This is a modification to the LAST command. It maintains a login database which is used to
track logins on a daily basis (current function is to show todays logins and yesterdays logins),
another feature is the ability to show a specific characters possible alternate characters. Based
on the name you search for you will get a list of possible alternate characters for that character.
After which a recurssive search is performed, and pulls a list of possible alternate characters
from the main list of alternate characters.

It will not be very effective at first, but once your login database fills up I am sure you 
will find it very useful. The alternate character search portion of this modification relies 
heavily on the fact that players tend to login to their different characters each day. I decided 
to do the search based on daily logins instead of on every login the database to avoid a potential 
that two different players login under the same ip address in the course of time.

Open mud.h:
typedef struct	teleport_data		TELEPORT_DATA;
typedef	struct	last_data		LAST_DATA;
typedef	struct	altsearch_data		ALT_SEARCH_DATA;

#define AREA_LIST	"area.lst"
#define LAST_LIST       SYSTEM_DIR "last.lst"

#define MAX_IGN		10
struct last_data
    LAST_DATA *			next;
    LAST_DATA *			prev;
    char *			name;
    char *			ip;
    char *			time;
    char *			dayname;
    sh_int			day;
    sh_int			month;
    sh_int			year;

#define MAX_IP_TRACK		25
#define MAX_ALT			100
#define MAX_RECORDED_LOGONS		20000

struct	altsearch_data
    char *			name;
    char *			ip[MAX_IP_TRACK];
    char *			recurse_of; // only used in recurssive searching
    int				ip_track[MAX_IP_TRACK];
    int				dif_ips;
    int                         total_matches;

extern		PROJECT_DATA	  * 	first_project;
extern		PROJECT_DATA	  * 	last_project;
extern		LAST_DATA	  *	first_on;
extern		LAST_DATA	  *	last_on;

Open comm.c:
 In void nanny():
    char *p;
    LAST_DATA *newlogon;
    int day = 0, month = 0, year = 0, count;
    char *strtime;
    char dayname[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    char ltime[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    char buf3[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    	do_look( ch, "auto" );
      	strtime = ctime(&current_time);
	count = 0;
	while ( strtime[0] != '\0' )
	    strtime = one_argument(strtime,buf3);

	    switch ( count )
		case 0: //Dayname
		    sprintf( dayname, "%s", buf3 );
		case 1: //Month
		    if ( !str_cmp(buf3,"Jan") )
			month = 1;
		    else if ( !str_cmp(buf3,"Feb") )
			month = 2;
                    else if ( !str_cmp(buf3,"Mar") )
                        month = 3;
                    else if ( !str_cmp(buf3,"Apr") )
                        month = 4;
                    else if ( !str_cmp(buf3,"May") )
                        month = 5;
                    else if ( !str_cmp(buf3,"Jun") )
                        month = 6;
                    else if ( !str_cmp(buf3,"Jul") )
                        month = 7;
                    else if ( !str_cmp(buf3,"Aug") )
                        month = 8;
                    else if ( !str_cmp(buf3,"Sep") )
                        month = 9;
                    else if ( !str_cmp(buf3,"Oct") )
                        month = 10;
                    else if ( !str_cmp(buf3,"Nov") )
                        month = 11;
			month = 12;
		case 2: //Day
		    day = atoi(buf3);
		case 3: //Time
		    sprintf( ltime, "%s", buf3 );
		case 4: //Year
		    year = atoi(buf3);
	CREATE( newlogon, LAST_DATA, 1 );
	newlogon->dayname 	= str_dup(capitalize(dayname));
	newlogon->day		= day;
	newlogon->month		= month;
	newlogon->year		= year;
	newlogon->time		= str_dup(ltime);
	newlogon->name		= str_dup(ch->pcdata->filename);
	newlogon->ip		= str_dup(ch->desc->host);
	LINK( newlogon, first_on, last_on, next, prev );

Open db.c:
PROJECT_DATA *          first_project;
PROJECT_DATA *          last_project;
LAST_DATA *             first_on;
LAST_DATA *             last_on;

void 	load_projects   args( ( void ) );
void	load_logons	args( ( void ) );

	log_string ("Loading Projects");
	load_projects( );
	log_string( "Loading Logons" );
	load_logons( );

*** Add the following function to the db.c file:
void load_logons( void )
    FILE *fp;
    LAST_DATA *logon;
    char filename[256];
    char *word;
    char *line;
    int month;
    int day;
    int year;
    char name[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    char ip[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    char time[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    char dayname[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

    sprintf( filename, "%s", LAST_LIST );
    fp = fopen( filename, "r" );
    if ( !fp )
        bug( "ERROR: cannot open last.lst for reading!\n\r", 0 );

    fread_word( fp ); //Logins

    for ( ; ; )
      if ( feof(fp) )

      word = fread_word( fp );

      if ( !str_cmp(word, "END"))

      if ( !str_cmp( word, "ENTRY"))
        line = fread_line( fp );
        sscanf( line, "%s %s %d %d %d %s %s", name, dayname, &day, &month, &year, time, ip );

      	CREATE( logon, LAST_DATA, 1 );
      	logon->name	= str_dup(name);
      	logon->dayname	= str_dup(dayname);
      	logon->day	= day;
      	logon->month	= month;
      	logon->year	= year;
      	logon->time	= str_dup(time);
      	logon->ip	= str_dup(ip);
      	LINK( logon, first_on, last_on, next, prev );
    fclose( fp );

Open save.c:
 At the top of save.c in the header file declarations add:
#include <sys/stat.h>
 At the top of save.c in the function declarations add:
/* from comm.c */
bool     check_parse_name        args( ( char *name, bool newchar ) );

*** Replace the do_last function in save.c with the following function
void do_last( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    ALT_SEARCH_DATA  altsearch_table [MAX_ALT];
    LAST_DATA *logon;
    char buf [MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    char arg [MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    char name[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    char ipstring[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    struct stat fst;
    int cnt, count, start = 0;
    int day, month, year;

    day = month = year = 0;

    argument = one_argument( argument, arg );
    if ( arg[0] == '\0' )
	send_to_char( "Usage: last <playername>\n\r", ch );
 	send_to_char( "     : last 'today' or last #\n\r", ch );
    if (isdigit(arg[0]) || atoi(arg) == -1 || !str_cmp(arg, "today") || 
	!str_cmp(arg,"yesterday") || !str_cmp(arg,"fromip") || !str_cmp(arg,"searchname") 
        || !str_cmp(arg,"month") ) //View list instead of players
      char *todayips[1000];
      int todaycnt, x;
      bool found;

      todaycnt = -1;
      send_to_char("Name                  Time                    Host/Ip\n\r", ch );
      send_to_char("---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\r", ch);
      if (!str_cmp(arg, "today"))
	day = get_day();
	month = get_month();
	year = get_year();
	cnt = 0;
	x = 0;
	for ( x = 0; x < 200; x++ )
	    todayips[x] = STRALLOC( "" );
	todaycnt = 0;
	x = 0;
	for ( logon = first_on; logon; logon = logon->next )
	    found = FALSE;
	    if ( (logon->day == day) && (logon->month == month) && (logon->year == year) )
		pager_printf( ch, "%-20s  %-21s   %s\n\r",
		    logon->name, logon->time, logon->ip );
		for ( x = 0; x < todaycnt; x++ )
		    if ( !str_cmp(todayips[x],logon->ip) )
			found = TRUE;
		if ( !found )
		    todayips[todaycnt] = STRALLOC( logon->ip );
      else if (!str_cmp(arg,"yesterday"))
        day = get_day();
        month = get_month();
        year = get_year();
        cnt = 0;
        x = 0;
        for ( x = 0; x < 200; x++ )
            todayips[x] = STRALLOC( "" );
        todaycnt = 0;
        x = 0;
	if ( day == 1 )
	  if ( month == 2 )
	    if ( year % 4 == 0 )
	      day = 29;
	    else if ( month == 2 )
	      day = 28;
	  else if ( month == 0 )
	    // If month was 1, --month would make it 0, change it back to 12
	    month = 12;
	    day = 31;
	  else if ( month == 1 || month == 3 || month == 5 || month == 7
		      || month == 8 || month == 10 )
	    day = 31;
	    day = 30;
        for ( logon = first_on; logon; logon = logon->next )
	    found = FALSE;
            if ( (logon->day == day) && (logon->month == month) && (logon->year == year) )
                pager_printf( ch, "%-20s  %-21s   %s\n\r",
                    logon->name, logon->time, logon->ip );
                for ( x = 0; x < todaycnt; x++ )
                    if ( !str_cmp(todayips[x],logon->ip) )
                        found = TRUE;
                if ( !found )
                    todayips[todaycnt] = STRALLOC( logon->ip );
      else if ( !str_cmp(arg,"fromip") )
	cnt = 0;
	if ( argument[0] == '\0' || !isdigit(argument[0]) )
	  send_to_char( "You must specify an ip address to search for.\n\r", ch );
	for ( logon = first_on; logon; logon = logon->next )
	  start = 0;
	  if ( !str_infix( logon->ip, argument ) )
	start = 50 - start;
        for ( logon = first_on; logon; logon = logon->next )
	  if ( !str_infix( argument, logon->ip ) )
	    if ( start >= 0 && cnt < 50 ) {
                pager_printf( ch, "%-20s  %-3s. %2.2d%-2s at %-8s   %s\n\r",
                    logon->name, get_monthname(logon->month), logon->day,get_daysuffix(logon->day), logon->time, logon->ip );
	pager_printf( ch, "There were %d logons from %s.\n\r", cnt, argument );
      else if (!str_cmp(arg, "month"))
        month = argument[0] == '\0' ? get_month() : atoi(argument);
        cnt = 0;
        x = 0;
        for ( x = 0; x < 200; x++ )
            todayips[x] = STRALLOC( "" );
        x = 0;
        for ( logon = first_on; logon; logon = logon->next )
            found = FALSE;
            if ( logon->month == month )
      else if ( !str_cmp(arg,"searchname") )
        cnt = 0;
        if ( argument[0] == '\0' )
          send_to_char( "You must specify a name to search for.\n\r", ch );
	start = 0;
        for ( logon = first_on; logon; logon = logon->next )
          if ( !str_cmp(argument,logon->name) )
        for ( logon = first_on; logon; logon = logon->next )
          if ( !str_cmp(argument,logon->name) )
	    if ( cnt >= start-50 ) {
                pager_printf( ch, "%-20s  %-3s. %2.2d%-2s at %-8s   %s\n\r",
                    logon->name, get_monthname(logon->month), logon->day, get_daysuffix(logon->day), logon->time, logon->ip );
        pager_printf( ch, "There were %d logons from %s.\n\r", cnt, capitalize(argument) );
	int max = 0;
	count = atoi(arg);
	cnt = 0;

        x = 0;
        for ( x = 0; x < 1000; x++ )
            todayips[x] = STRALLOC( "" );
        todaycnt = 0;
        x = 0;

	for ( logon = first_on; logon; logon = logon->next )

	for ( logon = first_on; logon; logon = logon->next )
	    found = FALSE;
	    if ( cnt >= (max-count) )
                pager_printf( ch, "%-20s  %-3s. %2.2d%-2s at %-8s   %s\n\r",
                    logon->name, get_monthname(logon->month), logon->day, get_daysuffix(logon->day), logon->time, logon->ip );
            	for ( x = 0; x < todaycnt; x++ )
            	    if ( !str_cmp(todayips[x],logon->ip) )
            	        found = TRUE;
            	if ( !found )
            	    todayips[todaycnt] = STRALLOC( logon->ip );
      send_to_char("---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\r", ch );
      if ( !isdigit(arg[0]) )
          pager_printf( ch, "There were %d logons (%d Unique IPs) %s, %d/%d/%d.\n\r", cnt, todaycnt, arg, month, day, year );
	  pager_printf( ch, "There were %d unique IP addresses of the %s logons.\n\r", todaycnt, arg );
    if ( !str_cmp(arg, "countips") )
	char *ipcount[2000];
	bool recorded = FALSE;
	int tmp, ips;

        cnt = 0;
	ips = -1;
	for ( tmp = 0; tmp < 2000; tmp++ )
	    ipcount[tmp] = STRALLOC( "" );
        for ( logon = first_on; logon; logon = logon->next )
	    for ( tmp = 0; tmp < ips; tmp++ )
		if ( !str_cmp(ipcount[tmp],logon->ip) )
		    recorded = TRUE;
	    if ( !recorded )
		ipcount[ips] = STRALLOC( logon->ip );
	    recorded = FALSE;
	ch_printf( ch, "There were %d different IP addresses in the database.\n\r", ips );
    if ( !str_cmp(arg,"findalts") )
        LAST_DATA *logon_temp;
	int alts, alts2, tmp, tmp2;
	bool recorded;
	int total, existing, deleted, recursestart;

        if ( argument[0] == '\0' )
          send_to_char( "You must specify a persons name to find their alts.\n\r", ch );
    	for ( tmp = 0; tmp < MAX_ALT; tmp++ )
    	    //CREATE( altsearch_table[tmp], ALT_SEARCH_DATA, 1 );
    	    altsearch_table[tmp].name = STRALLOC( "" );
	    altsearch_table[tmp].recurse_of = STRALLOC( "" );
    	    for ( tmp2 = 0; tmp2 < MAX_IP_TRACK; tmp2++ )
    	        altsearch_table[tmp].ip[tmp2] = STRALLOC( "" );
    	        altsearch_table[tmp].ip_track[tmp2] = 0;
    	    altsearch_table[tmp].dif_ips = 0;
    	    altsearch_table[tmp].total_matches = 0;
        ch_printf( ch, "Possible Alts of %s:\n\r----------------------------------------------------------\n\r", capitalize(argument) );
         * First loop through every single logon in the database, then re-loop again
         * and compare ip address of all the other logins from that day
	 * Hierarchal Structure:
	 *    *Search Character
	 *     --Possible Alt
	 *       --IP Address, Record Max 25 Seperate IP addresses
	 *	   --Record times individual IP address has been recorded
	 *	   --Record total IP matches
	alts = -1;
        for ( logon = first_on; logon; logon = logon->next )
	    if ( alts >= (MAX_ALT-1) )
            if ( !str_cmp( logon->name, argument ) )
		// Have we already done a search for the argument on this day?
		if ( day == logon->day && month == logon->month && year == logon->year )
                day = logon->day;
                month = logon->month;
                year = logon->year;
                sprintf( ipstring, "%s", logon->ip );
                for ( logon_temp = first_on; logon_temp; logon_temp = logon_temp->next )
                    if ( (logon_temp->day == day) && (logon_temp->month == month) &&
                                (logon_temp->year == year) && str_cmp( logon_temp->name, argument ) )
                        if ( !str_cmp(ipstring,logon_temp->ip) )
			    recorded = FALSE;
			    for ( tmp = 0; tmp <= alts && tmp < MAX_ALT; tmp++ )
				if ( !str_cmp( altsearch_table[tmp].name, logon_temp->name ) )
				    bool ip_found = FALSE;
				    for ( tmp2 = 0; tmp2 < altsearch_table[tmp].dif_ips && tmp2 < MAX_IP_TRACK; tmp2++ )
					if ( !str_cmp( altsearch_table[tmp].ip[tmp2], logon_temp->ip ) )
					    ip_found = TRUE;
				    if ( !ip_found )
					altsearch_table[tmp].ip[altsearch_table[tmp].dif_ips] = STRALLOC(ipstring);
				    recorded = TRUE;
			    if ( !recorded )
				altsearch_table[alts].name = STRALLOC(logon_temp->name);
				altsearch_table[alts].ip[0] = STRALLOC(ipstring);
	 * Recursive searching added, basically the first for loop finds all the alts
	 * for the name given, lets say for example you type 'last findalts fuma' and
	 * two alts come up: Behrditz and Sark, now we are gonna redo the search based
	 * on the names that came up, and see if any new names pop up, but make sure
	 * not to include the original name used.
	day = month = year = 0;
	recursestart = alts;
        if ( alts != -1 )
            alts2 = alts;
            for ( tmp2 = 0; tmp2 <= alts2 && tmp2 <= MAX_ALT; tmp2++ )
                for ( logon = first_on; logon; logon = logon->next )
                    if ( alts >= (MAX_ALT-1) )
                    // Have we already done a search for the argument on this day?
                    if ( day == logon->day && month == logon->month && year == logon->year )
                    if ( !str_cmp( logon->name, altsearch_table[tmp2].name ) )
                        day = logon->day;
                        month = logon->month;
                        year = logon->year;
                        sprintf( ipstring, "%s", logon->ip );
                        for ( logon_temp = first_on; logon_temp; logon_temp = logon_temp->next )
                            if ( (logon_temp->day == day) && (logon_temp->month == month) &&
                                (logon_temp->year == year) && str_cmp( logon_temp->name, altsearch_table[tmp2].name ) )
                                if ( !str_cmp(ipstring,logon_temp->ip) )
                                    recorded = FALSE;
                                    for ( tmp = 0; tmp <= alts && tmp < MAX_ALT; tmp++ )
                                        if ( !str_cmp(altsearch_table[tmp].name, logon_temp->name) )
                                            recorded = TRUE;
                                    if ( !recorded )
                                        if ( str_cmp( logon_temp->name, argument ) )
					    int track;
					    bool ipfound = FALSE;
                                            altsearch_table[alts].name = STRALLOC(logon_temp->name);
					    altsearch_table[alts].recurse_of = STRALLOC(altsearch_table[tmp2].name);
					    for ( track = 0; track < MAX_IP_TRACK; track++ )
						if ( !str_cmp( altsearch_table[alts].ip[track], ipstring ) )
						    ipfound = TRUE;
					    if ( !ipfound )
                                        	altsearch_table[alts].ip[altsearch_table[alts].dif_ips] = STRALLOC(ipstring);
	if ( alts != -1 )
	    bool exists, recurse = FALSE;

	    total = 0;
	    existing = 0;
	    deleted = 0;

	    for ( tmp = 0; tmp <= alts; tmp++ )
		exists = exists_player(altsearch_table[tmp].name);
		if ( exists )
		if ( tmp != 0 && tmp == recursestart )
		    recurse = TRUE;
                    pager_printf( ch, "------------Recurssive Matches------------\n\r" );
		pager_printf( ch, "->%-24s    %4d   %4d   %10s\n\r",
			format( "%s %s%s%s", altsearch_table[tmp].name, recurse ? "[" : "",
				recurse ? altsearch_table[tmp].recurse_of : "", recurse ? "]" : "" ),
			altsearch_table[tmp].total_matches, altsearch_table[tmp].dif_ips,
			exists ? "[Exists]" : "[Deleted]" );
	    ch_printf( ch, "----------------------------------------------------------\n\r" );
	    ch_printf( ch, "%d Total Possible Alts: %d still exist, %d are deleted.\n\r",
			total, existing, deleted );
	    ch_printf( ch, "No possible alternate characters found.\n\r" );
    strcpy( name, capitalize(arg) );
    sprintf( buf, "%s%c/%s", PLAYER_DIR, tolower(arg[0]), name );
    if ( stat( buf, &fst ) != -1 && check_parse_name( capitalize(name), FALSE ))
      sprintf( buf, "%s was last on: %s\r", name, ctime( &fst.st_mtime ) );
      sprintf( buf, "%s was not found.\n\r", name );
   send_to_char( buf, ch );

Add the following functions to your file of choice:
 * Whichever file you choose insert the appropriate global declarations in mud.h
  void	 write_last_file		args( ( void ) );
  int 	 get_day			args( ( void ) );
  int 	 get_month			args( ( void ) );
  int 	 get_year			args( ( void ) );
  char * get_monthname			args( ( int month ) );
  char * get_daysuffix			args( ( int day ) );
  bool   exists_player			args( ( char *name ) );
  char * format				args( ( char *fmt, ... ) );

void write_last_file( )
   FILE *fp;
   char filename[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   LAST_DATA *logon;
   int count;

   sprintf(filename, "%s", LAST_LIST);

   fp = fopen( filename, "w" );

   if ( !fp )
      bug("Cannot open: %s for writing", filename);

   count = 0;
   for ( logon = first_on; logon; logon = logon->next )

   while ( count > MAX_RECORDED_LOGONS )
      logon = first_on;
      logon->name = str_dup("");
      logon->ip = str_dup("");
      logon->time = str_dup("");
      logon->dayname = str_dup("");
      logon->day = 0;
      logon->month = 0;
      logon->year = 0;
      UNLINK(logon, first_on, last_on, next, prev );

   fprintf( fp, "LOGINS\n" );

   for ( logon = first_on; logon; logon = logon->next )
      fprintf( fp, "ENTRY %s %s %d %d %d %s %s\n", 
	logon->name, logon->dayname,
	logon->day, logon->month,
	logon->year, logon->time,
	logon->ip );

   fprintf( fp, "END\n" );

   fclose( fp );

int get_day()
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    char *timestr;
    int count, day;

    timestr = ctime(&current_time);
    day = 0;
    count = 0;
    while ( timestr[0] != '\0' )
        timestr = one_argument(timestr,buf);

        switch ( count )
	    case 2:
		day = atoi(buf);
    return day;

int get_month()
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    char *timestr;
    int count, month;

    timestr = ctime(&current_time);
    month = 0;
    count = 0;
    while ( timestr[0] != '\0' )
        timestr = one_argument(timestr,buf);

        switch ( count )
                case 1: //Month
                    if ( !str_cmp(buf,"Jan") )
                        month = 1;
                    else if ( !str_cmp(buf,"Feb") )
                        month = 2;
                    else if ( !str_cmp(buf,"Mar") )
                        month = 3;
                    else if ( !str_cmp(buf,"Apr") )
                        month = 4;
                    else if ( !str_cmp(buf,"May") )
                        month = 5;
                    else if ( !str_cmp(buf,"Jun") )
                        month = 6;
                    else if ( !str_cmp(buf,"Jul") )
                        month = 7;
		    else if ( !str_cmp(buf,"Aug") )
			month = 8;
		    else if ( !str_cmp(buf,"Sep") )
			month = 9;
		    else if ( !str_cmp(buf,"Oct") )
			month = 10;
		    else if ( !str_cmp(buf,"Nov") )
			month = 11;
			month = 12;
    return month;

int get_year()
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    char *timestr;
    int count, year;

    timestr = ctime(&current_time);
    year = 0;
    count = 0;
    while ( timestr[0] != '\0' )
        timestr = one_argument(timestr,buf);

        switch ( count )
            case 4:
                year = atoi(buf);
    return year;

char * get_monthname( int month )
    switch ( month )
	case 1:	 return "Jan";	break;
	case 2:	 return "Feb";	break;
	case 3:	 return "Mar";	break;
	case 4:	 return "Apr";	break;
	case 5:	 return "May";	break;
	case 6:	 return "Jun";	break;
	case 7:	 return "Jul";	break;
	case 8:	 return "Aug";	break;
	case 9:	 return "Sep";	break;
	case 10: return "Oct";	break;
	case 11: return "Nov";	break;
	case 12: return "Dec";	break;
	default: return "Err";	break;

char * get_daysuffix( int day )
         if ( day > 4 && day <  20 ) return "th";
    else if ( day % 10 ==  1       ) return "st";
    else if ( day % 10 ==  2       ) return "nd";
    else if ( day % 10 ==  3       ) return "rd";
    else                             return "th";

bool exists_player( char *name )
   struct stat fst;
   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

   /* Stands to reason that if there ain't a name to look at, they damn well don't exist! */
   if( !name || !str_cmp( name, "" ) )
        return FALSE;

   sprintf( buf, "%s%c/%s", PLAYER_DIR, tolower( name[0] ), capitalize( name ) );

   if( stat( buf, &fst ) != -1 )
        return TRUE;
   else if( ( victim = get_char_world( supermob, name ) ) != NULL )
        return TRUE;
   return FALSE;

char *format( char *fmt, ... )
  static char newstring[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH*2];        /* better safe than sorry */
  va_list args;

  newstring[0] = '\0';

  if (fmt[0] == '\0')
   return " ";

  va_start(args, fmt);
  vsprintf(buf, fmt, args);

  if (buf[0] == '\0')
   return " ";
  strcpy( newstring, buf);
  return newstring;