Anyone can create a new kingdom, it only requires some knowledge of the MUD,
some strength of character and a couple of friends. Read the help file on
@@KQUEST@ to see how you create a new kingdom.

Already existing kingdoms can be seen with the 'kingdom' command, and here
is a short list of commands which can be used with kindoms.

kjoin      : join a kingdom or list all invitations to join.
kdecline   : decline an invitation.
kinvite    : invite someone to join your kingdom.
kuninvite  : remove an invitation.
kleave     : leave your kingdom.
klist      : list all members/invitations for your kingdom.
kinfo      : list your kingdoms statistics.
kset       : set the kingdoms statistics (kings only)
koutcast   : outcast members from the kingdom (kings only)
ktalk      : use your kingdoms talk channel.
kingdoms   : list all kingdoms and their statistics.
kdonate    : donate goldcrowns to your kingdom.
kbuy       : lets the king buy kingdom stuff.
kmix       : use the kingdom cauldron.
kwho       : who is currently online in your kingdom.