
# The next line contains the process status command used to search
# for a running RoT game.  By default it's set to the sunos
# version of the command (ps -ax), on some systems (solaris) you
# will need to change it to the proper command ('ps -aef' for solaris)
# If you do not have fgrep on your system, you may use grep instead.

open(IN, "ps -ax|fgrep rot|");
$a = 0;
while (<IN>) {

# The next line searches for a running copy of rot, by default, it's
# set to search for ./rot   If your startup script calls rot differently,
# you will need to change this, ie: /home/usr/Rot/area/rot 4000 4001.
# This is a search command, special characters, like '.' and '/' need
# to be escaped with the '\' character.
# If you are on a mud server that may be running other copies of
# RoT, you should make this line unique to your copy, preferably
# by using the port addresses as in the example above.

    if ($_ =~ /\.\/rot/) {
	$a = 1;
close IN;
if ($a == 1) {

# The next three lines should point to the same place your WWW_WHO define
# in merc.h points to, it must be readable and writable by both the user
# that the web server runs as (usually root or nobody) and the user that
# the game runs under.  The path to 'telnet' on the second line may need
# to be changed to reflect your local path, and also on the second line,
# the port number should be the same as the WWW port number you start the
# game with.

    system("rm -f output/tmp.fil");
    system("/usr/ucb/telnet localhost 4001 > output/tmp.fil 2>&1");
    open(IN, "output/rot.who");
    undef @All;
    while (<IN>) {
	push(@All, $_);
    close IN;
    system("rm -f output/tmp.fil");
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; 
    print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Who's on RoT</TITLE></HEAD>\n"; 
    print "<BODY>\n"; 

# Replace 'Realms of Thoth' in the next line with the name of your game.

    print "<center><H1>Users currently on Realms of Thoth<BR>\n"; 
    print "(<i>Visible at level 1</i>)</H1><HR><P>\n"; 
    print "<table border=4 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=3><tr>\n";
    print "<td align=middle><FONT COLOR=\"#009999\">Level</FONT></td>\n";
    print "<td align=middle><FONT COLOR=\"#009999\">Race</FONT></td>\n";
    print "<td align=middle><FONT COLOR=\"#009999\">Class</FONT></td>\n";
    print "<td align=middle><FONT COLOR=\"#009999\">Clan</FONT></td>\n";
    print "<td align=middle><FONT COLOR=\"#009999\">Name</FONT></td>\n<TR>\n";
    foreach $line (sort bynumrev(@All)) {
	($level,$race,$class,$clan,$clandata,$clandatb,$name) = split(/,/, $line, 7);
	$level = int($level);
	if ($level == 0) {

# If you have different names for your Imm levels, you can change them
# here

	if ($level == 110) {
		$level = "<FONT COLOR=\"#00FF00\">IMP</FONT>";
	if ($level == 109) {
		$level = "<FONT COLOR=\"#00FF00\">CRE</FONT>";
	if ($level == 108) {
		$level = "<FONT COLOR=\"#00FF00\">SUP</FONT>";
	if ($level == 107) {
		$level = "<FONT COLOR=\"#00FF00\">DEI</FONT>";
	if ($level == 106) {
		$level = "<FONT COLOR=\"#00FF00\">GOD</FONT>";
	if ($level == 105) {
		$level = "<FONT COLOR=\"#00FF00\">IMM</FONT>";
	if ($level == 104) {
		$level = "<FONT COLOR=\"#00FF00\">DEM</FONT>";
	if ($level == 103) {
		$level = "<FONT COLOR=\"#00FFFF\">KNI</FONT>";
	if ($level == 102) {
		$level = "<FONT COLOR=\"#00FFFF\">SQU</FONT>";
	if ($level == 101) {
		$level = "<FONT COLOR=\"#0000FF\">HRO</FONT>";
	print "<td align=middle>${level}</td>\n";

# Add new races here, only races whose 'who_name' have been shortened
# are needed here, otherwise it uses the who_name.

	if ($race eq "Hfling") {
	    $race = "Halfling";
	if ($race eq "Hf-Orc") {
	    $race = "Half-Orc";
	if ($race eq "Hf-Elf") {
	    $race = "Half-Elf";
	if ($race eq "Dracon") {
	    $race = "Draconian";
	if ($race eq "Centr") {
	    $race = "Centaur";
	if ($race eq "Heucuv") {
	    $race = "Heucuva";
	if ($race eq "Minotr") {
	    $race = "Minotaur";

	print "<td align=middle>${race}</td>\n";

# First Tier Classes. Color code is 000099 (Blue)

	if ($class eq "Mag") {
	    $class = "<FONT COLOR=\"#000099\">Mage</FONT>";
	if ($class eq "Cle") {
	    $class = "<FONT COLOR=\"#000099\">Cleric</FONT>";
	if ($class eq "Thi") {
	    $class = "<FONT COLOR=\"#000099\">Thief</FONT>";
	if ($class eq "War") {
	    $class = "<FONT COLOR=\"#000099\">Warrior</FONT>";
	if ($class eq "Ran") {
	    $class = "<FONT COLOR=\"#000099\">Ranger</FONT>";
	if ($class eq "Dru") {
	    $class = "<FONT COLOR=\"#000099\">Druid</FONT>";
	if ($class eq "Vam") {
	    $class = "<FONT COLOR=\"#000099\">Vampire</FONT>";

# Second Tier Classes. Color code is 990000 (Red)

	if ($class eq "Wiz") {
	    $class = "<FONT COLOR=\"#990000\">Wizard</FONT>";
	if ($class eq "Prs") {
	    $class = "<FONT COLOR=\"#990000\">Priest</FONT>";
	if ($class eq "Mer") {
	    $class = "<FONT COLOR=\"#990000\">Mercenary</FONT>";
	if ($class eq "Gla") {
	    $class = "<FONT COLOR=\"#990000\">Gladiator</FONT>";
	if ($class eq "Str") {
	    $class = "<FONT COLOR=\"#990000\">Strider</FONT>";
	if ($class eq "Sag") {
	    $class = "<FONT COLOR=\"#990000\">Sage</FONT>";
	if ($class eq "Lic") {
	    $class = "<FONT COLOR=\"#990000\">Lich</FONT>";

	print "<td align=middle>${class}</td>\n";
	if ($clan eq "X") {
	    print "<td align=middle> </td>\n";
	} else {
	    if ($clandata == 0) {
		print "<td align=middle><FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">${clan}</FONT></td>\n";
	    } elsif (($clandata == 1) && ($clandatb == 1)) {
		print "<td align=middle><FONT COLOR=\"#0000FF\">${clan}</FONT></td>\n";
	    } elsif (($clandata == 2) && ($clandatb == 1)) {
		print "<td align=middle><FONT COLOR=\"#FF00FF\">${clan}</FONT></td>\n";
	    } elsif (($clandata == 1) && ($clandatb == 0)) {
		print "<td align=middle><FONT COLOR=\"#000099\">${clan}</FONT></td>\n";
	    } else {
		print "<td align=middle><FONT COLOR=\"#990099\">${clan}</FONT></td>\n";
	undef @orig;
	@orig = split(//, $name);
	$count = @orig;
	push(@orig, " ");
	$outname = "";
	$fonts = 0;
	for ($b = 0; $b < $count; $b++) {
	    $tmp = "$orig[$b]$orig[$b+1]";
	    $tmp2 = $orig[$b];
	    if ($tmp eq "{z") {
		if ($fonts == 0) {
		    $tmp2 = "<FONT COLOR=\"#000000\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
		} else {
		    $tmp2 = "</FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#000000\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
	    } elsif (($tmp eq "{b")||($tmp eq "{4")){
		if ($fonts == 0) {
		    $tmp2 = "<FONT COLOR=\"#000099\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
		} else {
		    $tmp2 = "</FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#000099\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
	    } elsif (($tmp eq "{c")||($tmp eq "{6")){
		if ($fonts == 0) {
		    $tmp2 = "<FONT COLOR=\"#009999\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
		} else {
		    $tmp2 = "</FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#009999\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
	    } elsif (($tmp eq "{g")||($tmp eq "{2")){
		if ($fonts == 0) {
		    $tmp2 = "<FONT COLOR=\"#009900\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
		} else {
		    $tmp2 = "</FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#009900\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
	    } elsif (($tmp eq "{m")||($tmp eq "{5")){
		if ($fonts == 0) {
		    $tmp2 = "<FONT COLOR=\"#990099\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
		} else {
		    $tmp2 = "</FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#990099\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
	    } elsif (($tmp eq "{r")||($tmp eq "{1")){
		if ($fonts == 0) {
		    $tmp2 = "<FONT COLOR=\"#990000\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
		} else {
		    $tmp2 = "</FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#990000\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
	    } elsif (($tmp eq "{w")||($tmp eq "{7")){
		if ($fonts == 0) {
		    $tmp2 = "<FONT COLOR=\"#CCCCCC\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
		} else {
		    $tmp2 = "</FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#CCCCCC\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
	    } elsif (($tmp eq "{y")||($tmp eq "{3")){
		if ($fonts == 0) {
		    $tmp2 = "<FONT COLOR=\"#999900\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
		} else {
		    $tmp2 = "</FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#999900\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
	    } elsif (($tmp eq "{B")||($tmp eq "{\$")){
		if ($fonts == 0) {
		    $tmp2 = "<FONT COLOR=\"#0000FF\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
		} else {
		    $tmp2 = "</FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#0000FF\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
	    } elsif (($tmp eq "{C")||($tmp eq "{^")){
		if ($fonts == 0) {
		    $tmp2 = "<FONT COLOR=\"#00FFFF\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
		} else {
		    $tmp2 = "</FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#00FFFF\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
	    } elsif (($tmp eq "{G")||($tmp eq "{@")){
		if ($fonts == 0) {
		    $tmp2 = "<FONT COLOR=\"#00FF00\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
		} else {
		    $tmp2 = "</FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#00FF00\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
	    } elsif (($tmp eq "{M")||($tmp eq "{%")||($tmp eq "{-")){
		if ($fonts == 0) {
		    $tmp2 = "<FONT COLOR=\"#FF00FF\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
		} else {
		    $tmp2 = "</FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#FF00FF\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
	    } elsif (($tmp eq "{R")||($tmp eq "{!")){
		if ($fonts == 0) {
		    $tmp2 = "<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
		} else {
		    $tmp2 = "</FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
	    } elsif (($tmp eq "{W")||($tmp eq "{&")){
		if ($fonts == 0) {
		    $tmp2 = "<FONT COLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
		} else {
		    $tmp2 = "</FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#FFFFFF\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
	    } elsif (($tmp eq "{Y")||($tmp eq "{#")){
		if ($fonts == 0) {
		    $tmp2 = "<FONT COLOR=\"#FFFF00\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
		} else {
		    $tmp2 = "</FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#FFFF00\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
	    } elsif (($tmp eq "{D")||($tmp eq "{8")||($tmp eq "{*")){
		if ($fonts == 0) {
		    $tmp2 = "<FONT COLOR=\"#666666\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
		} else {
		    $tmp2 = "</FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#666666\">";
		    $fonts = 1;
	    } elsif ($tmp eq "{{"){
		$tmp2 = "{";
	    } elsif (($tmp eq "{x")||($tmp eq "{X")||($tmp eq "{0")){
		if ($fonts == 1) {
		    $tmp2 = "</FONT>";
		    $fonts = 0;
		} else {
		    $tmp2 = "";
	    } elsif ($tmp2 eq "{") {
                if ($fonts == 1) {
                    $tmp2 = "</FONT>";
                    $fonts = 0;
                } else {
                    $tmp2 = "";
	    $tmp3 = "${outname}${tmp2}";
	    $outname = $tmp3;
	if ($fonts == 0) {
	    print "<td align=left>${outname}</td>\n<TR>\n";
	} else {
	    print "<td align=left>${outname}</FONT></td>\n<TR>\n";
    print "</tr></table></font><P>\n";
    print "<PRE><B>Clan Color Codes</B>\n";
    print "------------------\n";
    print "<FONT COLOR=\"#FF0000\">Loner</FONT>\n";
    print "<FONT COLOR=\"#000099\">Pkill Member</FONT>\n";
    print "<FONT COLOR=\"#0000FF\">Pkill Leader</FONT>\n";
    print "<FONT COLOR=\"#990099\">Non-Pkill Member</FONT>\n";
    print "<FONT COLOR=\"#FF00FF\">Non-Pkill Leader</FONT>\n";
    print "\n\n";
    print "<B>Class Color Codes</B>\n";
    print "-------------------\n";
    print "<FONT COLOR=\"#000099\">1st tier</FONT>\n";
    print "<FONT COLOR=\"#990000\">2nd tier</FONT>\n";
    print "</PRE></center><P>\n";
} else {
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; 
    print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Who's on RoT</TITLE></HEAD>\n"; 
    print "<BODY>\n"; 
    print "<H2>The game appears to be down, try again later</H2>\n";
print "<HR><P></BODY>\n</HTML>\n";

sub bynumrev { $b <=> $a; }