
The Immortal Reference -        Table of Contents

EXTRA-FLAGS               Each section has information on the bit/type/num
ACT-BITS                  keywords (the words used with the editor commands)
AFFECT-BITS               and also the numeric values and a short phrase
WEAR-BITS                 description of the bit's meaning.  If your unsure,
OBJ-TYPES                 please don't hesitate to ask one of the other
OBJ-VALUES                builders for help!  Make sure to read CREATION-RULES!
LIQUIDS              OEDIT
PEC-PROCS            MEDIT
SPELLS               SECTORS

These topics can be viewed using 'HELP <topic>'.

Syntax: alist

This command gives you a listing of all the areas along with their
vnum assignments and the builder(s) assigned to editing them.

Syntax: aedit		-Enters the editor for the current area.
Syntax: aedit <vnum>	-Enters the editor for the selected area.

The follow commands are available from within the AEDITOR:

show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the area stats
done                - exits the area editor and returns to normal play
create              - create a brand new area and switch to it
reset               - resets the current area
name <name>         - change the 'AREAS' name of this area
filename <filename> - change the file name for the area (be careful)
age <number>        - set the age of the area
recall <room vnum>  - set the room to recall to
security <rating>   - set the security rating for this area
builder <player>    - toggle that builder's access
lvnum <number>      - set the lower vnum of the area
uvnum <number>      - set the upper vnum of the area
vnum <lower> <upper>- set both lower and upper vnum's

Syntax: redit			-Enters the editor for the current room.
Syntax: redit <vnum>		-Enters the editor for the selected room.

The following commands are available from within the REDITOR:

show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the room stats
done                - exists the room editor and returns to normal play
create <vnum>       - creates a room with a certain vnum
name <room title>   - changes the room title
ed                  - type this command for additonal extra-description help
desc                - edit description of room

You may also type the room flags found in ROOM-FLAGS, or the sector names
found in SECTORS.

For exits, type the direction (north/s/e/w) followed by:
delete             - delete this exit
dig <vnum>         - creates the room and makes a two way link
link <room vnum>   - make a two way link
room <room vnum>   - make a one way link (use with caution)
key <object vnum>  - makes specified object the vnum of the key required
name <door name>   - makes the door's name/keywords = to the given name
desc               - edit the description of the exit
door               - makes exit a door

You may also set the exit as a particular type found in EXIT-FLAGS.

Syntax: oedit			-Enters the editor for the default object.
Syntax: oedit <vnum>		-Enters the editor for the selected object.

The following commands are available from within the OEDITOR:

show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the object stats
done                - exits the object editor and returns to normal play
name <keywords>     - sets the keywords on an object
short <desc>        - sets the 'name' of an object (a sword, a fish etc)
long                - edit long description (the one in the room)
value0 <num>        - sets the value '0' on the object (also abbrev.d to 'v0')
value1 <num>        - sets the value '1' on the object (also abbrev.d to 'v1')
value2 <num>        - sets the value '2' on the object (also abbrev.d to 'v2')
value3 <num>        - sets the value '3' on the object (also abbrev.d to 'v3')
weight <stones>     - sets the weight of the object
cost <gold>         - sets the gold value of the object
create <vnum>       - creates object with specified vnum
ed                  - type this for info on adding/editing extended descripts

You may also type the name of the object type (see OBJ-TYPES) or
you can type the name of the extra bit you want to toggle (EXTRA-FLAGS).

Syntax: medit			-Enters the editor for the default mobile.
Syntax: medit <vnum>		-Enters the editor for the selected mobile.

The following commands are available from within the OEDITOR:

show                - hitting return, or 'show' shows the mobile stats
done                - exits the mobile editor and returns to normal play
name <keywords>     - sets the keywords on an mobile
short <desc>        - sets the 'name' of an mobile (a sword, a fish etc)
long                - edit long description (the one in the room)
descr               - edit the mobile's description (when looked at)
shop                - type this command for further information
create <vnum>       - creates mobile with specified vnum
male/female/neuter  - set the mobile's sex
level <level>       - set the mobile's level
alignment <value>   - set the mobile's alignment

You may also type the name of the act bits to toggle (see ACT-BITS), or
you can type the name of the affect you want the mob to have (see the help on
AFFECT-BITS) AND you can also type the name of the spec function you
want (see SPEC-PROCS).

Special procedures are hard-coded  'script' that allow mobs to attain certain
properties/intelligence et cetera.

  Spec name          Description
breath_any            can use any breath on players
breath_acid           breaths acid on players - dissolving items sometimes
breath_fire           breaths fire on players - melting some items sometimes
breath_frost          breaths frost on players - cracking some items sometimes
breath_gas            breaths gas on players
breath_lightning      breaths lightning on players (strange concept..)
cast_adept            casts 'helpful healing' spells
cast_cleric           casts damaging spells during combat
cast_judge            strange combat magic here
cast_mage             casts fireball and other mage spells
cast_undead           gates things in
executioner           creates guards during combat, attacks thieves/killers
fido                  eats corpses
guard                 attacks thieves/killers
janitor               picks up trash, sometimes eats it / drinks it etc.
mayor                 no longer needed - will produce strange effects, DONT USE
poison                bites players in combat, causing poison
thief                 steals money from players
eater                 eats its opponent - need a 'stomach' room of same vnum
rogue                 picks up equipment and uses it
zombie_lord           you know what this is :)

Current exit flags are:

door           - exit is a door
closed         - exit is closed
locked         - exit is locked (don't forget the key)
bashed         - exit is bashed
bashproof      - exit cannot be bashed
pickproof      - exit cannot be picked (definitely a key)
passproof      - exit cannot be walked through

Currently room flags are:

dark           - room is always dark
no_mob         - room won't allow mobiles to enter
indoors        - room is indoors
private        - room allows only 2 people
safe           - room won't allow fighting
solitary       - room allows only 1 person
pet_shop       - room is a pet shop
no_recall      - room won't allow recalling
no_teleport    - room cannot be teleported to/from
total_darkness - room is in total darkness
head_quarters  - room is made a head quarters

Currently sectors are:


Currently affects are:

  blind            invisible 
  detect_evil      detect_invis
  detect_magic     detect_hidden
  shadowplane      sanctuary
  faerie_fire      infrared
  curse            flaming
  poison           protect
  ethereal         sneak
  hide             sleep
  charm            flying
  pass_door        shadowsight
  rotting          coward

Currently act flags are:

  is_npc	auto set for mobs
  sentinel	stays in one room
  scavenger	picks up objects 
  aggressive	attacks pc's     
  stay_area	won't leave area 
  wimpy		flees when hurt  
  pet		auto set for pets
  train		can train pc's   
  practice	can practice pc's
  gamble	runs a gambling game

Currently apply types are:

  none        str
  dex         int
  cha         sta
  height      weight
  mana        hit
  move        ac
  hit         dam
  blood_pool  blood_potency

Currently wear bits are:

  take    finger
  neck    body
  head    legs
  feet    hands
  arms    about
  waist   wrist
  hold    face

Currently extra flags are:

  glow          hum
  invis         magic
  nodrop        anti_good
  anti_evil     anti_neutral
  bless         noremove
  inventory     loyal
  shadowplane   thrown
  keep          illusion

Keyword         Description
=======         ===========
 light		used as lightsource
 scroll 	can be recited
 wand		can be zapped
 staff		can be brandished
 weapon 	can be use in combat (must be wielded)
 treasure	Can be sold as a worthless item and is not trash
 armor		Protection (must be worn somewhere)
 potion 	can be quaffed
 furniture	Currently unused
 trash		Default item type if given bad keyword (mvnum)
 container	Can hold items
 drink		Can hold liquid
 key		No special qualities
 food		Can be eaten
 money		When taken adds to ch->gold
 corpse		npc corpse
 fountain	can be drunk from
 pill		can be eaten but is magical
 portal         can be used to travel to other rooms
 egg            hatches into a mob when its timer runs out
 stake          used for staking vampires
 missile/ammo   missile weapon/ammo for the missile weapon

   liquid name	     color	 alcohol food drink (values)
   ===========       =====       ======= ==== =====
    water            "clear"         0    0    10
    beer             "amber"         3    2     5
    wine             "rose"          5    2     5
    ale              "brown"         2    2     5
    dark_ale         "dark"          1    2     5
    whisky           "golden"        6    1     4
    lemonade         "pink"          0    1     8
    firebreather     "boiling"       10   0     0
    local_specialty  "everclear"     3    3     3
    slime_mold_juice "green"         0    4    -8
    milk             "white"         0    3     6
    tea              "tan"           0    1     6
    coffee           "black"         0    1     6
    blood            "red"           0    2    -1
    salt_water       "clear"         0    1    -2
    cola             "cherry"        0    1     5

7 "b_ref item_light"~
   value 1    unused
   value 2    unused
   value 3    hours of light available, 0 is dead, -1 is infinite            
   value 4    unused

7 "b_ref item_staff_wand"~
   value 1    level
   value 2    max charges
   value 3    current charges
   value 4    spell name

   value 1    level
   value 2    max charges
   value 3    current charges
   value 4    spell name

7 "b_ref item_scroll_potion_pill"~
   value 1    level
   value 2    spell name 1
   value 3    spell name 2
   value 4    spell name 3

   value 1    level
   value 2    spell name 1
   value 3    spell name 2
   value 4    spell name 3

   value 1    level
   value 2    spell name 1
   value 3    spell name 2
   value 4    spell name 3

7 "b_ref item_weapon"~
   value 1    unused
   value 2    unused (formerly min damage)
   value 3    unused (formerly max damage)
   value 4    weapon type:
      00     hit
      01     slice
      02     stab
      03     slash
      04     whip
      05     claw
      06     blast
      07     pound
      08     crush
      09     grep
      10     bite
      11     pierce
      12     suction
      13     chop

7 "b_ref item_drink_con"~
   value 1    weight capacity
   value 2    flags: 1 closeable, 2 pickproof, 4 closed, 8 locked            
   value 3    key vnum
   value 4    unused

7 "b_ref item_food"~
   value 1    hours of food value
   value 2    unused
   value 3    unused
   value 4    if non-zero, food is poisoned

7 "b_ref item_money"~
   value 1    value in gold pieces
   value 2    unused
   value 3    unused
   value 4    unused

0 $~
