South Pass Area Description Room (Crysanthia)~
   The South Pass is where the great southern mountain range, dominating most
of the eastern part of where the coastline meets the desert.  Few who venture
into the south pass has lived to tell about it, so it is with some jest people
say If you don't behave The Drow from south Pass will come get you.  The few
who actually know what is going on here, frow upon this saying, as they know
very well that the south pass is full of all kinds of caves.  Some leading no
where, some inhabited by hidious monsters.  And others leading so far into the
heart of the mountains that you might actually unwarily stumble upon the
inhabitants of the underdark.  It is rumoured that if you should wish to access
the cities of the drow, or to slay mindflayers, this is your direct route to
the underdark.  Some speculate there might be other ways to get there aswell,
but it has never been proven.
For more info look at @R DESERT, PASS, NEWHAVEN, TREE, PATH, LINKS. @n
Builder      : Crysanthia
Zone         : 239 South Pass
Began        : 2000
Player Level : 16-21
Rooms        : 88
Mobs         : 34
Objects      : 27
Shops        : 1
Triggers     : 10
239 152 0 0 0 0
   One way exit to the beginning of DESERT area of south pass
0 0 23901
   This zone links north to room 9030.  Build all rooms south of that
connection point.  Best link to zone 90 would be south to room 23904 and north
from 23904 to room 9030.    
   This area is on the north side of the Southern Mountains, it has a few
loops, level 17 mobs, hidden clues and hints to NewHaven whereabouts, a false
cave with a Dwarven Sentinel.    
   This area is level 20 area is between desert and first secret entrance to
the NewHaven caverns (say Friends of NewHaven to enter) There are bigfoot mobs
   This is an expansion area for a mini quest to enter from north path say
"Friend of NewHaven" To enter leave NewHaven cavern towards North Path say
"Farewell King" to enter the South Path go to chasm with broken bridge and
"follow path"
   Area has hidden entrance into Newhaven by "follow path" on hidden trail.  
Level 20 mobs called the "Dark".  And secret entrance to the tree "climb tree".
It is divided at the tree from level 20 area with the Dark,to level 17 area
with birds in the tree and other animals level 17 on the decent into the desert
of the waypoint trail.    
   This is a level 17 area of birds in branches of the tree.  To get into the
tree you must be before the tree and "climb tree" there is an one way exit to
the base of the tree, and some clues to Newhaven imbeded in the outpost room.
Southern Desert~
   The sands in the desert swirl around and the hot sun beats upon the lands.
To the south can be seen some hills.  North is nothing but desert, sand, sun
and heat.  To the west can be seen some kragla birds waiting for something to
die so that they may finally have a meal.  Eastward dunes of sand expand as far
as the eye can see.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
   Sands of the Southern Desert
0 0 23911
Rutted path
0 0 23902
Sand Dunes of the Great Southern Desert
0 0 23910
sands dunes~
   The sand is an endless sea of white waves of sparkling silicon fragments
being tossed around by the merciless wind.    
kragla birds~
   The Kragla birds are huge black winged desert vultures.  They have bald
heads, sharp beaks, black eyes and long curved talons.    
Barren Hills~
   The desert begins to rise here onto sloping slick rocks of slate.  To the
south the slopes rise gently to the Southern Mountains.  North is the beginning
of the desert sands.  Westward and eastward are more hills all converging to
the foot of the Southern Mountains.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
Rutted path
0 0 23901
Jagged slopes
0 0 23903
Rutted path
0 0 23905
Jagged Slopes
0 0 23904
desert slopes sands hills~
   The desert has it's own unappreciated beauty.  It is full of every hue of
red, orange, brown, yellow, and white in the light spectrum.  The slopes form
waves of golden white in countless shapes and sizes.  The hills are countless
black slate mini giants swimming in the sea of sand, but to where do they go?
Only they know.    
Sloping Slate Hills~
   The rutted path meanders upward made of broken slate with sharp cutting
edges that tear at the soles of ones boots.  One can feel the heat of the
desert, the sun pounding down upon them incessantly.  To the north the hills
slope down to the Southern Desert.  East and west the hills are very similar to
those which are trodded here.  Climbing these slopes is tedious and tiring on
the body, mind and soul.  Many adventurers have lost hope here of finding the
path to the city of NewHaven.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
Rutted Path
0 0 23902
Rocky Cliff
0 0 23906
Southern Desert
0 0 23901
Slate Slopes~
   Rocky ravines and crags surround the area.  The heat of the desert
penetrates to ones bowels.  To the west and east are more hills.  The Great
Southern Desert is to the north.  You can see the peaks of the Southern
Mountains high up in the wispy clouds to the south.    
239 64 0 0 0 0
Deep Ravine of rock
0 0 23902
Slated Gorge
0 0 23905
Slate Gorge~
   Here within the desert lies a shadeless pit of frustration.  Rocky crags not
far to the north and south prevent movement there.  To the east and west are
fatigue generating slopes that tear at the muscles in ones legs.  Some
scorpions crawl under the rocks to seek shade and prey on the other denizens of
the desert that hide there.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
Rutted Path
0 0 23902
Rocky Road
0 0 23903
Slated Gorge
0 0 23906
Jutted Path
0 0 23904
rocks desert~
   It's way too hot to view the scenery you should find you way out of here
before you die of thirst or starvation.    
   There are small spiders, beetles, centipedes, sand slugs and a few ants
crawling about the rocks.    
A Rocky Cliff~
   A rocky cliff of slate juts out of the sand here as a prelude to the hills
closer to the Southern Mountains.  Far to the north and down below looms the
foreboding Southern Desert.  To the south the hills become peaks of the Southern
Mountains.  To the east and west are endless jagged hills and ravines of broken
239 0 0 0 0 0
Slated Gorge
0 0 23905
Path to entrance to a cave,
0 0 23908
Traces of the rutted path
0 0 23907
Slated Slopes
0 0 23904
Slated Sloping Hills
0 0 23903
southern mountains~
   The great range of the Southern Mountains is to the south.  It is one of the
smaller ranges of mountains in the area but has some of the highest peaks in
the world.  They consist mostly of purple granite rock and were formed when the
plates of the world collided together during the 'Great Formation' and were
pushed up out of the bowels of the ground and left here asunder.  Many legends
of NewHaven dwarves, drow demons, caves with riches and great battles with
dragons, orcs, elephants, and horses abound the land but they have been called
'old wives tales' and dubious to the truth of such tales.    
desert hills peaks~
   The hills are like giant black monsters swimming to some unknown beach in
the sand.  A vast desolance overwhelms even the more experienced adventurers.
The beauty of the desert is unimaginable and astounding.  The whereabouts of
the way out of this hell befudles even the most traveled veterans at times.  
Low End of a Path~
   Here begins a rutted path.  Piles of rock and slate on the sides are the
only markings to distinguish it from the rest of the hills.  It has been ages
since anything but birds of prey and rodents have traveled to this point.  The
path leads down from the hills of the Southern Mountains to the north towards
the Southern Desert.  It appears as if this faint trail may turn into a path
that actually goes someplace.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
Jutted Path Origin
0 0 23906
   Trail to the ascending path.    
0 0 23912
Entrance to a Cave~
   A pile of rubble and some dead branches hide the entrance to a small cave.
The opening is slightly obscured but there is just enough room that someone
might be able to squeeze thru to see what is inside if they dared.    
239 12 0 0 0 0
To inside the cave
0 0 23909
Path to rocky cliff.
0 0 23906
Inside a Small Cave~
   It looks like some small animals may live inside this small cave.  
Hopefully, no big and scary ones have decided to live here.  Perhaps they may
be coming back soon and kicking out intruders or eating them for lunch.  There
is an entrance to the north and south.    
239 9 0 0 0 0
Way to the entrance
0 0 23908
Way to a Hidden Path
0 0 23923
   The South Pass is where the great southern mountain range, dominating most of
the eastern part of the coastline, meets the desert.  Few who venture into the
South Pass have lived to tell about it, so it is with some jest people say If
you don't behave The drow from South Pass will come get you.  The few who
actually know what is going on here, frow upon this saying, as they know very
well that the South Pass is full of all kinds of caves.  Some leading no where,
some inhabited by hidious monsters.  And others leading so far into the heart of
the mountains that you might actually unwarily stumble upon the inhabitants of
the underdark.  It is rumoured that if you should wish to access the cities of
the drow, or to slay mindflayers, this is your direct route to the underdark.  
Some speculate there might be other ways to get there as well, but it has never
been proven.  
Great Southern Desert~
   The sands of the desert are older than time itself.  Hot desert winds cause
the sand to fly and gather into dunes at every obstacle, making the desert look
like an enormous golden sea.  The desert stretches far to the north, east and
west, while to the south can be seen the hills and summits, marking the beginning
of the Southern Mountains.  One can continue their travels to the east and west
where the dunes are far enough apart to provide a path.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
   A pathless pile of sand to more desert
0 0 23901
   Sands of the Great Southern Desert
0 0 23911
Drifts of Southern Desert~
   Like sandpaper, the gritty silicon blasts travellers faces, clothes and
equipment infiltrating their equipment and supplies of food.  Scratching and
drying their skin in this miserable heat.  Rolling hills of sand surround the
area.  Impassable hills of slate are to the north and south.  East and west are
more dunes of sand.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
Sands of the Southern Desert
0 0 23910
Sands of Southern Desert
0 0 23901
sand equipment~
   This is not a scenic tour.  A good adventurer would be trying to find his
way out of this hell, they would know that the longer that one stays here, the
more danger they are in of dying a worthless death, forgotten, without
accomplishing anything.  The job of an adventurer is a tough job, they must
rely on their determination and wits in order to survive.    
An Ascending Trail~
   The path slopes steeply and narrows with slippery slate chunks and pieces of
purple granite in the trail.  It has been a long time since anyone has traveled
on this path so some spots are cluttered with boulders of granite partially
blocking it and other parts have wind hewn ruts that look like they were cut by
some insane sculptor who was mad at the world.    
239 4 0 0 0 0
Exit to lower end of the path.
0 0 23907
   Path up the mountain then a turn in the path
0 0 23913
A Turn in the Trail~
   The path takes a southwesterly course here and is strewn with boulders of
various sizes from avalanches ages ago.  This part of the trail appears to
be about halfway up the Southern Mountains and it gets steeper to the south as
it travels further along the Southern Mountains.  Upwards you can barely make out
some sort of ledge.  Slightly upward and to the west is a narrow crumbling path
that looks too risky to attempt to traverse.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
A steep boulder strewn path up the Southern Mountains.
0 0 23912
   Worn and crumbling path to the narrow ledge
0 0 23915
Steep incline to precipice
0 0 23914
A Desolate Precipice~
   This perch is very high up the mountain.  Some scraggly pines and scorched
birch trees are all around but not many signs of life, reminiscent of a
battlefield where both sides lost, except there are no dead bodies scattered
around.  North, over the ledge, the vastness of the desert spans below and
every now and then there is some movement in the shifting dunes of sand.  
Barely visible, the peak of the mountain, which is still quite a way upward
from here, is crowned by a few wisps of clouds.    
239 196 0 0 0 0
Steep decline to the turn in the path
0 0 23913
A Narrow Ledge~
   The path has a broken ledge barely wide enough to traverse.  It would be
possible to side step carefully facing the steep decline to the Southern Desert
below and north of here.  How beautiful the desert is with its own pastels of
white, orange, brown and red.  The narrow ledge crumbles and every now and then
rocks tumble down the sheer side so far that no one could hear the sound of
their crash at the base of the towering peak.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
Narrow ledge to the turn in the path.
0 0 23913
A hard climb
0 0 23916
A Long Climb~
   The trail disappears at the end of a broken ledge and the only way up is by
grabbing foot and hand holds and scaling the side of the mountain.  The wind is
howling around with a frost biting chill.  Here rises a purple granite side of
the peak, which no one has bothered to name, perhaps they will name it after an
adventurer, should they fall and die here.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
   Climb to the path around the ridge.    
0 0 23917
   A hard climb
0 0 23915
Around the Peak~
   The trail is lightly covered in snow, making footing slippery and unsure, it
winds around the mountain just below the peak.  There is a desert way down
below surrounded by dense woods to the south.  To the west you can make out a
few roads going thru the woods and to the east the trail continues with the
mountain base blocking the view directly below.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
   To a deep drift of snow.    
0 0 23918
   A snow covered path around the peak.    
0 0 23916
A Snow Bank on the Mountain~
   A deep drift of snow that has some huge footprints in it.  They are shaped
like a human's foot but much larger coming right out of the mountain side from
nowhere.  You wonder who would be on top of a mountain and not wearing boots in
this weather.  To the west is a winding path around the ridge.  The trail
starts again a ways off to the east near a huge tree.  Below is the sheer side
of the mountain and cannot be traversed.  To the north is the peak of the
mountain which looks just as omnimous here as it did far below.    
239 4 0 0 0 0
   A winding trail around the peak.    
0 0 23917
footprint snow snowbank ~
   You notice a golden plaque attached to the side of the mountain and even
though you cannot read the ancient runes you understand them somehow.    
T 23900
A Secret Entrance to the Cavern~
   The path stops at a dwarven carved door to the secret path to NewHaven.  
It looks brand new, probably because the dwarven stone cutters cast spells on
it to preserve it centuries ago.  Downward, one can barely make out the stone
road to the city within the mountain.  It is puzzling where this door comes
from and to where it leads.  Only a brave explorer would be able to find out.
A cautious and conservative explorer would return from whence he came and never
know what lies beyond.    
239 269 0 0 0 0
   Beginning of the path to the dwarven road.    
0 0 23920
stone carved door entrance secret~
   You see ancient dwarven runes that you can not read but somehow you
understand what they mean
SAY THESE WORDS: Farewell King
T 23901
A Dwarven Stone Road~
   The road winds and turns in a zig zag steadily downward.  What lies ahead is
always more interesting than what was seen behind.  There are intricately
carved statues of long forgotten noble dwarven kings along the road every few
strata.  The stone bricks are of the finest quality, made to last many
centuries and hardly worn.  Who could have crafted such work?  It was made with
long forgotten arts and spells.  Ancient lore states that it could only have
been fabricated by the NewHaven dwarves of old.  To the east is a mountain of
some type within the immense cavern.  Up, the road seems to end at a mysterious
runed door.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
Road to mountain of bones
0 0 23921
   End of the path to the Entrance.    
0 0 23919
A Huge Pile of Bones~
   The petrified corpse of a slain dragon of immense size lays in the center of
a mountain of bones here.  The dragon corpse is surrounded by thousands of
skeletons of brave dwarven warriors still clad in burnt and partially melted
armor.  Scattered here and there are smaller skeletons of orcs, wolves, giant
eagles, elephants and horses.  How could this have happened?  It looks like
time was frozen at the end of a battle that no one won.  Was it a force of
nature, some great act of the gods, the evil magic of a sorcerer or mage, or
perhaps there are some survivors someplace, refugees that ran away and
disappeared to some unknown land, unable to return to claim victory and clean
up the battlefield.  To the west is a wide road of some type.  To the east is a
broken bridge across a bottomless chasm.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
End of Dwarven Road to broken bridge
0 0 23922
Base of mountain of bones to a Dwarven road.
0 0 23920
Next to a Broken Bridge~
   Here lies the epitome of dwarven architecture destroyed and laying in ruins.
It is a magnificent suspension bridge arching across a bottomless chasm.  
However the distal side is broken and what remains of it is hanging down the
chasm in a twisted menagerie of cable, stone, mithril, and gold.  The proximal
side has somehow remained suspended on the west side, but droops down
precariously and could tumble into the chasm at any moment.  To the west there
is a large gray and black heap.  You notice a pile of rubble on the proximal
side which doesn't seem to fit there.  The rubble consist of hides, sticks,
tree trunks, and bones of small animals.  To the north the path delves down
into the chasm.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
   A path into the chasm
0 0 23944
   From broken bridge to Mountain of bones
0 0 23921
rubble pile proximal hides tree~
   There seems to be a very narrow pathway behind the rubble going down into
the chasm.  The path is poorly constructed, hacked and chipped and obviously
not made by dwarves but by someone else.  An unsure adventurer would turn back
and go the way that he came, but a brave and gallant adventurer would follow
the path.    
T 23902
On a Hidden Path~
   The trail is hidden from view behind piles of rubble carved out of the
mountain and winds around the scattered piles in a crudely hewed tunnel into
the side of the mountain.  To the west is a pile of rubble consisting of hides,
tree trunks, bones of small animals and rocks.  East the trail continues down
the path.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
Path to a Small Cave
0 0 23909
   From a hidden path of rubble to crudely hewed hallway.    
0 0 23924
pile rubble hides tree trunk rocks~
   There is a hidden path going to the west that can be followed.  It could be
dangerous, a brave adventurer would probably follow it.  A more cautious
adventurer would probably go back the way that he came, at least they would
know what was there.    
T 23903
Further Down the Path~
   This path is hewed crudely out of the rock of the sides of the mountain.  
It is a very narrow hallway.  There is a clay floor with several footprints in
it, they seem to have been made by an army of some kind.  It travels in an
east-west direction.  To the west there is a short path which turns north into
a huge pile of rubble.  To the east the path slopes downward towards a large
pine tree.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
   Path to ponderosa pine
0 0 23925
   Along a clay path towards a pile of rubble
0 0 23923
clay footprints path~
   The path is covered with thousands of footprints, they seem like those of
orc.  Probably an orc army uses this path as a shortcut to battles they fight
all around the lands.  The clay is a light brown color, smooth and wet.    
A Giant Ponderosa Pine~
   A partially petrified ponderosa pine towers here on the side of the
mountain.  It is a lonely pine, tall, commanding, proud, and healthy.  A
massive trunk is petrified from the base to up as far as one can see, but some
needled limbs sway gently in the breeze far far above.  To the west is a clay
path with many footprints in it.  To the south a wooden plank path meanders
down the slope.    
239 129 0 0 0 0
   Path to below the tree
0 0 23926
   A path from a tall ponderosa pine to a clay path.    
0 0 23924
pine ponderosa trunk base petrified~
   There are some small footholds on the trunk of the tree that would
facilitate climbing the trunk.  It is pretty high up to the branches and if
someone fell down they surely would injure themselves badly.  Wise judgement
would tell them not to climb the tree and that it would be far too dangerous.
T 23904
Below the Tree~
   A huge ponderosa pine tree looms overhead.  It stands tall and proud and was
probably a leader of the trees at one time.  To the north is a path of wooden
planks meandering up a slight slope.  South the path continues on with a turn
in the path.    
239 9 0 0 0 0
   Path from under the tree to the Ponderosa pine.    
0 0 23925
The path contines and then turns.
0 0 23940
   There is a crack in the ground with a small cave exposing some roots of the
giant tree.    
0 0 23939
A Lookout Post~
   This is an old orc lookout post.  There are wooden planks on the filthy
cluttered floor.  A few crude rows of bunks line the back wall.  There is a
dirty black fireplace in the center of the room.  Around the walls are slits in
the sides that someone could look out of.  Leading up and down the tree are
small footholds someone has used to climb the tree.    
239 12 0 0 0 0
   Ladder from outpost to up in a tree.    
0 0 23928
   Footholds down the trunk of a huge ponderosa pine tree.    
0 0 23926
   The slits offer a clear view of the area around the tree.  A small path goes
north from the tree to a clay path which cuts off to the west.  A path on the
side of the mountain can be seen.  Also, a zig zag trail leading down and off
to the west . A medium sized desert is below and what appears to been a small
fireplace burnt~
   The fireplace is barely suitable for burning a few branches in for heat or
   The bunks are empty, uncomfortable, small and unmade racks for orc messengers
to rest in while off duty.  There is nothing interesting about them but most
adventurers are glad that they don't have to sleep in them.    
   The floor is cluttered with bones of small animals, burnt hides, broken
spears and other trash.    
Up in a Tree~
   Perched on a branch in the tree one can see that the trunk was petrified
ages ago but the branches still grow and are teeming with small animals of all
types.  There is a sturdy ladder going up and down the tree trunk.  Another
branch goes from the trunk of the tree to the east.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
   From up in a branch to out on a limb.    
0 0 23929
Up higher in the tree.
0 0 23936
   From up in the branches to an old outpost.    
0 0 23927
Out on a Branch~
   Out on a branch of a giant ponderosa pine tree.  The trunk is petrified but
the limbs are full of pinion nuts which attracts the animals that have made
this tree their home in the middle of this desolance.  West is the branch is
attached to the petrified trunk of the tree.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
   Out on a branch to the trunk of a tree.    
0 0 23928
A Branch in the Tree~
   The branch of the tree sways gently in the wind and has pinion nuts to feed
the birds that hop and chirp thru its limbs and branches.  The sanctuary of
this tree provides a resting stop for the birds on their travels and a few have
decided to live here and make it their home.  The petrified trunk of the
tree is west.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
Path from limb back to branch
0 0 23936
A Branch in the Ponderosa Pine~
   Perched on a branch in the tree one can see that the trunk was petrified
ages ago but the branches still grow and are teeming with small animals of all
types of birds.  A few larger birds search for prey all around and in the tree.
The branch is attached to the trunk east of here.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
Path from limb to branch
0 0 23937
Out on a Branch of the Tree~
   The branch of the tree sways gently in the wind and has pinion nuts to feed
the birds that hop and chirp thru its limbs and branches.  The sanctuary of
this tree provides a resting stop for the birds on their travels and a few have
decided to live here and make it their home.  The petrified trunk of the tree
is east.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
Path from limb to branch
0 0 23938
A Branch of the Pine Tree~
   Perched on a branch in the tree one can see that the trunk was petrified
ages ago but the branches still grow and are teeming with small animals of all
types of birds.  A few larger birds search for prey all around and in the tree.
The branch is attached to the trunk west of here.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
Path from limb to branch
0 0 23938
On a Ponderosa Pine Branch~
   The view out on a branch of a giant ponderosa pine tree is beautiful.  The
trunk is petrified but the limbs are full of pinion nuts which attracts the
animals that have made this tree their home in the middle of this desolance.  
Towards the west the branch is attached to the petrified trunk of the tree.  
239 0 0 0 0 0
Path from limb back to branch
0 0 23937
Out on a Sturdy Branch~
   The view out on a branch of a giant ponderosa pine tree is beautiful.  The
trunk is petrified but the limbs are full of pinion nuts which attracts the
animals that have made this tree their home in the middle of this desolance.  
Towards the east the branch is attached to the petrified trunk of the tree.  
239 0 0 0 0 0
Path from limb to branch.
0 0 23936
Up in a Tree~
   The trunk of this tree was petrified years ago but the branch grows firm and
strong out of the rock.  A ladder goes up and down the trunk.  Two branches are
here going to the east and to the west that one can climb out upon.
239 0 0 0 0 0
From the trunk to out on a branch.
1 0 23930
Path from branch to limb
0 0 23935
Further up the tree.
0 0 23937
Down the tree trunk.
0 0 23928
Near the Trunk of a Ponderosa Pine~
   The tree is partially rock at the trunk with live brances growing out of it.
There are birds twittering and chirping on the branches making quit a racket.
A ladder attached to the trunk of the tree goes up and down.  Branches attached
to the trunk go east
239 0 0 0 0 0
Path from branch to limb
0 0 23934
Path from branch to limb
0 0 23931
Furthur up the trunk of the tree
0 0 23938
Down the trunk of the tree.
0 0 23936
In the Ponderosa Pine~
   The crown of the tree is almost fifty metrons high and is partially
petrified.  The ladder goes down the trunk to other branches below.  Two
branches sway in the wind to the east and to the west from here.  Some larger
birds perch in the crown searching the broad expanses for prey.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
Path from branch to limb
0 0 23933
path from limb to branch
0 0 23932
Down the trunk of the tree
2 0 23937
The Roots of the Tree~
   Inside the eroded crack in the ground one can see the roots of the ponderosa
pine.  The heart of the tree from which life sustaining minerals and water are
drawn from the soil.  They go deep into the side of the mountain and have
supported the tree for centuries.  Long fingers of the hand of the tree
grasping the earth with a tight grip in the ground upon which it stands.  
Often their importance and beauty are forgotten by the land walkers above, but
never by the tree itself, for if not for the roots below there would be nothing
239 385 0 0 0 0
You see the petrified trunk of a tall ponderosa pine tree.    
0 0 23926
story newhaven~
   The root of the tree laments it's story to you of the Legend of NewHaven.  
Greetings Adventurer I am the sole survior of the battle of the fall of
NewHaven.  It was in the reign of the Dwarven King Elcnir in the year of
Goldleaf.  The NewHaven Dwarves, Men of Adonma, Elephants of Glad, Ents of
Drenwood, and Eagles of Pratat fought valiantly against the Armies of Floth the
Silver Sorceror and his armies of wolves, orcs, Urukhai and the Dragon of Hoth
at the pit of the crack in the world.  The battle lasted for 5 days and on the
5th day the "Myst of the crack" came forth from the depths of the chasm,
disturbed from it's deep slumber and with a terrible wrath on the clashing
armies in the battlefield, destroyed them all instantly in their tracks.  I
was on this perimeter and my trunk and roots were petrified by the "Myst of the
crack" and have stood here alone since.  Now all I have is the company of birds
and small creatures in my bough and I am unable to walk back to my forest of
Drenwood and my heart grows weary and homesick.    
A Turn in the Path~
   Here the path curves around the side of the mountain in a slight slope.  It
seems to have been skillfully carved out of the rock with the great
craftmanship, only mastered by the NewHaven dwarves.  Ones feet bounce lightly
on the trail and don't tire as easily for some reason, perhaps the road has
been woven with magical spells of travelling, like they were in the days of
old.  North the path continues up the trail towards the mountain peak.  Down
the gently winding road makes it's way to the foothills of the mountains.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
The path turns gently northward, to a giant ponderosa pine tree.    
0 0 23926
   The path turns westwardly thru a light sloping forest.    
0 0 23941
   The fine craftmanship of this road has been lost for ages but the road was
constructed by the NewHaven Dwarves of old.  Legend has it that they suddenly
disappeared from the world and that many of their great feats of workmanship
still exists to this day
A Path Up the Mountain~
   The path continues up the moutain in a gentle slope with an easy climb.  
Some wild mountain flowers grow along the path.  A few rotting trees lie broken
and decaying around you.  There are many patches of small trees sprouting up
all around the old and decaying ones as nature regenerates itself.  Up there is
a turn in the path.  West the path slowly dwindles into a lightly wooded area.
239 0 0 0 0 0
   The path slopes downward into some rolling hills and forests.    
0 0 23942
   The path turns towards the north as it climbs up the mountain trail.    
0 0 23940
flowers trees wild~
   The flowers smell like spring.  The rotting trees have lived a good life and
their substance is returning to the soil, nourishing the new growths that will
come in the future, giving themselves to their offspring and other wildlife in
a never-ending cycle of life and death.    
A Winding Slope in the Hilly Woods~
   The faint trail slopes upward in a serpentine fashion thru a light wooded
mountain forest.  It is blanketed with a thick layer of pine needles that
cushion ones steps.  Birds chirp, squirrels chatter, rabbits scamper about and
and an occasional deer can be seen grazing on the new grass and bark they can
find as they forage for food.  East the path seems to widen and is paved with
brick.  West the trial winds thru the foothills.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
   The path winds upward thru some light forests and hills.    
0 0 23941
   The path slopes down thru some hills.    
0 0 23943
A Winding Path Thru the Hills~
   The path winds up and down thru the hills.  There are strange noises but no
movements in the bushes.  An uneasy feeling of being watched by someone or
something, causing the hairs to stand up on ones neck is here.  Even brave
adventures get an uneasy feelings sometimes, like they forgot something
important or do they have enough supplies for their journey.  East the path
continues to climb thru some light woods.  South the path disappears into the
sands of the desert.    
239 0 0 0 0 0
   The path continues east thru some hills.    
0 0 23942
Along the Side of the Chasm~
   The path is hewn out of the rock on the south side of the chasm.  Below is a
seemingly bottomless pit with some volcanic type fumes drifting up from within.
The path is roughly hewn and not of dwarven construction but seems sturdy
enough.  Every few strata there is a stairwell that winds up and down the
chasm.  Periodically a loose rock or boulder dislodges from the side of the
chasm and crashes below on the sides of the chasm walls resounding for a few
minutes then no sounds can be heard as it's course takes it from the sides.  
239 269 0 0 0 0
   Path along the chasm.    
0 0 23945
   Path to a destroyed bridge across the chasm
0 0 23922
Further into the Chasm~
   The path continues along the side of the chasm.  Gradually sloping, deeper
and deeper into the chasm depths and darkness to the north.  The sulfuric fumes
are growing stronger with each level lower.  There is a thin yellow powder on
the path, probably condensation of the fumes upon its surface.  The path heads
deeper into the chasm to the north and climbs up the chasm to the south.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
   Path along the chasm.    
0 0 23946
   Path along the side of the chasm.    
0 0 23944
A Fork in the Path~
   The path splits here, both branches still go deeper into the chasm.  There
are two stone stairways, one veering off to the east and one veering off into
the wall of the chasm to the west.  The sides of the chasm seem to glow with a
soft yellow glow, providing a dull light to see the trail.  To the south the
path slopes upward and gradually climbs the chasm.    
239 268 0 0 0 0
   Path to a travelers resting spot.    
0 0 23959
   Path climbing up the chasm.    
0 0 23945
   Stairway to a glowing cave going into the chasm wall.    
0 0 23947
A Glowing Cave~
   Phosphorus and sulfur mixed with deposits of other minerals provide a dull
greenish-yellow light to the entrance of a rocky cave.  In the distance to the
south there appears to be a fire of some kind glowing with orange, red, and
bright yellow.  The path is smooth and paved with purple granite blocks and a
black grout of obsidian powder.    
239 264 0 0 0 0
   Path to along the side of the chasm.    
0 0 23946
   Path further into the cave.    
0 0 23948
Inside a Goblin Cave~
   The cave has a dull green-yellow glow, smells bad, and is dirty.  The rock
is smooth on the floor with bricks of purple granite and in a plain design,
probably goblins made this or copied it from some other culture.  There are
hollowed out cubby holes with places for lanterns, but they are unnecessary
because of the glow of the walls.  The combination of colors is nauseating and
the smell here doesn't help.    
239 392 0 0 0 0
Path to the entrance of the cave.
0 0 23947
Path to another part of the goblin cave.
0 0 23949
Path to another part of the goblin cave.
0 0 23957
Inside a Goblin Cave~
   The cave has a dull green-yellow glow, smells bad, and is dirty.  The rock
is smooth on the floor with bricks of purple granite and in a plain design,
probably goblins made this or copied it from some other culture.  There are
hollowed out cubby holes with places for lanterns, but they are unnecessary
because of the glow of the walls.  The combination of colors is nauseating and
the smell here doesn't help.    
239 264 0 0 0 0
Path to another part of the goblin cave.
0 0 23957
Path to another part of the goblin cave.
0 0 23948
Another Part of the Cave~
   This part of the cave is very similar to the rest of the cave.  It is dark,
stale, forboding and bleak.  The floor is smooth here but the walls have jagged
protusions of crystal.  There are strange pattering footstep sounds coming from
within the darkness around.  The air has the stench of death on it's still cool
239 265 0 0 0 0
0 0 23951
0 0 23950
0 0 23950
A dark sloping passage downwards.    
0 0 23964
Another Part of the Cave~
   Darkness is entombed within the pitch black walls of the cave.  Sharp jagged
crystals of adamite, quartz, obsidian and granite are embedded in the walls.  
Strange echos of pattering footsteps can be heard eminating from the darkness
around.  The air is thick, dry, stale and foul.  It smells of death and decay
and is suffocating.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
0 0 23952
0 0 23950
Another Part of the Cave~
   The cave is deep inside the mountain, the walls are mostly obsidian and
adamite, but some purple quartz crystals and granite are here also.  The walls
are rough and sharp to the touch.  The floor is smooth and hard but not
slippery on the dry level floor.  Soft footsteps can be heard pattering in the
darkness from obscure directions.  The air here is still and stale.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
0 0 23953
0 0 23951
Another Part of the Cave~
   The walls of the cavern are made of obsidian, adamite, purple granite, slate
and purple quartz.  They are sharp to the touch, but the floors have been hewn
smooth and show no ruts or other wear.  The air is stagnant, stale , dry and
cool.  Nothing could live here and yet strange patting sounds echo off the
walls and into the darkness around.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
0 0 23954
0 0 23953
0 0 23952
0 0 23953
Another Part of the Cave~
   The cave is cool, dark, still stale air stagnates within it.  No lifeform
could live here.  Yet, sounds of footsteps pattering softly on the smooth hewn
floor can be heard from all around.  Perhaps there are creatures lost in the
caverns looking for a way out, losing hope, losing energy, no nurishment to
sustain them, lost forever in the darkness with no one to rescue them.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
0 0 23955
0 0 23954
0 0 23953
0 0 23954
Another Part of the Cave~
   This part of the cave is much like the others.  The walls of the
cavern are made of obsidian, adamite, purple granite, slate and purple quartz.
They are sharp to the touch, but the floors have been hewn smooth and show no
ruts or other wear.  Soft pattering footstep can be heard echoing off the walls
and into the darkness around.  If someone were to get lost here they would
surely die for lack of food, water, light or fresh air, Perhaps those footsteep
are from lost travellers wandering thru the caves trying to find their way out.
239 265 0 0 0 0
0 0 23954
0 0 23956
Another Part of the Cave~
   This part of the cave is much like the others.  Stale dry air which smells
of death and decay.  One can hear pattering footsteps in the dark from all
around.  If someone were to get lost here they would surely die for lack of
food, water, light or fresh air.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
0 0 23955
To a dark corner of the cave.    
0 0 23965
Inside a Goblin Cave~
   There is large campfire built here, probably for warmth.  The smoke fills
this part of the cave and has coated the cave walls with a thick black soot.  
The smell in the cave is worse here, and a pile of garbage seems to be the
source of the awful smell.  The glow of the cave walls is less noticeable here
but you can still see by the light of the fire.    
239 264 0 0 0 0
   Path to another part of the goblin cave.    
0 0 23948
   Path to another part of the goblin cave.    
0 0 23958
   Path to another part of the goblin cave.    
0 0 23949
Inside a Goblin Cave~
   The cave has a dull green-yellow glow, smells bad, and is dirty.  The rock
is smooth on the floor with bricks of purple granite and in a plain design,
probably goblins made this or copied it from some other culture.  There are
hollowed out cubby holes with places for lanterns, but they are unnecessary
because of the glow of the walls.  The combination of colors is nauseating and
the smell here doesn't help.    
239 264 0 0 0 0
Path to another part of the goblin cave.
0 0 23957
A Ledge on the Chasm Path~
   The path is wider here and is carved deeper into the side of the chasm.  
There are spring fountains and benches here in this resting spot along the
trail.  To the east the path continues it's downward slope, while it climbs
upwards to the west.  There is a fine glowing powder lighting the path with a
eerie orange-red glow here.  A strong sulfuric smell drifts up from the chasm
239 12 0 0 0 0
   Decending path into the chasm.    
0 0 23960
   Path up the chasm wall.    
0 0 23946
spring fountains~
   These fountains are dry but probably once quenched the thirst of travelers
and their beasts along the path.    
Along a Deep Chasm~
   The path is carved out of the side of the chasm with a gradual slope going
west and east.  Fumes drift up from the bottomless chasm below with a strong
sulfuric odor.  Every now and then sounds of dislodged rocks can be heard
crashing off the sides of the chasm, then a deafening silence as they continue
their endless flight through the depths below.  To the west the path ascends
with a dull red glow of mineral deposits from the fumes.  To the east is a
gradual slope deeper into the chasm.    
239 264 0 0 0 0
   Path descending deeper into the chasm.    
0 0 23961
   Path ascending the chasm wall.    
0 0 23959
A Huge Gate~
   A huge gate about ten metrons high stands here carved with archaic drow
runes.  It is a deep black color and probably contstructed of the drow's
favorite mineral, obsidian.  The path has a dull red glow from some powder
caked along the chasm walls.  To the west the path ascends along the side of
the chasm, lit with the scarlet glow.    
239 264 0 0 0 0
   An obsidian gate 8 metrons high, 4 metrons wide carved with drow runes.  
There is a red rune in the center of the door which might be a keyhole.    
gate runed~
1 23929 23962
   Path ascending the side of the chasm.    
0 0 23960
gate obsidian~
   An obsidian gate 8 metrons high, 4 metrons wide carved with drow runes.  
There is a red rune in the center of the door which might be a keyhole.    
powder glow walls~
   The blood red glow comes from a fine powder, probably deposits from the
sulfuric fumes drifting up from the chasm below.  The red is a deep blood red
or scarlet and dimly lights the path along the chasm.    
An Obsidian Cave~
   The entrance to the cave is eight metrons high and four metrons wide,
covered with bricks of shiny black obsidian.  The floor is covered with red
glowing runes of drow origin and light the path.  There is a huge gate to the
north.  The cave continues on to the south.    
239 140 0 0 0 0
   A huge obsidian door carved with drow runes.  The door is about 8 metrons
high and there is a red rune in the center for a key.    
gate runed~
1 23929 23961
Towards a dim passageway.    
0 0 23963
   An obsidian gate 8 metrons high, 4 metrons wide carved with drow runes.  
There is a red rune in the center of the door which might be a keyhole.    
A Dark Passage~
   This is a dark passage.  Dry cool stale air without a breeze smells of death
and decay.  There is a slight glow here coming from what looks like many
footprints going in all directions on the passage floor.  There is a soft light
coming from the north end of the passage and darkness to the east.  Strange
faint sounds of patting feet can be heard echoing from the darkness.    
239 268 0 0 0 0
Towards a red glow in the passage.    
0 0 23962
Towards a dark passageway.
0 0 23964
light footprints floor~
   The light comes from what looks like tracks of many footprints traveling
thru a red glowing powder thru the passage.    
Mouth of a Cave~
   This is a sloping passage.  Downwards to a dark passage to the west.  
Upwards to what appears to be a cave.  The air is stale and smells of death and
decay.  Eriee sounds of soft footsteps come from within the cave.  And echoing
thru the passageway.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
Towards a glowing passageway.    
0 0 23963
Towards a dark cave.    
0 0 23950
A Dark Corner of the Cave~
   The stale cool air remains stagnant and has the stench of death and decay
upon it.  This is a small niche of the cave with a lower ceiling than the rest
of the cave.  A narrow passageway leads north into the darkness and to the
east, leads into a wider area of the dark cave.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
To another part of the cave.    
0 0 23966
To a wider part of the cave.    
0 0 23956
Another Part of the Cave~
   This part of the cave is not any different than the rest.  Cool, dry, stale
air, no food , no water, or other substanance to sustain life.  Yet, sounds of
soft footsteps can be heard coming from all around.    
239 269 0 0 0 0
A dark part of the cave.    
0 0 23967
To a dark niche in the cave.    
0 0 23965
Another Part of the Cave~
   The cave has dark walls, stale air, strange sounds of footsteps coming from
all around.  The walls are a conglomerate of adamite and obsidian rock and an
evil force seems to raditate from them.  The floor has been hewn smooth by
someone and seems to have no signs of wear.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
A dark stale cave.
0 0 23968
A dark cave.    
0 0 23966
Another Part of the Cave~
   Stale air, odors of death and decay, cool and dry blanket the darkness of
the cavern here.  If someone were to get lost here they would surely die for
lack of food, water, fresh air, light or hope of finding a path thru the dark
caverns, niches, slopes.  The floor is smooth here but the walls are sharp to
the touch with shards of obsidian, adamite protruding from it.  Soft pattering
sounds can be heard echoing off the walls from all around.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
To another part of the cave.
0 0 23969
An even darker part of the cave.
0 0 23967
A dark cave with a stale air of death and decay.    
0 0 23966
Another Part of the Cave~
   This part of the cave is very similar to the others.  Dark obsidian rocks
jut out from the sides with glimmers of adamite cyrstal shards wedged in
between the layers.  If one were to get lost here they would surely die, no
food, water, light or fresh air to sustain them for very long.  Soft patting
footsteps can be heard coming from somewhere within to the south.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
Towards a long dark obsidian hallway.    
1 0 23970
To an even darker part of the cave.
1 0 23968
Obsidian Hallway~
   An obsidian hallway is smooth on all sides.  It is straight and narrow and
runs north and south.  There is a dark obsidian door on the north side.  An
opening to a dark cavern is on the south.  Soft pattering sounds can be heard
towards the south but inside the the hallway there are no sounds.  The sounds
and light seem to be absorbed by the mysterious stone the walls, ceiling, and
floor are made of.    
239 397 0 0 0 0
1 0 23971
   Door to the drow caverns.    
1 0 23969
South End of Slave Corridor~
   This is a long hallway with dark black stone floor, walls and ceiling.  
There are several gates to prison cells on each side.  Grunts, moans, and pleas
of mercy can be heard coming from the cells.  The air here smells of blood and
sweat.  There are doors on each end of the hallway leading towards unknown
239 265 0 0 0 0
Further down the corridor.
0 0 23972
A gate to a slave chamber.    
1 0 23975
1 0 23970
Gate to a slave chamber.    
1 0 23976
Middle of Slave Corridor~
   This is a long hallway with dark black stone floor, walls and ceiling.  
There are several gates to prison cells on each side.  Grunts, moans, and pleas
of mercy can be heard coming from the cells.  The air here smells of blood and
sweat.  There are doors on each end of the hallway leading towards unknown
239 265 0 0 0 0
Further down the corridor.
0 0 23973
Gate to a slave chamber.    
1 0 23977
Further down the corridor.
0 0 23971
Gate to a slave chamber
1 0 23978
North End of Slave Corridor~
   This is a long hallway with dark black stone floor, walls and ceiling.  
There are several gates to prison cells on each side.  Grunts, moans, and pleas
of mercy can be heard coming from the cells.  The air here smells of blood and
sweat.  There are doors on each end of the hallway leading towards unknown
239 265 0 0 0 0
Door to a hallway.    
1 0 23980
Gate to a slave chamber.    
1 0 23979
Further down the corridor.
0 0 23972
Gate to a slave chamber.    
1 0 23974
A Slave Chamber~
   A large dark room is here with a gate to a passageway, a trough carved in
the floor, dark smooth walls and ceiling.  The trough in the floor has water
and scraps of food in it.  The smooth dark walls are made of obsidian block.  
The ceiling is high above the floor and has air vents and hollowed out sections
in which torches burn dimly.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
Gate to the passageway.    
1 0 23973
A Slave Chamber~
   A large dark room is here with a gate to a passageway, a trough carved in
the floor, dark smooth walls and ceiling.  The trough in the floor has water
and scraps of food in it.  The smooth dark walls are made of obsidian block.  
The ceiling is high above the floor and has air vents and hollowed out sections
in which torches burn dimly.    
239 273 0 0 0 0
Gate to the passageway.    
1 0 23971
A Slave Chamber~
   A large dark room is here with a gate to a passageway, a trough carved in
the floor, dark smooth walls and ceiling.  The trough in the floor has water
and scraps of food in it.  The smooth dark walls are made of obsidian block.  
The ceiling is high above the floor and has air vents and hollowed out sections
in which torches burn dimly.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
Gate to the passageway
1 0 23971
A Slave Chamber~
   A large dark room is here with a gate to a passageway, a trough carved in
the floor, dark smooth walls and ceiling.  The trough in the floor has water
and scraps of food in it.  The smooth dark walls are made of obsidian block.  
The ceiling is high above the floor and has air vents and hollowed out sections
in which torches burn dimly.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
Gate to the passageway.    
1 0 23972
A Slave Chamber~
   A large dark room is here with a gate to a passageway, a trough carved in
the floor, dark smooth walls and ceiling.  The trough in the floor has water
and scraps of food in it.  The smooth dark walls are made of obsidian block.  
The ceiling is high above the floor and has air vents and hollowed out sections
in which torches burn dimly.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
Gate to the passageway.    
1 0 23972
A Slave Chamber~
   A large dark room is here with a gate to a passageway, a trough carved in
the floor, dark smooth walls and ceiling.  The trough in the floor has water
and scraps of food in it.  The smooth dark walls are made of obsidian block.  
The ceiling is high above the floor and has air vents and hollowed out sections
in which torches burn dimly.    
239 265 0 0 0 0
A gate to the passageway.    
1 0 23973
A Dark Hallway~
   The hallway has smooth dark black walls of obsidan blocks, the floor has
obsidan and onyx tile fashioned into a spiderweb design.  There are no sounds,
no smells the air is fresh but still.  The ceiling emits a soft red glow from
the tiles arranged into a spiderweb moasaic.  There are a few doors on the
walls along the passage way and sharp turns along it's path.  The craftmanship
of the tiles and blocks of the walls are superb and no cracks can be detected
between the smooth grotesque design.  The dim red glow seems to be absorbed by
the black walls and the onyx tiles on the floor glimmer reflections from the
ceiling so only a short distance can be seen down the hallway.    
239 268 0 0 0 0
Further down the hallway.    
0 0 23981
A door to another passageway.    
1 0 23973
A Dark Hallway~
   The hallway has smooth dark black walls of obsidan blocks, the floor has
obsidan and onyx tile fashioned into a spiderweb design.  There are no sounds,
no smells the air is fresh but still.  The ceiling emits a soft red glow from
the tiles arranged into a spiderweb moasaic.  There are a few doors on the
walls along the passage way and sharp turns along it's path.  The craftmanship
of the tiles and blocks of the walls are superb and no cracks can be detected
between the smooth grotesque design.  The dim red glow seems to be absorbed by
the black walls and the onyx tiles on the floor glimmer reflections from the
ceiling so only a short distance can be seen down the hallway.    
239 264 0 0 0 0
Further down the hallway.    
0 0 23982
Further down the hallway.    
0 0 23980
A Dark Hallway~
   The hallway has smooth dark black walls of obsidan blocks, the floor has
obsidan and onyx tile fashioned into a spiderweb design.  There are no sounds,
no smells the air is fresh but still.  The ceiling emits a soft red glow from
the tiles arranged into a spiderweb moasaic.  There are a few doors on the
walls along the passage way and sharp turns along it's path.  The craftmanship
of the tiles and blocks of the walls are superb and no cracks can be detected
between the smooth grotesque design.  The dim red glow seems to be absorbed by
the black walls and the onyx tiles on the floor glimmer reflections from the
ceiling so only a short distance can be seen down the hallway.    
239 264 0 0 0 0
Further down the hallway.    
0 0 23983
Further down the hallway.    
0 0 23981
A Dark Hallway~
   The hallway has smooth dark black walls of obsidan blocks, the floor has
obsidan and onyx tile fashioned into a spiderweb design.  There are no sounds,
no smells the air is fresh but still.  The ceiling emits a soft red glow from
the tiles arranged into a spiderweb moasaic.  There are a few doors on the
walls along the passage way and sharp turns along it's path.  The craftmanship
of the tiles and blocks of the walls are superb and no cracks can be detected
between the smooth grotesque design.  The dim red glow seems to be absorbed by
the black walls and the onyx tiles on the floor glimmer reflections from the
ceiling so only a short distance can be seen down the hallway.    
239 264 0 0 0 0
Further down the hallway.    
0 0 23982
Further down the hallway.    
0 0 23984
A Dark Hallway~
   The hallway has smooth dark black walls of obsidan blocks, the floor has
obsidan and onyx tile fashioned into a spiderweb design.  There are no sounds,
no smells the air is fresh but still.  The ceiling emits a soft red glow from
the tiles arranged into a spiderweb moasaic.  There are a few doors on the
walls along the passage way and sharp turns along it's path.  The craftmanship
of the tiles and blocks of the walls are superb and no cracks can be detected
between the smooth grotesque design.  The dim red glow seems to be absorbed by
the black walls and the onyx tiles on the floor glimmer reflections from the
ceiling so only a short distance can be seen down the hallway.    
239 264 0 0 0 0
Further down the hallway.    
0 0 23983
Further down the hallway.    
0 0 23985
A Dark Hallway~
   The hallway has smooth dark black walls of obsidan blocks, the floor has
obsidan and onyx tile fashioned into a spiderweb design.  There are no sounds,
no smells the air is fresh but still.  The ceiling emits a soft red glow from
the tiles arranged into a spiderweb moasaic.  There are a few doors on the
walls along the passage way and sharp turns along it's path.  The craftmanship
of the tiles and blocks of the walls are superb and no cracks can be detected
between the smooth grotesque design.  The dim red glow seems to be absorbed by
the black walls and the onyx tiles on the floor glimmer reflections from the
ceiling so only a short distance can be seen down the hallway.    
239 264 0 0 0 0
Further down the hallway.    
0 0 23984
0 0 23986
The Outer Chamber~
   This room has no floor, ceiling, or walls.  There are strong strands of
spider web approching a central zone.  The strands are about 20 metrons long
and 8 cm thick.  If one fell off a supporting strand, they would not fall too
far before landing on another.  The strands are symetrically designed and
radiate from the central chamber within the zone.  One can barely make out
another chamber directly in the center which is suspended in space by the
thousands of strands of spiderweb supporting it.    
239 137 0 0 0 0
0 0 23985
South Pass Links Room {Crysanthia]~
   This zone links north to room 9030.  Build all rooms south of that
connection point.    
Best link to zone 90 would be south to room 23904 and north from 
23904 to room 9030 in zone 90. When implemented on CW this 
should be edited in both rooms on other port.
239 0 0 0 0 0