Merc Release 2.1
Sunday 01 August 1993


=== Memory Management Overview

Merc contains the following memory regions: run file memory; stack; string
space; and permanent space.  The approximate sizes of these regions are:

    Run file memory	 300 k
    Stack		  20 k
    String space	1020 k
    Permanent space	1020 k
    TOTAL		2360 k

=== Run File Memory

The merc executable file has about 256k of code, 8k of initialized data, and
32k of uninitialized data.  This was measured on a Sun 4 running SunOS 4.1.3
with gcc version 2.3.3.

This size is small compared to the total size, and there is little you can do
to change it.

=== Stack

We have never measured stack usage, but estimate it's somewhere between 10k and
30k.  Merc has a wide, shallow calling tree.  The largest consumers of stack
memory are local buffers of size MAX_STRING_LENGTH.

If you port Merc to a machine with 64k or less of stack, you should instrument
your object code with stack-usage measurements.  Most compilers for machines in
this range have an option to do this.

=== String Space and fread_string()

At boot time, the function fread_string() is used to read in ~-delimited
strings from area files.  These strings are stored into string space.  After
all of the area files are read in, string space is read-only for the duration
of the program.

String space is allocated once on bootup and is not expandable.  As
distributed, Merc 2.1 uses 1024k of string space.  You can lower or raise
this number by editing the value of 'MAX_STRING' in 'db.c'.

Duplicate strings are stored only once into string space; hashing is used to
achieve this.  The hash code for a string is simply its length.  Each string in
string space is prefaced with a backpointer to the previous string with the
same hash code.  (Aliasing through a union is needed to read and write these
pointers, because they can start at any byte boundary, and thus are

When fread_string() reads a new string, it creates the string at the end of
string space.  It then finds the first hash pointer for that length and follows
the thread of hash pointers, looking for an already existing string with the
same contents.  Strings in the hash chain are checked newest-first, which
benefits from the usual construction of area files, where duplicates are
usually duplicates of something seen recently.

If fread_string() finds that the new string is a duplicate, it simply discards
the new string and returns a pointer to the existing string.  If the string is
new, it leaves it at the end of string space, fills in the new hash pointers,
and returns the new string.

After area-file loading is over, fread_string is also used to read player
files.  In this case, new strings are not appended to string space, but instead
are simply handed to str_dup().  Thus the amount of string space used is fixed
at area-file loading time.

The functions str_dup() and free_string() take advantage of string space.  If a
string being duplicated is in string space, str_dup() simply returns the same
pointer.  If a string being freed is in string space, free_string() simply does
nothing.  This strategy not only saves megabytes of memory through string
re-use, but also saves processor time as well.

Thus a cheap method is needed for deciding whether a given string is in string
space.  This is one reason why strings are stored in one contiguous region of
size MAX_STRING.  (The hash chains, however, would still work with
noncontiguous allocation).

Collecting all strings into one region has another advantage: locality of
reference.  Most strings are unused most of the time.  Because they are not
interspersed with other dynamically allocated memory, a virtual memory
operating system can page out almost all of the string space without affecting

After boot time the unused end of string space is wasted.  This amounts to
about 160k in Merc 2.1.  On a VM system this space is unused space is paged
out quickly, so it doesn't hurt to leave it alone.  However, you can recover
this space easily by lowering MAX_STRING.  If perchance you set MAX_STRING too
low you will get a boot-time error, but never any operational errors.

If you add a lot of areas you may need to increase MAX_STRING.  Again, Merc
will tell you when you've run out.

=== Permanent space

This space holds everything else: all of the area file non-string data; all of
the created mobiles and objects; descriptor and player character structures;
you name it.

This space is dynamically allocated from calloc() in large blocks, which are
carved up and handed out as needed by alloc_perm().  As distributed, Merc 2.1
uses about 1024k of permanent space.

Unlike string space, permanent space grows on demand; alloc_perm() calloc's and
carves up as many blocks as needed as the game runs.

You can adjust the block size by changing MAX_PERM_BLOCK in 'db.c'.  Adjustment
will have only a minor effect on space and time usage.  If you port Merc to a 
new system with a 64k or 32k limit on calloc() size, you could simply change
MAX_PERM_BLOCK to the largest calloc'able block on your system.

Merc never calls free() to return memory.  Instead, memory is recycled for
future use.  This has two advantages: it's faster to recycle a block than to
call free(), and it's faster to allocate a block from a free list than to
allocate one from calloc() or alloc_perm().  Most of the structure types have
their own free lists: char_free, obj_free, affect_free, et cetera.

Variable-sized blocks don't fit the per-structure-type free-list model.  The
functions alloc_mem() and free_mem() manage blocks of arbitrary size.  They
actually work by maintaining fixed-size lists for just a few supported sizes
and rounding requests up to a supported size.  This is extremely fast; because
there are so few variable-sized blocks, the space penalty is inconsequential.