# This is a sample configuration file.
#		       This file is part of TeenyMUD II.
#	    Copyright(C) 1995 by Jason Downs.  All rights reserved.
# TeenyMUD II is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# TeenyMUD II is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program (see the file 'COPYING'); if not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
# MA 02111-1307, USA.

# Various options
mudname		TeenyMUD
hostnames	yes
registration	no
registername	yes
logcommands	yes
enable_quota	yes
enable_money	yes
enable_groups	yes
enable_autotoad	no
enable_autohome no
enable_pueblo	no
wizwhoall	no
dark_sleep	yes
file_access	yes
file_exec	yes
enable_rwho	no
hfile_autoload	yes
default_port	4201
starting_loc	2
root_location	0
player_god	1
starting_quota	50
starting_money	250
daily_paycheck	100
find_cost	100
limfind_cost	10
stat_cost	10
fullstat_cost	100
room_cost	10
thing_cost	10
exit_cost	1
minkill_cost	10
maxkill_cost	100
max_list	1024
max_commands	5
max_pennies	100000
cache_size	20480
cache_width	10
cache_depth	50
growth_increment	512
slack		128
queue_slice	5
build_flags	B
robot_flags	r
wizard_flags	W
god_flags	G
guest_flags	g
player_flags	B
money_penny	penny
money_nickle	nickle
money_dime	dime
money_quarter	quarter
money_dollar	dollar
money_pennies	pennies
money_nickles	nickles
money_dimes	dimes
money_quarters	quarters
money_dollars	dollars
dump_interval	3600
login_timeout	300
player_timeout	3600
rwho_interval	100
bad_pnames	God Wizard "Admin Player"
rwho_host	localhost
rwho_passwd	getyourown
help_url	<A HREF=\"http://www.teeny.org/help/\">Help@teeny.org</A>
news_url	<A HREF=\"http://www.teeny.org/news/\">News@teeny.org</A>
dbm_file	database/teeny.gdbm
db_file		database/teeny.db
help_file	text/help.txt
news_file	text/news.txt
motd_file	text/motd.txt
wizn_file	text/wiznews.txt
greet_file	text/greet.txt
newp_file	text/welcome.txt
register_file	text/register.txt
bye_file	text/goodbye.txt
shtd_file	text/shutdown.txt
guest_file	text/guest.txt
timeout_file	text/timeout.txt
badconn_file	text/badconnect.txt
badcrt_file	text/badcreate.txt
status_file	logs/status
gripe_file	logs/gripes
command_file	logs/commands
error_file	logs/errors
panic_file	logs/panic
files_path	files/
# Command aliases
alias	drop	d
alias	drop	dr
alias	drop	dro
alias	pose	em
alias	pose	emo
alias	pose	emot
alias	pose	emote
alias	enter	en
alias	enter	ent
alias	enter	ente
alias	examine	ex
alias	examine	exa
alias	examine exam
alias	examine	exami
alias	examine	examin
alias	give	gi
alias	give	giv
alias	gripe	gr
alias	gripe	gri
alias	gripe	grip
alias	inventory	i
alias	inventory	in
alias	inventory	inv
alias	inventory	inve
alias	inventory	inven
alias	inventory	invent
alias	inventory	invento
alias	inventory	inventor
alias	kill	k
alias	kill	ki
alias	kill	kil
alias	leave	le
alias	leave	lea
alias	leave	leav
alias	look	l
alias	look	lo
alias	look	loo
alias	look	re
alias	look	rea
alias	look	read
alias	go	m
alias	go	mo
alias	go	mov
alias	go	move
alias	page	p
alias	page	pa
alias	page	pag
alias	pose	po
alias	pose	pos
alias	say	sa
alias	score	sc
alias	score	sco
alias	score	scor
alias	take	ta
alias	take	tak
alias	take	ge
alias	take	get
alias	drop	th
alias	drop	thr
alias	drop	thro
alias	drop	throw
alias	use	us
alias	whisper	w
alias	whisper	wh
alias	whisper	whi
alias	whisper	whis
alias	whisper	whisp
alias	whisper	whispe
alias	@attach	@at
alias	@attach	@att
alias	@attach	@atta
alias	@attach	@attac
alias	@case	@ca
alias	@case	@cas
alias	@charge	@cha
alias	@charge	@char
alias	@charge	@charg
alias	@children	@chi
alias	@children	@chil
alias	@children	@child
alias	@children	@childr
alias	@children	@childre
alias	@chown	@cho
alias	@chown	@chow
alias	@clone	@cl
alias	@clone	@clo
alias	@clone	@clon
alias	@config	@con
alias	@config	@conf
alias	@config	@confi
alias	@config/alias	@alias
alias	@config/unalias	@unalias
alias	@copy	@cop
alias	@copy/move	@move
alias	@cost	@cos
alias	@create	@cr
alias	@create	@cre
alias	@create	@crea
alias	@create	@creat
alias	@recycle	@dest
alias	@recycle	@destr
alias	@recycle	@destro
alias	@recycle	@destroy
alias	@doing	@do
alias	@doing	@doi
alias	@doing	@doin
alias	@edit	@ed
alias	@edit	@edi
alias	@entrances	@ent
alias	@entrances	@entr
alias	@entrances	@entra
alias	@entrances	@entran
alias	@entrances	@entranc
alias	@entrances	@entrance
alias	@foreach	@fore
alias	@foreach	@forea
alias	@foreach	@foreac
alias	@force	@forc
alias	@find	@fi
alias	@find	@fin
alias	@group	@gro
alias	@group	@grou
alias	@motd	@mot
alias	@lock	@loc
alias	@name	@na
alias	@name	@nam
alias	@notify	@not
alias	@notify	@noti
alias	@notify	@notif
alias	@open	@op
alias	@open	@ope
alias	@owned	@ow
alias	@owned	@own
alias	@owned	@owne
alias	@parent	@par
alias	@parent	@pare
alias	@parent	@paren
alias	@password	@pas
alias	@password	@pass
alias	@password	@passw
alias	@password	@passwo
alias	@password	@passwor
alias	@purge	@pu
alias	@purge	@pur
alias	@purge	@purg
alias	@quota	@qu
alias	@quota	@quo
alias	@quota	@quot
alias	@recycle	@rec
alias	@recycle	@recy
alias	@recycle	@recyc
alias	@recycle	@recycl
alias	@savestty	@save
alias	@savestty	@saves
alias	@savestty	@savest
alias	@savestty	@savestt
alias	@semaphore	@sem
alias	@semaphore	@sema
alias	@semaphore	@semap
alias	@semaphore	@semaph
alias	@semaphore	@semapho
alias	@semaphore	@semaphor
alias	@stats	@st
alias	@stats	@sta
alias	@stats	@stat
alias	@sweep	@sw
alias	@sweep	@swe
alias	@sweep	@swee
alias	@systat	@sy
alias	@systat	@sys
alias	@systat	@syst
alias	@systat	@systa
alias	@teleport	@te
alias	@teleport	@tel
alias	@teleport	@tele
alias	@teleport	@telep
alias	@teleport	@telepo
alias	@teleport	@telepor
alias	@trace	@tra
alias	@trace	@trac
alias	@trigger	@tri
alias	@trigger	@trig
alias	@trigger	@trigg
alias	@trigger	@trigge
alias	@unlink	@unli
alias	@unlink	@unlin
alias	@unlock	@unlo
alias	@unlock	@unloc
alias	@version	@ver
alias	@version	@vers
alias	@version	@versi
alias	@version	@versio
alias	@wait	@wai
# Site Lockout options always go last
# lock out the world, except CSOS
#+lockout *	This service is too good for you. Goodbye!
#-lockout *CSOS.ORST.EDU
#+ R *CSOS.ORST.EDU	Sorry, you can't create a character from this site.
#- R jadzia*.CSOS.ORST.EDU