 Protocol snippet by KaVir.  Released into the Public Domain in February 2011.

 * File: protocol.h
 * Update the MUD_NAME and descriptor_t for TBA.

#define MUD_NAME "tbaMUD"

typedef struct descriptor_data descriptor_t;

 * File: protocol.c
 * Update the Write(), ReportBug() and InfoMessage() functions for TBA.

static void Write( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apData )
   if ( apDescriptor != NULL && apDescriptor->has_prompt )
      if ( apDescriptor->pProtocol->WriteOOB > 0 || 
         *(apDescriptor->output) == '\0' )
         apDescriptor->pProtocol->WriteOOB = 2;

   write_to_output( apDescriptor, apData );

static void ReportBug( const char *apText )
   log( apText );

static void InfoMessage( descriptor_t *apDescriptor, const char *apData )
   Write( apDescriptor, "\t[F210][\toINFO\t[F210]]\tn " );
   Write( apDescriptor, apData );
   apDescriptor->pProtocol->WriteOOB = 0;

 * File: structs.h
 * Add protocol.h to the top to get it working.  Move it to the c files when 
 * you tidy up.

#include "protocol.h"

 * File: structs.h
 * Add the protocol pointer to the end of the descriptor_data structure.

struct descriptor_data
  socket_t descriptor;      /**< file descriptor for socket */      ?c
  char host[HOST_LENGTH+1]; /**< hostname */      r system
  byte bad_pws;             /**< number of bad pw attemps this login */


  struct descriptor_data *snoop_by; /**< And who is snooping this char  */
  struct descriptor_data *next;     /**< link to next descriptor */
  struct oasis_olc_data *olc;       /**< OLC info */

  protocol_t *pProtocol; /* <--- Add this line */

 * File: comm.c
 * Add msdp_update() to the list of local functions near the top of the file.

/* Webster Dictionary Lookup functions */
static RETSIGTYPE websterlink(int sig);
static size_t proc_colors(char *txt, size_t maxlen, int parse);
static void handle_webster_file();

static void msdp_update(void); /* <--- Add this line */

 * File: comm.c
 * Add the new msdp_update() function.

static void msdp_update( void )
  struct descriptor_data *d;
  int PlayerCount = 0;
  char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
  extern const char *pc_class_types[];

  for (d = descriptor_list; d; d = d->next)
    struct char_data *ch = d->character;
    if ( ch && !IS_NPC(ch) && d->connected == CON_PLAYING )
      struct char_data *pOpponent = FIGHTING(ch);

      MSDPSetString( d, eMSDP_CHARACTER_NAME, GET_NAME(ch) );
      MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_EXPERIENCE, GET_EXP(ch) );

      MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_HEALTH, GET_HIT(ch) );
      MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_HEALTH_MAX, GET_MAX_HIT(ch) );
      MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_LEVEL, GET_LEVEL(ch) );

      sprinttype( ch->player.chclass, pc_class_types, buf, sizeof(buf) );
      MSDPSetString( d, eMSDP_CLASS, buf );

      MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_MANA, GET_MANA(ch) );
      MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_MANA_MAX, GET_MAX_MANA(ch) );
      MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_WIMPY, GET_WIMP_LEV(ch) );
      MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_MONEY, GET_GOLD(ch) );
      MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_MOVEMENT, GET_MOVE(ch) );
      MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_MOVEMENT_MAX, GET_MAX_MOVE(ch) );
      MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_AC, compute_armor_class(ch) );

      /* This would be better moved elsewhere */
      if ( pOpponent != NULL )
          int hit_points = (GET_HIT(pOpponent) * 100) / GET_MAX_HIT(pOpponent);
          MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_OPPONENT_HEALTH, hit_points );
          MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_OPPONENT_HEALTH_MAX, 100 );
          MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_OPPONENT_LEVEL, GET_LEVEL(pOpponent) );
          MSDPSetString( d, eMSDP_OPPONENT_NAME, PERS(pOpponent, ch) );
      else /* Clear the values */
          MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_OPPONENT_HEALTH, 0 );
          MSDPSetNumber( d, eMSDP_OPPONENT_LEVEL, 0 ); 
          MSDPSetString( d, eMSDP_OPPONENT_NAME, "" ); 

      MSDPUpdate( d );

    /* Ideally this should be called once at startup, and again whenever
     * someone leaves or joins the mud.  But this works, and it keeps the
     * snippet simple.  Optimise as you see fit.
    MSSPSetPlayers( PlayerCount );

 * File: comm.c
 * Call msdp_update() from within the heartbeat() function.
 * You can add a 1 second PULSE_MSDP to structs.h if you prefer.

  if (!(heart_pulse % PULSE_VIOLENCE))

  if (!(heart_pulse % PASSES_PER_SEC))

 * File: comm.c
 * Initialise the protocol data in the init_descriptor() function.

  CREATE(newd->history, char *, HISTORY_SIZE);
  if (++last_desc == 1000)
    last_desc = 1;
  newd->desc_num = last_desc;
  newd->pProtocol = ProtocolCreate(); /* <--- Add this line */

 * File: comm.c
 * Perform the negotiation in the new_descriptor() function.

  /* initialize descriptor data */
   init_descriptor(newd, desc);

  /* prepend to list */
  newd->next = descriptor_list;
  descriptor_list = newd;

  ProtocolNegotiate(newd); /* <--- Add this line */

 * File: comm.c
 * Free the protocol data at the end of the close_socket() function.

  if (d->showstr_head)
  if (d->showstr_count)

  ProtocolDestroy( d->pProtocol ); /* <--- Add this line */

 * File: comm.c
 * Change process_input() to parse negotiation sequences.

static int process_input(struct descriptor_data *t)
  int buf_length, failed_subst;
  ssize_t bytes_read;
  size_t space_left;
  char *ptr, *read_point, *write_point, *nl_pos = NULL;
  char tmp[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];

  static char read_buf[MAX_PROTOCOL_BUFFER]; /* <--- Add this line */
  read_buf[0] = '\0';                        /* <--- Add this line */

Now divert the input by replacing this:

    bytes_read = perform_socket_read(t->descriptor, read_point, space_left);

With this:

    bytes_read = perform_socket_read(t->descriptor, read_buf, MAX_PROTOCOL_BUFFER);

    if ( bytes_read >= 0 )
      read_buf[bytes_read] = '\0';
      ProtocolInput( t, read_buf, bytes_read, read_point );
      bytes_read = strlen(read_point);

 * File: comm.c
 * Change vwrite_to_output.

Near the beginning of the function, add this:

  wantsize = size = vsnprintf(txt, sizeof(txt), format, args);

  strcpy(txt, ProtocolOutput( t, txt, (int*)&wantsize )); /* <--- Add this line */
  size = wantsize;                    /* <--- Add this line */
  if ( t->pProtocol->WriteOOB > 0 )   /* <--- Add this line */
    --t->pProtocol->WriteOOB;         /* <--- Add this line */

  if (t->character)
    wantsize = size = proc_colors(txt, sizeof(txt), COLOR_ON(t->character));

 * File: comm.c
 * Change process_output() to avoid sending a prompt after sending OOB data.

Add the following three WriteOOB checks:

  /* add the extra CRLF if the person isn't in compact mode */
  if (STATE(t) == CON_PLAYING && t->character && !IS_NPC(t->character) && !PRF_FLAGGED(t->character, PRF_COMPACT))
    if ( !t->pProtocol->WriteOOB )                 /* <--- Add this line */
      strcat(osb, "\r\n");      /* strcpy: OK (osb:MAX_SOCK_BUF-2 reserves space) */

  /* add a prompt */
  if ( !t->pProtocol->WriteOOB )                   /* <--- Add this line */
    strcat(i, make_prompt(t));  /* strcpy: OK (i:MAX_SOCK_BUF reserves space) */

  /* now, send the output.  If this is an 'interruption', use the prepended
   * CRLF, otherwise send the straight output sans CRLF. */
  if (t->has_prompt && !t->pProtocol->WriteOOB) {  /* <--- Update this line */
    t->has_prompt = FALSE;
    result = write_to_descriptor(t->descriptor, i);
    if (result >= 2)
      result -= 2;
  } else
    result = write_to_descriptor(t->descriptor, osb);

 * File: interpreter.c
 * Send the <VERSION> tag at the end of the enter_player_game() function.

    MXPSendTag( d, "<VERSION>" );  /* <--- Add this line */

    return load_result;

 * File: act_wizard.c
 * Remove the tabs from the list_llog_entries() function.

The \t are tabs, they need to be replaced with something else (like spaces):

  while(!feof(fp)) {
    send_to_char(ch, "%10s\t%d\t%s\t%s", llast.username, llast.punique,
        last_array[llast.close_type], ctime(&llast.time));
    i = fread(&llast, sizeof(struct last_entry), 1, fp);

For example:

  while(!feof(fp)) {
    send_to_char(ch, "%10s %d %s %s", llast.username, llast.punique,
        last_array[llast.close_type], ctime(&llast.time));
    i = fread(&llast, sizeof(struct last_entry), 1, fp);

 * File: utils.c
 * Make sure string formatting properly handles MXP/colour/unicode.

Add the following macro at the top of the utils.c file:

  #define isspace_ignoretabs(c) ((c)!='\t' && isspace(c))

Then in the strfrmt() function, replace every instance of isspace() with 
isspace_ignoretabs().  This will prevent tabs from being discarded.

Immediately after this section of code within strfrmt():

      } else if (*sp=='`'||*sp=='$'||*sp=='#'||*sp=='@') {
        if (sp[1] && (sp[1]==*sp))
          wlen++; /* One printable char here */
        if (*sp=='@' && (sp[1]!=*sp)) /* Color code, not @@ */
          last_color = sp[1];
        sp += 2; /* Eat the whole code regardless */

Add the following:

      } else if (*sp=='\t'&&sp[1]) {
        char MXPcode = sp[1]=='[' ? ']' : sp[1]=='<' ? '>' : '\0';
        sp += 2; /* Eat the code */
        if (MXPcode)
           while (*sp!='\0'&&*sp!=MXPcode)
             ++sp; /* Eat the rest of the code */

 * File: comm.c and interpreter.c
 * Use the new function for switching ECHO on and off.

Replace all calls to the echo_off() function with the following:

  ProtocolNoEcho( d, true );

Replace all calls to the echo_on() function with the following:

  ProtocolNoEcho( d, false );

The old echo_off() and echo_on() functions in comm.c can be removed.