# Install the tintin++ executable and help file.

strip tt++

case "$1" in
.|./)	;;
*)	echo Moving tt++ to $1/ ...; mv tt++ $1/;;

cat <<EOF

In this version of tintin++, you need to have certain
#pathdir commands in your .tintinrc for #path, #return, etc
to work correctly.
I will automatically make sure you have them; don't worry.


if [ '!' -f $HOME/.tintinrc ]
cat <<EOF
I see you do not have a .tintinrc in $HOME.
I will copy a default one for you which has the right commands in it.
cp support/.tintinrc $HOME/
if grep pathdir $HOME/.tintinrc >/dev/null
cat <<EOF
I see you already have #pathdir commands in $HOME/.tintinrc.
You should leave them in there.
If you are using some other alias file with tintin++, please
copy those #pathdir commands to your other alias files too.
cat <<EOF
I see you already have a .tintinrc, but you do not have
any #pathdir commands in it.
I will add the appropriate commands to your .tintinrc.
cat support/.tintinrc >>$HOME/.tintinrc

cat <<EOF

Your installation of tintin++ is now complete.
If you have any questions, problems, or comments,
you may email us at the address listed in the README,
or type ./gripe from the src/ directory.

Enjoy!			-- The tintin++ development team
exit 0


# This stuff is old, and I rewrote it; no need to use it.
# I don't know why I don't just delete it.

echo "Copying the tintin++ help file to \"$2\"..."
if [ "$3" ]; then 
  cp support/.tt_help.txt.Z "$2/"
  echo Uncompressing.
  uncompress -c support/.tt_help.txt.Z | cat > "$2"/.tt_help.txt

echo "You'll have to do 1 thing before you continue with using tintin++."
echo "Look over support/.tintinrc and notice the #pathdir's..  Either add" 
echo "Them to your current .tintinrc in your home directory, or copy that"
echo "file to your home directory with something like:"
echo "cp support/.tintinrc ~"
echo " "
echo "If you have any questions, problems, or comments, you may email"
echo "us at the address listed in the README, or type './gripe'."
echo "and enter what your gripe is (This will get mailed to the Devel Team)"
echo " "
echo "Enjoy!!!"
echo "--The tintin++ developement team"
exit 0