This is a simple junk command I set up using the current purge command as a template. 
All group levels should be able to rid themselves of an item by typing junk <object>. 
Junking multiple items can wait until later, but if anyone does add multiple items it would 
be aprrecitated if they post the file here :)

Add this under COMMAND(cmd_purge) in olc2/olc.c

+COMMAND(cmd_junk) {
+  void    *found = NULL;
+  int found_type = PARSE_NONE;
+  OBJ_DATA *obj = NULL;
+  char *at = "";
+  bitvector_t find_scope = FIND_SCOPE_INV;
+  if (!parse_args(ch, TRUE, cmd, arg, "| { obj.inv }", &found, &found_type))
+    return;
+  // junk what?!?
+  if(found == NULL)
+    send_to_char(ch, "You wanna junk what?\r\n");
+  if(found_type == PARSE_OBJ) {
+    if(IS_SET(find_scope, FIND_SCOPE_INV)) {
+      LIST *inv_objs = find_all_objs(ch, charGetInventory(ch), at, NULL, (IS_SET(find_scope, FIND_SCOPE_VISIBLE)));
+      while( (obj = listPop(inv_objs)) != NULL) {
+        obj_from_char(found);
+        obj_to_room(found, charGetRoom(ch));
+        extract_obj(found);
+      }
+    send_to_char(ch, "You junk %s.\r\n", objGetName(found));
+    message(ch, NULL, found, NULL, FALSE, TO_ROOM, "$n junks $o.");
+    }
+  }

Add this under purge in the add_cmd list at the bottom of olc2/olc.c

+add_cmd("junk",       NULL, cmd_junk,    POS_SITTING,  POS_FLYING,
+         "player", FALSE, FALSE);

Copyover and you should be able to junk anything in your inventory. DIVA