NOTE: tinyworld.shp file differs from standard Diku.  It produces 6 items.

IF YOU MODIFY DELETE OR ADD ROOMS in the tinyworld.wld file, you must
execute 'hunt' (located in the parent directory of this one).  What it will
do is regenerate hunt.table to reflect the changes you made.  Also, go into
db.h (located in the parent directory of this one) and change the MAXROOM
variable located at the top to reflect any room additions or deletions.  It
need not be exact, just GREATER than the number of rooms you have.  Note I
mean number of rooms, not max room number in the tinyworld.wld file.  It is
currently in the 600's.  After you do the change, type make again to compile
it.  NOTE: run 'hunt' BEFORE you run testserver.  But you need not run hunt
if you did not change the tinyworld.wld file.  REMEMBER this note, or one day
your mud may crash.  NOTE2: the 'hunt' executable takes a LONG time to
finish if you have a large world file, so be patient.  PHL

This directory contains the data files used by the game.

hunt.table      - generated by 'hunt' executable.

sites.banned    - used by wizcommand 'ban'

atm.accounts    - used by atm commands.

actions         - The 'social actions'. See actions.doc for the data format.

board.messages  - A binary file containing the contents of the bulletin board.

bugs            - The messages left by players with the 'bug' command. Contains
                  the number of the room in which each message was written,
                  along with the text.

credits         - For the 'credits' command.

help            - For 'help' with no argument.

help_table      - Table of keywords and associated texts. The format is simple.

ideas           - The messages left by players with the 'idea' command.

info            - For the 'info' command.

messages        - Combat messages.

motd            - Displayed to the player at login. Should contain information
                  about recent additons to the game, wedding announcements etc.

news            - For the command 'news'.

pcobjs.obj      - Binary file containing info about objects saved in the inns.

players         - Binary file containing all the players.

poses           - For the 'pose' command, with command number (referring to
                  the table of constants in interpreter.c), a 'hide_invisible'
                  flag, and the minimum position of the victim (if any).

time            - Used by the game to keep track of time passed since last run.

tinyworld.mob   - File containing the monsters. See database.doc & dbsup.doc

tinyworld.obj   - The objects. See database.doc & dbsup.doc

tinyworld.shp   - Info describing the shops, eg. what kind of stuff they deal
                  in, opening hours, profit rate, etc. See shops.doc for the

tinyworld.wld   - The rooms. See database.doc & dbsup.doc

tinyworld.zon   - Reset tables, describing the actions that are to take place 
                  at each reset. See database.doc & dbsup.doc

typos           - Messages left by players with the 'typo' command. Same format
                  as the 'bug' command.

wizlist         - For the 'wizlist' command.