File Name   : setup.txt
Description : Instructions for setting up the codebase.

I should hope that anyone downloading this code would know how to compile and 
run it, but for the sake of completeness I shall give the basic instructions 
here.  These instructions apply to a unix environment, using gcc.

The different files

The mud consists of a makefile and 13 modules, each with their own .c and .h 
file, as follows:

glad:         The core functionality of the mud.
sockets:      The socket handling code.
commands:     All commands used by the players.
string:       The string manipulation functions.
text_io:      The dynamic description code.
file_io:      The file loading and saving functions.
combat:       The combat system.
combat_hands: The "hands" combat table and associated commands.
combat_legs:  The "legs" combat table and associated commands.
combat_eyes:  The "eyes" combat table and associated commands.
soundex:      A soundex parser.
justify:      The text justification code.
help:         The help file system.

As you are now reading this document, I will assume that you've already managed 
to untar/unzip the codebase.

The directory structure

Within the root level directory (glad) there are six subdirectories:

bin:    Contains the executable code.
doc:    Contains the Glad documentation.
help:   Contains the help files.
log:    Contains the generated log files.
player: Contains the player files.
src:    Contains the source code.

You MUST have all of the above directories, unless you specifically change 
your copy of the codebase in such a way as they are no longer required.


Assuming a unix environment, to compile the mud type simply "make" while in 
the src directory.  The executable file will be placed into the bin directory.

Starting the mud up

In order to run the mud as a background process, type: "../bin/glad &".  This 
will start the mud up - so make sure you're not running it (or anything else) 
on the port already (the default port is 3003).

Shutting the mud down

You can shut the mud down with either the online "shutdown" command, or by 
finding the process id ("ps -ux") and killing it with the unix "kill" command.

To ensure that other players don't shut your mud down, you should change the 
password in CMD(Shutdown) in commands.c to something secure.