#AREA    Shakti    Hall of Honor~

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The Garou Hall Of Honor~

This great room is buried deep within the Earth, within a solid formation
of white marble. Alcoves have been cut into the walls, and great statues
of crystal sparkle within them. Many great wolves are remembered here,
both in human and wolf form, each playing a part in the ongoing war to
protect mother Earth. A great pride wells up within you, as well as a 
great sense of humility, you are just one small piece in the grand game...
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The Valley of The Kensai~

This valley is a physical impossibility...It rests between the two highest
mountain chains in the world. There are no known entrances, in fact the
mountains themselves are said to be made from the original matter first
created by the gods. Time has not worn the mountain peaks, they are jagged,
sharp, a testament to creation. The substance from which the mountain is 
made is so hard and solid in fact, that it appears as if this place would
survive the end of the world. Here, in this solitary, frozen place, gather
the souls of the Kensai who have gone before. You can make out statues set 
along the valley, wearing all manner of dress, some you can recognize as being
the style of towns near you, some, it would seem are completely bizzare.
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