 *  Original Diku Mud copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Sebastian Hammer,        *
 *  Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.   *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Merc Diku Mud improvements copyright (C) 1992, 1993 by Michael         *
 *  Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.                              *
 *                                                                         *
 *  In order to use any part of this Merc Diku Mud, you must comply with   *
 *  both the original Diku license in 'license.doc' as well the Merc       *
 *  license in 'license.txt'.  In particular, you may not remove either of *
 *  these copyright notices.                                               *
 *                                                                         *
 *       _/          _/_/_/     _/    _/     _/    ACK! MUD is modified    *
 *      _/_/        _/          _/  _/       _/    Merc2.0/2.1/2.2 code    *
 *     _/  _/      _/           _/_/         _/    (c)Stephen Dooley 1994  *
 *    _/_/_/_/      _/          _/  _/             "This mud has not been  *
 *   _/      _/      _/_/_/     _/    _/     _/      tested on animals."   *
 *                                                                         *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Much time and thought has gone into this software and you are          *
 *  benefitting.  We hope that you share your changes too.  What goes      *
 *  around, comes around.                                                  *

#if defined(macintosh)
#include <types.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>     /* For div_t, div() */
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "merc.h"
#include "tables.h"
#include <math.h>

bool    deathmatch;

extern POL_DATA	politics_data;
extern CHAR_DATA * quest_target;
extern CHAR_DATA * quest_mob;

 * Local functions.
bool    check_dodge     args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim ) );
void    check_killer    args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim ) );
bool    check_parry     args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim ) );
bool    check_skills	args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim ) );
void    dam_message     args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim, int dam,
			    int dt ) );
void    death_message   args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim, int dt,
                             int max_dt ) );
void    death_cry       args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
void    group_gain      args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim ) );

bool    is_safe         args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim ) );
void    make_corpse     args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) );
void    one_hit         args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim, int dt ) );
void    raw_kill        args( ( CHAR_DATA *victim, char *argument ) );
void    set_fighting    args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim, bool check ) );
void    disarm          args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim ) );
void    trip            args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim ) );
void	  check_adrenaline args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, sh_int damage ) );
void obj_damage		args( ( OBJ_DATA * obj, CHAR_DATA * victim, int dam ) );

 * Control the fights going on.
 * Called periodically by update_handler.
void violence_update( void )
    CHAR_DATA *ch;
 /*   CHAR_DATA *ch_next;   */
    CHAR_DATA *victim;
    CHAR_DATA *rch;
    CHAR_DATA *rch_next;
 /*   CHAR_DATA *check_char;   */
    extern CHAR_DATA *violence_marker;
    CHAR_DATA	*marker;
    bool	has_cast = FALSE;

     * Create dummy object and add to end of list.  This object is
     * only a marker, and will not actually be processed by this
     * routine.
    GET_FREE(marker, char_free);
    LINK(marker, first_char, last_char, next, prev);
    violence_marker = marker;

     * Repeatedly remove char from front of list, add to tail, and process
     * until the marker is at the head of the list.  That will indicate all
     * chars have been processed.
    while ((ch = first_char ) != marker) {
	/* For stunning during combat
		-Damane-    4/26/96 */

      UNLINK(ch, first_char, last_char, next, prev);
      LINK(ch, first_char, last_char, next, prev);

    if ( ch->position == POS_STUNNED ) 
      if ( ch->wait > 0 )
        ch->position = POS_STANDING;
        send_to_char( "You are no longer stunned.\n\r", ch );
    has_cast = FALSE;

/* Healing rapidly for raged wolves  */

  if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && IS_WOLF( ch ) && IS_RAGED( ch ) )
    if ( !is_affected( ch, skill_lookup("Enraged" ) ) )
      REMOVE_BIT( ch->pcdata->pflags, PFLAG_RAGED );
    ch->hit = ( UMIN( ch->max_hit, ( ch->hit + ch->max_hit /150 )));

/* slight damage for players in a speeded stance, simulates fatigue */

  if (  !IS_NPC( ch )
     && ( stance_app[ch->stance].speed_mod > 1 ) )
    ch->hit = UMAX( 10, ch->hit - number_range( get_psuedo_level( ch ) * 5/1000 , get_psuedo_level( ch ) * 10/1000 ) );

 *  for when wolves can't cast normal spells, 
 *  increase regen rate mucho to compensate.  
 *  let's make it a skill instead..hehehe
    if ( ch->fighting != NULL )
      ch->hit = ( UMIN( ch->max_hit, ( ch->hit + ( number_range( (20 * ch->max_hit /100) , 


/* Heated armor damage :) ZEN  */

    if ( ch->hit > 0 && ch->in_room != NULL && get_room_index( ch->in_room->vnum ) != NULL && item_has_apply( ch, ITEM_APPLY_HEATED ) )
      OBJ_DATA * heated_item;
      int heat_damage = 0;
      for ( heated_item = ch->first_carry; heated_item != NULL; heated_item = heated_item->next_in_carry_list )
        if ( IS_SET( heated_item->item_apply, ITEM_APPLY_HEATED ) && heated_item->wear_loc != WEAR_NONE  )
          heat_damage = heated_item->level;
          if ( IS_SET( heated_item->extra_flags, ITEM_REMORT)  )
           heat_damage *= 2;
          obj_damage( heated_item, ch, heat_damage );
          act("@@W   $p@@N you are wearing are @@eBURNING@@N you!!!", ch, heated_item, NULL, TO_CHAR );
          act("@@W   $p worn by $n is @@eBURNING@@N!!!", ch, heated_item, NULL, TO_ROOM);
          if ( IS_NPC( ch )  )
            do_remove( ch, heated_item->name );
    if ( ch->stunTimer > 0 )

      /*  heal check for  solos ( mob )..   Zen  */

    if (  ( ch->is_free == FALSE )
       && ( IS_NPC( ch ) ) 
       && IS_SET( ch->act, ACT_SOLO ) 
       && ch->hit > 0 )
      if ( ( ch->hit < ch->max_hit *3 / 4 ) && ( ch->mana > mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "heal" ) ) ) )
        do_cast( ch,  "heal self"  );
        has_cast = TRUE; 

    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->hit < 0 )
      ch->position = POS_DEAD;
      if ( ch->fighting == NULL )
        if ( ch->in_room != NULL )
          act( "Suddenly, $n is enveloped in a @@mBeam of light@@N, and is gone!", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
        stop_fighting( ch, TRUE );
      extract_char( ch, TRUE );

    if (  ( ch->is_free == FALSE )
       && ( IS_NPC( ch ) ) 
       && ( !IS_SET( ch->def, DEF_NONE ) )  
       && ch->hit > 0 )
      if ( ch->hit < ch->max_hit * 2 / 3 )
        if ( IS_SET( ch->def, DEF_CURE_LIGHT ) )
          if ( ch->mana > mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "cure light" ) ) )
            do_cast( ch, "\'cure light\' self" );
            has_cast = TRUE;
        if ( IS_SET( ch->def, DEF_CURE_SERIOUS ) )
          if ( ch->mana > mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "cure serious" ) ) )
            do_cast( ch, "\'cure serious\' self" );
            has_cast = TRUE;
        if ( IS_SET( ch->def, DEF_CURE_CRITIC ) )
          if ( ch->mana > mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "cure critical" ) ) )
            do_cast( ch, "\'cure critical\' self" );
            has_cast = TRUE;
        if ( IS_SET( ch->def, DEF_CURE_HEAL ) )
          if ( ch->mana > mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "heal" ) ) )
            do_cast( ch, "heal self" );
            has_cast = TRUE;
    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->hit < 0 )
      ch->position = POS_DEAD;
      if ( ch->fighting == NULL )
      if ( ch->in_room != NULL )
        act( "Suddenly, $n is enveloped in a @@mBeam of light@@N, and is gone!", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      extract_char( ch, TRUE ); 

    if (  ( ch->is_free == FALSE )
       && ( IS_NPC( ch ) ) 
       && ( !IS_SET( ch->def, DEF_NONE ) )  
       && ( ch->hit > 0 )
       && ( ch->first_shield == NULL )  
       && ( !has_cast )  
       && ( ch->fighting == NULL )  )

      if (  ( IS_SET( ch->def, DEF_SHIELD_FIRE ) )
         && ( !is_affected( ch, skill_lookup( "fireshield" ) )   )
         && ( ch->mana > mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "fireshield" ) ) )   )
        do_cast( ch, "fireshield" );
        has_cast = TRUE;
      if (  ( IS_SET( ch->def, DEF_SHIELD_ICE ) )
         && ( !is_affected( ch, skill_lookup( "iceshield" ) )   )
         && ( ch->mana > mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "iceshield" ) ) )   )
        do_cast( ch, "iceshield" );
        has_cast = TRUE;
      if (  ( IS_SET( ch->def, DEF_SHIELD_SHOCK ) )
         && ( !is_affected( ch, skill_lookup( "shockshield" ) )   )
         && ( ch->mana > mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( "shockshield" ) ) )   )
        do_cast( ch, "shockshield" );
        has_cast = TRUE;
/* Offensive spell handler, only use when actually fighting.. */

    if (  ( IS_NPC( ch ) )
       && ( ch->is_free == FALSE )
       && ( ch->cast > 1 )
       && ( !has_cast )
       && ( ch->position > POS_RESTING )  
       && ( ch->fighting != NULL )  
       && ( ch->fighting->is_free != TRUE ) 
       && ( ch->in_room != NULL )
       && ( ch->hit > 1 )
       && ( ch->position == POS_FIGHTING )  )

      sh_int	cast_frequency;
      sh_int	index;

      cast_frequency = get_psuedo_level( ch ) / 2;  /* maybe set in olc later? */
      if (  ( number_range( 0, 99 ) < cast_frequency )
         && ( ch->mana >= ( 40 * ch->max_mana / 100 ) )   )
        for ( index = 1; index < 32; index++ )
          if (  ( IS_SET( ch->cast, ( 1 << index )  ) )
             && ( number_range( 0, 99 ) < ( index * 3 + number_range( 0, 25 ) )  )
             && ( ch->mana > mana_cost( ch, skill_lookup( rev_table_lookup( tab_cast_name, ( 1 << index ) ) ) )  )   )
            char   cast_name[MSL];
/*            char   mon_message[MSL];   */
            sprintf( cast_name, "%s %s", rev_table_lookup( tab_cast_name, ( 1 << index ) ), ch->fighting->name );
            do_cast( ch, cast_name );
 /*           sprintf( mon_message, "casting %s, index == %d", cast_name, ( 1 << index ) );
            monitor_chan( mon_message, MONITOR_COMBAT );    */
            has_cast = TRUE;
         * Hunting mobs.
         * -S- Mod: use flags to work out what to do.... 
    if (  IS_NPC(ch)
       && ch->fighting == NULL
       && IS_AWAKE(ch) )

    if ( ( victim = ch->fighting ) == NULL || ch->in_room == NULL )

    if (  ( IS_AWAKE( ch ) )
       && ( ch->is_free == FALSE )
       && ( victim->is_free == FALSE ) 
       && ( ch->in_room != NULL )
       && ( victim->in_room != NULL )  
       && ( ch->in_room == victim->in_room ) )
	    multi_hit( ch, victim, TYPE_UNDEFINED );
	    stop_fighting( ch, FALSE );

	if ( ( victim = ch->fighting ) == NULL )

	mprog_hitprcnt_trigger( ch, victim );
	mprog_fight_trigger( ch, victim );

	 * Fun for the whole family!   RCH is a non-fighting mob
      if ( IS_NPC( victim ) && ( get_psuedo_level( victim ) > 15 )  )
	  for ( rch = ch->in_room->first_person; rch != NULL; rch = rch_next )
	    rch_next = rch->next_in_room;
          if ( !IS_NPC( rch ) )

	    if ( IS_AWAKE(rch) && rch->fighting == NULL )
		 * NPC's assist NPC's of same type or 45% chance regardless.
		if ( !IS_AFFECTED(rch, AFF_CHARM) )
		  if (  ( rch->pIndexData == victim->pIndexData ) /* is it the same as a target here?  */
		     || (  ( number_percent() < 20 )  
                        && ( abs( get_psuedo_level( rch ) - get_psuedo_level( victim ) ) < 35 )   )   )
  			CHAR_DATA *vch;
			CHAR_DATA *target;
			int number;

		    target = NULL;
		    number = 0;

                  /* vch is the target of the lazy mob...a player */
		    for ( vch = ch->in_room->first_person; vch; vch = vch->next )
			if (  ( can_see( rch, vch ) )
                     && (  !IS_NPC( vch )  )     )
			  target = vch;

		    if ( target != NULL )
			if ( abs(  target->level - rch->level ) < 40 )
			     multi_hit( rch, target, TYPE_UNDEFINED );
     * All objects have been processed.  Remove the marker object and
     * put it back on the free list.
    UNLINK(marker, first_char, last_char, next, prev);
    PUT_FREE(marker, char_free);
    violence_marker = NULL;

 * Do one group of attacks.
void multi_hit( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim, int dt )
    int     chance;
    OBJ_DATA * 	wield1 = NULL;
    OBJ_DATA *	wield2 = NULL;
    int		dual_chance = 0;
    bool multi_hit = FALSE;

    if ( ch->position == POS_RIDING )
      if ( ch->riding && ( ch->riding->in_room == ch->in_room ) )
        do_dismount( ch, "" );
        ch->position = POS_FIGHTING;
    one_hit( ch, victim, dt );
    if ( ch->fighting != victim /* || dt == gsn_backstab */)
    if (  (  ( ( wield1 = get_eq_char( ch, WEAR_WIELD ) )  != NULL )
          && ( wield1->item_type == ITEM_WEAPON ) )
       && (  ( ( wield2 = get_eq_char( ch, WEAR_WIELD_2 ) ) != NULL )
          && ( wield2->item_type == ITEM_WEAPON ) )  )
      dual_chance = 15;

    chance = IS_NPC(ch) 
       ? ( IS_SET( ch->skills, MOB_SECOND ) ? 80 : 0 )
       : ( ( ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_second_attack]/2 ) - ( dex_app[get_curr_dex( ch )].defensive /3 )
         + ( stance_app[ch->stance].speed_mod * get_psuedo_level( ch ) /10 ) 
         + ( dual_chance ) );
    multi_hit = ( IS_NPC( ch ) ? FALSE : ( ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_second_attack] > 0 ) );
    if (  ( number_percent( ) < chance )
       && ( IS_NPC( ch ) || multi_hit ) )
	one_hit( ch, victim, dt );
	if ( ch->fighting != victim )

    chance = IS_NPC(ch) 
       ? ( IS_SET( ch->skills, MOB_THIRD ) ? 70 : 0 )
       : ( ( ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_third_attack]/4 ) - ( dex_app[get_curr_dex( ch )].defensive /3 )
         + ( stance_app[ch->stance].speed_mod * get_psuedo_level( ch ) /10 )
         + ( dual_chance ) );
    multi_hit = ( IS_NPC( ch ) ? FALSE : ( ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_third_attack] > 0 ) );
    if (  ( number_percent( ) < chance )
       && ( IS_NPC( ch ) || multi_hit ) )
	one_hit( ch, victim, dt );
	if ( ch->fighting != victim )

    chance = IS_NPC(ch) 
       ? ( IS_SET( ch->skills, MOB_FOURTH ) ? 60 : 0 )
       : (  ( ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_fourth_attack]/7 ) - ( dex_app[get_curr_dex( ch )].defensive /3 )
         + ( stance_app[ch->stance].speed_mod * get_psuedo_level( ch ) /10 )
         + ( dual_chance ) );
    multi_hit = ( IS_NPC( ch ) ? FALSE : ( ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_fourth_attack] > 0 ) );
    if (  ( number_percent( ) < chance )
       && ( IS_NPC( ch ) || multi_hit ) )
	one_hit( ch, victim, dt );
	if ( ch->fighting != victim )

    chance = IS_NPC(ch) 
       ? ( IS_SET( ch->skills, MOB_FIFTH ) ? 50 : 0 )
       : ( ( ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_fifth_attack]/6 ) - ( dex_app[get_curr_dex( ch )].defensive /3 )
         + ( stance_app[ch->stance].speed_mod * get_psuedo_level( ch ) /10 )
         + ( dual_chance ) );
    multi_hit = ( IS_NPC( ch ) ? FALSE : ( ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_fifth_attack] > 0 ) );
    if (  ( number_percent( ) < chance )
       && ( IS_NPC( ch ) || multi_hit ) )
	one_hit( ch, victim, dt );
	if ( ch->fighting != victim )

    chance = IS_NPC(ch) 
       ? ( IS_SET( ch->skills, MOB_SIXTH ) ? 30 : 0 )
       : ( ( ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_sixth_attack]/7 ) - ( dex_app[get_curr_dex( ch )].defensive /3 )
         + ( stance_app[ch->stance].speed_mod * get_psuedo_level( ch ) /10 )
         + ( dual_chance ) );
    multi_hit = ( IS_NPC( ch ) ? FALSE : ( ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_sixth_attack] > 0 ) );
    if (  ( number_percent( ) < chance )
       && ( IS_NPC( ch ) || multi_hit ) )
	one_hit( ch, victim, dt );
	if ( ch->fighting != victim )
    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && IS_SET( race_table[ch->race].race_flags, RACE_MOD_TAIL )  )
      if ( number_percent( ) < 25 ) 
        one_hit( ch, victim, TYPE_HIT + 13 );

     if (  !IS_NPC( ch )
       && (  ( ch->stance == STANCE_AMBUSH )
          || ( ch->stance == STANCE_AC_BEST )  )  )
      send_to_char( "You step out of the shadows.\n\r", ch );
      ch->stance = STANCE_WARRIOR;
      ch->stance_ac_mod = 0;
      ch->stance_dr_mod = 0;
      ch->stance_hr_mod = 0;
      act( "$n steps out of the Shadows!", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
#define ZERO_RATIO 20
#define ONE_STEPS 100l
#define MAX_IX 120
#define MAX_DAM_MOD 1.4

 * Hit one guy once.
void one_hit( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim, int dt )
    OBJ_DATA *wield;
    OBJ_DATA *shield;
    int victim_ac;
    int remort_bonus;
    int dam;
    int diceroll;
    int ix ;
    float dam_mod;
    extern const float hr_damTable[121];
     * Can't beat a dead char!
     * Guard against weird room-leavings.
    if ( victim->position == POS_DEAD || ch->in_room != victim->in_room )

     * Figure out the type of damage message.
    wield = get_eq_char( ch, WEAR_WIELD );
    if ( dt == TYPE_UNDEFINED )
	dt = TYPE_HIT;
	if ( wield != NULL && wield->item_type == ITEM_WEAPON )
	    dt += wield->value[3];
	/* check for martial arts  Taken out for wierd act crash bug with type_martial ZEN
    if ( dt == TYPE_HIT && wield == NULL )
       if ( number_percent() < ( IS_NPC(ch) ? 
          ( IS_SET(ch->skills, MOB_MARTIAL ) ? 75 : 0 ) : ( ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_martial_arts]/4) ) )
       dt = TYPE_MARTIAL;
     * Calculate to-hit-armor-class-0 versus armor.
    victim_ac = GET_AC(victim);
    if ( !can_see( ch, victim ) )
	victim_ac -= 200;

    if ( dt == gsn_backstab || dt == gsn_circle )
	victim_ac += 300;

     * The moment of excitement!
    diceroll = number_range( ( get_psuedo_level( ch ) * 5 ), ( get_psuedo_level( ch ) * 21) ) + GET_HITROLL( ch );

/* players get a tohit bonus for now  */

    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )
      diceroll += number_range( get_psuedo_level( ch ), ( get_psuedo_level( ch ) * 1 )  );
    if ( ( remort_bonus = get_psuedo_level( ch ) > 100 ) )
     diceroll += remort_bonus * 1;

    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) )
      diceroll += ( get_psuedo_level( ch ) * 5);
      if ( IS_SET( ch->act, ACT_SOLO ) )
        diceroll += ( get_psuedo_level( ch ) * 5 );
      diceroll += get_psuedo_level( ch ) * 2;

/* Player vs player bonus, to handle unbalanced hitroll vs ac */
    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && !IS_NPC( victim ) && get_psuedo_level( ch ) > 80 &&
         get_psuedo_level( victim ) > 80 )
      diceroll += number_range( 1000, 2000 );
    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) && victim_ac < -3000 && get_psuedo_level( ch ) > 110
         && ( number_range( 0, 100 ) < 10 )  )
      diceroll += 3000;

    if (victim_ac > -100)
      if (diceroll + victim_ac < 0) 
        ix = -1 ;
        ix = ZERO_RATIO;
		/* This finds the ratio of excess hit roll to AC, and
		   breaks it into steps as defined by constants above,
		   for use in damage modifier lookup table.
		  Long int calculation avoids overflow problems. */
      ix = - (ONE_STEPS * (long int) (diceroll+victim_ac)) / (long int) victim_ac;
      ix += ZERO_RATIO ;

    if (ix < 0)
      dam_mod = 0.0 ;

      damage (ch, victim, 0, dt);
      tail_chain( );
    else if (ix <= MAX_IX)
      dam_mod = hr_damTable[ix];
     dam_mod = MAX_DAM_MOD;
/*   old code
    if ( diceroll + victim_ac < 0 )
	damage( ch, victim, 0, dt );
	tail_chain( );
     * Hit.
     * Calc damage.
     * Tried to make it easy for players to hit mobs... --Stephen
    if ( IS_NPC(ch) )
	if ( wield )
	   dam = number_range( wield->value[1], wield->value[2] );
	   dam = number_range( ch->level / 3, ch->level / 2 );
      if ( IS_SET( ch->act, ACT_SOLO ) )
        dam *= 1.5;

	if ( wield != NULL )
	    dam = number_range( wield->value[1], wield->value[2] );
	    dam = UMAX( number_range(2,4), ch->level/4 );

     * Bonuses.
    dam += number_range( GET_DAMROLL(ch)* 13/20, GET_DAMROLL( ch ) * 15/20 );
    if ( ( !IS_NPC(ch) && ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_enhanced_damage] > 0 )
           || item_has_apply(ch, ITEM_APPLY_ENHANCED)
           || ( IS_NPC(ch) && IS_SET(ch->skills, MOB_ENHANCED ) ) )
        if (IS_NPC(ch))
         dam += dam * 1/20;
	 dam += dam * ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_enhanced_damage] / 150;
    if ( !IS_AWAKE(victim) )
	dam *= 1.5;
    /* extra damage from martial arts */
    if ( dt == TYPE_MARTIAL )
       dam = ( dam * 4 ) / 3;
    if ( dt == gsn_backstab )
	dam *= 1.4;
    if ( dt == gsn_circle )
       dam *= 1.1;
      dam *= 1.2;
    if ( dam <= 0 )
	dam = 1;

    if ( !IS_NPC( victim ) && victim->pcdata->learned[gsn_shield_block] > 0
      && ( shield = get_eq_char( victim, WEAR_SHIELD ) ) != NULL 
      && ( number_range(1, 4 ) != 3 )
      && number_percent() < 
         ( ( victim->pcdata->learned[gsn_shield_block]/5)
          + ( 1 * ( victim->lvl[3] - ch->level )  + victim->lvl2[2]/8 ) ) )
      /* Shield Block! */
      act( "$n blocks $N's attack with $p", victim, shield, ch, TO_NOTVICT );
      act( "$N blocks your attack with $p", ch, shield, victim, TO_CHAR );
      act( "You block $N's attack with $p", victim, shield, ch, TO_CHAR );
      damage( ch, victim, 0, -1 );
        dam *= dam_mod;
        if (  ( wield )
           && ( dam > 0 )
           && ( IS_OBJ_STAT( wield, ITEM_LIFESTEALER ) )
           && ( number_range( 0, 99 ) < ( wield->level / 4 )  ) )
          act( "@@W$n screams in @@Ragony@@W as an evil @@da@@eur@@da@@W flows from $p!@@N", victim, wield, ch, TO_NOTVICT );
          act( "@@WYou feel a surge of health as $p sucks the life of $N@@N!!", ch, wield, victim, TO_CHAR );
          act( "@@WYou scream in @@Ragony@@W as $p shrieks, and shrouds you in an evil @@da@@eur@@da@@N!!", victim, wield, ch, TO_CHAR );
          if (  ( ch->lvl2[0] > 0 )
             || ( ch->lvl2[3] > 0 )  )
            ch->hit = UMIN( ch->max_hit, ch->hit + number_range( dam * .075, dam * 1.72 ) );
            ch->hit = UMIN( ch->max_hit, ch->hit + number_range( dam * .03, dam * .13 ) );

          ch->alignment = UMAX( -1000, ch->alignment - 50 );

        damage( ch, victim, dam, dt );
    tail_chain( );

 * Inflict damage from a hit.
void damage( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim, int dam, int dt )
     extern CHAR_DATA * violence_marker;
     OBJ_DATA        *sil_weapon;
     int             sn;

/*   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];   this is unused now -- uni */

    if ( /* ( victim->position == POS_DEAD )  
       || */ ( victim == violence_marker )
       || ( victim->is_free == TRUE )  )

     * Stop up any residual loopholes.
    if ( dam > 3000 )
	sprintf( buf, "Combat: %d damage by %s", dam,
	IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->short_descr : ch->name );
	if ( ch->level < 82 )   /* stop imms generating warnings!! */
	   monitor_chan( buf, MONITOR_COMBAT );
/*	bugf( "Damage: %d: more than 3000 points from %s!", dam,
              IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->short_descr : ch->name );  */
	dam = 3000;

    if ( victim != ch )
	 * Certain attacks are forbidden.
	 * Most other attacks are returned.
	if ( is_safe( ch, victim ) )
	 if ( victim != ch->fighting )   
         	check_killer( ch, victim );  

	if ( victim->position > POS_STUNNED )
	    if ( victim->fighting == NULL )
		set_fighting( victim, ch, FALSE );
	    victim->position = POS_FIGHTING;

	if ( victim->position > POS_STUNNED )
	    if ( ch->fighting == NULL )
		set_fighting( ch, victim, TRUE );
		/* check_killer( ch, victim );*/

	     * If victim is charmed, ch might attack victim's master.
	    if ( IS_NPC(ch)
	    &&   IS_NPC(victim)
	    &&   IS_AFFECTED(victim, AFF_CHARM)
	    &&   victim->master != NULL
	    &&   victim->master->in_room == ch->in_room
	    &&   number_bits( 3 ) == 0 )
		stop_fighting( ch, FALSE );
		multi_hit( ch, victim->master, TYPE_UNDEFINED );

	 * More charm stuff.
	if ( victim->master == ch )
	    stop_follower( victim );

	 * Inviso attacks ... not.
	    affect_strip( ch, gsn_invis );
	    affect_strip( ch, gsn_mass_invis );
	    REMOVE_BIT( ch->affected_by, AFF_INVISIBLE );
	    act( "$n shimmers into existence.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );

	 * Damage modifiers.
	     || item_has_apply( victim, ITEM_APPLY_SANC ) )
	    dam /= 2;

	if ( ( IS_AFFECTED(victim, AFF_PROTECT)|| item_has_apply( ch, ITEM_APPLY_PROT ) )
	       && IS_EVIL(ch) )
	    dam -= dam / 4;

	if ( dam < 0 )
	    dam = 0;

	 * Check for disarm, trip, parry, and dodge.
	if ( dt >= TYPE_HIT )
	    if ( IS_NPC(ch) 
	       && ( number_percent( ) < ch->level / 6 )
	       && IS_SET( ch->skills, MOB_DISARM ) )
		disarm( ch, victim );
	    if ( IS_NPC(ch) 
	       && ( number_percent( ) < ch->level / 6 )
	       && IS_SET( ch->skills, MOB_TRIP ) )
		trip( ch, victim );
	    if ( check_parry( ch, victim ) )
	    if ( check_dodge( ch, victim ) )
	    if ( check_skills( ch, victim ) )
       if ( dt != -1 ) 
	   dam_message( ch, victim, dam, dt );

/* for now, can only have one shield up, or alternatively, only the first
   shield does anything		 */

    if (  ( victim->first_shield != NULL )
       && ( ch != victim )  
       && ( dam > 0 ) )
      char	buf1[MSL];
      char	buf2[MSL];
      char	buf3[MSL];
      sprintf( buf1, "%s", victim->first_shield->absorb_message_room );
      if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && IS_SET( ch->pcdata->pflags, PFLAG_BLIND_PLAYER ) )
        sprintf( buf2, "%s", "$K shield ouch" );
        sprintf( buf2, "%s", victim->first_shield->absorb_message_victim );
      if ( !IS_NPC( victim ) && IS_SET( victim->pcdata->pflags, PFLAG_BLIND_PLAYER ) )
        sprintf( buf3, "%s", "Your shield cool" );
        sprintf( buf3, "%s", victim->first_shield->absorb_message_self );
      victim->first_shield->hits -= dam;   
      dam = dam - dam * ( victim->first_shield->percent / 100 );  
      if ( victim->first_shield->harmfull == TRUE )
        ch->hit = UMAX( 10, ( ch->hit - victim->first_shield->attack_dam ) ); 
      act( buf1, victim, NULL, ch, TO_NOTVICT );
      act( buf2, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
      act( buf3, victim, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR );
      if ( victim->first_shield->hits <= 0 )
	AFFECT_DATA * shield_aff;
        for ( shield_aff = victim->first_affect; shield_aff != NULL; shield_aff = shield_aff->next )
          if ( shield_aff->type == victim->first_shield->sn )
        if ( shield_aff != NULL )
          affect_remove( victim, shield_aff );
     * Hurt the victim.
     * Inform the victim of his new state.
    victim->hit -= dam;
     if ( !IS_NPC ( victim ) )
      check_adrenaline( victim , dam );

     if ( !IS_NPC( victim ) && IS_WOLF( victim ) && ( dam > 350 )  )
       do_rage( victim, "FORCE" );

    if (  ( IS_AFFECTED( victim, AFF_CLOAK_FLAMING ) )
       && ( ch != victim )  
     /*  && ( dt == TYPE_HIT ) */  )

      act( "@@N$n's @@ecloak@@N flares and envelops $N in @@eflames@@N!!", victim, NULL, ch, TO_NOTVICT );
      if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && IS_SET( ch->pcdata->pflags, PFLAG_BLIND_PLAYER ) )
        act( "Flame cloak on $K ouch", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
        act( "@@N$N's @@ecloak@@N flares, and envelops you with @@eflame@@N!!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
      if ( !IS_NPC( victim ) && IS_SET( victim->pcdata->pflags, PFLAG_BLIND_PLAYER ) )
        act( "Your Flame cloak flares", victim, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR );
        act( "@@NYour @@ecloak@@N flares, and envelops $N with @@eflame@@N!!!", victim, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR );

      if (  ( is_shielded( ch, ICE_SHIELD ) )
         && ( number_range( 1, 100 ) < 30 )  
         && ( ch != victim )   )
        CHAR_DATA	* rch;
        CHAR_DATA	* rch_next;
        OBJ_DATA	* explosion;
        CHAR_DATA	* elemental;

        act( "@@e------------------------@@N", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR );
        act( "@@l************************@@N", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR );
        act( "@@W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@N", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR );
        act( "@@NThe elemental forces of @@eFire@@N and @@aIce@@N destroy each other!!!", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR );
        act( "@@W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@N", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR );
        act( "@@l************************@@N", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR );
        act( "@@e------------------------@@N", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR );
        act( "@@e------------------------@@N", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
        act( "@@l************************@@N", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
        act( "@@W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@N", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
        act( "@@NThe elemental forces of @@eFire@@N and @@aIce@@N destroy each other!!!", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
        act( "@@W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@N", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
        act( "@@l************************@@N", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
        act( "@@e------------------------@@N", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
        act( "@@N$N's @@ecloak@@N is ripped to shreds!!!@@N", ch, NULL, victim, TO_ROOM );
        act( "@@NYour @@ecloak@@N is ripped to shreds!!!@@N", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT );

        affect_strip( ch, skill_lookup( "iceshield" ) );
        affect_strip( victim, skill_lookup( "iceshield" ) );
        affect_strip( ch, skill_lookup( "fireshield" ) );
        affect_strip( victim, skill_lookup( "fireshield" ) );
        affect_strip( ch, skill_lookup( "cloak:flaming" ) );
        affect_strip( victim, skill_lookup( "cloak:flaming" ) );
        if ( IS_SET( ch->affected_by, AFF_CLOAK_FLAMING ) )
          REMOVE_BIT( ch->affected_by, AFF_CLOAK_FLAMING );
        if ( IS_SET( victim->affected_by, AFF_CLOAK_FLAMING ) )
          REMOVE_BIT( victim->affected_by, AFF_CLOAK_FLAMING );

        if ( ( explosion = create_object( get_obj_index( OBJ_VNUM_CONFLAGRATION ), 120 ) ) != NULL )
          if ( ( elemental = create_mobile( get_mob_index( MOB_VNUM_COMBAT_ELEMENTAL ) ) ) != NULL )
            char	bufz[MSL];

            explosion->level = 120;
            free_string( explosion->short_descr );
            explosion->short_descr = str_dup( "@@mConflagration@@N" );
            free_string( explosion->description );
            explosion->description = str_dup( "@@N A @@eFlaming @@NStaff of @@aIce@@N is supsended in mid air!" );

            elemental->level = 140;
            free_string( elemental->name );
            elemental->name = str_dup( ".hidden" );
            free_string( elemental->short_descr );
            elemental->short_descr = str_dup( "@@NThe @@rConflict@@N of @@eFire @@Nand @@aIce@@N" );
            free_string( elemental->long_descr );
            elemental->long_descr = str_dup( "@@NA @@rPillar@@N of @@eFire @@Nand @@aIce@@N immolates itself!" );

            char_to_room( elemental, ch->in_room );
            obj_to_char( explosion, elemental );
            sprintf( bufz, "%s", explosion->name );
            do_wear( elemental, bufz );

            if ( number_range( 0, 99 ) < 40 ) 
              obj_cast_spell( skill_lookup( "Retributive strike" ), 100, elemental, NULL, explosion );
            for ( rch = ch->in_room->first_person; rch != NULL; rch = rch_next )
              rch_next = rch->next_in_room;
              if ( get_psuedo_level( rch ) < 70 )
              send_to_char( "\n\r@@NYou are @@ablasted@@N by the @@econflagration@@N!\n\r", rch );
              if ( number_range( 0, 99 ) < 50 ) 
                obj_cast_spell( skill_lookup( "frost breath" ), 120, elemental, rch, explosion );
                obj_cast_spell( skill_lookup( "lava burst" ), 120, elemental, rch, explosion );
            if (  ( elemental->fighting != NULL )
               && ( IS_NPC( elemental->fighting ) )  )
              stop_fighting( elemental, TRUE );
              if (  ( number_range( 0,99 ) < 50 )
                 && ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )  )
                multi_hit( elemental, ch, TYPE_UNDEFINED );
              if ( !IS_NPC( victim )  )
                multi_hit( elemental, victim, TYPE_UNDEFINED );
     /*     extract_char( elemental, TRUE );  */
        int   flame_damage;
        flame_damage = dam * get_psuedo_level( victim ) / 300;
        if  ( IS_NPC( ch ) )
          if  ( IS_SET( ch->act, ACT_SOLO ) ) 
            flame_damage = flame_damage / 5;
           flame_damage = flame_damage / 3;
        if ( ( IS_NPC( victim ) ) && ( IS_SET( victim->act, ACT_SOLO ) ) )
          flame_damage = flame_damage * 1.5;

        ch->hit = UMAX( -5, ch->hit - flame_damage );
    update_pos( victim );

    if ( ( IS_NPC( victim) || !IS_VAMP( victim ) ) &&  !( deathmatch) )
    switch( victim->position )
    case POS_MORTAL:
	act( "$n is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.",
	    victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
	    "You are mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.\n\r",
	    victim );

    case POS_INCAP:
	act( "$n is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.",
	    victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
	    "You are incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.\n\r",
	    victim );

    case POS_STUNNED:
	act( "$n is too stunned to do anything!",
	    victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
	send_to_char("You are too stunned to do anything!\n\r",
	    victim );

    case POS_DEAD:
        sil_weapon = get_eq_char( ch, WEAR_WIELD );
        if ( IS_WOLF( victim )  && (!IS_NPC( ch ) ) && (ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_decapitate] != 0) 
             && (sil_weapon != NULL) && (IS_SET( sil_weapon->extra_flags, ITEM_SILVER ) ) )
 	    int chance;
            chance = IS_NPC( ch ) ? ch->level*2 : ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_decapitate];
            chance += 25;

            if ( ( victim->pcdata->vamp_level * 5 ) > ch->level )
                chance -= ( victim->pcdata->vamp_level * 5 ) - ch->level;
            if ( number_percent() < chance )
	        act( "You DECAPITATE $N's head off with one skillful stroke!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
                act( "$n DECAPITATES $N's head off with one skillful stroke!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
                send_to_char( "You suddenly feel the world is spinning away from you!", victim );
                send_to_char( "You have been DECAPITATED!!", victim );
                send_to_char( "You feel the rage of the wolf flow from your body.....\n\r", victim );
                send_to_char( "You THINK you are dead!  Ooops....\n\r", victim );

            REMOVE_BIT( victim->pcdata->pflags , PFLAG_WEREWOLF );
            victim->pcdata->vamp_level = 0;
            victim->pcdata->vamp_exp = 0;
            victim->pcdata->bloodlust = 0;
            victim->pcdata->bloodlust_max = 0;
            victim->pcdata->generation = -1;
            victim->pcdata->vamp_bloodline = 0;
            victim->pcdata->recall_vnum = 3001;

	    for (sn = 0; sn <= MAX_SKILL; sn++ )
        	if ( ( skill_table[sn].flag2 == WOLF ) && ( victim->pcdata->learned[sn] > 0 ) )
          	     victim->pcdata->learned[sn] = 0;

        act( "$n is DEAD!!", victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM );
	send_to_char( "You have been KILLED!!\n\r\n\r", victim );

	if ( dam > victim->max_hit / 4 )
	    send_to_char( "That really did HURT!\n\r", victim );
	if ( victim->hit < victim->max_hit / 4 )
	    send_to_char( "You sure are BLEEDING!\n\r", victim );
    } /* end of if statement */
     * Sleep spells and extremely wounded folks.
    if ( !IS_AWAKE(victim) )
	stop_fighting( victim, FALSE );

     * Payoff for killing things.
    if ( victim->position == POS_DEAD && ( IS_NPC( victim ) || !IS_VAMP( victim ) || ( deathmatch ) )  )
	group_gain( ch, victim );

	/* Sort out kill counts..... */
	if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )
	   if ( !IS_NPC( victim ) )
	if ( !IS_NPC( victim ) )
	   if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )
	if ( !IS_NPC(victim) || IS_SET(victim->act,ACT_INTELLIGENT))
/*	    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && !IS_NPC(victim)
	         && IS_SET(ch->pcdata->pflags,PFLAG_PKOK)
	         && IS_SET(victim->pcdata->pflags,PFLAG_PKOK) )

	     sprintf(buf, "%s kills %s in mortal combat.", ch->name, victim->name);
	     info(buf, 1);
             sprintf( buf, "%s turns %s into a corpse.  Whooops.",
               ( IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->short_descr : ch->name ),
               ( IS_NPC(victim) ? victim->short_descr : victim->name) );
             info( buf, 1 );	   

            sprintf( log_buf, "%s killed by %s at %d",
		(IS_NPC(victim) ? victim->short_descr : victim->name),
		(IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->short_descr : ch->name),
		victim->in_room->vnum );
	    log_string( log_buf );

	notify( log_buf, 82 );

	/* As level gain is no longer automatic, a dead char loses
	 * 1/2 their gained exp.  -S- 
         * Fixed my bug here too, hehe!

	    if ( victim->exp > 0 )
               gain_exp( victim, ( 0 - ( victim->exp / 2 ) ) );
               victim->exp = UMAX( victim->exp, 0 );

        if ( IS_NPC(ch) )
 	   raw_kill( victim, "" );
          char name_buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
          sprintf( name_buf, "%s", ch->name );
	    raw_kill( victim, name_buf );

	if ( deathmatch && !IS_NPC( victim ) )
	   do_quit( victim, "" );
	if ( IS_NPC(ch) && IS_NPC(victim) && IS_SET( ch->act, ACT_INTELLIGENT ) )
	   do_get( ch, "all corpse" );
	   do_sacrifice( ch, "corpse" );
	if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && IS_NPC(victim) )
	    if ( IS_SET(ch->act, PLR_AUTOLOOT) )
		do_get( ch, "all corpse" );
		do_look( ch, "in corpse" );

	    if ( IS_SET(ch->act, PLR_AUTOSAC) )
		do_sacrifice( ch, "corpse" );


    if ( victim == ch )

     * Take care of link dead people.
    if ( !IS_NPC(victim) && victim->desc == NULL )
	if ( number_range( 0, victim->wait ) == 0 )
	    do_recall( victim, "" );

     * Wimp out?
    if ( IS_NPC(victim) && dam > 0 )
	if ( ( IS_SET(victim->act, ACT_WIMPY) && number_bits( 1 ) == 0
	&&   victim->hit < victim->max_hit / 2 )
	||   ( IS_AFFECTED(victim, AFF_CHARM) && victim->master != NULL
	&&     victim->master->in_room != victim->in_room ) )
	    do_flee( victim, "" );

    if ( !IS_NPC(victim)
    &&   victim->hit > 0
    &&   victim->hit <= victim->wimpy
    &&   victim->wait == 0 )
	do_flee( victim, "" );

    tail_chain( );


bool is_safe( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim )
    if ( deathmatch )
       return FALSE;    /* Deathmatch? Anything goes!! */
/*we are going to have safe rooms no attacks at all  SRZ 2 Jul 96
    if ( IS_NPC(ch) || IS_NPC(victim) )
	return FALSE;

    /* No PC vs. PS attacks in safe rooms */
    if ( ( victim->in_room != NULL )
       && IS_SET( victim->in_room->room_flags, ROOM_SAFE ) )
       send_to_char( "Not a chance!  This is a safe room.\n\r", ch );
       return TRUE;

    if ( IS_SET( victim->act, PLR_KILLER ) )
	return FALSE;
    if ( IS_SET( victim->act, PLR_THIEF ) )
      return FALSE;	
   /* Vampires are considered PKOK */	
    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && !IS_NPC(victim)
         && (    IS_SET(victim->pcdata->pflags, PFLAG_PKOK)
              || IS_SET(victim->pcdata->pflags, PFLAG_VAMP) )
         && (    IS_SET(ch->pcdata->pflags, PFLAG_PKOK) 
              || IS_SET(ch->pcdata->pflags, PFLAG_VAMP) ) )
        return FALSE;

    if ( ( ( victim->level < 10 ) || ( victim->level + 20 < ch->level ) )
       && (!IS_NPC( victim ) )
       && ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )   )
	send_to_char( "The Gods prevent your foul deed.\n\r", ch );
	return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

struct hunt_mobs_tp {
        int    mob_vnum;
        int    room_vnum;
        int    min_level;
        char*  name;
         hunt_mobs[]= {
                        { 3062, 3001,         0, "Bug" },
                        { 3561, 3001,        40, "Shadow Dragon"},
                        { 18302, 3001,       80, "Bounty Hunter"},
                        { 18301, 3001,       100, "The Avenger"},
                        { 18306,  3001,      240, "Blayze"},
                        { -1, -1,            -1, " " }
/* SRZ huntlist!  */                               
/* Scrapped MAX_HUNTERS - can now change table without 
 * full recompile.  Was unused in checking loop. -S-
 **** LEAVE THE LAST ELEMENT of the table in place! ****/

 * See if an attack justifies a KILLER flag.
void check_killer( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim )
     * Follow charm thread to responsible character.
     * Attacking someone's charmed char is hostile!
     * -S- Mod:  Set sentence according to difference in levels -
     * this is no. times the player must die before the killer flag
     * will be removed.
    int diff;
    int a;
    MOB_INDEX_DATA  * pMobIndex;
    ROOM_INDEX_DATA * pRoomIndex;
    CHAR_DATA       * hunter;
   if ( (ch->fighting == victim ) )
   if ( ( IS_AFFECTED(victim, AFF_CHARM) && victim->master != NULL ) 
      && ( ch->fighting != victim )  )
	victim = victim->master;   */ 

     * NPC's are fair game.
     * So are killers and thieves.
    if ( IS_NPC(victim)
    ||   IS_SET(victim->act, PLR_KILLER)
    ||   IS_SET(victim->in_room->room_flags, ROOM_PK ) /* -S- Mod */
    ||   IS_SET(victim->act, PLR_THIEF) 
    ||   IS_VAMP( victim ) 
    ||   IS_WOLF( victim ) /*
    || ( ch->fighting == victim )  */
    || ( ch == victim )  )
    /* if in deathmatch, anything goes */
      if ( deathmatch )
    if ( ch->sentence > 5000 )

    /* Check to see if ch & victim are in clans, and enemies */
    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && !IS_NPC( victim ) )
	if ( ( ch->pcdata->clan != 0 ) && ( victim->pcdata->clan != 0 )
           && ( politics_data.diplomacy[ch->pcdata->clan][victim->pcdata->clan] < -450 ) ) 
       if (  IS_SET(ch->pcdata->pflags,PFLAG_PKOK)
          && IS_SET(victim->pcdata->pflags,PFLAG_PKOK) )
     * Charm-o-rama.
/*    if ( IS_SET(ch->affected_by, AFF_CHARM) && ( ch->fighting != victim ) )
	if ( ch->master == NULL )
	    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

	    sprintf( buf, "Check_killer: %s bad AFF_CHARM",
		IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->short_descr : ch->name );
	    bug( buf, 0 );
	    affect_strip( ch, gsn_charm_person );
	    REMOVE_BIT( ch->affected_by, AFF_CHARM );
	ch=ch->master;  */

	/* stop_follower( ch ); Don't think we need to do this */
 /*   }    */
 /*   if ( IS_SET(victim->affected_by, AFF_CHARM) )
        if ( victim->master == NULL)
	    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

	    sprintf( buf, "Check_killer: %s bad AFF_CHARM",
		IS_NPC(ch) ? victim->short_descr : victim->name );
	    bug( buf, 0 );
	    affect_strip( ch, gsn_charm_person );
	    REMOVE_BIT( victim->affected_by, AFF_CHARM );

     * NPC's are cool of course (as long as not charmed).
     * Hitting yourself is cool too (bleeding).
     * So is being immortal (Alander's idea).
     * BAH.  Imms get flagged too now, unless pkok.
     * And current killers stay as they are.
    if ( IS_NPC(ch)
    ||   ch == victim )

    send_to_char( "*** You are a PLAYER KILLER!! ***\n\r", ch );
       char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
       sprintf( buf, "%s flagged as a KILLER for attack on %s.",
          ch->name, victim->name );
       monitor_chan( buf, MONITOR_COMBAT );
    diff = 3;
    if ( get_psuedo_level( ch ) > get_psuedo_level( victim ) ) {
       diff += ( get_psuedo_level( ch ) - get_psuedo_level( victim ) ) /7;
       if (diff > 5) diff = 5;
    ch->sentence += diff * get_psuedo_level( ch ) * 3;	/* Magic # - Ramias */
    if ( ch->adept_level > 0 )
      ch->sentence += diff * get_psuedo_level( ch ) *2;

    SET_BIT(ch->act, PLR_KILLER);
    save_char_obj( ch );
    /* MAG Create a hunter for the person */
    diff= get_psuedo_level( ch );
    /* Added if check back... meant to penalize for attacking lower
     * level players -S-
    if ( get_psuedo_level( ch ) > get_psuedo_level( victim ) )
     diff+= get_psuedo_level( ch )  - get_psuedo_level( victim );
    if (diff > MAX_LEVEL)
                       SRZ just set the level of the hunter to the level of the player :) */

    /* Fixed for loop so it can't become infinite -S- */
    for ( a=0; hunt_mobs[a].min_level != -1 ; a++ )
     if (diff <= hunt_mobs[a].min_level)
    if ( hunt_mobs[a].mob_vnum == -1 )
       notify( "No killer hunter found in check_killer!", 85 );
    if ( ( pMobIndex = get_mob_index( hunt_mobs[a].mob_vnum  ) ) == NULL )
	bug("check_killer: No such mob %i.",hunt_mobs[a].mob_vnum);
    if ( ( pRoomIndex = get_room_index( hunt_mobs[a].room_vnum ) ) == NULL )
        bug("check_killer: No such room %i.",hunt_mobs[a].room_vnum);

    hunter = create_mobile( pMobIndex );
    char_to_room( hunter, pRoomIndex );
   /* do_gossip( hunter, "Well, someone's gonna get it!" ); */


 * Check for parry.
bool check_parry( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim )
    int chance=0;

    if ( !IS_AWAKE(victim) )
	return FALSE;

    if ( IS_NPC( victim ) && !IS_SET( victim->skills, MOB_PARRY ) )
       return FALSE;
    if ( IS_NPC(victim) )
	/* Tuan was here.  :) */
	chance  =  get_psuedo_level( victim )/3.2 + get_curr_str( victim ) * 2 /5;
      if ( IS_SET( victim->act, ACT_SOLO ) )
      chance += 15;
	if ( get_eq_char( victim, WEAR_WIELD ) == NULL 
	 && get_eq_char( victim, WEAR_WIELD_2 ) == NULL )
	    return FALSE;
        if ( !IS_NPC( victim ) && IS_WOLF( victim ) 
           && ( IS_SHIFTED( victim ) || IS_RAGED( victim )  ) )
             return FALSE;

	chance  = (victim->pcdata->learned[gsn_parry] / 3.5 ) + get_curr_str( victim ) * 3 /5;
    if ( IS_AFFECTED( victim, AFF_CLOAK_ADEPT )  )
      chance += 5;

    if ( number_percent( ) < ( chance + ( get_psuedo_level( victim ) - get_psuedo_level( ch ) ) /2 ) )

  /*  act( "You parry $n's attack.",  ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT    );
    act( "$N parries your attack.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR    );  */
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Check for dodge.
bool check_dodge( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim )
    int chance=0;

    if ( !IS_AWAKE(victim) )
	return FALSE;

    if ( IS_NPC( victim ) && !IS_SET( victim->skills, MOB_DODGE ) )
       return FALSE;
    if ( IS_NPC(victim) )
	/* Tuan was here.  :) */
	chance  = get_psuedo_level( victim )/3.1 + get_curr_dex( victim ) *2 /5;
      if ( IS_SET( victim->act, ACT_SOLO ) )
      chance += 15;
      chance  = ( victim->pcdata->learned[gsn_dodge] / 3.5 ) + get_curr_dex( victim ) *3 /5;
      if ( ch->lvl2[4] > 0 )    /* Monk  */
        chance += ch->lvl2[4] / 8;
    if ( IS_AFFECTED( victim, AFF_CLOAK_ADEPT )  )
      chance += 5;

    if ( !IS_NPC( victim ) && IS_WOLF( victim )
       && ( IS_SHIFTED( victim ) || IS_RAGED( victim )   )  )
      chance += 20;

    if ( number_percent( ) < ( chance + ( get_psuedo_level( victim ) - get_psuedo_level ( ch ) ) /2 ) )

   /* act( "You dodge $n's attack.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT    );
    act( "$N dodges your attack.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR    );  */
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Check_skills : if IS_NPC(ch) then check ch->skills to see if there are
 * any extra attack skills available for use --Stephen

bool check_skills( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim )
   int cnt, check;
   if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )
      return FALSE;
   if ( number_percent() < 30 + ( ch->level - victim->level ) )
      return FALSE;
   /* Count how many of the attack skills are available */
   cnt = 0;
   if ( IS_SET( ch->skills, MOB_PUNCH 		) ) cnt++;
   if ( IS_SET( ch->skills, MOB_HEADBUTT	) ) cnt++;
   if ( IS_SET( ch->skills, MOB_KNEE		) ) cnt++;
   if ( IS_SET( ch->skills, MOB_DIRT		) ) cnt++;
   if ( IS_SET( ch->skills, MOB_CHARGE		) ) cnt++;

   if ( cnt == 0 )
      return FALSE;		/* There were no attack skills set */
   check = number_range( 1, cnt );
   cnt = 0;
   if ( IS_SET( ch->skills, MOB_PUNCH		) && ( ++cnt == check ) )
      do_punch( ch, "" );
      return TRUE;
   if ( IS_SET( ch->skills, MOB_HEADBUTT	) && ( ++cnt == check ) )
      do_headbutt( ch, "" );
      return TRUE;
   if ( IS_SET( ch->skills, MOB_KNEE ) && ( ++cnt == check ) )
      do_knee( ch, "" );
      return TRUE;
   if ( IS_SET( ch->skills, MOB_DIRT ) && ( ++cnt == check ) )
      do_dirt( ch, "" );
      return TRUE;
   if ( IS_SET( ch->skills, MOB_CHARGE ) && ( ++cnt == check ) )
      do_charge( ch, "" );
      return TRUE;
   return FALSE;

 * Set position of a victim.
void update_pos( CHAR_DATA *victim )
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    OBJ_DATA *obj;
    int num, counter;    
    if ( victim->hit > 0 )
	if ( IS_SET(victim->affected_by, AFF_VAMP_HEALING ) )
	   REMOVE_BIT(victim->affected_by, AFF_VAMP_HEALING );
	if ( victim->position <= POS_STUNNED && victim->stunTimer == 0 )
	    act( "$n stands, and gets to $s feet.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
	    victim->position = POS_STANDING;
    if ( IS_VAMP( victim ) 
       && (victim->hit < 1) 
       && !IS_SET( victim->affected_by, AFF_VAMP_HEALING ) 
       && !IS_NPC( victim)
       && !( deathmatch )   )
       CHAR_DATA *check;
       if ( !IS_NPC(victim) )
          gain_exp( victim, 0 - ( victim->exp / 4 ) );
       sprintf( buf, "%s (vampire) has been misted!", victim->name );
       monitor_chan( buf, MONITOR_COMBAT );
       act( "$n turns to mist and floats away....", victim, NULL, NULL, 
       act( "You turn to mist and float back to the morgue...", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_CHAR );
    /* Check ch->sentence to see if time to remove flags.. :) */

/* New sentencing makes this obsolete...

    if ( !IS_NPC( victim ) )
       if ( IS_SET( victim->act, PLR_THIEF ) )
          if ( victim->sentence > 0 )
          if ( victim->sentence == 0 )
             REMOVE_BIT( victim->act, PLR_THIEF );
       if ( IS_SET( victim->act, PLR_KILLER ) )
          if ( victim->sentence > 0 )
          if ( victim->sentence == 0 )
             REMOVE_BIT( victim->act, PLR_KILLER ); 


/* Universe -  need to add junk here */
    if ( IS_VAMP( victim ) && 
        ( ( victim->fighting != NULL ) && !IS_NPC( victim->fighting ) ) )
        counter = number_range( 2, 4 );
        while ( counter > 0 )
           num = number_range( 1, UMIN( 1, victim->carry_number ) );
           obj = victim->first_carry;
           if ( obj == NULL )
           for ( obj = victim->first_carry; obj != NULL; 
		obj = obj->next_in_carry_list )
                num = num - 1;
                if ( num == 0 )

           if ( obj == NULL )

           if ( obj != NULL && !IS_SET( obj->extra_flags, ITEM_NOLOOT ) )
                obj_from_char( obj );
                obj_to_room( obj, victim->in_room );
           counter = counter - 1;
    /* drop stuff if is (WANTED) */
    if (  ( IS_SET( victim->act, PLR_KILLER ) || IS_SET( victim->act, PLR_THIEF ) )
       && (  ( victim->fighting != NULL ) 
          && (  ( !IS_NPC( victim->fighting ) )  
             || ( !str_cmp( rev_spec_lookup( victim->fighting->spec_fun ), "spec_executioner" ) )  )   )    )
        counter = number_range( 2,3 );
        while ( counter > 0 )
           num = number_range( 1, UMIN( 1, victim->carry_number ) );
           obj = victim->first_carry;
           if ( obj == NULL )

           for ( obj =victim->first_carry; obj != NULL; 
		obj = obj->next_in_carry_list )
                num = num - 1;
                if ( num == 0 )

           if ( obj == NULL )

           if ( obj != NULL && !IS_SET( obj->extra_flags, ITEM_NOLOOT ) )
                obj_from_char( obj );
                obj_to_room( obj, victim->in_room );
	   counter = counter - 1;

    /* drop stuff if is (WANTED) */
    if (  ( victim->fighting != NULL ) 
       && ( !IS_NPC( victim->fighting ) ) 
       && ( IS_WOLF( victim->fighting ) )  )
        counter = number_range( 4, 8 );
        while ( counter > 0 )
           num = number_range( 1, UMIN( 1, victim->carry_number ) );
           obj = victim->first_carry;
           if ( obj == NULL )

           for ( obj =victim->first_carry; obj != NULL; 
		obj = obj->next_in_carry_list )
                num = num - 1;
                if ( num == 0 )

           if ( obj == NULL )

           if ( obj != NULL && !IS_SET( obj->extra_flags, ITEM_NOLOOT ) )
                obj_from_char( obj );
                obj_to_room( obj, victim->in_room );
	   counter = counter - 1;
       char_from_room( victim );
       char_to_room( victim, get_room_index( victim->pcdata->recall_vnum ) );
       act( "A mist floats in, and forms into $n's corpse!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
       SET_BIT( victim->affected_by, AFF_VAMP_HEALING );

       stop_fighting( victim, TRUE );
       victim->hit = -20;    
       for ( check = first_char; check != NULL; check = check->next )
         extern CHAR_DATA	*violence_marker;

          if ( ( check != violence_marker) && check->hunting == victim)

    if (  IS_VAMP( victim ) 
       && IS_SET( victim->affected_by, AFF_VAMP_HEALING )
       && !( deathmatch ) 
       && !IS_NPC( victim ) )
       /* Then they don't really die... just regen slowly...! */
          if ( victim->hit < -20 )
             victim->hit = -20;
            if ( victim->hit == -20 )
             act( "$n's body slowly regains it's shape!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
             send_to_char( "Your body slowly regains it's shape!\n\r", victim );
             victim->position = POS_MORTAL;
       else if ( victim->hit > -20 && victim->hit < -15 )
       else if ( victim->hit == -15 )
             act( "$n's skin grows back into place!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
             send_to_char( "Your skin grows back into place!\n\r", victim );
       else if ( victim->hit > -15 && victim->hit < -10 )
       else if ( victim->hit == -10 )
             act( "$n's wounds form scar tissue and vanish!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
             send_to_char( "Your wounds form scar tissue and vanish!\n\r", victim );
       else if ( victim->hit >-10 && victim->hit < -5 )
       else if ( victim->hit == -5 )
             act( "$n's looks like $s old self again.", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
             send_to_char( "Your look like your old self again.\n\r", victim );
       else if ( victim->hit >-5 && victim->hit < -1 )
             REMOVE_BIT( victim->affected_by, AFF_VAMP_HEALING );
             victim->position = POS_STUNNED;
             victim->hit = 5;
    if (  ( !IS_NPC( victim ) )
       && ( IS_VAMP(victim ) )
       && !( deathmatch ) )
    if ( IS_NPC(victim) && victim->hit <= 0 )
	victim->position = POS_DEAD;
         if ( victim->hit <= -10 ) victim->position = POS_DEAD;
    else if ( victim->hit <= -6 ) victim->position = POS_MORTAL;
    else if ( victim->hit <= -3 ) victim->position = POS_INCAP;
    else                          victim->position = POS_STUNNED;


 * Start fights.
void set_fighting( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim, bool check )
    if ( ch->fighting != NULL )
	 /* bug( "Set_fighting: already fighting", 0 );  */

    /* Check here for killer flag */
    if ( check )
       check_killer( ch, victim );
/*    if ( IS_NPC(victim) && IS_SET(victim->act, ACT_HUNTER ) )
       make_hunt( victim, ch );*/		/* fun fun FUN! */
    if ( IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_SLEEP) )
	affect_strip( ch, gsn_sleep );

    ch->fighting = victim;
    ch->position = POS_FIGHTING;
    /* Check if mob has ACT_REMEMBER (ch to attack) SET */
    if ( IS_NPC(victim) && !IS_NPC( ch ) && IS_SET( victim->act, ACT_REMEMBER ) )
    /* Then set victim->target to player's name... */
    if ( victim->target != NULL )
      free_string( victim->target );
    if ( ch != NULL && ch->is_free == FALSE )
      victim->target = str_dup( ch->name );

 * Stop fights.
void stop_fighting( CHAR_DATA *ch, bool fBoth )
    CHAR_DATA *fch;

      ch->fighting = NULL;
      ch->position = POS_STANDING;

    if ( !fBoth )


    for ( fch = first_char; fch != NULL; fch = fch->next )
      extern CHAR_DATA	*violence_marker;

	if ( ( fch != violence_marker ) && fch->fighting == ch )
	    fch->fighting       = NULL;
	    fch->position       = POS_STANDING;
	    update_pos( fch );


 * Make a corpse out of a character.
void make_corpse( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    OBJ_DATA *corpse;
    OBJ_DATA *obj;
    OBJ_DATA *obj_next;
    CHAR_DATA *target = NULL;
    CHAR_DATA *wch;
    char *name;
    bool leave_corpse = FALSE;
 /*   int counter, num;   */
    extern OBJ_DATA *   quest_object;
    extern int       quest_timer;
    one_argument ( argument, arg );

    if (deathmatch) 
    /* Vampire bodies crumble to dust when really killed */
    if ( IS_VAMP( ch ) && !IS_NPC( ch ) )
    if ( IS_NPC(ch) )
      if ( ( ch->in_room != NULL )
      && IS_SET( ch->in_room->affected_by, ROOM_BV_SOUL_NET ) )
        ROOM_INDEX_DATA *room;
        ROOM_AFFECT_DATA *raf;
        ROOM_AFFECT_DATA *raf_next;
        corpse = create_object( get_obj_index( OBJ_VNUM_CAPTURED_SOUL ), ch->level );
        corpse->level = ch->level;
        obj_to_room( corpse, ch->in_room );
        for ( obj = ch->first_carry; obj != NULL; obj = obj_next )
	  obj_next = obj->next_in_carry_list;
	  obj_from_char( obj );
	  extract_obj( obj );
        act( "@@eAs $n's soul attempts to fade from the room, the @@dSoul Net@@e quickly collapses, entombing the soul into a small figurine!!", 
        ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
        room = ch->in_room;
        for ( raf = room->first_room_affect; raf != NULL; raf = raf_next )        
	  raf_next = raf->next;
	  if ( raf->bitvector == ROOM_BV_SOUL_NET )
            r_affect_remove( room, raf );
      else  /* still NPC, no soul net */
        int gold;
	time_t lifetime;
	name            = ch->short_descr;
	corpse          = create_object(get_obj_index(OBJ_VNUM_CORPSE_NPC), 0 );	 
	corpse->timer   = number_range( 3, 6 );
        corpse->level   = ch->level; /* for animate spell */
	  /* Takes a mob 2 rl hours to gain full gold. */
	lifetime= current_time - (ch->logon) ;
	gold = 5* (ch->level) * ( UMIN(100 , lifetime * 100 / (2*3600)) ) / 100;
	  /* Then take from 1/5 of maximum (i.e. level) to maximum gold. */
	gold = number_range( gold/5 , gold);
	  /* Add special gold. */
	gold += ch->gold;
	if ( gold > 0 )
	  obj_to_obj( create_money( gold ), corpse );
	ch->gold = 0;
    else  /* player */
      name            = ch->name;
      corpse          = create_object(get_obj_index(OBJ_VNUM_CORPSE_PC), 0);
      corpse->timer   = number_range( 20, 30 );
      sprintf( buf, "%s", ch->name );
      free_string( corpse->owner );
      corpse->owner = str_dup( buf );

      if ( ( arg[0] != '\0' ) && ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )  )
        target = NULL;
	for ( wch = first_char; wch != NULL; wch = wch->next )
          extern CHAR_DATA	*violence_marker;
          if ( ( wch != violence_marker ) && !IS_NPC( wch ) &&  is_name( arg, wch->name ) )
	    target = wch;
        if ( (target != NULL ) && !IS_NPC( target ) )
          if (  ( IS_WOLF( ch ) )
             && ( IS_VAMP( target ) || IS_WOLF( target ) )  )
            leave_corpse = TRUE;
            corpse->value[0] = 1;
          if ( IS_SET(ch->pcdata->pflags, PFLAG_PKOK) )
            corpse->value[0] = 1;
          if ( ch->pcdata->clan > 0 ) 
	    if  ( target->pcdata->clan != ch->pcdata->clan  &&
                ( politics_data.diplomacy[ch->pcdata->clan][target->pcdata->clan] < -450 ) )
              corpse->value[2] = target->pcdata->clan;
            corpse->value[2] = -1;
	  corpse->value[3] = number_range( 2, 5 );
    }  /* end of player only */
    if (  ( IS_SET( ch->act, PLR_KILLER ) || IS_SET( ch->act, PLR_THIEF ) )
       && (  ( target != NULL ) 
          && (  ( !IS_NPC( target ) )  
             || ( !str_cmp( rev_spec_lookup( target->spec_fun ), "spec_executioner" ) )  )   )    )

      corpse->value[0] = 1;
      corpse->value[3] = number_range( 3, 6 );
    sprintf( buf, corpse->short_descr, name );
    free_string( corpse->short_descr );
    corpse->short_descr = str_dup( buf );

    sprintf( buf, corpse->description, name );
    free_string( corpse->description );
    corpse->description = str_dup( buf );

    for ( obj = ch->first_carry; obj != NULL; obj = obj_next )
	obj_next = obj->next_in_carry_list;
	obj_from_char( obj );
        if ( obj == quest_object )
          obj->value[0] = UMAX( 1, obj->value[0] * quest_timer / 10 );
          obj->value[1] = UMAX( 1, obj->value[1] * quest_timer / 10 );
          obj->value[2] = UMAX( 1, obj->value[2] * quest_timer / 10 );
	if ( IS_SET( obj->extra_flags, ITEM_INVENTORY ) )
	    extract_obj( obj );
	    obj_to_obj( obj, corpse );
    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )
      if (  ( IS_SET(ch->pcdata->pflags,PFLAG_PKOK )  )
         || ( target != NULL && ( target->pcdata->clan != ch->pcdata->clan )
              && ( politics_data.diplomacy[ch->pcdata->clan][target->pcdata->clan] < -450 ) ) 
         || (  ( ch->level > 30 ) 
            && ( IS_SET( ch->act, PLR_KILLER ) || IS_SET( ch->act, PLR_THIEF ) ) ) 
         || ( leave_corpse )   )
        obj_to_room( corpse, ch->in_room);
        obj_to_room( corpse, get_room_index( ROOM_VNUM_MORGUE ) );
        CORPSE_DATA * this_corpse;
        GET_FREE( this_corpse, corpse_free );
        this_corpse->next = NULL;
        this_corpse->prev = NULL;
        this_corpse->this_corpse = corpse;
        LINK( this_corpse, first_corpse, last_corpse, next, prev );
      save_corpses( );  
      if ( IS_SET( ch->act, ACT_INTELLIGENT ) )
        obj_to_room( corpse, get_room_index( ROOM_VNUM_INT_HEAL ) );
	  obj_to_room( corpse, ch->in_room );

 * Improved Death_cry contributed by Diavolo.
void death_cry( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    /* FIXME:  *ONLY* PKOK victims get a head loaded. */
    /* Make this give 'cry' message, don't load anything */
    ROOM_INDEX_DATA *was_in_room;
    char *msg;
    int door;


    if ( IS_NPC(ch) )
	msg = "You hear something's death cry.";
	msg = "You hear someone's death cry.";

    was_in_room = ch->in_room;
    if (  ( was_in_room  == NULL )
       || ( was_in_room->vnum == 0 )   )

    for ( door = 0; door <= 5; door++ )
	EXIT_DATA *pexit;

	if ( ( pexit = was_in_room->exit[door] ) != NULL
	&&   pexit->to_room != NULL
	&&   pexit->to_room != was_in_room )
	    ch->in_room = pexit->to_room;
	    act( msg, ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
    ch->in_room = was_in_room;


void raw_kill( CHAR_DATA *victim, char *argument )
    CHAR_DATA *check;
    char arg[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

    one_argument( argument, arg );

    stop_fighting( victim, TRUE );
    mprog_death_trigger( victim );
    if ( victim == quest_target )
     quest_target = NULL;
    if ( victim == quest_mob )
      sprintf( buf, "Oh well, I guess the quest is over, since I am about to @@eDIE!!!!!@@N" );
      do_crusade( victim, buf );
      quest_mob = NULL;

    if ( ( IS_NPC( victim ) || !IS_VAMP(victim) )
       && ( victim->is_free == FALSE )
       && ( victim->in_room != NULL )  )
    make_corpse( victim, arg );
    for ( check = first_char; check != NULL; check = check->next )
      extern CHAR_DATA	*violence_marker;

      if ( ( check != violence_marker ) && check->hunting == victim)
/*        unhunt(check);*/
    /* Check ch->sentence to see if time to remove flags.. :) */

/* Obsolete with new sentence code... Ramias

    if ( !IS_NPC( victim ) )
       if ( IS_SET( victim->act, PLR_THIEF ) )
          if ( victim->sentence > 0 )
          if ( victim->sentence == 0 )
             REMOVE_BIT( victim->act, PLR_THIEF );
       if ( IS_SET( victim->act, PLR_KILLER ) )
          if ( victim->sentence > 0 )
          if ( victim->sentence == 0 )
             REMOVE_BIT( victim->act, PLR_KILLER ); 


    if ( IS_NPC(victim) && !IS_SET(victim->act,ACT_INTELLIGENT))
	kill_table[URANGE(0, victim->level, MAX_LEVEL-1)].killed++;
	extract_char( victim, TRUE );

    extract_char( victim, FALSE );
    while ( victim->first_affect )
	affect_remove( victim, victim->first_affect );
    victim->affected_by = 0;
    victim->armor       = 100;
    victim->position    = POS_RESTING;
    victim->hit         = UMAX( 1, victim->hit  );
    victim->mana        = UMAX( 1, victim->mana );
    victim->move        = UMAX( 1, victim->move );
    save_char_obj( victim );

void group_gain( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim )
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    CHAR_DATA *gch;
    CHAR_DATA *lch;
    int members;
    int huggy;                  /* To work out exp gained */
    int funky;                  /* Hope you LOVE these var names, Mag */
    int base;
    int vamp_exp;

     * Monsters don't get kill xp's or alignment changes.
     * P-killing doesn't help either.
     * Dying of mortal wounds or poison doesn't give xp to anyone!
     * -S- Mod: INTELLIGENT mobs *can* gain exp.  So there!
    if ( ( IS_NPC(ch) && ( !IS_SET( ch->act, ACT_INTELLIGENT ) || ch->rider == NULL ) )
    || !IS_NPC(victim) || victim == ch )
    members = 0;

    base = victim->exp;         /* Now share this out... */
    if ( IS_SET( victim->act, ACT_INTELLIGENT ) )
      base = exp_for_mobile( victim->level, victim );

    for ( gch = ch->in_room->first_person; gch != NULL; gch = gch->next_in_room )
	if ( is_same_group( gch, ch ) )
	       huggy += UMAX( get_psuedo_level( gch ), ( get_psuedo_level( ch ) - 25 ) );

    if ( members == 0 )
	bug( "Group_gain: members.", members );
	members = 1;
	huggy = get_psuedo_level( ch );

    /* Bonus for grouping */
         if ( members < 2 );                  /* Changed from funky */
    else if ( members < 3 ) base *= ( 5/2);    /* funky wasn't initialised */
    else if ( members < 4 ) base *= 3;        /* anyways.. hmm MAG*/
    else if ( members < 5 ) base *= ( 7/2);
    else if ( members < 6 ) base *= 4;
    else                    base *= ( 9/2);
    /* Question is, if someone's exp is capped, do you dole out the rest
       to the other people? or just reduce the total amount given to the
       group (by not doling it out).
       As it is, the total exp is reduced. I'll leave it that way.
    lch = (ch->leader != NULL) ? ch->leader : ch;
    for ( gch = ch->in_room->first_person; gch != NULL; gch = gch->next_in_room )
	OBJ_DATA *obj;
	OBJ_DATA *obj_next;
	int       align;

	if ( !is_same_group( gch, ch ) )

	/* Calc each char's xp seperately, but mult by ch->lev/tot_group_lev. */

	funky = ( base * get_psuedo_level( gch ) ) / huggy;  /* gch's % of exp gained */
      /* Capping changed.  -S- */
      /* Changed YET again -S- */
	funky = UMIN( funky, ( 1.5 * exp_table[gch->level].mob_base ) );        
	funky = UMAX( 0, funky );        
      /* Now the max is just 250K */
      if ( funky < 0 )
        funky = 823421;
      funky = UMIN( funky, 1500000 ); 
      if (  ( abs( ( get_psuedo_level( gch ) - get_psuedo_level( victim ) )   ) > 23 )
         || ( get_psuedo_level( gch ) > ( get_psuedo_level( victim ) + 17 ) ) )
         funky = ( funky / 5000); 
         vamp_exp = 0;
       vamp_exp = 1;

      if ( gch->adept_level > 0 )
        funky /= 1000;

	sprintf( buf, "You Receive %d Experience Points.\n\r", funky );
	send_to_char( buf, gch );
      if ( IS_NPC( gch ) && IS_SET( gch->act, ACT_INTELLIGENT )  )
        gch->intell_exp += funky;
	gain_exp( gch, funky );

      if ( IS_VAMP( gch ) && !IS_NPC( gch ) )
        gch->pcdata->vamp_exp += vamp_exp;

      if ( !IS_NPC( gch ) && IS_WOLF( gch ) )

        gch ->pcdata->vamp_exp += vamp_exp;

	if ( !IS_NPC( gch ) && ( gch->pcdata->learned[gsn_emotion_control] < 73 ) )
	  align = gch->alignment - (victim->alignment * ( 80 -  gch->pcdata->learned[gsn_emotion_control]) / 100);
	  if ( align >  500 )
	   gch->alignment  = UMIN( gch->alignment + (align-500)/4,  1000 );
	  else if ( align < -500 )
	   gch->alignment  = UMAX( gch->alignment + (align+500)/4, -1000 );
	     gch->alignment -= gch->alignment / 4;
      for ( obj = ch->first_carry; obj != NULL; obj = obj_next )
	    obj_next = obj->next_in_carry_list;
	    if ( obj->wear_loc == WEAR_NONE )

	    if ( ( IS_OBJ_STAT(obj, ITEM_ANTI_EVIL)    && IS_EVIL(ch)    )
	    ||   ( IS_OBJ_STAT(obj, ITEM_ANTI_GOOD)    && IS_GOOD(ch)    )
	    ||   ( IS_OBJ_STAT(obj, ITEM_ANTI_NEUTRAL) && IS_NEUTRAL(ch) ) )
		act( "You are zapped by $p.", ch, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR );
		act( "$n is zapped by $p.",   ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM );
		obj_from_char( obj );
		obj_to_room( obj, ch->in_room );


struct dam_table_str {
     int          min_dam;
     const char * col;
     const char * vs;
     const char * vp;
     const char * str;
struct dam_table_str dam_table[] = 
      { 2900, "@@l", "!!!!VIVESECT!!!!", "!!!!VIVESECTS!!!!", " into a living corpse with"},
      { 2400, "@@m", "!!!!OBLITERATE!!!!", "!!!!OBLITERATES!!!!", " into disappearing particles with"},
      { 2100, "@@m", "!!!!DEVASTATE!!!!", "!!!!DEVASTATES!!!!", "'s very existence with"},
      { 1700, "@@m", "!!!!MUTILATE!!!!", "!!!!MUTILATES!!!!", " with"},
      { 1450, "@@e", "****ANNIHILATE****","****ANNIHILATES****", " into the bloody ground with"},
      {  1375, "@@e", "***EVISCERATE***", "***EVISCERATES***",    " into lots of small pieces with"},
      {  1300, "@@e", "**DEMOLISH**",     "**DEMOLISHES**",       ", spraying $S guts all over the ground with"},
      {  1200, "@@R", "*PULVERISE*",      "*PULVERISES*",         ", spreading blood and gore over the floor with"},
      {  1150, "@@R", "THWACK",           "THWACKS",              ", leaving $M dazed and reeling with"},
      {  1100, "@@R", "annihilate",       "annihilates",          " with"},
      {  900, "@@p", "eviscerate",       "eviscerates",          " with"},
      {  850, "@@p", "demolish",         "demolishes",           " with"},
      {  800, "@@p", "pulverise",        "pulverises",           " with"},
      {  700, "@@y", "thwack",           "thwacks",              " with"},
      {  650, "@@y", "flay",             "flays",                "'s body mercillesly with"},
      {  600, "@@y", "lacerate",         "lacerates",            " into a map of the mud with"},
      {  500, "@@G", "maul",             "mauls",                " with great vengeance and FURIOUS anger from"},
      {  450, "@@G", "tear",             "tears",                "'s skin into shreds with"},
      {  400, "@@r", "rip apart",        "rips apart",           "'s skull with"},
      {  350, "@@r", "remove",           "removes",              "'s ability to have children from"},
      {  300, "@@c", "smash",            "smashes",              " forcefully with"},
      {  250, "@@c", "cause",            "causes",               " to scream in agony from"},
      {  200, "@@c", "laugh at",         "laughs at",            " as $e draws trails of blood with"},
      {  100, "@@a", "make",             "makes",                " wince in pain from"},
      {   50, "@@a", "mark",             "marks",                " with an X from"},
      {   28, "@@a", "wound",            "wounds",               " painfully with"},
      {   20, "@@b", "graze",            "grazes",               " with"},
      {   10, "@@b", "bonk",             "bonks",                " on the head with"},
      {    7, "@@b", "scratch",          "scratches",            " roughly with"},
      {    5, "@@b", "nick",             "nicks",                " gently with"},
      {    2, "@@b"," tickle",           "tickles",              " softly with"},
      {    0, "@@g"," fail to hit",      "fails to hit",         " with"}
void dam_message( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim, int dam, int dt )
    static char * const attack_table[] =
	"slice",  "stab",  "slash", "whip", "claw",
	"blast",  "pound", "crush", "grip", "bite",
	"pierce", "suction", "tail whip"

    const char *vs;	/* Singular */
    const char *vp;     /* Plural   */
    const char *str;	/* Strength */
    const char *attack;
    const char *col;
    char punct;
    int dam_table_num, check_dt;
    bool dead = FALSE;

    if ( dam >= victim->hit )
       dead = TRUE; 
    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && IS_WOLF( ch )
       && ( IS_SHIFTED( ch ) || IS_RAGED( ch ) ) )
      dt = TYPE_HIT + 5;   /* claw attack */
    for (dam_table_num=0; dam_table[dam_table_num].min_dam > dam; dam_table_num++)
    punct   = (dam <= 64) ? '.' : '!';

    /* Use combat skills, etc to make unarmed combat more fun :) */

    if ( dt == TYPE_MARTIAL )
        switch ( number_range( 0, 13 ) ) 
            case  0: vs = "head punch";	  vp = "head punches"; 	break;
            case  1: vs = "high kick";	  vp = "high kicks";	break;
            case  2: vs = "vital kick";   vp = "vital kick";	break;
            case  3: vs = "head bash";	  vp = "head bashes";	break;
            case  4: vs = "side kick";	  vp = "side kicks";	break;
            case  5: vs = "elbow";	  vp = "elbows";	break;
            case  6: vs = "body punch";	  vp = "body punches";	break;
            case  7: vs = "low kick";	  vp = "low kicks";	break;
            case  8: vs = "graze";	  vp = "grazes";	break;
            case  9: vs = "knee smash";	  vp = "knee smashes";	break;
            case 10: vs = "kidney punch"; vp = "kidney punches";break;
            case 11: vs = "arm twist";	  vp = "arm twists";	break;
            case 12: vs = "uppercut";	  vp = "uppercuts";	break;
            case 13: vs = "rabbit punch"; vp = "rabbit punches";break;
		default : vs = "foot sweep";    vp = "foot sweeps"; break;

    else if ( dt == TYPE_HIT )
              if ( dam ==   0 ) { vs = "miss"; 		vp = "misses"; 	}
         else if ( dam <=  10 ) { vs = "tickle"; 	vp = "tickles";	}
         else if ( dam <=  30 ) { vs = "glance";	vp = "glances"; }
         else if ( dam <=  50 ) { vs = "strike";	vp = "strikes"; }
         else if ( dam <=  75 ) { vs = "whallop";	vp = "whallops";}
         else if ( dam <= 100 ) { vs = "maul";		vp = "mauls";	}
         else                   { vs = "thwack";	vp = "thwacks"; }
       sprintf( buf1, "%s$n %s $N%c@@g",col,  vp, punct );
       sprintf( buf2, "%sYou %s $N%c@@g",col, vs, punct );
       sprintf( buf3, "%s$n %s you%c@@g",col, vp, punct );
	if ( dt >= 0 && dt < MAX_SKILL )
	    attack      = skill_table[dt].noun_damage;
	else if ( dt >= TYPE_HIT
	&& dt < TYPE_HIT + sizeof(attack_table)/sizeof(attack_table[0]) )
        check_dt = UMAX( 0, ( dt - TYPE_HIT ) );
        check_dt = UMIN( check_dt, 12 );
	    attack      = attack_table[dt - TYPE_HIT];
	    bug( "Dam_message: bad dt %d.", dt );
	    dt  = TYPE_HIT;
	    attack  = attack_table[0];
      if ( dt != TYPE_MARTIAL )
	   sprintf( buf1, "%s$n %s%s $N%s%s $s %s%c@@g", col, col, vp, col, str, attack, punct );
	   sprintf( buf2, "%sYou %s%s $N%s%s your %s%c@@g", col,col, vs,col, str, attack, punct );
	   if ( *str == '\'' )
	    sprintf( buf3, "%s$n %s%s your%s%s $s %s%c@@g",col,col, vp,col, str+2, attack, punct);
	    sprintf( buf3, "%s$n %s%s you%s%s $s %s%c@@g",col, col, vp,col, str, attack, punct );
        sprintf( buf1, "$n pulls a karate move on $N!" );  
        sprintf( buf2, "You pull a karate move on $N!" );
        sprintf( buf3, "$n pulls a karate move on you!" );

    act( buf1, ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && IS_SET( ch->pcdata->pflags, PFLAG_BLIND_PLAYER ) )
      if ( dam < victim->max_hit/ 30 )
        act( "You glance $K", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
      else if ( dam < victim->max_hit/ 20 )
        act( "You hit $K", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
      else if ( dam < victim->max_hit / 10 )
        act( "You nail $K", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
        act( "You thwack $K", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
      act( buf2, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
    if ( !IS_NPC( victim ) && IS_SET( victim->pcdata->pflags, PFLAG_BLIND_PLAYER ) )
      if ( dam < victim->max_hit/ 30 )
        act( "$k glances you", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT );
      else if ( dam < victim->max_hit/ 20 )
        act( "$k hits you", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT );
      else if ( dam < victim->max_hit / 10 )
        act( "$k nails you", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT );
        act( "$k thwacks you", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT );
      act( buf3, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT );

    if ( dead )
       int foo;
       foo = sizeof(attack_table)/sizeof(attack_table[0]);
       death_message( ch, victim, ( dt - TYPE_HIT ), foo );

 * Disarm a creature.
 * Caller must check for successful attack.
void disarm( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim )
    OBJ_DATA *obj;
    int chance;

    set_fighting( ch, victim, TRUE );

    if ( ( obj = get_eq_char( victim, WEAR_WIELD ) ) == NULL )

    if ( IS_SET( obj->extra_flags, ITEM_NODISARM )  )
    if ( get_eq_char( ch, WEAR_WIELD ) == NULL && number_bits( 1 ) == 0 )
    if ( !IS_NPC( victim ) && IS_WOLF( victim )
       && ( IS_SHIFTED( victim ) || IS_RAGED( victim )   )  )

    * Check to see if victim is warrior, and if they deflect the disarm
    * In part, this idea comes from HiddenWorlds,
    * but it's also pretty common sense really ;)
    * Stephen
    chance = IS_NPC( victim ) 
       ? IS_SET( victim->skills, MOB_NODISARM ) ? 90 : 0
       : victim->pcdata->learned[gsn_nodisarm];
    if ( number_percent() < chance )
	act( "You dodge $n's disarm attempt!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT    );
	act( "You fail to disarm $N!",  ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR    );
	act( "$N dodges $n's disarm attempt!",  ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
    act( "$n DISARMS you!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT    );
    act( "You disarm $N!",  ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR    );
    act( "$n DISARMS $N!",  ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );

    obj_from_char( obj );
  /*  if ( IS_NPC(victim) )
	obj_to_char( obj, victim );
      else */
	obj_to_room( obj, victim->in_room );


 * Trip a creature.
 * Caller must check for successful attack.
void trip( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim )
    if ( victim->wait == 0 )
	int chance;
	chance = IS_NPC( victim ) 
	   ? IS_SET( victim->skills, MOB_NOTRIP ) ? 75 : 0
	   : victim->pcdata->learned[gsn_notrip];
	/* Check for no-trip */
        if ( number_percent() < chance )	
	   act( "You sidestep $n's attempt to trip you!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT );
	   act( "$N sidesteps your attempt to trip $M!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
	   act( "$N sidesteps $n's attempt to trip $m!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );

	act( "$n trips you and you go down!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT    );
	act( "You trip $N and $N goes down!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR    );
	act( "$n trips $N and $N goes down!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );

	victim->position = POS_RESTING;


void do_kill( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    CHAR_DATA *victim;

    one_argument( argument, arg );

    if ( arg[0] == '\0' )
	send_to_char( "Kill whom?\n\r", ch );

    if ( ( victim = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) == NULL )
	send_to_char( "They aren't here.\n\r", ch );

    if ( !IS_NPC(victim) && !( deathmatch) )
	if ( !IS_SET(victim->act, PLR_KILLER)
	&&   !IS_SET(victim->act, PLR_THIEF) )
	    send_to_char( "You must MURDER a player.\n\r", ch );
	if ( IS_AFFECTED(victim, AFF_CHARM) && victim->master != NULL )
	    send_to_char( "You must MURDER a charmed creature.\n\r", ch );

    if ( victim == ch )
	send_to_char( "You hit yourself.  Ouch!\n\r", ch );
	multi_hit( ch, ch, TYPE_UNDEFINED );

    if ( is_safe( ch, victim ) )

    if ( IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_CHARM) && ch->master == victim )
	act( "$N is your beloved master.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );

    if ( ch->position == POS_FIGHTING )
	send_to_char( "You do the best you can!\n\r", ch );

    check_killer( ch, victim );
    multi_hit( ch, victim, TYPE_UNDEFINED );

void do_target( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    CHAR_DATA *victim;
    if (  ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )
       && ( ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_target] < 65 )  )
      send_to_char( "You are not trained enough in this skill!!\n\r", ch );
    one_argument( argument, arg );

    if ( arg[0] == '\0' )
	send_to_char( "Target whom?\n\r", ch );

    if ( ( victim = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) == NULL )
	send_to_char( "They aren't here.\n\r", ch );

    if ( !IS_NPC(victim) && !( deathmatch) )
	if ( !IS_SET(victim->act, PLR_KILLER)
	&&   !IS_SET(victim->act, PLR_THIEF) )
	    send_to_char( "You must MURDER a player.\n\r", ch );
	if ( IS_AFFECTED(victim, AFF_CHARM) && victim->master != NULL )
	    send_to_char( "You must MURDER a charmed creature.\n\r", ch );

    if ( victim == ch )
	send_to_char( "You hit yourself.  Ouch!\n\r", ch );
	one_hit( ch, ch, TYPE_UNDEFINED );

    if ( is_safe( ch, victim ) )

    if ( IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_CHARM) && ch->master == victim )
	act( "$N is your beloved master.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );

    if ( ch->position == POS_FIGHTING )
	send_to_char( "@@rTracking, tracking, tracking...@@eGOT HIM!!!@@N\n\r", ch );
      stop_fighting( ch, FALSE );

    check_killer( ch, victim );
    one_hit( ch, victim, TYPE_UNDEFINED );

void do_murde( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    send_to_char( "If you want to MURDER, spell it out.\n\r", ch );

void do_murder( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    CHAR_DATA *victim;

    one_argument( argument, arg );

    if ( arg[0] == '\0' )
	send_to_char( "Murder whom?\n\r", ch );

    if ( ( victim = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) == NULL )
	send_to_char( "They aren't here.\n\r", ch );

    if ( victim == ch )
	send_to_char( "Suicide is a mortal sin.\n\r", ch );

    if ( is_safe( ch, victim ) )
	send_to_char( "Not here.\n\r", ch );

    if ( IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_CHARM) && ch->master == victim )
	act( "$N is your beloved master.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );

    if ( ch->position == POS_FIGHTING )
	send_to_char( "You do the best you can!\n\r", ch );

    sprintf( buf, "%s attacked by %s.\n\r", victim->name, ch->name );
    notify( buf, MAX_LEVEL-2 );
    if (   IS_NPC(ch) || IS_NPC(victim)
        || !IS_SET(ch->pcdata->pflags,PFLAG_PKOK)
        || !IS_SET(victim->pcdata->pflags,PFLAG_PKOK))
     /* If not pkok people, do yell. */
     sprintf( buf, "Help! I'M BEING ATTACKED!!! ARRRGGGHHHHHH!" );
     do_yell( victim, buf );
    check_killer( ch, victim );
    multi_hit( ch, victim, TYPE_UNDEFINED );

void do_backstab( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    CHAR_DATA *victim;
    OBJ_DATA *obj;
    int cnt;
    int best;
    int level;
    int mult;
    int chance;
    int dam;

     * Modified:  'damage' may now be called with sn = -1, in order to *
     * stop damage message being displayed.  Handle ALL the related    *
     * calculations here, including how many hits.  Check for critical *
     * hits too, as well as things like invis and sneak.               * 

    best = -1;
    level = 0;
    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && IS_WOLF( ch )
       && ( IS_SHIFTED( ch ) || IS_RAGED( ch ) )  )
      send_to_char( "You cannot do that while in this form.\n\r", ch );

    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) )
       for ( cnt = 0; cnt < MAX_CLASS; cnt++ )
	  if ( ch->lvl[cnt] >= skill_table[gsn_backstab].skill_level[cnt] 
	    && ch->lvl[cnt] > level )
	     { best = cnt; level = ch->lvl[cnt]; }
       if ( ch->lvl2[1] > 0 )
         level = level + ch->lvl2[1] / 2;
       { best = ch->class; level = ch->level; }

    if ( best == -1 )
	    "You better leave the assassin trade to thieves.\n\r", ch );

    one_argument( argument, arg );
    if ( arg[0] == '\0' )
	send_to_char( "Backstab whom?\n\r", ch );

    if ( ( victim = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) == NULL )
	send_to_char( "They aren't here.\n\r", ch );
    if (  ( victim == NULL )
       || ( victim->is_free != FALSE )  )
    if ( IS_NPC(victim) && IS_SET( victim->act, ACT_NO_BODY) )
       act( "$N has no body to backstab!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
    if ( victim == ch )
	send_to_char( "How can you sneak up on yourself?\n\r", ch );

    if ( is_safe( ch, victim ) )

    if ( ( obj = get_eq_char( ch, WEAR_WIELD ) ) == NULL
    ||   obj->value[3] != 11 )
	send_to_char( "You need to wield a piercing weapon.\n\r", ch );

    if ( victim->fighting != NULL )
	send_to_char( "You can't backstab a fighting person.\n\r", ch );

   chance = ( IS_NPC(ch) ? 50 : ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_backstab]/2 );
    /* Handle Modifiers -- chance will affect thac, etc*/
    if ( !IS_AWAKE( victim ) )
       chance += 75;
    if (   IS_AFFECTED( victim, AFF_SNEAK ) 
        || item_has_apply( victim, ITEM_APPLY_SNEAK ) )
       chance -= 10;
    if (  IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_SNEAK ) 
       ||  item_has_apply( ch, ITEM_APPLY_SNEAK ) )
       chance += 20;
        || item_has_apply( ch, ITEM_APPLY_INV) )
       chance += ( IS_AFFECTED( victim, AFF_DETECT_INVIS ) ? -20 : 20 ); 
    if (   IS_AFFECTED( victim, AFF_INVISIBLE )
        || item_has_apply( victim, ITEM_APPLY_INV ) )
       chance -= 10;
    if ( get_psuedo_level( ch ) >= get_psuedo_level( victim ) )
       chance += 10;
       chance -= 10;
    /* Work out multiplier */
    mult = 1 + ( level >= 20 ) + ( level >= 50 ) + ( level >= 90 ) + ( level >= 120 );
    /* Work out damage */
    dam = number_range( obj->value[1], obj->value[2] );
    dam += number_range( level/2, level*2 ) + GET_DAMROLL( ch ) / 2;
    dam *= mult;
          check_killer( ch, victim );    
    if ( chance < number_percent() )
          /* Miss */
          act( "$n tries to backstab $N, but misses!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
          act( "You try to backstab $N, but miss!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
          act( "$N tries to backstab you, but misses!", victim, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR );
          damage( ch, victim, 0, -1 );
          /* HIT! */

          act( "$n places $p into the back of $N!!", ch, obj, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
          act( "You place $p into the back of $N!!", ch, obj, victim, TO_CHAR );
          act( "$N places $p into your back.  OUCH!", victim, obj, ch, TO_CHAR );

           if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->pcdata->order[0] == 2 
              && number_percent() == chance )

               send_to_room( "You hear a large CRACK!\n\r", ch->in_room );
               dam *= 2;

          damage( ch, victim, dam, -1 );
    WAIT_STATE( ch, skill_table[gsn_backstab].beats );

void do_flee( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    ROOM_INDEX_DATA *was_in;
    ROOM_INDEX_DATA *now_in;
    CHAR_DATA *victim;
    char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
    int attempt;
    int cost;           /* xp cost for a flee */

    if ( ( victim = ch->fighting ) == NULL )
	if ( ch->position == POS_FIGHTING )
	    ch->position = POS_STANDING;
	send_to_char( "You aren't fighting anyone.\n\r", ch );

    /* Check if mob will "allow" ch to flee... */    
    if ( IS_SET( victim->act, ACT_NO_FLEE ) && !IS_NPC( ch ) && IS_NPC(victim) )
       send_to_char( "You attempt to flee from battle, but fail!\n\r", ch );
       sprintf( buf, "%s tells you 'No way will you escape ME!!'\n\r",
		victim->short_descr );
	send_to_char( buf, ch );
    if ( deathmatch )
       if ( ch->hit  < 200 )
         send_to_char( "@@eYou are in too much pain!!@@N\n\r", ch );
         send_to_char( "@@eYour enemy nails you one more time!@@N\n\r", ch );
         ch->hit -= 150;

    was_in = ch->in_room;
    for ( attempt = 0; attempt < 6; attempt++ )
	EXIT_DATA *pexit;
	int door;

	door = number_door( );
	if ( ( pexit = was_in->exit[door] ) == 0
	    ||   pexit->to_room == NULL
	    ||   IS_SET(pexit->exit_info, EX_CLOSED)
	    || ( IS_NPC(ch)
		&& ( IS_SET(pexit->to_room->room_flags, ROOM_NO_MOB)
		    || ( IS_SET(ch->act, ACT_STAY_AREA)
			&& pexit->to_room->area != ch->in_room->area ) ) ) )

	move_char( ch, door );
	if ( ( now_in = ch->in_room ) == was_in )

	ch->in_room = was_in;
	act( "$n has fled!", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
	ch->in_room = now_in;

	if ( !IS_NPC(ch) )
        cost = number_range( ch->exp/15, ch->exp/10);
        if ( ch->adept_level > 0 )
          cost /= 1000;
        cost = UMIN( cost, ch->exp);
        sprintf( buf, "You flee from combat!  You lose %d exps.\n\r", cost );
	    send_to_char( buf, ch );
	    gain_exp( ch, ( 0 - cost ) );

	stop_fighting( ch, TRUE );
	/* 75% chance that mobs will hunt fleeing people. -- Alty */
	if ( IS_NPC(victim) &&
	    !IS_SET(victim->act, ACT_SENTINEL) && number_bits(2) > 0 )

    cost = get_psuedo_level( ch ) * 3;
    if ( ch->adept_level > 0 )
      cost = 0;
    cost = UMIN( cost, ch->exp);
    sprintf( buf, "You failed!  You lose %d exps.\n\r", cost );
    send_to_char( buf, ch );
    gain_exp( ch, ( 0 - cost ) );

void do_rescue( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    CHAR_DATA *victim;
    CHAR_DATA *fch;
    int best;
    int cnt;

    best = -1;

    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) )
       for ( cnt = 0; cnt < MAX_CLASS; cnt++ )
	  if ( ch->lvl[cnt] >= skill_table[gsn_rescue].skill_level[cnt]
	     && ch->lvl[cnt] >= best  )
	     best = cnt;
       best = ch->level;

    if ( best == -1 )
	send_to_char( "You don't know how to rescue!!\n\r", ch );

    one_argument( argument, arg );

    if ( arg[0] == '\0' )
	send_to_char( "Rescue whom?\n\r", ch );

    if ( ( victim = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) == NULL )
	send_to_char( "They aren't here.\n\r", ch );

    if ( victim == ch )
	send_to_char( "What about fleeing instead?\n\r", ch );

    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && IS_NPC(victim) )
	send_to_char( "Doesn't need your help!\n\r", ch );

    if ( ch->fighting == victim )
	send_to_char( "Too late.\n\r", ch );

    if ( ( fch = victim->fighting ) == NULL )
	send_to_char( "That person is not fighting right now.\n\r", ch );

    WAIT_STATE( ch, skill_table[gsn_rescue].beats );
    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && number_percent( ) > ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_rescue] )
	send_to_char( "You fail the rescue.\n\r", ch );

    act( "You rescue $N!",  ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR    );
    act( "$n rescues you!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT    );
    act( "$n rescues $N!",  ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );

    stop_fighting( fch, FALSE );
    stop_fighting( victim, FALSE );

    set_fighting( ch, fch, TRUE );
    set_fighting( fch, ch, FALSE );

void do_disarm( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    CHAR_DATA *victim;
    OBJ_DATA *obj;
    int percent;
    int best;
    int cnt;

    best = -1;

    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && IS_WOLF( ch )
       && ( IS_SHIFTED( ch ) || IS_RAGED( ch ) )  )
      send_to_char( "You cannot do that while in this form.\n\r", ch );

    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) )
       for ( cnt = 0; cnt < MAX_CLASS; cnt++ )
	  if ( ch->lvl[cnt] >= skill_table[gsn_disarm].skill_level[cnt]
              && ch->lvl[cnt] >= best )
	     best = cnt;
       best = ch->level;

    if ( best == -1 )
       send_to_char( "You don't know how to disarm!\n\r", ch );
    if ( get_eq_char( ch, WEAR_WIELD ) == NULL )
	send_to_char( "You must wield a weapon to disarm.\n\r", ch );

    if ( ( victim = ch->fighting ) == NULL )
	send_to_char( "You aren't fighting anyone.\n\r", ch );
    if ( !IS_NPC( victim ) && IS_WOLF( victim )
       && ( IS_SHIFTED( victim ) || IS_RAGED( victim )   )  )
      send_to_char( "Try slicing off their claws instead!\n\r", ch );

    if ( ( obj = get_eq_char( victim, WEAR_WIELD ) ) == NULL )
	send_to_char( "Your opponent is not wielding a weapon.\n\r", ch );
    if ( IS_SET( obj->extra_flags, ITEM_NODISARM )  )

    WAIT_STATE( ch, skill_table[gsn_disarm].beats );
    percent = number_percent( ) + victim->level - ch->level;
    if ( IS_NPC(ch) || percent < ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_disarm] * 2 / 3 )
	disarm( ch, victim );
	send_to_char( "You failed.\n\r", ch );

void do_sla( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    send_to_char( "If you want to SLAY, spell it out.\n\r", ch );

void do_slay( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    CHAR_DATA *victim;
    char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];

    one_argument( argument, arg );
    if ( arg[0] == '\0' )
	send_to_char( "Slay whom?\n\r", ch );

    if ( ( victim = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) == NULL )
	send_to_char( "They aren't here.\n\r", ch );

    if ( ch == victim )
	send_to_char( "Suicide is a mortal sin.\n\r", ch );

    if ( IS_HERO(victim) )
       send_to_char( "Not on other Immortal / Adept players!\n\r", ch );
    if ( !IS_NPC(victim) && victim->level >= ch->level )
	send_to_char( "You failed.\n\r", ch );

    act( "You suck the life energy out of $M!",  ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR    );
    act( "$n sucks out your life energy!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT    );
    act( "$n sucks out $N's life energy!",  ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
    raw_kill( victim, "" );

void do_circle( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    CHAR_DATA *victim;
    OBJ_DATA *obj;
    int cnt;
    int best;
    int level;
    int mult;
    int chance;
    int dam;

    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && IS_WOLF( ch )
       && ( IS_SHIFTED( ch ) || IS_RAGED( ch ) )  )
      send_to_char( "You cannot do that while in this form.\n\r", ch );

     * Modified:  'damage' may now be called with sn = -1, in order to *
     * stop damage message being displayed.  Handle ALL the related    *
     * calculations here, including how many hits.  Check for critical *
     * hits too, as well as things like invis and sneak.               * 

    best = -1;
    level = 0;
    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) )
       for ( cnt = 0; cnt < MAX_CLASS; cnt++ )
	  if ( ch->lvl[cnt] >= skill_table[gsn_circle].skill_level[cnt] 
	    && ch->lvl[cnt] > level )
	     { best = cnt; level = ch->lvl[cnt]; }
       if ( ch->lvl2[1] > 0 )
         level += ch->lvl2[1] / 2;
       { best = ch->class; level = ch->level; }

    if ( best == -1 )
	    "You better leave the assassin trade to thieves.\n\r", ch );

    one_argument( argument, arg );
    if ( arg[0] == '\0' )
	send_to_char( "Backstab whom?\n\r", ch );

    if ( ( victim = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) == NULL )
	send_to_char( "They aren't here.\n\r", ch );
    if (  ( victim == NULL )
       || ( victim->is_free != FALSE )  )

    if ( IS_NPC(victim) && IS_SET( victim->act, ACT_NO_BODY) )
       act( "$N has no body to backstab!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
    if ( victim == ch )
	send_to_char( "How can you sneak up on yourself?\n\r", ch );

    if ( is_safe( ch, victim ) )

    if ( ( obj = get_eq_char( ch, WEAR_WIELD ) ) == NULL
    ||   obj->value[3] != 11 )
	send_to_char( "You need to wield a piercing weapon.\n\r", ch );

    if ( victim->fighting == NULL )
	send_to_char( "You're victim must be fighting!\n\r", ch );

   chance = ( IS_NPC(ch) ? 50 : ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_circle]/4.5 );
    /* Handle Modifiers -- chance will affect thac, etc*/
    if ( !IS_AWAKE( victim ) )
       chance += 75;
    if (   IS_AFFECTED( victim, AFF_SNEAK ) 
        || item_has_apply( victim, ITEM_APPLY_SNEAK ) )
       chance -= 10;
    if (  IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_SNEAK ) 
       ||  item_has_apply( ch, ITEM_APPLY_SNEAK ) )
       chance += 10;
        || item_has_apply( ch, ITEM_APPLY_INV) )
       chance += ( IS_AFFECTED( victim, AFF_DETECT_INVIS ) ? -20 : 20 ); 
    if (   IS_AFFECTED( victim, AFF_INVISIBLE )
        || item_has_apply( victim, ITEM_APPLY_INV ) )
       chance -= 10;
    if ( get_psuedo_level( ch ) >= get_psuedo_level( victim ) )
       chance += 10;
       chance -= 10;
    /* Work out multiplier */
    mult = 1 + ( level >= 20 ) + ( level >= 50 ) + ( level >= 90 ) + ( level >= 120 );
    /* Work out damage */
    dam = number_range( obj->value[1], obj->value[2] );
    dam += number_range( level/2, level*2 ) + GET_DAMROLL( ch ) / 2;
    dam *= mult;
    if ( victim != ch->fighting )
         check_killer( ch, victim );   
    if ( chance < number_percent() )
          /* Miss */
          act( "$n tries to backstab $N, but misses!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
          act( "You try to backstab $N, but miss!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
          act( "$N tries to backstab you, but misses!", victim, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR );
          damage( ch, victim, 0, -1 );
          /* HIT! */

          act( "$n places $p into the back of $N!!", ch, obj, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
          act( "You place $p into the back of $N!!", ch, obj, victim, TO_CHAR );
          act( "$N places $p into your back.  OUCH!", victim, obj, ch, TO_CHAR );

           if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->pcdata->order[0] == 2 
              && number_percent() == chance )

               send_to_room( "You hear a large CRACK!\n\r", ch->in_room );
               dam *= 2;

          damage( ch, victim, dam, -1 );
    WAIT_STATE( ch, skill_table[gsn_circle].beats );

void do_trip( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    CHAR_DATA *victim;
    int best;
/*    int cnt;  */

    best = -1;

    if ( !IS_NPC(ch)  )
 /*      for ( cnt = 0; cnt < MAX_CLASS; cnt++ )
	  if ( ch->lvl[cnt] >= skill_table[gsn_trip].skill_level[cnt] 
                && ch->lvl[cnt] >= best )
	     best = cnt;  */
      if ( ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_trip] > 75 )
        best = UMAX( 79, get_psuedo_level( ch ) );
       best = ch->level;
    if ( best == -1 )
	    "You don't know of such a skill.\n\r", ch );

    one_argument( argument, arg );
    if ( arg[0] == '\0' )
	send_to_char( "Trip whom?\n\r", ch );

    if ( ( victim = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) == NULL )
	send_to_char( "They aren't here.\n\r", ch );

    if ( victim == ch )
	send_to_char( "That wouldn't even be funny.\n\r", ch );

    if ( is_safe( ch, victim ) )

    if ( victim->fighting == NULL )
	send_to_char( "You can't trip someone who isn't fighting.\n\r", ch );

    check_killer( ch, victim );
    if (number_percent( ) < ( IS_NPC( ch ) ? 50 : 2 * ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_trip] )  )
       check_killer( ch, victim );
	trip( ch, victim );        
       WAIT_STATE( ch, skill_table[gsn_trip].beats );



void do_dirt( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    CHAR_DATA *victim;
    int best;
 /*   int cnt;   */

    best = -1;

    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) )
 /*      for ( cnt = 0; cnt < MAX_CLASS; cnt++ )
	  if ( ch->lvl[cnt] >= skill_table[gsn_dirt].skill_level[cnt] 
                && ch->lvl[cnt] >= best )
	     best = cnt;  */
      if ( ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_dirt] > 75 )
        best = UMAX( 79, get_psuedo_level( ch ) );  
       best = ch->level;
    if ( best == -1 )
	send_to_char( "You don't know of such a skill.\n\r", ch );

    one_argument( argument, arg );
    if ( arg[0] == '\0' && ch->fighting == NULL )
	send_to_char( "Kick dirt at whom?\n\r", ch );

    if ( ( victim = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) == NULL && ch->fighting == NULL )
	send_to_char( "They aren't here.\n\r", ch );

    if ( victim == NULL )
       victim = ch->fighting;

    if ( victim == ch )
	send_to_char( "That wouldn't be too smart, would it??.\n\r", ch );

    if ( is_safe( ch, victim ) )

    if ( victim->fighting == NULL )
	send_to_char( "Try doing this to them, when fighting...\n\r", ch );

    if ( IS_AFFECTED(victim, AFF_BLIND) )

    WAIT_STATE( ch, skill_table[gsn_dirt].beats );
    if ( number_percent() > (IS_NPC( ch )  ? 50 : ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_dirt] ) )
       act( "You kick dirt at $M but miss!",    ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR    );
       act( "$n kicks dirt at you but misses!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT    );
       act( "$n kicks dirt at $N but misses!",  ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
       act( "You kick dirt at $S eyes!",    ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR    );
       act( "$n kicks dirt in your eyes!",  ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT    );
       act( "$n kicks dirt at $N's eyes!",  ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );

       af.type      = skill_lookup( "blindness" );
       af.location  = APPLY_HITROLL;
       af.modifier  = -2;
       af.duration  = 1;
       af.bitvector = AFF_BLIND;
       affect_to_char( victim, &af );

void do_bash( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    CHAR_DATA *victim;
    int best;    
/*    int cnt;  */


    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) )
 /*      for ( cnt = 0; cnt < MAX_CLASS; cnt++ )
	  if ( ch->lvl[cnt] >= skill_table[gsn_dirt].skill_level[cnt] 
                && ch->lvl[cnt] >= best )
	     best = cnt;  */
      if ( ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_bash] > 75 )
        best = UMAX( 79, get_psuedo_level( ch ) );
       best = ch->level;

    if ( best == -1 )
	    "You don't know of such a skill.\n\r", ch );

    one_argument( argument, arg );
    if ( arg[0] == '\0' )
	send_to_char( "Bash whom?\n\r", ch );

    if ( ( victim = get_char_room( ch, arg ) ) == NULL )
	send_to_char( "They aren't here.\n\r", ch );

    if ( victim == ch )
	send_to_char( "Forget it!\n\r", ch );

    if ( is_safe( ch, victim ) )

    if ( victim->fighting == NULL )
	send_to_char( "It might help if you were fighting.....\n\r", ch );

    WAIT_STATE( ch, skill_table[gsn_bash].beats );
    if (   ( IS_NPC(ch) && ( number_percent() > 75+ (ch->level)/2 )  )
        || (!IS_NPC(ch) && ( 2 * number_percent() > ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_bash] ))
       act( "Your bash misses $M, and you fall!",        ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR    );
       act( "$n trys to bash you, misses, and falls!",   ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT    );
       act( "$n trys to bash $N but misses, and falls!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
       act( "Your bash sends $M flying!",         ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR    );
       act( "$n bashes you, sending you flying!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT    );
       act( "$n's bash sends $N's flying!",       ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );

       /* If victim very weak, set pos to stunned, stop fighting */
       if ( victim->hit < ( victim->max_hit / 50 ) + 1 )    
	  act( "$N stays on the floor.",    ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR    );
	  act( "You are unable to get up.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT    );
	  act( "$N stays on the floor.",    ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
	  stop_fighting( victim, TRUE );  /* MAG: might del this? -S- */
	  victim->position = POS_RESTING;
	  update_pos( victim );
	  /* Do some damage instead... */
        damage(  ch, victim, ( best + 12) *2, -1 );



void do_beserk( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    int best;    
    int level;
    bool prime;
    prime = FALSE;

    if ( IS_NPC(ch) )

    if ( ch->pcdata->order[0] == 2 )
       prime = TRUE;

    level = ch->lvl[2];

    if ( ch->fighting == NULL )
       send_to_char( "You can only go beserk when fighting!\n\r", ch );

    if ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_BESERK ) )
       send_to_char( "You are already beserk!!\n\r", ch );

    if ( ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_beserk] == 0 )
       send_to_char( "You don't know how to use this skill!\n\r", ch );

    WAIT_STATE( ch, skill_table[gsn_beserk].beats );
    if ( number_percent() < ( ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_beserk] / 2 ) )
       /* Failure */
       act( "$n calls on the Dark Powers, but they don't answer!", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
       send_to_char( "You call on the Dark Powers.  They don't answer!", ch );
    af.type = gsn_beserk;
    af.duration = ( best == 2 ) ? 4 : 2;
    af.location = APPLY_AC;
    af.modifier = ( best == 2 ) ? level : ( level * 2 );
    af.bitvector = AFF_BESERK;
    affect_to_char( ch, &af );
    af.location = APPLY_HITROLL;
    af.modifier = ( prime ) 
       ? ( 10 + (level>=20)+(level>=40)+(level>=60)+(level>=80) )
       : ( 5 + (level>=25)+(level>=50) );
    affect_to_char( ch, &af );
    af.location = APPLY_DAMROLL;
    af.modifier = ( prime )
       ? ( 12 + (level>=20)+(level>=40)+(level>=60)+(level>=80) )
       : ( 2 + (level>=25)+(level>=50) );
    affect_to_char( ch, &af );
    af.location = APPLY_SAVING_SPELL;
    af.modifier = ( prime )
       ? ( 10 - (level>=20)-(level>=40)-(level>=60)-(level>=80) )
       : ( 20 - (level>=25)-(level>=50) );
    affect_to_char( ch, &af );
    act( "$n calls on the Dark Powers, who answer!!!", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
    send_to_char( "You call on the Dark Powers.  They answer!!!\n\r", ch );
 void do_punch( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    CHAR_DATA *victim;
    int dam;
    bool prime;
    int chance;
    prime = FALSE;
    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_punch] == 0 )
       send_to_char( "You are not trained in this skill!\n\r", ch );
    if ( ( ( victim = get_char_room( ch, argument ) ) == NULL ) 
        && ch->fighting == NULL ) 
       send_to_char( "No such victim!\n\r", ch );
    if ( victim == NULL )
       victim = ch->fighting;
    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && ch->pcdata->order[0] == 3 )
       prime = TRUE;
    if ( IS_NPC(ch) )
       dam = number_range( ch->level/3, ch->level/2 );
       dam = number_range( ch->lvl[3]/2, ch->lvl[3] * (prime ? 2 : 1 ) );
    chance = ( IS_NPC(ch) ? 50 : ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_punch] / 2 );
    chance += ( ch->lvl[3] - victim->level );
    WAIT_STATE( ch, skill_table[gsn_punch].beats );
       check_killer( ch, victim );    
    if ( number_percent() < chance )
    		/* HIT */

       act( "$n punches $N really hard!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
       act( "$N punches you really hard!", victim, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR );
       act( "You punch $N really hard!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
       damage( ch, victim, dam, -1 );
    		/* MISS */
       act( "$n tries to punch $N, but misses!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
       act( "$N tries to punch you, but misses!", victim, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR );
       act( "You try to punch $N, but miss!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
       damage( ch, victim, 0, -1 );
 void do_headbutt( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    CHAR_DATA *victim;
    int dam;
    bool prime;
    int chance;
    prime = FALSE;
    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_headbutt] == 0 )
       send_to_char( "You are not trained in this skill!\n\r", ch );
    if ( ( ( victim = get_char_room( ch, argument ) ) == NULL ) 
        && ch->fighting == NULL ) 
       send_to_char( "No such victim!\n\r", ch );
    if ( victim == NULL )
       victim = ch->fighting;
    if ( victim == ch )
       send_to_char( "You can't reach!\n\r", ch );
    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && ch->pcdata->order[0] == 3 )
       prime = TRUE;
    if ( IS_NPC(ch) )
       dam = number_range( ch->level/3, ch->level/2 );
       dam = number_range( ch->lvl[3]/2, ch->lvl[3] * (prime ? 2 : 1 ) );
    chance = ( IS_NPC(ch) ? 50 : ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_headbutt] / 2 );
    chance += ( ch->lvl[3] - victim->level );
    WAIT_STATE( ch, skill_table[gsn_headbutt].beats );
    if ( number_percent() < chance )
    		/* HIT */
       check_killer( ch, victim);
       act( "$n headbutts $N in the face!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
       act( "$N headbutts you in the face!", victim, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR );
       act( "You headbutt $N in the face!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
       damage( ch, victim, (dam*4)/5, -1 );
    		/* MISS */
       check_killer( ch, victim );
       act( "$n tries to headbutt $N, but misses!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
       act( "$N tries to headbutt you, but misses!", victim, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR );
       act( "You try to headbutt $N, but miss!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
       damage( ch, victim, 0, -1 );
  void do_charge( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    CHAR_DATA *victim;
    int dam;
    bool prime;
    int chance;
    prime = FALSE;
    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_charge] == 0 )
       send_to_char( "You are not trained in this skill!\n\r", ch );
    if (  ( IS_NPC( ch ) )
       && ( get_psuedo_level( ch ) < 80 )   )
    if ( ( ( victim = get_char_room( ch, argument ) ) == NULL ) 
        && ch->fighting == NULL ) 
       send_to_char( "No such victim!\n\r", ch );
    if ( victim == NULL )
       victim = ch->fighting;
    if ( victim == ch )
       send_to_char( "You can't reach!\n\r", ch );
    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && ch->pcdata->order[0] == 3 )
       prime = TRUE;
       dam = number_range( get_psuedo_level( ch ) , get_psuedo_level( ch ) * 3 );
    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )
      chance = ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_charge] / 2;
      chance = 50;
    chance += ( ( get_psuedo_level( ch ) - ( get_psuedo_level( victim ) - 30 ) ) /2 );
    WAIT_STATE( ch, skill_table[gsn_charge].beats );
        check_killer( ch, victim);
    if ( number_percent() < chance )
    		/* HIT */

       act( "@@a$n @@acharges $N@@a, and knocks them over!@@N", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
       act( "@@a$N @@acharges right into you!@@N", victim, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR );
       act( "@@aYou charge right into $N@@a, and knock him over!@@N", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
       damage( ch, victim, dam, -1 );
    		/* MISS */
       act( "$n@@b charges $N@@b, but runs right past!@@b", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
       act( "$N @@bcharges you, but runs right past!@@N", victim, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR );
       act( "@@bYou try to charge $N@@b, but run past him. DOH!!@@N", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
       damage( ch, victim, 0, -1 );

 void do_knee( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    CHAR_DATA *victim;
    int dam;
    bool prime;
    int chance;
    prime = FALSE;
    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_knee] == 0 )
       send_to_char( "You are not trained in this skill!\n\r", ch );
    if ( ( ( victim = get_char_room( ch, argument ) ) == NULL ) 
        && ch->fighting == NULL ) 
       send_to_char( "No such victim!\n\r", ch );
    if ( victim == NULL )
       victim = ch->fighting;
    if ( IS_NPC(victim) && IS_SET( victim->act, ACT_NO_BODY ) )
       act( "$N doesn't have a definable body to knee!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && ch->pcdata->order[0] == 3 )
       prime = TRUE;
    if ( IS_NPC(ch) )
       dam = number_range( ch->level/3, ch->level/2 );
       dam = number_range( ch->lvl[3]/2, ch->lvl[3] * (prime ? 2 : 1 ) );
    chance = ( IS_NPC(ch) ? 50 : ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_knee] / 2 );
    chance += ( ch->lvl[3] - victim->level );
    WAIT_STATE( ch, skill_table[gsn_knee].beats );
       check_killer( ch, victim );
    if ( number_percent() < chance )
    		/* HIT */
       act( "$n grabs $N and knees $M in the groin!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
       act( "$N grabs you, and knees you in the groin!", victim, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR );
       act( "You grab $M and knee $M in the groin!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
       damage( ch, victim, (dam*3)/5, -1 );
    		/* MISS */
       act( "$n tries to grab $N, but $E twists free!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
       act( "$N tries to grab you, but you twist free!", victim, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR );
       act( "You try to grab $N, but $E twists free!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
       damage( ch, victim, 0, -1 );
void do_kick( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    CHAR_DATA *victim;
    int dam;
    bool prime;
    int chance;
    prime = FALSE;
    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_kick] == 0 )
       send_to_char( "You are not trained in this skill!\n\r", ch );
    if ( ch->in_room->vnum == ROOM_VNUM_JAIL )
	send_to_char( "Isn't jail punishment enough for you?", ch );
    if ( ( ( victim = get_char_room( ch, argument ) ) == NULL ) 
        && ch->fighting == NULL ) 
       send_to_char( "No such victim!\n\r", ch );
    if ( victim == NULL )
       victim = ch->fighting;
    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && ch->pcdata->order[0] == 3 )
       prime = TRUE;
    if ( IS_NPC(ch) )
       dam = number_range( ch->level/3, ch->level/2 );
       dam = number_range( ch->lvl[3]/2, ch->lvl[3] * (prime ? 2 : 1 ) );
    chance = ( IS_NPC(ch) ? 50 : ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_kick] / 2 );
    chance += ( ch->lvl[3] - (victim->level+5) );
    WAIT_STATE( ch, skill_table[gsn_kick].beats );
       check_killer( ch, victim );    
    if ( number_percent() < chance )
    		/* HIT */

       act( "$n kicks $N really hard!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
       act( "$N kicks you really hard!", victim, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR );
       act( "You kick $N really hard!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
       damage( ch, victim, dam, -1 );
    		/* MISS */
       act( "$n tries to kick $N, but misses!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
       act( "$N tries to kick you, but misses!", victim, NULL, ch, TO_CHAR );
       act( "You try to kick $N, but miss!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
       damage( ch, victim, 0, -1 );
/* -S- Addition: Like damage() but called by objects, no message */
/* WARNING: No killer checks made, etc.  Only use if no keeper for obj */

void obj_damage( OBJ_DATA *obj, CHAR_DATA *victim, int dam )
   extern CHAR_DATA *violence_marker;

    if (  ( victim->position == POS_DEAD )
       || ( victim == violence_marker ) 
       || ( victim->is_free == TRUE )   )

	 * Damage modifiers.
	     || item_has_apply( victim, ITEM_APPLY_SANC ) )
	    dam /= 2;

	if ( ( IS_AFFECTED(victim, AFF_PROTECT)|| item_has_apply( victim, ITEM_APPLY_PROT ) )
	       && IS_SET( obj->extra_flags, ITEM_EVIL ) )
	    dam -= dam / 4;

	if ( dam < 0 )
	    dam = 0;

     * Hurt the victim.
     * Inform the victim of his new state.
    victim->hit -= dam;
    update_pos( victim );

    switch( victim->position )
    case POS_MORTAL:
	act( "$n is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.",
	    victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
	    "You are mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.\n\r",
	    victim );

    case POS_INCAP:
	act( "$n is incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.",
	    victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
	    "You are incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.\n\r",
	    victim );

    case POS_STUNNED:
	act( "$n is stunned, but will probably recover.",
	    victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
	send_to_char("You are stunned, but will probably recover.\n\r",
	    victim );

    case POS_DEAD:
	act( "$n is DEAD!!", victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM );
	send_to_char( "You have been KILLED!!\n\r\n\r", victim );

	if ( dam > victim->max_hit / 4 )
	    send_to_char( "That really did HURT!\n\r", victim );
	if ( victim->hit < victim->max_hit / 4 )
	    send_to_char( "You sure are BLEEDING!\n\r", victim );

     * Payoff for killing things.
    if ( victim->position == POS_DEAD )

	if ( !IS_NPC(victim) )

            sprintf( log_buf, "%s killed by %s at %d",
		victim->in_room->vnum );
	    log_string( log_buf );

	notify( log_buf, 82 );

	/* As level gain is no longer automatic, a dead char loses
	 * 1/2 their gained exp.  -S- 
         * Fixed my bug here too, hehe!

	    if ( victim->exp > 0 )
               gain_exp( victim, ( 0 - ( victim->exp / 2 ) ) );
               victim->exp = UMAX( victim->exp, 0 );

	raw_kill( victim, "" );

	if ( deathmatch && !IS_NPC( victim ) )
	   do_quit( victim, "" );


    tail_chain( );

void death_message( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim, int dt, int max_dt )
   /* Used to display assorted death messages, based on dt 
    * max_dt == number of entries in attack table in dam_message,
    * so we know if kill was unarmed, armed, or through spells or skills.
    * Stephen
   char  buf1[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   char  buf2[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   char  buf3[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   int   vnum;
 /*   For debugging purposes  
   sprintf( buf, "dt: %d max_dt: %d\n\r", dt, max_dt );
   notify( buf, 1 );  */
   vnum = 0;	/* Used to load up body parts.... eewwwwww! */
   if ( dt == 0 )
   if ( !(IS_NPC(victim) && IS_SET( victim->act, ACT_NO_BODY ) ) ) 
   switch( number_range( 0, 9 ) )
   case 0:
      sprintf( buf1, "$n grabs $N's neck, and twists until there is a loud SNAP!" );
      sprintf( buf2, "You grab $N's neck, and twist until there is a loud SNAP!"  );
      sprintf( buf3, "$n grabs your neck, and twists until there is a loud SNAP!" );
   case 1:
      sprintf( buf1, "$n slams $s fist into $N and crushes $S heart!"     );
      sprintf( buf2, "You slam your fist into $N and crush $S heart!"     );
      sprintf( buf3, "$n slams $s fist into you, and crushes your heart!" );
   case 2:
      sprintf( buf1, "$n rams $s hand into $N's ribcage, and rips out $S guts!"   );
      sprintf( buf2, "You ram your hand into $N's ribcage, and rip out $S guts!"  );
      sprintf( buf3, "$n rams $s hand into your ribcage, and rips out your guts!" );
   case 3:
      sprintf( buf1, "$n grabs $N, and rips $S head clean off!" );
      sprintf( buf2, "You grab $N, and rip his head clean off!" );
      sprintf( buf3, "$n grabs you, and rips your head clean off!" );
   case 4:
      sprintf( buf1, "$n reaches behind $N, and rips $S spine out of $S back!"      );
      sprintf( buf2, "You reach behind $N, and rip $S spine out of $S back!"        );
      sprintf( buf3, "$n reaches behind you, and rips your spine out of your back!" );
   case 5:
      sprintf( buf1, "$n rips $N's face open via $S eye sockets!"   );
      sprintf( buf2, "You rip $N's face open via $S eye sockets!"   );
      sprintf( buf3, "$n rips your face open via your eye sockets!" );
   case 6:
      sprintf( buf1, "$n rips off $N's head and vomits down $S throat!"   );
      sprintf( buf2, "You rip off $N's head and vomit down $S throat!"    );
      sprintf( buf3, "$n rips off your head and vomits down your throat!" );
   case 7:
      sprintf( buf1, "$N splurts blood as $n rips open $S chest with $s teeth!"   );
      sprintf( buf2, "$N splurts blood as you rip open $S chest with your teeth!" );
      sprintf( buf3, "You splurt blood as $n rips open your chest with $s teeth!" );
   case 8:
      sprintf( buf1, "$n wrenches $N's arms out from their sockets!" );
      sprintf( buf2, "You wrench $N's arms out from their sockets!"  );
      sprintf( buf3, "$n wrenches your arms out of thier sockets!"   );
   case 9:
      sprintf( buf1, "$n shatters $N's skull with a punch.  Brains leak out." );
      sprintf( buf2, "You shatter $N's skull with a punch.  Brains leak out." );
      sprintf( buf3, "$n shatters your skull with a punch.  Brains leak out." );
   else /* Unarmed, mob has no_body */
      sprintf( buf1, "$n shatters $N's skull with a punch.  Brains leak out." );
      sprintf( buf2, "You shatter $N's skull with a punch.  Brains leak out." );
      sprintf( buf3, "$n shatters your skull with a punch.  Brains leak out." );
   if ( dt <= max_dt && dt > 0 )
   switch( dt )
   case 1:	/* slice */
   case 3:	/* slash */
      switch( number_range( 0, 4 ) )
      case 0:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n slices $N's head clean from $S neck"   );
         sprintf( buf2, "You slice $N's head clean from $S neck"   );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n slices your head clean from your neck" );
      case 1:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n slashes open $N's chest; $S entrails pour out!"   );
         sprintf( buf2, "You slash open $N's chest; $S entrails pour out!"    );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n slashes open your chest; your entrails pour out!" );
      case 2:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n slices $N's throat open.  Blood sprays out wildly!" );
         sprintf( buf2, "You slice $N's throat open.  Blood sprays out wildly!" );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n slices your throat open.  Blood sprays out wildly!" );
      case 3:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n slices $N's legs off, leaving two bloody stumps!" );
         sprintf( buf2, "You slice $N's legs off, leaving two bloody stumps!" );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n slices your legs off, leaving two bloody stumps!" );
      case 4:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n slashes $N's eyeballs out!" );
         sprintf( buf2, "You slash $N's eyeballs out!"  );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n slashes your eyeballs out!" );
   case 2:	/* Stab */
   case 11:	/* Pierce */
      switch( number_range( 0, 4 ) )
      case 0:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n rips a gaping hole down $N's back!" );
         sprintf( buf2, "You rip a gaping hole down $N's back!" );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n rips a gaping hole down your back!" );
      case 1:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n stabs into $N, and cuts $S heart out!"    );
         sprintf( buf2, "You stab into $N, and cut $S heart out!"     );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n stabs into you, and cuts your heart out!" );
      case 2:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n stabs into $N's back, and wrenches out $S spine!"   );
         sprintf( buf2, "You stab into $N's back, and wrench out $S spine!"     );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n stabs into your back, and wrenches out your spine!" );
      case 3:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n plunges $s weapon into $N's head!"   );
         sprintf( buf2, "You plunge your weapon into $N's head!" );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n plunges $s weapon into your head!"   );
      case 4:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n stabs into $N's chest, skewering $S heart!"   );
         sprintf( buf1, "$n stabs into $N's chest, skewering $S heart!"   );
         sprintf( buf2, "You stab into $N's chest, skewering $S heart!"   );
         sprintf( buf2, "You stab into $N's chest, skewering $S heart!"   );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n stabs into your chest, skewering your heart!" );
   case 4:	/* Whip */
      switch( number_range( 0, 3 ) )
      case 0: 
         sprintf( buf1, "$n whips out $N's eyes, spraying blood everywhere!" );
         sprintf( buf2, "You whip out $N's eyes, spraying blood everywhere!" );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n whips out your eyes, spraying blood everywhere!" );
      case 1:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n's whip catches $N's head, and rips it off!" );
         sprintf( buf2, "Your whip catches $N's head, and rips it off!" );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n's whip catches your head, and rips it off!" );
      case 2:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n's whip wraps around $N's arms, yanking them off!" );
         sprintf( buf2, "Your whip wraps around $N's arms, yanking them off!" );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n's whip wraps around your arms, yanking them off!" );
      case 3:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n's whip cuts open $N's main artery, spraying blood!" );
         sprintf( buf2, "Your whip cuts open $N's main artery, spraying blood!" );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n's whip cuts open your main artery, spraying blood!" );
   case 5:	/* Claw */ 
      switch( number_range( 0, 4 ) )
      case 0:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n claws out $N's heart!" );
         sprintf( buf2, "You claw out $N's heart!" );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n claws out your heart!" );
      case 1:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n's claw catches $N's back, slicing it open!" );
         sprintf( buf2, "Your claw catches $N's back, slicing it open!" );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n's claw catches your back, slicing it open!" );
      case 2:
         sprintf( buf1, "$N screams in agony, as $n's claw removes $S eyes!"   );
         sprintf( buf1, "$N screams in agony, as $n's claw removes $S eyes!"   );
         sprintf( buf2, "$N screams in agony, as your claw removes $S eyes!"   );
         sprintf( buf2, "$N screams in agony, as your claw removes $S eyes!"   );
         sprintf( buf3, "You scream in agony, as $n's claw removes your eyes!" );
      case 3:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n's claw ruptures $N's ribcage, shredding $S heart!"   );
         sprintf( buf2, "Your claw ruptures $N's ribcage, shredding $S heart!"   );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n's claw ruptures your ribcage, shredding your heart!" );
      case 4:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n's claw slashes $N's neck, decapitating $M!"  );
         sprintf( buf2, "Your claw slashes $N's neck, decapitating $M!"  );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n's claw slashes your neck, decapitating you!" );
   case 7:	/* Pound */
   case 8:	/* Crush */
      switch ( number_range( 0, 4 ) )
      case 0:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n pounds $N's head; $S brains leak from $S ears!"     );
         sprintf( buf2, "You pound $N's head; $S brains leak from $S ears!"     );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n pounds your head; your brains leak from your ears!" );
      case 1:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n crushes $N's ribcage, and $S entrails slop out!"   );
         sprintf( buf2, "You crush $N's ribcage, and $S entrails slop out!"    );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n crushes your ribcage, and your entrails slop out!" );
      case 2:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n pounds $N's spine until you hear it CRACK!" );
         sprintf( buf2, "You pound $N's spine until you hear it CRACK!" );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n pounds your spine until you hear it CRACK!" );
      case 3:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n pounds $N's face, forcing $S nose into $S brain!"     );
         sprintf( buf2, "You pound $N's face, forcing $S nose into $S brain!"     );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n pounds your face, forcing your nose into your brain!" );
      case 4:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n crushes $N's head down into $S neck!"   );
         sprintf( buf2, "You crush $N's head down into $S neck!"    );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n crushes your head down into your neck!" );
   case 6:	/* Blast */
      switch( number_range( 0, 4 ) )
      case 0:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n's blast totally obliterates $N's head!" );
         sprintf( buf2, "Your blast totally obliterates $N's head!" );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n's blast totally obliterates your head!" );
      case 1:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n's blast makes $N's head fly into the air!" );
         sprintf( buf2, "Your blast makes $N's head fly into the air!" );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n's blast makes your head fly into the air!" );
      case 2:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n blasts $N's stomach open - entrails plop out!" );
         sprintf( buf2, "You blast $N's stomach open - entrails plop out!" );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n blasts your stomach open - entrails plop out!" );
      case 3:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n's blast removes $N's legs from $S body!"   );
         sprintf( buf2, "Your blast removes $N's legs from $S body!"   );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n's blast removes your legs from your body!" );
      case 4:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n's blast splits $N's back, and $S spine falls out!"   );
         sprintf( buf2, "Your blast splits $N's back, and $S spine falls out!"   );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n's blast splits your back, and your spine falls out!" );
   default:	/* grep, bite, suction */
      switch( number_range( 0, 3 ) )
      case 0:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n pulls $N's heart clean from $S ribcage!"   );
         sprintf( buf2, "You pull $N's heart clean from $S ribcage!"   );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n pulls your heart clean from your ribcage!" );
      case 1:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n snags $N's spine, and rips it out!" );
         sprintf( buf2, "You snag $N's spine, and rip it out!"  );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n snags your spine, and rips it out!" );
      case 2:
         sprintf( buf1, "$N's stomach splits open, and $S entrails slip out!"   );
         sprintf( buf2, "$N's stomach splits open, and $S entrails slip out!"   );
         sprintf( buf3, "Your stomach splits open, and your entrails slip out!" );
      case 3:
         sprintf( buf1, "$n pulls $N's heart from $S chest!"   );
         sprintf( buf2, "You pull $N's heart from $S chest!"   );
         sprintf( buf3, "$n pulls your heart from your chest!" );
   act( buf1, ch, NULL, victim, TO_ROOM );
   act( buf2, ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
   act( buf3, ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT );

    /* Load up object, if needed. */
    if ( vnum != 0 )
	OBJ_DATA *obj;
	char *name;

	name            = IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->short_descr : ch->name;
	obj             = create_object( get_obj_index( vnum ), 0 );
	obj->timer      = number_range( 4, 7 );

	sprintf( buf, obj->short_descr, name );
	free_string( obj->short_descr );
	obj->short_descr = str_dup( buf );

	sprintf( buf, obj->description, name );
	free_string( obj->description );
	obj->description = str_dup( buf );

	obj_to_room( obj, ch->in_room );

void do_assist( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   /* Allow players to join in fight, by typing assist, 
    * or assist <name>.  Will only ever allow players to
    * assist a group member  -- Stephen
   CHAR_DATA *assist;
   CHAR_DATA *ppl;
   if ( argument[0] != '\0' )	/* then check for assist <name> */
      if ( ( assist = get_char_room( ch, argument ) ) == NULL )
         send_to_char( "They don't seem to be here right now...\n\r", ch );
      if ( assist == ch )
         send_to_char( "You sure need help!\n\r", ch );
      if  ( !is_same_group( ch, assist ) )
         act( "Sorry, $N isn't in your group...", ch, NULL, assist, TO_CHAR );
      if  ( ( assist->fighting != NULL )         
       && ( ch->fighting == NULL ) )
         act( "$n screams 'BANZAI!! $N must be assisted!!'", ch, NULL, assist, TO_ROOM );
         act( "You scream 'BANZAI!! $N must be assisted!!'", ch, NULL, assist, TO_CHAR );
         set_fighting( ch, assist->fighting, TRUE );
      send_to_char( "Doesn't look like anyone needs your help right now...\n\r", ch );
   /* Check if any group members in room AND fighting */
   for ( ppl = ch->in_room->first_person; ppl != NULL; ppl = ppl->next_in_room )
      if   ( ( ppl != ch              )
          && ( is_same_group( ch, ppl ) ) )
   if ( ppl == NULL )
      send_to_char( "Doesn't look like anyone needs your help right now...\n\r", ch );

   /* Assisting leader is main priority */
   if ( ( ch->leader != NULL )
     && ( ch->leader->in_room == ch->in_room )
     && ( ch->leader->fighting != NULL )
     && ( ch->fighting == NULL )
     && ( ch->leader != ch ) )
      /* BANZAI!! */
      act( "$n screams 'BANZAI!! $N must be assisted!!'", ch, NULL, ch->leader, TO_ROOM );
      act( "You scream 'BANZAI!! $N must be assisted!!'", ch, NULL, ch->leader, TO_CHAR );
      set_fighting( ch, ch->leader->fighting, TRUE );
   /* Ok, so no leader to help... lets look for other group members */
   for ( ppl = ch->in_room->first_person; ppl != NULL; ppl = ppl->next_in_room )
      if  ( ( is_same_group( ch, ppl ) )
         && ( ppl != ch )
         && ( ppl->fighting != NULL )
         && ( ch->fighting  == NULL ) )
         act( "$n screams 'BANZAI!! $N must be assisted!!'", ch, NULL, ppl, TO_ROOM );
         act( "You scream 'BANZAI!! $N must be assisted!!'", ch, NULL, ppl, TO_CHAR );
         set_fighting( ch, ppl->fighting, TRUE );
   send_to_char( "Doesn't look like anyone needs your help right now...\n\r", ch );
void do_stake( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   /* If player has an object of TYPE_STAKE (s)he can try and stake
    * a fallen ( hit<0 ) vampire.  Note that there is still a check
    * for pkilling here... PKOK players can be vamp hunters with
    * no worries! (:  Player must also have learnt the stake skill.
    * A sleeping vamp is also considered vulnerable.
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   OBJ_DATA *stake;
   int chance;
   char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   int sn;
   one_argument( argument, arg );
   if ( arg[0] == '\0' )
      send_to_char( "Stake who?\n\r", ch );
   victim = get_char_room( ch, arg );
   if ( victim == NULL )
      send_to_char( "Couldn't find the target.\n\r", ch );
   if ( victim == ch )
      send_to_char( "Oh yeah, that would be a really good idea!\n\r", ch );
   stake = get_eq_char( ch, WEAR_HOLD );
   if ( stake == NULL || stake->item_type != ITEM_STAKE )
      send_to_char( "You have to be holding some sort of stake to do that\n\r", ch );
   if ( IS_NPC( victim ) )
     send_to_char( "This is only used against PLAYER @@dVampyres@@N!!\n\r", ch );
   chance = IS_NPC( ch ) ? ch->level*2 : ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_stake];
   if ( !IS_AWAKE( victim ) )
      chance +=25;
   /* Make it harder to stake higher level targets */
   if ( ( victim->pcdata->vamp_level * 5 ) > ch->level )
      chance -= ( victim->pcdata->vamp_level * 5 ) - ch->level;
   if ( victim->hit > 0 && IS_AWAKE(victim) ) /* i.e. not vulnerable! */
      chance = 0;
   if ( !IS_VAMP(victim) )
      chance = 0;
   WAIT_STATE( ch, skill_table[gsn_stake].beats );
   check_killer( ch, victim );

   if ( number_percent() < chance )
      /* Success */
      act( "$n raises $p above $s head and plunges it into $N's heart!",  ch, stake, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
      act( "You raise $p above your head and plunge it into $N's heart!", ch, stake, victim, TO_CHAR );
      act( "$n raises $p above his head and plunges it into your heart!", ch, stake, victim, TO_VICT );
      act( "$n screams in agony and withers to black dust!", victim, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
      send_to_char( "You scream in agony and withers to black dust!\n\r", victim );
      send_to_char( "@@NYou find yourself back in Moribund....\n\r", victim );
      send_to_char( "@@NSuddenly, you realize that your @@eKindred@@Nknowledge\n\r", victim );      
      send_to_char( "@@Nis gone! So, THAT's what the sun looks like to mortals!\n\r", victim );      
      send_to_char( "@@NYou had almost forgotten.....\n\r", victim );  

      REMOVE_BIT( victim->pcdata->pflags , PFLAG_VAMP );
      victim->pcdata->vamp_level = 0;
      victim->pcdata->vamp_exp = 0;
      victim->pcdata->bloodlust = 0;
      victim->pcdata->bloodlust_max = 0;
      victim->pcdata->generation = -1;
      victim->pcdata->vamp_bloodline = 0;
      victim->pcdata->recall_vnum = 3001;

/* remove vamp skills from dead vamp  */

      for (sn = 0; sn <= MAX_SKILL; sn++ )
        if ( ( skill_table[sn].flag2 == VAMP ) && ( victim->pcdata->learned[sn] > 0 ) )
          victim->pcdata->learned[sn] = 0;

      if ( !IS_NPC( victim ) )
         gain_exp( victim, 0 - ( 3 * victim->exp / 4 ) );
      raw_kill( victim, "" ); 
      act( "$n tries to plunge $p into $N's chest, but misses!", ch, stake, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
      act( "You try to plunge $p into $N's chest, but miss!",    ch, stake, victim, TO_CHAR );
      act( "$n tries to plunge $p into your chest, but misses!", ch, stake, victim, TO_VICT );
      set_fighting( ch, victim, TRUE );
void do_stun( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   int chance;
   int chance2;

   if ( IS_NPC( ch ) )  /* for now */

   if (  ( ( victim = ch->fighting ) == NULL )
      || ( victim->in_room == NULL )   )
      send_to_char( "You must be fighting someone first!\n\r", ch );
   if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && ( ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_stun] == 0 )  )
     send_to_char( "Huh?", ch );

   chance = 45 - (100 * victim->hit / victim->max_hit);
   /* The lower the victim's hp, the greater the chance */
   chance2 = IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->level*2 : ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_stun];
   WAIT_STATE( ch, skill_table[gsn_stun].beats );
   if ( ( number_percent() + number_percent() ) < ( chance + chance2 ) )
      /* Success */
      act( "You slam into $N, leaving $M stunned.",   ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR    );
      act( "$n slams into you, leaving you stunned.", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT    );
      act( "$n slams into $N, leaving $M stunned.",   ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );

      victim->stunTimer += number_range( 1, get_psuedo_level( ch )/30 );
      if ( ch->lvl2[4] > 40 )
        victim->stunTimer += number_range( 1, 2 );
/*      if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )
        if( ch->lvl2[3] > ch->lvl2[5] )
  	  victim->stunTimer += ch->lvl2[3] / 15;
          set_stun( victim, ch->lvl2[5] / 15 );
      }   */
      /* Ooops! */
      act( "You try to slam into $N, but miss and fall onto your face!",    ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR    );
      act( "$n tries to slam into you, but misses and falls onto $s face!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT    );
      act( "$n tries to slam into $N, but misses and falls onto $s face!",  ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT ); 
      damage( ch, ch, number_range( 5, 20), TYPE_UNDEFINED );

void do_feed( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   CHAR_DATA *victim;
   char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   int chance;
   int bloodgain = 0;
   one_argument( argument, arg );
   if ( !IS_VAMP( ch ) )
      send_to_char( "Huh?\n\r", ch );
   if ( ( victim = ch->fighting ) == NULL )
      send_to_char( "You must be fighting someone first!\n\r", ch );

   if ( victim == ch )
      send_to_char( "What are you?  A blood donor?\n\r", ch );
   if ( IS_SET( victim->in_room->room_flags, ROOM_SAFE ) )
      send_to_char( "The Gods prevent your foul deed.  This is a safe room!\n\r", ch );
   if (    victim->hit > 0 
        && victim->position > POS_FIGHTING )
      /* failure */
      act( "$N is far too alert to let you do that!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR );
   chance = IS_NPC(ch) ? ch->level : ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_feed];
   WAIT_STATE( ch, skill_table[gsn_feed].beats );
   check_killer( ch, victim );
   if ( number_percent() < chance )
      /* Success! */
      act( "You plunge your fangs into $N's neck, and taste sweet blood!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR    );
      act( "$n plunges $s fangs into your neck, and sucks your blood!",    ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT    );
      act( "$n plunges $s fangs into $N's neck and sucks $S blood!",       ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
      if ( ch->pcdata->bloodlust <= -5 )
          ch->pcdata->bloodlust = ch->pcdata->bloodlust_max;
          send_to_char( " You have now entered the ranks of the @@dKINDRED@@N!!!!\n\r", ch );
          bloodgain = ( ( 20 - ch->pcdata->generation ) + ch->pcdata->vamp_level  );
          if ( bloodgain > victim->level )
           bloodgain = victim->level;
        if ( ( ch->pcdata->bloodlust + bloodgain ) > ch->pcdata->bloodlust_max )
          ch->pcdata->bloodlust = ch->pcdata->bloodlust_max;
          ch->pcdata->bloodlust += bloodgain;
      if ( victim->hit > 0 )
         act( "$N screams in horror at you at jumps to $s feet!",  ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR    ); 
         act( "You scream in horror at $n and jump to your feet!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT    );
         act( "$N screams in horror at $n and jumps to $S feet!",  ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
         do_say( victim, "You'll pay for that!" );
         victim->position = POS_STANDING;
         multi_hit( victim, ch, TYPE_UNDEFINED );

      if ( !IS_VAMP(victim) && !IS_NPC(ch) )
         return;   /* not doing this, Stephen :P  
         AFFECT_DATA af;
         af.type      = skill_lookup( "vampire bite" );
         af.duration  = 1;
         af.location  = APPLY_NONE;
         af.modifier  = 0;
         af.bitvector = AFF_VAMP_BITE;
         affect_to_char( victim, &af );
         send_to_char( "You feel your blood burning!\n\r", victim );
            if ( IS_VAMP( victim ) )
         return;  /* for now :P SRZ 
         if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && !IS_NPC(victim) )
            ch->pcdata->bloodlust = victim->pcdata->bloodlust;
            victim->pcdata->bloodlust = 0;
         if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && IS_NPC(victim) )
            gain_bloodlust( ch, victim->level*2 );
         if ( IS_NPC(ch) && !IS_NPC(victim) )
            victim->pcdata->bloodlust = 0;     */

      /* D'oh! */
      act( "You try to find a spot on $N's neck to suck blood, but fail!",   ch, NULL, victim, TO_CHAR    );
      act( "$n tries to find a spot on your neck to suck blood, but fails!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_VICT    );
      act( "$n tries to find a spot on $N's neck to suck blood, but fails!", ch, NULL, victim, TO_NOTVICT );
      /* Any penalty? */

void check_adrenaline( CHAR_DATA *ch, sh_int damage )



   if ( damage > 200 && ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_adrenaline] > 70 )
     af.type      = skill_lookup( "adrenaline bonus" );
     af.duration  = 1;
     af.location  = APPLY_DAMROLL;
     af.modifier  = 1;
     af.bitvector = 0;
     affect_join( ch, &af );
     send_to_char( "You feel a surge of @@eadrenaline@@N!!!\n\r", ch );


void do_frenzy( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) 
    CHAR_DATA *vch;
    int moves = 0;
    int damage = 0;

    if ( IS_NPC( ch )  )
    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_frenzy] == 0 )
       send_to_char( "You are not trained in this skill!\n\r", ch );
    if( !IS_NPC(ch) && ch->move < 100 && ch->position == POS_FIGHTING ) 	
		send_to_char( "You're too tired to go into a frenzy!\n\r", ch);

     if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && number_percent( ) > ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_frenzy]) 
		send_to_char( "You try to go into a frenzy, but nearly cut your leg off!\n\r", ch  );

	if( ( ( ch->move/10 ) < 75 ) && ch->move >=75 )
		moves = 75;
		moves = ch->move/10;
	if( ch->hit > 200 )
		damage = 20;
	WAIT_STATE( ch, skill_table[gsn_frenzy].beats );

    if( !IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->position == POS_FIGHTING ) 
    	ch->move -= moves;
    	ch->hit -= damage;

    for ( vch = ch->in_room->first_person; vch != NULL; vch = vch->next_in_room ) 
      extern CHAR_DATA * violence_marker;

      if ( vch == violence_marker )
        if ( vch->in_room == NULL )

		if ( vch->in_room == ch->in_room )
		    if ( vch != ch && ( vch->in_room == ch->in_room ) 
		    && ( IS_NPC( ch )? !IS_NPC( vch ) : IS_NPC( vch ) )
                && ( vch->master != ch ) 
                && ( !is_same_group( ch, vch ) )   )
               	act( "$N is @@Wgored@@N by your FRENZY!!!\n\r", ch, NULL, 
			vch, TO_CHAR );
               	act( "$n goes into a FRENZY, @@Wgoring@@N $N!!!", ch, NULL, 
					vch, TO_ROOM );
                  check_killer( ch, vch );
               	one_hit( ch, vch, -1 );



void do_rage( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument ) 
  char	arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  int	chance = 0;

   one_argument( argument, arg );

  if ( IS_NPC( ch )
     || !IS_WOLF( ch )  )
    send_to_char( "Huh?\n\r", ch );
  if ( IS_RAGED( ch ) )
    send_to_char( "You are already @@rRAGING@@N!!!\n\r", ch );

  chance = 60 - ( ch->hit /ch->max_hit * 100 );
  if ( weather_info.moon_loc == MOON_PEAK )
    chance += 15;
  if ( IS_SHIFTED( ch ) )
    chance += 20;
  if ( weather_info.moon_phase == MOON_FULL )
    chance += 30;
  if ( weather_info.moon_phase == MOON_NEW )
    chance -= 30;
  if ( weather_info.moon_loc == MOON_DOWN )
    chance -= 20;
  if ( weather_info.moon_loc == MOON_PEAK )
    chance += 20;

   if ( str_cmp( arg, "FORCE" )  )
     chance += ( ( 5 - ch->pcdata->generation ) * 10 );  
     chance += ch->pcdata->vamp_level;
     if ( ( ch->pcdata->generation < 4 ) || ( ch->pcdata->vamp_level >14 )  )
       chance += 50;
     chance -= ( ( 5 - ch->pcdata->generation ) * 10 );  
     chance -= ch->pcdata->vamp_level;
     if ( ( ch->pcdata->generation < 4 ) || ( ch->pcdata->vamp_level >14 )  )
       chance -= 50;

   if ( number_range( 0, 100 ) < chance )
     AFFECT_DATA af1;
     AFFECT_DATA af2;
     AFFECT_DATA af3;
     AFFECT_DATA af4;

     int	duration;
     af1.type      = skill_lookup( "Rage:sharpened claws" );
     af2.type      = skill_lookup( "Rage:wolven strength" );
     af3.type      = skill_lookup( "Rage:disregard for pain" );
     af4.type	   = skill_lookup( "Enraged" );

     if ( !str_cmp( arg, "FORCE" ) )
       duration = number_range( ch->pcdata->generation/4, 4 );

       af4.duration  = duration;
       af4.location  = APPLY_NONE;
       af4.modifier  = 0;
       af4.bitvector = 0;
       affect_join( ch, &af4 );

       af1.duration  = duration;
       af1.location  = APPLY_DAMROLL;
       af1.modifier  = ( 10 - ch->pcdata->generation ) * 4;
       af1.bitvector = 0;
       affect_join( ch, &af1 );

       af2.duration  = duration;
       af2.location  = APPLY_HITROLL;
       af2.modifier  = ( 10 - ch->pcdata->generation ) * 4;
       af2.bitvector = 0;
       affect_join( ch, &af2 );

       af3.duration  = duration;
       af3.location  = APPLY_AC;
       af3.modifier  = ( 5 + ch->pcdata->generation ) * 10;
       af3.bitvector = 0;
       affect_join( ch, &af3 );

       duration = number_range( ch->pcdata->generation/3, 5 );
       af4.duration  = duration;
       af4.location  = 0;
       af4.modifier  = 0;
       af4.bitvector = 0;
       affect_join( ch, &af4 );

       af1.duration  = duration;
       af1.location  = APPLY_DAMROLL;
       af1.modifier  = ( 10 - ch->pcdata->generation ) * 4;
       af1.bitvector = 0;
       affect_join( ch, &af1 );

       af2.duration  = duration;
       af2.location  = APPLY_HITROLL;
       af2.modifier  = ( 10 - ch->pcdata->generation ) * 4;
       af2.bitvector = 0;
       affect_join( ch, &af2 );

       af3.duration  = duration;
       af3.location  = APPLY_AC;
       af3.modifier  = ( 5 + ch->pcdata->generation ) * 15;
       af3.bitvector = 0;
       affect_join( ch, &af3 );

    send_to_char( "You are @@eENRAGED!!!!!!\n\r", ch );
    SET_BIT( ch->pcdata->pflags, PFLAG_RAGED );
    ch->pcdata->bloodlust = ( ch->pcdata->bloodlust_max - number_range( 0, ch->pcdata->generation *3 ) );
    ch->stance = STANCE_WARRIOR;
    ch->stance_ac_mod = 0;
    ch->stance_dr_mod = 0;
    ch->stance_hr_mod = 0;
    send_to_char( "You fail to become @@eENRAGED@@N.\n\r", ch );
