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	DM function *SET

	This function allows the DM to set any variable on an exit, room,
player, monster, or object.  The syntax is different for each class of
thing.  This file will discuss each class beginning with exits. 

	Making & Deleting EXITS:

	*set [rm #] x [exit name] [link to rm #]

	If you omit the [rm #] section, it will assume that you mean the 
parent room (the one you are in).  

	To create an exit you specify the exit name and the room number to
link it to.  

:*set x north 3750
	[creates an exit named 'north' leading to room 3750]
:*set 3649 x door 3750
	[creates an exit named 'door' from room 3649 to 3750]

	To DELETE an exit, use 0 as the [link to rm #].  
	To RENAME an exit it is necessary to delete it and remake it. 
	If you use "." as the [link to rm #], then it will link both rooms 
with the same [exit name] in each room.  

	To set FLAGS on exits, the syntax is:

	*set xf [exit name] [flag number]

	This will toggle the flag named in [flag number] on the 
exit [exit name].

	Setting up ROOMS:

	*set r [trfbx] [<value>]

	To set the traffic on a room use the 't' case and the value 
following it will be taken as the new traffic value.

:*set r t 100
Traffic is now 100%.

	To set a flag on the room use the 'f' case and the flag number 
specified in [<value>] will toggle.

:*set r f 10
Room flag #10 on.

	To put a new random monster into a room use the 'r' case and the
value following is the random slot (1-10).  A third variable must be set 
and that will provide the monster number to put into the random slot.

:*set r r3 120
Random #3 is now 120.
:*set r r4 105
Random #4 is now 105.

	To set level boundaries for a room you must specify whether you 
want to set high or low boundaries.  This is done by either 'l' or 'h' 
next to the case 'b'.  The level boundary is set by the value following 
the case and type of boundary to set.

:*set r bl 10
Low level boundary 10.
:*set r bh 4
High level boundary 4.

	To put a trap in a room use the 'x' case and the value that 
follows will be the trap type placed into the room.

:*set r x 3
Room has trap #3 set.

	To set up PLAYERS:

  *set c <name> <a|con|c|dex|e|f|g|hm|h|int|l|mm|m|pie|p#|r#|str> [<val>]

	The variables you can set are:
	a 		alignment
	con		constitution
	c		class
	dex		dexterity
	e		experience
	f		flag toggle
	g		gold
	h		current hp
	hm		max hp
	i		intellegence
	l		level
	m		current mp
	mm		max mp
	p# <val>	gives <val> hits to proficiency #
	pie		piety
	r		race
	r# <val>	gives <val> hits to realm #
	s		strength
:*set c joe h 20
	[joe now has 20 hp]
:*set c jim f 1
	[jim is now hidden]

	To set MONSTER variables:

	*set c <name> <ar|dn|ds|dp|thac> <val>

	ar		set armor
	dn		set number of dice
	ds		set sides per dice
	thac		set thac0

:*set m grendel dn 4
	[Grendel now hits with 4 dice damage]
:*set m arthur thac 14
	[Arthur has a thac0 of 14]

	To set OBJECT variables:

	*set o <name> [<crt>] <ad|ar|dn|ds|dp|f|m|sm|s|v|wg|wr> [<val>]

	variables are:
	ad		adjustment
	ar		armor
	dn		number of dice
	ds		sides of dice
	dp		bonus/plus
	f <val>		toggles flag #<val>
	m		magic power
	s		shots current
	sm 		shots max
	v		value
	wg		weight
	wr		wear location flag