Detta's [Spider Swamp] Description Room~
    @BTheme:@n This zone is a recreation of the Spider Swamp within 
Forgotten Realms (Dungeons & Dragons). It is basically a hot, fetid 
swampland inhabited with spiders, bullywugs, and lizardfolk, with a
submerged palace called Lost Ajhuutal in the Northern part.
Have made liberal use of exit/extra descrips here, so examine at will. :)
   @GPlayers:@n Geared towards mid/high level players of around 15-20, 
there are smaller mobs to kill here if you feel like braving the aggressive 
stronger ones ;-). It is also a fairly evil area, with some limitations on what
you can use and access as a good player here. Some equipment/money to be 
gained, big bad guy to be slaughtered, and lots of xp.
   @RLocation:@n Well the area itself is completely swampish, though at the
southern part it could easily be joined to a river or lake, and a more foresty
area would blend seamlessly into the eastern area.
   @MSecrets:@n Yes there are some :-), type LOOK SPOILERS to reveal all.
   @CNote:@n If you have any suggestions, spot any typos, bugs, or 
weirdnesses, please mudmail me - Detta. :-) All input appreciated!
You can also email me at detta@@builderacademy.net
East takes you through the other zones I have built here.
Down takes you to the starting room of this zone.
19 520 0 0 0 0
0 0 2700
0 0 1100
0 0 1999
   Ahhh, cheater!!  Don't you want to enjoy the zone?!  *sniff*, ok, if you
really have to look there are a few little neat zone inclusions listed here to
spoil your zone exploring pleasure.  Just type look and then the number to look
at each one (look 1 for example).  
1: The Leviathan
2: Spider Cocoons
3: The Dark Candleholder
4: The Metal Contraption
   This is just a little trigger that sets off in room 1911 when you enter.  A
series of messages goes off and then the leviathan mob emerges.  If you move
more than one room away in the middle of fighting the creature it will disappear
again, reloading fully restored.  This is just the framework so far for a little
quest I'm creating around it.  Ooh, additionally the room that the leviathan
loads in will only let you leave 90% of the time due to slippery mud.  
   The spider's cocoons are used to trap people..  Both players and mobs alike.
If you fight the whisper spider in room 1993 it will start sending messages
about wrapping web around you.  Ultimately if you do not flee or kill the spider
quickly you will find yourself wrapped in a cocoon, unable to move or see
anything.  In this state all you can do is send tells, and wriggle which makes
the cocoon visibly move to everyone else (as immortal you can also use the goto
command).  To open one of these cocoons another player must have a fire torch
(object 1905) and type burn.  This will set it on fire and release the trapped
mob or player.  If a trapped player is not freed within about 5 minutes he/she
will die.  
   In room 1982, a dark candleholder can be found.  On zone reset a candle loads
inside, and if this is taken, a passage opens up to the north.  Once on the
other side (room 1983), the passage closes and a voice can be heard telling you
to "leave what you have taken", in reference of course to the candle.  If the
candle is not dropped and you continue on to any other room, it will be purged
and the voice will kindly remind you of your doom, as you are now essentially
trapped.  However, dropping the candle like a good mudder will cause a drow
spirit to reveal herself, explaining that she will open the way if you call on
the name of Eilistraee.  Naturally, saying the word Eilistraee causes the spirit
to vanish and the passage out to reopen..  Albeit for a limited time.  
   In room 1990 there is a large metal contraption, that essentially produces
potions when the right ingredients are put into it.  PRESS empties the machine
of any ingredients it has, SWITCH mixes whatever ingredients are in it together,
and TURN pours the resulting substance out.  If an empty vial (1949) is placed
into the machine before pouring, you'll get a potion, otherwise the mixture just
pours onto the floor.  There are three books scattered throughout
the zone with the recipes of each potion in, but for now I'll just put them
Red potion (enhances physical strength) - 
fang (1900), egg (1908), blood (1951).  
Blue potion (enhances magical strength) - 
gland (1934), tongue (1950), blood (1951). 
Green potion (enhances dexterity & moves) - 
weed (1901), hide (1923), blood (1951).  
Once the ingredients for one potion are inside, they must be mixed, 
an empty vial placed into the contraption and the mixture poured out.
If any combination of ingredients other than those listed are combined, 
a black potion will be produced which lowers all three attributes.  
Muddy Crossroads~
   An old broken crossroads sign stands wearily here, half rotted with fungus
and the general decay of time.  It appears as though there were indeed paths
here long ago, but water has saturated the ground, leaving nothing but
featureless mud.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   The ground seems to slope downwards in this direction, making it look
potentially difficult or impossible to get back up.  
0 0 1907
   Thick sloshing mud seems to get thicker, slightly churning mud bubbling
further toward the east.  
0 0 1902
   The ground appears to get slightly drier and firmer, traces of brown
struggling plant life marking the way south.  
0 0 1999
   A great rock casts a dreary shadow over the way west, colder air wafting from
this direction.  
0 0 1903
   These tiny sprouting mushrooms are typical swamp flora, thriving on the damp
rotting wood of the abandoned sign.  
old broken crossroads sign~
   This old splintered sign has long lost any visible markings, black rivulets
of ink staining the rotting wood that stands uselessly here, just a remnant of
past inhabitants.  
Squelching Ground~
   Slick with moisture, the ground is unnaturally swollen and soft.  The
slightest weight leaves deep imprints that quickly well back up with sloshing
mud and the few sickly bits of plant life that grow here.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   The ground dips suddenly, substantial flooding and algae rendering it very
slippery indeed.  
0 0 1910
   The ground looks well trodden to this direction, wet mud packed fairly firmly
and an old piece of wood can be seen protruding from the ground.  
0 0 1901
sickly bits plant life~
   Limp and miserable, these plants look as though they are barely surviving on
what little nourishment and sunlight the swamp provides.  
T 1907
T 1971
Shadow of a Great Rock~
   A massive rock towers from the ground to the north, overhanging at the top
and casting the boggy ground in shadow.  The air is cooler here, the stone
itself emitting an almost unnatural chill in contrast to the warmth of the
19 1 0 0 0 0
   The ground seems flatter and more stable toward this direction, an upright
wooden stick breaking the smoothness of the horizon.  
0 0 1901
   The ground becomes an almost unnatural red colour, glimpses of something
sparkling winking in and out like stars amongst the mud.  
0 0 1905
   Shimmering air indicates that the heat increases to this direction, the sound
of slight bubbling coming from further to the west.  
0 0 1904
massive rock stone~
   This great stone looks almost as though it were part of a statue that has
long sunk irretrievably into the swamp.  A faint glow surrounds it, and an
unnatural coldness fills the air as if this place were somehow connected with
some evil magic.  
T 1971
Drowned Land~
   Water pools slightly deeper here, the mud beneath bubbling slightly with the
heat of some underground current.  Large blisters swell from the ground, popping
with a hiss and releasing hot, swirling steam into the foggy air.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   It looks as though a large log has sunk into the area to the north, making it
at least stable to walk on.  
0 0 1909
   Cold air wafts eerily from this direction, a great rock towering visibly
above the watery ground.  
0 0 1903
   The soil seems to become more copper-coloured toward the south, a slight
smell of metal and rust carrying on the air.  
0 0 1906
T 1971
Bloodied Soil~
   Scarlet stains blossom here and there like spreading wounds in the soil,
giving the impression that this place has not recovered from some ancient
battle.  Glimpses of metal can be seen half-buried in the ground, the armour and
weapons of some long-decayed army.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   A darkness and chill seem to emanate from this direction, a great rock
breaking the horizon far to the north.  
0 0 1903
   Red, metallic water trickles constantly from this direction, a vile smell
wafting on the western air.  
0 0 1906
glimpses metal armour weapons~
   Small pieces of weaponry and armour protrude from the ground like shrapnel,
so deeply rusted and swallowed in mud that they are practically irretrievable
and are obviously of no further use for warring.  
scarlet stains~
   These large dark patches in the mud glisten slightly crimson in any light,
the faded blood stains of many fallen warriors.  
T 1971
Crimson Waters~
   Old rusted weapons and armour lie half rotted in scattered pools of slime.  
The rust has leached into the water, discolouring it deep red and filling the
air with the overwhelming stench of decay and the sickly metallic scent of
19 0 0 0 0 0
   A rhythmic blast of heat comes from this direction, cloudy steam obscuring
the view of what lies beyond.  
0 0 1904
   Red soil sprinkles the eastern path, silver glinting metals sparkling here
and there in the distance.  
0 0 1905
   A putrid smell wafts on the western air, the smell of death, and deep waters
ripple in the restless breeze.  
0 0 1912
scattered pools slime~
   These slippery pools are coated with floating algae and slime of various
organic kinds.  The water is presumably toxic as it is so saturated with rust
and rot that it glints scarlet in the light.  
old rusted weapons armour rotted~
   These battered pieces of metal and algae-encrusted leather are all that is
left of an obviously mighty battle.  There are no corpses to be found, all that
died presumably devoured by creatures here or rotted long before these metals
began to rust.  
T 1971
Slippery Slope~
   Slick with mud, the ground is incredibly hard to walk on without slipping.  
Sloping steeply down from the south, thin rivulets of water trickle their way
lazily down, accumulating in a watery pool at the base.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   The way south looks too steep and too slippery to even begin trying to climb.
0 0 -1
   Rocky spikes break up the horizon line, gaping like the open jaw of some
predatory creature.  
0 0 1908
thin rivulets water watery pool base~
   Tiny veins of sparkling water line the surface of this slanted ground, muddy
churning water bubbling continously in the pool that saturates the lower ground.
T 1971
Scattered Rocks~
   Small jagged peaks protrude from the marshy ground, providing a solid but
treacherous path for walking.  Thin layers of slime glisten on the sharp rocks,
along with various other old and unidentifiable stains.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   More scattered broken rocks can be seen trailing off to the north, water
deepening steadily around them.  
0 0 1915
   A little pool can be see glistening off to the east, and the solid path
curves around steadily to the south where the ground rises.  
0 0 1907
   A massive piece of broken stone rises from the ground in this direction, it
appears to have once stood upright, torn from the jagged base here and
overturned by some unimaginable force.  
0 0 1924
   The thick smell of swamp fungus and rotting wood saturates the breeze, an
overturned tree's skeletal branches grasping at the air.  
0 0 1909
thin layers slime old unidentifiable stains~
   The slick green coating of algae is obvious over all of these rocks, decaying
plant slime as well as darker and more ominous stains paint the jagged surfaces
various shades of red and black.  
small jagged peaks sharp rocks~
   These rocks look almost like the remnants of a huge embedded boulder or
statue that has been broken away by some massive force.  Firmly entrenched in
the mud, the rough-edged base spikes out like several rows of teeth.  
T 1971
Rotting Branch~
   Blue and green mould carpets this large crumbling branch, half sunk into the
soil it nevertheless is so large that it almost completely blocks further
advancement.  Tiny fungi sprinkle the rotting wood and surrounding mud, products
of its continuing decomposition.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   Little stony peaks rise from the slippery mud here, providing a somewhat
stable, albeit dangerous footpath.  
0 0 1908
   Waves of steamy heat cascade on the shimmering air from this direction, the
sound of simmering water and mud bubbling continously.  
0 0 1904
blue green mould tiny fungi~
   These dark creeping moulds cover the wood in an almost velvety texture,
little swamp mushrooms sprouting here and there, feeding off of the damp and
T 1971
Flooded Waterway~
   This deep ditch looks as though it may once have been a rushing river, though
now it is just a watery bog, its high sloping sides sodden with slime from
rotting vegetation and the wild overgrowth of algae and desperate creeping swamp
19 0 0 0 0 0
   The way to the north grows darker and deeper, a strange ominous feeling
hanging over the area like an invisible shadow.  
0 0 1911
   The ground seems to become muddier and softer, but the sloping sides of this
ditch level out into flatter land.  
0 0 1902
T 1971
Dark Waters~
   The water here is so dark that nothing can be seen beneath the single layer
of scum that floats everywhere.  Insects dart quickly here and there, apparantly
fleeing from the more ominous shadows that slide just beneath the surface.  
19 4 0 0 0 0
   The way south looks very slippery indeed, difficult to climb out of but not
0 0 1910
ominous shadows~
   Dark rippling shadows stir unnaturally beneath the water, the movements of
some hidden creature no doubt.  
   These simple swamp insects flit so fast it is hard to see them properly, tiny
and plated with defensive exoskeletons they pause only to feed on the smaller
zooplankton in the water.  
T 1908
T 1993
Ditch of the Dead~
   Forlorn water swirls slowly in this forsaken riverbed, churning as though
stirred by some unseen current.  Strange things surface with the movement,
glimpses of shiny metal and splintered bone are all that mark this place as the
grave it has become.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   The vast splayed roots of a giant tree stand upturned in the air, blocking
any view of what lies beyond.  
0 0 1913
   Red waters leach slowly from this direction, polluting the soil and filling
the air with an eye-watering metallic scent.  
0 0 1906
splintered bone~
   Pieces of decaying bone are all that remain of any organic corpses, bleached
almost white from the alkaline water here and stripped by predators of all flesh
that hadn't rotted away naturally.  
glimpses shiny metal~
   Old broken pieces of weapons and shields float in shards amongst the bubbling
water, stirring as though in some cauldron of death.  
T 1971
Toppled Tree~
   The vast roots of this overturned tree splay in all directions like the legs
of an attacking spider.  Almost as thick as branches they are hard and brittle
as though this tree died years ago.  Dark streaks marr the wood, evidence
perhaps of long past lightning storms, or the use of powerful magic in this
19 0 0 0 0 0
   This giant tree's trunk continues on into the north, sloping slightly
downward as it becomes increasingly submerged in the mud.  
0 0 1914
   A foul smell wafts on the discoloured air, water bubbling and simmering away
to the south.  
0 0 1912
   The bark of the trunk has rotted away, leaving a gaping hole that leads into
the hollow trunk.  
0 0 1918
dark streaks~
   These are charred areas in the wood that have burnt in strange patterns.  It
looks as though it may indeed be the work of lightning, though evil magic is
more likely considering these whereabouts.  
T 1970
T 1971
Scorched Trunk~
   This massive trunk has been half swallowed by the gurgling ground, only the
huge reaching branches hold it from complete submersion.  Black unnatural burn
marks weave their way like rotting vines all along the ancient bark.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   Huge splaying branches reach out in every direction, preventing further
0 0 -1
   Huge splaying branches reach out in every direction, preventing further
0 0 -1
   The giant grasping roots of the tree can be seen reaching darkly into the
0 0 1913
   Huge splaying branches reach out in every direction, preventing further
0 0 -1
black unnatural burn marks rotting vines~
   These strange and ominous markings appear almost to have been designed, not
just the random streaks of lightning or fire.  The evils of lethal magic are
almost certainly at work here.  
T 1971
Stony Path~
   All around the murky water simmers and bubbles, releasing terrible stench
into the air as it laps around this small trail of island rocks, the only path
through this watery part of the swamp.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   The trail of jagged rocks continues to the south, the stones becoming
suddenly larger and less natural as though broken off from some designed
0 0 1908
   Dark discoloured water churns gently in the breeze, the slippery algae-laden
surface glinting with each ripple.  
0 0 1916
small trail island rocks~
   These little rocks stick up like stalagmites from the muddy and unstable
ground, perilous but weight-supporting enough to act as a trail.  
T 1971
Puddle of Algae~
   Various slimes of green, brown and red slide across the surface of this muddy
water.  Plant life of various kinds tangle and intertwine into each other
beneath the water, making it very easy to become caught.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   The bleak surface of the dark water is broken here and there with the peak of
a jagged rock, leading off further to the east.  
0 0 1915
   Pieces of wood protrude from the ground to the west, a large dark hole
visibly gaping through the mud.  
0 0 1917
T 1971
Buried Tree~
   A flat area of bark protrudes slightly from the sopping ground here, a gaping
hole leading into darkness beneath, as though some hollow tree has become buried
just below the surface, the sound of thick mud dripping within a concealed space
19 0 0 0 0 0
   Thin, mossy trees wave wearily, blocking any further view of what lies to the
0 0 1921
   Dark discoloured water churns gently in the breeze, the slippery algae-laden
surface glinting with each ripple.  
0 0 1916
   A small battered bridge can be seen further off to the west, though no body
of water appears to be present.  
0 0 1922
   Broken, splintered wood gapes widely around this mud-slicked hole.  It
appears a tree has become submerged within the ground, the contents of its
hollow trunk just beyond the scope of normal vision.  
0 0 1920
bark gaping hole darkness~
   Broken, splintered wood gapes widely around this mud-slicked hole.  It
appears a tree has become submerged within the ground, the contents of its
hollow trunk just beyond the scope of normal vision.  
T 1970
T 1971
Within the Roots~
   Dark and dank with the smell of decay, the rotting wood all around makes this
place even more miserable.  The floor slants slightly downward to the north, and
each movement makes it dip a little more as if the swamp were threatening to
consume it whole.  
19 9 0 0 0 0
   The long hollow trunk of the tree continues, nothing but the smell of rotting
wood and thick mud giving any clues as to what lies beyond the darkness.  
0 0 1919
   Above, the grasping roots of this upturned tree can be seen clawing like
brittle fingers at the foggy air.  
0 0 1913
Hollow Trunk~
   Mud oozes slowly through cracks in the ancient wood, making the ground sticky
and treacherously slippery.  The roof of the trunk curves sharply around, so low
as to give the place a smothering claustrophobic feel.  Little worms and maggots
wriggle their way through the fungating bark, making the enclosure seem to crawl
19 9 0 0 0 0
   The trunk dips even lower, creaking sounds and the smell of mouldy damp
wafting from the darkness ahead.  
0 0 1920
   The trunk slopes upwards, the grasping tendrils of roots can be seen further
ahead in this direction, clawing at the foggy air.  
0 0 1918
worms maggots~
   These little creatures are gorging on the filth and decay that coats this
dying tree, it seems almost that every scavenging insect in the place as homed
in on this location.  
   Completely beneath ground level, drips of mud trickly slowly down the walls
from a large hole in the ceiling.  It seems as though extra weight in this part
of the submerged tree would sink it very quickly, the wood moaning and groaning
at any extra burden.  
19 9 0 0 0 0
   The wood enclosure seems to slope vaguely upwards, trickling mud running in
rivulets from the south and gathering in a small puddle here.  
0 0 1919
   Shafts of vague light and a relatively fresh breath of air from this
direction indicate that it likely leads to open ground.  
0 0 1917
Straggling Trees~
   Weak bending trunks support the anemic looking branches and leaves of these
stunted willows.  Swaying miserably in the slight breeze, their bark seems to
creak and groan, swamp moss spreading slowly as if to consume them.  Thin
grasses lean pathetically against the lanky trunks, almost like weary children
clinging to their mothers.  
19 4 0 0 0 0
   A large gathering of trees can be seen extending to the north, a small gap
opening the way.  
0 0 1955
   The gaping hollow of an old, crumbling tree shrouds everything that lies to
the east in darkness.  
0 0 1951
   Thick mud sloshes lazily around the massive submerged trunk of a tree, its
roots sticking high into the air further south.  
0 0 1917
weak trunks branches leaves willows bark~
   These frail looking trees look as though they are barely surviving off of the
watery soil and fog shrouded sunlight, bending weakly in the slightest breeze.
moss grasses~
   The plant life here is abundant but miserable looking, as though there is
constant competition to survive, nutrients being scavenged by almost every form
of life imaginable.  
T 1971
A Broken Bridge~
   Crumbled brick and stone stick up from the surrounding quagmire, creating an
almost natural mosaic walkway through the watery slime.  No river runs through
here though the presence of this ancient bridge indicates that once there did.
19 4 0 0 0 0
   The sloping curve of a buried tree can be seen, rising like another small
wooden bridge out of the watery ground.  
0 0 1917
   A little, broken path extends its way through the soggy, marshy grounds that
lie to the west.  
0 0 1923
T 1971
Sunken Road~
   Beneath the shallow murky water, a layer of hard stone winds smoothly along,
no naturally formed path and an indication that long ago these grounds saw dry
land, though now the smooth road is pitted with fungus and shelled creatures.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   The ground slopes downward, jagged rocks standing like little islands amongst
the murky waters.  
0 0 1925
   A jumbled collection of stone and brick are somehow still clinging to each
other, forming a bridge that extends to the east.  
0 0 1922
   This is the same miserable organism that grows abundantly on every surface on
sight, flat and sickly green, they are just another indication that the entire
place is rotting.  
shelled creatures~
   Little snails, and the encrustations of crabs and mollusks decorate the
surfaces with their coloured remains.  It is impossible to tell which of these
are alive and which are long dead, most seem perfectly content to stay
completely motionless.  
T 1971
Peak of the Rock~
   All around, the misty smog of the swampland rises, blocking what may have
been a spectacular view if not for the waves of heat that cause the air to
shimmer and swim, making everything seem eerily unreal.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1908
0 0 1903
T 1971
Rising Water~
   The ground slopes lower here, deeper water gurgling around the various rock
crevices and jagged stones that break the surface.  To the east and the west,
large cavernous mouths protrude, though the hollows within appear to be
19 0 0 0 0 0
   A sunken path leads treacherously to the north, looking as though it was
originally a continuation of the same path that extends to the south.  
0 0 1928
The open mouth of a cavern gapes, ominously black and silent. Slanted vaguely downward, it is actually more like a hole than a cave.
0 0 1926
   A submerged pathway winds its way gradually up to the south, curving around
just out of sight.  
0 0 1923
   A dark opening gurgles slightly with the sound of water sloshing its way
around rocks, agitated with some unseen movement.  
0 0 1927
T 1971
Flooded Cave~
   Scarce light penetrates the dark waters of this cavern, but what little can
be seen is slick with swamp slime and mosses, the odd glittering piece of armour
shining like stars from the inky depths below.  
19 13 0 0 0 0
   Open air breathes gently from the west, natural light rippling vaguely on the
surface of the breaking waters.  
0 0 1925
   An even darker cave can be seen through the swirling mud and algae below, the
same sparkling pieces of metal sliding in and out of view.  
0 0 1954
glittering armour~
   Once in a while, something shiny moves to the surface, lingering just long
enough to reveal itself as a piece of warrior's equipment before sinking back
down into the deep.  
Underwater Enclosure~
   Sharp rocks protrude dangerously and invisibly from the darkness, muddy water
swirling about and creating the apparant illusion of dark shadows and shapes
swimming cautiously about.  
19 13 0 0 0 0
   Murky water and spiked rocks travel in a vague north to south path just
outside the enclosure.  
0 0 1925
Sunken Road~
   Small pieces of coloured glass glint up from beneath the water, broken bits
of slate and chunks of stone mixing with the wreckage to create an unstable
surface for walking on, the slick overgrowth of plant life making it even more
19 0 0 0 0 0
   The path continues wet and treacherous to the north, smooth paved surfaces
crumbled into broken pieces of stone and grit.  
0 0 1934
   The ground seems to tilt slightly downward, the sound of bubbling, rushing
water swirling around the island rocks that stick up.  
0 0 1925
   The eerie sound of echoing droplets and gently murmuring water are all that
come from the cavernous mouth in this direction.  
0 0 1929
T 1971
A Great Cavern~
   Water trickles lazily into this vast cavern, covering the rock floor with an
inch or two of sloshing muck.  The great stone walls have been excavated
roughly, leaving sharp spikes and serrated areas that look almost deliberately
19 9 0 0 0 0
   The dark depths of the cavern don't reveal much visually, but the sound of
running water can be heard more intensely.  
0 0 1932
   The open air swirls hazily around, mist and humidity wafting in from the hot
sticky swamp atmosphere.  
0 0 1928
   A subtle flickering light comes from this direction, sly shadows darting in
and out of existance along the stone walls.  
0 0 1930
A Great Cavern~
   Light flickers eerily throughout this cave, apparantly emanating from small
torches that have been placed in the natural cavernous cracks and crevices.  
Dark green moss carpets the floor, squishing loudly with saturated water when
stepped on.  
19 8 0 0 0 0
   The ground continues somewhat smoother to the north, dark cool stone curving
around to form the continuing wall.  
0 0 1931
   Sloshing mud and jagged stone surfaces are all that reveal themselves in the
few shafts of light cast this way.  
0 0 1929
Cavernous Gates~
   Two large bamboo gates stand imposingly to the north, bright glowing light
visible within and large flickering shadows creeping through the gaps of them.
The rest of the cavern has been rather deliberately smoothed from the look of
it, as if to make a somewhat grander impression.  
19 9 0 0 0 0
   Tall bamboo gates stand here, a rough rope wrapped around them and attached
with what looks like a wooden padlock.  
1 1906 1933
   The sound of rushing water echoes loudly off the rough rocky surfaces that
continue to the east.  
0 0 1932
   Gentle flickering light, cascades through the shadows from this part of the
cavern, the subtle scent of green mosses wafting on the air.  
0 0 1930
A Great Cavern~
   A large fissure in the side of the wall here lets in a continuous stream of
trickling water.  Dribbling noisily along the projecting rocks, the sound echoes
as if a large stream gushed through this place, the sounds of rushing water
amplifying along the stone walls and floor.  
19 9 0 0 0 0
   A subtle scent of fresh air wafts from the south, the sound of birds and
outside wild life echoing in what appears to be the entrance to this cave.  
0 0 1929
   Very soft flickering light and smoothly sanded stone create a somewhat more
finished appearance in this part of the cavern.  
0 0 1931
A Primitive Throne Room~
   A great fire burns in the middle of this room, giving off the horrible stench
of some cooking flesh.  Bits and pieces of broken armour and swords are hung
here and there as decoration for the walls, along with various animal and
humanoid skulls.  At the far north end, several swords have been tied together
and bent to form a crude jewelled throne.  To the south, two large bamboo gates
stand, guardians to the way out.  
19 12 0 0 0 0
   Tall bamboo gates stand here, a rough rope wrapped around them and attached
with what looks like a wooden padlock.  
1 1906 1931
great fire~
   This raging fire seems to be kept continually going, the sickly smell of
flesh and burning leather wafting in the smokey air around it.  
pieces broken armour decoration walls~
   Glittering pieces of broken and bent metal embed the walls like jewels, no
doubt serving the secondary purpose of displaying the vanquishing of foes.  
swords crude jewelled throne~
   These rather beautiful swords have been carelessly bent and fastened together
to form a slightly unusual but attractive throne, coloured gems sparkling in the
hilts and firelight reflecting off the still shiny metal.  
Mirey Path~
   Water flows slowly down this submerged path, agitating particles of dirt and
sand so that everything beneath the surface is cloudy.  Only the feel of laid
stone and grit indicates the path that lies here, a slight mist hovering over
the surface of the muggy water.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   A small enclosure can be seen to the north, tiny wisps of smoke escaping into
the air.  
0 0 1936
   A little greenish cave opens to the east, the forlorn sound of dripping water
coming from within.  
0 0 1935
   The land slants gradually down, water trickling amongst cloudy particles of
grit and swirling masses of plant life.  
0 0 1928
T 1971
Dripping Cave~
   Dank and cold, the sound of continuous dripping makes this place seem even
more miserable.  Thin layers of green slime coat the walls, and a few organic
encrustations higher up show that at one time water flooded this cave.  
19 9 0 0 0 0
   Slight wisps of mist swirl just inside from the gaping entrance to the west,
the sound of lazily trickling water coming from outside.  
0 0 1934
T 1971
Cluttered Campsite~
   A rudimentary shelter has been constructed here, various stiff reeds roped
together, grasses thatched together to make a somewhat waterproof ceiling.  
Wisps of smoke and glowing embers cling to life as the recently used campfire
slowly dies away.  Various cooking utensils and simple clay pots lie soiled and
strewn about.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   Muddy, grimey water swirls lazily away, stirring up the gravelly ground as it
trickles noisily.  
0 0 1934
   Taller grasses sway gently in the air, a faint sound of droplets echoing can
be heard, as though some hidden cave lies beneath.  
0 0 1937
rudimentary shelter stiff reeds~
   This primitive enclosure is of only basic use in shielding rainfall and heavy
winds.  Open on one side, it seems for the most part abandoned, as though the
creatures who made it only gather here for certain occasions.  
cooking utensils simple clay pots~
   These recently used tools have been dumped on the ground with pieces of flesh
still clinging to them, the smell of rotting is almost unbearable and flies buzz
almost frantically around the filthy surfaces.  
T 1971
Grassy Hole~
   Tall grasses wave slowly in the air, drops of moisture trickling down their
lengths and echoing slightly as they hit rock surface below.  A deep black hole
gapes widely in the ground, concealed perfectly until almost falling into it.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   Copious amounts of smoke fill the air thickly, staining the ground and plant
life darkly black and blocking any further view.  
0 0 1943
   The smell of smoke wafts on the eastern breeze, smoke rising visibly into the
air and the roped walls of some structure only just visible through the grasses.
0 0 1936
   Nothing can be seen within the dark recesses of this hole, just a chill
feeling as though something unnatural lingers, and the sound of droplets hitting
0 0 1938
T 1971
Rainy Chasm~
   Hardly any natural light penetrates this darkness, just the continuous sound
of dripping and trickling water all around.  The stoney chill of the surrounding
rock seems to pierce through everything, feeling almost supernatural in its
19 13 0 0 0 0
   Bright light shines from the larger cavern to the north, sending flickering
shadows all around and the choking smell of smoke.  
0 0 1939
   Shafts of natural light trickle down from amidst waving grasses, little drops
of water drip down, collecting in rivulets along the ceiling.  
0 0 1937
T 1971
Firelit Cavern~
   A great fire burns steadily here, smoke billowing around the ceiling and
escaping through a small hole.  Dancing light casts flickering shadows all about
the room, piles of dried bracken and wood nearby to keep the fire fueled.  
19 8 0 0 0 0
   A smallish, moss-covered cavern yawns widely to the north, the wafting smoke
making it difficult to see much else.  
0 0 1940
   A slight scratching sound can be heard coming from the cavern to the east,
and a makeshift gate of reeds has been fastened across its entrance.  
0 0 1941
   A faint natural glow comes from this part of the cavern, trickling water
echoing loudly as it drips onto the stone.  
0 0 1938
   A rather sickening smell of raw and cooking meat wafts on the western air,
scattered leaves covering the contents of the cave beyond.  
0 0 1942
T 1971
Nesting Grounds~
   Cozy piles of green mosses and dried grass form a thick layer of bedding on
the floor here.  Gentle heat wafts from the room to the south, filling the place
with shimmering warm air.  Several large eggs lie nestled here and there,
partially covered with the grasses.  
19 8 0 0 0 0
   Bright flickering fire sends shadows dancing all around, a curtain of smoke
veiling anything that lies beyond.  
0 0 1939
T 1971
   Thin reeds have been tied across the exit to the west, acting as a miniature
gate to prevent the young ones from wandering out.  Little bits of meat are left
rotting about the floor, and bits of broken egg-shell are scattered about, the
few intact eggs rocking gently as though about to hatch.  
19 8 0 0 0 0
   Bright flickering fire sends shadows dancing all around, a curtain of smoke
ve iling anything that lies beyond.  
0 0 1939
T 1971
Stone Larder~
   Cool stone shelves support large slabs of raw flesh while smoke wafts lazily
in from the east, slowly cooking smaller pieces that hang from hooks in the
ceiling.  In the corner, large leaves cover what appears to be the half
butchered corpse of some unidentifiable animal.  
19 8 0 0 0 0
   Bright flickering fire sends shadows dancing all around, a curtain of smoke
ve iling anything that lies beyond.  
0 0 1939
T 1971
Smokey Path~
   Creeping plants and mosses cover the slimey broken slate that makes up this
abandoned path.  From a large crack in the ground, dark smoke billows slowly up
into the sky, shrouding the place in darkness and creating the claustrophobic
feeling of being unable to breathe.  
19 1 0 0 0 0
   The water runs deeper to the north, shimmering fog wafting restlessly and
clouding any further view.  
0 0 1945
   A well-travelled way lies to the east, stalks of reeds having obviously been
brushed aside.  
0 0 1944
   Tall grasses swish in the heavy air, the sound of trickling water echoing
strangely from some area of the ground.  
0 0 1937
   A vast and confusing landscape stretches far to the west, heavy fog making it
difficult to see any straight path through.  
0 0 1950
T 1971
T 1978
   Tall reeds poke slightly above the surface of this murmuring pool, soft mud
giving easily beneath and sending clouds of darkness up into the water.  Broken
stalks litter the bottom, and deep footprints can be seen imprinted in the
watery ground, indicating that this way is well travelled.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   Deep waters and eerie blue mists swirl silently around, both almost purposely
hiding the way from view.  
0 0 1946
   A muddy path of slate stretches to the east, reeds and other plantlife
rustling with the movements of small animals.  
0 0 1965
   The way west is shrouded from view by a black cloud of hot billowing smoke,
the air almost stiflingly warm.  
0 0 1943
T 1971
Eerie Wetlands~
   Strange mist hovers just above the surface of the high murky waters here,
clouding everything so that only ghosts and shadows can be seen moving about in
the periphery of vision.  The air is hot and stifling, but the cloudy moisture
leaves a bone-chilling cold on every surface.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   Some sort of entrance can be seen through the brush, a black stair descending
into darkness.  
0 0 1976
   Swirling blue mist, and a chill moisture drift about the air, algae-infested
waters stirring silently.  
0 0 1946
   A wave of heat shimmers from the south, dark smoke wafting its way up into
the muggy air.  
0 0 1943
   A vast and confusing landscape stretches far to the west, heavy fog making it
difficult to see any straight path through.  
0 0 1949
T 1971
Eerie Wetlands~
   A deadly silence seems to settle here, even the sounds of cricket chirpings
die away as the bluish haze around this place swirls ever thicker.  The water
slides easily, thick algae blocking any view as to what lies beneath.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   A well travelled way lies to the south, broken reeds and muddy footprints
left as recent evidence.  
0 0 1944
   Stifling air wafts from the east, the chill of swamp moisture clinging to
everything it touches.  
0 0 1945
   The way down is impossibly black, deep cold water offering no hint of what
lies beneath the stirring surface.  
0 0 1947
T 1971
Absolute Darkness~
   The water is much colder at this depth, every movement sending mud and plant
life swirling about.  The blackness seems all-encompassing, nothing visible in
any direction, just the slimey touch of unseen creatures brushing past.  
19 13 0 0 0 0
   Faint shafts of natural light penetrate the darkness, the stalks of gently
swaying reeds only just visible through the murkiness.  
0 0 1946
[Private Set Aside Room for Trigger]~
   Set aside for the sheer purpose of having the leviathan load here and
teleporting it to room 1911 as part of the trigger.  ;) And then I added some
more words at the end of this descrip because the error in zcheck was bugging me
19 152 0 0 0 0
T 1994
Endless Marshlands~
   The swamp seems to stretch almost endlessly to the west, far off shapes and
shadows potentially only the product of imagination.  Almost untouched, the
quiet water and still reeds can be seen for miles.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   Chilly air breezes from the west, damp and clinging miserably to everything
like a cold sweat.  
0 0 1945
   A vast and confusing landscape stretches to the south, heavy fog making it
difficult to see any straight path through.  
0 0 1950
   A vast and confusing landscape stretches far to the west, heavy fog making it
difficult to see any straight path through.  
0 0 1952
T 1971
Endless Marshlands~
   Far off into the distant west, the same landscape can be seen that is visible
here.  Desperate creeping plant life, hovering insects and scummy algae-infested
water appears to be all there is.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   A vast and confusing landscape stretches to the north, heavy fog making it
difficult to see any straight path through.  
0 0 1949
   Dark smoke snakes its way through the air, staining everything around it
black, nearby grasses withering with the heat.  
0 0 1943
   A vast and confusing landscape stretches far to the west, heavy fog making it
difficult to see any straight path through.  
0 0 1953
T 1971
Crumbling Oak~
   This ancient oak tree has long since decayed into little more than a shell.
Sharp spokes of wood stick up like a thorny crown where the higher parts of the
tree have snapped away, presumably buried deep within the surrounding mud.  
19 13 0 0 0 0
   Tall, thin trees weave hypnotically in the wind, the croaks and chirps of
various wildlife filling the air.  
0 0 1921
Endless Marshlands~
   Deep muddy water sloshes about with every disturbance, bending reeds swish
wearily back and forth, and almost eternally around in the swirling mists
everything seems to look exactly the same.  
19 4 0 0 0 0
   A vast and confusing landscape stretches to the east, heavy fog making it
difficult to see any straight path through.  
0 0 1953
   A vast and confusing landscape stretches to the south, heavy fog making it
difficult to see any straight path through.  
0 0 1952
   A vast and confusing landscape stretches far to the west, heavy fog making it
difficult to see any straight path through.  
0 0 1953
T 1971
Endless Marshlands~
   Deep muddy water sloshes about with every disturbance, bending reeds swish
wearily back and forth, and almost eternally around in the swirling mists
everything seems to look exactly the same.  
19 4 0 0 0 0
   A vast and confusing landscape stretches to the north, heavy fog making it
difficult to see any straight path through.  
0 0 1950
   A vast and confusing landscape stretches to the east, heavy fog making it
difficult to see any straight path through.  
0 0 1953
   A vast and confusing landscape stretches far to the west, heavy fog making it
difficult to see any straight path through.  
0 0 1952
T 1971
Air-Filled Cavern~
   A large bubble of air is trapped within this cave, creating the illusion that
this place is above ground, although swirling mud and grasses can be seen
dancing in the water just around the opening.  
19 13 0 0 0 0
   Dark swirling waters block most of the upper cavern from sight, minimal light
penetrates the surface, bits of floating debris making it hard to see what lies
0 0 1926
Opening in a Circle of Trees~
   All around, the ancient and brittle bark of dying trees fills all view, the
odd green shoot of a struggling youngster colouring the gloominess, and the
scent of new plant life freshening the air, even as fungi consume the rotting
19 0 0 0 0 0
   Swaying branches trail leisurely over the murky waters, the sounds of
rustling and crow's screeching carrying on the air.  
0 0 1957
   The trees grow thinner to the south, a large tree stump can be seen vaguely
off to the southeast, and even further south a large rock breaks the horizon.  
0 0 1921
   Gnarled black tree branches stick rigidly out into the air like the upturned
spears of some dark army.  
0 0 1956
T 1971
Circle of Trees~
   Tall dark trunks emerge from the sloshing mud, fragile and crooked with age,
slimy swamp algae covering them with slick green ooze.  Spindly desperate
branches grasp blindly at the air like the skeletal fingers of some long buried
19 0 0 0 0 0
   Thick, brittle treetrunks continue on and around to the north, the sounds of
wildlife crunching through the leaves.  
0 0 1962
   The trees seem to grow more sparse, what looks like a clearing veers off to
the southeast.  
0 0 1955
T 1971
Circle of Trees~
   The fluttering of wings disturbs the still air every now and again and the
mournful screeching of crows can be heard from the swaying branches above.  
Most of the trees here are dead, only one or two trailing green leaves into the
watery surroundings.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   A vast array of dried branches forms a canopy overhead, a mighty tree
standing proudly to the north, even as it decays.  
0 0 1958
   It becomes more visible to the west, trees giving way to what looks like a
0 0 1955
T 1971
Circle of Trees~
   The great shell of a long dead cypress tree stands here, mighty branches
creating a skeletal leaf-less canopy.  The persistant creep of swamp vines and
moss coats nearly the entire trunk, as though the bog were trying to reclaim it.
19 0 0 0 0 0
   Tangled tree roots stretch out to the north, creeping through the treacherous
mud as though grasping for safety.  
0 0 1959
   The sound of snapping twigs and squawking birds comes from the south, the
continuing treeline rustling with unseen movement.  
0 0 1957
T 1971
Circle of Trees~
   The mud here is dangerously sticky, only the buried weaving roots of the
surrounding trees acting as footholds.  It seems as though the brittle wood
moans gently, complaining at the cruelty of the wind, restless breezes scurrying
here and there as though being chased.  
19 0 0 0 0 3
   A line of trees continues around, curving as if to form a large circle that
shrouds the outside from view.
0 0 1958
   A trickle of water runs bubbling and churning over a submerged trail.
0 0 1960
T 1971
Drowned Path~
   Clear water runs here as several surrounding streams trickle into this large
pool.  Dirt and grit settle slowly at the bottom, covering partially what appear
to be the carefully set slate tiles of an ancient road running north and south.
19 0 0 0 0 3
   A small junction lies ahead, this path meeting with a larger west-to-east
0 0 1966
   Trees grow thickly around, spreading in a carefully sculpted line to the east
that curves its way around in a circular shape.
0 0 1959
   A massive statue can be seen rising from the ground, a small clearing flanked
on all sides by the watchful presence of trees.
0 0 1963
   Trees grow thickly around, spreading in a carefully sculpted line to the west
that curves its way around in a circular shape.
0 0 1961
T 1971
Circle of Trees~
   Pale green saplings sway gently in the breeze, struggling for life though
they seem to be well-tended.  Leaning in on each other, their green waving
branches seem to rustle uncomfortably, whispering quietly with each other.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   A greenish film of water and slime coats a long-neglected path to the north.
0 0 1964
   The water grows higher as the land seems to sink, thick bubbling mud and
shallow streams coating the way eastward.
0 0 1960
   Red leaves and dark trunks shift uneasily in the wind, a gathering of trees
spreading toward the south.
0 0 1962
T 1971
Circle of Trees~
   A patch of red flashes in and out of vision through the thick dark cluster of
trunks.  The beautiful crimson leaves of a black gum tree seem almost to light
the area as a burning fire illuminates night.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   Younger saplings grow to the north, slender green branches and fresh budding
leaves adding a sense of freshness to the atmosphere.
0 0 1961
   Older trees grow crookedly to the south, gnarled trunks and grasping fingers
clawing their way through the misty air.
0 0 1956
T 1971
Place of Worship~
   A small trail of crushed bones mingles with the broken twigs and branches
carpeting the floor.  A massive stone altar stands within a small clearing here,
enclosed within the trunks of the surrounding trees.  A smoking fire lingers
here, some burned carcass giving off the smell of cooked flesh.  Before the
altar, a large metal grid is embedded into the ground.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
   A small water-logged path leads northward, flanked on either side by closely
hovering trees.
0 0 1960
   A small stone room has been dug deep into the ground, a cold damp chill
emanating from within.
0 0 1971
T 1971
Drizzling Path~
   Rivulets of muddy water trickle lazily across the broken pieces of stone that
make up this old path, creeping algae and swamp slime give it a carpeted look,
tinting both the stone and the water slightly green.  
19 0 0 0 0 2
0 0 1966
0 0 1961
0 0 1965
T 1971
Pool of Mud~
   The grey surface of slate paving stones can barely be seen beneath the
surface of these dark waters.  Small fish dart nervously about, hiding instantly
at the sight of any shadow, and bulrushes sway gently, spreading ripples
throughout the pool.  
19 4 0 0 0 2
0 0 1964
0 0 1944
T 1971
Bend in an Ancient Path~
   Water sloshes noisily down this path which slopes downward to the west,
coated slightly with the glassy sheen of an inch or two of clear running water,
the carefully laid mosaic stones and coloured glass can clearly be seen.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1970
0 0 1967
0 0 1960
0 0 1964
T 1971
Place of Meeting~
   A small campfire flickers lazily in this paved circular area.  Several smooth
rocks are placed strategically all around the center as if making up some sort
of seating.  Beside the fire, a crude wooden platform has been erected.  
19 0 0 0 0 2
0 0 1969
0 0 1972
0 0 1966
T 1971
[Inside the Cocoon (for Trigger)]~
   This room is for people to be teleported to when they are trapped inside a
spider's cocoon (or a good time-out room).  Only the commands who and gossip
should work in this room for any players under level 33.  Oh the command wriggle
also works, but only to make the object cocoon visibly wriggle to anyone in room
19 136 0 0 0 0
T 1921
Wooden Shelter~
   Several dead branches have been roped together with vines to make this small
shelter.  Several reeds and grasses have been used to patch up the gaps, and the
whole structure has been coated with a layer of mud.  
19 13 0 0 0 0
0 0 1967
T 1971
A Cozy Hut~
   Some sort of underground heat seems to warm this little hut, the cracked
stone floor feeling slightly warm to the touch.  Bundles of hollow reeds have
been used to create small tables, upon which dried grasses and leaves are heaped
like bedding.  
19 13 0 0 0 0
0 0 1966
T 1971
A Dank Prison~
   The walls drip mournfully with muddy water that trickles slowly from the
ceiling grid.  A large sacrificial slab stands in the center of the room,
covered with gruesome stains.  Various metal instruments hang from the walls,
along with the well-used chains of past unfortunate prisoners here.  
19 13 0 0 0 0
0 0 1963
A Large Hut~
   A huge straw mat covers the ground here, decorated with various tribal paints
to display images of royalty and wealth.  Gold and silver glint here and there
like stars in the dark clay walls, and a large cushioned chair sits against the
eastern wall.  
19 12 0 0 0 0
0 0 1967
0 0 1973
T 1971
Trophy Room~
   Flickering fire illuminates the room from a high wooden shelf.  Dancing
shadows creep along the lower shelves which hold a variety of humanoid and
animal skulls.  Small piles of teeth and claws sprinkle the perimeter of the
floor, and it can only be assumed that these trophies are all that remain of
past enemies.  
19 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 1974
0 0 1972
Jumbled Armoury~
   A rough walkway has been cleared through the piles of dented and rusting
armour that lie here.  Miscellaneous scavenged shields and pieces of equipment
lie scattered around in varying states of decay or repair.  A few finer pieces
hang along the wall, ready for use.  
19 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 1975
0 0 1973
Treasure Storage~
   Glittering pieces of gold and jewellry line the whole interior of this room,
embedded into the actual structure of the room and dangling as decorations from
the wall.  Some useless trinkets and pieces of bent metal are also scattered
around amongst the treasure, collected apparantly only for their shiny surfaces.
19 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 1974
Palace Entrance~
   A grand obsidian stair slopes gradually down into darkness and the submerged
palace of Lost Ajhuutal.  Creeping swamp plants and mosses glow slightly where
they touch the black stone, almost pulsing as though they were the living veins
of the structure itself.  
19 13 0 0 0 0
0 0 1945
0 0 1977
Webbed Corridor~
   Fine silvery filaments of cobweb wave gently in the subtle musty breeze that
stirs here.  Beads of moisture condense on the cool black stone of the walls,
rivulets of water gathering and trickling like sweat in the suffocating
19 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 1978
0 0 1992
0 0 1976
Damaged Passageway~
   Great claw-like gashes mark the walls here, the aftermath of some great
struggle.  Broken pieces of the floor lie gathering dust and large dark stains
have corroded the passage as though splashed with acid or burnt by some powerful
19 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 1979
0 0 1998
0 0 1977
Blood-Spattered Corridor~
   Dark red splatters fleck the wall and floors here, filling the air with the
metallic and unmistakeable stench of congealing blood.  New stains freshly cover
the old, years of lost struggles painted about the room with all that remains of
the unfortunate victims.  
19 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 1991
0 0 1978
0 0 1980
Halls of the Aranea~
   A few ancient trinkets glitter here, actually embedded into the walls with
crystallised webbing.  The decaying skull of a humanoid can also be spotted here
and there through the drifting strands of cottony thread, apparantly the trophy
of a past conquest.  
19 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 1982
0 0 1979
0 0 1981
Halls of the Aranea~
   Dark and glistening with some sort of saliva-like ooze, hundreds of primitive
carvings have been intricately woven into the cold, dripping stone walls, most
depicting various battles including the capture of the mighty leviathan and the
destruction of Fallorain's army.  
19 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 1980
0 0 1992
0 0 1994
Zanassu's Altar~
   Cold and unwelcoming, it is impossible to tell if the crystal patterns around
this room are frost or the intricate webbings of spiders.  A great stone altar
stands here, steps making it possible to actually stand upon it.  To the north,
a great black gate stands, barring the way further into the palace.  
19 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 1980
T 1943
T 1948
Palace of Lost Ajhuutal~
   Dark menacing shadows jump erratically from the corners and flit swiftly
along the walls as rows of torches light the room with flickering firelight,
cold stone and slate paving the chilly corridor.  
19 156 0 0 0 0
0 0 1984
0 0 1988
T 1945
T 1947
T 1942
Palace of Lost Ajhuutal~
   A cool and unnatural breeze wafts through this part of the hall, almost
seeming to whisper words as it sighs along the jagged crooks and crevices in the
cavernous wall, wisps of silk glistening as they stir.  
19 137 0 0 0 0
0 0 1985
0 0 1990
0 0 1983
T 1944
Palace of Lost Ahjuutal~
   Damp and miserable, the black surroundings are nonetheless regal to behold,
tall black columns supporting the increasingly high ceiling and every surface
sparkling with tiny dark jewels as though starlit.  
19 137 0 0 0 0
0 0 1989
0 0 1984
0 0 1986
Palace of Lost Ahjuutal~
   Magnificent tapestries of pure silk line the walls here, simple portrayals of
victorious battles and weaponry woven by some magic into the crimson and scarlet
strands.  The taste for luxury is further evidenced here by the use of many
hundred mandora spider furs to cover the substantial floor with lush velvety
19 137 0 0 0 0
0 0 1997
0 0 1985
0 0 1987
Palace of Lost Ahjuutal~
   The air is sticky and oppressive here although almost too cold to be so
humid.  Slight viscuous moisture coats the floors and walls alike, making the
naturally dark surroundings glimmer in places as though tiny eyes twinkled in
and out of existance.  
19 137 0 0 0 0
0 0 1986
0 0 1988
0 0 1996
Palace of Lost Ahjuutal~
   Strange and intricate carvings of combat scenes as well as writings line the
cavernous walls, both runes and some unfathomable language darken the place
further with the lingering and heady presence of evil magic.  
19 137 0 0 0 0
0 0 1987
0 0 1983
0 0 1995
T 1944
Weaponry of the Spider Demon~
   Glittering silvery metal runs in natural veins through the rock in this room,
naturally complementing the selection of fine weaponry to be found within.  
Functional and ornamental swords alike hang proudly displayed upon the walls,
with central glass cases containing elegant two-handed blades as well as
jewelled maces.  
19 137 0 0 0 0
0 0 1985
Chamber of Strange Arts~
   Darkly polished shelves hold an assortment of strange bottles and jars, some
of them shifting slightly now and again as though the contents moved.  A
towering bookshelf on the western side of the room holds ancient looking scrolls
and pieces of parchment as well as large bound books that lie almost unseen
beneath layers of dust.  At the northern end, a large fire crackles quietly,
giving off copious amounts of sickly smelling smoke.  
19 136 0 0 0 0
0 0 1984
Torture Chamber~
   A gleaming black table lies like a coffin on a stand in the center of the
room, bloody bits of frayed rope left scattered across it.  Flickering light
from a red hot fireplace casts the dingy room in shadows, intermittently
illuminating a selection of terrifying metal instruments that decorate the
stained walls.  
19 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 1979
Sticky Passage~
   The walls glisten with crystallised strands of cobweb, slightly sticky slime
glistening as it oozes down the walls, collecting in slippery puddles and
droplets on the dark floor that sparkle almost like stars.  
19 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 1981
0 0 1977
0 0 1993
Spider Lair~
   New and old cobwebs coat the walls, fluttering in layers like some kind of
eerie wallpaper.  A slight rustling echoes all throughout this dreary cavern,
and on closer inspection thousands of tiny spiders can be seen scuttling across
the ceiling and drifting on webbed strands through the musty air.  
19 13 0 0 0 0
0 0 1992
T 1935
Food Storage~
   Shelves line the relatively clean walls here, holding a variety of rich food
and drink.  Fermenting pails of wine stand covered in the corners and dried
meats and herbs hang, slightly swaying from the ceiling.  The unmistakeable
smell of aging cheese fills the air along with the pungently sweet scent of
ripening fruits.  
19 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 1981
Place of Plunder~
   Dancing light from several wall-hung torches keeps the whole room aglow as if
with sunfire.  Gold and silver alike generously line the walls and floor as if
some incredible heat simply melted the treasure into the structure all at once.
Sparkling jewels and gems of many colours glitter from assorted piles like
bundles of freshly picked flowers, left scattered around the many ornamental
chests as though for casual decoration.  
19 136 0 0 0 0
0 0 1988
Regal Armoury~
   The ghostly figures of several wooden mannikins stand eerily in this
dimly-lit room, display stands for various sets and pieces of armour.  Coats of
mail glisten beautifully from the shadowy corners, fine mesh and dark admantite
alike being woven into regal pieces adorned with gems.  Elaborate helmets and
visors stand encased within crystal columns, and glittering shields shine from
the walls like moonlight.  
19 137 0 0 0 0
0 0 1987
Throne of the Champion of Lloth~
   An elaborate jewelled throne stands centrally at the northern end of the
room, surrounded by the massive column-like legs of an upturned gargantuan
spider crystallised into the floor.  Black, thorny spines protrude here and
there from the jagged walls, twitching now and again as though some magic has
rendered the structure alive.  Even the beautiful maroon carpet has been utterly
spoiled, ugly patches of old and drying blood left almost proudly displayed,
tainting the air with a sickly metallic scent.  
19 13 0 0 0 0
0 0 1986
T 1976
Cocooned Cell~
   Dank and cold, old rusted chains hang mostly unused from the walls.  Various
nets and cruel-looking traps litter the area, and an unbearable smell of rotting
food and waste fills the room.  Spider-spun cocoons lie freely about the floor
or attached to the wall, some opened whereas others seem almost to writhe.  
19 9 0 0 0 0
0 0 1978
Withered Grasses~
   The air here is smotheringly warm, humidity condensing in the air and
drifting away to join the wandering mist that swirls forlornly about.  Tall
withered grasses whisper amongst themselves as they bend, almost seeming to
deliberately make way for passage.  
19 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1901
T 1971