The Room of Eternal Procrastination~
   North - The Jerk
   Up - Tacoma
   Down - Boards
   West - Staging Area
   East - Newbie Board
   South - Hell
0 16777224 0 0
0 0 14 0 5 4 0
0 0 8032 0 5 4 0
0 0 702 0 5 4 0
1 0 701 0 5 4 0
0 0 2000 0 5 4 0
0 0 1000 0 5 4 0
0 0 3100 0 5 4 0
Run staging room~
   You are in a cluttered room. 
0 16777224 0 0
1 0 700 0 5 4 0
   Fire, brimstone, agonizing pain.  Yup, this must be the place. 
0 33554984 0 0
The Hell of Being Skinned Alive and Forced to Watch 'Highlander: Endgame' Repeatedly~
   Sucks to be you. 
0 33554600 0 0
0 0 703 0 5 4 0
0 0 703 0 5 4 0
0 0 703 0 5 4 0
0 0 703 0 5 4 0
0 0 703 0 5 4 0
0 0 703 0 5 4 0
0 0 703 0 5 4 0
0 0 703 0 5 4 0
0 0 703 0 5 4 0
0 0 703 0 5 4 0
Black Circle Security HQ~
   With flourescent lights buzzing overhead and lighting the carpetted room,
you notice a large wooden table in the middle of it, with a black circle
engraved upon it.  Surrounding the table are numerous black leather chairs in
all  different positions.  You also notice a small file cabinet in the corner.
The walls are deep black. 
0 2568 0 0
0 0 12513 0 5 4 0
Lair of the Hunters~
   This room is decorated with relics of many past hunts. The skulls of many
beings line the shelves on the walls. Weapons lockers as tall as a man line
two walls. On the floor there is a rug made of the wingflesh of a dragon
whelp. Light comes from torches made from bones set in the wall every so
0 2588 0 6
It's a door.  What the hell were you expecting? 
door cliff face~
1 0 9232 0 14 4 0
Street Drek Mercenaries Hideout~
   The faint aroma of garbage stings your nostrils as you survey the chaotic
doss before you.  Spent magazines of every variety litter the floor, along
with rifle parts, and soykaf bar wrappers.  A few unnocupied, lumpy mattresses
line the western wall, right beside the mostly disassembled remains of a
0 2568 0 0
1 0 3585 0 5 4 0
Fire and Ice Headquarters~
   This room is decorated in an odd, victorian/goth/fantasy art style, with
black and white marble walls, and silver-gilded accents.  A carved oak shelf
runs around the perimeter of the ceiling, housing gargoyles, dragons, and
various other statuary and knick-knacks.  The floor is tiled in the same
marble.  Lighting fixtures in ornately cast silver project evenly spaced along
the walls.  The ceiling is plaster.  If you chance to turn out the lights, you
notice that someone has painstakingly duplicated the constellations with small
dots of glow-in-the-dark paint on the ceiling.  There is a comforting odor of
stale incense, machine oil, and someone's good cooking.
   Several areas of the room appear to be devoted to various works in progress
-- in one cornor, a frankenstein's monstor of a computer sits, dysfunctional
but impressive, surrounded by parts, mangled decks, wiring, tools, and other
bits of detritous.  In another cornor lies, a variety of weapons in various
states of disassembly, cleaning, and repair.  A third corner houses ornate
tapestries, small tables and closed chests surrounded by candles and jars
containing unidentifiable items.  The fourth is scattered with animal parts,
found items, and other bits of natural material seldom seen in the heart of a
city, with more candles, chests full of items, and small tables.
   The center of the HQ houses a more ordinary relaxation and entertainment
area, with leather sectional couches arranged around a trid set, and a stereo
system.  Various games and movie chips litter the area, as do a variety of
magazines.  You see 2600, Bud K, and others that survived the Awakening as
well as a variety of newer publications.
   Behind this area are a variety of bedding arrangements -- cots, mattresses,
blankets and pillows.  Between the couches and the beds sits a large heating
unit with ducts extending up through the ceiling, a stove and oven, and a
0 1575432 0 20
2 0 2536 0 8 32 4
Security Procedures:
 1.  Before opening the manhole, check to make sure no one is standing up
 2.  If seen exiting the area, and questioned, claimed to have taken a wrong
turn on the way to Scalpel's or the Den.
 3.  When returning to the area, check several times to be sure that no one is
following you back.  If you think someone is following, go to the monorail
station.  That area will be our decoy.
 4.  Never, under any circumstances, give a non-member any information about
the HQ, including appearance, entryway, location (including general area, etc.

 5.  If you lose your equipment, and happen to run into someone on the way
back from the HQ, do not stop to talk to them unless you are well away  from
the area -- do not pause to give them a chance to look at you. 
Matrix Test Room~
   A small room with a cyberterminal in the corner. 
0 0 0 0
0 0 751 0 5 4 0
node 1~
   a computer node 
0 131072 0 6
A small tunnel-like room~
   This room is a connecting hallway from outside to whatever lies within.  It
seems strange, but all sounds seem somehow muffled, as if a permanent silence
spell were erected here.  On second look, this room seems to serve as
something as an airlock, preventing unauthorized access. 
0 33554784 0 0
A heavy duty security door. 
door security heavy duty~
2 0 762 0 8 24 0
The inside of this door warns that allowing unauthorized access is punishable
by magical castration. 
door hidden out~
1 803 2010 12 16 32 0
Hall of Mages~
   This room seems quite out of place with the world outside.  It is quite
obviously owned by some very rich people:  the walls, high vaulted ceiling and
pillars are made of real grey marble, highly polished.  The room itself is
circular, with a very large open space in the center, cordoned off with
^Rcrimson^n silk rope.  On closer inspection, it seems that there is a very
powerful hermetic circle permanently inscribed in the floor.  Those with
appropriate knowledge will recognize it as being created with the Henley
formula, one of the first designs which has since been superceeded by all but
the most traditionalist mages.  Around the circle are three concentric rings
made of solid walnut (^WREAL^n walnut, not macroplast veneer) benches, cushioned
with velvet pillows.  Beyond that, about a metre in from the wall, is another
ring of walnut bookshelves, containing a most excellent hardcopy hermetic
library.  There are two staircases up to the northeast and southeast, leading
to varying types of private quarters. 
0 532496 0 20
0 0 763 0 5 4 0
This heavy duty security door has been lined with marble on the inside, to fit
in with the rest of the room's decor. 
door marble security~
2 0 761 0 8 24 0
Hall of Mages -- North Hall~
   This section of the Hall of Mages houses the apartments for the members.
The same marble and walnut decor of the main hall is present here, as are a
number of tapestries.   There are also a number of curtained alcoves off this
point for those acolytes which do not have their own rooms.   Inside a typical
example of these bunks is a comfortable looking bed, a lamp, a small table for
a telecom or personal computer, and a small bookshelf at the head of the bed.
0 2568 0 0
0 0 762 0 5 4 0
A Masonic Temple~
   A waft of incense smoke floats past your nostrils.  In the center of the
room is a huge globe, made with solid gold.  The temple walls are high, with
windows etched in Egyptian hieroglyphics.  A magical circle is drawn on the
floor of the south end of the vast temple, and on the north end is a medicine
lodge, followed by an altar the shape of an Egyptian pyramid. A kabbalic Tree
of Life tapestry hangs on the north wall. 
0 1575440 0 20
door golden~
2 0 4919 12 5 32 0
   You are in a small but clean space.  It seems that someone has build a
secret room here; that would account for the odd 'L' shape of the room - it
has to fit in with the legitimate rooms of the structure.  There is a large
bed against one wall, as well as innumerable shelves and tables full of stuff.
There is a small crawlspace to the north that must lead to another part of
the bolthole. 
0 6664 0 0
0 0 901 0 5 4 0
Secret Lodge~
   This is a small circular room.  It is filled with all manner of mystical
fetishes, symbols, and such.  The occult nature of the room is somewhat
dampened by a small computer in the corner, with a reference library of
important magical works on optical chip.  A large summoning circle is
inscribed in the ground as well . 
0 1572872 0 6
0 0 900 0 5 4 0