The thick, black tome reads...

	Lag is the most hated enemy of all the residents of Isengard, 
including the Caretakers and Dungeonmasters.  It is caused by many 
things; some we can control and some we cannot.  
	This book is written so that we all can understand this deadly 
foe more fully, and hopefully minimize its demonic effects.

Some of the greatest causes of Lag:

1.  Other operations on the host where Isengard is running.
	It is wise to remember that Isengard is running on a machine that
is used by the Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology at the
University of California, Irvine.  You can expect that other users may
access this machine for the purposes of conducting research.  You can
avoid this cause by coming to Isengard during non-peak hours, such as late
evenings and weekends. 

2.  Your distance from Isengard.
	The farther you are from our host, the more potential you have 
for Lag.  You basically aquire Lag from all across the land, and it is 
added to the local Lag here at Isengard.

3.  Many players are logging in and out.
	Some of the most labor intesive functions in Isengard are related 
to logging in and out.  Only those who play can help to reduce this cause.

4.  DEATH.
	Believe it or not!  The "lag" that is seen when you die may not 
be lag at all.  As you can imagine, death of any player increases lag 
(this is also a labor intensive function).  However, when you die you are 
the last person notified.  Thus, it seems like real "lag" as the other 
players in the game are notified of your death.  
	Death does cause real lag as well, so the best way to reduce this 
cause of lag is to avoid dying.  

5.  A large number of players on at one time.
	This is one of the biggest reasons for the no multiple-log rule. 
The more players, the more lag.  This is a relatively small factor in the
lag equation, but a cause nonetheless.  It is also part of the reason 
that multiple logging is not allowed.

	These are by no means all the causes of Lag, but they are a 
substantial part of the reason that we have it.