Maris' Armoury~
   You stand in Maris' Armoury, self proclaimed finest armoury in all Jareth.  
An ornate but servicable looking counter makes an 'L' shape around a door which
appears to lead into a rear service and holding area.  Shields adorn the walls,
all polished to a bright gleam, and a suit of armor stands attentively on a
pedestal to the right of the counter.  There is a plaque on the front of the
pedestal labelling the suit to be the 'Authentic Armor worn by an Ionion Knight
during the 2nd Crusade'.  A sign on the front of the counter reads; Better to
die on your feet than live on your knees.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
You see the exit to North Bourbon St.
0 -1 25701
   Jareth by Kaan for Dibrova
Jareth was my very first zone, which I stupidly used zone #30 as my vnum
base.  I figured that overwriting would be easier and I could use the
existing info for reference as I was writing offline at the time and was
pretty confused as to how the files were set up.  I was wrong about it
being easier and I don't suggest that route for anyone new to building ;-)
Jareth has all the amenities of a hometown with a couple of added features.
There is the Casino off the Boardwalk - look for the snippet if you need it
on the snippet page - where players can try their luck and see if they can
make some money the old fashioned way.  There is a blood bank near the
Temple where a player can give blood, losing some hp, but gaining some cash.
The cash is minimal and the hp drain is too, but for a newbie, anything helps.
This was to be our main town for all of Dibrova, however with a bit of
whining and a lot of persuasion, we went the route of allowing players to
choose their hometown at the main menu and unfortunately most do not choose
this wondrous metropolis.
Please forgive if any objs or mobs are close to Midgaard's - in my defense
I say that is WAS my first zone, and I was very in the dark on how a mud
worked at all at the time.  
Zone 257 is linked to the following zones:
258 Light Forest                   at 25729 (east ) ---> 25803
263 Farmlands                      at 25756 (west ) ---> 26300
 33 Three of Swords                at 25771 (north) --->  3301
Links: 13n
Postmaster: 83
North Bourbon St.~
   You are on a wide promenade which stretches north and south for quite some
distance.  This seems to be one of, if not the, main thoroughfare for the city
of Jareth.  Shops line both sides of the street, offering an abundance of
choices for any traveller in need of supplies.  To the south it appears that the
street meets another street of similar size and opens into a large sqare.  To
the east you see a weapons shop and to the west you see an armor shop.  Quite
convenient, wouldn't you say?  Obviously, Maris the arms dealer thinks so, too,
since his name is on both store fronts, proclaiming him the procurer of the
finest armor and weapons in all of Jareth.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
Looking north you see Bourbon Street stretch off into the distance.
0 -1 25754
You see Maris' Weaponry.
0 -1 25763
You see the City Proper.
0 -1 25705
You see Maris' Armoury.
0 -1 25700
Floris Avenue~
   You stand on a long road which runs east to west.  Inns, taverns, and all
manner of shops line both sides of the avenue.  To the south you see Clariss'
Concoctions, a brewery specializing in potions to aid the wandering adventurer.
To the north you see The Bootery.  It appears that to the east, the avenue opens
into a large square of some kind, while to the west Floris Avenue runs
257 0 0 0 0 0
You see the entrance to the Bootery.
0 -1 25733
You see Floris Ave. continuing east.
0 -1 25713
You see the entrance to Clariss'.
0 -1 25717
Floris Ave opens into a square.
0 -1 25740
Floris Ave~
   Floris Ave continues east and west, with the East Gate only a block away.  
To the north you may enter the Constabulary, the main office and station of
Jareth's law enforcemnt professionals.  To the south begins Worship Way, the
road leading to Jareth's famed Temple of All and None.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
You see the main office of the Constabulary.
0 -1 25768
Floris Ave runs east.
0 -1 25750
Worship Way runs south.
0 -1 25741
Floris Ave runs west.
0 -1 25707
Blood Bank~
   This small but servicable room houses the Blood Bank, a non-profit Jareth
community service set up so that wayward adevnturers who get a bit too over-
zealous in their wanderings can be treated properly in Jareth's hospital.  
Because it is a non-profit service, the room is not designed for comfort but to
accomplish it's purpose.  A slightly reclined chair sits in the center of the
257 8 0 0 0 0
You may enter onto Worship Way.
0 -1 25760
T 25705
Jareth City Proper~
   You are standing in what appears to be the center of this massive city.  All
around you the hustle and bustle of city life carries on, paying no notice to
you whatsoever.  To the north, Bourbon street continues to a dead end at the
river bank, to the south Bourbon St.  Offers a slew of inns and taverns, and
east and west Floris St lines itself with shops of every description.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
Bourbon St heads north from here.
0 -1 25701
Floris Ave heads east from here.
0 -1 25706
Boubon St heads south from here.
0 -1 25714
Floris Ave heads west from here.
0 -1 25713
Floris Ave~
   Floris Ave continues unabated for as far as your sight will allow.  To your
north you see an entrance to Maris' Weapon Shop, and to your south lies an
entrance to the Kitty-Kat Club, a local fine dining and entertainment
257 0 0 0 0 0
You see the entrance to Maris' Weaponry.
0 -1 25763
Floris Ave. continues east.
0 -1 25707
You see the entrance to the Kitty Kat Club.
0 -1 25715
You see the City Proper.
0 -1 25705
Floris Ave~
   Here Floris St seems to be at it's finest.  The streets is kept clean and
looks to have been recently swept free of the usual clutter and debris you find
on the streets of Jareth.  The Jareth City Bank lies to the north, a beautiful
building with worked stone, polished glass, and a great deal of copper trimming.
To the south lies the entrance to the City Provisioner.  Any and all foodstuffs
needed can be purchased in his shop.  East and west Floris Ave continues.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
You may enter Jareth City Bank to the north.
0 -1 25711
Floris Ave runs east.
0 -1 25703
The town provisioner's shop.
0 -1 25716
Floris Ave runs west.
0 -1 25706
The Reception~
   You are standing in the reception.  The staircase leads down to the entrance
hall.  An exit to the north leads to the Cryogenic Center.  There is a small
sign on the counter.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
You see the Cryogenic Center.
0 -1 25764
You see the entrance hall.
0 -1 25706
   Rooms are expensive but good!  You may:
   Offer - get an offer on a room - Time is in real life days.
   Rent  - Rent a room (saves your stuff, and quits the game),
           minimum charge is one day.
                          MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY
                             PAY YOUR RENT!
The Wellmaster~
   Here in the shop of the town watermaster one can buy a miriad of containers
holding the cleanest, purest, and sweetest tasting water in Jareth.  This is
true, but mostly because it's the only shop in Jareth that sells purified water.
The wellmaster stands in the center of his shop, hands on his ample belly,
waiting for your pleasure.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
You see the exit out to Bourbon St.
0 -1 25754
Captain Vulcevic's Boat House~
   This leaning, ramshackle, single story wooden structure perched on the edge
of the river is the proud home and shop of Captain Vulcevic, formally an admiral
in Lord Eyeball's Royal Fleet.  Vulcevic retired from duty when a sudden squall
took the not only his ship, but most of his crew to the icy bottoms of the
Polarinus.  There are all manner of nets, buckets of tar, boxes of nails, and
other paraphenalia for the repair of river and sea going vessels.  A cot hangs
in one corner, obviously Vulcevic's bed.  There is no counter or area where one
would expect to get helped, so you must just wait upon the Captain for his
257 8 0 0 0 0
You see River St.
0 -1 25759
Jareth City Bank~
   A true work of art in every sense, this building is obviously the proud work
of an architect who takes great pride in his or her work.  Stone pillars rise
from four equidistant locations in the floor, tapering in the center while being
wide as a full grown Gold Dragon on the tops and bottoms.  The enormously high
cathedral ceiling offers a beautiful stained glass rendition of the Holy Wars
which Lord Krolar led those hundred years ago against the foul Goblin Hordes.  
A line of tellers stand behind the main counter, a beautiful cherry oak work of
art intricately carved and inlaid with what looks to be gold.  A large iron door
built into the northernmost door behind the tellers leads to what must be the
vault, although this is only conjecture because at this time the door stands
closed, and it looks as though it would take Dibrova's most skillful lockpick
and the strength of ten giants to open it.  South is the exit to Floris Ave.  
257 136 0 0 0 0
You see Floris Ave.
0 -1 25707
River St~
   You stand on River St.  To your north you can head south into the central
part of Jareth, south is a Constable's Outpost.  To the east is the Jeweler and
to the west is the Mage's Guild.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
River St continues north.
0 -1 25742
You see the entrance to the Jeweler.
0 -1 -1
The constable's Outpost looms ominously before you.
0 -1 25757
The entrance to the Mage's Guild.
0 -1 25737
Floris Avenue~
   You are strolling along one of the larger avenues in Jareth.  The road runs
east to west, with what looks to be the town square to the east and many shops
to the west.  To the north is the wall of a shop with murals of gallant knights
in battle and damsels in distress waving white handkerchieves.  To the south is
the northernmost wall of Grainy's Tavern, famous for their malt liquor and great
257 0 0 0 0 0
You see the City Proper.
0 -1 25705
You see the main street.
0 -1 25702
South Bourbon St.~
   You can now understand why this street, in all it's majesty, was given the
name Bourbon St.  As far to the south as you can see, inns and taverns, brothels
and bars line the street.  You realize that for many, this area of town would be
quite a little slice of heaven, possibly even a large slice!  Your step gets a
bit lighter and for some reason you feel like whistling a merry tune you heard
once in a bar in Shreve.  To your immediate west you see Grainy's, which many
say has the best malt liquor in all of Dibrova, and to your east you see the
Kitty-Kat club.  The sign reads 'Fine Dining and a Great Night's Sleep!  ', but
from the look of the servers you can see through the windows, they serve more
than bar burgers.  To the south are more shops of ill repute, and the town
square opens up to the north.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
You see the City Proper.
0 -1 25705
You see the entrance to the Kitty-Kat Club.
0 -1 25715
Bourbon St heads south from here.
0 -1 25725
You see the entrance to Grainy's.
0 -1 25732
Reception Area at the Kitty-Kat Club~
   Fine furniture is scattered throughout this room, allowing customers who are
awaiting a table to sprawl in comfort.  At an ornate black desk polished to a
high sheen sits a short, balding man with thick spectacles perched precariously
on the end of his nose.  When not making reservations for his guests, he
constantly varies between shoving his specs back up on his nose and adding up
the hourly sales on a large abacus.  This is obviously the owner of the
establishment, and the man you must speak to if you wish to enjoy a meal and/or
'rest' at his fine establishment.  To the south is an open doorway leading to
the main dining area and a set of stairs lead upwards into what you assume would
be the 'entertainers' quarters.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
You see the exit to Floris Ave.
0 -1 25706
You see the main dining area.
0 -1 25731
You see the exit to Bourbon St.
0 -1 25714
Town Provisioner~
   Arius the town provisioner stands smiling behind his desk as you enter,
hoping to make a sale.  Many shelves and racks stand all over this small shop
waiting for your purchase.  The only available exit is to the north, leading to
Floris Ave.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
You see Floris Ave.
0 -1 25707
You may enter onto Worship Way.
0 -1 25741
Clariss' Concoctions~
   Here you can find all sorts of magic brews made specially by Clariss herself.
There is only a small area for you to stand in, the rest is blocked off by a
long counter which stretches the length of the shop.  Shelves and drawers are
built into the back wall with glass vials filling every nook and cranny.  
257 140 0 0 0 0
You see Floris Ave.
0 -1 25702
You see River St.
0 -1 25742
River St~
   You stand on River St, so named for being the street which offers the main
crossing of the River Alquandon.  This street is obviously the pride of Jareth,
being that is it paved with well maintained cobblestones, all kept extremely
clean.  The fresh smell of the water so near by, the people passing by who all
seem in good cheer make this part of city far more pleasant than the dismal
dregs found in the southern reaches of the city.  To your west is the wall of a
large complex of flats.  To your east you see the western wall of of the
bootery, where you may windowif so desired.  North is more of River St, which
crosses the river further up, and south, River St crosses Floris St in a square.
257 0 0 0 0 0
River St runs north over the River Alquandon.
0 -1 25759
River St opens into a square.
0 -1 25740
Jahred's Tavern~
   A very ramshackle place, Jahred's tavern caters to those 'less fortunate' in
the town of Jareth.  Sawdust on the floor, bloodstains on the wall, and torn
curtains seperating the 'hostess' booths' tell you that unless you like your
whiskey the old fashioned way and your woman slightly used, this is not your
kind of place.  Most of the patrons of Jahred's look as if they'd rather stick a
knife in your back than let you buy them a drink, so a friendly game of cards is
probably out of the question.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
You see the bar.
0 -1 25730
Granny's Quilt Shop~
   You stand in Granny's quilt shop.  Strange that a such a nice, fragile
looking old ladu could make it in such a rough area of town, but from the look
of all the inventory she carries, she must do quite well.  New, used, drab,
colorful, all sorts of quilts drape over racks and hang on the walls.  Most are
knit, but there are some patchwork and full length available.  
257 24 0 0 0 0
You see Bourbon street.
0 -1 25730
You see Granny's prize winning afghan.
afghan secret door~
2 -1 25767
   More of a barn than a shop, this open air dirt floored building offers all
manner of steel work.  Josef, the proprieter of this business, is reputed to do
some of the best shoe work on horses and enjoys a good living from his
reputation which has spread far beyond the boundaries of Jareth.  He seems not
to notice as you walk in, so intent on his work he seems, and almost startles
you when he asks if he can help you, without looking up.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
You may enter onto Worship Way.
0 -1 25758
The Pet Shop~
   Barking dogs, whining cats, howling wolves, and a smell more powerful than
your feet after a day of intense hiking through wet swamp mud nearly make you
turn tail and run from this shop.  You try and hold your breath, but that
requires you to first take a deep breath, so that doesn't work.  Instead, you
decide to give in and inhale all the sights and sounds and soon you get so used
the intense stench that you don't even notice it anymore.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
You see Worship Way.
0 -1 25758
   Mortals should never come here!    
257 1536 0 0 0 0
The Bloated Goat~
   Entering the Bloated Goat, you notice a lack of the normal hubbub and noise
the usually accompanies a tavern such as this.  There are plenty of customers
here, which seems odd to you, because only the occasional murmur or low voice is
what drifts over to you, and the more of those customers that notice your
entrance into the Goat, the quieter it gets.  Soon it is completely silent.  
Everyone is looking at you.  "What'll it be?  ", the bartender growls at you
from under his thick beard.  
257 24 0 0 0 0
You see the exit to South Bourbon St.
0 -1 25725
0 -1 25774
South Bourbon St.~
   You stand on South Bourbon St.  , aptly named for it's great variety of inns
and taverns.  Heading south, the road starts to lose some of the charm it seems
to have farther north.  More trash litters the walk ways and the people seem to
be more of the rough-and-tumble sort.  You see that farther to the south, the
road takes a turn to the west, just before what looks to be a ...  Quilt shop?
To your north the road continues toward the town square and other inns and bars.
To your east you can peer through windows into the dining area of The Kitty-Kat
club, and what you see is very enticing.  To your west is The Bloated Goat, a
tavern for wayward adventurers.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
You see more of Bourbon St.
0 -1 25714
You see even more of Bourbon St.
0 -1 25730
You see the Bloated Goat.
0 -1 25724
Main Hall to Ranger's Guild~
   The first thing you notice as pass through the shimmering archway is the
drastic change in your surroundings.  The second thing you notice is the
impossible size of this 'hall'.  The ceiling, which must be there somewhere, is
far too far up for you to even catch a hint of it.  The floor is not a floor at
all anymore, but the dirt and loam of a forest.  You give a small start as you
realize that there is a man standing directly before you.  How could you have
missed him when you first walked in?  There is a large tree to your east which
looks to be hollow, and the exit into the reception room is north.  
257 540 0 0 0 0
0 -1 25766
The alley continues east.
0 -1 25745
The Hire Room~
   The only fixture in this small 4 x 4 cubicle is a small wooden drop box
attached to the wall.  A pad of paper sits on the drop box and a pencil is
attached to a cord which hangs from the drop box.  Obviously if you wish to
target someone for assassination, you must write it on a piece of paper and drop
the paper in the box.  Be sure to include the name of the target, the price on
their life, and a brief explanation why you wish them killed.  East is the
entrance to the Assassin's Guild, and west is the main room for Contracts, Ltd.
257 8 0 0 0 0
You see the thieves bar, where everything disappears.
0 -1 25749
0 -1 25736
Floris Ave~
   Here Floris Ave allows passage out of town through the West Gate, directly
east of here.  To the west, the City of Jareth awaits your pleasure.  North of
you are the stables and south is the horse trader.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
You see the stables.
0 -1 25772
You see the east gate.
0 -1 25729
You see the Horse Trader.
0 -1 25765
You see the entrance hall to the thieves' guild.
0 -1 25746
East Gate~
   You stand at the entrance (or exit) to the great City of Jareth, the pride of
all Dibrova, at least the pride of all cities in the Known Lands.  Jareth, also
known by some as the City of Freedom, was built on the auspice of racial and
class equality.  All races are welcome here, no one is refused service in any
establishment, or so it is said, and all forms of worship are respected.  To
leave the city, you need only to move east, but to enter it may prove to be a
bit more difficult.  Although Jareth does boast the title 'The Free City', it
does have laws and they are enforced.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 25803
0 -1 25728
South Bourbon St.~
   Aaahh...  And what a grand street it is!  Bars and taverns abound on this
grubby thoroughfare, giving it the perpetual look of double-visioned dimness
that can only accompany inebreation.  It's as if the street has taken on the
persona of the businesses which occupy it.  North of you are a plethora of bars
(surprise), to your east is (three guesses) a tavern, to your west there seems
to be an alley curving out of sight, slightly southward.  It's hard to see
anything in the alley, mainly because of the curve it takes, but also because it
seems to be very dark.  To the south is Granny's Quilt Shop, a shop that,
although in a rough part of town, has nevertheless perservered and even been
able to thrive on a healthy chunk of business, or so it seems from the way the
building is maintained.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
Bars bars bars and Bourbon St.
0 -1 25725
A sign over an entryway reads 'Jahred's'.
0 -1 25719
You see the entrance to Granny's Quilt Shop.
0 -1 25720
You see the entrance to a dark alley.
0 -1 25755
The Kitty-Kat Club~
   The first thing you notice when enter the main room is that the whole place
is clean beyond reason.  The soft glow from the crystal lights (suspended in
mid-air) give the high polished brass which adorns almost every spot for a rail
an almost blinding gleam.  Every server, without exception, is a strikingly
beautiful young woman wearing skirts which leave little to the imagination and
tight blouses which leave even less.  As your hostess shows you to your table,
hands you your menu, and asks if you would like any drinks, you realize that if
there is any other place in Dibrova you would like to be more than where you are
now, it really doesn't matter.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
You see the reception area.
0 -1 25715
   The sign reads:
  Use 'List' to see the available pets.
  Use 'Buy <pet>' to buy yourself a pet.
  Instructions for having pets:
  You can use 'order <pet> <instructions>' to order your pets around.
  If you abuse your pet, it will no longer regard you as its master.
  If you have several pets you may use 'order followers <instructions>'
  You can name the pet you buy with: 'buy <pet> <name>'
 The Shopkeeper
Grainy's Bar & Grille~
   You enter the room and immediately a wash a pure noise (more accurately
described as racket) slams into you full force.  The clientele here seems to be
the rowdy sort, but no fights seem in the making, just a lot of good old
fashioned comraderie.  There are three or four tables with card games in play,
one with a group of happy drunks singing along with the bard who is plucking out
all the wrong chords to a popular bar tune in the realm.  A long bar to your
left offers a wood stool to rest on and a cold drink to quench your thirst and
you have the choice of half a dozen empty tables as well.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
You see the exit to South Bourbon St.
0 -1 25714
The Bootery~
   Entering this shop you immediately smell the wonderful scent of freshly
worked leather and oils.  Shelves line the walls to your left and right and
boots of all size, make, and color await your eager feet.  
257 140 0 0 0 0
You see Floris Ave.
0 -1 25702
   Here you may purchase jewels of all sizes and shapes.  A display case rests
on the far wall displaying the many fine items for sale in this shop.  
Necklaces, earrings, rings, pendants, rough- and fine-cut stones abound.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 25712
Scrolls and More~
   It seems the owner of this shop feels that a more psychedelic look will give
the shop a bit of a mystical appeal.  Pastels, mirrors, flashing lights all
dazzle your eyes in an attempt to create a magical atmosphere.  This must be in
hopes that the crazy colors will build a desire in you to buy, buy, buy.  
(scroll maker)
257 8 0 0 0 0
You see the exit to River St.
0 -1 25742
Contracts, Ltd.~
   A small desk sits diagonal in the corner of the room, other than that there
is nothing but dust.  A sign hanging over the eastern doorway reads: No Refunds
Given.  This is Final!  You may leave out onto Worship Way to the west or head
east into the hire room.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
0 0 25727
0 0 25760
Mage Reception~
   A very comfortable room, the reception to the mage's guild offers plush
seating, beautiful tapestries hung on every wall, and a refreshment stand for
those waiting for friends to complete levels.  Soft harp music comes from an
unknown source, and although you may not be a big harp fan, the music is not
unappealing.  A doorway to the west leads to what must be the main guild area
and the exit to River St.  Is east.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
You see the exit to River St.
0 -1 25712
0 -1 25738
Practice & Reading Room~
   This large room has been sectioned off into categories for the learning of
each and every spell and skill.  Easy to follow directions make finding your way
to the proper section for the spell or skill you would like to train in will be
no problem.  A partitioned off space has also been set aside for the studying of
spells and magic.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
A curtained doorway leads you to your Guildmaster.
0 -1 25739
The entryway leads to the reception room.
0 -1 25737
Mage's Guild~
   This small cell has been set aside for the sole purpose of advancing those
mages ready to continue with their education.  An eight sided star has been
etched into the floor here, with incense burning at each of the eight points.  
At each point there reads a word which identifies one of the eight duties of all
257 540 0 0 0 0
A curtained doorway leads to the Practice and Reading Room.
0 -1 25738
   You stand at the crossing of Floris Ave and River St.  Here the road is more
worn and travelled due to the fact that the west gate lies straight to the west
only a few hundred feet.  To the northwest, you can see a complex of tall
buildings which stretch out for some distance.  To the north runs River St,
which crosses over the Alquandon River and continues to the more affluent and
entertaining side of town.  To the south lies more of River St and what looks to
be a number of shops, while to the east, Floris Ave offers a variety of shops
which gradually give way to Jareth's city proper.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
River St runs north.
0 -1 25718
Floris Ave runs east.
0 -1 25702
River St runs south.
0 -1 25742
Floris Ave runs west.
0 1112 25752
Worship Way~
   This short street leads directly to the Temple of All and None, the only
temple in all Dibrova where all races and classes are welcome and all forms of
worship are accepted and embraced.  To the west you see the eastern wall of the
Twon Provisioner's small shop, while to the east, you see the westren wall of
the Cartwright's shop.  North you can enter back into the hustle and bustle of
regular city traffic on Floris Ave.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
You may enter onto Floris Ave.
0 -1 25703
You see the Cartwright's shop.
0 -1 25753
Worship Way runs south.
0 -1 25758
You may enter the Town Provisioner's shop.
0 -1 25716
River St~
   This is the southern section of River St, which offers no access to the
river, but does offer access to a number of specialty shops.  To your west is
the entrance to Scrolls and More, and scroll shop, obviously.  To the east is
Clariss' Concoctions, the local shop where potions are brewed to aid the
wandering adventurer.  North you see Floris Ave crossing River St and to the
south, more shops and at a cul-de-sac where the road ends, a constable's
257 0 0 0 0 0
River St continues north.
0 -1 25740
The entrance to the potion shop.
0 -1 25717
River St continues south.
0 -1 25712
You see the Magic Shop.
0 -1 25735
Dark Alley~
   As you enter into this section of the alley, the eight street toughs who
await the arrival of anyone fool enough to enter their domicile.  They seem
almost exuberant in the way they check each other's loose armor fittings,
exchange weapons for better killing power, and stretch out in anticipation of a
good fight.  You can't help but feel just a bit apprehensive as the group begins
their approach.  
257 1 0 0 0 0
0 -1 25744
More hoodlums - you just can't escape them.
0 -1 25747
Dark Alley~
   Your situation just can't seem to improve today.  Five street toughs stand up
from a game of dice as you enter their territory, and they seem just a bit
perturbed.  You can leave to the north or south, though neither choice seems all
that inviting since both directions lead to more of what you're standing in now.
257 1 0 0 0 0
The alley seems to get a bit brighter in that direction.
0 -1 25755
The alley continues south.
0 -1 25743
Ranger's Guild Hall~
   Here in the base of the tree, a ring of stones is set into the ground and a
firepit in the center glows with hot coals.  It seems the tree itself serves as
a chimney for the smoke from the hot coals, but you cannot be certain of that,
because looking up into the tree, you see only darkness.  
257 540 0 0 0 0
The alley leads west.
0 -1 25726
Floris Ave~
   Floris Ave continues east to towards the East Gate and west into the center
of the city.  To the south is the Ranger Guild and to the north begins a
cobblestone street which leads to Lord's Keep, home of the Lord of Jareth.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
You see the beginning of a Cobbled St.
0 -1 25771
Floris Ave runs east toward the east gate.
0 -1 25728
You see the Ranger's Guild.
0 -1 25766
Floris Ave runs west.
0 -1 25750
Dark Alley~
   Things probably couldn't get much worse.  You are in the deepest, darkest,
smelliest, and probably most dangerous part of Jareth.  Even the constables
don't dare come here.  Blood stains coat every wall, some blackened and peeling,
some still wet and running.  The only exit out of here is to the west.  Well,
more aptly put, the only WOULD BE exit out of here is to the west, but
unfortunately a dozen of the meanest looking street toughs you've ever seen are
blocking the way.  They mill about, unconcerned, knowing that their sheer
numbers will prevent you from any advantages.  Your only chance to run like hell
is now, and although a cowardly way to deal with the situation, it is
257 1 0 0 0 0
You see a nondescript brick wall.
1 -1 25748
Could be worse - it could be raining.
0 -1 25743
Thieve's Guild~
   This appears to be what used to be an old warehouse before your guild took it
over for their own.  The awesome size of the place, the sheer immensity only
adds to your lust for material wealth as you survey your surroundings.  All
around you, the finest of all furniture and goods lay sattered haphazardly
around, as if the owner of these items were not aware of their value.  In one
corner, a chest heaped with coins lays on it's side, while in another, a rack of
glowing, golden armour and weapons sits propped against the wall.  Your only
exit is to the west.  
257 524 0 0 0 0
1 -1 25747
rack armor~
   The value of that armor must be twenty times the value of any other armor in
all the land..  
chest coins~
   There could be as much as one million gold in that chest...  
The Assassin's Guild~
   The austerity and peace you feel in this room can only be described as serene
bliss.  The clarity of mind you feel, the strength of purpose emanating from the
very walls seem to ooze into every part of your being.  A soft, slightly padded
mat lies on the floor, offering you the chance to rest or meditate, as you will.
257 668 0 0 0 0
You see the river flowing west.
0 -1 25761
0 -1 25727
Floris Ave~
   Floris Ave runs east and west, east leading to the East Gate, west leading
deeper into town.  South is the entrance to the Cartwright, where one can buy
mobile transportation enabling easier transport of larger and/or heavier loads
over long distances.  North is the windowless wall of the city jail, which can
be entered through the Constabulary to the northwest.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
Floris Ave runs east.
0 -1 25746
You see the Cartwright's
0 -1 25753
Floris Ave runs west.
0 -1 25703
   The wooden Boardwalk continues east and west along the river.  Fishermen line
the river bank trying their luck while others relax on benches here enjoying the
sights and sounds of the river.  You can enter the Bait & Tackle to the north or
continue along the Boardwalk.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
You see the Bait and Tackle.
0 -1 25773
The boardwalk runs east.
0 -1 25797
The boardwalk runs west.
0 -1 25799
Floris Ave~
   You stand in Floris Ave, close to the west gate.  The streets are a bit
dirtier and worn the closer you get to the west gate.  The paving is chipped,
cracked, and in some places entirely gone, making the way somewhat bumpy.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
Floris Ave opens into a square.
0 1112 25740
You see the West Gate of Jareth.
0 -1 25756
The Cartwright~
   Here one may purchase overland transportation for goods and extra people in
your party who may slow you down for one reason or another.  No actual models
are inside for inspections, but many well drawn sketches of blueprints, load
maximums, and actual pictures of what the product should look like are on the
257 8 0 0 0 0
You see Floris Ave.
0 -1 25750
You see Worship Way.
0 -1 25741
North Bourbon St.~
   You are on a wide promenade which stretches north and south for quite some
distance.  To the north, you can hear the faint sound of water on the move,
possibly a river or lake.  To the south the road cotinues offering shops on
either side.  To your immediate west is the Wellmaster and to the east you see
Dalston Outfitters, one of many in the ever growing chain of stores which
Dalston the Wanderer began way back when he was still a strapping young man.  
It is said that now his children run the franchise, and the rumor is, they do a
handsome business by being fair priced and always giving a quality product.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
You see the entrance to Dalston Outfitters.
0 -1 25762
Bourbon St continues south.
0 -1 25701
You see the entrance to the Wellmaster.
0 -1 25709
Dark Alley~
   This does NOT seem like a good place to be, not at ANY time of the day, not
under ANY circumstances.  All of your instincts scream at you to head east and
get the hell out of here!  Three street toughs lounge against the alley wall,
not moving, not talking, they just stare intently at you, as if waiting for some
unseen signal.  
257 1 0 0 0 0
0 -1 25730
It doesn't look too good for you in that direction.
0 -1 25744
West Gate~
   You stand at the entrance (or exit) to Jareth, the pride of all Dibrova, at
least the pride of all cities in the Known Lands.  Jareth, known by some as 'The
City of Freedom', was built on the auspice of racial and class equality.  All
races are welcome here, no one is refused service in any establishment, or so it
is said, and all forms of worship are respected.  To leave the city, you need
only head west.  Entering, however, may prove to be a bit more difficult.  
Although Jareth does boast the title Free City, it does have laws and they are
257 0 0 0 0 0
Floris Ave runs east.
0 -1 25752
0 0 26300
Constable's Outpost~
   Here the law of Jareth maintains a small but servicable outpost for their
main office in the center of town.  Posters of known criminals hang from the
walls, short descriptions of each criminal at the bottom of each.  Knowing that
Jareth is protected so well by these fine men and women of the City
Constabulary, you feel much more at ease about walking the streets of Jareth.  
Whether that is because you feel you are better protected or you can better get
away with what you would like to, well, that remains to be seen.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
You see the exit to River St.
0 -1 25712
Worship Way~
   This short street leads directly to the Temmple of All and None, the only
temple in all Dibrova where all races and classes are welcome and all forms of
worship are embraced.  To the west you see the entrance to the blacksmith's and
to the east is the pet shop.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
Worship Way runs north.
0 -1 25741
You see the Pet Shop.
0 -1 25722
Worship Way runs south.
0 -1 25760
You see the Blacksmith's.
0 -1 25721
River St.~
   You stand on River St, so named for the street which offers the main crossing
for the River Alquandon.  This crossing, an extremely well maintained and ornate
bridge, stands directly north of you.  South, River St continues to a square at
the crossing of Floris Ave.  East of you is the entrance to Captain Vulcevic's
Boat House, where Vulcevic buys, sells, and repairs new and used boats.  West is
the long tall building which houses flats for any who wish to lease, although
the entrance is southwest.  Directly west only leads to a tall, windowless wall.
257 0 0 0 0 0
River St crosses a beautiful bridge to the north.
0 -1 25779
You see the boathouse.
0 -1 25710
River St runs south.
0 -1 25718
Worship Way~
   You stand at the entrance the to fabled Temple of All and None, who's doors
stand open to you to the south.  To the west is the Blood Bank, where one may
donate blood to the good people of Jareth in return for a small gratuity.  To
the east is Contracts, Ltd.  , where one may offer gold in return for the
service of a professional assassin.  North is Worship Way and the many shops it
257 0 0 0 0 0
Worship Way runs north.
0 -1 25758
You may enter into the Assassin's Guild.
0 -1 25736
You may enter the Temple of All and None.
0 -1 25776
You see the blood bank.
0 -1 25704
Assassin's Weaponry~
   Here you may purchase the many specialty weapons avaible only to the
professional killing community.  All manner of weapons hang on the walls, rest
in glass display cases, and lay on shelves.  
257 524 0 0 0 0
The path continues northwards bringing you ever closer to the Dragonhelm
0 -1 25749
Dalston Outfitters~
   Here at Dalston Outfitters, Ltd.  You can find great bargains on quality new
and pre-owned adventuring equipment.  All merchandise has been run through a
rigorous one point inspection, and is guaranteed to make it out of the store
intact, or your money back.  All manner of bags and sacks, backpacks and
lanterns, pots and pans, you name it they have it hang on pegs on the wall or on
shelves on display.  Many tree-racks crowd the center of the store, in some
places making pass-through impossible.  You finally make it to the counter,
behind which stands a clerk in a blue and green striped shirt with the Dalston
logo emblazoned on the left breast.  The only exit is to the west.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
You see the exit out to Bourbon St.
0 -1 25754
Maris' Weaponry~
   You have entered the small inner lobby to Maris' weapon shop.  A crude,
blockish looking counter makes an 'L' shape around the entrance to a back where
(it is said) Maris keeps his cache of weapons.  Many ancient weapons hang from
the ceiling and walls, giving the shop a look of both nostalgia and rugged
strength.  A sign over the doorway leading to the backroom reads; Better to be a
Lion for a day than a sheep for a whole lifetime.  
257 156 0 0 0 0
0 -1 25706
You see the exit out to Bourbon St.
0 -1 25701
The Cryogenic Center~
   You are standing in an impossible white sterile room with cylindrical
body-length canisters lined up against the walls.  The Reception is to the
257 8 0 0 0 0
The Reception is to the south.
0 -1 25708
Horse Trader~
   Only a small, 8 x 8 structure, this place of business sees probably more
money pass through it's coffers than the Jareth City Bank.  A small desk sits in
corner of the room, and a small man sits behind it waiting for you to begin
dealing on the steed of your choice.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
You may enter onto Floris Ave.
0 -1 25728
Ranger Reception~
   You stand in a rugged but peaceful room devoted mostly to the Mother, Nature.
All furniture in the room has not been worked in any way, but allowed to keep
it's natural shape.  Obviously someone(s) went to great lengths to find these
pieces which would allow comfort and rest without marring them in any way.  You
give a start as you realize that many of the seats in this room are already
taken by people who blend so well into the seats as almost seem invisible.  
Many seem to be in meditation, while others simply relax, enjoying herbal drinks
offered by others of the same kind.  The entrance to the main Ranger Guild Hall
lies south through an archway which shimmers with a light not unlike that of a
warm spring day.  North is the exit to Floris Ave.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
You see Floris Ave.
0 -1 25746
0 -1 25726
Thief Shop~
   This small nook hidden behind Granny's Prize-Winning Afghan is actually a
place where those of the more...  Shall we say free-lance?  Profession may
purchase the tools and tricks of the trade.  The small, weasel-faced man sitting
here looking bored makes you think that either he is a complete moron to be here
alone selling wares, or he could simply be the baddest sonofabitch (in disguise)
that you've ever laid eyes on.  Take your pick.  The exit is west.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
afghan secret door~
2 -1 25720
   This is main HQ for all the constables in the city.  Seeing such a gathering
of constables all in one place together makes you feel a bit uneasy even though
you've probably done nothing to invoke their anger.  Besides, if you had done
something to invoke their anger, you would have been 'escorted' here and
unceremoniously dumped in the holding cell to your east.  You see a few of the
rag-bags of Jareth sleeping off their hangovers there now.  To the north is a
closed door.  Mounted on the door is a plaque which labels the room beyond to be
the Magistrate's Office.  From the way voices are kept to a low murmur in this
room, you figure the Magistrate must be a tough cookie, at least on his workers.
The exit to Floris Ave is south.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
You see a closed door.
door office~
1 -1 25770
You see a VERY uncomfortable looking cell.
cell door~
2 -1 25769
You see Floris Ave.
0 -1 25703
Holding Cell~
   You are in a relatively large holding awaiting the Magistrate's judgement on
your case.  A low bench suspended from chains anchored into the wall runs along
the south wall.  Judging from the smell, the small hole in the northeast corner
of the cell is intended for you to relieve yourself.  West of you, beyond the
bars, is the Constabulary, where a flurry of efficient activity goes on without
257 8 0 0 0 0
cell door~
2 -1 25768
The Magistrate's Office~
   The spotlessly clean, polished desk, the neat stacks of files on the desk and
shelves, the leather-bound books neatly lined in the bookshelves gives you the
impression that man who spends his time in this office is a man of efficiency,
detail, and neatness.  A map of Jareth covers most of the west wall while on the
east wall hangs the many awards and plaques given to the Magistrate by the
grateful people of Jareth.  The north wall is mostly glass, a window offering a
beautiful view of the Alquandon River and the boardwalk on the far side.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
door office~
1 -1 25768
map wall~
                    Ulath Way - Ulath Way -  Ulath Way -  Ulath Way
                        |           |            |            |
                        |      Post Office    Hospital     Library
                        |       Salazar's      Casino   Bait & Tackle
                        |           |            |            |
                     River St - Boardwalk -  Boardwalk -  Boardwalk...
                        |                               The Labyrinth
                     |                                     |
                     River St - Captain      Wellmaster - Bourbon St. - Dalston
                        |      Vulcevic's                     |        Outfitters
                        |                                     |
        Jareth City  River St  The Bootery      Maris'  - Bourbon St. -  Maris' 
           Flats        |           |          Armoury        |         Weaponry
             |          |           |                         |            |
 < - -  Floris Ave - Square -  Floris Ave - Floris Ave - City Proper - Floris Ave...
                        |           |           |             |            |
          Scrolls  - River St -  Claris'   Grainy's Bar - Bourbon St. - Kitty-Kat
           & More       |      Concoctions                    |           Club
                        |                                     |            |
        Mage Guild - River St - Jeweler     The Bloated - Bourbon St.   Kitty-Kat
                        |                   /  Goat           |           Club
                        |                  /                  |
                    Constable             /  Dark Alley - Bourbon St. - Jahred's
                     Outpost             /       |            |          Tavern
                                    Warrior      |            |
                                     Guild   Dark Alley    Granny's
                                                 |        Quilt Shop
                                             Dark Alley - Dark Alley - Thieve's Guild
Cobbled St~
   You stand on a cobbled street running north out of the town proper.  To the
east you may enter the stables, west is the windowless wall of the City Jail,
and south is the hustle and bustle of Floris Ave.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 25601
You may enter onto Worship Way.
0 -1 25746
   Row upon row of stalls line this barn.  Here you may leave your steed until
your needs dictate otherwise.  Great care is given to each and every animal,
whether thoroughbread or jackass they receive the best of oats, a nightly sponge
bath and rub down, and twice daily they are run in the yard for excercise.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
You may eneter onto Floris Ave.
0 -1 25728
Grigor's Bait and Tackle~
   All manner of fishing paraphenalia line the walls and stack the racks here
Grigor's.  Grigor, being a fisherman by trade for most of his younger years,
knows all the best spots on the river and all the best tackle to use.  You may
exit south to the Boardwalk.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
0 -1 25751
Warrior's Lounge~
   This room was specifically made by warriors for warriors.  After a long, hard
day, a warrior needs a chance to take a load off.  Round bar tables sit
haphardly around the room with plush chairs circling each.  Scantily-clad ladies
serve drinks ranging from high protein to high octane moonshine, depending on
what your personal needs might be.  A practice area, wide open to those seated
at the tables, allows not a place for warriors to hone their abilities to a
fine, cutting edge, but it also gives those seated some entertainment watching
their peers make asses of themselves while practicing new moves not quite
257 520 0 0 0 0
0 -1 25775
0 -1 25724
Warrior's Guild~
   A huge granite throne sits in the center of the room, with what you assume
would be your guildmaster seated on it.  Flanked by guards on either side, both
carrying spears the size of a large tree, you can't help but feel just a bit
257 520 0 0 0 0
0 -1 25774
Temple of All and None~
   Robed and hooded priests walk solemnly by with heads bowed.  After being so
used to the normal din of the city, the near-library silence that surrounds you
hear seems almost like a dream.  The temple, formed in the shape of a cross,
allows worship at three of the four points of the cross, each devoted to an
alignment, a following of belief.  The fourth point is the entrance to the
temple itself, which is north.  A door in the wall near the temple exit allows
access to the Cleric's Guild.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
You may enter onto Worship Way.
0 -1 25760
0 -1 25777
Meditation and Prayer~
   Solemn and intense, this room offers the chance for clerics to find a bit of
inner peace before embarking upon adventures into the outside world.  A row of
kneeling pads line the floor along the north and south walls, allowing comfort
while in prayer.  A flight of stairs lead up to the Temple of All and None, and
to the west, the High Priest of Jareth.  
257 536 0 0 0 0
0 -1 25778
0 -1 25776
Cleric's Guild~
   Candlebra hold scores of candles burning in devotion to the gods of Dibrova.
Draped in red and purple silk tapestries, the room makes you feel both majestic
and at peace.  
257 536 0 0 0 0
0 -1 25777
River St Bridge~
   This bridge, one of the wonders of the Known Lands, spans the Alquandon River
in such a graceful arc it seems the craftsmanship required for such a feat would
be impossible.  Near the crest of the arc, engraved into the steel an
inscription reads 'This bridge dedicated to the great and wonderful people who
made the notion of a free city a reality.  ' It is not signed, but such metal
work could only be the work of the fabled dwarven metalsmiths at Krat.  North of
you the boardwalk begins, south is a square and most of Jareth, and you may
enter the Alquandon River from a path leading down.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
River St runs north into the more 'upper class' section of Jareth.
0 -1 25780
River St runs south.
0 -1 25759
River St~
   You stand on River St, north of town, entering the arts and entertainment
district of Jareth.  South of you is the Bridge, north the road makes a turn to
the west before a Constable's Ouptost, and east begins the Boardwalk along the
257 0 0 0 0 0
River St runs north.
0 -1 25781
You see the Boardwalk.
0 -1 25798
You see the River St bridge.
0 -1 25779
Ulath Way~
   Here begins Ulath Way, the northernmost road in all Jareth.  A Constable's
Outpost is north of you, offering protection to any in need.  To the east Ulath
Way continues with the city wall to the north and River St to the south.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
You see a Constable's Outpost.
0 -1 25782
Ulath Way runs east.
0 -1 25790
You may enter onto River St.
0 -1 25780
Constable's Outpost~
   Here the law of Jareth maintains a small but servicable outpost for their
main office in the center of the city.  Posters of known criminals hang on the
walls with a short description of each criminal at the bottom of each.  Knowing
Jareth is so well protected by the fine men and women of the City Constabulary,
you feel much more at ease about walking the streets of Jareth.  Whether that is
because you feel that you are better protected, or simply more able to get away
with whatever it is you would like, well, that remains to be seen.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
0 -1 25781
Post Office~
   This building houses a number of P.O. boxes, all lined against the east
wall.  Here you may post a message to any other player on the MUD or get any
messages you may have waiting for you.  A clerk, wearing a visor and a thumb
rubber stands behind a desk. 
257 8 0 0 0 0
0 -1 25790
   The city keeps an efficient staff hustling about in this one room clinic.  
Cots line one wall, where a number of sick people lay, some resting peacefully,
some moaning in pain.  Here you may receive attention for any wounds you may
have incurred or simply get a 'recharge'.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
0 -1 25791
   This long, low building houses some of the greatest works in the Known Lands,
both fictional and nonfictional.  An attendant is always on hand to help locate
any works you may be looking for, and also to help those who have difficulty in
257 8 0 0 0 0
0 -1 25792
Clothing Shop~
   This shop is considered to be the best in all Jareth where fashion is
concerned.  Franz, designer and operator of this establishment, takes a great
deal of time in locating the finest materials for his garments.  You see no sale
signs, which means that Franz must deserve his reputation.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
0 -1 25797
Training Hall~
   Many floor mats, weights, training dummies, and manuals lay about waiting to
be used for training.  All sorts of people train or work out in various places
around you.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
0 -1 25793
   Not quite what you would expect from a casino.  More like a mafia cooling
room.  Lights dimmed to near-darkness, smoke in a cloud hanging low over the
entire room, small tables with four chairs and a dealer at each are scattered
about the room.  Men in dark armor stand with their arms crossed at 3 foot
intervals along the walls watching and making sure no one cheats.  The exit is
south, or you may sit down and try and win some fast cash.  
257 8 0 0 0 0
0 -1 25799
Salazar's on the River~
   This bar seems to have such a festive atmosphere, it nearly reaches out and
snatches you onto the dance floor.  Women of every race strut their stuff, men
cut a rug with reckless abandon, and the music, so loud as to alomost deafen
you, moves through your body and makes you want to join in.  Low boothes line
walls east and west, a long bar next to the bandstand offers drinks to your
north, and the dance floor, smack dab in the center of the room, simply calls to
257 8 0 0 0 0
0 -1 25798
Ulath Way~
   Ulath Way continues east and west along the north wall.  To the south, you
may enter the Post Office.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
Ulath Way runs east.
0 -1 25791
You see the Post Office.
0 -1 25783
Ulath Way runs west.
0 -1 25781
Ulath Way~
   The road continues east and west along the north wall.  You may enter the
Hospital to the south.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
Ulath Way runs east.
0 -1 25792
You see the hopsital.
0 -1 25784
Ulath Way runs west.
0 -1 25790
Ulath Way~
   The road continues east and west here along the north wall.  You may enter
the Library to the south.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
Did I say you could look east, punk?
0 -1 25793
You see the Library.
0 -1 25785
Eyes to the front, you maggot, it's none of your business what is west.
0 -1 25791
Ulath Way~
   The road continues east and west here along the north wall.  To the east you
see that Ulath Way makes a turn south, onto the boardwalk.  Directly south of
you is the Training Hall.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
Ulath Way runs east.
0 -1 25794
You may enter the training hall.
0 -1 25787
Ulath Way runs west.
0 -1 25792
   You stand on a wooden road which runs south along the river bank.  To your
west is Ulath Way, the northernmost road in Jareth.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
The boardwalk runs south.
0 -1 25795
Ulath Way runs west.
0 -1 25793
Boardwalk  ~
   This short section of the boardwalk runs along the river where the Alquandon
the Karafa meet.  Fishermen line the bank, trying their luck, while others
lounge on benches just enjoying the sights and sounds along the river.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
The boardwalk runs north
0 -1 25794
The boardwalk runs south.
0 -1 25796
   The boardwalk makes a turn here, allowing traffic north and west, still
following the course of the river.  Fishermen line the river bank, trying their
luck, while others just lounge on benches here, enjoying the sights and sounds
of the river.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
The boardwalk runs north.
0 -1 25795
The boardwalk runs west.
0 -1 25797
   The boardwalk runs east and west here along the Alqaundon, allowing fishing
or relaxation, as you will.  Les Franz, a well reknowned clothing shop in
Jareth, is to your north.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
You see a clothing shop.
0 -1 25786
The boardwalk runs east.
0 -1 25796
The boardwalk runs west.
0 -1 25751
   Here the boardwalk begins it's run east and west along the banks of the
Alquandon.  Fishermen line the river bank, trying their luck, while others
simply sit on benches here enjoying the sights and sounds of the river.  Loud
music can be heard to the north, coming from a bar and to your west you may
enter onto River St.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
You see a bar.
0 -1 25789
The Boardwalk runs east.
0 -1 25799
You see River St.
0 -1 25780
The Boardwalk~
   The boardwalk runs east and west along the riverbank.  There is a casino to
the north and if one has the desire, on may try fishing here in the river.  
257 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 25788
0 0 25751
0 0 25798