/* Compression routines */ /* These use a pathetically simple encoding that takes advantage of the */ /* eighth bit on a char; if you are using an international character set, */ /* they may need substantial patching. */ #ifdef COMPRESS #define BUFFER_LEN 16384 /* nice big buffer */ #define TOKEN_BIT 0x80 /* if on, it's a token */ #define TOKEN_MASK 0x7f /* for stripping out token value */ #define NUM_TOKENS (128) #define MAX_CHAR (128) /* Top 128 bigrams in the CMU TinyMUD database as of 2/13/90 */ static const char *tokens[NUM_TOKENS] = { "e ", " t", "th", "he", "s ", " a", "ou", "in", "t ", " s", "er", "d ", "re", "an", "n ", " i", " o", "es", "st", "to", "or", "nd", "o ", "ar", "r ", ", ", "on", " b", "ea", "it", "u ", " w", "ng", "le", "is", "te", "en", "at", " c", "y ", "ro", " f", "oo", "al", ". ", "a ", " d", "ut", " h", "se", "nt", "ll", "g ", "yo", " l", " y", " p", "ve", "f ", "as", "om", "of", "ha", "ed", "h ", "hi", " r", "lo", "Yo", " m", "ne", "l ", "li", "de", "el", "ta", "wa", "ri", "ee", "ti", "no", "do", "Th", " e", "ck", "ur", "ow", "la", "ac", "et", "me", "il", " g", "ra", "co", "ch", "ma", "un", "so", "rt", "ai", "ce", "ic", "be", " n", "k ", "ge", "ot", "si", "pe", "tr", "wi", "e.", "ca", "rs", "ly", "ad", "we", "bo", "ho", "ir", "fo", "ke", "us", "m ", " T", "di", ".." }; static char token_table[MAX_CHAR][MAX_CHAR]; static int table_initialized = 0; static void init_compress (void) { int i; int j; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CHAR; i++) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_CHAR; j++) { token_table[i][j] = 0; } } for (i = 0; i < NUM_TOKENS; i++) { token_table[tokens[i][0]][tokens[i][1]] = i | TOKEN_BIT; } table_initialized = 1; } static int compressed (const char *s) { while (*s) { if (*s++ & TOKEN_BIT) return 1; } return 0; } const char *compress (const char *s) { static char buf[BUFFER_LEN]; char *to; char token; if (!table_initialized) init_compress (); if (compressed (s)) return s; /* already compressed */ /* tokenize the first characters */ for (to = buf; s[0] && s[1]; to++) { if (token = token_table[s[0]][s[1]]) { *to = token; s += 2; } else { *to = s[0]; s++; } } /* copy the last character (if any) and null */ while (*to++ = *s++); return buf; } const char *uncompress (const char *s) { static char buf[BUFFER_LEN]; char *to; const char *token; for (to = buf; *s; s++) { if (*s & TOKEN_BIT) { token = tokens[*s & TOKEN_MASK]; *to++ = *token++; *to++ = *token; } else { *to++ = *s; } } *to++ = *s; return buf; } #endif /* COMPRESS */