Last modification: 4OCT94


	The following actions are prohibited on the game, and anyone
caught breaking these rules will be subject to punishments such as prison
time, loss of experience, character deletion or site lockout. 

1.  Do not crash the game.
	This is punishable by site lockout.  
	Crashers ruin the game for everyone, so if you are on during a 
crash and suspect that another character may have been the cause, please 
mail a DM.

2.  Do not sell quest items. 
	The quests are a vital part of the game, and players are 
encouraged to share information, go on quests together, and share quest 
items.  However, you should never sell or purchase _any_ quest item.

3.  Do not drag monsters.
	Intentionally bringing aggressive monsters into areas that they 
do not belong is prohibited.  

4.  Do not flood or 'spam' other players.
	The best way to handle this is to ignore the player, and allow a 
caretaker to deal out the punishment.  This includes, but is not limited 
to, repeated flashes and emotes.

5.  Do not multi-log.
	This is to insure that everyone has equal access to the game. 
This does not mean that you can't have multiple characters, just that you
should concentrate on playing _one_ at a time.  ***Do not log in more than
one of your characters at a time.***  This is regardless of the number of
accounts or computers you have at your disposal.   
	Strange things have been known to happen to characters that abuse
this policy.  NOTE: For policy purposes a log into the queue is considered
a log into the game, and queue loading will be dealt with severely. 

6.  Do not use robots on the game
	One of the most enjoyable aspects of Isengard is the interaction 
between players.  Robots upset the balance of the game, and require the 
scenario to be made more difficult to accomodate them. 

	The following actions are not prohibited, but are discouraged
because they lessen the enjoyment of the game for other players. Players
caught breaking these rules may punished, and the DMs consider it their
right to do what they wish to those that do these things.

1.  Do not stun or attack someone who is in already in combat.
	This is a truly evil chaotic thing to do.

2.  Do not get all.
	You should not get more than you deserve, especially since other 
players have usually worked hard to get whatever it is you are grabbing.

3.  Do not summon players unknowingly to aggressive monsters.
	The best lesson here is to 'set nosummon', and if you are going 
to be summoned, be sure that it is by someone you can trust.

4.  Do not use excessive foul language
	It is good to remember that the other players on the game are 
actually real people, and that the use of excessive racist, sexist, or 
foul language may offend some people.  If you are unable to control 
yourself, refrain from using such remarks when you broadcast.  


	In general, DMs and caretakers are on the game for the purpose of
construction & debugging.  We feel that the best policy is one of
non-involvement in the play of the game.  If you have a _real_ problem, we
can help you solve it, but we are not here to assist with your play of
the game.  If you have questions, please read all the available files 
before contacting a caretaker. 
	If you die as a result of the illegal actions of another player, 
you will _not_ be reimbursed for the loss.  However, it is in your best 
interest to report the crime so that we can assess the required 
	Finally, if you are not satisfied with the decision of a caretaker
you may appeal to a DM via mail, however it is very rare that the decision
of a caretaker is reversed and the decision of a DM is final. 


This file is subject to change without notice and players are encouraged
to check it frequently.  Ignorance is no excuse.