DragonBall Saga Codebase Cygwin Install Instructions
1)  Download the Cygwin setup program from http://www.cygwin.com/

2)  Run setup.exe

3)  Select the following packages if they are not already:
     - zlib
     - gcc-g++
     - make
     - patchutils
     - crypt
     - gmp
     - tcsh

4)  Select any other packages you wish to download.  I'd suggest getting
    Devel->gdb also as it is a very useful debugging tool.

5)  Wait while Cygwin downloads and installs.

6)  After Cygwin is installed, run it and let Cygwin set up your home folder.

7)  Copy the DBSC files to "C:\cygwin\home\username" (default location).

8)  Open up and edit "dbsc/src/Makefile" and find the following lines:
      #Uncomment if you wish to enable the Mud Client Compression Protocol
      #Comment it out it if you are compiling with Cygwin
    Comment out "OPT_FLAG = -DMCCP" by putting a pound (#) symbol just before
    that line.  It should now look like this: 
      #Uncomment if you wish to enable the Mud Client Compression Protocol
      #Comment it out it if you are compiling with Cygwin
      #OPT_FLAG = -DMCCP

9)  Now in Cygwin just head over to the dbsc/src folder and type "make".

10)  After DBSC is compiled, while still in the dbsc/src folder type "./startup"
    or if you want to do other things in Cygwin while DBSC is running type
    "nohup ./startup &"

11) Finally start up your favorite MUD client and connect to the following
    address: localhost and use "9000" as the port number.  If you want to change
    what port DBSC starts on, open up and edit "dbsc/src/startup" and find the
    following lines:
      # Set the port number.
      set port = 9000
    Just change the "9000" to what ever number you want DBSC to use.  Most MUD's
    use numbers between 1000 and 9999.

               Last Update
                May 2005