Name        Anon    The Shire~
Builders    None~
VNUMs       1100 1157
Security    1

elven wizard~
the Elven Wizard~
An Elven Wizard is here, creating fireworks for the festivities.
The Elven Wizard looks at you in a solemn sort of way.  His gaze seems to
penetrate through your innermost being.  He is wearing a silvery cloak
and holding a multi-colored staff.  Although he appears to be older
than the oldest man, he seems to have an inner strength which most mortals
cannot overcome.
67 8 500 S
102 5 0 18d18+180 3d2+15
2109 0
0 0 1
ring keeper~
the Keeper of the Ring~
The Keeper of the Ring is here, guarding his treasure jealously.
The Ring Keeper is a rather big but short halfling.  His short stature and
bulbous nose belie his true nature.  An elven sword that glows with a blue
light hangs from his belt, and on his finger you see the One Ring.  Although
usually a halfling of peace, he will fight you to the death if you attempt
to take away that which belongs to him.
67 10 0 S
17 2 -5 19d19+190 1d8+16
1231 0
0 0 1
farmer gamgee~
Farmer Gamgee~
Farmer Gamgee sniffs the air, wondering if harvest time is near.
Farmer Gamgee is a short, stout halfling of thirty years.  His skin has
been tanned from working the fields night and day.  He's quite a jolly
chap, always ready to befriend an injured bunny rabbit.
131 0 350 S
11 14 4 7d7+77 1d4+5
0 0
0 0 1
a toddler~
A toddler crawls about, looking for something to chew on.
The toddler is dressed in nothing but his birthday suit.  He crawls about
for he hasn't learned to walk yet.  He peers up at you and asks "da da?"
131 0 100 S
5 19 9 2d2+22 1d3+1
0 0
0 0 1
a nursemaid~
A nursemaid wanders about, trying to keep track of all the toddlers.
The nursemaid looks rather tired and worn out.  Taking care of so many
toddlers for too long has evidently taken its toll.  She looks to you and
in her eyes you can see her longing for a better life.
3 0 100 S
3 16 5 5d5+55 1d3+4
30 0
0 0 2
a cow~
A cow is here, chewing her cud.
The cow looks like it hasn't been milked in quite some time.  Although she
is past her prime, you see that she still has a lot of years left, and that
if provoked, her rear kick can be quite deadly.
2113 0 0 S
4 17 6 4d4+44 1d4+3
0 0
0 0 0
a pig~
A pig wallows in the mud and oinks in contentment.
The pig appears quite happy to be a pig.  He is oblivious to your presence
and cares only for the care-free life that he leads.  It is enormously fat
and consequently cannot move around very quickly.
65 0 0 S
5 17 7 3d3+33 2d2+1
0 0
0 0 0
a chicken~
A chicken sits on her nest.
The chicken is bright and healthy.  She has no weapons but her beak.
65 0 0 S
2 20 7 2d2+22 1d4+0
0 0
0 0 2
a bull~
A bull scratches at the ground and lowers his head.
The bull is in top condition.  He looks like quite a fighter, nothing to be
reckoned with.  With his horns and his hooves he can attack just about
35 0 0 S
4 15 4 6d6+66 1d4+4
0 0
0 0 1
a horse~
A horse becomes frightened by your presence.
The horse looks at you and turns away.  You can tell that it is afraid of you.
2115 0 0 S
2 17 6 4d4+44 1d8+0
2 0
0 0 0
a shiriff~
A shiriff of the Shire looks for signs of trouble.
The shiriff is over waist high, quite tall for a halfling.  His eyes are
ever roaming, looking for signs of trouble from riff-raff like you.  In
his belt is a thin dagger, and on his body he wears a suit of leather armor.
This is one halfling you don't want to mess with.
69 0 150 S
8 13 5 8d8+88 1d4+5
100 0
0 0 1
a shiriff~
A shiriff of the Shire looks for signs of trouble.
The shiriff is over waist high, quite tall for a halfling.  His eyes are
ever roaming, looking for signs of trouble from riff raff like you.  In
his belt is a thin dagger, and on his body he wears a suit of leather armor.
This is one halfling you don't want to mess with.
69 0 150 S
14 13 5 8d8+88 1d4+5
50 0
0 0 1
the Thain~
The Thain commands respect from all Shire folk.
A personable yet serious halfling, the Thain looks at you and yells a
deep 'Hullo'.  He walks about comfortably, secure in the knowledge that
as long as he's in office, the Shire will always remain a safe haven for
Shire folk.
65 0 400 S
99 7 -3 14d14+140 1d4+12
500 0
0 0 1
the Innkeeper~
The Innkeeper stands here awaiting your order.
The Innkeeper is a jolly old halfling who spends his days eavesdropping on
local gossip.  In his younger days, he was quite a seasoned traveller.
67 0 200 S
11 9 2 12d12+120 1d4+10
700 0
0 0 1
the Miller~
The Miller is here, overseeing his busy mill workers.
The Miller is an impatient young halfling, always trying to command more
respect from his workers than he can get.  He looks like the type of person
who deserves a spanking but never got one.
197 0 50 S
2 15 4 6d6+66 1d4+4
200 0
0 0 1
mill worker~
the mill worker~
The mill worker runs to and fro.
The mill worker is in fine shape from the hard labor that he does at the
mill.  He doesn't notice your presence, but he looks like he could break you
in two without thinking about it.
3 0 0 S
9 16 5 5d5+55 1d6+3
50 0
0 0 1
elven warrior~
the elven warrior~
The elven warrior watches you solemnly.
The tall elven warrior is light and fair-skinned.  The expression that he wears
on his countenance is solemn and tragic.  He cares not for this world any
longer and wearies of it.
3 0 600 S
16 4 -4 17d17+170 1d4+15
500 0
0 0 1
dwarven prince~
the dwarven prince~
The dwarven prince sits here patiently for the return of his king.
Grim and cold, the dwarven prince is quite strong and bulky, even for the
dwarves of his land.  His glowing eyes peer out of his bushy face and stare
beyond your gaze.
3 0 200 S
205 6 -8 17d17+170 1d4+15
700 0
0 0 1
the shopkeeper~
The shopkeeper smiles and patiently waits for you to buy something.
The shopkeeper will fight like a madman to protect his store from riff-raff
like you.
3 0 600 S
20 -2 -12 22d22+222 2d4+22
12000 0
0 0 1
the grocer~
The grocer offers you the finest breads in all the land.
The grocer is a large, jovial halfling who knows how to enjoy his pipeweed.
However, he also knows that it's worth protecting and so will do everything
in his power to prevent riff-raff like you from stealing it.
3 0 600 S
22 -2 -12 22d22+222 2d4+22
1500 0
0 0 1
the blacksmith~
The blacksmith bids you welcome to his humble store.
The blacksmith is a lean and mean fighting machine.  His knowledge of weapons
and armour would certainly help him in any fight against riff-raff like you.
3 0 600 S
47 -20 -30 50d50+500 1d6+36
18000 0
0 0 1
battle master~
the battle master~
The battle master offers you the services of his fine trainees.
The battle master is a wizened fighter, with many scars to prove his worth.
3 0 350 S
254 -2 -15 25d25+250 2d6+20
1500 0
0 0 1
halfling youth~
a halfling youth~
A halfling youth stands here, waiting for nothing in particular.
The halfling youth is not yet quite in the prime of his youth.  He's knee
high and you get the sudden urge to step on him.
193 0 0 S
1 18 7 3d3+33 1d6+1
0 0
0 0 1
seasoned adventurer~
a seasoned adventurer~
A seasoned adventurer sits here, telling tales of fame and fortune.
The seasoned adventurer has seen his share of glory days.  Although he is
past his prime, he still looks like he could put up more than his share of
a good fight.
3 0 100 S
5 13 3 8d8+88 2d3+7
170 0
0 0 1
local gossip~
a local gossip~
A local gossip asks you, "Have you heard the latest?"
The gossip is all talk and no action.  You're transfixed by her ability to
talk so much so quickly.
131 0 0 S
8 17 6 4d4+44 1d4+2
25 0
0 0 2
halfling beauty~
a halfling beauty~
A halfling beauty stares dreamily into your eyes.
She is the most beautiful creature you've seen in quite some time.  As you
stare at her, thoughts of all else vanish.  You get the sudden urge to grovel
at her feet, hoping she'll take you in like a lost puppy.  You wouldn't dare
harm a hair on her precious little head.
3 0 1000 S
16 15 4 6d6+66 1d4+4
75 0
0 0 2
a trainee~
A trainee screams a death cry as he delivers the fatal blow to a dummy.
The trainee smiles smugly, aware of your interest in him.  He's a little
fresh, but his enthusiasm and desire to please more than make up for what
he lacks in skill.
3 0 0 S
7 16 5 5d5+55 1d6+3
0 0
0 0 1
chic urbanite~
a chic urbanite~
A chic urbanite sits here, enjoying his class status.
The urbanite seems very much at home in his surroundings.  His clothes are
all of the latest fashions and his manners impeccable.  He offers you some
coins if you'd be so good as to order a drink for him.
131 0 0 S
12 17 6 4d4+44 2d2+2
100 0
0 0 1
country bumpkin~
a country bumpkin~
A country bumpkin dreams of pipeweed and its many uses.
The country bumpkin snores noisily.
3 0 0 S
6 16 5 5d5+55 1d4+3
70 0
0 0 1
the Innkeeper~
The Innkeeper stands here awaiting your order.
The Innkeeper is a jolly old halfling who spends his days eavesdropping on
local gossip.  In his younger days, he was quite a seasoned traveller.
3 0 200 S
18 9 2 12d12+120 1d4+10
1000 0
0 0 1
the receptionist~
The receptionist sits here, signing forms.
He is a very professional looking type.
3 0 200 S
15 4 -2 12d12+120 1d8+14
70 0
0 0 1
a shiriff~
A shiriff of the Shire looks for the lost halfling youth.
The shiriff is over waist high, quite tall for a halfling.
He looks at you, smiles and asks you if you have seen a halfling youth
somewhere outside the shire.
3 0 150 S
13 13 5 8d8+88 1d4+6
50 0
0 0 1

rainbow staff~
the rainbow staff~
The rainbow staff lies here.~
1 64 1
0 0 -1 0
8 5000 0
4 1
Sting lies here.~
5 1027 8193
0 2 7 10
1 10000 0
2 2
a sign~
A sign demands your attention.~
12 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
Welcome to the Shire.  As you enter the Shire from Haon-Dor you come under
the jurisdiction of the Thain, the peacekeeper of the Shire.  Consequently,
by entering these lands you agree to obey our laws.  If you break these laws,
you will be severely punished.  We do not like riff raff in our peaceful

					The Thain
					Peacekeeper of the Shire

pipeweed bread~
a pipeweed bread~
A loaf of pipeweed bread arouses your hunger.~
19 0 1
24 0 0 0
1 13 0
silvery cloak~
a silvery cloak~
A silvery cloak lies here.~
9 1088 1025
7 0 0 0
3 10000 0
24 -2
one ring~
the One Ring~
The One Ring is here.~
9 64 3
0 0 0 46
3 2500 0
12 20
17 10
elven bow~
an elven bow~
An elven bow lies here.~
5 1090 8193
0 2 8 4
10 2000 0
18 2
mithril axe~
a mithril axe~
A mithril axe lies here.~
5 28677 8193
0 2 8 5
12 4000 0
19 2
thain girth~
the thain girth~
The girth of the thain lies here.~
9 8192 2049
5 3 0 0
4 1000 0
4 2
tiny dagger~
a tiny dagger~
A tiny dagger lies here.~
5 0 8193
0 1 6 11
3 40 0
an egg~
An egg lies here.~
19 0 1
12 0 0 0
1 9 0
a bag~
A bag is on the floor.~
15 0 1
50 0 0 0
5 50 0
a lantern~
A lantern is on the floor.~
1 0 1
0 0 20 0
4 50 0
a bardiche~
A long weapon with a sharp end is on the floor.~
5 0 8193
0 3 4 3
10 1000 0
18 4
a flail~
A flail is on the floor.~
5 0 8193
0 2 4 6
8 300 0

A dimly lit path~
You tread through the deep, dark forest on a dimly lit path.  Up ahead you
can hear the faint sounds of a village.
0 0 3
The dimly lit path leads north through the dense forest.
0 -1 1101
The dimly lit path leads south through the light forest.
0 -1 6000
A dimly lit path~
You tread through the deep, dark forest on a dimly lit path.  Up ahead you
can hear the faint sounds of a village.
0 0 3
The dimly lit path leads north through the dense forest.
0 -1 1102
The dimly lit path leads south through the dense forest.
0 -1 1100
A dimly lit path~
You tread through the deep, dark forest on a dimly lit path.  The forest
here seems less dense than to the south.  Northward you see the faint outline
of a village.
0 0 3
The dimly lit path leads to a village.
0 -1 1103
The dimly lit path leads south through the dense forest.
0 -1 1101
Entrance to the Shire~
You stand at the entrance to the Shire.  You see halflings, no more than
wee tall, every which way you look. Bywater Road leads east and west.
0 0 1
To the east runs Bywater Road.
0 -1 1104
To the south you see a dimly lit path which leads to a dense forest.
0 -1 1102
To the west runs Bywater Road.
0 -1 1118
Bywater Road~
You stand on Bywater Road, the busiest street in all of Shiredom.  The road
continues to the east and west while to the north lies the general store.
0 0 1
The general store lies to the north.
0 -1 1105
To the east runs Bywater Road.
0 -1 1106
To the west you see the entrance to the Shire.
0 -1 1103
The General Store~
You are inside the general store.  All sorts of goodies are stacked on the
many shelves.  Your local friendly shopkeeper is smiling patiently, waiting to 
serve you to the best of his abilities.  The only exit is to the south.
0 8 0
The only exit lies to the south.
0 -1 1104
Bywater Road~
You stand on Bywater Road, the busiest street in all of Shiredom.  The road
continues to the east and west.  To the north, steps lead to a friendly looking
weaponry/armory while a nursery lies to the south.
0 0 1
Steps lead to a friendly looking weaponry and armory.
0 -1 1107
To the east runs Bywater Road.
0 -1 1109
To the south lies Kid'n Keep, the local nursery.
0 -1 1108
To the west runs Bywater Road.
0 -1 1104
The House of Arms~
You are inside the finest weapons and armour shop in all of Shiredom.  The
shopkeeper proudly displays his fine wares and humbly offers the best daggers
that you have ever laid eyes on.
0 8 0
The only exit lies to the south.
0 -1 1106
Kid'n Keep~
You are inside Kid'n Keep, the convenient one-stop nursery that maintains
the youth of the Shire.  Toddlers run every which way while their nursemaids
sigh in exasperation.  The only exit lies to the north.
0 8 0
The only exit lies to the north.
0 -1 1106
A bend in the road~
Bywater Road continues west and south.  A large, imposing building lies
to the east.  Farther to the south, you can see an Inn of some sort.
0 0 1
A large, imposing building lies to the east.  A sign reads 'Shiriff Post'.
0 -1 1110
To the south runs Bywater Road.
0 -1 1112
To the west runs Bywater Road.
0 -1 1106
Shiriff Post of the Eastern Shire~
You are in the Shiriff Post which acts as the nucleus for the three shiriffs
of the Eastern Shire.  As you examine the shiriffs on duty, you come to realize
that the halflings of the Shire are not to be reckoned with.  You cower with 
awe.  A door offers passage to the east.
0 8 0
A door offers passage to the office of the Thain.
0 0 1111
To the west you can see Bywater Road.
0 -1 1109
Thain's Office~
You stand inside the office of the Thain, the police protectorate of the
great Shire.  The Thain has sworn to protect the Shire from all thieves and
murderers with his life, and so eyes you suspiciously.  A door to the west
leads to the Shiriff Post.
0 8 0
A door offers passage to the Shiriff Post.
0 0 1110
Bywater Road~
You stand on Bywater Road, the busiest street in all of Shiredom.  The road
continues to the north and south.  To the east you spy the training grounds for
shiriffs in training.
0 0 1
To the north runs Bywater Road.
0 -1 1109
The Shiriff Training Grounds lies to the east.
0 -1 1117
To the south runs Bywater Road.
0 -1 1113
Bywater Road~
You stand on Bywater Road, the busiest street in all of Shiredom.  The road
continues to the north.  The private residences of Shire inhabitants are to
the east and west while to the south lies the Ivy Bush, second only to the
Green Dragon for its hospitality and service.
0 0 1
To the north runs Bywater Road.
0 -1 1112
You spy the private dwelling of a Shire folk to the east.
0 -1 1115
To the south you see the Ivy Bush, a favorite haunt of Shire urbanites and
seasoned travelers.
0 -1 1116
You spy the private dwelling of a Shire folk to the west.
0 -1 1114
A smial~
You are inside a smial, a hole in the ground which serves as the proper
dwelling place for halflings.  As you look around this private abode, you feel
as if you were intruding and so quickly cover your eyes.  The only exit lies
to the east.
0 8 0
The only exit lies to the east.
0 -1 1113
A smial~
You are inside a smial, a hole in the ground which serves as the proper
dwelling place for halflings.  As you look around this private abode, you feel
as if you were intruding and so quickly cover your eyes.  The only exit lies
to the west.
0 8 0
The only exit lies to the west.
0 -1 1113
The Ivy Bush~
You are in the Ivy Bush, one of the most famous inns in all of Shiredom.
Chique Shire urbanites and seasoned travelers fill the confines of the room
with gay and lively talk.  A jovial innkeeper stops all that he is doing to
await your command.  The only exit lies to the north.
0 8 0
The only exit lies to the north.
0 -1 1113
Shiriff Training Grounds~
The sounds of mock battle and feigned death cries fill your ears.  Every
which way you turn you see halfling trainees at the prime of their youth.  A
wizened old battle instructor meets your gaze and asks if he may be of 
service.  The only exit lies to the west.
0 0 0
The only exit lies to the west.
0 -1 1112
Bywater Road~
You stand on Bywater Road, the busiest street in all of Shiredom.  The road
continues to the east and west.  A large, imposing building lies to the south.
You catch a glimpse of the Brandywine River to the north.
0 0 1
To the east you see the entrance to the Shire.
0 -1 1103
A large, imposing building lies to the south.  A sign reads 'Shiriff Post'.
0 -1 1119
To the west runs Bywater Road.
0 -1 1120
Shiriff Post of the Bridge~
You are in the Shiriff Post which acts as the nucleus for the three shiriffs
of the Bridge.  As you examine the shiriffs on duty, you come to realize that
the halflings of the Shire are not to be reckoned with.  You cower with awe.
The only exit is to the north.
0 8 0
The only exit is to the north.
0 -1 1118
Bywater Road~
You stand on Bywater Road, the busiest street in all of Shiredom.  The road
continues to the east and west.  To the south you spy the Grocer's Delight,
the premium grocer's shop in all the realm while to the north lies Brandywine
0 0 1
Brandywine Bridge offers safe passage across the tumultuous river.
0 -1 1131
To the east runs Bywater Road.
0 -1 1118
You see the Grocer's Delight to the south.
0 -1 1121
To the west runs Bywater Road.
0 -1 1122
The Grocer's Delight~
You tremble with ecstasy as the tempting odors of freshly made pipeweed
bread fill your lungs.  Rumor has it that the pipeweed bread sold here can
restore vitality.  You look around but find no one to take your order.  
You then peep over the counter and discover a friendly grocer who is too 
short to be seen over the counter.  The only exit is to the north.
0 8 0
The only exit is to the north.
0 -1 1120
Bywater Road~
You stand on Bywater Road, the busiest street in all of Shiredom.  The road
continues to the east.  A small hill lies to the west while you can see a
watermill to the far south.  You catch a glimpse of the Brandywine River to
the north.
0 0 1
To the east runs Bywater Road.
0 -1 1120
An entrance to the watermill lies to the south.
0 -1 1123
A small hill to the west blocks your view.
0 -1 1126
Entrance to Watermill~
You stand at the entrance to a watermill.  You hear the bustle of busy
workers and the sound of a creaking mill.  Bywater Road is to the north while
the watermill continues to the south.
0 0 0
You see Bywater Road to the north.
0 -1 1122
A watermill meets your gaze.
0 -1 1124
The Watermill~
Halfling workers are scattered everywhere, busy at work.  You see the river
to the west and get a compelling urge to grab the nearest worker and to toss
him into the river.  The entrance stands to the north while a door offers
passage to the south.
0 8 0
You see the entrance.
0 -1 1123
A wooden door leads to the rear of the watermill.
0 0 1125
Rear of watermill~
You stand in a damp, dimly lit room.  Mildew clings to the walls and it
appears as if you were the first person to enter the room in ages.  A barely
visible portal in the ground catches your eye.
0 8 0
A watermill meets your gaze.
0 -1 1124
A hidden portal reveals a passageway down.
0 -1 1146
Took Hill~
You stand on top of Took Hill, named after the legendary Bandobras Took.
You feel honored to be standing on a hill named after your hero.  From this
vantage point you can see all of shiredom.  You get the feeling that with
one stomp you could eliminate their great city.  You can see the outline of
Midgaard to the far east.  Sounds of joyful celebration are heard from the
fields west of here.  The Brandywine flows by lazily nearby.
0 0 4
To the east runs Bywater Road.
0 -1 1122
You see a grassy field to the west.
0 -1 1128
Northern end of grassy field~
You stand in a grassy field--nothing to get too excited about.  The field
extends toward the south and the west.  To the east you see Took Hill.
0 0 2
You see a grassy field.
0 -1 1128
A grassy field~
You stand in the center of a grassy field.  A great birthday party appears
to be taking place.  Great tables of food are spread out and a young halfling
beauty offers you welcome.  You are enticed by her generosity and suggestive
0 0 2
You see a grassy field.
0 -1 1127
A small hill to the east blocks your view.
0 -1 1126
You see a grassy field.
0 -1 1129
You see a grassy field.
0 -1 1130
Southern end of grassy field~
You stand in a grassy field--nothing to get too excited about.  The field
extends toward the north and the west.  To the east you see Took Hill.
0 0 2
You see a grassy field.
0 -1 1128
Western end of grassy field~
You stand in a grassy field--nothing to get too excited about.  The field
extends every which way but west.
0 0 2
You see a grassy field.
0 -1 1128
Brandywine Bridge~
You stand on a solidly built bridge.  As you look down you spy gaily
colored fish swimming with the current of Brandywine River.  The cool water
looks invitingly refreshing and you get a sudden urge to strip and bathe in
the river, but you hear the laughter of women nearby and so resist the urge.
Delving Lane extends to the north while Bywater Road can be seen to the south.
0 0 1
You see Delving Lane.
0 -1 1132
To the south runs Bywater Road.
0 -1 1120
Delving Lane~
Delving Lane runs north and south in this small borough of the Shire.  To 
the south stands Brandywine Bridge.  The Green Dragon, the undisputed leader
in the art of innkeeping, offers rest and comfort to the east.  You hear the
bray of horses from the west.
0 0 1
You see Delving Lane.
0 -1 1133
The Green Dragon offers food, drink, and above all hospitality for mere gold.
0 -1 1144
Brandywine Bridge offers safe passage across the tumultuous river.
0 -1 1131
Delving Lane~
Delving Lane runs north and south in this small borough of the Shire.  A 
large, imposing building lies to the east.  You hear the bray of horses from
the west.
0 0 1
You see Delving Lane.
0 -1 1134
A large, imposing building lies to the east.  A sign reads 'Shiriff Post'.
0 -1 1145
You see Delving Lane.
0 -1 1132
You see a grassy field.
0 -1 1138
Delving Lane~
Delving Lane runs north and south in this small borough of the Shire. There
is a small house to the west, nothing to the east, and up ahead you see a round
door which leads to a rather impressive abode.
0 0 1
A large, magnificent house meets your steady gaze.  Above the round door a
sign reads 'Bag End'.
0 -1 1135
You see Delving Lane.
0 -1 1133
Bag End~
You stand in a comfortably well-equipped house, a palace by humble halfling
standards.  On the wall you see a banner which reads "Home Sweet Home".
A solid oak door to the east leads to a pantry while you see a cozy bedroom
to the west.
0 8 0
Through the keyhole you see what looks like a well stocked pantry.
0 -1 1137
You see Delving Lane.
0 -1 1134
You see a bedroom.  It looks like the beds have recently been slept in.
0 -1 1136
You stand in the private bedroom of Bag End.  There are two beds to the
side, neither of which are made.  Portraits of halflings hang on the wall,
and as you gaze upon them you come to the conclusion that the owner of
Bag End comes from a long line of distinguished halflings.  A cozy fire
in the fireplace keeps the room warm and comfortable.
0 8 0
Through the doorway you see the main room of Bag End.
0 -1 1135
You are inside the pantry.  Shelves filled with food and drink surround
you on all sides.  You wonder why a halfling would need so much to eat.
The presence of something unseen chills you to your bones.  On the floor
you spy a trapdoor.
0 8 0
Beyond the door you see the main room of Bag End.
0 -1 1135
It's anyone's guess as to where the trapdoor leads.
0 -1 1156
A grassy field~
You stand upon a grassy field.  A bull stands grazing not far away and
out of the corner of your eye you can see him considering you.  The sound
of animals fill the air from the north.  To the south you see a pig pen.
0 0 2
You see a large barn.
0 -1 1142
You see Delving Lane.
0 -1 1133
A rather large pig pen is to the south.
0 -1 1139
Pig pen~
You feel your boots sinking into the mud.  Numerous pigs roam about,
oblivious to your company.  A grassy field is to the north while you see
a small path winding to the west.
0 0 1
You see a grassy field.
0 -1 1138
A small path winds its way eastward.
0 -1 1140
A stony path~
You walk on a stony path which leads to a small residence to the north.
From the east you hear the noisy din of pigs.
0 0 1
To the north you see a modest house.
0 -1 1141
A rather large pig pen is to the east.
0 -1 1139
Gamgee Residence~
You stand inside a modest home.  You deduce that this is indeed the home
of whomever owns the surrounding lands.  The air is somewhat musty and 
the smell reminds you of a stable.  As you look around disdainfully, you
think to yourself that this is more of a shack than a proper residence and
you long for the urban riches of the Shire proper.
0 8 0
You see a small path winding its way southward.
0 -1 1140
A barn~
Animals of every sort fill the small barn.  You feel the hot breath of
horses and cows on your neck and you feel the sudden need for fresh air.
Other than that, you feel cozy and protected and don't mind staying for a
bit longer.  All the warmth and good vibes remind you of the days when your
mother would hold you in her arms and sing you to sleep.  You find yourself
wanting to cradle all the animals.
0 8 0
You see a chicken coop to the north.
0 -1 1143
You see a grassy field.
0 -1 1138
A chicken coop~
You stand inside a rather crowded chicken coop.  The cackle of hens fill
the air.  The only exit is to the south.
0 8 0
You see a large barn.
0 -1 1142
The Green Dragon~
Welcome to the Green Dragon, the undisputed leader in the art of
innkeeping.  A rather charming and friendly hostess stands to the side,
ready to offer you food and drink.  While most of the patrons are halfling
locals, you spy an occasional human or two.  As you listen more closely
to the conversations that fill the inn, you hear the tales of great and
seasoned adventurers as well as the usual gossip.  You feel as if you've
found your second home in the Green Dragon.  You see a stairway leading
0 8 0
You see Delving Lane.
0 -1 1132
You see the reception.
0 -1 1157
Shiriff Post of Delving Lane~
You are in the Shiriff Post which acts as the nucleus for the three shiriffs
of Delving Lane.  As you examine the shiriffs on duty, you come to realize
that the halflings of the Shire are not to be reckoned with.  You cower with
awe.  The only exit is to the west.
0 8 0
You see Delving Lane.
0 -1 1133
A dark tunnel~
You stand inside a small underground tunnel.  The ceiling is so low that
you must crouch to avoid hitting your head.  You see light from a small
hole in the ceiling while to the east you see nothing but darkness.
0 9 0
You see a dark tunnel.
0 -1 1147
You see a portal which leads to a small room.
0 -1 1125
A dark tunnel~
You stand inside a small underground tunnel.  The ceiling is so low that
you must crouch to avoid hitting your head.  The tunnel continues east and
west.  All you can see is darkness.
0 9 0
You see a dark tunnel.
0 -1 1148
You see a dark tunnel.
0 -1 1146
A dark tunnel~
You stand inside a small underground tunnel.  The ceiling is so low that
you must crouch to avoid hitting your head.  The tunnel continues east and
west.  All you can see is darkness.
0 9 0
You see a dark tunnel.
0 -1 1149
You see a dark tunnel.
0 -1 1147
A three way intersection~
You stand at an intersection.  The tunnel continues east and west while
to the north you can barely make out a smaller trail.
0 9 0
You see a dark tunnel.
0 -1 1151
You see a dark tunnel.
0 -1 1150
You see a dark tunnel.
0 -1 1148
End of a dark tunnel~
You stand at the end of a dark tunnel.  The underground tunnel continues
to the west.  From a trapdoor in the ceiling you can hear the din of
0 9 0
You see a dark tunnel.
0 -1 1149
You hear the din of adventurers.
0 -1 3001
A dark tunnel~
You stand inside a small underground tunnel.  The ceiling is so low that
you must crouch to avoid hitting your head.  The tunnel continues north and
south.  To the west you see a Shirriff Post while to the east lies a small
home.  All you can see is darkness.
0 9 0
You see a dark tunnel.
0 -1 1152
You see a halfling hole.
0 -1 1154
You see a dark tunnel.
0 -1 1149
Above a great oak door you see a sign which reads 'Shirriff Post'.
0 -1 1153
A dark tunnel~
You stand inside a small underground tunnel.  The ceiling is so low that 
you must crouch to avoid hitting your head.  The tunnel continues north and
south.  To the west lies a small home.  All you can see is darkness.
0 9 0
You see a dark tunnel.
0 -1 1156
You see a dark tunnel.
0 -1 1151
You see a halfling hole.
0 -1 1155
Shiriff Post of the Lower Shire~
You are in the shiriff Post which acts as the nucleus for the three shiriffs 
of the Lower Shire.  As you examine the shiriffs on duty, you come to realize
that the halflings of the Shire are not to be reckoned with.  You cower with
awe.  The only exit is to the east.
0 9 0
You see a dark tunnel.
0 -1 1151
A halfling hole~
You stand inside a rather crudely built halfling hole.  The many passageways
and winding paths remind you of a rodent's lair.  The air is musty and damp
and you feel the need for fresh air.
0 9 0
You see a dark tunnel.
0 -1 1151
A halfling hole~
You stand inside a rather crudely built halfling hole.  The many passageways
and winding paths remind you of a rodent's lair.  The air is musty and damp
and you feel the need for fresh air.
0 9 0
You see a dark tunnel.
0 -1 1152
End of a dark tunnel~
You are at one end of a dark tunnel.  The tunnel continues to the south
while on the ceiling you can make out a trapdoor.
0 9 0
You see a dark tunnel.
0 -1 1152
A trapdoor on the ceiling reveals a passageway.
0 -1 1137
The Inn of the Green Dragon~
You are standing in the Inn of the Green dragon.  Large paintings of 
halflings at work, and halflings at play adorn the walls.  Comfortable 
benches and seats line the walls.  A stairway leads down.
0 24 0
0 -1 1144

M 1100 spec_cast_mage Load to: the Elven Wizard
M 1101 spec_poison Load to: the Keeper of the Ring
M 1110 spec_guard Load to: a shiriff
M 1111 spec_guard Load to: a shiriff
M 1112 spec_guard Load to: the Thain
M 1116 spec_cast_mage Load to: the elven warrior
M 1117 spec_cast_mage Load to: the dwarven prince
M 1121 spec_guard Load to: the battle master
M 1122 spec_thief Load to: a halfling youth
M 1132 spec_guard Load to: a shiriff

O 0 1102 0 1103
M 0 1118 1 1105
G 0 1111 0
G 0 1112 0
M 0 1120 1 1107
M 0 1104 2 1108
M 0 1104 2 1108
M 0 1103 6 1108
M 0 1103 6 1108
M 0 1103 6 1108
M 0 1103 6 1108
M 0 1103 6 1108
M 0 1103 6 1108
M 0 1110 8 1110
E 0 1109 0 16
E 0 616 0 5
M 0 1110 8 1110
E 0 616 0 5
M 0 1111 4 1110
E 0 616 0 5
M 0 1112 1 1111
E 0 1113 0 16
E 0 616 0 5
E 0 1108 0 13
M 0 1128 4 1114
G 0 1103 0
M 0 1128 4 1115
G 0 1103 0
M 0 1113 1 1116
G 0 1110 0
G 0 648 0
G 0 649 0
G 0 650 0
M 0 1123 4 1116
M 0 1123 4 1116
M 0 1124 2 1116
M 0 1124 2 1116
M 0 1127 7 1116
M 0 1127 7 1116
M 0 1127 7 1116
M 0 1121 1 1117
E 0 1113 0 16
M 0 1126 3 1117
E 0 1113 0 16
M 0 1126 3 1117
E 0 1113 0 16
M 0 1126 3 1117
E 0 1113 0 16
M 0 1110 8 1119
E 0 1109 0 16
E 0 616 0 5
M 0 1110 8 1119
E 0 616 0 5
M 0 1111 4 1119
E 0 616 0 5
M 0 1119 1 1121
G 0 1103 0
M 0 1115 6 1123
M 0 1115 6 1123
M 0 1115 6 1124
M 0 1115 6 1124
M 0 1115 6 1124
M 0 1114 1 1124
M 0 1115 6 1125
M 0 1122 9 1127
M 0 1122 9 1127
M 0 1122 9 1127
M 0 1122 9 1129
M 0 1122 9 1129
M 0 1122 9 1129
M 0 1122 9 1130
M 0 1122 9 1130
M 0 1122 9 1130
M 0 1125 1 1128
M 0 1100 1 1128
E 0 1104 0 12
E 0 1100 0 0
M 0 1116 1 1136
E 0 1106 0 16
E 0 622 0 6
M 0 1117 1 1136
E 0 1107 0 16
E 0 621 0 5
M 0 1101 1 1137
E 0 1101 0 16
E 0 1105 0 1
E 0 623 0 7
M 0 1108 1 1138
M 0 1106 5 1139
M 0 1106 5 1139
M 0 1106 5 1139
M 0 1106 5 1139
M 0 1106 5 1139
M 0 1102 1 1141
M 0 1105 3 1142
M 0 1105 3 1142
M 0 1105 3 1142
M 0 1109 4 1142
M 0 1109 4 1142
M 0 1109 4 1142
M 0 1109 4 1142
M 0 1107 6 1143
G 0 1110 0
M 0 1107 6 1143
G 0 1110 0
M 0 1107 6 1143
G 0 1110 0
M 0 1107 6 1143
G 0 1110 0
M 0 1107 6 1143
G 0 1110 0
M 0 1107 6 1143
G 0 1110 0
M 0 1130 1 1144
G 0 1110 0
G 0 648 0
G 0 649 0
G 0 650 0
M 0 1131 1 1157
M 0 1123 6 1144
M 0 1123 6 1144
M 0 1123 6 1144
M 0 1127 7 1144
M 0 1127 7 1144
M 0 1127 7 1144
M 0 1127 7 1144
M 0 1110 8 1145
E 0 1109 0 16
E 0 616 0 5
M 0 1110 8 1145
E 0 616 0 5
M 0 1111 4 1145
E 0 616 0 5
M 0 1110 8 1153
E 0 1109 0 16
E 0 616 0 5
M 0 1110 8 1153
E 0 616 0 5
M 0 1111 4 1153
E 0 616 0 5
M 0 1128 4 1154
M 0 1128 4 1155

1113 17 0 0 0 0 150 50 0 23
1118 13 5 15 1 17 150 50 0 23
1119 13 5 15 1 17 150 50 0 23
1120 9 5 0 0 0 150 50 0 23
1130 17 0 0 0 0 150 50 0 23
