#AREA	Alice   Werewolf area~

0 $~

fenris wolf~
fenris wolf~
Fenris Wolf is here.
Fenris Wolf is old and decrepit, a shell of his former self, feeble, and dying.
2|64 8|128 1000 S
5 2 2 1d1+1499 2d4+30
12000 0
8 8 1
spirit weaver~
the spirit of the weaver~
A Weaver Spirit is here.
This spirit is detecated to the children of Gaia.
2|64 8|128 1000 S
50 -10 -20 1d1+29999 2d4+30
0 0
8 8 1


Entrance to the Temple of the Ancients~
Completely surrounding the temple is a very tall hedge of incredibly long
thorns which makes it totally impassible, except for a narrow path which
leads through at this point.  Through the gap to the north you can see the
ancient stone temple.  Ivy covers the tall stone fluted columns which go
from the ground to support the massive pointed stone roof.  Six large stone
steps, worn in the centres with the passing of the ages, lead up to the
inside of this great temple.  This was once a very heavily used building.  A
huge pair of stone dragons stand to either side of the doorway, as though
guarding it from intruders.  
0 16384 0
0 0 29701
0 0 29714
Main Temple~
You stand inside the mighty Temple of the Ancients.  The vaulted wooden
ceiling high above you reverberates with even the slighest of noises, and
the dark oak floorboards creak and groan beneath your feet.  On either side
of you lie rows of the most realistic statues you have ever seen, each one
resembling a great ruler of the past.  Beneath each statue, inscribed in a
long-forgotten tongue, are strange words, now so faded with age as to be
barely visible.  Surely it must have been Fridgeir himself who carved these?
The statues continue to the north to flank the huge stone altar, while a
pair of large purple velvet curtains cover the east and west exits.  
0 16392 0
0 0 29702
0 0 29708
0 0 29700
0 0 29705
Altar of the Ancients~
Flanking the huge stone altar are more of the stone statues.  The passing
of the ages bears heavily on this place, and a large burner in front of the
altar gives off the heady scent of myrrh into the warm air.  In stark
contrast behind the altar is a huge flag of a white wolf's leg on a field of
dark blue, showing that this place is still used.  Hidden in the west
corner, behind a screen, you spy a set of simple stone stairs leading
downwards.  On the eastern wall, a small wooden staircase leads up
through a small hole in the ceiling.  
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0 0 29704
0 0 29703
This room is lit by thousands upon thousands of candles which burn with
an eternal flame of pure white light, giving off a slightly cloying odour. 
Caskets of the dead line the walls on all sides, while a dais in the centre
of the room supports a coffin made from a transparent material.  Looking
inside, you behold the perfectly preserved remains of a stunningly beautiful
woman, looking as if she is only asleep.  Around the outside of the dais
reads an indecipherable inscription, the words of which have been lost in
the mists of time.  You feel an overwhelming sense of peace and tranquility.
0 16392 0
0 0 29702
Clan Halls~
In the centre of this huge room lies a massive oak table which would be
big enough to sit a hundred men.  The high, vaulted wooden ceiling gives the
impression of standing within the yawning mouth of a huge cavern rather than
being within a dining hall, which is what this place really is.  Countless
weapons and suits of armour line the walls, in every conceivable style
possible.  At regular intervals along the east wall are windows which look
out onto the gardans, and your attention is drawn to a very strange tree in
the exact centre of the gardan; The right hand side of the tree looks like
any other tree, while the left hand side is wreathed in burning flames.  On
the far north wall of the hall lies an immence fireplace of such titanic
proportions that an entire tree could be burned at a time.  
0 16392 0
0 0 29702
Clan Portals~
Pulling aside the velvet curtain you see a series of strange pictures. 
In ancient times the civilisation which built this temple constructed
portals to other parts of their world.  Above each portal is a series of
runes which are written in the strange symbols which are all over this
ancient place.  You feel as though you could just step into the pictures and
be there.  The east portal leads back into the temple, while to the north
lies a portal to the Temple of Midgaard.  To the west of you lies the great
Tower of High Sorcery, and to your south you see the tower of Draconia.  A
set of stair lead downwards to another room similar to this one.  
0 16392 0
0 0 3001
0 0 29701
0 0 2201
0 0 1312
0 0 29706
Clan Portals~
In ancient times the civilisation which built this place contructed
portals to other parts of their world.  Above each portal is a series of
runes which are written in the strange symbols which appear all around this
ancient place.  Looking through the portals, you see clear images of far off
places; To the east you spy a futuristic city, while to the west lies a huge
webbed cave entrance.  The northern portal leads to a city populated by
minotaurs, and looking south you see hundreds of stars in a scene of
darkness.  The stairway continues further downwards.  
0 16392 0
0 0 2362
0 0 8001
0 0 9302
0 0 6132
0 0 29705
0 0 29707
Clan Portals~
You finally reach the bottom of the stairway.  To your north, the portal
leads into a modern looking city of Thalos, whilst to your south you see the
city of the gods.  The eastern portal leads to the great city of Ofcol,
while looking through the western portal you see a city of evil drow.  
0 16392 0
0 0 5300
0 0 5552
0 0 904
0 0 5100
0 0 29706
Pulling aside the curtain you see a hallway with plain whitewashed walls
covered with the occasional red tapestry.  The highly polished wooden floor
gives the impression that this part of the temple was added at a much later
date.  The scent of beeswax drifts up from the shiny floorboards, while a
series of magical lights overhead provide a steady light source.  To the
north a small exit leads out into the garden, while a doorway to the east
leads into a private room.  
0 16392 0
0 0 29710
0 0 29731
0 0 29701
Alice's Room~
You find yourself in Alice's room.  The walls are a simple off-white
colour with a thin green pattern about a third of the way up.  On the
polished floor is a large thick rug of rich red material, with the pattern
of a dragon stitched in the centre.  A large and comfortable-looking bed
lies against one wall, carefully made to be used at a moments notice.  Next
to a large open window is a green leather covered desk with an oil lamp and
thick black leather bound treatise on thaumaturgy.  Out of the window you
can see a well cared-for peach orchard, and against the west wall stands a
book case stacked with leather bound books on all areas of magic, weapon
uses, and various obscure topics.  The final wall has a large wardrobe and a
large chest containing Alice's clothes, weapons and other personal affects. 
0 81928 0
0 0 29708
Exiting from the main building you enter the gardens of the Temple. 
These gardens are not so much cared for as simply loved by someone.  The
perfectly manicured grass leads down to the side of a large lake which is
surrounded by large lush mature trees of every type; it almost looks as
though someone has made a collection of trees.  The lake to the north is
filled with beautiful multi-coloured fish which the birds seem to leave
unmolested.  Sitting, half in half out of the lake, is a small blue and gold
painted pagoda.  Through a wrought iron gate in the east wall you see the
peach orchard whilst to the west the garden continues.  
0 16384 3
0 0 29711
0 0 29712
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0 0 29713
A gentle breeze blows through this simple pagoda which has chairs laid
out for you to rest on and while away the hours.  The warm breeze carries
the pleasant scent of summer, with lightly perfumed flowers and freshly cut
grass.  On the table is a set of glasses with a flask of ice cold lemon
drink to refresh you; strangely, no matter how much you drink from the
flask, it never seems to run out.  
0 16384 3
0 0 29710
Peach Garden~
Down both sides of the path are the most perfect peach trees you have
ever laid eyes upon.  The carefully tended branches hang heavy with the
large ripe fruit, making your mouth water.  You wonder if there is something
more than just care required to produce such fine trees, or if some sort of
enchantment is responsible.  At the far end of the orchard stands a small
fountain with a mermaid in the centre.  The gardener watches you
suspiciously as you walk through her cherished garden.  
0 16384 3
0 0 29710
In the centre of this walled garden stands a most remarkable tree.  It is
split from top to bottom, with the left hand side covered with the most lush
green leaves imaginable, while the right hand side of the tree is engulfed
in flames.  You wonder why the flames on the right give out head and yet
they do not appear to consume the tree or to spread to the left side of the
tree.  You feel that this must surely be a sign but you feel uneasy about
what it means...  
0 16384 3
0 0 29710
The path here is treacherous with loose rocks, cracks and moss littered
all over and making the going slow.  However, there is evidence that this
path was once in good condition and that in spite of its current state the
path is still in use, although infrequently.  Further ahead you see you a
large hedge of impassable thorns, although you are just about able to make
out a small winding track which seems to lead through.  Back down the path
the landscape seems to span the horizon, with a forest to the south and
beyond that you can make out the great Temple of Midgaard.  Further to the
north you see snow capped mountains piercing the vaulted skies above.  
0 16384 3
0 0 29715
A few old trees are scattered around the pathway here, looking as if they
have been tortured by the passing of the seasons while a few are no more
than lightning-blasted stumps.  Further up you see an end to the tree line
while further down leads into the denser vegetation.  The path here is
treacherous with loose rocks, cracks and moss littered all over.  Above you,
small birds circle, calling and singing out in the high mountain air.  
0 16384 3
0 0 29714
0 0 29716
The trees are much denser at this part of the path, with a large cedar
marking the centre of the junction.  Next to the tree are a number of large
boulders which provide a place to rest and a small stream passes nearby. 
You feel as though you are being watched, although the feeling doesn't seem
malavent.  The smell of moss is quite powerful and many different types of
fungi, blackberries and other forest fruit grow in the wake of the cedar.  A
small path leads sharply upwards while the trees close to the west.  
0 16384 3
0 0 29717
0 0 29715
Forest Path~
The trees continue to close around with the branches interlocking in the
canopy high above, which shuts out most of the suns rays.  The trees
encroach so much that you feel inclined to continue with all speed until you
can be free of the grasping, suffocating forest.  Occasionally you hear the
rumbles of the forest and the singing of birds, and very occasionally you
hear the howl of the wolves that are supposed to live in this part of the
forest.  The lack of light provides a wonderful place for fungi to flourish,
and small mammals such as squirrels are occasionally visible darting from
tree to tree.  To the east you can see a junction in the forest whilst to
the north looms a large rock face.  
0 16384 3
0 0 29718
0 0 29716
Rock Face~
You emerge from the forest and find yourself before a sheer rock face
which, without some special climbing equipment, would be impossible to
climb.  The centre of the rock face looks as though a titan has cleaved it
asunder with a mighty axe.  Next to the entrance is a small forest pool
where water from a passing stream collects, before it continues its journey
across the path and tumbles on its way through the forest.  The narrow path
continues to the north through the crack in the rock, while to your south
lies the forest.  
0 16384 3
0 0 29719
0 0 29717
The path ahead of you opens out into a large cavern lit by a strange white
fungus on the roof and down the walls.  The path falls away sharply on 
both sides; on the left side lots of stalagmites reach up from the floor
while on the right side a small underground river trickles into a small
dark pool.  A small set of moss laiden stairs lead down to the pool.
0 16392 0
0 0 29720
0 0 29718
0 0 29726
A series of very old paintings fill the tunnel here.  They tell of ancient
times of before the corruption of the wyrm.  Here the children of gaia
were respected and not feared and lived in harmony with the other 
creatures of the world. 
0 16392 0
0 0 29721
0 0 29719
More of the strange paintings adorn the walls here.  They tell of the
corruption of the world by the wrym and the earliest battles or the 
children of gaia against the wyrm with the victories going to the 
Garou.  During this time the elves, dwarves and drow were driven from
the world.
0 16392 0
0 0 29722
0 0 29720
A strange change has taken the paintings here.  This shows of strange
caves which look as though they stand by themselves and the creatures
wear strange adornments on their bodies.  The power of the wyrm and
the weaver are very obvious everywhere with large pools of slime and
such like indicating the corruption of the world.
0 16392 0
0 0 29723
0 0 29721
Strange paintings adorn the walls here.  They show of a final battle
between the Garou and the slaves of the wyrm.  In it the Garou were
vastly out numbered and while putting up a tremendous bettle a tactical
withdrawal was required so as to be able to regroup.  One tribe stayed
to protect the others and was destroyed in the process.  The wyrms
slaves capturing them, torturing them to turn into new abominations.
0 16392 0
0 0 29724
0 0 29722
Stair Well~
Lit by a strange set of lights this passage while old and rarely if
ever used looks in excellent condition.  The creatures who built this 
were excellent in their ability to work the stone of the caverns.  A
flight of stairs lead upwards while a low passage leads off.
0 16392 0
0 0 29723
0 0 29725
Here a set of perfectly cut stone stairs show little use.  A light coating
of dust has no sign of footprints and a faint musky smell fills the air. 
0 16392 0
0 0 29702
0 0 29724
A small very dark, deep underground lake surrounded by luminous green
lichen gives the area an eyrie strange quality.  Small strange eyeless 
fish swim slowly around the pool feeding of the lichen. The river; both
upstream and downstream is totally impassable for you.
0 16392 0
0 0 29727
0 0 29719
Temple to Mandorleon the Lord of Despair~
In the centre of this room is a large altar made up of numerous skulls.
Small pools of blood surround the altar while on the altar two skulls of
vampires contain two large black candles. 
0 16392 0
0 0 29728
0 0 29726
0 0 29729
This room is full of religous bits and pieces as well as an elaborate
torture chamber indluding an iron maiden, rack and a large brazer.
On one wall a huge statue of a multiheaded demon with a just the legs
of its victims emerging from its mouth is here.
0 16392 0
0 0 29727
Sacrificial Chamber~
This room is little more than a place that the followers of the Lord
of Dispair can practice their sadistic practices.  Blood is everywhere;
there is only one simple reason for this room and that is to cause 
people suffering.
0 16392 0
0 0 29727
Combat Chamber~
This well used room is where the werewolves practice the arts of combat.
Large weapons and pieces of armour are scattered around the room ready 
for use.
0 81928 0
0 0 29708 
Inside the Stomach of Fenris~
He he !  You stand inside the stomach of fenris.  All around you the sad
remains of others who thought they could beat the spirit of the wolf god
lie.  Soon yours will join them !
0 1 0

M 1 29701 1 29702            Fenris Wolf
M 1 29702 1 29702            The Spirit of the Weaver

M  29702 spec_cast_adept		the spirit of the weaver
M  29701 spec_clan_werewolf             fenris wolf

