 Protocol snippet by KaVir.  Released into the Public Domain in February 2011.

There are no licence conditions or restrictions to worry about.  So feel free 
to copy whatever you need, or just use it as a reference if you prefer.

This was originally just supposed to be an MSDP snippet, but I got a little 
carried away and ended up adding several other features as well.  Thanks go to 
Donky for inspiring me to start playing with protocols, and to Scandum for 
creating the specifications for MSDP and MSSP (and also for introducing me to 
XTerm 256 colours).  I'd also like to thank Tijer and Squiggle for testing the 
snippet and providing me with feedback, and to Bryantos for porting the snippet
to a couple of other codebases, and pointing out a missing statement in the 
installation instructions.

I've included instructions for adding the snippet to Diku/Merc, as it was first 
tested on Tijer's GodWars mud, but the snippet itself is codebase-neutral and 
should be fairly easy to use for any mud written in C.  It should take around 
5-10 minutes to install in most muds, as long as you know where the hooks need 
to go (see the appropriate INSTALL file for details).

The goal was to produce something that's easy to add and easy to use.  It's not 
exactly optimised for performance, but it shouldn't cause any problems, and the 
REPORTABLE option makes MSDP fairly light on bandwidth.

In order to make the snippet as easy as possible to add, I made it greedy.  If 
you were using other protocols, they'll just stop working, as the snippet will 
eat all the negotiation sequences.  Fixing this is a pretty simple job though, 
you just need to call your code from within the snippet's negotiation functions.

 So what does it do?

The snippet offers the following features:

Out-of-band communication between mud and client: Clients can choose either 
MSDP or ATCP to transmit data to and from the mud.  This is done invisibly, 
allowing you to update energy bars, icons, maps, etc, without anything being 
displayed in the text window.  These are the same protocols I used for the 
MUSHclient and Mudlet GUIs described on my blog: http://godwars2.blogspot.com

Extended colours: Allows you to embed XTerm 256 colours in strings (including 
help files, room descriptions, etc).  Automatically downgrades to the best-fit 
ANSI colour for clients that don't support extended colours.

Client detection: Allows you to view the name (and version when available) of 
the clients used by each of your players, see which protocols they support, and 
track the current size of their screen.

Clickable links: Allows you to embed clickable MXP links in strings (including 
help files, room descriptions, etc).  Automatically strips links before sending 
them to clients that don't support MXP.

Unicode support: Allows you to embed unicode characters within regular ASCII 
strings, and provide an alternative ASCII sequence that will be automatically 
substituted for clients that don't support UTF-8.

MSSP: Provides information about your mud to crawlers.  This is currently only 
used by sites such as MudBytes and MudStats, but could in theory be used for 
automatically generating and updating entire mud lists.

Sound support: Provides an extremely simple mechanism for sending sounds via 
MSDP or ATCP, with an automatic fallback for clients that only support MSP.  
You will need to provide your own soundpack of course!

 How do I add the snippet to my mud?

1. Follow the installation instructions in the INSTALL.TXT file.

2. Edit MUD_NAME in protocol.h, replacing "Unknown MUD" with your mud name.

3. Make sure the first section of protocol.c uses the correct headers and 
   functions for your mud.

 How do I add a new MSDP variable?

In protocol.h, add your new variable to the variable_t enum.

In protocol.c, add your new variable to the VariableNameTable[].  This needs 
to be in the same order as the enum (you'll get a runtime warning if it isn't).

Add a call to either MSDPSetString() or MSDPSetNumber() whenever the variable 
might change.  If the variable could be changed in multiple places, you can 
just add the call to msdp_update() instead.

 My mud previously supported MCCP, but it's stopped working!

The snippet intercepts and extracts all negotiation requests.  You will need to 
edit protocol.c and do a text search for "MCCP" - I've added the hooks, you 
just need to uncomment them, and replace CompressStart() and CompressStop() 
with whatever functions your mud normally calls.

If you don't yet support MCCP and wish to, there are snippets available.  Jobo 
has some on his website here: http://www.dystopiamud.dk/snippets.php

MCCP increases the memory and CPU usage of your mud, but also gives significant 
bandwidth savings.  The exact savings will vary, but you can generally expect 
your bandwidth to be reduced to about 20% of its previous amount.

 None of the official ATCP variables work!

This snippet primarily uses MSDP for transmitting data.  Unfortunately not all 
clients support MSDP, so I offer an alternative - you can use ATCP instead, 
with the MSDP variables treated as if they were a custom ATCP package.

This is really just a workaround.  The muds that originally used ATCP are now 
migrating over to GMCP, so I'm just "borrowing" their old telnet option.  My 
workaround doesn't break the ATCP specification (because the MSDP variables all 
go into their own package), but neither does it implement the official options.

If you actually want full ATCP, I'd suggest implementing GMCP instead.

 Why don't you support GMCP/ZMP/102/etc?

Because the original intent of this snippet was to add MSDP support.  I got a 
bit carried away, and ended up adding various other features that I felt could 
improve the user interface, but the main focus of the snippet is still MSDP.

 How do I view/modify information about the clients my players are using?

All of the data is stored in the protocol structure, it can be read and changed 
just like any other data.  For example ScreenWidth and ScreenHeight are simple 
integers, while client name and version are MSDP strings.  You can view the 
full list of options in the protocol.h file.

An IMPORTANT word of warning though:

Although I've added a small section at the top of protocol.c to make it easier 
to integrate into Diku/Merc derivatives, the snippet is designed to be codebase 
independent.  It has its own functions and its own types, and in particular it 
uses the standard C strdup() and free() functions for strings.

If you use this in a Diku you're probably using str_dup() and free_string() for 
strings.  Well whatever you do, do NOT mix and match.  If you allocate memory 
with str_dup() you MUST free it with free_string() - and if you allocate it 
with strdup(), you MUST free it with free().

In fact you should probably go through the snippet and change it to use the 
same functions as the rest of your mud for allocating and freeing memory.  
Update the types as well, and use your own equivalent of MatchString(), etc.

 How do I use sound?

Place a call to SoundSend() in your code.  You should do this before sending 
the associated message, because when sending an MSP trigger there is no newline 
(you could in theory add one to the SoundSend() function, but then the user 
would see a blank line every time they received a sound).

The client can enable sound through ATCP/MSDP by setting SOUND to 1.  If the 
client supports ATCP or MSDP, then these will be used to send out-of-band sound 
triggers to the client, which can then be played using a plugin or script.

For other clients, you will need to provide a command for switching sound on 
and off.  If the bSound variable in the protocol structure is set to true, and 
the client doesn't support ATCP or MSDP, then the snippet will send an old 
MSP-style in-band sound trigger.

If a client is using MSP sound triggers, then any text sequences of "!!SOUND(" 
sent to them will be instead be displayed as "!?SOUND(", so that players can't 
trigger sounds through chats, tells, etc.

 How do I update the MSSP fields?

Edit protocol.c and do a text search for "MSSPTable".  Remove the comments from 
around the variables you wish to use, and fill in the fields according the MSSP 
specification, which you can read here: http://tintin.sourceforge.net/mssp/

The "NAME" should already be defined if you've edited MUD_NAME in protocol.h, 
while PLAYERS and UPTIME will be calculated for you automatically.

 How do I use extended colour?

The special character used to indicate the start of a colour sequence is '\t' 
(i.e., a tab, or ASCII character 9).  This makes it easy to include in help 
files (as you can literally press the tab key) as well as strings (where you 
can use "\t" instead).  However players can't send tabs (on most muds at 
least), so this stops them from sending colour codes to each other.

The predefined colours are:

   n: no colour (switches colour off)
   r: dark red                          R: bright red
   g: dark green                        G: bright green
   b: dark blue                         B: bright blue
   y: dark yellow                       Y: bright yellow
   m: dark magenta                      M: bright magenta
   c: dark cyan                         C: bright cyan
   w: dark white                        W: bright white
   o: dark orange                       O: bright orange

So for example "This is \tOorange\tn." will colour the word "orange".  You can 
add more colours by updating the switch statement in ProtocolOutput(), and if 
you're using your own colour code, it can use extended colours in the same way.

It's also possible to explicitly specify an RGB value, by including a four 
character colour sequence within square brackets, eg:

   This is a \t[F010]very dark green foreground\tn.


   This is a \t[B210]dark brown background\tn.

The first character is either 'F' for foreground or 'B' for background.  The 
next three characters are the RGB (red/green/blue) values, each of which must 
be a digit in the range 0 (very dark) to 5 (very light).

Finally, it's also possible to retrieve the colour code directly by calling the 
ColourRGB() function.  This uses a static buffer, so make sure you copy the 
result after each call, don't do a sprintf() with multiple ColourRGB() calls.

Note that sending extended colours to a terminal that doesn't support them can 
have some very strange results.  The snippet therefore automatically downgrades 
to the best-fit ANSI colour for users that don't support extended colours.

Because there is no official way to detect support for extended colours, the 
snippet tries to work it out indirectly, erring on the side of caution.  If the 
b256Support variable in the protocol structure is set to "eSOMETIMES", that 
means some versions of this client are known to support extended colour - you 
will need to ask the user, and then set eMSDP_XTERM_256_COLORS to 1 (or they 
can do this themselves through MSDP/ATCP).

 How do I use unicode characters?

Unicode characters can be displayed in a similar way to colour, using square 
brackets to provide both a unicode value and an ASCII substitute.  For example:


The above will draw a rook (the chess piece - unicode value 9814) if the client 
supports UTF-8, otherwise it'll display the text "Rook".

As with extended colour, support for UTF-8 is detected automatically - in this 
case using the CHARSET telnet option.  However it's not possible to detect if 
their font includes that particular character, or even if they're actually 
using a unicode font at all, so some care will need to be taken.

A free unicode font that I've found good is Fixedsys Excelsior, which you can 
download from here: http://www.fixedsysexcelsior.com/

Also of interest: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters

 How do I use clickable MXP links?

You can add MXP tags in the same way as colour and unicode.  The easiest and 
safest way to do this is via the ( and ) bracket options.  For example:

   From here, you can walk \t(north\t).

This will turn the word "north" into a clickable link - you can click on it to 
execute the "north" command.

However it's also possible to include more explicit MXP tags, like this:

   The baker offers to sell you a \t<send href="buy pie">pie\t</send>.

As with the extended colour, MXP tags will be automatically removed if the user 
doesn't support MXP - but it's very important you remember to close the tags.

In theory you could also use other MXP options, such as graphics and sound, but 
be aware that MXP is implemented very inconsistently across clients - you'd be 
better off using MSDP instead.  If you do play with other MXP options, the 
pMXPVersion variable in the protocol structure will tell you which version of 
MXP the client is using, and you can use MXPSendTag() with the "<SUPPORT>" tag 
to find out exactly which options they support.  You can also embed another 
tag within strings to indicate which version of MXP is required:

   \t[X1.0]Special MXP data

In the above example, "\t[X1.0]" temporarily blocks MXP if the client is using 
a version of MXP below 1.0.  The block only applies to the next MXP tag, after 
that it is automatically cleared.

It's worth noting that MXP also supports 24-bit colour, which you may want to 
investigate.  Personally I've found that 256 colours are more than enough.

 All the protocol information vanishes after I do a copyover/hotreboot!

Some muds use an exec() function to replace the current process with a new one, 
effectively rebooting the mud without shutting it down.  The problem with this 
is that the client can't detect it, and because clients need to protect against 
negotiation loops they may end up ignoring your attempts to renegotiate.

Therefore in order to store the data across reboots, you need to save it when 
you do the copyover, and then load it again afterwards.

The snippet offers CopyoverSet() and CopyoverGet() functions to make this a 
bit easier.  When writing descriptors to the temporary file in your copyover 
code, add an extra "%s" to each row and copy the string from CopyoverGet() into 
it.  Then when you load the file again after the copyover, pass the string back 
into CopyoverSet(), and it'll restore the settings.

Note that this won't save everything, only NAWS, MSDP, ATCP, MSP, MXP, extended 
colour, UTF-8 and the screen size.  If you also want to save the client name 
and version, for example, then you should save it in the player file (this also 
means you can grep through player files to collect client usage statistics, 
which can be quite useful).

If you do start saving things in the player file, once again be particularly 
careful about the strdup/str_dup free/free_string thing.  If you mix them you 
may end up with some nasty bugs that are hard to track down.  As I mentioned 
earlier, it's well worth going through the snippet and making sure it uses 
the same functions as the rest of your mud.

 Your snippet thinks my client doesn't support X, but actually it does!

I've covered what I could, but some of these things (particularly XTerm 256 
colour) are difficult to detect, so there will be clients that I've missed.

If you're a developer on a mud that uses this snippet, it should be fairly easy 
to add new clients to the list - but you should also add some in-game commands 
allowing players to manually switch the various options on and off.

If you're a client developer, you could add MSDP to your client and use the 
configurable variables to switch on XTerm 256 colour, UTF-8, etc.

 My hosting service uses mudcheck.pl, and it keeps killing my mud!

The mudcheck script checks the first line it receives after connecting, which 
is now a negotiation sequence.  You need to send a newline (or whatever the 
script is checking for) first.

Add another Write() to the ProtocolNegotiate() function:

void ProtocolNegotiate( descriptor_t *apDescriptor )
   static const char DoTTYPE [] = { (char)IAC, (char)DO, TELOPT_TTYPE, '\0' };
   Write(apDescriptor, "\n");    /* <--- Add this line */
   Write(apDescriptor, DoTTYPE);