   		 "We addict players for their own enjoyment."
				July 16, 1993

**  If you drop your link for more than 1 hour, you will be force-rented
    at 25% greater than normal rent prices.  If you don't have enough
    money to rent with, your most valuable items will be junked until
    the money you have can cover your items.

**  You can now remove your own messages from the board.  Also, if you
    put someone else's name in parentheses in the message header, they
    will be able to remove the message too.

**  The MIDGAARD MAIL SYSTEM is now complete.  The Post Office is north
    of the entrance to the Grunting Boar inn.  Stamps cost 150 coins.

**  Fountains have now been implemented.  You can drink from fountains
    or fill containers from fountains using the FILL command.

**  The SHOUT command, as always, only reaches people in your zone (you
    can see who these people are by typing WHERE).  The HOLLER command
    reaches everyone in the game but costs 10 movement points.

**  When you are writing a message, you will now not be interrupted
    by tells, shouts, emotes, socials, and even people talking in the
    same room.

**  The WIMPY command has been upgraded so you can set at how many hit
    points you flee.  Type HELP WIMPY for more info.

**  You can now type WHO 15 to see only people above level 15, or
    WHO MAGE to see only magic-users.

**  You can now prevent the mud from repeating your communication commands
    (i.e. "You say 'hi'" "You shout 'I'm shouting for no reason!'") by
    typing REPEAT.

**  So many choices here on CircleMUD!  Type TOGGLE to see which ones
    you've made.

    IF YOU LEAVE THE GAME FOR MORE THAN AN HOUR, either by renting or plain
    quitting, your hit points, move points, and mana will be fully restored
    when you come back!  This doesn't work if you're poisoned.

**  Use the ASSIST command to engage in mortal combat with someone in the
    room who is getting pummeled.  (Thank you, Burt/Jedi Mud!)

**  Use the SPLIT command to split gold among the members of your group
    (including yourself) who are in the room.  i.e. If you are in a group
    with 4 other people who are in the room with you, type "SPLIT 100"
    to give each of them 20 coins.  (Thank you, Burt/Jedi Mud!)

**  You can use the VISIBLE command to break a spell of invisibility before
    it expires.

**  The Light Forest (west of the city) has been vastly improved.  It's now
    an excellent area for new players.  Written by Derkhil.

**  A new area, ROME, is now north of the Temple of Midgaard.  Written by

**  As always, there is NO PLAYERKILLING allowed on this MUD.  Summon
    protection has been enabled.  Type HELP NOSUMMON for more info.

**  Many other small enhancements have been made to the code, most of
    which I've forgotten at the moment :-).  So don't be surprised
    if something now works slightly differently (hopefully better) than
    what you're used to.

Send ideas, gripes, etc, etc. to