// To allow positivity of diceroll to potentially cause damage, overwrite the following
// code in tbaMUD3.62's fight.c between line 907 and /* the attacker missed the victim */

  /* Positivity of diceroll and victim_ac count toward the actual damage amount,
     positivity of thaco counts against the actual damage amount. */
    dam = (diceroll + victim_ac - calc_thaco);

  /* When damage is zero or less yet the diceroll is 20 or the victim is sleeping,
     the attack is palpable */
  if ((dam <= 0) && (diceroll == 20 || !AWAKE(victim)))
    dam = 1;

  /* if the diceroll is a 1, the attack is unpalpable */
  if (diceroll == 1)
    dam = 0;

  /* if the attack is unpalpable */
  if (dam <= 0)