 Protocol snippet by KaVir.  Released into the Public Domain in February 2011.

In protocol.h: Update MUD_NAME and descriptor_t for your mud.

In protocol.c: Update the fields in the SendMSSP() function.

 * File: Makefile
 * Add protocol.o to the list of object files.

 * File: merc.h
 * Include protocol.h directly after the copyright notice/s.
 * Or better yet put it in each c file that uses the protocol snippet.

#include "protocol.h"

 * File: merc.h
 * Add the protocol pointer to the end of the descriptor_data structure.

struct	descriptor_data
    DESCRIPTOR_DATA *	snoop_by;
    CHAR_DATA *		character;
    CHAR_DATA *		original;
    char *		host;
    sh_int		descriptor;
    sh_int		connected;
    bool		fcommand;
    char		inbuf		[4 * MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    char		incomm		[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    char		inlast		[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
    int			repeat;
    char *		outbuf;
    int			outsize;
    int			outtop;
    protocol_t *        pProtocol; /* <--- Add this line */

 * File: update.c
 * Add msdp_update() to the list of local functions near the top of the file.

int	hit_gain	args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
int	mana_gain	args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
int	move_gain	args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch ) );
void	mobile_update	args( ( void ) );
void	weather_update	args( ( void ) );
void	char_update	args( ( void ) );
void	obj_update	args( ( void ) );
void	aggr_update	args( ( void ) );
void	msdp_update	args( ( void ) ); /* <--- Add this line */

 * File: update.c
 * Add a new msdp_update() function.

void msdp_update( void )
    int PlayerCount = 0;

    for ( d = descriptor_list; d != NULL; d = d->next )
	if ( d->character && d->connected == CON_PLAYING && !IS_NPC(d->character) )
            char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
            CHAR_DATA *pOpponent = d->character->fighting;
            ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoom = d->character->in_room;
            AFFECT_DATA *paf;


            MSDPSetString( d, eMSDP_CHARACTER_NAME, d->character->name );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_ALIGNMENT, d->character->alignment );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_EXPERIENCE, d->character->exp );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_EXPERIENCE_MAX, TBD );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_EXPERIENCE_TNL, TBD );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_HEALTH, d->character->hit );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_HEALTH_MAX, d->character->max_hit );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_LEVEL, d->character->level );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_RACE, TBD );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_CLASS, TBD );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_MANA, d->character->mana );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_MANA_MAX, d->character->max_mana );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_WIMPY, d->character->wimpy );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_PRACTICE, d->character->practice );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_MONEY, d->character->gold );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_MOVEMENT, d->character->move );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_MOVEMENT_MAX, d->character->max_move );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_HITROLL, GET_HITROLL(d->character) );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_DAMROLL, GET_DAMROLL(d->character) );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_AC, GET_AC(d->character) );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_STR, get_curr_str(d->character) );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_INT, get_curr_int(d->character) );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_WIS, get_curr_wis(d->character) );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_DEX, get_curr_dex(d->character) );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_CON, get_curr_con(d->character) );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_STR_PERM, d->character->pcdata->perm_str );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_INT_PERM, d->character->pcdata->perm_int );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_WIS_PERM, d->character->pcdata->perm_wis );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_DEX_PERM, d->character->pcdata->perm_dex );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_CON_PERM, d->character->pcdata->perm_con );

            /* This would be better moved elsewhere */
            if ( pOpponent != NULL )
                int hit_points = (pOpponent->hit * 100) / pOpponent->max_hit;
                MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_OPPONENT_HEALTH, hit_points );
                MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_OPPONENT_HEALTH_MAX, 100 );
                MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_OPPONENT_LEVEL, pOpponent->level );
                MSDPSetString( d, eMSDP_OPPONENT_NAME, pOpponent->name );
            else /* Clear the values */
                MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_OPPONENT_HEALTH, 0 );
                MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_OPPONENT_LEVEL, 0 );
                MSDPSetString( d, eMSDP_OPPONENT_NAME, "" );

            /* Changed to use proper MSDP nesting - Scandum */

            /* Only update room stuff if they've changed room */
            if ( pRoom && pRoom->vnum != d->pProtocol->pVariables[eMSDP_ROOM_VNUM]->ValueInt )
                int i; /* Loop counter */

                strcpy(buf, "\003"); /* MSDP_TABLE_OPEN */

                for ( i = DIR_NORTH; i < MAX_DIR; ++i )
                    if ( pRoom->exit[i] != NULL )
                        strcat( buf, "\001" ); /* MSDP_VAR */
                        strcat( buf, dir_name[i] );
                        strcat( buf, "\002" ); /* MSDP_VAL */

                        if ( IS_SET(pRoom->exit[i]->exit_info, EX_CLOSED) )
                            strcat( buf, "CLOSED" );
                        else /* The exit is open */
                            strcat( buf, "OPEN" );
                strcat(buf, "\004"); /* MSDP_TABLE_CLOSE */

                if ( pRoom->area != NULL )
                    MSDPSetString( d, eMSDP_AREA_NAME, pRoom->area->name );

                MSDPSetString( d, eMSDP_ROOM_NAME, pRoom->name );
                MSDPSetString( d, eMSDP_ROOM_EXITS, buf );
                MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_ROOM_VNUM, pRoom->vnum );
            MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_WORLD_TIME, d->character-> );

            strcpy(buf, "\003"); /* MSDP_TABLE_OPEN */

            for ( paf = d->character->affected; paf; paf = paf->next )
                char skill_buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

                sprintf( skill_buf, "%c%s%c%d",
                    MSDP_VAR, skill_table[paf->type].name,
                    MSDP_VAL, paf->duration );

                strcat( buf, skill_buf );
            strcat(buf, "\004"); /* MSDP_TABLE_CLOSE */

            MSDPSetString( d, eMSDP_AFFECTS, buf );

            MSDPUpdate( d );

    /* Ideally this should be called once at startup, and again whenever 
     * someone leaves or joins the mud.  But this works, and it keeps the 
     * snippet simple.  Optimise as you see fit.
    MSSPSetPlayers( PlayerCount );

 * File: update.c
 * Call msdp_update() from within the update_handler.

void update_handler( void )
    static  int     pulse_gain_exp;
    static  int     pulse_area;
    static  int     pulse_mobile;
    static  int     pulse_violence;
    static  int     pulse_point;
    static  int     pulse_msdp; /* <--- Add this line */

Then further down in the function, call msdp_update():

    if ( --pulse_msdp <= 0 )
        pulse_msdp      = PULSE_PER_SECOND;

 * File: comm.c
 * Add the protocol data to the descriptor in the new_descriptor() function.

    *dnew		= d_zero;
    dnew->descriptor	= desc;
    dnew->character	= NULL;
    dnew->connected	= CON_GET_NAME;
    dnew->outsize	= 2000;
    dnew->outbuf	= alloc_mem( dnew->outsize );
    dnew->pProtocol     = ProtocolCreate(); /* <--- Add this line */

And later in the same function:

     * Init descriptor data.
    dnew->next			= descriptor_list;
    descriptor_list		= dnew;

    ProtocolNegotiate(dnew); /* <--- Add this line */

 * File: comm.c
 * Free the protocol data at the end of the close_socket() function.
 * If this is a GodWars mud, do the same again in close_socket2().

    ProtocolDestroy( dclose->pProtocol ); /* <--- Add this line */

    dclose->next	= descriptor_free;
    descriptor_free	= dclose;
#if defined(MSDOS) || defined(macintosh)

 * File: comm.c
 * Change read_from_descriptor() to parse negotiation sequences.

bool read_from_descriptor( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d )
    int iStart;

    static char read_buf[MAX_PROTOCOL_BUFFER]; /* <--- Add this line */
    read_buf[0] = '\0';                        /* <--- Add this line */

Replace this:

    /* Check for overflow. */
    iStart = strlen(d->inbuf);
    if ( iStart >= sizeof(d->inbuf) - 10 )

With this:

    /* Check for overflow. */
    iStart = 0;
    if ( strlen(d->inbuf) >= sizeof(d->inbuf) - 10 )

Replace this:

	if ( c == '\r' )
	    putc( '\n', stdout );
	d->inbuf[iStart++] = c;

With this:

	if ( c == '\r' )
	    putc( '\n', stdout );
	read_buf[iStart++] = c;

Replace this:

	nRead = read( d->descriptor, d->inbuf + iStart,
	    sizeof(d->inbuf) - 10 - iStart );
	if ( nRead > 0 )
	    iStart += nRead;
	    if ( d->inbuf[iStart-1] == '\n' || d->inbuf[iStart-1] == '\r' )

With this:

	nRead = read( d->descriptor, read_buf + iStart,
	    sizeof(read_buf) - 10 - iStart );
	if ( nRead > 0 )
	    iStart += nRead;
	    if ( read_buf[iStart-1] == '\n' || read_buf[iStart-1] == '\r' )

Then at the end of the function replace this:

    d->inbuf[iStart] = '\0';
    return TRUE;

With this:

    read_buf[iStart] = '\0';
    ProtocolInput( d, read_buf, iStart, d->inbuf );
    return TRUE;

 * File: comm.c
 * Change write_to_buffer() to avoid sending blank lines.

At the beginning of the function, add this:

void write_to_buffer( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, const char *txt, int length )
    txt = ProtocolOutput( d, txt, &length );  /* <--- Add this line */
    if ( d->pProtocol->WriteOOB > 0 )         /* <--- Add this line */
        --d->pProtocol->WriteOOB;             /* <--- Add this line */

Replace this:

     * Initial \n\r if needed.
    if ( d->outtop == 0 && !d->fcommand )

With this:

     * Initial \n\r if needed.
    if ( d->outtop == 0 && !d->fcommand && !d->pProtocol->WriteOOB )

 * File: comm.c
 * In nanny(), send the <VERSION> tag right after the player enters the game.

        act( "$n has entered the game.", ch, NULL, NULL, TO_ROOM );
        MXPSendTag( d, "<VERSION>" );  /* <--- Add this line */

You should also do the same after reconnecting - in check_reconnect() and 
check_kickoff() (if you've got such a function), right after this line:

        d->connected = CON_PLAYING

You should once again add:

        MXPSendTag( d, "<VERSION>" );  /* <--- Add this line */

 * File: comm.c
 * Change process_output to avoid sending a prompt after sending OOB data.

bool process_output( DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d, bool fPrompt )
    extern bool merc_down;

     * Bust a prompt.
    if ( d->pProtocol->WriteOOB ) /* <-- Add this, and the ";" and "else" */
        ; /* The last sent data was OOB, so do NOT draw the prompt */
    else if ( fPrompt && !merc_down && d->connected == CON_PLAYING )

 * File: comm.c
 * Whenever a command has been sent, clear the write OOB

                d->fcommand     = TRUE;

                if ( d->pProtocol != NULL )
                    d->pProtocol->WriteOOB = 0;