
The gstat command produces various statistical information about all
the characters in mordor.  In addition, gstat can list all the 
mordor characters that exceed a given amount of gold, play time,
or level.

        gstat [-glts #] [-d] [-P <players ...>]

The flags can appear in any order except for the '-P' which must be 
the last flag in the command arguement list.  Also each flag must 
appear separately.   i.e. -gl 10 needs to be -g 10 -l 10
Also, due to the amount of data output, the static breakdown will not be
listed if the -d, -g, -l or -t flags are used.

    -d    The '-d' flag will list all the players that are either
          a DM, a caretaker or None.

    -g #  The '-g' flag will list all players with '#' or more

    -l #  The '-l' flag will list all players that are '#'+

          breakdown on players '#'+ level.  This is intended to allow
          for a more accurate statical breakdown.  Often times
          players create a 'one time' character which can skew
          the true static brekadown of the game..

    -t #  The '-t flag will list all players that have a play
          time greater than '#' seconds..

    -P <players...> The '-P' tells gstat to run gstat only on the 
          player's names specified after the '-P'.  If the '-P
          is not present, gstat will use all the characters in
          the players directory.  Note: the player's names following
          '-P' still must be in the player/ directory. The '-P'
          was intended as a means to limit gstat static domain.

      gstat -l 10
         -- list all the players that are 10+ level.

      gstat -d -P P1 P2 P3
         -- list all the DMs in the player list P1, P2, P3

      gstat -s 2
         -- only preform the statical breakdown on players that
            are 2nd or higher level.el.

Other notes:

Class / Level Breakdown:
    The number following the Class number tells the total 
    number of players of that class.  The two lines of numbers
    represents the number of players of the given class at
    at each level.  The first line of numbers corresponds to 
    1st to 13th level , the second line of numbers corresponds to
    14th to 26th level, where 26 slot is for all players that are
    26+ level..

    Due to the amount of output from gstat, and the length of time to
    search all the players, it might be easier to redirect gstat 
    output to a file: gstat > gstat_file.
Use italk instead of telnet because telnet is an ugly
way to connect to anything, 

italk localhost 4040
or on tesla 
italk m

If you insist on TELNET, then use telnet localhost 4040


list <m|o|r> [options]
[options]:  -r#:#     index range
            -s#       descriptor for output
            -l#:#     level range
            -t#       object type
            -w#       object wearflag
            -f#       flag set
            -F#       flag NOT set
            -q        quest objects only
            -o#       monsters/rooms carrying object
            -m#       rooms with monster 


    The plist commands provides a simply way to list a given player's
class, level, password, and inventory without having to use the editor
or actually log the player in.  

    plist [[-inp] [-l #]] <players>

    -n    The '-n' tells plist to only list the name of the player.
          The '-n' flag is intented to be used with the '-l #' 
          flag to allow the output list of players to be piped
          or redirected into another command.

    -i    The '-i' flag requires plist to list all the objects in the
          player inventory, including items in containers.  The
          output format is a bit rough, so some line wrap around
          may occur.  NOTE:  It is not wise to type "plist -i *" in
          the player directory due to the massive amount of data
          that would be produced.

    -p    The '-p' requires plist to display the player password.

    -l #  The '-l #' requires plist to list all players equal to the 
          given level #.

    plist -p Foo Bar
      -- this will list the class, level, race and password for 
         Foo and Bar.

    plist -l 1 Player1 ... Player10
      -- this will list all the players that are level 1 in the list
         of players Player1 to Player10.

    plist -i Fubar
      --this will list the class, race, level  and inventory
        for the player Fubar.


   The psearch command searchs all the characters in the mordor/player
directory for a specified item.  Psearch will search a characters entire 
inventory including the contents of containers.  Psearch will list a player's
name, the total number of specified object in the player's possession,
and the number of the specified objects that are in containers.
Psearch also has the option to list any weapon that does more than
a specified amount of damage, or armor that exceeds a given armor

    psearch <[object #] [-adnsv #] [-N <name>]> [-P <players>]

    If the first argument for psearch is a number, then psearch 
will search for the object corresponding to that number.  The item
number does not have to be given if any of the other flags are set.
The flags may appear in any order.

    -a #   The '-a' will list all objects on players that have
           an armor rating equal or greater to '#'.

    -d #   The '-d' will list all objects on players that do
           a maxium damage equal or greater than '#'.  This is
           based on ndice*sdice + pdice.

    -n #   The '-n' flag specifies the object number to search for.
           This flag is redundant if the object number has already 
           been specified as the first argument of psearch.

    -s #   The '-s' will list all players that know the spell 
           which corresponds to '#'. The first spell starts at 0.

    -v #   The '-v' will list all objects on players with value
           exceeding '#'.

    -N <name> Requires psearch to use the name following the -N as
           the name of the object to search for.  The given name
           has to perfectly match the object name in ordor for the object
           to be listed.  In cases where the object name is more than
           one word or contains single quotes, the entire name needs
           to be double quoted.   i.e. psearch -N "dragon's blade"

   -P <players> Normally psearch will search all the players in
           the mordor/player/ directory. The '-P' flag requires psearch
           to only search the following list of players.  Note:  the
           list of players still must exist in mordor/player/. The '-P'
           allows a way to limit psearch's search domain.

    psearch 212
     --this will list all the players that have object 212 
       (assassin daggers)

    psearch -d 20
     --this will search and list all the players and objects that
       can do 20+ damage. 

    psearch -N "small knife" -P P1 P2 P3
     -- this will search all the given players (P1, P2, P3) that
        have objects with the name of small knife. 

     If a player cannot be loaded, the user will be notifed of a
     player load error.or.

startup is a shell auto startup / running program for mordor.  This
should only be executed as mordor user.


   The tdel command will list or delete all files that have not been 
modified in a specified number of days.  The number of days is
specified by the first command arguemnt of tdel.  Note: the number
of days can be a floating number (i.e. 2.2, 60.5, etc).

    tdel <# of days> [-d] [-F <files ..>]

    -d  The '-d' flag requires tdel to delete all files that are
        X or more days old, where X is the specified number of days.

    -F  <files...> The '-F' requires tdel to list/delete the specified 
        files after the '-F' flag. If '-F' is not set, tdel will
        list / delete the files in the specifed directory (the
        path is hard coded and currently set to mordor/player/).
        Note: '-F' must appear as the last command flag, since
        all arguements following '-F' are assumed to be file names.
        The files are also assumed to in the current work directory,
        or a relative path to the current working directory
        The files are also assumed to in the current work directory,
        or a relative path to the current working directory.

    tdel 10
     -- tdel will LIST all files in the player/ that have not been
        modified in the last 10 days.

    tdel 10 -d
     -- tdel will DELETE all files in the player/ that have not been
        modified in the last 10 days.

    tdel 25 -d -F F1 F2 F3
      -- tdel will delete any of files following  the -F flag (F1,F2,F3)
         that has not been  modified in the last 25 days.


   1	  55	 10	90	19	 10	 5
   2	  58	 20	80	18	 15	 6
   3	  61	 30	70	17	 35	 7
   4	  65	 45	60	16	 65	 8
   5	  68	 60	50	15	100	10
   6	  71	 75	40	14	140	12
   7	  75	 90	30	13	200	14
   8	  78	105	20	12	250	16
   9	  81	120	10	11	325	18
  10	  85	135	 0	10	400	20
  11	  88	150	-5	 9	500	22
  12	  91	165    -10	 8	600	24
  13	  95	180    -15	 7	700	26
  14	  98	195    -20	 6	850	28
  15	 101	210    -25	 5     1000	30
  16	 105	225    -30	 4     1150	33
  17	 108	240    -35	 3     1300	36
  18	 111	255    -40	 2     1450	40
  19	 115    270    -45       1     1600	45
  20     118	285    -50	 0     1800	50
  21	 121    300    -60      -2     2200     52
  22     122    350    -70      -4     2600     54
  23     123    400    -80      -6     3200     56
  24     124    450    -90      -8     4000     58
  25     125    500   -100     -10     5000     60
                         >Creature Flags<

The following is a list and brief description of all creature flags.
syntax: name     flag #  stat name    defined name
The value for flag # includes the offset of +1

Permanent Monster       1           Perm            MPERMT
    The monster will be a permanent monster, and will be saved as
    part of the room.

Hidden                  2           <none>          MHIDDN
    The monster appears hidden, and can not be seen, unless 
    searched for. 

Invisible               3           Invis           MINVIS
    The monster appears invisible.  Players interacting 
    with the monster must have detect-invisible.

Plural name             4           <none>          MTOMEN
    The moster's name is changed from "man" to "men" when
    more than one of the monster's appears.  

No Plural               5           <none>          MDROPS
    No "s" will be added to monster's plural name.

No Prefix               6           <none>          MNOPRE
    No prefix words will be used when the monster's name is displayed.

Aggressive              7           Aggr            MAGGRE
    The monster will attack all visible players on sight.

Guard Treasure          8           Guard           MGUARD
    The monster will guard all items on the floor of the room, and
    prevent any player from picking up the object(s)
Follow attacker         10          Follow          MFOLLO
    If a player is currently attacking the monster, and the player

Flee                    11          Flee            MFLEER
    The monster will flee when it loses 90% or more of it's total HP.

Scavenger               12          Scav            MSCAVE
    The monster will pick up an object from the floor.

Gender                  13          Male            MMALES
    The monster gender is male, otherwise the monster will
    be considered to be female if this flag is not set.

Poisoner                14          Poison          MPOISS
    The monster has the special ability to poison attacking

Undead                  15          Undead          MUNDED
    The monster is the type undead, which allows clerics,
    paladins, and caretakers+ to turn the monster.  With a sucessful
    turn, the monster can lose 1/2 their current total hp or be
    totally destroyed.

No Steal                16          No-steal        NUNSTL
    The monster can not be stolen from, regardless of a
    player's class, level or abilties.

Poisoned                17          Poisoned        MPOISN
    The monster is currently suffering from the affects of
    poison.  As of now, this flag is not in use in mordor.

Casts spells            18          Magic           MMAGIC
    The monster has the ability to cast spells during combat.
    The type of spells casted depends on on which known
    spell flags are set for the monster.

Has Scavenged           19          <none>          MHASSC
    The monster has already picked up some object off of the ground
    and will not pick up anything else.  This flag is used interally.

Breath Weapon Attack    20          <see below>     MBRETH
    The monster has a chance of using a breath-weapon as a form
    of attack.  The actual type of breath weapon is defined by the parameters
    MBRWP1 and MBRWP2.   The *stat name given for MBRETH also depends on
    the setting of MBRWP1 and MBRWP2.

Type of breath          29/30       <see below>     MBRWP1/MBRWP2
    The two flags MBRWP1 and MBRWP2 determine the type of breath
    attack if the MBRETH flag is set. The follow are the type of breath
    attack for (MBRWP1,MBRWP2): (0,0) = BR-fire, (01) = BR-ice, 
    (1,0) = BR-gas, (1,1) = BR-acid

Magic Harm  Only        21          Magic-only      MMGONL
    The monster may only be harmed with magic spells.  No weapon
    will have an affect on the monster.

Detect Invisibility     22          Detect-invis    MDINVIS
    The monster will be able to detect invisible players.

Magic / Enchant         23          Enchant-only    MENONL
    The monster can only be harmed with enchanted weapons or magic spells.

Interactive Talk        24          Talks           MTALKS
    The monster has the ability to have interactive talk with a
    player.  i.e. The player may ask questions of the monster.

No Harm                 25          Unkillable      MUNKIL
    The monster can not be harmed by any form of player attack.
    The player will not be able to attack the monster.

Fix amount of gold      26          NonrandGold     MNRGLD
    The monster will drop the exact amount of gold defined
    by the gold field.  Normally the monster would drop a random
    amount equal to or less that the set amount.

Aggressive talk         27          Talk-aggr       MTLKAG
    The monster will attack any player who talks to it.

Resist-magic            28          Resist-magic    MRMAGI
    The monster will be able to resist magical attacks.  The
    percent of magic resistance is based on: (monster_intelligence +
    monster_piety)*2.  Any monster with resist-magic will only
    be affected by befuddle for 3 seconds, regardless of percentage.

Experience Drain        31          Energy Drain    MENEDR
    The monster has the special attack of draining a player's
    experience.  The amount of experience drained is based on:
    5-sided dice rolled monster_level times plus monster_level*5.

Kingdom allegiance      32          <see below>    MKNGDM
    This flag specifies which kingdom a monster belongs to when
    either the MPLDGK or the MRSCND flag is set.  If MKNGDM is set
    the monster belongs to kingdom 1 otherwise the monster is 
    a member of kingdom 0.

Pledge                  33          Pledge 0/1      MPLDGK
    Players can pledge to this monster and it's kingdom. 
    The monster and player must both be in a room with the 
    RPLDGK and the correct RKNGDN flag set.  The RKNGDM
    flag determins which kingdom the monster belongs to.

Rescind                 34          Rescind 0/1     MRSCND
    A pledged player can rescind his pledge to a monster that has this
    flag set.  The monster and player must both be in in a room with the
    RRSCND and the correct RKNGDN flag set. The RKNGDM flag determines
    which kingdom the monster belongs to.

Disease                 35          Disease         MDISEA
    The monster has a chance of inflicting disease on a player,
    when the monster attacks.

Disolve items           36          Dissolve        MDISIT
    The monster has a chance on a sucessful attack of dissolving
    an item which a player may have equiped, wielded, or held.  
    Items in the player's inventory will not be affected.

Vendor                  37          Purchase        MPURIT
    The monster will be able to sell any of it's "carried items".
    Players can obtain a list of what the monster has for sale with
    the "select" command, and can buy with the "purchase" command..
Gives Items for quest   38          Trade           MTRADE
    If the monster is presented with a certain item (players use
    the trade command), the monster will give an item to the player.
    This is useful in making interactive monster / player quests.
    As of now, the 10 possible carried items represents the traded item/
    reward.  The first 5 of the monster carried items represent a needed
    item by the monster.  In return for one of these items the monster
    will give the player the object located in the carried item slot
    (needed item + 5).  For example, a player gives a monster an item
    described in carried item slot 1, the monster will return
    the item described in slot 6 as a reward.

Passive guard           39          P-Guard         MPGUAR
    The monster is a passive guard.  The monster will not allow 
    any players to go through any exits in the current room with the
    XPGUAR flag set.

Good Aggressive        40          Good-Aggro      MGAGGR
    The monster will attack any good alignment players on site,
    and ignore evil or neutral players.  Note: the MAGGRO flag will
    over ride MGAGGR.

Evil Aggressive        41          Evil-Aggro      MEAGGR
    The monster will attack any evil alignment players on site,
    and ignore good or neutral players.  Note: the MAGGRO flag will
    over ride MEAGGR.

Death Scene            42          Ddesc           MDEATH
    Once the monster is killed, the text in the monster's death 
    description will be displayed to everyone in the room where
    the monster's death occured. The location of the death scene file
    is in ddesc/ (currently mordor/objmon/ddesc/).  The name of the 
    file is the monster's name "_" monster level. All blank spaces
    in the name need to be replaced with '_' (i.e. Barney_the_dinosaur_20).
    The monster with the death scene must also be a permanent monster.

This is how you make a monster, including all kinds 
of neato advice and recomendations.
Interactive talk

    Interactive talk allows a monster and a player to interactively
talk.  When a player asks a monster about a "key" question, the monster 
will respond with a specified response.  In addition, a monster can perform
various actions (attack, social command, or cast a spell) whenever asked 
about a key word.  The interactive talk file is located in:
Generally the name of the file is the name of the monster-level.
The format to use the interactive talk file is:
<key word line> [action phrase]
<response line>

    The maximum size of the key word line is 80 characters while the response
line can be up to 1024 characters (including carriage return and null 
character).  Note: a hard return will denote the end of a line, so 
return should only be entered at the end of "key word line" and
the  "response line".  

    The <key word> is defined by a single word (no spaces).  The 
parameters for the action phrase are based on the type of the
command.  A monster can perform the following actions:

<key word> ATTACK
    The monster will attack the player who asks the monster about the 
given key word.  The word ATTACK must appear in all capitals.

<key word> ACTION type PLAYER
    The monster will perform the social action defined by type when the
key word is spoken.  The type parameter can be any of the normal social
commands.  If the social command is followed by the word PLAYER, the 
social action will be performed on the player who spoke the key word.  
Otherwise the social command will be interpreted as general (wave vs 
wave happy).  Note the words ACTION and PLAYER must appear in all capitals.

<key word> CAST <spell>
    The monster will cast the given spell on the player who
spoke the key word.  The monster must have sufficient mp, and belong
to the correct class (and know the spell) in order to cast it. 
A monster casting heal must be a cleric/paladin and have 25 mp
to successfully cast the spell.

<key word> GIVE <item #>
    The monster will give a specified object to the player who asked the 
key word.  Object may be a quest item, in which case the player will only
be able to receive one of the item.  Also, if a player is weighted down,
and unable to hold the object, the monster will not give the object. 
Be careful with the value of the objects being given away since it might 
provide a loop hole for making money.


    If a player asks a monster about "die", the monster will give
the response and then attack the player.

bye ACTION wave
    If a player asks a monster about "bye" the monster will give
the response and wave to everyone in the room.

    If a player asks a monster about "bye" the monster will give
the response and wave to the player who asked about "bye".

bless CAST bless
    If a player asks the monster about "bless", the monster will
cast a bless spell on the player, provided the monster knows the
spell and has sufficient mp to do so.

                      =====>DM COMMANDS<======

*ac [player]
    DM ac sets the DM's hp and mp to max and displays the DM's
    current hp, mp, THAC0 and ac.  If *ac is followed by a player's
    name, then the player's current hp, mp, THAC0 and ac are 

*add r <room number>
    DM add room allows a DM to create a new (empty) room for
    the given room number.  The DM will be notified if the room already 

*append [-sn] <text...>
    DM append will append the given text to the end of a room's
    description.  The defualt will append the line at a separate line
    at the end of the long room description.

    -s   append text at the end of the short room description.

    -n   append the text line to the end of the last line of the
         description.  Normally append would create a new line for
         appended text.

    -sn  or -ns will append the text line to the end of the last line
         in the short description.

     There is no line or screen length checking or line formatting.
     Also the newly appended line is not saved until the room is saved.

*broad [-n] <message ....>
     DM broadecho displays the given message to all the player currently 
     logged in (and nobroad cleared).  The message will be preceded by '### ' 
     if the -n flag is not set.  Otherwise, if the -n flag is given, the
     message will appear without the leading '###'

*create <object number> 
     DM create adds the given object to the DM's inventory list.

*echo <message ...>
     DM echo echoes the given message to all players in the room.  The
     message is free of format, and will appear as typed.

*finger <player> [name]
     DM will finger the given player site, and return a list of all 
     currently logged on users.  If a name parameter is given, then
     only the given individual at the player's site will be fingered.

     DM creature / object flush allows a DM to flush the memory
     of all objects and monsters, thus allowing new updates to
     be loaded.

*force <player> <action>
     DM player force allows a DM for force a given player to perform
     a given action.  A DM cannot force a player to commit suicide.

*gcast [-r] <spell name>
     The global cast command allows a dm to cast a spell on all the
     currently logged in players (excluding players under dm invis.) 
     Gcastallows a dm to cast: protect, bless, resist-magic, resist-fire, 
     detect-magic, detect-invisibbilty, fly, levitatate,know alignment,
     vigor, mend wound, heal, and restore.  If the "-r" flag is set, then
     gcast will only be casted on players in the current room.  DMs can
     cast all the "global spells" for room cast, and in addition, the
     DM can cast word of recall on all the players in the room.  The
     duration of spells will last approximately one hour real time.

*group <player name>
     The dm_group command will list the names of all the characters
     in the given player's group as well as the person the given player
     is following..

     DM info displays the current memory usage by the game, as well as
     the total number of players logged in and waiting in the queue.

     Toggles DM invisibility.  DM invisibility will allow a DM to
     move around unseen by players.  Note:  If a DM attacks a monster
     while invisible, the DM's name will appear in the monsters current
     enemy list.

*list <o/m/r> 
     DM list will list all the objects (o), creatures (c), or
     rooms (r).  Type *list for a complete list of flags for the
     *list command.

     DM lockout allows the DM to reload the list of lockout sites.

*log [r]
     DM log displays the mordor game log.
     f *log is followed by an 'r', then the current game
     log is removed. 

*monster <creature number> [n #]
     DM monster creates and adds the given n monster to the DM's
     current room.  If the monster number if followed by an 'n' and
     a number then that number of monsters will appear.

*name <name ...>
     DM name allows a DM to rename the current room.  *name does not 
     automatically save the room's new name.  (Use *save to do so.
     *reload will restore the room's original name, provided the
     room hasn't been saved)

*parameter [dsr]
     DM set parameter allows a DM to change an update time

     d     Flag displays the time for random monster update,
           time to next shutdown, ship sailing interval, and
           time to next set sail.

     r #  Sets the random monster update time interval
           to the given value.  Default is 10.

     s  #  The s flag, by itself causes the ship to set 
           sail.  If the s flag is followed by a number,
           (greater than 1), then the sailing interval will be
           set to the given number..

*perm <object>
     DM perm allows a DM to make the given object (on the floor) 
     into a permanent object.

*prepend [-sn] <text...>
      DM prepend command prepends the given text to the beginning of
      a description.  In all other aspects prepend is identical to

      DM purge will clear a room of all monsters and objects.

      DM reload allows a DM to reload a room back from disk.

*replace [-D] <key word> <replacement phrase>
    DM replace will search the DM's current room's description for the
    the given key word and replace the keyword with the given
    replacement phrase.  The key word must be a single word, without
    spaces or tabs.  The replacement phrase can contain multiple words,
    spaces, or any other printable character. If the '-D' switch is
    given, followed by a '<deletement phrase>' DM replace will search
    the room's description for the given <deletement phrase> and deleted
    it from the room's description.  DM replace does not reformat a rooms
    description and is not automatically saved (The new description will
    be saved by *save, or when the room is removed from memory.  A 
    *reload, before the room is saved, will restore the old description).

    DM room number, displays the room number.

    DM room save saves the current state (perm objects, perm monsters, etc)
    of a room.

*send <message>
    DM send will display the given message to all DMs and 
    Caretakers (with nobroad cleared).

*shutdown [minutes]
     DM shutdown allows the DM to shutdown the game with a 1 minute 
     warning. If *shutdown is followed by number, the shutdown will
     occur in the given number of minutes. 

*silence <player> [cm]
     Dm silence will silence (set broadcast number to 0) the given 
     c   display remaining and maximum number of broadcasts for
         for the given player.
     m   followed by a number will set the players remaining
         number of broadcasts to the given number.

*spy <player>
     DM spy allows the DM to spy on the selected play. The DM 
      will see all the players actions, and messages.  Typing
      *spy again, will turn the spy function off. 
      Note:  if a player logs off you need to manually turn off
      the *spy command.

*set  <o/c/r/x>
     DM set allows the DM to modify a creature, player, object, room
     or exit.  The parameters vary depending on what is being set.

*set o <object> [#] [creature] <attribute> [value]
     Set attributes on the #th object.  Type *set o for
     more information on the attributes.

*set c/p/m <name> [#] <attribute> [value]
     Sets the attributes for the given player or creature.
     If a creature name is followed by a number, then the
     #th creature will be affected.  Type *set c for more 
     information on the attributes.
*set r <attribute> [value]
     Sets the attributes for the current room.  Type *set r for
     information on the attributes.

*set xf <exit> <number>
     Sets or unsets the given exit's flag for the given number.

*set x <name> <room number> [<name2>]
     Creates 'name' exit to room number.  If value '0' is used from
     room number, the exit will be deleted.  If the given exit name
     is a abbrivation (n,nw,e, etc) of a standard exit then the
     abbrivation name will be expanded to he standard exit (north,
     northwest, east, etc).  If  name2 is given and the room exists
     for the given room number, the rooms will be linked in both
     directions, (name2 will be the name of the exit back to the
     current room).

*set x bl <number>
     Will set the lower level boundary to the value of  <number>.

*set x bh <number>
     Will set the upper level boundary to the value of  <number>.

*set x x <number>
     Sets the trap type <number> in the current room.

*status [obj/player/crt] [player/creature]
     DM status displays the status of a room, object, monster or player.
     *status        show the status of the room.
     *status o/c/p  show status of the given object/creature/player.
     *status o ply  show the status of object o on player ply.

*teleport [player1/room number] [player2]
     *t           teleport the DM to the Tree of Life.
     *t #         teleport the DM to room #.
     *t player    teleport the DM to player.
     *t ply1 ply2 teleport ply1 to ply2.
     *t ply1 .    teleport player1 to the DM.

     DM users displays the name, location, connection site, and idle
     time for all players currently on mordor.
                    > DM's Guide and Manual <

    Welcome to the DM online manual.  This program was created to
help current and future DMs maintain and run mordor.  This program
is menu driven, so just select the letter of the menu option of
interest.  Entering a 'Q' on a menu screen will exit the program.
Entering 'B' will exit a submenu back to the previous menu (provided
you are in a submenu).

While viewing a file:  hitting the space bar will scroll the document
up one line, hitting return will scroll the document up one screen,
and entering 'q' will quit back to a menu.

                        >Object Flags<
The following is a list and a brief description of all object 
syntax: name              flag #  stat name    defined name 
The value for flag # includes the offset of +1

Permanent               1       Pperm               OPERMT
    Object will remain in a room until a player picks
the object up.

Hidden                  2       Hidden              OPERMT
    Object appears hidden, players need to sucessful search to find
the object. (if a monster is carring an item with the hidden flag
set, players will not see the object on the monster after the
monster is killed).

Invisible               3       Invis               OINVIS
    Players without detect-invisible are unable to pick the
object up or use the object.

Prefix Some             4       <none>              OSOMEA
    The object will be preceded with the word 'some' 
instead of the word 'a'.

Plurals                 5       <none>              ODROPS
    If more than one of the object appears do not add an 's'
to make the object name plural.
No Prefix               6       <none>              ONOPRE
    The object name will be displayed without any form of a

Container               7       Cont                OCONTN
    Object may serve as a container, where players may put
other items into the container.  Players can not put
a container into a container.

Weightless Container    8       Wtless              OCONTN
    The weight of all the items inside the container are not 
included as part of a players total weight.

Temp Permanent          9       Tperm               OTEMPP
Inventory Permanent     10      IPerm               OPERM2

Mage restricted         11      Nomage              ONOMAG
    Object may not be wored by mages.  This flag has become
obsolete with the class selective flags (OCLSEL).

Light Source            12      Light               OLIGHT
    Object provides a light source if equiped.

Good Only               13      Good                OGOODO
    Only players that have a "good" alignement may use the object.
If used by an "evil" player, the player will be shocked by the item.

Evil Only               14      Evil                OEVILO
    Only players that have a "evil" alignement may use the object.
If used by an "good" player, the player will be shocked by the item.

Enchanted               15      Ench                OENCHA
    Object is enchanted, and can not be enchanted with the 
enchant spell unless the object loses it enchant.  It is
imported to set this flag on ALL magic weapons and armor
(items with a '+' associated with them).

Non repairable          16      NoFix               ONOFIX
    Once the object has broke, the smitty will be unable to repair
the object. This flag is unnecessary for wands and potions since
those objects are automatically unrepairable.

Climbing Gear           17      Climbing            OCLIMB
    When the object is equiped, it will aid the player in
exits that require climbing gear to ascend or repel.

Cannot be taken         18      Notake              ONOTAK
    Players will be unable to 'get' the object.  This is useful
for signs and other unremovable devices.

OSCENE                  19      Scenery             OSCENE
    Object is part of a room's scenery, and is unremovable
by the players.

Sized armor             20/21   Sized               OSIZE1/OSIZE2
    Object can only be worn by selected size (race). If 00 =
wearable by all, 01 = wearable by small race, 10 = wearable by 
medium race, 11 = wearable by large race.

Random Enchant          22      RandEnch            ORENCH
    The object will be given a random enchant value (nornal, +1,
+2, or +3) when ever the object is created (when a monster appears
and drops it).

Cursed                  23      Cursed              OCURSE
    Object is cursed, once the object is wielded, held or worn
by a player, the player will be unable to remove the item.

Worn                    24      Worn                OWEARS
    Object is currently being worn by a player, this is an
interal flag, and should not be set on an object.   

Floor usable            25      Use-floor           OUSEFl
    Object can be used by players even though the object is
on the floor.

Devouring container     26      Devours             OCNDES
    Any placed into the container will be destroyed.

Female only             27      Nomale              ONOMAL
    Object will only be usable by players of the female gender.

Male only               27      Nofemale            ONOFEM
    Object will only be usable by players of the male gender.

Damage based object     29      NdS dam             ODDICE
    Various spells if invoked by an object, will base their
damage on the number*sides +plus. This flag should not be set
unless you are sure the spell is design for NdS damage.
Currently drain energy is the only spell designed  for NdS.

Pledge Only             30/31   Kingdom 0/1         OPLDGK/OKNGDM
    Object may only be use / worn by players who have pledged.
The OPLDGK needs to be set, the OKNGDM determines which kigdom
theobject belongs to. If OKNGDM is unset then object belongs to
kingom 0 otherwise the object belongs to kingdom 1.

Class selective         32      Cls-Sel:            OCLSSEl
    Object can only be used by selected classes.  The following
eight flags detemine which classes can use the object.

Assassin usable			33		A					OASSNO
	If this flag is set in conjunction with	OCLSSEL, then
assassin classes can use the object.

Barbarian usable		34		B					OBARBO
	If this flag is set in conjunction with	OCLSSEL, then
barbarian classes can use the object.

Cleric usable			35		C					OCLERO
	If this flag is set in conjunction with	OCLSSEL, then
cleric classes can use the object.

Fighter usable			36		F					OFIGHO
	If this flag is set in conjunction with	OCLSSEL, then
fighter classes can use the object.

Mage usable				37		M					OMAGEO
	If this flag is set in conjunction with	OCLSSEL, then
mage classes can use the object.

Paladin usable			38		P					OPALAO
	If this flag is set in conjunction with	OCLSSEL, then
paladin classes can use the object.

Ranger usable			39		R					ORNGRO
	If this flag is set in conjunction with	OCLSSEL, then
ranger classes can use the object.

Thief usable			40		T					OTHIEO
	If this flag is set in conjunction with	OCLSSEL, then
thief classes can use the object.

this is how to make an item
	How to Create a Combination Lock

Combination locks appear in the game as buttons that must be pushed in a
particular sequence.  Usually they are color-coded, but you can give them
any description you please.  The editor is used to make them as objects.

First, make as many buttons as you desire with each one being a separate
object.  For example, you might make four buttons, black, red, white and blue.
Each button is TYPE 13, and SPECIAL 2.

Now, assume we want the black button to be number zero, (reset) and the
red button to be number one, the white number 2, and the blue one number

A combination of 132 would require the sequence red, blue, white be pushed.
Of course, you can require that a button be pushed more than once if you
want a longer combination..

In the output string for each object, put the combination, preceded by a
zero.  Example:  0132322
The first zero is the reset, and each number is a colored button.

Makes the shots equal to 0/0.

In order to identify the Reset button as different from the others,
make it:
	1d0 Plus 2.

Each of the other buttons are:
	0d1 Plus 2
	0d2 Plus 2 
	0d3 plus 2

Where the numbers following the 'd' indicate the combination number for 
that object.

Set the following flags:  1 and 18. 
Flag 1 is to make the button permanent.
Flag 18 is the no-take property.

When you create the room this lock goes in, be sure to put the buttons as
permanent objects.  Also, be sure to set the exits flags 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.

                        >Room Flags<

The following is a list and a brief description of all room flags

syntax: name              flag #  stat name    defined name 

The value for flag # includes the offset of +1

Shop                1       Shoppe          RSHOPP
    The room serves as a shop where players can buy goods.

Recycle             2       Dump            RDUMPR
    All items dropped in the room will be recycled (disappear)
and the player will get 5 gp for each item dropped.

Pawnshop            3       Pawnshop	    RPAWNS
    Room can serve as a shop for player to sell their goods.

Training ground     4-5-6-7   Train           RTRAIN
    Room can serve as a training ground for characters.ZZ Flag '4'
denotes the room is a training site, while flags 5,6,7 denote
the class of the training group. (000 = assassin,... 111 = thief)

Repair Shop         8       Repair          RREPAI
    Players can have weapons and armor repaired in the room.

Continual Darkness  9       DarkAlways      RDARKR
    The room is constantly in darkness, players need to be able
to see int he dark or have a light source to be able to see.

Dark At Night       10      DarkNight       RDARKN
    Players need to have a light source or intrared vison
to see the room at nigth (game time).

Post Office         11      PostOffice      RPOSTO
    A player can send or read their mail in the room.

Safe Room           12      NoPlyKill       RNOKIL
    The room is a safe room, no player killing or player stealing
allow in the room.

No Teleport         13      NoTeleport      RNOTEL
    Players are unable to teleport, be summoned to or track to
the room.

Fast heal           14      HealFast        RHEALR
    Players heal time is reduced in this room to promote faster healing.

One Player          15      OnePlayer       RONEPL
    A maxium of one player is allowed in the room.

Two Player          16      TwoPlayer       RTWOPL
    A maxium of two players are allowed in the room at the same time.

Three Player        17      Threeplyr       RTHREE
    A maxium of three players are allowed in the room at the same time.

No Magic            18      NoMagic         RNOMAG
    Players are unable to cast any form of magic in this room.

Permanent Tracks    19      PermTrack       RPTRAK
    The room has "permanent" tracks on the ground which rangers
can detect withthe track command.

Earth Realm         20      Earth           REATH
    All Earth realm spells gain a damage bonus while Wind
spell suffer a damage penality when casted in the room.

Wind Realm          21      Wind            RWINDR
    All Wind realm spells gain a damage bonus while Earth
spell suffer a damage penality when casted in the room.

Fire Realm          22      Fire            RFIRER
    All Fire realm spells gain a damage bonus while Water
spell suffer a damage penality when casted in the room.

Water Realm         23      Water           RWATER
    All Water realm spells gain a damage bonus while Fire
spell suffer a damage penality when casted in the room.

Group Wander        24      Group           RPLWAN
    The monster of random monsters taht appear will be based
on the size of the group in the room. I.E. if 4 players are in the
room between 1 to 3 monster will appear at one time.

Player Harm         25      PHarm           RPHARM
    Players that spend a certian lenght of time in thisd room
will start to lose hp.  If an elemental flag is set for
the room (Fire, Water, Wind, Earth), the player will lose damage
with respects to that realm (fire realm: player gets burnt, etc.)
If a player has the proper resist-element for given element
(earthshiled for earth pharm rooms, the player won't suffer
any damage.

Poison              26      P-Poison        RPPOIS
    If the RPPOIS flag is set in conjunction with the RPHARM flag,
a player will become posioned if they spend enough time inthe room.
The player will not suffer any damage unless an elemental flag is set.

Magic Drain         27      MPDrain         RPMPRD
    If the RPMPDR flag is set in conjunction with the RPHARM flag,
a player will lose magic points in the room.  A player will
not die if their mp reaches 0.  The player will not suffer any 
damage unless an elemental flag is set.

Befuddling          28      Confusion       RPBEFU
    If the RPBEFU flag is set in conjunction with the RPHARM flag,
a player will become confused for a short peroid of time if they
spend enough time in the room. The player will not suffer any
damage unless an elemental flag is set.

No Summon           29      No SUmmon       RNOLEA
    Players in the room can not be summoned out of, regardless
if the no summon is set or cleared.

Pledge              30      Pledge          RPLDGK
    The room can serve as a place for players to pledge
their alligance  to a kingdom. Note: a monster with the 
MPLDGK flag set must also be in the room.

Rescind             31      Rescind         RRSCND
    The room can serve as a place for players to rescind
their alligance  to a kingdom. Note: a monster with the 
MRSCND flag set must also be in the room.

No Potion           32      No Potion       RNOPOT
    Players will be unable to drink potions in the room.  Any
attemp to do so wil result in the evaporation of th epotion.

Extended Magic      33      Pmagic          RPMEXT
    Players casting defesnive spells will have an increased duration while
mend wounds and vigor would have inceased healing power.
this is how to make a room
	How to Create a Shop

A shop must always have a storage room associated with it.  The storage
room must be the next sequential room number.  The storage room is where
items are stored that will appear on the list in the shop.  Be sure to set
the room flag 13 in the storage room so that players cannot teleport there.

After the shop and storage room have been created, go to the storage room
and create one each of the items you want to appear in the shop's list.
Then, set both flags 9 and 10 for the item(s) and drop them on the floor.
And last, you must use the DM command *perm to make the items permanent.
NOTE:  If the game is being heavily used you may have to type *perm many
times.  You will get either a "failed" or "done" message each time.  Keep
trying until the "done" message appears.


You decide to make a room that sells only rings.

1.	Create a new room with your description.
	Set the shop flag.  flag 1.

2.	Create a storage room, exactly one room number higher.
	Set the no teleport flag.  flag 13.

3.	Log in to the game and go to the storage room.

4.	Use the DM command *c <ring number> to put a ring in your inventory.
	Set the two permanent flags.  flag 9 and flag 10.
	Use the DM command *set o ring f #

5.	At this point, you can change the value of the ring to be different
	than that set in the editor.  What ever you change it to will be the
	price set by the shop.
	Use the DM command *set o ring v <$$$>

6.	Drop the ring in the storage room.
	Use the DM command *perm.  (Continue until you get the "done" message.)

7.	Congratulations!  Now type list in the shop to check your handiwork.

                        >Exit Flags<

The following is a list and a brief description of all room exit
syntax: name              flag #  stat name    defined name 

The value for flag # includes the offset of +1

Hidden              1       Secret          XSECRT
    Hidden exits are hidden from view and can be found by search.

Invisible           2       Invisible       XINVIS
    Invisible exits will only be detected and usable by players
    currently under detect-invisiblity.

Locked              3       Locked          XLOCKED
    The exit is currently lock  A player needs to unlock the
    exit before opeing it.

Closed              4       Closed          XCLOSD
    The exit is currently closed.

Lockable            5       Lockable        XLOCKS
    A player can lock the exit if they have the correct key.

Clossable           6       Closable        XCLOSS
    A player can close the exit.

Unpickable          7       Un-pick         XUNPCK
    If an exit is locked, the exit is unpickable.
Weightless          8       Naked           XNAKED
    Players can't bring any equipment or weapons through the exit.

Climbing Up         9       ClimbUp         XCLIMB
    Player needs climbing gear to use the exit.  Climbing gear is not
    required, but a player might fall if they tried to use that exit.

Climb  Down         10      ClimbRepel          XREPEL
    Player needs climbing gear to use the exit.  Climbing gear is not
    required, but a player might fall if they tried to use that exit.

Difficult Climb     11      HardClimb           XDCLIM
    The player must have climbing gear or currently have levatation 
    spell or be using a levitation item to use exit.

Fly                 12      Fly                 XFLYSP
    The player must currently be under a fly spell to use the exit.

Female only         13      Female              XFEMAL
    Only females characters may use the exit.

Male only           14      Male                XMALES
    Only male characters may use the exit.

Kingdom / Pledge    14/15   Kingdom 0/1         XPLDGK / XKNGDM
    Only players that have pledged to a given kingdom may use the exit.
    The XPLDGK flag restricts the exit to pledged players while the
    XKNGDM denotes to which kingom the exit belongs.  If XKNGDM is not
    set, then the exit belongs to kingdom 0, otherwise the exit belongs
    to kingdom 1.

Night time          17       Night              XNGHTO
    The exit is only usable during the day (game time).

Day time            18       Day                XDATON
    The exit is only usable during the day (game time).

Gaurded             19      P-Guard             XPGUAR
    The exit is guarded by a passive guard monster.  The monster
    MPGUARD flag must also be set on the monster doing the guarding.
    A player will not be able to use the exit as long as the
    monster is present.

unseen exit         20      NoSee               XNOSEE
    The exit is unusable and invisible to players.  This flag is not
    normally used, except in cases of multiple timed exits.  (exits that
    periodically change room connections, based on a given time).