The Myth v1.0

David Spink -

=== Copyright and License Terms

The Myth is a derivative of God Wars and Merc 2.1 and is subject to their copyright
and license agreement, as well as those of Diku.  The Myth contains numerous
code changes and additions.  ALL changes were done by Morglum unless otherwise stated.

In order to use The Myth you must follow the Diku, Merc, GodWars and Myth licenses.

The exact terms of the Diku license are in the file 'license.doc'.
The exact terms of the Merc license are in the file 'license.txt'.
The exact terms of the God Wars Deluxe license are in the file ''

The Myth license terms are:
        -- Copyrights must remain UNCHANGED in original source.
        -- 'Help themyth' and 'help myth' MUST report The Myths help text, as shipped.
	-- The 'about' command must remain UNCHANGED and show The Myths help text to all.
        -- The text 'The Myth was created by Morglum' MUST be displayed in the
           login sequence.