detect_invis detect_hidden truesight~
Parts       head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
DefPosition standing~
Sex         male~
Hit         300 500
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       13 13 13 13 13 13 13

Vnum        21012
Level       5
Name        thief figure~
Short       a thief~
Long        A thief is wondering around looking for a something to steal.
Flags       npc stayarea~
Affected    detect_hidden sneak hide~
Parts       head arms legs heart brains guts hands feet fingers ear eye~
DefPosition standing~
Sex         male~
Hit         100 500
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Special     spec_thief

Vnum        21013
Level       3
Name        stray dog~
Short       a stray~
Long        A stray dog noses along the street.
Flags       npc stayarea~
Parts       head legs heart brains guts feet ear eye~
DefPosition standing~
Sex         female~
Hit         50 100
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       13 13 13 13 13 13 13
Special     spec_fido

Vnum        21014
Level       1
Name        hawk~
Short       the regal hawk~
Long        A proud hawk perches regally here, defiant to all.
Flags       npc sentinel pet~
Affected    detect_invis detect_hidden flying truesight~
Parts       head legs heart brains guts feet eye wings claws~
Attacks     claws~
Defenses    dodge~
DefPosition standing~
Hit         75 100
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       13 13 13 13 13 13 13

Vnum        21015
Level       1
Name        mare horse~
Short       the beautiful mare~
Long        A beautiful white mare slowly trots in a circle.
Flags       npc sentinel pet mountable~
Parts       head legs heart brains guts feet ear eye tail~
Resistant   cold~
Attacks     kick~
Defenses    dodge~
DefPosition standing~
Hit         100 150
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       13 13 13 13 13 13 13

Vnum        21016
Level       1
Name        stable keeper~
Short       the stable keeper~
Long        The stable keeper is tending to the animals.
Flags       npc sentinel pacifist~
Affected    detect_invis detect_hidden truesight~
DefPosition standing~
Sex         female~
Hit         2000 3000
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       13 13 13 13 13 13 13
NShop       120 90 0 23 ~

Vnum        21017
Level       1
Name        banker~
Short       the banker~
Long        The banker is busy tending to customers.
Flags       npc sentinel pacifist banker~
DefPosition standing~
Sex         female~
Hit         2000 3000
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       13 13 13 13 13 13 13

Vnum        21018
Level       1
Name        fisherman~
Short       a fisherman~
Long        A fisherman is busy tending to the store.
Flags       npc sentinel pacifist~
DefPosition standing~
Sex         male~
Hit         1000 2000
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       13 13 13 13 13 13 13
NShop       120 90 0 23 ~

Vnum        21019
Level       100
Name        undertaker~
Short       the undertaker~
Long        The undertaker is busy examining corpses.
Flags       npc sentinel pacifist undertaker~
DefPosition standing~
Sex         female~
Hit         20000 30000
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       125 125 125 125 125 125 125

Vnum        21020
Level       100
Name        questmaster~
Short       the questmaster~
Long        The questmaster is busy coming up with new quest for adventurers.
Flags       npc sentinel pacifist questgiver~
DefPosition standing~
Sex         female~
Hit         0 0
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       125 125 125 125 125 125 125

Vnum        21021
Level       1
Name        big rat~
Short       a big rat~
Long        A big rat is scouring for something to eat.
Flags       npc stayarea~
Affected    infrared~
DefPosition standing~
Hit         50 100
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       5 1 1 5 6 1 2

Vnum        21022
Level       4
Name        huge rat~
Short       a huge rat~
Long        A huge rat is scouring for something to eat.
Flags       npc stayarea~
Affected    infrared~
DefPosition standing~
Hit         100 125
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       7 1 1 7 8 1 2

Vnum        21023
Level       3
Name        bat~
Short       a bat~
Long        A bat is hanging from the ceiling.
Flags       npc stayarea~
Affected    infrared flying~
DefPosition standing~
Hit         50 100
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       2 1 1 8 5 1 2

Vnum        21024
Level       3
Name        spider~
Short       a spider~
Long        A spider is hanging around on its web.
Flags       npc stayarea~
Affected    infrared~
Attacks     bite~
DefPosition standing~
Hit         25 100
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       2 1 1 5 6 1 1

Vnum        21025
Level       3
Name        maggot~
Short       a maggot~
Long        A maggot is crawling around looking for something to eat.
Flags       npc stayarea~
Affected    infrared~
Attacks     bite~
DefPosition standing~
Hit         25 100
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       2 1 1 5 6 1 1

Vnum        21026
Level       3
Name        snake~
Short       a snake~
Long        A snake slithers its way through the sewer.
Flags       npc stayarea~
Affected    infrared~
Attacks     bite~
DefPosition standing~
Hit         25 100
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       2 1 1 5 6 1 1

Vnum        21199
Level       1
Name        last mob~
Short       A newly created last mob~
Long        Some god abandoned a newly created last mob here.
Flags       npc~
DefPosition standing~
Hit         0 0
Saves       0 0 0 0 0
Stats       13 13 13 13 13 13 13


Vnum     21000
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     potion violet glowing~
Short    a glowing violet potion~
A glowing violet potion has been carelessly left here.~
Type     potion~
Val0     25
Val1     53 'heal'
Val2     -1 'NONE'
Val3     -1 'NONE'
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     1000

Vnum     21001
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     potion purple glowing~
Short    a glowing purple potion~
A glowing purple potion has been carelessly left here.~
Type     potion~
Val0     25
Val1     21 'cure critical'
Val2     -1 'NONE'
Val3     -1 'NONE'
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     650

Vnum     21002
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     puce potion glowing~
Short    a glowing puce potion~
A glowing puce potion has been carelessly left here.~
Type     potion~
Val0     10
Val1     24 'cure serious'
Val2     -1 'NONE'
Val3     -1 'NONE'
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     240

Vnum     21003
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     potion maroon glowing~
Short    a glowing maroon potion~
A glowing maroon potion has been carelessly left here.~
Type     potion~
Val0     1
Val1     22 'cure light'
Val2     -1 'NONE'
Val3     -1 'NONE'
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     75

Vnum     21004
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     potion blue glowing~
Short    glowing blue potion~
A glowing blue potion has been carelessly left here.~
Type     potion~
Val0     22
Val1     72 'restore mana'
Val2     72 'restore mana'
Val3     -1 'NONE'
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     1250

Vnum     21005
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     scroll recall~
Short    recall scroll~
a scroll of recall has been carelessly left here.~
Type     scroll~
Val0     1
Val1     85 'word of recall'
Val2     -1 'NONE'
Val3     -1 'NONE'
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     20

Vnum     21006
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     tablet magical identify~
Short    a magical tablet~
A magical tablet has been carelessly left here.~
Type     scroll~
Val0     1
Val1     56 'identify'
Val2     -1 'NONE'
Val3     -1 'NONE'
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     40

Vnum     21007
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     scroll detect invis~
Short    a scroll of detect invisibility~
A scroll of detect invisibility has been carelessly left here.~
Type     scroll~
Val0     5
Val1     28 'detect invis'
Val2     -1 'NONE'
Val3     -1 'NONE'
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     200

Vnum     21008
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     salami~
Short    a slice of salami~
A slice of salami has been dropped here.~
Type     food~
Val0     1
Val1     10 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     5

Vnum     21009
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     beef~
Short    a big chunk of beef~
A large chunk of raw beef lies here.~
Type     food~
Val0     5
Val1     10 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     10

Vnum     21010
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     turkey~
Short    a cooked turkey~
A cooked bird, which looks quite edible, has been dropped here.~
Type     food~
Val0     10
Val1     10 
Val2     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     20

Vnum     21011
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     chocolate cake~
Short    a chocolate cake~
A large chocolate cake awaits someone to eat it.~
Type     food~
Val0     10
Val1     10 
Val2     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     15

Vnum     21012
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     loaf bread~
Short    a loaf of bread~
A scrumptious loaf of bread lies here.~
Type     food~
Val0     4
Val1     10 
Val2     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     15

Vnum     21013
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     cherry pie~
Short    a cherry pie~
A cherry pie makes your mouth water.~
Type     food~
Val0     4
Val1     10 
Val2     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     10

Vnum     21014
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     iron ring~
Short    an iron ring~
An iron ring has fallen here.~
Type     armor~
Wear     finger~
Val0     3
Val1     3 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     50

Vnum     21015
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     neck guard iron~
Short    an iron neck guard~
An iron neck guard has fallen here.~
Type     armor~
Wear     neck~
Val0     5
Val1     5 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     60

Vnum     21016
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     crested breastplate plate~
Short    a crested breastplate~
A crested breastplate has fallen here.~
Type     armor~
Wear     body~
Val0     6
Val1     6 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     100

Vnum     21017
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     iron helm~
Short    an iron helm~
An iron helm has fallen here.~
Type     armor~
Wear     head~
Val0     5
Val1     5 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     80

Vnum     21018
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     mail leggings~
Short    mail leggings~
A set of mail leggings has fallen here.~
Type     armor~
Flags    inventory~
Wear     legs~
Val0     4
Val1     4 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     30

Vnum     21019
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     black boots~
Short    black boots~
A set of black boots has fallen here.~
Type     armor~
Wear     feet~
Val0     4
Val1     4 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     20

Vnum     21020
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     chain sleeves~
Short    chain sleeves~
A set of chain sleeves has fallen here.~
Type     armor~
Wear     arms~
Val0     5
Val1     5 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     40

Vnum     21021
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     iron gauntlets~
Short    iron gauntlets~
Some iron gauntlets have fallen here.~
Type     armor~
Wear     hands~
Val0     5
Val1     5 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     40

Vnum     21022
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     iron bracer~
Short    an iron bracer~
An iron bracer has fallen here.~
Type     armor~
Wear     wrist~
Val0     4
Val1     4 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     10

Vnum     21023
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     iron shield~
Short    an iron shield~
An iron shield has fallen here.~
Type     armor~
Wear     hold~
Val0     7
Val1     7 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     60

Vnum     21024
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     iron visor~
Short    an iron visor~
An iron visor has fallen here.~
Type     armor~
Wear     eyes~
Val0     4
Val1     4 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     10

Vnum     21025
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     torch~
Short    a torch~
A plain wooden torch has been dropped here.~
Type     light~
Wear     hold~
Val0     10
Val1     10 
Val2     15 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1

Vnum     21026
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     wooden bow~
Short    a wooden bow~
A wooden bow has fallen here.~
Type     missileweapon~
Wear     hold~
Val0     12
Val1     1 
Val2     2 
Val3     13 
Val4     1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     30

Vnum     21027
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     sword longsword~
Short    a longsword~
A longsword has fallen here.~
Type     weapon~
Flags    metal~
Wear     hold~
Val0     12
Val1     1 
Val2     5 
Val3     3 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     30

Vnum     21028
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     leather shirt~
Short    a leather shirt~
Someone has left a leather shirt lying here.~
Type     armor~
Wear     body~
Val0     3
Val1     3 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     20

Vnum     21029
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     leather pants~
Short    some leather pants~
Some leather pants are lying here.~
Type     armor~
Wear     legs~
Val0     3
Val1     3 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     15

Vnum     21030
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     leather sleeves~
Short    leather sleeves~
Some leather sleeves have been dropped here.~
Type     armor~
Wear     arms~
Val0     3
Val1     3 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     7

Vnum     21031
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     leather boots~
Short    leather boots~
A pair of leather boots are lying here.~
Type     armor~
Wear     feet~
Val0     2
Val1     2 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     12

Vnum     21032
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     leather gloves~
Short    a pair of leather gloves~
A pair of leather gloves are lying here.~
Type     armor~
Wear     hands~
Val0     3
Val1     3 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     10

Vnum     21033
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     steel dagger~
Short    a steel dagger~
A gleaming dagger shines brightly here.~
Type     weapon~
Flags    metal~
Wear     hold~
Val0     12
Val1     1 
Val2     5 
Val3     2 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     10

Vnum     21034
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     iron mace~
Short    an iron mace~
An iron mace has been carelessly dropped here.~
Type     weapon~
Flags    metal~
Wear     hold~
Val0     12
Val1     1 
Val2     5 
Val3     7 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     20

Vnum     21035
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     arrow~
Short    a magical arrow~
A magical arrow lies here.~
Type     projectile~
Flags    magic~
Wear     hold~
Val0     -1
Val1     -1 
Val2     -1 
Val3     13 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     5

Vnum     21036
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     smoked rabbit~
Short    smoked rabbit~
A freshly smoked rabbit lies here.~
Action   %s savour$q a piece of $p.~
Type     food~
Val0     10
Val1     10 
Val2     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     20

Vnum     21037
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     roast quail~
Short    roast quail~
A plump roast quail has been carelessly dropped here.~
Action   %s delicately nibble$q on a piece of $p.~
Type     food~
Val0     10
Val1     10 
Val2     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     20

Vnum     21038
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     fountain crystal~
Short    a crystal fountain~
A beautifully crafted crystal fountain decorates the center of the square.~
Type     fountain~
Wear     notake~
Val0     -1
Val1     -1 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1

Vnum     21039
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     fishingpole pole~
Short    a fishing pole~
A fishing pole has been carelessly left here.~
Type     fishingpole~
Wear     hold~
Val0     -1
Val1     -1 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     30

Vnum     21040
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     mino~
Short    a mino~
A mino has been left here.~
Type     fish~
Val0     1
Val1     10 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     5

Vnum     21041
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     canoe~
Short    a canoe~
A battered canoe has been left here.~
Type     boat~
Val0     -1
Val1     -1 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     100

Vnum     21042
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     steel wrist light~
Short    a steel wrist light~
A steel wrist light has been left here.~
Type     light~
Wear     wrist~
Val0     5
Val1     5 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1
Cost     30

Vnum     21199
Stats    0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Name     last obj~
Short    a newly created last obj~
Some god dropped a newly created last obj here.~
Type     trash~
Val0     -1
Val1     -1 
Val2     -1 
Val3     -1 
Val4     -1 
Val5     -1 
Weight   1


Vnum         21000
Name         Inside the Northern Gate~
Description  You stand inside the northern gate of Darkhaven. To the south lies the
intersection of Vertic Avenue and Justice Road. 
Sector       city~
Exit         south
To           21005
R M 0 21011 1 21000 100
  NR E 0 21027 1 28 100
  NR E 0 21016 1 13 100
  NR E 0 21022 1 19 100
  NR E 0 21017 1 0 100
  NR E 0 21022 1 20 100
  NR E 0 21015 1 8 100
  NR E 0 21014 1 25 100
  NR E 0 21023 1 29 100
  NR E 0 21024 1 4 100
  NR E 0 21014 1 26 100
  NR E 0 21019 1 37 100
  NR E 0 21020 1 15 100
  NR E 0 21021 1 21 100
  NR E 0 21018 1 31 100

Vnum         21001
Name         Meeting of Falcon Road and Justice Road~
Description  Falcon Road and Justice Road come together here to form one of the four corners
of Darkhaven. A stone staircase lead upward onto the fantastic city's
battlements, from where even the strongest foe can be repelled. Falcon Road
lies to the south, while Justice Road stretches eastward. 
Sector       city~
Exit         east
To           21002
Exit         south
To           21010
Exit         down
Keyword      manhole~
Flags        isdoor closed secret hidden can_enter~
To           21080
R M 0 21013 1 21001 100

Vnum         21002
Name         Justice Road~
Description  This is a rather unremarkable portion of Justice Road, as nothing out of the
ordinary pokes at your attention.  The northern wall lines the cobbled street,
which ranges to the east and west.
Sector       city~
Exit         east
To           21003
Exit         west
To           21001

Vnum         21003
Name         Justice Road~
Description  You travel down an eerie portion of Justice Road.  In the forest to the south
you can hear strange chants to Thoric.  The mysterious melody sends shivers
down your spine, making you wonder who would sing such a song in a city of
peace and goodness.  Justice Road stretches east and west.
Sector       city~
Exit         east
To           21004
Exit         west
To           21002

Vnum         21004
Name         Justice Road~
Description  You are walking cautiously through this part of Justice Road.  Lately you have
heard rumors of thieves prowling these parts, mocking the very name of the
road.  The cobbled street ranges to the east and west.
Sector       city~
Exit         east
To           21005
Exit         west
To           21003

Vnum         21005
Name         Intersection of Vertic Avenue and Justice Road~
Description  You stand at the intersection of Vertic Avenue and Justice Road. To the north
you can see the north gate of Darkhaven. Justice Road lies to the east and
west, while Vertic Avenue can be seen to the north and south. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21000
Exit         east
To           21006
Exit         south
To           21011
Exit         west
To           21004

Vnum         21006
Name         Justice Road~
Description  This portion of Justice Road seems unkempt.  A whistling northern wind can be
heard passing through the trees to the south, and you smile to yourself as you
continue on your way.  Justice Road stretches to the east and west.
Sector       city~
Exit         east
To           21007
Exit         west
To           21005

Vnum         21007
Name         Justice Road~
Description  You are on a solemn section of Justice Road.  A statue depicting a party of
adventurers fighting off an undead dragon sits in the center of the road. 
Blinking back a tear, you remember hearing this tale in a local inn, and
realize that the statue is a memorial.  Justice Road extends to the east and
Sector       city~
Exit         east
To           21008
Exit         west
To           21006

Vnum         21008
Name         Justice Road~
Description  You are walking down Justice Road.  The long road, which lines the northern
wall of Darkhaven, meets up with Hawk Street to the east to form one of the
four corners of Darkhaven.  The street continues westward.
Sector       city~
Exit         east
To           21009
Exit         west
To           21007

Vnum         21009
Name         Meeting of Hawk Street and Justice Road~
Description  Hawk Street and Justice Road come together here to form one of the four corners
of Darkhaven.  A stone staircase leads upward onto the fantastic city's
battlements, from where even the strongest foe can be repelled. Hawk Street
lies to the south, while Justice Road stretches westward.
Sector       city~
Exit         south
To           21012
Exit         west
To           21008
Exit         down
Keyword      manhole~
Flags        isdoor closed secret hidden can_enter~
To           21088
R M 0 21013 1 21009 100

Vnum         21010
Name         Falcon Road~
Description  Here you spy the spires and stained glass windows of the cathedral peeking out
peek out from the lush green forest cultivated in the center of this thriving
city. Falcon Road ranges to both the north and south. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21001
Exit         south
To           21013

Vnum         21011
Name         Vertic Avenue~
Description  You continue down Vertic Avenue. To the east you can see the stone structure of
the warrior's, the cathedral rises in the west, and to the north you can seen
an intersection. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21005
Exit         south
To           21014

Vnum         21012
Name         Hawk Street~
Description  This section of Hawk Street is reserved for storing the eastern wall's defense
supplies.  Quivers of arrows are stacked high into the air, almost within reach
of the guards on the battlements.  Hawk Street stretches to the north and
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21009
Exit         south
To           21015

Vnum         21013
Name         Falcon Road~
Description  You walk through a poor, almost abandoned section of Darkhaven. Indeed, this
portion of Falcon Road is neither dirty nor clean, just untouched. The cobbled
road continues to the north and south. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21010
Exit         south
To           21016

Vnum         21014
Name         Vertic Avenue~
Description  Nothing in particular strikes your attention as you walk down this portion of
Vertic Avenue. It seems almost as if the citizens of the city forgot to place a
statue here, or perhaps a plaque. The lengthy road ranges to the north and
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21011
Exit         south
To           21020

Vnum         21015
Name         Hawk Street~
Description  This portion of Hawk Street is rather poor and unkempt.  Rags litter the
street, and several of the city's unfortunate have set up residence here. A
tent has been set up on the eastern side of the road, a beggar's home no doubt.
Hawk Street continues to the north and south.
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21012
Exit         south
To           21021

Vnum         21016
Name         Falcon Road~
Description  You are walking down a rarely used portion of Falcon Road. To the east is
Darkhaven's church, while Falcon Road ranges to the north and south. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21013
Exit         south
To           21023

Vnum         21017
Name         The Cathedral Altar~
Description  You are before the cathedral's altar.  Those of ill luck or poor faith often
come here to pray to their God for guidance, or chance.  An aisle leads back
east through the cathedral.
Exit         east
To           21018
R M 0 21000 1 21017 100

Vnum         21018
Name         Inside the Cathedral~
Description  You are in the aisle which leads to the cathedral's altar.  A serene melody
floats through the air.  The entrance to the church is to the east, while the
altar itself lies to the west.
Exit         north
To           21036
Exit         east
To           21019
Exit         west
To           21017

Vnum         21019
Name         Outside the Cathedral~
Description  The cathedral which houses the priests and priestesses of Darkhaven stands
before you, open to all comers.  Traveling west will take you up a flight of
stairs and into the structure, or you can head back to the southeast.
Sector       city~
Exit         west
To           21018
Exit         southeast
To           21027

Vnum         21020
Name         Vertic Avenue~
Description  Here the roadway passes by a circular platform, atop which stands a man of
ultimately stern countenance. A wall surrounding the cathedral rises to the
west, and a small forested area lines the eastern roadway. Vertic Avenue ranges
to the north and south. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21014
Exit         south
To           21027

Vnum         21021
Name         Hawk Street~
Description  You are walking down the northern half of Hawk Street at a brisk pace. To the
east is the towering eastern wall of Darkhaven, while a forest surrounded by a
short wall is to the west.  Hawk Street ranges to the north and south.
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21015
Exit         south
To           21031

Vnum         21022
Name         Inside the Western Gate~
Description  You stand the western gate of Darkhaven.  To the east is the intersection of
Horizon Road and Falcon Road.
Sector       city~
Exit         east
To           21023
R M 0 21011 1 21022 100
  NR E 0 21027 1 28 100
  NR E 0 21016 1 13 100
  NR E 0 21022 1 19 100
  NR E 0 21017 1 0 100
  NR E 0 21022 1 20 100
  NR E 0 21015 1 8 100
  NR E 0 21014 1 25 100
  NR E 0 21023 1 29 100
  NR E 0 21024 1 4 100
  NR E 0 21014 1 26 100
  NR E 0 21019 1 37 100
  NR E 0 21020 1 15 100
  NR E 0 21021 1 21 100
  NR E 0 21018 1 31 100

Vnum         21023
Name         Intersection of Horizon Road and Falcon Road ~
Description  You stand at the intersection of Horizon Road and Falcon Road. Gazing to the
west, you see the huge west gate of Darkhaven. The cobbled roads of Horizon
Road and Falcon Road lie in the four cardinal directions. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21016
Exit         east
To           21024
Exit         south
To           21033
Exit         west
To           21022

Vnum         21024
Name         Horizon Road~
Description  Peasants passing by also seem interested in those who can find joy in these
dark times. Horizon Road runs to the east and west.
Sector       city~
Exit         east
To           21025
Exit         west
To           21023

Vnum         21025
Name         Horizon Road~
Description  Horizon Road runs to the east and west of here.
Sector       city~
Exit         east
To           21026
Exit         west
To           21024

Vnum         21026
Name         Horizon Road ~
Description  You quicken your pace as you walk down the cobblestones of Horizon Road. Gazing
to the north, you see the cathedral in all its beauty.  To the east is
Darkhaven Square, while Horizon Road leads on to the west.  The Western Hall, a
popular point of congregation, is situated in a building just to the south.
Sector       city~
Exit         east
To           21027
Exit         west
To           21025

Vnum         21027
Name         Darkhaven Square~
Description  The crystal fountain in the center of the square is surrounded by gardens of
shrubbery which enhance the air of serenity and peace. The main roads lead away
in various directions. The spires of the cathedral can be seen to the
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21020
Exit         east
To           21028
Exit         south
To           21037
Exit         west
To           21026
Exit         northeast
To           21055
Exit         northwest
To           21019
R O 0 21038 1 21027 100

Vnum         21028
Name         Horizon Road~
Description  Travelling the cobbled streets of Horizon Road, you are pleased to see the
ancient Darkhaven Town Hall still stands.  Horizon road continues to the east
and west.
Sector       city~
Exit         east
To           21029
Exit         west
To           21027

Vnum         21029
Name         Horizon Road ~
Description  While traversing Horizon Road, you gaze up at the Darkhaven Tower of Sorcery,
whose entrance lies to the south.  The lengthy cobblestone road stretches to
the east and west.
Sector       city~
Exit         east
To           21030
Exit         west
To           21028

Vnum         21030
Name         Horizon Road ~
Description  Young and giddy adventurers pass you as you travel this portion of Horizon
Road.  Gazing southward, you see the illustrious Darkhaven Academy, which has
the responsibility of training new adventurers.  The cobbled streets of Horizon
Road continue to the east and west.
Sector       city~
Exit         east
To           21031
Exit         west
To           21029

Vnum         21031
Name         Intersection of Horizon Road and Hawk Street~
Description  You stand at the intersection of Horizon Road and Hawk Street.  To the east you
can see the massive east gate of Darkhaven, while Hawk Street lies to the north
and south, and Horizon Road runs west.
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21021
Exit         east
To           21032
Exit         south
To           21038
Exit         west
To           21030

Vnum         21032
Name         Inside the Eastern Gate~
Description  You stand inside the eastern gate of Darkhaven.  To the west is the
intersection of Horizon Road and Hawk Street.
Sector       city~
Exit         west
To           21031
R M 0 21011 1 21032 100
  NR E 0 21027 1 28 100
  NR E 0 21016 1 13 100
  NR E 0 21022 1 19 100
  NR E 0 21015 1 8 100
  NR E 0 21022 1 20 100
  NR E 0 21014 1 25 100
  NR E 0 21023 1 29 100
  NR E 0 21024 1 4 100
  NR E 0 21019 1 37 100
  NR E 0 21014 1 26 100
  NR E 0 21020 1 15 100
  NR E 0 21021 1 21 100
  NR E 0 21018 1 31 100
  NR E 0 21017 1 0 100

Vnum         21033
Name         Falcon Road ~
Description  You are walking down a poorer section of Falcon Road. The cobbled roads seem
unkept and dirty, definitely unusual in this city which represents hope and
order. The street ranges to the north and south. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21023
Exit         south
To           21045

Vnum         21034
Name         Darkhaven Bank~
Description  This is a very large bank with lots of lockers at the back.
Flags        locker~
Exit         south
To           21074
R M 0 21017 1 21034 100

Vnum         21035
Name         Fishing Shop~
Exit         south
To           21071
R M 0 21018 1 21035 100
  NR G 0 21041 1 100
  NR G 0 21039 1 100
  NR G 0 21040 1 100

Vnum         21036
Name         The Cathedral Mortuary~
Description  This is such a dreary place to be, death is all around. Corpses are constantly
coming in, being examined and sent off to their resting places.
Exit         south
To           21018
R M 0 21019 1 21036 100

Vnum         21037
Name         Vertic Avenue~
Description  You are travelling upon the southern portion of Vertic Avenue. The tents of the
Darkhaven markets rise high into the air to the east and west. The cobblestone
road stretches to the north and south, where you can see a bustling
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21027
Exit         south
To           21049

Vnum         21038
Name         Hawk Street~
Description  You take a brief pause on your way down Hawk Street, and you can hear the
chirping of birds coming from the other side of the city wall.  Upon catching
your breath, you gather your belongings and continue on your way.
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21031
Exit         south
To           21053

Vnum         21039
Name         The Scribe's Tent~
Description  You find yourself in a quiet section of the tent.  All that can be heard is the
constant scratching of quill on parchment and scrolls litter the floor,
although most have been carefully categorized and placed into different boxes. 
A desk sits in the center of the room, where the scribe writes an infinite
amount of scrolls.  You almost pity the man his job, until you see his coin
pouch.  To the east is the apothecary, while a tent opening to the south leads
back out onto Market Street.
Exit         east
To           21040
Exit         south
To           21046
R M 0 21004 1 21039 100
  NR G 0 21006 1 100
  NR G 0 21007 1 100
  NR G 0 21005 1 100

Vnum         21040
Name         The Alchemist's~
Description  This portion of the tent is filled with the scent of chemicals. Wooden shelves
are lined with potions, each of varying colors. A counter sits in the center of
the room. Walking nearer, you notice a small plaque on the counter which reads
'Success lies in alchemy'. An opening in the tent leads back out onto Market
Street lies to the south, while two other magic shops are situated to the east
and west.
Exit         east
To           21041
Exit         south
To           21047
Exit         west
To           21039
R M 0 21003 1 21040 100
  NR G 0 21003 1 100
  NR G 0 21002 1 100
  NR G 0 21001 1 100
  NR G 0 21000 1 100
  NR G 0 21004 1 100

Vnum         21041
Name         The Wizard's Tent~
Description  A musty odor fills your nostrils as you inhale.  Bookcases hug the walls of
this part of the tent, each shelf filled with magical items.  As you begin to
inspect several of the shelves, you notice they are all covered in dust.  A
square wooden counter sits in the center of the room, and an opening in the
tent leads back out onto Market Street, while the Alchemist's tent lies to the
Exit         south
To           21048
Exit         west
To           21040
R M 0 21001 1 21041 100

Vnum         21042
Name         The Butcher's Shop~
Description  The smell of fresh meat is present in the air of this shop.  Kept cool in
magically frosted vaults, the city butcher sells his meats here, imported from
lands far distant.  To the south is the famous Market Street, while the
Darkhaven Bakery lies to the east.
Exit         east
To           21043
Exit         south
To           21050
R M 0 21008 1 21042 100
  NR G 0 21009 1 100
  NR G 0 21010 1 100
  NR G 0 21008 1 100
  NR G 0 21037 1 100
  NR G 0 21036 1 100

Vnum         21043
Name         The Darkhaven Bakery ~
Description  Upon entering the Darkhaven Bakery, you find yourself surrounded by citizens of
the marvelous city, each waiting in line for their daily bread.  Gazing
eastward, you see a farmer's shop which sells all forms of dairy products. A
butcher's shop also lies to the west, while an opening in the tent to the south
leads back out onto Market Street.
Exit         east
To           21044
Exit         south
To           21051
Exit         west
To           21042
R M 0 21009 1 21043 100
  NR G 0 21013 1 100
  NR G 0 21011 1 100
  NR G 0 21012 1 100

Vnum         21044
Name         The Dairy Tent~
Description  This small shop smells strongly of cheese, as dozens of types of cheeses have
been laid out and labeled properly on several long shelves.  You notice many
bottles of milk, considered to be more important than even water, carefully
stacked in the northeast corner.  To the west is the Darkhaven Bakery, while
Market Street lies to the south.
Exit         south
To           21052
Exit         west
To           21043

Vnum         21045
Name         Intersection of Market Street and Falcon Road~
Description  You stand at the intersection of Market Street and Falcon Road. A wall towers
over you to the west, keeping intruders out of Darkhaven. To the east are the
glorious pavilions and shops of Darkhaven, while Falcon Road continues to the
north and south. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21033
Exit         east
To           21046
Exit         south
To           21060

Vnum         21046
Name         Market Street ~
Description  You smile at the sight of the familiar Market Street and its glorious
pavilions.  A fiery ruby catches your eye in the shop to the south, while the
shop to the north is eerily silent.  Market Street extends to the east and
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21039
Exit         east
To           21047
Exit         south
To           21054
Exit         west
To           21045

Vnum         21047
Name         Market Street~
Description  Citizens of Darkhaven scamper around you, anxious to finish their shopping.
Gazing northward, you can see a female elf brewing a multitude of potions,
while to the south you see Darkhaven's courier service.  Market Street ranges
to the east and west.
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21040
Exit         east
To           21048
Exit         west
To           21046

Vnum         21048
Name         Market Street~
Description  The cobbled road is buzzing with activity.  Eager shouts from numerous tents
and pavilions encourage potential customers to come inspect a shopkeeper's
wares.  To the north is the Magician's Tent, while a dealer in parchment is to
the south.  Market Street stretches to the east and west.
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21041
Exit         east
To           21049
Exit         west
To           21047

Vnum         21049
Name         Intersection of Vertic Avenue and Market Street~
Description  You stand at the intersection of Vertic Avenue and Market Street. The
intersection bustles with activity as citizens go about their business. To the
east and west runs Market Street, lined with the exotic shops of Darkhaven,
while Vertic Avenue lies to the north and south. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21037
Exit         east
To           21050
Exit         south
To           21064
Exit         west
To           21048

Vnum         21050
Name         Market Street~
Description  The cobbled road is buzzing with activity.  Eager shouts from numerous tents
and pavilions encourage potential customers to come inspect a shopkeeper's
wares.  To the north is the Food Market, while the tent to the south is
dedicated to repairing items.  Market Street stretches to the east and west.
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21042
Exit         east
To           21051
Exit         south
To           21057
Exit         west
To           21049

Vnum         21051
Name         Market Street~
Description  Citizens of Darkhaven scamper about you, eager to finish their shopping. The
aroma of fresh bread assails your nose, coming from a bakery to the north, and
the clanging of metal on metal rings out from Darkhaven's armoury to the south.
Market Street ranges to the east and west.
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21043
Exit         east
To           21052
Exit         south
To           21058
Exit         west
To           21050

Vnum         21052
Name         Market Street~
Description  You smile at the familiar sight of Market Street and its glorious pavilions.
The ring of sword on sword can be heard to the south, while the dairy is
situated to the north.  Market Street extends east and west.
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21044
Exit         east
To           21053
Exit         south
To           21059
Exit         west
To           21051

Vnum         21053
Name         Intersection of Market Street and Hawk Street ~
Description  You stand at the intersection of Market Street and Hawk Street.  A wall towers
over you to the east, keeping intruders out of Darkhaven.  To the west are the
glorious pavilions and shops of Darkhaven, while Hawk Street continues to the
north and south.
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21038
Exit         south
To           21067
Exit         west
To           21052

Vnum         21054
Name         The Shining Emerald~
Description  A locked display box dominates this particular shop.  Under the glass of the
box are a myriad of gems, each lying gently upon a miniscule cushion. Hanging
from the walls are various paintings, while sculptures take up the rest of the
floor space.  To the east is Darkhaven's courier, while an opening in the tent
to the north leads back out onto Market Street.
Exit         north
To           21046
R M 0 21005 1 21054 100

Vnum         21055
Name         Path to the Lake~
Description  The crystal clear water of the Darkhaven Lake can easily be seen to the east,
while to the southwest people can be seen hurrying through Darkhaven Square.
Exit         east
To           21056
Exit         southwest
To           21027

Vnum         21056
Name         Darkhaven Lake~
Description  The crystal clear water allows for a great view of the fish swimming beneath
the surface.
Sector       water_noswim~
Exit         west
To           21055

Vnum         21057
Name         The Blacksmith's Tent~
Description  You stand within the sweltering tent of the city's blacksmith.  Darkhaven's
armourer lies to the east, while an opening in the tent leads back out onto
Market Street.
Exit         north
To           21050
Exit         east
To           21058
R M 0 21002 1 21057 100

Vnum         21058
Name         Armory ~
Description  This shop's owner is a dedicated creator of armor and shields.  Having lost her
son to shabby equipment, she took up the job of putting protective suits of
mail together.  To the west is the blacksmith's, while the armourer's is to the
east.  An opening in the tent leads back out north onto Market Street.
Exit         north
To           21051
Exit         east
To           21059
Exit         west
To           21057
R M 0 21006 1 21058 100
  NR G 0 21042 1 100
  NR G 0 21016 1 100
  NR G 0 21025 1 100
  NR G 0 21022 1 100
  NR G 0 21017 1 100
  NR G 0 21015 1 100
  NR G 0 21014 1 100
  NR G 0 21023 1 100
  NR G 0 21024 1 100
  NR G 0 21019 1 100
  NR G 0 21020 1 100
  NR G 0 21021 1 100
  NR G 0 21018 1 100

Vnum         21059
Name         Weaponry Shop~
Description  Racks line the walls of this tent, each filled to the brim with weapons. You
grin evilly at the items of destruction, and try out a couple on the practice
dummies hung from the ceiling.  A counter in the center of the room is where
the keeper of this shop does business.  To the west is the armourer's shop,
while an opening in the tent to the north leads back out onto Market Street.
Exit         north
To           21052
Exit         west
To           21058
R M 0 21007 1 21059 100
  NR G 0 21027 1 100
  NR G 0 21035 1 100
  NR G 0 21033 1 100
  NR G 0 21026 1 100
  NR G 0 21034 1 100

Vnum         21060
Name         Falcon Road~
Description  You pick up your pace as you travel down this portion of Falcon Road. Gazing
eastward, you see what is easily the darkest alley in the city, though a
glimmer of light can be seen flickering in the shadows of the slim street. To
the north is an intersection, while Falcon Road continues to the south. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21045
Exit         east
To           21061
Exit         south
To           21068

Vnum         21061
Name         Thieves Alley  ~
Description  You are walking through a particularly dark and unkempt alley of Darkhaven.
Rats scurry across the cobbled ground, squeaking at you.  Empty crates and
tattered rags are lying about.  The alley opens up to Falcon Road to the west,
while to the east the darkness deepens.
Sector       city~
Exit         east
To           21062
Exit         west
To           21060
R M 0 21012 1 21061 100

Vnum         21062
Name         Thieves Alley~
Description  You are walking through a particularly dark and unkempt alley of Darkhaven.
Rats scurry across the cobbled ground, squeaking at you.  Empty crates and
tattered rags are lying about.  The alley stretches to the east and west, while
the mysterious Guild of Thieves lies to the north.
Sector       city~
Exit         east
To           21063
Exit         west
To           21061
R M 0 21012 1 21062 100

Vnum         21063
Name         Thieves Alley~
Description  You are walking through a particularly dark and unkempt alley of Darkhaven.
Rats scurry across the cobbled ground, squeaking at you.  Empty crates and
tattered rags are lying about.  The alley opens up to Vertic Avenue to the
east, while to the west the darkness deepens.
Sector       city~
Exit         east
To           21064
Exit         west
To           21062
R M 0 21012 1 21063 100

Vnum         21064
Name         Vertic Avenue~
Description  While traversing the busy, cobbled streets of Darkhaven, you notice a
particularly dark alley to the west which citizens commonly avoid. Grinning,
you imagine the cloaked thief lurking in the shadows. Vertic Avenue extends to
the north and south. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21049
Exit         east
To           21066
Exit         south
To           21072
Exit         west
To           21063

Vnum         21065
Name         Annir's Clothing~
Description  The shop you have entered smells heavily of leather.  Gazing about, you see all
manner of clothing, from leather to silk.  A wooden counter lines the northern
wall of the shop, and several stalls line the eastern wall, where you can try
on your clothes.  A door to the south leads back out onto Law Avenue.
Exit         south
To           21070
R M 0 21010 1 21065 100
  NR G 0 21028 1 100
  NR G 0 21032 1 100
  NR G 0 21031 1 100
  NR G 0 21030 1 100
  NR G 0 21029 1 100

Vnum         21066
Name         Darkhaven Questmaster~
Description  There are lots of different types of beautiful objects all over the place.
Exit         west
To           21064
R M 0 21020 1 21066 100

Vnum         21067
Name         Hawk Street~
Description  This portion of Hawk Street is lined with pine trees and small colorful
gardens.  Two marble benches sit on opposite sides of the cobbled road,
enticing you to rest.  You can see Law Avenue meeting up with Hawk Street to
the south, while to the north is the Market Street and Hawk Street
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21053
Exit         south
To           21076

Vnum         21068
Name         Meeting of Falcon Road and Law Avenue~
Description  Falcon Road and Law Avenue come together here to form one of the four corners
of Darkhaven. A stone staircase leads up onto the fantastic city's battlements,
from where even the strongest foe can be repelled. Falcon Road lies to the
north, while Law Avenue stretches eastward. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21060
Exit         east
To           21069
Exit         down
Keyword      manhole~
Flags        isdoor closed secret hidden can_enter~
To           21125
R M 0 21013 1 21068 100

Vnum         21069
Name         Law Avenue~
Description  This stretch of Law Avenue is cobbled and well kept, like most of the streets
of Darkhaven. Looking northward, you see a small mansion which seems abandoned.
Two stone gargoyles guard the gates to the strange building, their ruby eyes
glowing softly. The lengthy cobblestone road extends to the east and west. 
Sector       city~
Exit         east
To           21070
Exit         west
To           21068

Vnum         21070
Name         Law Avenue~
Description  You are walking down a rather commercial part of Law Avenue. Merchants hassle
you to spend your gold as you attempt to continue on your way. Glancing to the
north, you see the only shop worth visiting, owned by the respectable Annir.
Law Avenue stretches to the east and west. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21065
Exit         east
To           21071
Exit         west
To           21069

Vnum         21071
Name         Law Avenue~
Description  You are traversing the cobblestone roads of Law Avenue at a brisk pace. To the
north is the Darkhaven Art Gallery, a building known throughout the world
for its rare beauty and exquisite art. You feel almost like paying the ancient
building a visit. Law Avenue extends to the east and west. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21035
Exit         east
To           21072
Exit         west
To           21070

Vnum         21072
Name         Intersection of Vertic Avenue and Law Avenue~
Description  You stand at the intersection of Vertic Avenue and Law Avenue. Gazing to the
south, you see the massive south gate of Darkhaven. The cobbled roads of Vertic
Avenue and Law Avenue lie in the four cardinal directions. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21064
Exit         east
To           21073
Exit         south
To           21077
Exit         west
To           21071

Vnum         21073
Name         Law Avenue~
Description  Although you pass by the building to the north frequently, you still have
trouble believing it stands there. The road ranges to the east and west from
Sector       city~
Exit         east
To           21074
Exit         west
To           21072

Vnum         21074
Name         Law Avenue~
Description  A tall statue attracts your attention on this portion of Law Avenue. The marble
sculpture is of a man in his late forties wielding a blade of ebony against an
unseen attacker, although from the man's posture it is obvious that his
opponent was enormous. A small golden plaque sits near the statue, explaining
its importance. The road stretches both east and west. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21034
Exit         east
To           21075
Exit         west
To           21073

Vnum         21075
Name         Law Avenue ~
Description  You are walking down Law Avenue, the road which lines the southern wall of
Darkhaven. The cobblestones here seem worn and used. To the north is the reason
for this: a mount and pet store. Even from here you can smell the faint scent
of hay. To the east is one of the four corners of Darkhaven, while Law Avenue
continues westward. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21078
Exit         east
To           21076
Exit         west
To           21074

Vnum         21076
Name         Meeting of Hawk Street and Law Avenue~
Description  Hawk Street and Law Avenue come together here to form one of the four corners
of Darkhaven. A stone staircase leads up onto the fantastic city's battlements,
from where even the strongest foe can be repelled. Hawk Street lies to the
north, while law Avenue stretches westward. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21067
Exit         west
To           21075
Exit         down
Keyword      manhole~
Flags        isdoor closed secret hidden can_enter~
To           21133
R M 0 21013 1 21076 100

Vnum         21077
Name         Inside the Southern Gate~
Description  You stand inside the southern gate of Darkhaven. To the north is the
intersection of Vertic Avenue and Law Avenue. 
Sector       city~
Exit         north
To           21072
R M 0 21011 1 21077 100
  NR E 0 21027 1 28 100
  NR E 0 21016 1 13 100
  NR E 0 21022 1 19 100
  NR E 0 21017 1 0 100
  NR E 0 21022 1 20 100
  NR E 0 21015 1 8 100
  NR E 0 21014 1 25 100
  NR E 0 21023 1 29 100
  NR E 0 21024 1 4 100
  NR E 0 21014 1 26 100
  NR E 0 21019 1 37 100
  NR E 0 21020 1 15 100
  NR E 0 21021 1 21 100
  NR E 0 21018 1 31 100

Vnum         21078
Name         Companions and Mounts~
Description  You walk into a large shop which smells of horses and hay.  Behind the long
wooden counter are dozens of cages containing varying types of animals.  You
can hear the sounds of horses coming from a store room in the back of the
shop.  A door to the south leads back out onto the busy Law Avenue.
Flags        petshop~
Exit         south
To           21075
R M 0 21016 1 21078 100

Vnum         21079
Name         Petshop Stables~
Flags        nomob solitary nosummon noastral~
R M 0 21014 1 21079 100
R M 0 21015 1 21079 100

Vnum         21080
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21081
Exit         south
To           21089
Exit         up
Keyword      manhole~
Flags        isdoor closed hidden can_leave nomob~
To           21001
R M 0 21022 1 21080 100
R M 0 21021 1 21080 100
R M 0 21022 1 21080 100
R M 0 21023 1 21080 100
R M 0 21024 1 21080 100
R M 0 21025 1 21080 100
R M 0 21026 1 21080 100
NR D 0 21080 4 1 100

Vnum         21081
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21082
Exit         west
To           21080

Vnum         21082
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21083
Exit         west
To           21081

Vnum         21083
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21084
Exit         west
To           21082

Vnum         21084
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21085
Exit         south
To           21090
Exit         west
To           21083

Vnum         21085
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21086
Exit         west
To           21084

Vnum         21086
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21087
Exit         west
To           21085

Vnum         21087
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21088
Exit         west
To           21086

Vnum         21088
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         south
To           21091
Exit         west
To           21087
Exit         up
Keyword      manhole~
Flags        isdoor closed hidden can_leave nomob~
To           21009
R M 0 21021 1 21088 100
R M 0 21022 1 21088 100
R M 0 21023 1 21088 100
R M 0 21024 1 21088 100
R M 0 21025 1 21088 100
R M 0 21026 1 21088 100
NR D 0 21088 4 1 100

Vnum         21089
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21080
Exit         south
To           21092

Vnum         21090
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21084
Exit         south
To           21093

Vnum         21091
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21088
Exit         south
To           21094

Vnum         21092
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21089
Exit         south
To           21095

Vnum         21093
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21090
Exit         south
To           21096

Vnum         21094
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21091
Exit         south
To           21097

Vnum         21095
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21092
Exit         south
To           21098

Vnum         21096
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21093
Exit         south
To           21102

Vnum         21097
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21094
Exit         south
To           21106

Vnum         21098
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21095
Exit         east
To           21099
Exit         south
To           21107

Vnum         21099
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21100
Exit         west
To           21098

Vnum         21100
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21101
Exit         west
To           21099

Vnum         21101
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21102
Exit         west
To           21100

Vnum         21102
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21096
Exit         east
To           21103
Exit         south
To           21108
Exit         west
To           21101
R M 0 21021 1 21102 100
R M 0 21022 1 21102 100
R M 0 21023 1 21102 100
R M 0 21024 1 21102 100
R M 0 21025 1 21102 100
R M 0 21026 1 21102 100

Vnum         21103
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21104
Exit         west
To           21102

Vnum         21104
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21105
Exit         west
To           21103

Vnum         21105
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21106
Exit         west
To           21104

Vnum         21106
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21097
Exit         south
To           21109
Exit         west
To           21105

Vnum         21107
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21098
Exit         south
To           21110

Vnum         21108
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21102
Exit         south
To           21114

Vnum         21109
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21106
Exit         south
To           21118

Vnum         21110
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21107
Exit         east
To           21111
Exit         south
To           21119

Vnum         21111
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21112
Exit         west
To           21110

Vnum         21112
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21113
Exit         west
To           21111

Vnum         21113
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21114
Exit         west
To           21112

Vnum         21114
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21108
Exit         east
To           21115
Exit         south
To           21123
Exit         west
To           21113

Vnum         21115
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21116
Exit         west
To           21114

Vnum         21116
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21117
Exit         west
To           21115

Vnum         21117
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21118
Exit         west
To           21116

Vnum         21118
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21109
Exit         south
To           21124
Exit         west
To           21117

Vnum         21119
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21110
Exit         east
To           21120
Exit         south
To           21125

Vnum         21120
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21121
Exit         west
To           21119

Vnum         21121
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21122
Exit         west
To           21120

Vnum         21122
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21123
Exit         west
To           21121

Vnum         21123
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21114
Exit         south
To           21129
Exit         west
To           21122

Vnum         21124
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21118
Exit         south
To           21133

Vnum         21125
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21119
Exit         east
To           21126
Exit         up
Keyword      manhole~
Flags        isdoor closed hidden can_leave nomob~
To           21068
R M 0 21021 1 21125 100
R M 0 21022 1 21125 100
R M 0 21023 1 21125 100
R M 0 21024 1 21125 100
R M 0 21025 1 21125 100
R M 0 21026 1 21125 100
NR D 0 21125 4 1 100

Vnum         21126
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21127
Exit         west
To           21125

Vnum         21127
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21128
Exit         west
To           21126

Vnum         21128
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21129
Exit         west
To           21127

Vnum         21129
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21123
Exit         east
To           21130
Exit         west
To           21128

Vnum         21130
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21131
Exit         west
To           21129

Vnum         21131
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21132
Exit         west
To           21130

Vnum         21132
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         east
To           21133
Exit         west
To           21131

Vnum         21133
Name         In a Sewer~
Description  This is a very slimy and smelly sewer. There is a constant supply of water,
filled with all kinds of various waste, constantly flowing through the sewer.
Sector       underground~
Exit         north
To           21124
Exit         west
To           21132
Exit         up
Keyword      manhole~
Flags        isdoor closed hidden can_leave nomob~
To           21076
R M 0 21021 1 21133 100
R M 0 21022 1 21133 100
R M 0 21023 1 21133 100
R M 0 21024 1 21133 100
R M 0 21025 1 21133 100
R M 0 21026 1 21133 100
NR D 0 21133 4 1 100

Vnum         21199
Name         Floating in a void~

