Based on my striparea snippet, i've created a snippet that will
set the area with a flag, (well, all the rooms)

Its fun, saves builers time, which as we all know, is important
for speedy production of your mud.

After i wrote this, and installed it into my mud, debugged it,
and tested it out, i became really happy with myself, so once again
i decided to release this for you all to enjoy :)

Enjoy another snippet by Dazzle

Add this to interp.c
{"setflag", do_set_area_affect, POS_DEAD,L6, LOG_NORMAL, 1},

in Interp.h

in act_wiz.c add the following.

// *Strip an area of a specified effect.* //
void do_set_area_affect(CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument)
    int i;
    if ( argument[0] == '\0' )
        send_to_char( "What room flag would you like to set in this area??\n\r", ch );
    for(i = 0; room_flags[i].name != NULL; i++)
    	if(is_exact_name(argument, room_flags[i].name))
    		int x;
    		ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoom;
    		// Parse through the list.
    		for(x = ch->in_room->area->min_vnum; x != ch->in_room->area->max_vnum; x++)
    			if((pRoom = get_room_index(x)) != NULL)
    				// Set the room flag
    				if(!IS_SET(pRoom->room_flags, room_flags[i].bit))
    					SET_BIT(pRoom->room_flags, room_flags[i].bit);
	send_to_char("Flags set in this area area!\n\r",ch);
	do_asave(ch, "area");
    send_to_char("That flag does not exist!\n\r",ch);