Name        Order   DarkBlade clan HQ~
Builders    None~
VNUMs       30700 30799
Security    3
Recall      0

healer succubus~
The succubus~
A lusty healer is here.
Although she is dressed in black robes, they do very little to conceal her
shapely form.  You realise that she has noticed you staring, and quickly
avert you gaze.  However, she seems pleased at your response and winks
suggestively at you, running her tongue over her blood red lips.She leans
forward and whispers softly 'I can do more than cast spells, you know...'.
You gulp, and desperately try to stop looking down her cleavage.
3 8 300 S
154 -3 -2 23d23+230 3d10+15
25000 0
0 0 1
mist darkness~
The Mist of darkness~
A dark mist is floating around in the room.
You see a twisting, swirling form made up from a dark oily black vapour.
It twists around your body, whispering sweet insanities into your mind
with its seductively sibilant voice.  You feel the cold, clammy touch of
death as it brushes against you and the heat seems to be drawn from your
very body.
3 8 100 S
166 1 0 19d19+190 2d10+10
10000 0
0 0 2
demonic salesman~
A demonic salesman~
A very slick salesman dressed in an armani suit is here.
This guy could sell ice to eskimos!
67 136 1000 S
12 -10 -20 1d1+1499 1d4+30
5000 0
0 0 1
black death knight~
the Black Death Knight~
A Knight clad in shiny black armor makes sure no trouble happens.
Underneath the visor of this knight's helm you think you can see
a human skull!  Whatever this abomination of nature is... it sure
looks tough!  The Death Knight is clad in all black.  
67 680 -1000 S
998 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 0
red death knight~
the Red Death Knight~
A Knight clad in shiny red armor makes sure no trouble happens.
Underneath the visor of this knight's helm you think you can see
a human skull!  Whatever this abomination of nature is... it sure
looks tough!  The Death Knight is clad in all red.
67 136 1000 S
2995 2 2 1d1+1499 2d4+30
12000 0
0 0 1
your erinye~
The erinye~
Your erinye is here waiting for you.
This is the most beautiful creature you have ever laid your eyes on, the
only thing that shows she isn't human is a pair of feathred wings on her
3 0 900 S
30 2 2 1d1+30000 1d8+32
150000 0
0 0 1
pit fiend~
The pit fiend~
The pit fiend stands here waiting to take your soul.
The pit fiend stands at slightly over 12 feet tall, with pale white skin
stretched over a body of sharply defined, rippling muscle.  A pair of
yellow slitted eyes meet your gaze, and you realise that to stand against
this fell creature means more than simply death...
3 8 100 S
133 1 0 19d19+190 2d10+10
10000 0
0 0 2
mephit fire~
Zarkas`s pet~
Zarkas`s fire mephit is here flying around.
It hurts your eyes to stare at it.
3 0 900 S
5 2 2 1d1+30000 1d8+32
100000 0
0 0 1

longsword sword~
a rusty longsword~
A rusty old longsword lies here.~
5 512 8193
0 0 0 3
5 10 0
0 0

Chamber of the Covenant~
You stand within the dark halls of the Darkblade cult.  The cult's
guardians move silently through the shadows ready to turn upon any being not
initiated into the higher mysteries of the Darkblades.  Dimly lit arch-ways
lead in all directions.  
0 12 0
0 -1 30706
0 -1 30701
0 -1 30716
0 -1 30705
0 -1 30719
A hallway~
This is a hallway in the Darkblade HQ.  To the north is armortech, where
you can buy your clan equipment, to the south is a very strange room.  The
hallway continues to the west, and to the east lies the main chamber. 
0 1032 0
0 -1 30703
0 -1 30702
0 -1 30704
0 -1 30700
A hallway~
The hallway ends here.  To the north south and east are the offices of
the leaders of your clan.  To the west is the begining of the hallway.
You hear a clock in the distance strike midnight.
0 8201 0
0 -1 30713
0 -1 30715
0 -1 30712
0 -1 30701
This is the store for top of the line state of the art equipment.  The store
has a limited inventory because it's personalized to the Darkblades's needs.
There is a faint blue light emanating for a place that you can't seem to
pinpoint.  This gives the room a very cold effect on you.  You don't like
this place much but its the only place that carries Darkblade signature
0 8201 0
0 -1 30701
Hall of Mirrors~
The Many Mc's and Mac's pop up here and there and all over the place.  You
can't seem to tell wich are real and which are illusions.  The room starts
to confuse you and you become disoriented.  McBeth show's you the door...
Or was it McBeth?
0 8201 0
0 -1 30701
The holding cell~
This small chamber serves as the cult's prisoner cell and interro-
gation room.  Blood stains cover the walls, ceiling, and floor.  Opposite the
entrance a pair of silver manacles are chained to wall.  It is here that the
enemies of the cult are tortured for both information as well as for the
pleasure of sheer violence.
0 8201 0
0 -1 30700
Room of healing~
It is in this domed shaped room that the members of the cult come with
the sacrifices that supplicate the often bizarre and gory hunger of their
dark patron.  The room is dominated by a black obsidian alter upon which lie
the bloody remains of the latest sacrifice.  To the north you hear the
murmor of subdued conversation.  Exits lead in all directions.
0 8201 0
0 -1 30710
0 -1 30709
0 -1 30700
0 -1 30707
The donation room~
This small room is lit by patches of faintly glowing green moss on the
walls and ceiling.  In the centre of the room sits a large steel box.  It
seems to be open, and within you can see a selection of odd items, donated
from various DarkBlades to help any brothers or sisters who are lacking some
vital piece of equipment.  From time to time, a drop of liquid falls from
the ceiling.  Looking up, you see several small stalactites of hardened
blood pointing downwards like spears.
0 1032 0
0 -1 30706
0 -1 30708
a small alcove~
No one remembers designing this in the plans of the HQ.  You feel it is a
Holy Place but it doesn't quite fit in with everything else here.
You notice a starnge smell from the small statue in the back of room.
0 8201 0
0 -1 30707
The Bulletin Room~
You walk into a room with notes plastered all over the walls.  The notes
have been placed here by your fellow clan members for you to read.  The
Darkblades pride themselves on being well informed.  Make sure that you keep
up with the bulletins.
0 1032 0
0 -1 30706
The Hidden Blade Tavern~
This is the roudy tavern of the Darkblades.  After a clanwar you may down
a cold bottle of ale and have a hot meal.  The tavern has paintings of all
the Darkblade hero's on the walls, depicting their infamous conquests.
This is one of the most relaxing places for a Darkblade, everyone needs
to unwind sometime.
0 8201 0
0 -1 30711
0 -1 30706
A Dimly lit table in the Tavern~
The Godfather of the Darkblades tells you
"Our clan is a clan dedicated to war, murder, thievery, and betrayal against
other clans, we do have a form of honor though.  All darkblades are like a
family. We help other darkblades at all costs, we usually only takes the best
into our clan, so we dont have a lot of worthless members like some of the
other clans, so feel special for having been invited to join us."
0 8201 0
0 -1 30710
Zarkas's Room~
This small, dark room is devoid of furnishings, save for the heads of
Zarkas's personal conquests, which hang from the ceiling and walls in
abundance.  Centuries old blood stains the floor, filling the room with the
sickly sweetscent of decay.  The damp atmosphere seems to penetrate your
clothing, chilling you to your very bones.
0 8201 0
0 -1 30702
Kavir's Room~
You stand in a room of overwhelming darkness.  Faint patches of glowing
green moss provide a small measure of light, but this seems only to
exaggerate the darkness rather than dispel it, and a shudder of repressed
fear runs down your spine.  Strange arcane symbols of evil have been painted
in blood upon the floor and walls, and the smell of death lies heavily in
the air.
0 8201 0
0 -1 30702
0 0 30714
The Valley of Seven~
This valley is a physical impossibility...It rests between the two highest
mountain chains in the world. There are no known entrances, in fact the
mountains themselves are said to be made from the original matter first
created by the gods. Time has not worn the mountain peaks, they are jagged,
sharp, a testament to creation. The substance from which the mountain is
made is so hard and solid in fact, that it appears as if this place would
survive the end of the world. Here, in this solitary, frozen place, gather
the souls of the Kensai who have gone before. You can make out statues set
along the valley, wearing all manner of dress, some you can recognize as being
the style of towns near you, some, it would seem are completely bizzare.
0 9224 0
0 0 30713
Malice's Torture Chamber~
You enter a large domed room, the ceiling of which is hidden in shadows.
At the center of the room is a large table upon which lie various implements
of torture ranging from thumb screws to economics text books.  Around the
room stands an honor guard of Death Knights, fallen warriors doomed to serve
their dark master There is a rack at the center of the room.
0 8201 0
0 -1 30702
The Tapestries~
Intricately woven tapestries hang upon the eastern and western walls of
this hallway.  The tapestry to the east depicts the city of Ofcol which
has often supplied the Brothers and Sisters of the cult with the blood
essential to their survival.  The tapestry on the western wall shows the
market square at the heart of the city of Midgaard.  The hallway continues
both north and south.
0 8201 0
0 -1 30700
0 -1 30717
0 -1 3014
The Tapestries~
As the hallway continues from the north you come upon yet another
set of tapestries.  The one to the east shows a village of ogres going
about the menial chores of daily life while the tapestry to the west
shows a beautiful sorceress in the midst of the performance of ritual
necromancy.  The hallway continues to the north and south.
0 8201 0
0 -1 30716
0 -1 30718
The Tapestries~
There is a sign here, type look sign to see where you can go.
0 8201 0
The sign seems to be a list of areas.  The following are listed:
Drow, MIdgaard, Doom, Atlantis, and staff member.
$n is engulfed in flames and vanishes into the ground!~
You are engulfed in flames and vanish into the ground!~
16384 25008 0
$n is engulfed in flames and vanishes

into the ground!~
You are engulfed in flames and vanish into the ground!~
16384 8130 0
$n is engulfed in flames and vanishes

into the ground!~
You are engulfed in flames and vanish into the ground!~
16384 11053 0
$n is engulfed in flames and vanishes

into the ground!~
You are engulfed in flames and vanish into the ground!~
16384 3001 0
$n is engulfed in flames and vanishes

into the ground!~
You are engulfed in flames and vanish into the ground!~
16384 5134 0
0 -1 30717
The black pit~
You clamber down into a large black pit. The temperature is well below
freezing here, but the thing that really chills you to the bones is the
realization that the misty vapours you saw earlier were in fact the condemed
souls of those foolish enough to cross the DarkBlades.  You desperately try.
The temperature is well below freezing here, but the thing that really
chills you to the bones is the realization that the misty vapours you saw
earlier were in fact the condemed souls of those foolish enough to cross
the DarkBlades. You desperately try  all to no avail. You are trapped,
and it can only be so long before the master of the pit returns to claim
his prize...your soul.~
0 8201 0
0 -1 30700

M 30700 spec_cast_adept

M 0 30703 1 30700
M 0 30704 1 30700
M 0 30702 1 30703
M 0 30701 1 30705
M 0 30700 1 30706
M 0 30797 1 30712
M 0 30706 1 30715
M 0 30706 1 30715
M 0 30707 1 30719

