
\title{TinyMUD 2.4 Reference Manual\\(preliminary version)}
\author{James Aspnes\\
School of Computer Science\\
Carnegie-Mellon University\\
Pittsburgh, PA 15213}




TinyMUD 2 was written as a successor to the original TinyMUD and its
many descendants.  Its principal features include a specialized
programming language designed to grant enough power to produce
interesting effects without granting so much power that a programmer
can easily damage or shut down the TinyMUD server, an inheritance
hierarchy that allows the easy construction of classes of objects
which can be used by non-programmers, and an efficient parser that
supports (relatively) complex inputs allowing a command to take
multiple objects.  One of the main goals of TinyMUD 2 has been to
eliminate nearly all game-specific code from the server
implementation, and move it instead into the database, coded in the
built-in programming language.

This document describe the built-in programming language and the
behavior of the TinyMUD 2 parser.


This section describes the features of the programming language
available in TinyMUD 2.4.


The data types supported by the language are: objects, booleans,
strings, numbers, actions, sets, and times.  All variables except
those referring to objects are prefixed with a single-character type
specifier, as follows:

\verb=x=  & object  \\
\verb=?x= & boolean \\
\verb=$x= & string \\
\verb=%x= & number (integer) \\
\verb=&x= & action \\
\verb=@x= & set; an unordered collection of objects \\
\verb=~x= & time \\

Values of type string and type action can be used interchangeably.
Values of all types may be used as booleans; they take on the value
\verb=?false= if they are null and \verb=?true= otherwise.  This
feature is primarily useful for detecting ``empty'' variables.  Values
of type number are automatically coerced to their decimal expansion
when used as a string.

Most language primitives restrict the types of their arguments; these
restrictions will be described with each primitive.


All constants of type number consist of a contiguous sequence of
decimal digits, e.g. \verb=1=, \verb=5567=, etc.  There are only two
boolean values, represented by the constants \verb=?true= and

String constants have a rather complicated syntax.  In their simplest
form, string constants look much like string constants in many other
languages: a sequence of characters delimited by double-quotes, as in
\verb="Every good boy deserves favor."=.  The set of characters that
may appear in side a string constant is severely restricted--- only
printing ASCII characters (including space) and the tab character are
allowed.  By convention the tab character is used to represent
newlines within a ``multi-line'' string, as the newline character is
reserved for separating inputs to and outputs from the server process.

String constants may also appear in the form of ``giant'' strings.
These are delimited by matching pairs of square brackets.  Other
string constants may be nested within a giant string constant.  Some
examples of giant string constants:

  [Every good boy deserves favor.]
  [The sign says "ELVIS NEEDS BOATS"]
  [set thing.&code to [tell "You lose!" to you]]

Double-quotes appearing within a simple string constant may be escaped
using a backslash, as in \verb="The sign says \"ELVIS NEEDS BOATS\""=,
which will print as \verb=The sign says "ELVIS NEEDS BOATS"=.
Backslashes and square brackets (in giant strings) may also be escaped
using backslashes.  The effect of putting a backslash before other
characters is unpredictable.

\subsubsection{Null constants}

Two special constants exist for referring to ``null'' values, which
are the default values held by variables of type object, string, or
action.  These are \verb=nothing= (for objects) and \verb=$null= (for
strings and actions.)  Null values are used primarily for shadowing
inherited variable bindings.  The null values of type number and
boolean are \verb=0= and \verb=?false=, respectively.  It is dangerous
to depend on the existence of null values for types time and set.


Every object can possess variables of any of the seven types.  A
variable name by itself refers to a component of \verb=me=.  It is
possible to refer to variables on other objects using the dot
operator, e.g. \verb=location.owner.pet_dog.%number_of_fleas=.  Most
variable names may contain only letters, digits, and the underscore
character; action names may also contain a single occurence of one of
the characters \verb=<= or \verb=>=.  Object variables may not start
with a digit to prevent confusion with numeric constants.  It is
recommended that non-action variable names beginning with an
underscore be avoided except for ``temporary'' variables that are only
used within a single action invocation.

Variables occuring in a statement return their value.  It is possible
to set the value of most variables using the \verb=set= statement, e.g.:

  set dog.%fleas to 5
  set location.$description to "Foo"
  set ?happy to ?true
  set broken_container.&take>from to [tell "You lose!" to you]

Variables of type set cannot appear in a set statement (other
mechanisms exists for modifying such variables, as described below.)
An object can only set variables on objects it controls.  Any object
may read any variable on any other object.

Variables may also be cleared using the clear statement, e.g.:

  clear dog.%fleas
  clear location.$description
  clear ?happy 
  clear broken_container.&take>from
  clear @tools

Clearing a variable has the affect of removing it completely from an
object, allowing a default value to be inherited from its ancestors.
Variables of any type may be cleared.  

It is necessary to have control of an object to modify any of its
variables.  However, any object can read any variable.

Certain variables have special meaning to the system and thus have
additional restrictions on their use:

\item{\verb=me=} Holds the object processing an action.  May not be set.

\item{\verb=you=} Holds the object which initiated an action, i.e. the
object corresponding to the user which typed the currently-executing
command.  May not be set.

\item{\verb=next=} Iteration variable inside loops; holds the current
object in the set or contents list being iterated over.  May not be
set, and has no meaning outside of a loop.

\item{\verb=$text=} Any unparsed text from the command line.  May not
be set.

\item{\verb=~time=} The current time.  

\item{\verb=%id=} The unique ID number of an object.  ID numbers also
exist for strings (e.g. \verb=$name.%id=) and other types.  Use of ID
numbers is discouraged.

\item{\verb=%count=} The number of objects contained in an object's
contents set.  \verb=%count= may also be used on set variables to
count their contents, e.g. \verb=TOP.@connected_players.%count=.

\item{\verb=%random=} Returns a different non-negative random number
every time it is used.

\item{\verb=location=} The location of an object.  This may not be set
directly, although it is affected by the \verb=move= statement.

\item{\verb=owner=} The owner of an object.  May only be set by wizard

\item{\verb=parent=} The parent of an object, used to control
inheritance.  It is not permitted to set the parent of an object to
one of its descendants.

\item{\verb=$aliases=} A string listing the names with which an object
may be named on the command line.  The aliases are separated by the
pipe character, as in \verb="George | george | G"=.  Case is

\item{\verb=create=} Returns a new object every time it is used.  May
only be used by wizard objects and may not be set.


There are also several boolean variables with special meaning to the

\item{\verb=?player=} This object is a player.  May only be set by
wizard objects.

\item{\verb=?builder=} Reserved for future expansion.  May only be set
by wizard objects.

\item{\verb=?programmer=} Allows use of \@ syntax from the command
line.  May only be set by wizard objects.

\item{\verb=?wizard=} Objects with the \verb=?wizard= bit set have
special privileges, including implicit control over all other objects
that do not have their \verb=?admin= bit set.  The \verb=?wizard= bit
may only be set by objects possessing the \verb=?admin= bit.

\item{\verb=?admin=} Gives the object the ability to set
\verb=?wizard= bits and execute certain system commands.  Cannot be
set or reset; under normal conditions, only the TOP object will have
this bit set on it.

\item{\verb=?connected=} Tells whether a player is connected or not.
Automatically maintained by the system; can also be set by admin

\item{\verb=?paranoid=} If true, any tell sent to this player will be
annotated with the id of its source.

\item{\verb=?open=} If true, relaxes some of the restrictions on
movement.  Can be set by any controlling object.

There are also a large number of action names that have special
meaning to the system.  As these action names begin with underscores,
they cannot be parsed from the command line:

\item{\verb=&_default=} Called on the location of the current player if it is
impossible to parse the command line; \verb=$text= is set to the
entire input.

\item{\verb=&_before=} Called on both the location of the current player
and on the current player before an action is handled.

\item{\verb=&_after=} Called on both the location of the current player
and on the current player after an action is handled.  If the player
moves during the action, it is still the original location which gets
the \verb=&_after= action.

\item{\verb=&_invoke=} Called on an object if the command line matches
one of its aliases.

\item{\verb=&_startup=} Called exactly once on every object when the
system is started.

\item{\verb=&_connect=} Called on a player when the player connects.

\item{\verb=&_disconnect=} Called on a player when the player disconnects.

\item{\verb=&_tick=} Called when a delay expires.



Variables of all types except set are inherited.  If the system cannot
find a value for a particular variable on an object, it will try
instead to use the value of that variable on the object's parent, and
will similarly continue to ascend the chain of ancestors until either
a value is found or no more ancestors exist.  In the latter case, a
null value is returned whose meaning depends on the type of the

The semantics of inheritance create a distinction between the absence
of a variable on an object (which allows ancestors' values to be
inherited) and the presence of a variable whose value is null.  The
\verb=clear= statement always results in the former state; if the
latter state is preferred it is necessary to explicitly set the
variable to the appropriate null constant.

\subsubsection{Set variables}

Variables of type set are unusual.  Unlike variables of other types,
they are not inherited.  They also may not be set; instead, two
additional statements are provided for manipulating set variables.
The add/to statement adds an object to a set, as in
\verb=add dog to kennel.@inmates=.  Similarly, the take/from statement
removes an object from a set, as in 
\verb=take dog from kennel.@inmates=.  The same restrictions are
placed on changing a set variable as are placed on changing a variable
of any of the other types; the object requesting the change must have
control over the object of which the set variable is a component.


The usual simple arithmetic operations on numbers, \verb=+, -, *, /=
are supported, with the normal precedence, as is unary minus and the
remainder operator \verb=mod= (e.g. \verb=%random mod 3=.)  Times may
be subtracted to yield a number which counts the seconds between them;
a number may also be added to or subtracted from a time to yield a new
time, and a time may be taken mod a number to yield a number.  This
last facility allows times to be displayed in ways other than the
default.  For example, a clock might contain the following code as
part of its look handler:

 tell (~time mod 43200) / 3600 ":" ~time mod 60 to you

This will print out the current hour and minute separated by a colon.

A full set of comparison operators is available: 
\verb/< > <= >= = !=/.  Following C conventions \verb/!=/ means ``not
equals.''  Values of any type except set may be tested for equality or
non-equality; other comparison operators may only be used on numbers
or times.  

Supported logical operators are \verb=!= (not), \verb=and=, and
\verb=or=.  The \verb=and= and \verb=or= operators are guaranteed to
evaluate their left argument first and to evaluate their right
argument only if necessary.  Thus, for example, in the statement:

 move me to you.location and move you to me

the second move statement is executed only if the first returns
\verb=?true=, i.e. if it succeeds.


There are two built-in predicates.  \verb=$x matches y= returns
\verb=?true= when \verb=$x= is a valid alias for \verb=y=.  
\verb=@x contains y= returns \verb=?true= when \verb=y= is an element
of \verb=@x=.  As elsewhere, an object may be substituted for the set,
and is then interpreted to mean the object's contents.


All statements may also be used in expressions for their boolean
value, which indicates whether the statement succeeded or not.

In addition to the set, clear, add/from, and take/to statements
already described, the following classes of statements are supported:


\item{\verb=tell= {\em string-list} \verb=to= {\em object}} Used to
send a message to a player.  {\em string-list} may contain any number
of expressions of type string, action, time, or number, which are
formatted according to their type and concatenated to form the
resulting method.  No special privileges are required to do a tell.

\item{\verb=move= {\em object} \verb=to= {\em destination}} Moves an
object to a destination (also an object.)  Move statements are tightly
restricted: the object being moved must be controlled by
\verb=me=, in a location controlled by \verb=me=, or be equal to
\verb=you=; the destination must be controlled by \verb=me=, have its
\verb=?open= bit set, or be equal to \verb=you=.  If these conditions
are not met the move does not take place and the statement returns

\item{\verb=delay= {\em time} or \verb=delay= {\em number}} Adds an
entry to the system {\em delay queue.} This has the effect of causing
the system to deliver a \verb=_tick= method to \verb=me= when either
the time has been reached (first form) or the specified number of
seconds have elapsed (second form.)  An object may have any number of
pending delays, but only wizard objects may execute a delay statement
inside a \verb=_tick= handler.  The delay queue is not saved in
checkpoint files and is not preserved across system reboots.

\item{\verb=destroy= {\em object}} Destroys an object, clearing all of
its variables (including system variables) and removing it from its
location.  References to destroyed objects are {\em not} removed;
however, once an object has been destroyed it can not be modified or


\subsection{Control structures}

The language supports two main control structures, if/then statements
and bounded loops over the contents of a set.  The if/then statment
has the following general form:

\em \verb=if= expr \verb=then= statements
[\verb=elseif= expr \verb=then= statements]$\ast$
[\verb=else= statements] \verb=endif=

where the asterisk indicates that any number of elseif clauses may
appear, the else clause is optional, and each block of statements can
contain any number of individual statements.  Here's an example of an
if/then statement that one might actually find in a program:

 if ?locked then
  tell "The door appears to be locked." to you
 elseif move you to other_side then
  tell "You go through the door." to you
  tell "The door is stuck." to you

Note that the \verb=endif= is not optional!

The other control structure is the loop, which is written as follows:

\em \verb=in= set [\verb=matching= string] \verb=do= statements \verb=end=

Without the optional \verb=matching= clause, executes the statements
once for each object in the set with \verb=next= set to the current
object.  With the \verb=matching= clause, executes the statements only
for objects matching the specified string.  While this second form is
equivalent to a loop surrounding an if/then statement, it is likely to
be much more efficient in practice.  

Loops may not be nested.  The \verb=break= statement, consisting only
of that keyword, may be used to exit a loop immediately.

\subsection{Exit Statement}

The statement \verb=exit= immediately terminates the execution of an


The security system is centered around the notion of {\em control}.
Under most circumstances, one object controls another if both are
owned by the same player.  However, certain objects have special
permissions which affect control as follows:

\item An object with its \verb=?wizard= bit set to \verb=?true=
controls any non-admin object.

\item No non-wizard object may control a wizard object, even if they
have the same owner.

\item No other object ever controls an admin object.

Control is necessary to modify an object's variables, and is used to
determine when a \verb=move= expression may be successfully carried
out.  Control is not necessary to read an object's variables.  In all
cases control is tested for the object \verb=me=, which provides the
currently-executing code.

\section{Command Parsing}

Actions come in several varieties.  Single-word actions like \verb=&get=
or \verb=&look= take at most one object and are handled by either that
object, the player, or the surrounding room.  Two-word actions like
\verb=&get>from= or \verb=&describe<as= require two objects; the object
``pointed to'' by the \verb=<= or \verb=>= handles the action and the
other is passed through unparsed in the variable \verb=$text=.  There
are also two special actions used by the parser, \verb=_invoke= and

When presented with a line of input the command parser considers many
possible ways of interpreting it as an action, taking the first
successful parse in the following list:

\item[\bf \@ code] If the line begins with an at-sign, the remainder
of the line is treated as code in the programming language, compiled,
and run with \verb=me= set to the current player.  The player must
have the \verb=?programmer= bit set to use this feature.

\item[\bf verb] If verb is a single-word action on the room (first choice)
or the current player, invoke it with \verb=$text= set to the null
string.  Example: {\em look}.

\item[\bf object] If the entire command line matches an alias for an
object in the current room or the player's inventory, and that object
has an \verb=&_invoke= method, call that method with \verb=$text= set
to null.  Example: {\em north}.

\item[\bf verb object] If object matches an object in the current room
or the player's inventory, and \verb=&verb= is an action on that
object, invoke it with \verb=$text= set to null.  Example: {\em get

\item[\bf verb1 object1 verb2 object2] If \verb=&verb1<verb2= is an
action on some object matching object1, invoke it with \verb=$text=
set to object2 as an unparsed string (the action may, of course,
choose to do its own match on object2.)  Similarly, if
\verb=&verb1>verb2= is an action on some object matching object2,
invoke that action with \verb=$text= set to object1.  Examples: {\em
whisper Hi there to fred} could invoke a \verb=&whisper>to= action on
fred if it has one, and {\em open door with key} could invoke an
\verb=&open<with= action on some object matching ``door''.

\item[\bf verb text] Call \verb=&verb= on room or player with all
other words passed through unparsed in \verb=$text=.  Example: {\em
say Good Morning!}

\item[\bf text] Call \verb=&_default= on room or player if possible.
This behavior is a last resort for the parser, and is used primarily
to implement error messages.


If none of the above parses are possible, the system will print an
uninformative message and wait for another line of input.  

During the execution of an action the variable \verb=me= is set to the
object which ``receives'' it, i.e. the object on which the action is
found.  \verb=you= is always the current player, and \verb=$text= is
set as described above.

One must be careful when writing an action handler to consider all
circumstances under which it might be invoked.  For example, suppose
that an object A (with an alias named ``A'') has a handler for
\verb=&look=.  Then it is possible that this handler might be called
in any of the following situations:

\item If some player contained in A types ``look''.

\item If A is a player who types ``look.''

\item If some player who either holds A or is in the same location as
A types ``look A''. 

\item If some player contained in A types ``look B'' and B does not
match anything in A or in the player.

\item If A is a player who types ``look B'' and B doesn't match

In most cases where the differences between these cases are critical
(as in the last two cases above) it is possible to distinguish them by
examining \verb=$text= and the relative positions of \verb=me= and
