Entrance to the S.W. University~
   You stand at the entrance to Sixth World University, a school designed to
help you become familiar with this world and mudding in general.  If you go
north you will enter the school. 
0 8 0 0
You see the first room of the newbie school.
0 0 1101 0 5 4 0
0 0 1108 0 5 4 0
0 0 8000 0 5 4 0
Looking and Moving around~
   A mud is a 'virtual' (please excuse that overused term) world.  To look
around this world you just type 'look' or 'l' for short.  This will give you
the description of the area you are in and show any objects, people, and/or
monsters in the same area.  If you use the look command right now you will see
this room description again.  You can look at objects, people, monsters, and
even in directions (such as 'look south' or 'l s' for short).  In order to
move around the world, you type in the name of the direction you wish to
travel, such as north, south, east, west, up, or down.  If there is not a path
in that direction, the mud will let you know.  To continue, go north (by
typing 'north' or 'n'). 
0 8 0 0
The mud schooling tour continues to the north.
0 0 1102 0 5 4 0
You see the entrance to the Sixth World University. 
0 0 1100 0 5 4 0
Getting to know yourself~
   The next thing you need to know is how to find out information about
yourself.  There are several commands which give you information needed to
play here.  These commands are 'score', 'inventory', 'equipment', 'skills',
and 'spells'.  All commands on the mud may be abbreviated, therefore you can
type 'sc' for score, 'i' for inventory, 'eq' for equipment, and so on. The
first thing you should do is try out these commands.  Go east to continue with
your schooling. 
0 8 0 0
0 0 1103 0 5 4 0
You see the halls of the Sixth World University continue south.
0 0 1101 0 5 4 0
Your Attributes are who you are.~
   Type 'sc' to list the general info about yourself.  Notice the line with
Bod, Qui, Str, etc...  These numbers are your attributes and determine many
things which your character can do.  They are abbreviations for Body,
Quickness, Strength, Charisma, Intelligence, Willpower, Magic, Reaction, and
Essence.  To find out what each attribute is used for, use the 'help' command.
Type 'help attribute', and substitute attribute for the name of the attribute
such as 'help strength'.  Once you have read the help files on the different
attributes, type 'train' in front of a trainer.  As a new character you are
given a certain number of points to distribute to your starting attributes.
If you type 'train' (again, in front of a trainer) followed by the attribute
abbreviation, you will raise that attribute by one point.  You need to
distribute all of your points as you cannot use them at any other trainer but
the one downstairs.  Go east to continue. 
0 8 0 0
The School hall continues east.
0 0 1104 0 5 4 0
0 0 1102 0 5 4 0
You are what you know.~
   In this world there are many skills a player can learn.  Your class
determines which skills you can and cannot learn, though many skills are
learnable by all.  Skills come in two varieties, general and concentrations.
With a general skill your knowledge covers a wide area, while with a
concentration, you focus your learning to a specific area.  Concentrations
allow you to learn an area quicker at the sacrifice of general knowledge. When
you first create your character, you are given several points to distribute to
your initial skills.  You must use them all up or you won't be;able to train
elsewhere (and they'll send you back here).  Type 'practice' in front of the
teacher downstairs to see which skills are available to you.  Type 'help'
followed by a skill name to get an idea of what the skill does.  When you are
done, go south. 
0 8 0 0
You see the school halls continue south from here.
0 0 1105 0 5 4 0
You see the S.W.U. trainer to the west.
0 0 1103 0 5 4 0
Your Inventory~
   By using the 'i' command you can get a listing of what you are carrying.
The 'eq' command lists what you are wearing and at what area of your body.  To
wear a piece of equipment, just type 'wear' followed by the eq name.  You can
specify where you would like to wear it, and if possible you will place it in
that position.  If you don't type the name of the area you wish to wear an
item, it will be put onto its default position. To wield a weapon, you use the
(yep, you guessed it!) 'wield' command. To remove any equipment, use the
'remove' command. Other us pick up items you see and drop items from your
0 8 0 0
The hall continues north.
0 0 1104 0 5 4 0
0 0 1106 0 5 4 0
Preparing for Combat~
   Very good!  You made it!  Now it is time for you to prepare for combat.
Make sure you have a weapon wielded and you are wearing the armor given to
you. To wear all your armor with a simple command, type 'wear all' and you
will wear everything you can in its default position.  Now  type 'prompt @pP
@mM'.  This will change your prompt to '10P 10M'.  The P stands for Physical,
and the M stands for Mental.  These two numbers show your current condition,
with 10 being the max for each catagory.  If you fall below  0 in your Mental
condition, you will fall unconscious.  If you fall below 1 in your Physical
condition, you will be incapacitated.  Once your Physical condition goes below
-(body), you will die.  If you die (and most of us do :)) it's not permanent,
as you will still be able to play that character.  What you must do though is
return to the place you died and find your corpse.  Your corpse will contain
the equipment you had and which you must retrieve (using the 'get all corpse'
0 8 0 0
0 0 1105 0 5 4 0
0 0 1107 0 5 4 0
Entrance to the Combat Area~
   By going down, you will enter the combat area.  There are several
'monsters' down there, but they are all easy enough for you to kill.  To
initiate combat use the 'hit' or 'kill' commands.  Type 'hit monster',
substituting monster with the name of the thing you want to kill.  Remember
you are not allowed to kill other players here.  When you have had your fill
of killing the monsters, come back up and then go north to continue. 
0 12 0 0
0 0 1106 0 5 4 0
0 0 1108 0 5 4 0
The combat area is directly below.
0 0 1109 0 5 4 0
Staying Healthy~
   The best way to stay healthy is to eat, drink, and rest.  If you notice
messages such as, 'You are hungry' or 'You are thirsty', it is time for you to
find food or drink to consume.  There is a shop downstairs that sells small
supplies of both.  To eat, just simply use the 'eat' command, followed by an
item in your inventory you want to eat.  The same logic applies to drinking,
as you will use the 'drink' command followed by the container name.  During
the course of your adventures, you may find that you are hurt, and the most
inexpensive way to heal  is to rest or sleep.  You must be at least resting to
recover from physical damage, though it's a slow process.  Hospitals or
magical healing are two other ways you may find healing, though these tend to
be more expensive (but faster). 
0 8 0 0
0 0 1107 0 5 4 0
0 0 1100 0 5 4 0
The Combat Area~
   You stand in a room that streches as far as the eye can see.  Through
modern technology, opponents are created for you to practice fighting with.
You can be hurt, after all injury is part of fighting, and you can kill all
these opponents without worrying about your conscience, as they aren't real.
Before you attack something, first look at them to get an idea of what they
look like :), then use the 'consider' command ('con opponent' subbing opponent
with monster name) to see if they how difficult it would be for you to fight
0 8 0 0
The Combat Area goes north.
0 0 1110 0 5 4 0
The Combat Area goes east.
0 0 1111 0 5 4 0
The Combat Area continues south.
0 0 1112 0 5 4 0
The Combat Area continues west.
0 0 1113 0 5 4 0
You see the entrance (and exit) to the Combat Area.
0 0 1107 0 5 4 0
The Combat Area~
   The room before you stretches as far as the eye can see.  When you fight
you can do two types of damage: physical or mental.  If you use your bare
hands or certain weapons (like stun batons or tasers) you will do only mental
damage.  When the victim's mental rating drops below 0, they will fall
unconscious and the battle will stop.  This is not to say you can't kill them
with a taser or such.  Certainly shocking someone enough with a taser will
eventually kill them.  To kill them after they are unconscious you must keep
entering 'hit' (or your favorite attack command).  The reason this occurs is
because we assume when you use a stun type weapon you aren't necessarily
trying to kill (yes, you don't always HAVE to kill everything!).  All other
weapons, whether they be pistols or rocket launchers, do physical damage.  If
the enemy falls below 0, they fall unconscious, and once past -10, they are
0 8 0 0
The combat area stretches off to the north.
0 0 1112 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the east.
0 0 1114 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the south.
0 0 1109 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the west.
0 0 1115 0 5 4 0
You see the exit from the combat area.
0 0 1107 0 5 4 0
The Combat Area~
   The lights are dim in this area.  One important thing to remember in combat
is that it is better to flee than die.  In order to flee from a fight, use the
'flee' command.  You can set autoflee by typing 'wimpy' followed by a number
from 1 to 11.  When your physical condition falls below this level, you will
attempt to flee in a random direction. 
0 8 0 0
The combat area stretches off to the north.
0 0 1114 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the east.~
0 0 1113 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the south.
0 0 1116 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the west.
0 0 1109 0 5 4 0
You see the exit from the combat area.
0 0 1107 0 5 4 0
The Combat Area~
   Combat is not always the solution to your problems in the Sixth World.
Often times it seems like it is the easiest solution, but many runs require,
or at least prefer, that you use skill over guns.  Of course, even if your
most talented decker manages to get the data steal, they'll still be no match
for the corporate security guards with sub-machine guns.  In that case, only a
Mercenary or Street Samurai will do. 
0 8 0 0
The combat area stretches off to the north.
0 0 1109 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the east.
0 0 1116 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the south.
0 0 1110 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the west.
0 0 1117 0 5 4 0
You see the exit from the combat area.
0 0 1107 0 5 4 0
The Combat Area~
   To survive in the real world, you should always group.  It is true what
they have always said, 'There is safety in numbers.'  This is even more
apparent in 2050, where magic means power.  Just having a mage or a shaman in
your group can protect you against your enemies' offensive magic.  Their
magical ability offers you more protection than you could ever have without
0 8 0 0
The combat area stretches off to the north.
0 0 1115 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the east.
0 0 1109 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the south.
0 0 1117 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the west.
0 0 1111 0 5 4 0
You see the exit from the combat area.
0 0 1107 0 5 4 0
The Combat Area~
   Have you ever heard someone say 'Jack of all trades, master of nothing?'.
This is definitely true in this world.  There are lots of skills, but no one,
except the gods, can master them all.  Concentrations allow you to become
skilled in specific areas much quicker than you would in general areas.  Why
spend your entire life learning how to use every single firearm created by
human-kind when you can become a marksman in one weapon type? 
0 8 0 0
The combat area stretches off to the north.
0 0 1116 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the east.
0 0 1115 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the south.
0 0 1111 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the west.
0 0 1110 0 5 4 0
You see the exit from the combat area.
0 0 1107 0 5 4 0
The Combat Area~
   In order to group with someone, you first must choose the leader, and then
all those who wish to be in the group must follow the leader using the follow
command ('follow' <leader>).  Then the leader uses the 'group all' command to
group anyone who is following him or her.  Once you are in a group, you can
type the 'group' command by itself to list the members of your group and show
their stats.  If you get involved in combat, you can help fight with the other
group members by using the 'assist' command which will allow you to assist
whoever is bein  attacked. 
0 8 0 0
The combat area stretches off to the north.
0 0 1117 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the east.
0 0 1110 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the south.
0 0 1113 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the west.
0 0 1114 0 5 4 0
You see the exit from the combat area.
0 0 1107 0 5 4 0
The Combat Area~
   If you are a human, your stats have a maximum of 6 and you have no real
worries.  If you are a meta-human, your stats will vary in maximums.  One
thing you should be aware of is your allergies.  As a meta-human, you will
have an allergy to some varying degree, from barely to severly.  If you are
severly allergic, contact with the substance you are allergic to will cause
phsyical damage each hour.  Make sure you find alternatives if you have
allergies (or become a night person if you are allergic to sunlight!). 
0 8 0 0
The combat area stretches off to the north.
0 0 1111 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the east.
0 0 1117 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the south.
0 0 1114 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the west.
0 0 1112 0 5 4 0
You see the exit from the combat area.
0 0 1107 0 5 4 0
The Combat Area~
   Though every stat is important, if you wish to survive in combat longer,
you need to have make sure certain abilities are above average.  The obvious
ability is body which helps you resist damage from physical attacks.  Your
quickness will help you dodge attacks all together.  Your reaction will allow
you to attack more than once per round.  Something overlooked often is your
willpower which will help you resist damage from mana type spells.  Of course
if your intelligence is low, your reaction will be also, and if your charisma
is low, more hostile creatures will attack you.  Life is quite complex now in
2050.  This is where cyberware comes into play: cyberware can raise some of
your attributes artificially (though if you are a spell-caster, you probably
want to stay away from it).  To find out more about cyberware, type 'help
0 8 0 0
The combat area stretches off to the north.
0 0 1113 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the east.
0 0 1112 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the south.
0 0 1115 0 5 4 0
The combat area stretches off to the west.
0 0 1116 0 5 4 0
You see the exit from the combat area.
0 0 1107 0 5 4 0
A modern looking shop~
   White walls with blue pin-stripes make up this room.  A large counter sits
on the far side of the room with a small, grey computer sitting on it.  A sign
on the wall catches your attention. 
0 24 0 0
* Type 'LIST' to find out what *
*    is for sale.              *
* Type 'BUY' followed by the   *
*    item you wish to buy.     *
* Type 'VALUE' followed by an  *
*    item you wish to sell in  *
*    order to find out its     *
*    selling cost.             *
* Type 'SELL' followed by an   *
*    item you wish to sell.    *
The S.W.U. Mailroom~
   This is the S.W.U. Mailroom where all the snail-mail gets processed and
sent out.  Thanks to the Matrix, printed mail has reduced considerably
(something that makes environmentalists happy).  A single exit lies west.  To
use this mail room, type the commands 'CHECK', 'RECEIVE', or 'MAIL
0 28 0 0
The entrance to S.W.U. lies west.
0 0 1100 0 5 4 0
G.E.D Testing Center~
   You have entered the G.E.D. Testing Center.  This room is for those people
that feel the teachers of S.W.U. don't have the knowledge to teach them
anything new.  Once you have received your G.E.D., you will no longer enter
the mud from this University.  Just push the big, red button and you will
receive your G.E.D. 
0 28 0 0
You see a metal door with a window.  Through the window you see a flight
of stairs leading down to the entrance of S.W.U.
door metal~
0 0 1100 0 5 4 0
red button~
The large red button has the label 'G.E.D Dispencer' across its face.