// Full copyright information is available in the file ../doc/CREDITS
// Routines for ColdC buffer manipulation.

#include "defs.h"

#include <ctype.h>
#include "util.h"

#define BUFALLOC(len)		(cBuf *)emalloc(sizeof(cBuf) + (len) - 1)
#define BUFREALLOC(buf, len)	(cBuf *)erealloc(buf, sizeof(cBuf) + (len) - 1)

cBuf *buffer_new(Int len) {
    cBuf *buf;

    buf = BUFALLOC(len);
    buf->len = len;
    buf->refs = 1;
    return buf;

cBuf *buffer_dup(cBuf *buf) {
    return buf;

void buffer_discard(cBuf *buf) {
    if (!buf->refs)

cBuf *buffer_append(cBuf *buf1, cBuf *buf2) {
    if (!buf2->len)
	return buf1;
    buf1 = buffer_prep(buf1);
    buf1 = BUFREALLOC(buf1, buf1->len + buf2->len);
    MEMCPY(buf1->s + buf1->len, buf2->s, buf2->len);
    buf1->len += buf2->len;
    return buf1;

Int buffer_retrieve(cBuf *buf, Int pos) {
    return buf->s[pos];

cBuf *buffer_replace(cBuf *buf, Int pos, uInt c) {
    if (buf->s[pos] == c)
	return buf;
    buf = buffer_prep(buf);
    buf->s[pos] = OCTET_VALUE(c);
    return buf;

cBuf *buffer_add(cBuf *buf, uInt c) {
    buf = buffer_prep(buf);
    buf = BUFREALLOC(buf, buf->len + 1);
    buf->s[buf->len] = OCTET_VALUE(c);
    return buf;

cBuf *buffer_resize(cBuf *buf, Int len) {
    if (len == buf->len)
	return buf;
    buf = buffer_prep(buf);
    buf = BUFREALLOC(buf, len);
    buf->len = len;
    return buf;

/* REQUIRES char *s and unsigned char *q are defined */

#define SEPCHAR '\n'
#define SEPLEN 1

#define VERIFY_SIZE(_STR_) \

cStr * buf_to_string(cBuf * buf) {
    cStr * str, * out;
    unsigned char * string_start, *p, *q;
    char * s;
    size_t len;

#define SEPCHAR '\n'
#define SEPLEN 1

    out = string_new(buf->len);
    string_start = p = buf->s;
    while (p + SEPLEN <= buf->s + buf->len) {
        p = (unsigned char *) memchr(p, SEPCHAR, (buf->s + buf->len) - p);
        if (!p)
        str = string_new(p - string_start);
        s = str->s;
        for (q = string_start; q < p; q++) {
            if (ISPRINT(*q))
                *s++ = *q;
            else if (*q == '\t')
                *s++ = ' ';
        *s = 0;
        str->len = s - str->s;
        out = string_add(out, str);
        out = string_add_chars(out, "\\n", 2);
        string_start = p = p + SEPLEN;

    if ((len = (buf->s + buf->len) - string_start)) {
        str = string_new(len);
        s = str->s;
        for (q = string_start; len--; q++) {
            if (ISPRINT(*q))
                *s++ = *q;
            else if (*q == '\t')
                *s++ = ' ';
        *s = (char) NULL;
        str->len = s - str->s;
        out = string_add(out, str);


#undef SEPCHAR
#undef SEPLEN

    return out;

#undef SEPCHAR
#undef SEPLEN

/* If sep (separator buffer) is NULL, separate by newlines. */
cList *buf_to_strings(cBuf *buf, cBuf *sep)
    cData d;
    cStr *str;
    cList *result;
    unsigned char sepchar, *string_start;
    register unsigned char *p, *q;
    register char *s;
    Int seplen;
    cBuf *end;

    sepchar = (sep) ? *sep->s : '\n';
    seplen = (sep) ? sep->len : 1;
    result = list_new(0);
    string_start = p = buf->s;
    d.type = STRING;
    while (p + seplen <= buf->s + buf->len) {
	/* Look for sepchar staring from p. */
	p = (unsigned char *)memchr(p, sepchar, 
				    (buf->s + buf->len) - (p + seplen - 1));
	if (!p)

	/* Keep going if we don't match all of the separator. */
	if (sep && MEMCMP(p + 1, sep->s + 1, seplen - 1) != 0) {

	/* We found a separator.  Copy the printable characters in the
	 * intervening text into a string. */
	str = string_new(p - string_start);
        s = str->s;
        for (q = string_start; q < p; q++) {
            if (ISPRINT(*q))
                *s++ = *q;
            else if (*q == '\t')
                *s++ = ' ';
        *s = (char) NULL;
        str->len = s - str->s;

	d.u.str = str;
	result = list_add(result, &d);

	string_start = p = p + seplen;

    /* Add the remainder characters to the list as a buffer. */
    end = buffer_new(buf->s + buf->len - string_start);
    MEMCPY(end->s, string_start, buf->s + buf->len - string_start);
    d.type = BUFFER;
    d.u.buffer = end;
    result = list_add(result, &d);

    return result;

cBuf *buffer_from_string(cStr * string) {
    cBuf * buf;
    Int      new;

    buf = buffer_new(string_length(string));
    new = parse_strcpy((char *) buf->s,

    if (string_length(string) - new)
        buf = buffer_resize(buf, new);

    return buf;

cBuf *buffer_from_strings(cList * string_list, cBuf * sep) {
    cData * string_data;
    cBuf *buf;
    Int num_strings, i, len, pos;
    unsigned char *s;

    string_data = list_first(string_list);
    num_strings = list_length(string_list);

    /* Find length of finished buffer. */
    len = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < num_strings; i++)
        len += string_length(string_data[i].u.str) + ((sep) ? sep->len : 2);

    /* Make a buffer and copy the strings into it. */
    buf = buffer_new(len);
    pos = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < num_strings; i++) {
        s = (unsigned char *) string_chars(string_data[i].u.str);
        len = string_length(string_data[i].u.str);
        MEMCPY(buf->s + pos, s, len);
        pos += len;
        if (sep) {
            MEMCPY(buf->s + pos, sep->s, sep->len);
            pos += sep->len;
        } else {
            buf->s[pos++] = '\r';
            buf->s[pos++] = '\n';

    return buf;

cBuf * buffer_subrange(cBuf * buf, Int start, Int len) {
    cBuf * cnew = buffer_new(len);

    MEMCPY(cnew->s, buf->s + start, (len > buf->len ? buf->len : len));
    cnew->len = len;

    return cnew;

cBuf *buffer_prep(cBuf *buf) {
    cBuf *cnew;

    if (buf->refs == 1)
	return buf;

    /* Make a new buffer with the same contents as the old one. */
    cnew = buffer_new(buf->len);
    MEMCPY(cnew->s, buf->s, buf->len);
    return cnew;

int buf_rindexs(uChar * buf, int len, uChar * sub, int slen, int origin){
    register uChar * s;

    if (origin < slen)
        origin = slen;

    len -= origin;

    if (len < 0)
        return 0;

    s = &buf[len];
    while (len-- >= 0) {
        if (*s == *sub) {
            if (!MEMCMP(s, sub, slen))
                return (s - buf) + 1;
    return 0;

INTERNAL int buf_rindexc(uChar * buf, int len, uChar sub, int origin) {
    register uChar * s;
    len -= origin;

    if (len < 0)
        return 0;

    s = &buf[len];
    while (len-- >= 0) {
        if (*s == sub)
            return (s - buf) + 1;
    return 0;

// returns 1..$ if item is found, 0 if it is not or -1 if an error is thrown

int buffer_index(cBuf * buf, uChar * ss, int slen, int origin) {
    int     len;
    uChar * s,
          * p;
    Bool    reverse = NO;

    s = buf->s;
    len = buf->len;

    if (origin < 0) {
        reverse = YES;
        origin = -origin;

    if (origin > len || !origin)
        return F_FAILURE;

    if (reverse) {
        if (slen == 1)
            return buf_rindexc(s, len, *ss, origin);
        return buf_rindexs(s, len, ss, slen, origin);
    } else {
        int xlen = len;

        xlen -= origin;

        if (xlen < slen)
            return 0;

        p = s + origin;

        p = (uChar *) memchr(p, *ss, xlen);

        if (slen == 1)
            return p ? ((p - s) + 1) : 0;

        while (p && (p+slen <= s+len)) {
            if (MEMCMP(p, ss, slen) == 0)
                return (p - s) + 1;
            xlen = len - ((p - s) + 1);
            p = (uChar *) memchr(p+1, *ss, xlen);
    return 0;