Name        Jade    Dragonfire~
Builders    None~
VNUMs       9500 9538
Security    1

a forest guardian~
A forest guardian stands here
It looks decidedly pissed off that you have entered its forest
without permission.
1 0 0 S
127 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 0
storm giant~
a storm giant~
A Storm Giant stands here surrounded by a swirling tempest
1 0 0 S
152 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 2
night golem~
A Night Golem~
A Night Golem stands here.
1 0 0 S
203 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
Nillo drunk~
Nillo the drunk~
Nillo the drunk staggers towards you, a glass of Black Demon Rum in his hand.
The oaf king staggers about, almost paraletic and drooling everywhere
1 0 0 S
499 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
a small spider~
A small spider scurries around.
35 0 0 S
102 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
a large spider~
A large spider scurries around.
35 0 0 S
127 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
a giant spider~
A giant spider scurries around.
35 0 0 S
160 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 2
a gigantic spider~
A gigantic spider approaches you and bares its fangs.
35 0 0 S
254 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 0
Zemnh stands here watching over the town.
1 0 0 S
506 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1
stallion horse~
a white stallion~
A white stallion flares its nostrils at you.
3 0 1000 S
100 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 0
Spectral Fisherman~
a spectral fisherman~
A Spectral Fisherman sits here trying to catch his lunch.
35 0 0 S
196 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
0 0 1

an oafish sword~
An oafish sword lies here~
5 0 16385
0 5 15 1
3 500 0
18 5
19 5
a wickedly sharp falchion~
A wickedly sharp falchion lies here~
5 0 16385
30 15 25 1
9 40000 0
night golem~
(no short description)~
(no description)~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
a signpost~
A weathered sign hangs on the gate.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
This town was built in the memory of the treasured friends I left
behind in the distant lands of Elanthia - Jade
demon rum~
a glass of Black Demon Rum~
A glass of Black Demon Rum lies here~
17 0 1
0 0 5 0
5 20 0
no name~
(no short description)~
(no description)~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
vultite wall shield~
a vultite wall shield~
A vultite wall shield lies here.~
9 0 513
0 0 0 0
3 50000 0
13 1000
18 10
19 10
a horsehoe~
A horseshoe lies here.~
5 0 24577
0 0 0 8
3 3000 0
18 10
19 10
fishing rod~
a fishing rod~
A fishing rod lies here~
5 0 24577
0 0 0 4
0 0 0
twisted wand~
a twisted wand~
A twisted wand lies here.~
5 0 24577
0 0 0 3
1 2000 0
12 1000
19 10
18 10
no name~
(no short description)~
(no description)~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0

Crystal Mountain, Valley~
You find yourself in a rich and healthy valley.  You hear birds perched
in the towering pines that loom ominously over the path on both sides, they
pipe their questioning songs at you as you wander down a smooth pathway
through the emerald green grass and lush forest.  The path continues to the
north where the forest is much denser, while to your west lies a smaller
0 0 0
0 0 9501
0 0 9517
Crystal Mountain, Valley~
The path winds in and out the forest that surround you.  Although denser
than before, the trees are still spaced widely enough to allow easy travel. 
You can barely disern a smaller track leading to the east, while this path
continues to the north.
0 0 3
0 0 9502
0 0 9500
Crystal Mountain, Forest~
Dense undergrowth somewhat blocks the trail here, the light grows dim as
the sun tries in vain to get its light through the mass of branches and tree
limbs that creak and sway in the breeze over your head.  The once comforting
bird song is quieter here and you find yourself wanting to turn back to the
valley to your south.  The path continues northwards into darkness.
0 0 3
0 0 9503
0 0 9501
Crystal Mountain, Dense Forest~
The trail here is very dim, but is wide enough for two people to stand
abreast between the tightly packed oaks and pines that make up most of this
woodland.  Thorny undergrowth tears at your clothes and exposed skin.  You
hear the sound of running water to your east, its sound cutting through the
silence of this uninhabitable place.  A wider but rougher path leads
eastwards and a smaller trail is to your south.
0 0 3
0 0 9504
0 0 9502
Crystal Mountain, Forest~
A small stream cuts across the pathway here, its crystal clear water
swiftly moving over the rocks that litter this trail.  You pause to listen
to the natural babbling of the brook that travels northwards on its journey.
A few larger rocks act as stepping stones over the stream towards the east
although they seem unessary as water is shallow enough for you to cross
without any effort.
0 0 3
0 0 9505
0 0 9503
Crystal Mountain, Forest~
Numerous boulders and smaller rocks make your journey harder here.  Your
footsteps are heard by all as twigs crackle beneath each step you take. 
This path, threading in and out of the trees and boulders, winds uphill to
the north, while to the east a wider trail stretches out into the distance. 
To the west you glimpse water, the sunlight glinting off the small ripples
producing dancing patterns of light on the otherwise featureless trees.
0 0 3
0 0 9506
0 0 9518
0 0 9504
Crystal Mountain, Forest~
The shadows formed by the thick tree trunks play with your imagination. 
A shiver runs down your spine as you think you make out strange beasts
glaring at you from within the forest.  The pathway continues steeply
upwards to the north, you also see a trail leading south.
0 0 3
0 0 9507
0 0 9505
Crystal Mountain, Hilltop~
You find yourself in a small clearing ontop of a hill.  The view here is
breath taking and well worth the hard climb through the forest below you. 
To the north you can see an enormous mountain, dominating the sky line.  You
can see a river snaking its way across the valley far below you.  A gully
cuts sharply down to the valley floor, It's sides look steep and dangerous.
0 0 3
0 0 9506
0 0 9508
Crystal Mountain, Gully~
A tall pine has fallen across the trail here, forming a natural arch. 
You try hard not to lose your footing as loose rocks under your feet become
unlodged and tumble down to the valley below you.
0 4 3
0 0 9507
0 0 9509
Crystal Mountain, Gully~
The gully slopes more gently here as you approach the lake.  It's water
is clear and blue, a sharp contrast to the dense green forest that grows to
within a few feet of its sandy shore.
0 0 3
0 0 9510
0 0 9508
Crystal Mountain, Lake~
You are on the shore of a small lake, as you gaze into it you can see
small fish and other creatures playing in the calm, pure water.  Tall
grasses and reeds growing at its edge provide a safe haven for small
wildlife and anphibians.  A low rumbling sound of a waterfall can be heard
in the distance, your view blocked by a small island populated by tall pines
in the center of the lake.  You can either make your way around the sandy
shoreline to the west, or up a naturally formed gully.
0 0 3
0 0 9509
0 0 9511
Crystal Mountain, Lake~
The lake that spreads out before you looks peaceful and pleasant, the
only disturbance being a tall waterfall that cascades down high cliffs at
the southern end of the lake.  The shoreline continues to the south and
0 0 3
0 0 9510
0 0 9512
Crystal Mountain, Lake~
You find yourself standing near a great waterfall to the south.  The roar
of water crashing down the cliff face, its path disrupted by outcroppings of
rock, causing it to fall in several tiers before finally pounding at the
rocks at its base.
0 0 3
0 0 9511
0 0 9513
Crystal Mountain, Waterfall~
The deafening roar of the waterfall drowns out any other sound.  It's
spray forms a low lying mist that soaks your clothes and sends an ice cold
chill to the bone.  The shoreline continues south underneath the base of the
waterfall which spreads out to form a wide curtain of water, and over a
large natural jetty of rocks.
0 0 3
0 0 9512
0 0 9514
Crystal Mountain, Lake~
To your north a rockslide has created a natural jetty, stretching quite
far into the lake.  It partially hides a great waterfall that feeds the
lake, making the water churn and bubble.  The forest grows very close to the
shore here.  Two large willow trees bend gracefully in the slight breeze,
their long boughs dipping down to trace delicate patterns on the surface of
the shimmering water, blocking the way to the east along the shoreline.  You
also see a small trail leading into the dense forest to your west.
0 0 3
0 0 9513
0 0 9515
Crystal Mountain, Forest~
The path is not well defined as you move along the forested trail.  Large
boulders have fallen from the cliff face to your north making travelling
along this route difficult and tedious.  You cannot see far to the south
through the dense trees of the forest but you can make out a trail to your
east and west.
0 4 3
0 0 9514
0 0 9516
Crystal Mountain, Mine Entrance~
Passing through the dense trees and undergrowth, you find yourself in a
clearing.  The ground is devoid of nearly any vegetation, what grass there
is grows around the crushed rocks that litter the area and rusted mining
tools.  You see a large man-made hole in the rock face, supported by ancient
rotting timbers.  You realise that this must be a mine long ago deserted by
the men that worked here.  Your curiousity wants you to explore further into
the darkness, although you know it would be much safer to take the trails
south and east of here back into the forest.
0 0 3
0 0 9515
0 0 9517
Crystal Mountain, Forest~
This wide natural path runs in a straight east-west line but
unfortunately the western route is blocked by a large fallen oak.  Its
shattered frame ravaged my lightning and fire.  To the north you see a
narrow path leading up to a massive cliff face.
0 0 3
0 0 9516
0 0 9500
Dragonsmere, Town Gate~
A large black iron gate marks the western entrance to Dragonsmere.  Its
ornate framework gives you the impression of how successful and proud this
town once was.  A wide road leading to the marketplace stretches out to your
west, while to your south and a narrow track runs along the western boundary
wall interior.  A small weathered sign hangs on the gate.
0 4 0
The village was built in the memory of the treasured friends I
left behind in the distant lands of Elanthia - Jade
0 0 9536
0 0 9519
0 0 9505
Jadiana Road~
Alysumm and Daisies grow through the cracks in the cold stone slabs that
form this road which runs in a north-south direction.  A large
wooden-constructed house stands to your east.  Its window shutters flapping
about in the wind revealing smashed panes of glass, leaving the building
defenceless from the elements.
0 4 0
0 0 9518
0 0 9520
0 0 9526
Atropia House, Hallway~
You are standing in a roomy hallway of the house of Atropia.  Long ago
abandoned by its occupants, dusty notice boards and plaques are the only
reminder of the important business negotiations that once took place here. 
Giant cobwebs loom over your head, threatening to fall from the weight of
dust lies entrapped on them.  A grand staircase leads to the first floor,
its once highly polished floorboads now worn and cracked.  Doors lead north
and south of here, while the main door lies to your west.
0 0 0
0 0 9525
0 0 9521
0 0 9519
Atropia House~
Giant, sticky cobwebs connect the ceiling of this room to the floor.  The
webs thin to the north, but to your west they grow thick and hardly
distinguishable from the dusty glass cabinets on which they are firmly
0 0 0
0 0 9520
0 0 9522
Atropia House~
The webs although easily broken, impair your sight.  But you can still
make out a dark object floating in the white cloud-like webs above, looking
closer you see it is infact a rotting carcass of a human.  His heavily
armoured corpse makes you very wary of what might lie ahead in this old
0 0 0
0 0 9523
0 0 9521
Atropia House~
The webs grow thick, and you must struggle to break them as they are more
firmly attached in this place to the floor and rough, uneven walls of the
room in which you stand.
0 0 0
0 0 9524
0 0 9522
Atropia House~
An elaborate chandelier hangs from the center of the ceiling, covered
with veils of what looks like a cotton-like substance.  The fine strands of
web interlace to form cobwebs two or three times the size of a large man. 
Half rotted corpses of creatures that unkowingly wandered into these rooms
litter the floor, the stench of rotting flesh filling the air.
0 0 0
0 0 9523
0 0 9525
Atropia House~
The webs thin to the southern end of this delapidated room, where you can
see daylight streaming through the fine lattice work of the sticky strands. 
Hanging from the ceiling are various sized cocoons made from the same sticky
webs that you see covering the ceiling above you.
0 0 0
0 0 9524
0 0 9520
Jadiana Road~
A few shops and warehouse line one side of this this narrow street that
runs along the southern boundary wall of Dragonsmere.  Along the top of the
crumbling brickwork crude iron spikes run tightly packed, stopping any
intruders from entering this once heavily fortified town.
0 4 0
0 0 9519
0 0 9527
Dyanah Street~
A the lonely calls of a bird flying high up in the air on the other side
of the wall attracts your attention as you walk along the southern edge of
this town.  Through a crack in the wall to your south you can make out the
green trees of the crystal forest, a stark contrast to the grey stones that
make up the delapidated street on which you walk.
0 0 0
0 0 9528
0 0 9526
Dyanah Street~
A sturdy wooden bridge crosses the river that cuts into the town from a
arch in the boundary wall.  The river which, according to the erosion of the
banks that keep it at bay, must have once been a great expanse of water. 
But it has long since become just a small stream which is easily passable by
any method
0 0 0
0 0 9529
0 0 9527
Dyanah Street~
The high walls that guard the town from the outside wilderness tower
above your head as you travel along the small road winding alongside the
southern boundary wall.  A huge building stands a few meters away, half
derelict, most of its windows boarded up to keep the outside from coming in,
or perhaps whatever lies inside from coming out.  A path from this once
grand architecture stretches to the roadside just north of you where a
massive iron gate stands alone, swinging in the breeze.
0 0 0
0 0 9531
0 0 9528
The Phoenix Inn, Entrance~
Massive marble pillars line the entranceway.  The rather grand entrance
still doesn't quite manage to hife the seedy atmosphere of this inn.  A long
desk, also made of solid mable, runs most of the length of one of the walls.
A rack of keys hangs on the wall behind the desk, each key coloured
differenly.  A spiral staircase winds its way upstairs, while a marble
archway leading into a dark room is to your north.
0 0 0
0 0 9531
0 0 9532
Winding Pathway~
The granite tiles that make up this pathway lie in patches, the rest
replaced by puddles of mud and rubble, where thieves have ripped them up and
sold them for however little they can reach in the market.  Two broad marble
pillars support the crumbling doorway to the building just north of you,
giving a hint of how grand this place actually was before it fell into
disrepair.  A massive black iron gate creaks noisly to your south.
0 0 0
0 0 9530
0 0 9529
The Phoenix Inn, Hallway~
A long hallway stretches out before you.  Deep pile carpet covers the
floor, its once deep red colour long ago turned dirty grey from the lack of
cleaning.  To your west lies a heavy red door, and to your east is a silver
0 4 0
0 0 9534
0 0 9533
0 0 9530
The Silver Room~
The ceiling and four walls of this room are covered in giant mirrors. 
The only furnishing consists of a very gothic style double bed, its posts
made of solid silver, twisted and shaped into flowing spirals before forming
into the shape of an angel, one on top of eah post.  Their tiny silver hands
raised up to the mirrored ceiling as if calling for mercy.  Soft silver
satin sheets cover the ;of the mirrored walls.  Although they block out most
of the light, the few stray beams that do stream through seem to dazzle you
as they bounce off each one of the mirrored walls in turn.
0 512 0
0 0 9532
The Phoenix Inn, Hallway~
The hallway reaches an abrubt end as the northern section has long ago
been boarded up with massive planks, preventing any access to whatever lies
ahead.  To your west is a green door, and you your east lies a blue door. 
Both having heavy iron padlocks to stop any unauthorised people intruding.
0 0 0
0 0 9535
0 0 9532
The Blue Room~
Crisp midnight blue satin sheets adorm the four poster bed that lies in
the center of this room, Its large expanse takes up most of the wpace, but
the soft beams of light streaming from a rather dusty round window set in
the western wall, shines on the deep blue drapes and wall colourings, thus
giving the illusion that the room is much bigger than it actually is.  A
mahogany dressing table sits underneath the window, standing out because of
its dark wooden finish.  Ontop of the table are two candles, their flames
gently flickering a draft coming from an unknown source.
0 512 0
0 0 9534
Dragonsmere Market Place~
The once cobbled floor has been worn smooth by the many crowds that have
come and gone from this once busy market square over the centuries past. 
Now, long deserted by the buyers and sellers, this place stands vacant and
forgotten.  A huge bronze statue of a female warrior stands predominantly in
the center of this large square.  Her eyes gazing solemnly over the town and
her sword raised up to the heavens.  A small brass plaque lies at its base.
0 0 0
This statue was erected in the memory of Kilyst, a fine warrior and mother.
May her life continue after Elanthia through the memories of all the people
she blessed with her presence in those ancient lands.
0 0 9537
0 0 9518
Dragonsmere, Main Street~
What was probably once the main street, cutting between the old crumbling
buildings of this abandoned town, is now a carpet of thick grass.  Most of
the buildings have collapsed, leaving little more than a few rocky
foundations.  One small cottage nearby, however, seems to be mostly intact,
and there is also a wooden shack standing to the north of the grassy street.
0 4 0
0 0 9538
0 0 9536
The Blacksmiths~
A large log building sprawls out in front of you, with a sign still
mounted over the doorway.  Rusted horse shoes and scraps of iron litter the
ground, giving you the impression that this was once the town blacksmith. 
You can almost hear the sounds of a horse carried on the wind which whips
round the shack and outbuilding ruins.
0 4 0
0 0 9537


M 0 9504 8 9521
M 0 9510 9 9514
E 0 9508 0 0
M 0 9510 7 9513
M 0 9510 2 9511
E 0 9508 0 0
M 0 9510 5 9510
E 0 9508 0 0
M 0 9510 5 9509
E 0 9508 0 0
M 0 9500 5 9507
M 0 9502 10 9505
E 0 9501 0 0
M 0 9501 10 9503
G 0 9501 0
M 0 9500 10 9500
E 0 9500 0 0

